Still Cut Prices at Crumley Bros. XT te 'Read This: 1,060 yasge Pine English Dress Tweeds, suitable Children's School Diesses and well worth 60¢ and 75¢ per yard. Special Sale Price 32%c Per Yd. Fates CANA BR of their fall school clothes' Nothing could be better for school dresses than these Tweeds. Excellent to wear and Zood to look at. Secure some while they last, : only 32'c per yard. All White Lawn Waists 25% off. All Ladies' Wash Skirts 25% off. Bargains all over the store. C 95 ede Crue \ | see, i £4 ros; RINK Fh wd "Summer Furniture Sale Everything reduced on 10 to 25%. Agni oppor- tunity to save money. This sale includes a full line of Caryiages, and Go Carts. Couches from $4.50, 5.50, 6.50 and up. Parlor Suites (3 pieces) from $15 up. Parlor Suites (5 pieces) regular $25 for $20. - R. J. RELD Ambulange Call 577. 230 Princess St. _--_-- -- Dress Swell from, the top down. a i It's time to chutk fhat old straw hat. Your friends see the hat you wed. "Therefore, wear a hat proper inigtyley v4 OUR HAT STYLE! are up to the last tick of the clock. Oar Prices Run $2.00, 2.50 and 3.00. $3.00 will buy from us a "Knickerbocker" Hat. If the hat we sell you fades or flops, bring it back and get your money. Head Hat-quarters for this city at E. P. JENKINS CLOTHING CO 114 PRINCE SS ST. i OLD WOMAR SLAIN "|ARMED BURGLA IS NEW PARIS OR. Shows Lust of Blood As of Gain and Has No Mercy For Vietims. ! Paris, Aug. 20--The extraordinary increase in crime in Paris is beoming a {serious problem for the gy The |rovng bands of apaches wh e dlow- ed to infest the capital kill unoffending ics for the mere pleasure of seeing on bbe ii are also Tac ed, with another terrax; that of the armed burglar, who generally operates without fear of police mterruption;, and whe shows. as litle {mercy to his victim as do the Dblood- stained hooligans of the streets, { Two new cfimes are now occupying tthe, attention of the overworked detec- jtivé department, In the one the. motiye { was rabbery; in the other, blood lust. | Mile. Riard, an c lderly. woman, a. dealer {in lace, who Tived i a fhith floor flat jn ithe populousRue Faubourg St Honote, {was found. with her throat cut. Tle | murderer contrived to walk past t | concierge' s lodge unscen, and mOUDtE {to the fifth floor succeeded in gaining | admittance to the old woman's apart- {ment, There are mapy mysterious ele- iments about this affair, | Investigations carried out Dy the {police to-day point to the murder hay- {ing been committed on Sunday, after the {dead woman, had returned from her {customary shopping expedition. As she lived alone, and rarclywggceived visitors, the task of the police in tracing the as- sassin_js rendered very difficult. The tdoor and windows were intact, so ijt is {presumed that the murderér--many things point ta his being a man--entered in the guise of a friend, being unknown to his victim. The weapon with which. the deed was committed has not been found. ' In the woman's bedroom was found a long cord, with a running noose, The detectives who have examined the premises have come fo the conclusion that this was used to lasdo the unsus- pecting lace dealer as she turned her pck, 'in order 'to get' ag dccomtt book ffom a shelf. 'The #ssdfiin drew' his helpless victim toward hit, and with a sure, swift of a knife, cut her throat. There are no signs of a strug- slash €. Mlle Riard was not very rich, but the little money she had has been stolen. She acted as an agent for a number of impecunious society people who borrow" ed money. The second crime which is making Parisians shudder at the immumity en- joyetl by roving bands of assassins, oc- curred in the Avenue de la Reine, at Boulogne-sur-Sejpe, and within a Few hungred yards of the Bois de Boulogne. A' journeyman baker was peacefully re- turning to his home when a young ruf- fign purposely bumped against him on He ootpath. His aggressor made no attempt to apoligize for his bebavibur, ! the 'baker expostulatéd with! him and' Hreatened to chastise him, The apache,' or such he was, sought tol attack the | man with a knife, but the latter getting i a hlow in the face, knocked : him down. In answer to his eries for help four companions rushed up, and one of these, drawing a revolver, fired two shots dt the baker, mortally wounding him. «A number of persons fital encounter, but feinforced apaches and the , revolver, ev fled with one accord. ;; When the | gplice turned up half an hor later the {murderer and his accomplices, had j { Aaturally long since vanished « A supposed member of the band was arrested witnessed the at the sight of the ARRANGE MORE MATCHES. Two Submarines to Race 'Neath Sea. Aug 20.