------ anal YEAR 76-N0. 204. | h SAFTY PN - "Qader Joufwey indy "Fhrolgh Child's Body. POINT UNFASTENED THE REMARKABLE EXPERI ENCE DF A CHILD. { Reappeared Again in a Few Days With the Point Foremost--The Doctors Say It Is An Al- together Unique Experience. Hamilton, Ont., Aug. 29.--To swal low a safety pin, with the point un jand loudly chegfed the Englishwoman, J who refused to give her name N, OF QUITE ACTIVE ---- Jrsk SAVES TWO BABIES. | Plunges Into River and Rescues Them. Aug. 29.--A young Swiss | girl was, vesterday, wheeling two babies on the banks of the River Aar, at Terne, when's negligently left the perambulator. Suddenly it started to run down the bank and plunged into the river, the two babies being thrown into the stream. A young well. dre 1 Foglishwoman, who heard the nurse's ery of alarm, and then saw the children disappear- ing in the water, at once plunged in-| to the river--hat and ali--and, aiter a Mong struggle, succeeded in safely landing the babies. A crowd had collected by Geneva, 4) Through a, Mistake, THe STRNE. SREMERS 1 ef oa MISTOOK THEM AS BELONG- this time, ING TO OPPOSITE SIDE. A gal- his dervices, and Arl back to her "Brave, disap- Hurt--Those Not Bruised Had . Clothes Damaged--Fights Are Very Frequent--Police Had to Work Hard. North: Bay, Ont., Aug. 29.--The Fifteen Americans lant cabman offered drove the dripping \ potel, the « crowd shovting Anglaise ! as the carriage peared fastened, is enough Yo make anyone nervous, but that was the remarkable experience of a child named Butlton. The child is about five' years ae and lives at Mount Hamilton. ditys ago it swallowed a AS with the point open. When Mr: ton learned of the occurrence greatly alarmed. Hour alter passed, but the child did not! com plain of any pain, and was as well usual. Dr. Baugh called, but all he could de was to order the child to be fed potatoes and food of a pulpy nature, that "the pin not have the same chance to penetrate the delicate membranes, Fruits and gentle laxatives were given, and two or t dys afterwards the safety i peared, point foremost The doctor says that most wonderful cases heard of, that an open would pass point foremost, through stomach and intestines, was to him almost miraculous. © pips, gum, plum stones, melon etc. different. They have no point that of a safety pin. I'here have many iwstances of people swallowing glass, things with sharp points or edges, and in many no harm done. It a dangerous experiment for anyone, and the Burlton family sincerely thankful that the safety f¢ again in a safe place. The three-year-old child of Mr sell, of the Strand hotel, had a what similar experience. It swallowed a large safety pin, but the point was glasped. It was found without aay harm to the child of few pin, vurl- was | | Lie ir ns was gO would pin af the \ is one of it he has ever safety pin are Like 20 heen or cases i 18 is pin Rus some | MURDERED IN A BOAT. Youths of. Penitentiary School Slay Inspector. Paris, Aug. 29.--Three youths of the entiare school of Belle Tle, near Pn, murdered the inspector charge of them, yesterday. Eight of the lads under of the inspector leit Delle boat and were to have ming. When they were some from the island three of them at the inspector and threw him hoard. He tried to climb again, but they broke his the blades of their drowned The other mn | the char Ile in gone swim distance re | | a prar over- | hoat with was | the skull and into oars, who five lads in the boat had sat perfectly still during the mur | shame of having been under the weight mto beach nes was landed | go Island) and | the boat the Dreyius Devil's mn on taken a nook (where from der, were deserted Quiberon on his return then set free The murderers afternoon and spector in ti the ted of were arre the body recovered pt "Students' fountain, ;pens Kingston at Gibson's store. . "Phone 230. was sold in | DAILY MEMORANDA. | All The styles In I Hats Specal Sale jog to-night See Amusement Moving Picture Shows new a Ca