. THE DAILY BRITISH WEIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1008. YOUNG - Mw DROWNEDITHE CITY'S AFFAIRSIGOT BACK 1 THE PIBSITHE SPORT RENEW CORRECT JAS. BIRMINGHAM, GANAN. | DIVERTING OF THE EARL|TROUBLEOVER SQUEALERS| THE DEFEATED THE | oe TERE OQUE, LOST HIS LIFE. STREET SEWER ON SATURDAY. IRISHMEN = TIME : P from the While in Swimming With Some [May Be First Step Towards Inter- | They Were Stolen and Later Re- | In Saturday's Baseball Mateh By -& - ) , oe be Secured a THE DAINTY DESSERT Companions, Near Kingston cepting Sewers--Gueen Street covered From a Boat--The 15 to 3--A Roller Hockey | ame oo Window, Flavored just right Mills--He Was Out on a Sewer Causing Trouble--A ' Thief May Have Got Frighten- League--Time City Ruzby(| : : £5 of iy his will py Sweetened just right Week's Cruise. : Civic Deficit. ; ed. Team Was Organized gf . _commissi : Perfect In every way James Birmingham, aged about The diverting' of the Earl street There was some trouble on the mar-{ On Saturday afternoon, the C.L.C. _ y : vay Ses Don't accept substitutes twenty-seven years, living at Ganano- | sewage to Gore street, rendered neces- (ket, on Saturday, over four pigs, {team returned + the compliment paid All grocers sell it jue, was drowned at McGrath's Point | sary in order to allow the Locomo- {which were brought into the city, in |them by the Irishmen at the picnic a near Kingston Mills, about 4:30 o'- | {ive works to proceed with extensions |a crate, for sale. Early in the after- |few days ago, by defeating them at : A clock on Sunday 'afternoon. His body | 4ver the present sewer, will probably noon, the "porkers'. were sold to athe cricket "field by fifteen runs to J 4 4 10 C i NTS PER PACKAGE was not recovered until eight o'clock | mark the beginning of a.series of in- [farmer named Francis Clay, living at |three, in a one-sided game. The Ir-i- in the evening. tercepting sewers here. In diverting | Millhaven. Mr. Clay had some other |ishmen seem able to win all the exhi- ; Yirmingham, with three other com- | ihe Earl street sewage into Gore [business to attend to around town [bition games, either in the fair panioms, had left Gananoque in a lgireet, a large pipe will be required |hefore leaving for home, so he went grounds or at Lake Ontario Park, but i baunch, on a week's cruige. When they | op the latter thoroughfare from. On- away, leaving the pigs on the market, | when it comes to the league games in New F 11 Hats reached the Mills they found that] aio street to the water. This cost, believing that all people were honest | the cricket field, they seem to go te a they could not get through the locks | 4 js understood, the Locomotive |and that they would be there when he | the bad completely. These two teams ut] the morning, and 80 Sesided, 10 | works company will pay. The came back. However, he was given a |have now played Tour ame, the Have Arrived 346 KING § 8 Slay there over night, '€ PATCe | amount required to do this work {ead dis t. He finished up |C.L.C. have won the two league " . ; { young' men went i for a swim. Bir- satisfactorily will be about $3,500. |p:c Jenppointment. day, and hp games, and the Y.L.C.B.U. the two In all the very newest Issuers of Marriage mingham took a dive and he yas Sepn What City Engineer Craig proposes to | came back to the market square, later |exhibition ones. . A i 3 les Licenses. So_tore, a is believed that ho ge is to make the Gore Street sewer |i), the afternoon, to get his pigs, and On Saturday afternoon Je cricket merican : : tere 8. Lyery °°! ®" | large enough to receive all the sew- |; is surprise: can well | field was lined with e, as the -- fible was put forth to secure the age from William to Union streets, = fetus, Rome IU he ind see no [game* had aroused et inter- Buy she Ring Hat, the best $2.50 'Ph 