--Considerable interest has been aroused in French naval! cir cles the news that the minister of marine has decided on a match between the submersible Pluviose and the sub- marine Emerande, with the object of testing the comparativé seagoing quali- of these respective types The subniersible travels chiefly on the | surface, divi when about to go action. The submarine will travel | almost entirgly under water. ./The 'race | is designed fo test the advantages of the | | | and sea- | | two types in regard to safety | worthiness as well as speed. {| The race, which is to take place over N a distance of about 80o.miles, will com- mence and end at Cherbeurg, the two vessels, after leaving that port. proceed- ing to Brest and Dunkirk and return ing to the starting point. The match begins on Monday morning "he submersible Pluviose, beuf type, has two steam engines, each of 350 horsepower. Her speed at her trials was 12.34 knots on the surface nd 85 knots below the surface. The | Etiasimes Emeraude has petrol motors lof 340 horsepower each. Her radius of taction is 1,500 miles, At her trials she developed a speed of 12 Knots on the surface and 0.1 knots under water During the entire vovage the submer- sible will be escorted by the admiralty tug Mouflon, with a number of high naval officials from Cherbourg on board Another match has been arranged for the end of the month between three submersibles and three submarines, Ceylon Tea. Cingalese will "not drink 'tea has been: standing over five min- They. pour boiling water on the then pour off and drink { the infusion immediatelv. When made {in this way "Salada Tea is very de- licions and fragrant and does not ai- { feet the nerves. Disagréeable Hair Troubles. Jair that ds 6lled: with dandruff or squri, that is greasy; odorous or pre | mmturely faded or gray may be re- stored to proper wigor'and beauty by the use of Dr. Dawson's Hair .R& storer. In bottles, 50c., each, .at | Wade's drug store. Paris, 4 hy | | tie x only of the Laun- The | that | ut | leaves nd pickling." fresh at Gibson's Red Cross for The kind are sold drug "store. Tt is queer, but people. who are al- {ways wanting to he the whole thing jare never willing to half fry. i Extra strong household ammonia, 156., at Gibson's led Cross drug store. It Has cot so that you can't pour oil upon the {without paying tribute to "pices even troubled 'waters John D, b gons, 2e., Gil | Creamery, 5-lb. ecrocks, bert, To-Night- Free Show Qubbeo Téroéntenary Pictures "TIANITA MIDGETS" NEXT WEEK. Entire Change of Programme, Free Show Every Evening. ------ AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE At Hingw nod, J late residence of XX= Col. arith, Wednesday, Sept. 2nd, 1608 Viz: Fox Piano, Brussels. and Axmin- ister "Carpets, Morris Arm, picker and other Chairs Large Overmantie, Brass Fenders, Cosy Corner, Wicker, Sofas, Cushions, Hanging, Brass and other Lamps, Pictures, ~ Tables, ete, Side board, Tables, Writing Desk, Book Shelves: Clocks, Gun Rack, Deer's Head and Horns, Iron Beds, tresSes, ete. Dressers, Sets, Chest Drawers, not-- "Very Large Old- Tashioned B. » Bedst Stan Wardrobes, Toilet What Wood ete., Lawn Cook Sewing Mower, Tobls, Tool Sledghs, Wag- Phaeton, Cash --Happy Stove, Machine, Garden Chests, Thotght ea" Tab} Utensils, ter: Ladder, and Carpenter Lar Workbefiah, Tax Cart Dog Carts, ete. Sale at 10 am. 