Veils and Bros Embroider Waldron ep adv Column for tha four and Park Vaude- at of at ff DRamonds 30 and 30 | Kimnear ne great auctdon sale « Watches the store eto heat re--~Reallstic the Carnival Antics { Troubles of Little Curtosity Shop,' Jones. with Colored lustrations Summerby sings 'When We '1 'The Chiming Of The Chur Bijou Girl at Comedy ( isten Old h Bel iN In Canadian History. «Beaver, ~the first steam on the Pacific Ocean, left Fort! Vancouver | Hon. Arthur Pelers, prelnier pdward lsiand, was born Salvation Army be Canada Branches of werg united in pue i : » Methodist Church agada rao Lord Grey visited Sasi@oon fo0T=-The new cantilever vig course of construction IN td 1 Lawrence River, near, Quebel causing the death of from 8O.to Aug. 20th, 1885--"The vessel to ply 1 hElang for 183 Che yan Me organizat thodis on | or ha Hess he Church + as 8 ) b apsed men, | on 1 Eid TROMERSETS + Look At The Snaps: short a few These s8ts are small pieces, See them. one of each; $25.00 Sets JOR mmm Come" quick; Only .. $19.50. = 14.00. among | Shame of { was iatti, to he | ie ) never * HONE 19 FOR BRIDE Red Cross drag |A WEDDING G TO BE A SEP. day, land ing Se } Lo. of days !sister, | gaged "horse, DOUBLE LOVE TRAGEDY. sthike situation here has reached an acute stage, and acts of violence are of daily occurence. Strike-breakers ave beginning to come into town and liquor up with the result 'that bloody encounters are frequent. Thursday several striké-breakers became and offensive; Bragging Of their de- termination to work for the C.P.R. im spite of endeavors to make them Young Man Slays Girl and Blews Out Brains. Paris, Aug. 29.--Jean Roblot, infatuated young woodeutter, of Vev- rey, has committed suicide after mur- ring the daughter of the mayor of Clemency, with whom ke thought him self in love, an nois ONTARIO, SATUR RUSSIAN Poudes ALERT, | Secret Agent "Sek c Watched. Petersburg, A fact that the may be considered ed, the police do [relinquish their wat ling a whole army of secret agents at jhome and abroad, apd following every {step of noted consphentors and sus- picious individuals. The agents abroad. are particularly {numerous in the cent of the revolu- | tionary movement--apeva, Paris and London, No act and He assembly es jcupus the sharp eveSiof the police highly placed detective said the fo >ther day that he gemerally knew even the 'matters debated amd the results agreed on at these i seeref meetings, though he naturally Sdeclined to. di- vulge by what "methods he obtained the kndbwledge. ---------------------- | | St. [the 29. --In spite of ian revolution sionally crush: BOILS HER BABY. Wilkesbarre, Pa., 29.--Placing =a boiler water, containing her baby, on a hot stove, in order to raise the water to the proper temperature for a bath, Mrs, Adams Ger- hovitz of Maltby, nearly boiled the infant to death. Aug. of = Roblot had*loved the girl from | quit. "A pitched battle ensued, re distance, but had never spoken to her, | sulting disastrously to the strike- "she had his let- | breakers. He called house, | An unpleasant. episode occurred wterday, and hand, | Thursday night when a party of tour- but told be | ists returning from French river were impertinent stoned by mistake. The road - from He left thé wharf prosses property of the the | C.P.R, and as the party, which con- girl passed he isted of fifteen: Americans frond Pitts- his 0° approached the tracks a shower A-------------- Several of bruised and the confusion. the outrage leaders claim by a answered at her father' asked for" her go away and and never 5 an \ ceceeeeererecececsecs was to not himseli When and | | burg, of missiles greeted them. | the party were severely many lost their hats in Fhe responsibility for uncertain. Strike the assault made of strike-breakers, who thought were strikers and wished {to retalinte for the injury sustained | by comrades during the day The {C.P.R. policemen blame the strikers {for the affair, but it seems hardly | possible that the