666. rody. but it was not found until after | ~~. go 0 oe 40 pay the extra | + tock. Like last + the fans Hat in C one grappling irons had been secured $1.500 necessary. Debentures for the sign whatever of his new s obi i es, among . all 1 at 2.30 = from 'Kingston: and put to work. Af 7 V. id ures Th all other people in such trouble, he| The, match was calfec 2 P . HUNT ter three hours' search the hody was | jatter amount could be issued. der | Went to the police station, and there o'clock. During the first two or three oe Je . recovered. The remains were brought |Poard of works has yet to consider }i,)j 'the story of the stolen pigs. The [innings the excitement ran high, the ; tog Kingston, taken 10' the undertaking this question. entire police force was told to be on|spectators dividing themselves into parlors of James Reid & Sons, and the lookout for four stray pigs, but |two sides, supporting either team, and Gueen Street Sewer. it fell to the fate of Constable Filson cheering their players to the echo. It this morning sent on to Gananoque. ' - , ap Deceased was looked upon as a I'he Queen street sewer extension out- [to take the * 'porkers"' in charge. Con- | was not long before the Locos showed fine swimmer. He was well-known in | let, while it has improved conditions Istable Filson had been over on Wolfe [that they were out to win. During Gananoque, and the news of his [to a large extent, has not caused [Island, and on boarding the steamer |the game some fine hits were landed test eas sad ending caused general regret. He | complete relief to the slip leased by [on his return trip, learned %hat there |Gut, one home run, a triple and two : is survived by his mother, a widow, R. Crawford & Co. Oil and grease are lwas a box of pigs on board for whom jor threp doubles. The Y.L.C.BU. put La and one sister. \ still 'noticeable on the water. It is no owner could be secured. up a hird game, playing fine ball, . The sad fatality put an end to the | said that one reason for this is the 'Just keep them on board and we'll | bfit not 'as good as they did at the n ac i week's gruise of the young men, who | stirring up of the bottom of the slip. find out about them when we get to] {C. L.C. picnic. : looked forward to having a splendid | A thorough dredging might relieve | Kingston," said the young officer of | The teams went to bat as follows : Every- outing this week. that. But it is claimed 'that from the | the law. And the pigs came back sl---- . thinz re~ Decensed was secretary of the Gan- sewer there issue large pieces of grease Upon arrival of the boat at the] Locomotives. aists. - anoque Yacht club, and was; well- [and fat, from a pork factory nearby. {wharf, it took very little time to]. : } duced from [kyown in, this city. The party in- It is not in the interest of the pub- [str aivhten out matters Comparing L5 per cent tended putting in the time shooting lic health to have this continue, and |; tes with the other members of the down the Rideau rive the board of health may be asked to {force, Constable Filson founc that the | , to 2 25%. A _ take action. § pigs had been stolen, and the right- time to HOUSE WAS DESTROYED. . J 3 ful owner"was soon in possession of } . d ---- will Be Eig Deficit. them, and sent on his way home ny an Fire at Snow Road Early Sun- The city council will likely have |joicing. MC An save. day Morning. quite a large deficit at the end of the If the case . was one of theft, it is Sega > & : vear, in view of the extraordinary ex- quite evident that the thief suffered Sarke . . house occupied by Thomas Miller and penditure this year. The contagious [from "cold feet," as it were, after he ' T F is i 3 3 ire, | disease hospital has so far cost about [had made off with his plunder, as tt Esford, | Laird, | Dixon, Tb, : | Davidson, c.f. | McMahon, a