'arms ALLEN, The. Ayctioneer. FINE FURNITURE ELLIOTT & SON, LTD. 79 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. ~ BOARDING HOUSE RATES Not As High As Would Be Expected. The ; Queen's University . students' hoarding house list contains the names of about 330 houses Single rooms Sie advertised at from $1 to $2 a wee Table board can be secured as low as $2.25 a week and as high as $3. Board and lodging varies from $3.20 to $5 a week, but the average is $4. So that the studénts do not have tp pay a very high figure. Tts a wonder that the prices are so low. Only a few séem to be charging $5 a weck for board and lodging. Over in Geneva, 'N.Y. a place not quite as large as Kingston, the students can't get table board for less than $5 a week, A room: costs $4 agd $5 a week, so that Queef's students, are paying just one half what is "tharged in. a col- lege town gu short djsténce across: the border, » ! didi ® A. Hotel Arrivals. od Mrs. Thaw, Mrs, Hyites, "Art Herring L Herring, Louise Hefxing, Edwiii' Lamson! Charles Lippi and wife, G. T. Rafferty, Louis Will and wife, C. L Bausch, Miss Hilda Bausch, New York; ix e ¥ anvaulkwenburgh; Al bany Y, Alexander, R. Highet, Plain, ke Chirch and "wife, Chas, Mc Raiaht Chas. 'Browse Pittsburgh; Mrs. Wm. J. Law, iss Doohdrnan,, F. A. Doohuriian, "SewickRy,; Pal;' "Mrs. Chas. Ma¢Henny, Brooklyn; ton and' wife and daughters, Detroit; ( Chas, W. McFarland, Los Angeles; Cal's | W. HB LCarroll) Gananodqiee ; Jas. Herbert, Mt. Forest; "Wm. 'Lochy, Washington] D.C ThHbs. SS McRaé, Bbdtowy Li Pattérson, EF. Hampton, Wate srtow, N.Y 5 Ocmioed Higman, A. HH, Powell, RCA. St. Johns, | Que; F. K. Foster, Winnipeg; GG. Mac intyre, P. G. Wright, 'John C. Coull, Eugene Moore, J Findlay, Wm. Begg, H. G. Hoare, E. A. Winter,-Torento; H. Fraser, Brockville; H. B. Sherwood, Miss Sherwood, Napanee: A. M. Bris tol, Galt: N. S. Schneeberger, Balti- more; Md.; Allan C. Rankin, J. C. Du- hamil. J. D. Claxton, W. H. Murray, Montreal Are A Humane Appeal. Kingston Humane Society a complaint of the surprising [ simce it relates to an institution where the highest type of humanity has been practised in theory and in fact. for over a quarter of a century, It relates to the treatment of patients in the Agy- lum for the .lpsane, to.the actions of nurses, men and women alike. The so- ciety lis for the protection of animals ind has no ground for action in a com- plaint of this kind, whie does not come from a patient of a disgruntled or dis- 1arged employee, or apparently from a grieved person, --save ore grieved at what has been witnessed. ---------------------- Seeking License Transfer. Tt is learned than an effort is being made by the Jesse€ af a small down town hotel to have the licefise transferred to tHe hotél in Williamsville récently con ducted by Joseph: McConnell A peti- tion, according to Williamsville people, is being circulated, but it" will be strong- ly. opposed by residents Of that locality. Last year the commissioners cut off the license, refusing Mr, McConnell a re- newal, and it -is scarcely likely they would give the privilege to another. The received rler der, --lttitd Appointed To Winnipeg. Lieut-Col. Victor A. S. Williams, of Toronto, formerly chief staff officer of the Eastern Ontario command at Kings- ton, has been appointed district officer commanding at Witnipe: vice Lieut- Col.. Evans, deceased. Col. Williams' friends will Be glad to hear of his ad- vancement. He is in command of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, in command of the Royal School of Cavalry and in- spector of cavalry. During the South African war, Col. Williams was twice mentioned in despatches, Plums, basket. 60¢. Craw- . ------------ 60c. Plums, Plums, Finest plums, 60c. fords. See Bibby's good $2 hats. To- day Clarence Emberley, a gra- Huge of He ingston Business Col CONDENSED ROVERTING RATES 7 Springs, Mat-|' Hr £ AERRATOL; § C. WiBuar- 7, has [ First insertion lo. a word: sécutive insertion ord, Minimum arden 25¢. ; three six, $1: 'month, $3, > ' o THE OPPORTU NIT ¥. REE HE HR AE w A GOOD STRONG BOY TO ei in. mailivg department, on and Thursday forenoons and andy day afternoon. Apply at this Office. TRAVELING SALESMAN EARN py 000 to $20,000 a veur atu¥ expenses. We wilh teach you to Le eagie by mail at your houie in eight weeks and assist. you to secure a position with: a reliable. firm. 2 fortrer experience. required. Hund- reds of positions open. Best field sn the world for ambitious Men. Write for our ires Catalo logue. A Knight of the Grip' list of good positions now Fey Address Dept. 191, Nalional Salesman"s 'Training