citizens, familiar with the 'tourist business, could make such mistake. The strike-breakers, being strangers to. local canditions, | would be more likely to err in this | { and hid in the garden shot her dead, brains out the house bushes the then blew own i) | that party | the tourists wag a | direction. Strikehreakers | tion, mirching { armed with éhibe, {back to the cars hy men. : Reports are given that power { and rolling stock are in good condition hat your eotrespondent possesses facts showing - that trainmen are holding meetings over the entire svetem pro- testing against risking: their lives with equipment in #s present shape. A gripvance committee of trainmen is now meeting the company officials at Montreal and will undoubtedly take the matter up at once. COULD NOT MAKE HER. demonstra- the town, were driven police made toward but compalty a | out LAD DIES OF GRIEF. "Being Suspected of * Murder. Milan, Aug. A to. the muygderous attempt' on a don nurse, Miss Lowe, in the Modane | express, (incdanuary, 1906, narra- ted from Tarin. Among the many ar- rested suspected travelling in the tris { lad of saxteen, Paolo Porti®f mechanic working in Turin. mechanic was compelled | weeks in bei demonstrating his innocence to the satisfaction Since being set free 29 pathetic sequel | Lon- | is Dreams of Disaster, Refuses Board Ship. New York Aug' 29 she had dreamed that the French line steamer la Touraine, which sailed for Havre, would down Marie Fenelli refused aboard the sel, although every was made |to induce her to change mind With her husband and seven chil dren," Mrs. Fenelli was to have sailed for their old home in Alessandria, It {aly, where they intended spend {their remaining davs, but the strange dream had thoroughly frightened the woman that she would not {ther ¥ to | a a young many succeeded Crying that i The pass prison e on- of the mn go at to tire sea the police, ves oo effort so preyed her just died on of charge he has f so gilevous mind. that i we identity of the been established. n real culprit has to fo go on Vessel: fer. husband and Re to drag her resisted desperately, and | Touraine steamed away the woman with her little Hock. of children spd angry husband were still standing the pier frichds but she when La several on board, TEMBER EVENT. A Young Lady = Seriously Ill-- a Broken Legs Caused Horses to Be Killed--A Young Man's In- jury. on No Dogs Allowed Out. Aug I'he first sum mons under the new Kent control of dogs order, 190%, which provides that | dog shall | out between sunset and sunrise without effective | restraint, heard at the Bromley | police court yésterday The owner of the animal in fuestion was ordéred to | pay the costs. London, pA 2 Invitations are | ge Miss Pearl Boyes, on Septem Methodist ehureh linen shower, and been given the homes of her useful and Au marr Napanee, o the Frank S Frinit shower, have the Vari ana lainty articles contributed. Harold Cowan atrived home, from three months trip, through dhe Canadian North West. 15h] A. Valleau and family leave next week for~ Oshawa. May Van Blaricom very ill avith but slight hopes of covery Willie Hunter met with slight accident une day this ok vas starting for an auto ride and urning the crank it wrenched wrist, the small bones, John Unger had valunhble ibked in the field one day this its leg was broken the animal had | be killed. Alexander MeCee, Pies," lost a eolt somewhat similar- ¢. The colts were playing and one of | Saves Life and is Promised Marri- { them reared up, gave whinny, and age Dowry. {jwmped off on, three This colt} Naples, Aug. 29.