Dehaney, 9%. Received to-day a ship- ment of the newest out, in Stylish Silk Waists, made : with wide Tucked Mikado Me| We have a choice lot of Min, Sleeve Overpiwce, and trifn- and Ermine Sets. Call and see » med with Silk Insertion and [| PRICES. Lace, Collar finished with Ww | Lace and Insertion, hest Fe °F G d | ' quality Taffeta. A beautiful . - our ier, is : { s garment for | Exclusivé Furrier, 76, 78 and 80 Broek | y : street. sD 1D 08D tO pd BO he I pt DD Early on Sunday morning, the his family, at Snow Road, caught fire b 3 A | $1,500, an expenditure unlooked for, |is not known 'who put the pigs on Pid but at the same time most essential. 'boat. H 1 portion of the household effects were It i ith 1 i ; arri- saved, but the loss will be very il the council comes out wit kL . e- - . g heavy, * and very little insurance is | ficit-as low as £3,000, it will be lucky Where To Get Time. " ai] ) } : ; under present conditions, It looks as 3: itv . Turcotte, p. 2 . o son Go carried. The blaze broke out in the I Tay Oneilions, 3 : Since the city hall clock went out of | a ' * |kitchen, but its origin is a mystery. v Oe 4 Lhe : taxes Non ill 0, = busigess many people have been B. Tilson, 2b. . ge - 0 ay ; Snow Road was, just a little over a | Made the even Jen Y-one, I h 3 anxious about time and frequent com- |¥. Tilsen, Ih. . : ia 0 Other Makes at $3 J ; 0 a 1a ened ; 2 re ste 3 { . week ago, the scene of a very serious |Y8F» Inst ad twenty and' a parings are made one with another Cotman, c. The cheap- fire, when the. mills of Isaac Allen mills as at present. The city's re- [to the right hours. This anxiety will | Stokes, s.s. : raven ] . and Up. i] 3 2 he : uo oo quirements cannot be financed with |, . = ey Wi ' Burns, 3b. Z a 2 a2 est Furni=feaught fire, and members of the its present. revenue, be inc reased by sc hqol pupils, now | Joyoe, rf. : : 0. i PUT IN YOUR TANK ture und Kingston. fire department were called that school is resuming. To help the g 1y : ur to render assistance k i public the Great North-Western Tele- | Coyne, Lf. . . 0 \ : AT OUR DOCK. Car p gt ' Tramp Takes A Swim: graph company will have time re- | Palmer, ¢.f. \ nana , : A tramp, giving his name as Ed-|gorded daily at 11 a.m. from McGill | i Te d. House. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. . : Ss mi Dress Gao S " . n ward Bradley, "played off deaf and | University, Montreal, and at 12 noon | T ; g E William Ruddock and wife, Walla | jumb at Calabogig, begging by writ- from the Ottawa experimental faym :| George Mathewson made a satisfac- Spark Colls, 8 Plugs, Colum- Walle, Wass 3 Rev. Sr oh Poland ing on a pad. At" night he changed By looking at the G.N.W. affice clocks tory umpire. " : Dress Goods §: ; ba Dry Batterfes, etc. In stock. and wile, Lranite City, «Judge | Lis vocation to robbery at the K. & ches ce . > ar | The best play of the game happenec . . . Ketchum, Cobourg; * E. Arnold apd |P. railway station. He had broken sll watches an be gorrectly regulated {in the ith: innings, er the C.L.C. REPAIRS PROMPTLY wife, N. C. Wright, William J. Wal- | panes of glass ere noticed. T. .J. Mur- A Different Kind of Rural Play. made a triple play, catching three Now is the time to buy MADE. ! ker, J. N. Groleau, Montreal; A. E. iphy, village constable, was notified | | . ee ota crix xg S1a¥: 1 men on bases. The C.L.C. are now your 'New Dress for Fall, luck, J. P. Hogan, P. Mahon, Mis. 1and arrested the man, placing him in ae Ys Soming to undisputed champions of the league} & while the assortment is at 0 (i. Maguire, Miss Francis Maguire, a sample room of the 'hotel till morn- the Grand on Saturday, September and will receive the silver cup donat- its best. Many lines show- & Selby & Youlden Ltd 1 . Mrs. K. L. Powers, Miss Rhea Pow |i He then broke out through a |3th: mativee and night, is said to be ., by James Baker. Much of the ing now that cannot be and was almost totally destroyed. a. o i . a y y di » fr y Ne 2 . ' ers, J. AL Papineau, Rochester, N.Y iwindow and jumped into the rapids wholly different from any other New eredit for the fine showing made is duplicated this season. Be England play, and advantageously so. ty and wife, Detroit, Mich.; J. Ra- | » 'g 3 sree i . : : : At r rty, president; { hone, A.B. Rabone, Birmingham, [ut igh Mi hore Plog i" To j dividuality of perception and judg ie os yx Hany ; Tierney, Hoa at page. na, ne y company was reportet], "° ": ¢ : ger; : X a be 2 Fro # I ment, and the - " Eng.; H. EF. Erge ton and sons, Mrs. |} ced him down at last and the ne er there to be chosen with Secretary and treasurer, and . John Headquarters for extra 1 on {Hall Hilton, "B. F. Hall, Oxford, | riconer was taken to. Renfrew' for ol L SAO Vol Burke, captain. strong Hosiery, for Girl's their 'ability in HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated Eng.; J. R. Terrill, Picton; C. Mor- |... . > oad +o | €xcellent regard ! cook dad iter Tallon AL | trial, Where he vu se tiated 0 tire this line of country character imper- -- and Boys'. strong, G. W. Austin, M. M. Aus tin, { months in Pembroke jail for vagrancy. | gonatjon, Baseball On Saturday. WITH GLACIER The only substitute for Stamed Glass Artistic, Durable, Economical, by D. J. DAWSON Successor to Dawson and Staley, '217 ~ Princess street. High Grade Planes at Living 'Prices. Bishop, Francis - Rochester, N.Y Alice M. Pepper, | I ------ holiday of the summer season, to-day, | ark, 7; Montreal, 3. { ans ? « | Fairpoit, N.Y A. L. Graham, Mrs A Great Conciliator. {and a good day they made of it. | American League--Philadelphia, 4-4; A. LL. Genthem, Niagara Falls; hie. | John G. OiDonoghue, independent | Tuesday school opens and the books, Detroit, 1-3. Chicago, 1-6; New York, [+ | ter R. Hong and wife, Clayton, N.Y ; | labor candidate, asked his opinion of [pens and pencils must again be taken | 0- 2 Washington, 4. Boston, 11; St. A i | | | | - | { { There he may be indicted for --- "ow . F. 1. Austin: William Joh son, Belle- cr Es o ar . de oi TTT K Eastern League--Baltimore, 3-1; To- Velvet ville: M.A. Williams, Sodus, N.Y ; |purklery; Beanwhile be fad changd| School Begins To-Morrow. | tote, 20. 'Jersey City, 10, Dual Irene S. Bi ri v Williams } oman : : 3 The school children had their = last | 3-9. Rochester, 5; Providence, 3. New- NEWMAN & 1 Prof. Shortt's capacity of the task |up, and baseball, football and swim- | Louis, 5. >: of reconciling the C.P.R. and its em- [ming put entirely out of mind during | National League--]I ittsburg, 1-1; ployees, said: "I have been on a [the day. The boys and girls have had {Pp hiladelphia, 0-5. Cincinnati, 7. Bos ton, 5. Chicago, New York, 2. The Always Busy Store | Mrs. John Todd ahd daughter, C has. | F. Nichols and wife, Clayton, N. Storck, New York; Robson ® Blac k. . | Montreal; A. W. Findlay, New. York. | number. of hoargs with Prof. Shortt a fine summer and. should be ready to | : Victor and Berliner Gramophone, will. T] wwe R : are 1 517.68. | - d 1 believe the time is al - loo back ork with a will, read ams' "Sewing Mache. Phoenix Fire 1880 ugs are 1n sizes, | | an rlieve th ime 1s about op |go back to work 1 € vi ' a1 g a i wl Stock And Grain Pri jportune for him to be called upon. 1 [to work through to ( hristmas without, | ' Roller Hockey League. Pfeffer r Extingutsher and be Aine of Musical 8 x 3 yards, 3x4 and os X| An rain Prices. believe it would be a fitting climax to [a break. In all probability a roller hockey 2 4 Beginning Sent. 1st the Whig will | his work. He is a great conciliator, p------ league will be organized in the city : publish the New York Stock and [and it would not