Assi Chicago, Il., Kansas Uity, Mo.; Or Minneapolis, Minn.,, US. A Write nearest office. KITCHEN GIRL: APPLY Frontenag Club. GOOD Stéwa rd, RE- A GOOD GIFNERAT) SERVANT. : e- ferences. Apply 191 Johnson St, Lween / ana 5 p.m. & SERVANT, ply to Mrs nson St. COMPETENT GENERAL, must, be good took. Ap H. Macpherson, 193 Jd LADY SEWERS :--MAKE SANITARY belts at home; matemals furnished ; $15 per hupdred. Paftieulars stamp- ed wmvelopes Dept 282 earborp Specialty Lo Chicago, Aik, WONEY AND HUSINESS. In JOR CLEANING or_ cellars, or k Prices rights. Lytle, General Carter, ih of DRESSY their - course, rite ~~ Moler ps SITUATION WANTED. Porontp. BY YOUNG LADY, GRADUATE OF Ottawa Business College, as Steno grapher. Some experience in _ Office Nor: Apply Box 22, Whig office, DOMESTIC ~~ SERVANTS, EXPERI. enced, English, Scotch, Irish, arriv- ing weekly under supervision. If yom need a servant write, The Guild, 71 Lgumgnond St. Montreal. PERSONAL. HATR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, ete., removed ; permanent! vi without goat. Twenty gear ox + five. er Elmer J. e, Eye, and Skin Blemi 8 Bagot street. I Soetaliat or Ih WOSTC. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other company offers. Examine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- ot 'Square. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for gecurdy the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and cily pro- perty fhsured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving dow business gel rates from Strange & Derange; Agents. 'Phone, 508; | MARRIAGE LICENSES. ISSUER OF Clarence St. OSHAWA, Col MISS LUBLLA A. ENAPP, A. T.C.M_ will resume' her classes in Piano and Theory, on Sept. 1st, Studio, 333 Johnson street. MISS GERTRUDE R. CRAIG, TEACH er piano and theory--Hupils prepar- ed for exsmmns of Teronte Conserva- jtory, Address 169 King St. MISS BESSIE CHAPMAN, TEACHER of pianoforte playing (Virgil Clavier Methord), For information a 822 Queen St. "Autumn term Septather 1st. % Adres opens FOR SALE OR 70 RENT. NEW bie ROONED * Hous SE, - ON SH, alse a seven urbonied Eagt| Yiew La wr oh ho Ut i Ean FURNISHED Queen's College. of the house. A or id rent pply at Whig of Poa at uNMvERSITY AN pon ments. an yr 51 Br it. LARGE Ol SEPT. «+ 18ST, 127 six roonwd house, houses will sell to ny Good investment. Apply sireet, J nek FROM OCT. 1.-B 181 Division Wellington stre n 14 F. Nisbet, Statiom Shaw, 115 Bi a $ ARTHUR ELLIS, & TECT, OF fice, Cor. Queen an ad He a : pr AROATT HOT, ete., Anchor bey Market Hquates Phone, 845. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER« chant's Bank Building, corner Brock d Wellington = 'Phone, 212, | WM. NEWLANDS, Aga, OF fice, second floor, over store, corner rincess _ and Bago on Bagot street; cottage, ne Kppy at "Whig office. THE PARAGRAPH POLPI REV, Vag Ww. CASSON. The Dogma Of The Redemption. Uns of the most interesting and en- Visitor, the Lord Archbishop of Toronto A Residential Scheolf: for Siti . ey to Sires Forte pe 'ana Advani | [8 STER-IN-CHARGE or 16 THE Ottawa; Capt 8 STERS of ST. JOHN THE DIVINE | the triple God. Major Street, Toronto | COLLEGE RE-OPENS SEPT. 16th. | dita Ladies' College (OTTAWA, Onv) best equipped colleges the comiry. ee Academic, An, Eloculima, REV. W.D. ARMSTRONG, MA., D.D., Passioewr. BATESCOURT SCHOOL | For 'Girls "aid Children, Cor. "Barrie and Clergy streets, re-opets 8th, 1908.An up>to-date School for the training of Girls and Children, morally physically and intellectually... The course begins with the Primary Work and fgoes through all Grades to Matriulation, Those who tried the Partial Matricula- tion in June last, passed. All branches of English thoroughly taught. ¥rench German, Latin, Drawing, Physical Cal- ture, Needle Work, Domestic Science, etc The Teachers at . Batescourt Are far the most part Queen's Graduates, Specialists in their subjects.. For further information, apply te ADA J, BATES, King street West, Kingston. BALMY BEACH COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ART MRS. A. M. COURTICE, MRS. A. M. COURTIUCE] A residence for girls and a day school for boys and girls. 