I i OE Ea] | RAILWAY | IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway | LABOR DAY Round Trip Ticke i © at i ind FARE | Good th good to 3 Sth, 190K, . FARM LABORERS EXCURSIONS to | Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta ; $10.00 goirg trip, $15.00 additional for return. Leaving dates (August 20th, |«c 22rd, 27th, and Sept, 2nd, 11th and L4th. ; Canadian National Toronto, Ont., Aug. 39th to Sept. 14th, '¢8. tickets «will be sold at $3.55 Tuesday, Sept. 1st, an 7th, and at $4.90. Goo , Se 3, 8 going ptember ! ileturn Good going Monday, Sept, gOing on Aug. 29, 31 8,9 11, and 12 8 d re-| turning from Toronto on or before Tues- | day, Sept, 15, 1908 Kull particulars at Ke P., and C. P. R. Ti t Office, Ontario St. "Phone, 50. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Aggpt. FJ YOF QUINTE RAILWAY Train leaves union station, Ontario street, 4 pan. daily (Sundays excepted, for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and all points north. To secure quick despatch to Bannock- burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your shipmerits via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particu- lars, apply to R; W, DICKSON, Agent. 'Phone, No. 3. { i {1t is to keep the Bowels, | nature's provision | eliminating machinery of the bqdy | ; | concentrated juices of | fruits, .combined in such a way that their medicinal tensified. {late the action of Liver, | neys and Skin, thus clearing the sys- item of the accum lated waste and { poison, purifying the blood, and ban- | ishing those distressing troubles that make life miserable. APPLES, ORANGES FIGS AND PRUNES The God-given Cure for All Diseases of Bowels, Liver, Kidneys and Skin. Few people scem to realize how im- necessary-- Iidneys and portant--how absolutely 3kin in proper working order. They wonder why they have SalloWw Exhibition Complexions -- Indigestion -- Head- | aches--Rheumatism -- while all | time their poisoned with waste tissue {| gestible food Which 4, 5,| should have removed. the el and d indi- organs systems are clog these What they need are Fruit Juicess for keeping the "Fruit-a-tives" are the fresh, ripe working right. action is greatly in- They stimulate and regu- Bowels, Kid- No other remedy has ever been dise covered that does. this so effectively as boxes for $2.50. "Fruit-a-tives." 50c. a bo Trial size 25¢. Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. MOOSE Open Season. New Brunswick September foih-- November 30th Nova Scotia October Ist--November 30th Quebec September lst-- December 31st Write General Passenger Dept. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY MONCTON, N.B. For free copies of IT IS TO THE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY HOUSEKEEPER IN CANADA TO USE THEA: i a2 «+ +e.» . » Magic Baking Powder. Qillett's Perfumed Lye. Imperial Bakirg Powder, Gillett's Cream Tartar. Royal Yeast Cakes. QGillett's Mammoth Blae, Magic Baking Soda. Qillett's Washing Crystal. MADE FOR OVER 50 YEARS. (ssvasusHED 1082) COMPANY E.W.GILLETT 0iirea TORONTO.ONT. & { "| | "Moose in the Micmac Country" | "Fishing and Hunting." | Toronto Ticket Office, é King | St. East. | General 'Passenger Department, | Moncton, N.B. | CEI | GRA IRL \ SYSTEM . » . Farm Laborers' Excursion To Winnipeg and points Chicago, on or 27th, at 11th, and 14th, and via Tordnt« North Bay, on Aug. 27th, Seph, 11th, and 14th. Fare $10.00. Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Oat. Aug. 29 to Sept. 14 Return tickets .will be issued at $3.55, Sept. 1st, and Sept. 7th, and at $4 Aug. 29th, 30th, 31st, Sept. 2 «D006, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Txkets not goed on trains 1, 2, 3 All tickets good to return until 15th LABOR DAY, Monday, Sept. Tth Return tkckets will be issued SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, going Sept. 