be the first time he "At Mullin's."' land a cap put up for competition. . cago wheat and corn prices, as | intervened after one board had failed F ' pr 95 hres a n 9 ized » ' ast ; . : Eta Ww ie € : oo W ' farmers' hutter, per lb., 25e. Three teams are already organize 3 Not hav ing-a full sett of fartished by v JHocsor 1 Huns, re- | whic h is the fost difficult time to do Strictly fresh eggs, per dozen, 2lc. band another one is needed before any- They Are Each Caused By a Pesti- ! : 3g . y presenting J. I. Bicknell & Lo. Along | anything. rofl. Shortt succeeded ' i us ® | thing much n be done. The rink ferous Germ vatterns in all sizes we : : a aye it yh rol, She | 9 hs. lard 5c. g much ca don . : pe with the above will be given a brief | when*one board failed in the case of 7 ibs. rolled bacon . 25c. [will open on Labor day, and after Ring worm and dandruff are some- The kind you re looking for is offer the . 0st pin summary of the grain market Mr. [ the miners down east. If the domi . . I sacl ill be giv rac- ; ; i the kind we sell offer thiem at cos price. | . 5 e nin- Picnic ham, per Ib., 12}c., corner that each team will be given 'a prac- | what similar in their origin; each is | Hume opens his new stock office to-|jon : : h . E | 8 | gove ronment asked him to step in, A | tice certain nights week. There so 2 s. The" ger | morrow It is situated on the se- 1 take hold, Id I Johnson and Division streets. gins A caused by a parasite The germ that | eof Tap 1 ahd take holc it would answer the |are some good skaters and players | causes dandruff dies to the root of the jcond floor of the Clarenee Chambers. nln of both' partivs, as neither {here and if the league poes t wrough | hair i . : a : : . : , and saps its vitality, causing Mr : Hume has instant tele; | side might like to take the first step Great Clearing Sale. [in a satisfactory manner Belleville and | falling hair, and, finally, baldness Goal & d gap York Phil dei} with Chicago, 1as8 it 'might be understood as being a Prevost, Brock street, has made 'a Brockville will be requested to join, Without dandruff there:would never be hes ng Poot and op uar- R M F A UI ~ Los k, Philadelphia, f orente and | sign of "weakness, great reduction in price © in the a they both have rinks. Roller | palcness, and to .quze dandruff it is 133, : : ther large cities nly by the great- es 1 ready-made clothing department; hock ey is rood game 1 drew ' p i ° Cc or sis tanan tl «aa : : ant y: ie. cl g ¥ R 8 a BOOC ame: anc re necessary to kill the germ. There has ' t persistence on his part did he se Pity Cost Him Dear. alco gente' furnishings. Look at dis- | largely last fall. 7 been no hair preparation that would Booth & Co., -t leure such a fine stock connection here, bor his reat? 0) > " ree RENE Kingston Carpet Warehouse |i: he had confidence in Kingston |; he quality of mercy" cost a Cala- | play windows. do this until the discovery of New FOU YraT STREPT. - . { bogie family 'dear last week. A man ne i The Lacrosse Clubls Plea. bro's Herpicide, which positively kills and its business possibilities To- [1 wymed Box was fined $10 ior killir i , . . u Ss a r , teh New York wires vlvise the pur- 1 ( 1 or Killing a The lacrosse players .are still work- | the dandruff germ, allays itching in- of Union Pacific, which is stead- | deer, which, he said, came |into his Kingston's Famous Fur Store.] ing well. On Friday 'evening they [stantly and makes hair glossy and . increasing ' [neighborhood with its jaw shot of - {had a fine workout in- the 'cricket [soft as silk. Take no substitutes "n.d PRAM RAA Lath lbidibdrddd) and its leg broken. I'hinking that it New Fall and Winter | field. It seems peculiar that of all | There is nothing "justas geod." Sold | iwould die anyway, and that it would a {the games played in the city the