--Margherits . Fer alo had to be shat. ope ari, an eighteen-yvear-old. village irl, out for of Perry and her Stir, A kit a fruit will-be | no w allowed in was hen a shower bride at friends ns many 3 €C€CLCCLCCcLK( vester- | a TO ASK HIS AID, << A despatch from Toronto says that a move is being made, by outside parties, to induce the Dominion government to call on Prof. Adam Shortt, Queen's Uni- versity. to endedvor to settle the C.P.R. strike, 18 ry €C€CCCC<C<C 3 He | we in | reversed, sud his breaking cre of horse 0 a | | week K Ak wv GIRL'S PLUCK REWARDED. "The | | a legs. The baby will probably die. The mother found the water too cold, and thoughtlessly put the boil- er on the stove without removing the baby. Then she wads called! out of the room for'a few minutes and returned to find the water verv hot and. the child badly scalded. cceaeprees cascecsetaece i LIGHTNING IN BALLROOM. Hotel Guests Have a Terrifying Experience. Geneva, Aug. 20.--The the Hotel Auberson, at an Alpine resort in. the Jura moun- tains, had an unpleasant experience last night. The salon had been made ready for a ball, and the dancers were collected in the halljawalting the first strains of music, when & olen pegl of 'thunder wasghe ed Shy a . great crash a Candle and r was found the hotel had struck he lig gy which had pass ed through thé Salon. cutiing the eleé- tric smashing' as large candela- bra, which fell on the floor, and burn- ing the flooring in pany places, Hap- pily- all the visitoriensaped ipjury. COBECURED: CHEESE THINKS 1T. SHOULD COM: MAND'HIGHER PRICE *" Than That Paid For Cheese Cured in Ordinary Way---Letter on the Matter--The Picton Tax Rate. Picton, Aug on the cheese board get a higher price than for the ordinary cured product They have seldom gained their point. President Wright is determined that if the cheese can be admitted by buyers to be a better product that it should got the better price. He is trying to get Dairy Commissioner Ruddick - to have an' expert ent by the govern- ment "to Eurepean markets to. report on the matter. He says, as the gov- ernment advocated the cool-euring rooms, and as many factories have gone : to the extra expense of putting these in, they should be rewarded. President Wright has just received. this important letter from Andrew & Son, the big Reottish im- Glasgow : "We may which have this vear, branded in all respects, heen much in quality to. otl bY brands same districts, arriving at time. but cored in the or Canadian cheese, so are showing the effects of vou have | insomuch that "very grainy, whereas have all been of In the ordinary cool-cured cheese worth about two at Cergues, visitors St. wires, 20. Al have struggled to cool-eured cheese season sellers for very | Clement porters at that from cured' { superior from the the same dinary this season, the heat thé texture those cool-cured nice waxy texture. course we would on this market say cheese we received Canada 'cool have, way. fay is a say are for a moment employ" tinvally | GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS SIBLE FORM, --- ) Matters That Interest Bverytody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, Halton liberals nonfinated br. Hacrison for the commons. Floods at Folsom, NM. caused the death of ten personse The output of the Nova Scotia Steel & Iron company, this, year, bids fair to exceed all records. The latest news confirms the report that the revolution 'is in full swing in the western parts of Persia. The Ontario Department 'of Agrieul- ture's crop" bulletins shows general favorable condition in Ontario. Mrs. Evelyn Nesbit: Thaw, broken down in health, has been taken to a private sanitarium in New York Dr. Melennan, representing Inver- ness N.S. in the House of Commons, died, last night. He was sixty-four years of age. ' jG strikepd' « pickets found two Fifled mail bags near this side of Mon- treal and there evidence of an ex tensive robbery. Word has been S have is sent out to all the C.P.R. passenger agents not to push the sale of harvesters' tickets, as the demand is practically supplied. The project of a canal from Chicago to Toledo. cutting five hundréd miles from. the present lake route, has beei taken up by the Chicago Association of Commerce. Joseph Martin, K.