59 Beach Ave., East Fall Term Opens Sept. 10th, 1908. The work to he 'taken up is from Kin- dergarten to High Schoul ntratice. Write for Prospectus. ! Diwectors Toronto. oh | lightening lessons in the libdral faith [1s Sdrgent's picture, "She Dogma of | the Redemption,' in the Boston pub: lfc Jibrary. sue painter has had th | au atity to paint a picture of tie | Trinity, even giving the ' featiwes of The attempt to in 1 | terpret in definite form the Jong ac- | cepted dogma of redemption reveals in {a remarkable way the complete ab- { surdity of the conception. It very {clearly puts it in the same eategory as the monstrosities heathenism | More than all else it reveal the one who views it reality the of will the to of unity of God, * at 25 for the C. W. Casson, Boston, Mass., Address, Rev. Beacon street, literature. | -- { MUSIC. | PIANO, ORGAN, VOICE CULTURE ' JAMES SMALL PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. September | | Organist and Choirmaster Sydenham ! St. Methodist Church. (Late Organist and Choirmaster James' Methodist Chiireh, Montreal ar principal €hurches, Dundee, Scotland). Studio : 154 St. application, Johsison Terms on TOUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO. Smoking and chewing, at forty-five tents a pound, is a good tobacco. Why pay eighty-five cents. Andrew Maclean, Ontario street. A HINT TO SHAVERS We : ure mow selling a Safety Rado which is fully guaran FOR 23 35 CENTS. A STRACHAN a--Mining Ba 4 ¥--Chemistry and ine ralogy. and Geology. KINGSTON, oN T. for Calenddr of the School and farther School information, apply to the Secretary, of Mining, Kingston, Onin. es oe lege, Read of een street, accepted a position as steppgrapher for the Standard Chemifial eompany, Mon- | treal. Special rates fo. the first twen- | ty-five registering for the fall term, which begins Tuesday, Sept. lst. H. F. Metealfe, principal. See Bibby's genteel $2 hats. There Aare people. who have some goed in them, but it takes a lot «| cogxing to bring it out. SAny hat $2 at Bibby's, I 1. cal Honours, An English Boarding ters (Gradrates). For the third time in six trance to R.M.C., Kingston, $100 scholarship at 1st jn German, 1st i00l re-opens- on ly to ST. ALBAN'S Joare 1908. St prize ek t MeGiil. September 15th. 1908. For prospectus, book of CMA, Camb., (Eng.) Classi- schsol for Boys. English St. Alban's gains. first place thet won in loos successes fn French, lst year, at MeGIN®; } a marked cheque for tril 008: THAT NORTH WIND ! Blows up cole } Wodther. It sw suggestion of an approaching Fall and Winter. It is a good idea to order youd COAL n glad to deliver when res wtreets, "Phone Now. not we quired, It you ean put it fa alright: will be ---- JAS. SWIFT & CO. Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In Connection with New York Cen= tral & Hudson River R.R. Leave Kingston asuy, ekcept Sunday, 5,00 a.m. and 2.00 $43 i" . al Kingston Sunday, 7.30 a.m, and m. Leats Cape Vincent daily, 10.50 a.ny 6.15 pm. Making direct connection at Caps Vincent to and from all ts in New York State. Through! f Cape cent to New York Woek end round trip rate Kingston "a Watertown, good going Saturday os Sunddy, returning up to and jacluding Monday, $1.65, MAIL CONTRALT. SEALED THNDERS ABDRESSED to the Postmaster meral, 'will ceived at Ottawa until Noon, ons DAY, the 2nd Detoben, 1908, for conveyance of his Majesty's Mang, a 3 Prepaged Contract for four years, aw re. 5 quire times per week each way, bet ween : Kingston Post Office and Street Letter Boxes, Etc. from the Postmaster General's pleasuros Printed notjces containing further in< formation as to conditions of general Skiftrict may be seen and bank forms of Ti be ip hited at the Post oe hit rent, Mail Honttact peaach, dns August ust, 1908 EHSON $ all ay RI: the on 3 a or & Water Vater Extéation, addressed to W. Vy irmlan | fe dborworks, 33 anague rece ea i » op. for he lap Lh Te 'of abotit 1,900 fapt of . Pipe average cut 10 feet, and ahs fain Lo of Sabon bout ata 20 feet, ot of Syn. ry De a 0a gote valves, fire hen gee. AU_material to be furnished by : sta bt in % r may' be office of the Town ach tender ig be S Seam panied 3 amount of the tender. The owas or any tender mot nikesy uy SB CODE. Town . Engines office, Gausnoqiey Town Enghieer"s Aug. 24th, 08,