la- [by leading druggists. Senic 10¢ in . The Troops In Camp. {be more kind to kill it and thus put | Furs for Ladies. | crosse team gets the short end of it. Stamps for sample to The Herpicide | The Old Stand and 'The Old Num- { All day long through Kingston's!ian end to its sufferings, he and. his | It was mot so many years ago this [Co., Detroit, Mich. Two. sizes, 5, ber. | streets sounded the tread of marching family killed the animal, and consum- | Tf at all inter- fold town had one of 'the best lacrosse {and $1. G. W. Mahood, tpécial agent {feet. The soldiers of the Eastern\On- ed itiat their cottage. A friend, R.| dia F . . = {teams in this section, in the time of - . Phone 490 tario. command district cany to the | Lee, who helped to eat it, was also| jested 1a Furs it 4 A ray, Porte ; rs [old Limestone City to-day iy _ fined $10. The warrants were te ill 3 t | Murray, Port : > Hamilton aid others, $666050999698849040494 i 2 } arg val will pay you to jand the people followed it well. ast OFFICE NO. 1. | bers d proceeded over the bridge [by ( «. Af. H or, of Har -4 «i ? i ing yp f rosse © PUT YOUR oa an plocseded v r we bri e |by apt Alf Hunter arrow Visit OBE shows | spring the cry for a lacrosse team : jon PEOPLES' + . All orders promptly attended te Of the Best Quality Frederick W. Meyer and wife, H. Hir- fand swam down. the stream. A crowd It has been treated' with special in due to the following emergetic com- wise and make 'your i Kingston Foundry. RING WORM AND DANDRUFF. ' Jarriefield whic h is now smith, warden in charge of the eastern | was raised, but those who called a lively tented city. The advance ! district. If it was a proven case of | rooms now. We 4 | {filed to do anything to support ' it. femeetm-------------- -- night or day. | _+| Notice to Oar Customers {parties which came on Saturday got !deliberate killing of the deer he would Will not fit you. Many say, "I | ) | . ¢. There is plenty of terial m this SAVINGS IN L busy at once, and it did not take long | have inflicted a heavier fine. . { emp h asi1ze jcity for a C.I.A. team next season if : : GLASSES never tried on a pair of glasses Our store will close at 0 " which suited me' precisely so, to erect the canves--bhabitations in [1 now," because |. 1f {the players were only given half. a | Which the troops will be quartered. for Drink For Health. th \ | chance to show what was in them a because they were made for ower o | 0'Clock sharp every night, eves. Our way is not to try om LLELPLLSLL0TLL000060000004 SARA eres Real Summer Weather. jmust be made from perfect' materials d . a the Fame, o would like to see othe August is concluding its existence for 'and free f y raw particular Ah oys get along, would turn out and : i o ¢ from contamination of eve ry 2 rive them ak in your eye and prescribe and It does not promise > | 1908 in a warm way, after two cool kind. Our clean, polished glasses are | lattention to the g n'a s10W, grind to order / the exact lens A GLOVER suited to your ef fe. . . night, but it i 8 the fing the forepart of the month." Weath- | and tastes. Wade's Drug S { N i 3 i | and tas p's g Store. our styles Il like. the Nothing as yet has been heard tau t safest investment we 3 or like this would be relished through ree You' m about a senior, junior or intermediate ew or inese es ran ¢ out. September; and there is a possi Theft Case Reported. J toa, We have a large variety rugby team this season, and it is i 82 Princess Street. at medium prices, such as | direction There is loads of good | I < 'of , ------ v s » . Lunch in the city. tail kinds some profit. [containing magazine and papers, fi . ' g Ame Pr One OF The Last. [ whic h had been left in his lane way, | R ssian Grey Squirrel, i Persian miterial , on the Lys > awaiting ® i Mga Tg Eagan gd Chiat Tuesday, 2:30 