(., has Arrived at Seattle his way from England. He says he will positively run as an inde- pendent liberal cardidave in Vancou- ver, A message, from Fez, save that Mu- lai Halid, the newly-proclaimed sul- tan of Morogco, has heen captured by Ouled Djema, a tribal chieftain, and is being bekd for a ransom. Jose oli "Ouellette, Windsor, Ont., who pleaded guilty to the charge of steal ing ; 8600 from the Grand Trunk sta-J tion agent, at Stoney Point, was sen- tenced to six months imprisonment. Fayettaville, ; with a population of 12,000, and. Risin on -the.. Cape river, is almost entirely submerged because of the floods on Thursday night. ~Three thousand persons are homeless. Nellie Colter, forme wife of a ronto, months as tel, under grand larceny News of the sinking steamer Duncairn and the of all but two of the fifty-five menibers of her crew, in the typhoon which raged on Aug. 26th, off the port of Ceto, on the Island of Kiuhan, has reached To kio. As a res grammar the on said to be the man in' To- past few Statler ho charge of Jufialo, wealthy for the at the on working maid arrest, a 1s a the loss of British of the flood the Central Augusta, Ga., col- walls of the national bis company building fell in and the pinning of the Port Royal bridge was washed away. The bridge itself not fallen A In a speech at a banquet at Wash., Captain Cusani, of the cruiser Bulgian, said that, at' pre sent br a few generations ahead of his time, there would he a uiited North Americal * He paid tribute to the great American popularity, which had made itself felt all over the wor I. The United States were the peacemak ers of the world. The marriage took place at Chester, NS; on Thursday evening, of John | Miller, Crifi, Scotland, a member of | the firm of Miller & Son, who have | extensive Jumber interests in Nova | Scotia Labrador, ind Miss Louise Mass, whose sum- Chester, Pa The pair will "spend = theif camping in Newfoundland. ult school, lapsed, cult under has Seattle, Italian and Boston, at Jacques, mer home newly wedded honeymoon 1 TO KILL THE KING, London, Aug. 20.--A despatch from Rome says more than others hot weather. The will be for ewt the price shillings per made during difference in later-made goods At meeting, there 1 cheese boarded and all sold at 124e. The town fathers havé struck the tax rate at twenty-three mills, con- siderably lower than anticipated it had been thought the rate would not be lower than twenty-six, and rate- payers, generally, were creating a loud 'to do. Dur--wise ones know pretty well that the council, with little more, than 81.500 for. the rest of the year's town housekeeping, will not likely pull through without a deficit to leave as a legacy for next year's coun- cil. The uncontrollable expenses, this | vear, have been nearly $7000, which included the ovening of a new street, less were 755 + eolored TM Henry and son Spent ro | vesterday, saved the Life of ~Siguor in town. this. wee ey Be {Botsani, a man of considerable wealth Mrs.' W. Norris. He oo 10-1 Whe was sailing. in a small hoat at\ for Morri ) i whet lle ate F410 Ceresio,-on the Adriatic coast. : principal of the Collegiate dt : a Bi B as i Dr M.1P. :Svming-1 A storm arose, and In ore iz w Institute there. . Cr £- | Borsani could' return to 'port his boat ton spent the PR weelt, ataPresque; wag capsized. There were number Isle Point. Joseph day. rg, 13 a fof spectators ashore, but ") were debating whether it was tout in so rough a | sharita Ferrari arrived scene. Without hesitation into trotting § to « Patrick 8350. A from sold his to when the sprang Marsh a Peter-the-Great « Mellroy, Tweed. Price, i | Battle returned this week six wheks' trip . to the old countyy. Au {a boat and rowed out to Signor Bor- brey C. Pring fe has returned to New! can just in time to his, hie York after spending three weeks with | When she returned ashore with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra | che swooned, and it wags several hours Pringle. later before she regained At the cheese board, yesterday after pase. noon, 1,200 white and 420 colored | Signor Borsani has made her happy | boarded. Bidding started at llc. and by promising her a handsome dowry, reached 12¢c., at which price 255 | whie sh will enable her to be married sold, ! at once, go sea, Mar- on a she save conscious- were | promised, him | and. culverts laid, and other expenses Firther, town v much abandoned, got what was win will | walks municipal {work will be pre and all who have not order to votes, in whistle Miss Edna Bongard, BAA, a Queen's eraduate, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Jogard, has accepted position on tthe staff of the collegigte at Indian Head, Sask: L League Of Ruined Gamblers, Msocow, Aug. 29.--A man named | | Wesslav ski. who all hig property at carde, is organiZing an anti-gamb- | {ling league at Moscow. Only those who have lost at least $100 at cards -are eligible for membership, 7 lost vesterday's | coceeccececceace a dangerous anarchist has been arrested. at Valles- tura where King Victor Emmanuel was about to go on a hunting expedition. The prisoner, it is said, has confessed that he came from France for the ex- press purpose of attempt- ing the - gssassifiation' of the king. 2 cdheeccecescesens bo Woman Shot Herself. | Hamilton, Ont., Aug. 29 Convicted loi keeping a house of ill- -fame and' | seusenced to three months in jail, withont the option, of & fine, Della Clayton éreated a big sensation 'at lthe police court, vesterday. by shoot- | ling hersell in the head. The woman | { had expected to get off with a light | {soptence - and when tlie magistrate re: | {fuked an optional fine she walked into | ante-room, where she handed $20} irl. who had just been fined for! an inmate of her place, and then, opening her satchel, drew a re volver "and without warning fired a {bullet into her right temple. She was taken to she City hospital, in a eriti- cal condition. an ito a bhéing $1.65 Watertown, Return $1.65. | Tickets good going Saturday 5 tam. or?2 3 pa Sunday 7:30 or 4:30 pm. Good to return up , to *and 'including Monday, MR. tracks, Mr. Godfrey am. | | New laid eggs at Gilbert's, SHOOTING AT PEOPLE. A Serious Charge Made Against Railway Employees. Toronto, Aug. 29. --During the hear- ing of a case in thé police court, yes- terday. in which a young man was charged with trespass on the G1, + barrister, who | was defending him, made the state ment that the Grand Trunk employees were in the habit of shooting at peor ple trespassing on the tracks or hovers ing near the premises. Chester Gray, } one of the witnesses in thé case, told he newspaper man in cotirt, after ad- journment, that the young man, John Gorman, whose terribly mangled body was found on the railway tracks on Sunday last, had been walking with him along the tracks, when both were fired at... They fled in opposite = di- rections and no one ever saw Gor- man alive again. CELEBRATING CENTENARY. [and ere warm to-day and Town of Niagara En Fete For Grammer School. Niagara, Ont., Aug. 29.--The ocen- tenary of the Niagara high school, which was established here in 1808, as the Niagara district grammar school, was celebrated vesterday. The town was en fete for the occasion. Arches were erected and flags flying. Ex-pupils were present from all parts of Canada and the United States, no- table among them being Archdeacon Drew, of California, a pupil in 1850 and a teacher in 1867. A meeting was held last night at which address- ex were delivered by the mayor, H. U. Colquhoun, deputy minister of education and (I. F. Lavell, dean ot the Faculty of Education of Quéen's university. A paper was read by Miss Carnosh. : 4 LOW PRICES. J d 4 FEATHER RUFFS, hund- reds to choose fron, in colors, White, Grey, Natural, Black ahd Black and White, from $3.00 to $85,00, . IMPORTED, BELTINGS, from 50c. to $1.50, NOVELTY BELTS, 15¢. to $1.00. TOUR OF THE WORLD. from Has 'Been Arranged By a Society . Leader. SILK MOTOR ; SCARFS, a great range of Knitted Silk Scarfs, in colors, Green, Sky, Helio, Brown, Black Creme and White, from $1.75 to $4.50. FANCY NECKWEAR, 