p.m. steamer Ame-| awaiting removal to the house, had | Lamb, Al aska Sable anXious'y lor the.chanee to get out the next twelve days. Everything ie] To be wholesome, sais. water ought la te r on 7 st land were given financial support. The REAL ESTATE [ev in readiness for camp work. {to look good, taste good and be ||Yarety caanot AN | apes and mahagéiment oh Sha < : igood. To .be good in every senfe it ba $0 doo \ : AES Lo 8 IgNLON! mieres) in 0" so good. We glasses until you: say you , are except Saturday. suited, but to measure the defect ecks. Yesterday and to-day have to mak our y > fee typical of the purity of our soda. It : . aKe y ich over i» [been almost as hot as any days dur- lis 'the kind that is as good as it looks | exclusiveness of What About City Rugby | know of, and one that jg [bility that the coming menth will be | f -2¥aal drawing quite close to the i -- i iwarm. "| Dr. J. G. Evans reported to the |jot's all pieces made up In good he. ang quite close to the time for Ede Open from 10.30 7 to 3.00 a.m. will pay you a hand- | ¢ | police yesterday that a packing case, for the players to get moving in that The-hest place to an all round | | and do something in' the football line. | | | rica for tour of the islands, He. [ been stolen. The ease had been left At present we are offering specially good bargans. NCS, 51 Brock street. others: Nearly all the seniors of last year | A. pPrsonal visk ho our optjeal my - > there early Saturday morning,' but / } ) : : . 3 epay you. are in the city, Crawford, Laird, ofice, will repay' yo 5 Ibs. union sweet biac urts, 20e. later it was missing. The books and | A : . 1 1c dh ; | Wm. Murray, Auctioneer a 13 wa hws miss] et us have your names lor] (Birch, Crozier, Mooney, Bearance.|® | ~ 3 6G Ibs. ginger snaps, 2c. { magazines are very valuable to Dr. Y Are, TOzZier, ooney, PAA . 2 - 3 lbs. mixed buscuits (fifteen va- | Evans, and if they are not located it | our new catalogue of Fur Mosley: Sofie, "Holder, it J BROCK 57. ¢ > der y 5 1 | rieties), 20e. {will mean a he avy loss to him. 9 Fashions, which will be issued hére, te Ee ha pn "ab | ® : Dr. A. P. Chown } Ros ITiage, Cutlass, { LLLLLLLLL002 DFS Finest crisp sodas, per box, 20c., at | polies will get busy on the case. ete., for sale. ST EOOEY. i shortly sentee. From these men a first-class ® ' | Mullin's . grocery. y - team 'could be chosen, and if they | @ Phone, B48, 185 Princess - Sale of ros every Saturday. * - |® i | start to work early enouch they rove] Worcestershire sauce, per bottle, 3e. Very superior photographs, of the | : Percentenary celebration at Quebec | 15 nutmegs Se. eescasnasses RY THE FIRST THIS SEASON. ; A - . amount to something before the sea- $ | appe ar in September Canadian maga- Jo tins ta ' »» son' is over. The ps management ou ~~ SATURDAY hey ae 1k {zine. Some of the cuts ate full-page | Pure cocos, per. Ib, Met : should take the team and also take| When one day out from Queenstown | oo hey ara ust |size, and are really graphic in the| Shredded'cocoanut, per Ib., 25c., at 7 . a junior team for the O.R.F.U. There |the Teutonic, of the White Star line, a | S025, 58 Brock Sr dl 35 presentation of that great national | Mullins grocery. : . i} |are lots of players for both and if [ran down a big whale, killing it. event. This magazine is growing more | Some much needed repairs have been Makers of Fine Furs, 'J | the same management has hoth A clever woman can take any. old All men are born free py equal, i distinetly literpry and high class, and | made to the breakwater, opposite the Princess St. makes it far better and not quite hing and make somuthing & new out of but no man is as independent as a is thus a lite erary credit . to Canada. town hall at. Portsmouth. } expensive as if they were single. "if. hired girl, 5 ph Te a esesssss Hi