25¢. to 5c. BEAUTIFUL from 15c, to 75c. tat abhi anos toa mr an from RIBBONS, School Stockings For Joys' and Girl's, both plain and ribbed, in cotton, or wool, good strong reli- able makes, for all ages. SPECIAL LOW PRICES. Dressmakers, Attention ! We cordially invite you to call TO-MORROW and in- spect our great showing of TRIMMINGS AND LACES. We're quite sure they will in- terest you, QUARTERLY STYLE BOOK Now ready at the old price, 20c¢. MRS: ROBERT Mis. Robert Goelet, York sodiety leader, most interesting trip world to take plaed in the coming fall, Mrs. Goelet is a power both in New York and among the million- | aires. who regated at New port in along Long Is land Sound in palatial country resi dences. Perha; \ ew York of acquain GOEL, the ndted has artanged a aromnid the New socially, Lave cong cottages and s no on wirch ig splendidly the word car She hostess has a wiley tances. Mrs. Goeleg cated and in no sense be frivolous tremely charitable and larg although * she has never adopted fad of slum-workifig in person. TWAS A WEIRD SIGHT CYCLONE STRIKES HUN. GARIAN TOWN. Chimney Factory Collapses, Killing Six Outright and Maiming Many. Budapest, Aug. 20.--A terrific thun derstorm broke, vedterday alternoon over the town of Sweged, the terrible floods iu IX In less than half an hour the streets tompletely flooded. The hurri- edna of 15 ex rely, the congideted Fives AAAI: : : DIED. JOHNSTON In Bath 1908, John Wm forty br yYearm™ SIM MONS In | 22rd, 1908 son om, Aug. Jolifiston, 4 . a of pleaso ROBERT J. REID; The Leading Undertaker. | "Phone, 577. 227 Princess " street, Pure Spices and "Vinegars to When making your | Catsup, Chile Sauce, etc., use | only the best ingredients. It pays in toe end. We guarantee our scene of were roof of a a in pickles, g a n A Bond Of Sympathy. Paris. Aug. 29.---A number of resi- {dents of St. Ftienne have organized | an annval banquet and meeting for all {who are "either vmhappily married or 3 divorced." cane swept off the theatre, smashed plate glass windows and® car ried huge pate great distance off [he river rose ahove its banks and traffic became impossible I'he habitants of the town were forced seek the nearest shelter. The wind demolished the lofty chim ney of a Kemp factory. he ass ol brick work crashed through the rool | . of the boiler house, where the work Spices and. Vinegars men were lunching, and killed six mien : : outright and fatally wounded several ft be Ab 1 t ly P others. { 0 SO u e gre Despite the blindigg lig thtning, fire | men and sn ambulance hurried to the | scene of the catastrophe. The sight | was a horrible ope, The shrieks of Jas 8 i] he wounded and groans of the oi . ny could be heard but it was impossible IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES, to rescue all ho were buried under the ruins. One girl among those pin- SEALER & PICKLE BOTTLES ned beneath the debris went mad from Seu fOr. UALS... the pain of her injuries. Ere hing redu: fast night in some places the water | ks Second-Hand was two feet deep. The shims "oft Ey a flour mill was alse destroyec ut | ® hickily no one was underneath it when POLICE. iy fall. ---- | Boyd Found Guilty of Arson and Burnt Her Savings. Punished, i Paris, Aug. 29.--Mme. Bolette a! Port Arthur, Aug. ¥.--A. White and widow, of Parig: put match, vestex- [George Banson, the boys who set fire day, to the papers in grate, forget-1to a house, went back ofi their con< ting that it w there she had can-|fession by telling the ingenious story coaled R100, hich was all she pos- that they were forced to it by threats sessed, Whent elie' realized what <he lof the police, but other incriminating ad done she lost her reason. evidence was produced, and Hanson, s | who had been up previously four . times, was sent to the reformatory, while White was let go on su sentence, his parents giving bond. 680c. Plums, Plums, Plums, oy Finest - plums, 6c. = basket. Craws ford's, i See Bibby's smart $2 hats. 4 Te See Bibby's smart hats, 8 ud "5