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th turning on or before 'Tuesday, Sept Reduced Fares to Pacific Coast Points lonist tickets to lorado, ldaho, at 1st -- | west via "nd, | ), or 2nd, 3 or 4 Sept g00 re Stha. British Mexico, very low to Oct One way C« Columbia, Ce Oregon and -W t 'or full HANLEY, Ontario Sts lars, apply t« par J I" Corner Jonglson and Agent, Lake Ontario & Bay ofiQuinte Steamboat Co. LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER 1,000 ISLANDS | { 5 \ > ~ Strs. NORTH KING. Commencing June 27th, leave King ston for Thousand Island points daly except Monday, at 10.15 a.m, Return- ing leave at 5 p.m., for Charlotte, N.Y. (Fort of Rochester), calling at Bay of Quinte Ports. STR. ALETHA--Leaves Mondays Bay of Quinte Ports- at § p.m. Full information from JAMES SWIF & CO, Freight Agents, J. P. HANLEY, Oe 8, KIRKPATRICL. Ticket savant, STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND :-- ' 7.830--9.15 a.m. 1,004.00 p.m 30---9.15 a.my 1.00400 p.m Sl 7.830---9.15 amy 1.00--4.00 p.m THURS., Breakey"s Bay 30 a.m, 15 amy 9.15 a.m. for 1.80 p.m. 3 1.00--4.00 p.m 8.00 1.00--4.00 p.mp 5, 10.00, 12.30 a.m. SQL. LEAVES KINGSTON -- 5.830--11.30 a.m. 3.005.830 p.m 8.80--11.30 a.m. 8.00--5.30 p.m, 8.30-11.830 a.m. 3.005.830 p.m THURS. 8301.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 7 p,m. Breakey's Bay, 3 p.m. tl. 8.80+11.30 a.m. 3.005.830 p.m 0-11.30 a.m. 8.00--5.30 p.m . 4.45 a.m. 1.155.830 p.m. Sat --Special trip to Simcoe and Spoor's dock, at' 3.00 p.m, Time Table subject to change without notice. * Hoat calls at Garden Island snd from Kinestoas going MLR LINE Mail Montreal to Liverpool 11 MON. TUES, WED, . Island to Sept Oct, Oct ™ hs Corn contains no acids ; is harmless because com only of healing gums and balms. use; 25¢. bottles. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS \ a oe Ck Headache and relieve all the trois ined t to a bilious state of the system ness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after ng, Pain in the Bide, &o. While the'" mom gomarkable success Lag been show 1d Gul SICK Qicadache, yet Carter's Little Liver FF sie dyually valuable in Constipation, curing aud pre- wating thisannoyjtig complaint, while they slse tall disorders of thestomach, stimvlate the and regulate the bowels. Even if they caty $ohe they would bealtiost priceless to ti: vee 'whe @uffer from thisdistressing complaint; but fortw B*ely their goodness does notend here, ana those whoenve try' them will find these little pills vale in so many ways that they will not be wit todo without them. But after allsick heed ACHE #%e bene of #0 many lives that here ia "here Wumake our great boast, Cur pillacureit while thers do not, + Qarter's Little Liver Pills are very smal: .nd emmy to take. One or two, Fle makea dod. y are sgrictly vegetable and do not gripe ag but by their gentle action please all Wha em. Invialaat25cents; five for $1. / Jy druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York Spal fl mal Zi Small Prom YO MIS MAJESTY THE KING ; Sir John Power & Son Ltd. ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its delicacy of flavor. Of highest standard of Purity. It is especially recommended by the \dedical Profession or account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" CURED IN 24 HOURS You ean painlessly remove any corn, either ard, soft or bleeding, bY applying Putnam's Extractor, It never burns, leaves no scar, Fifty years in guaranteed. Sold by all druggists Refuse substitutes. Cure nformation HANLEY KIRKPAT- obtumn G.T.R Local d row or Agent Agent RICK If om hal the world doesn't know how the other half lives, it to he. informed. that the process is the simple one of not paying its bills. ongat +CORN EXTRACTOR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1908. RAILWAY COMMISSION HAS PROVED A VALUABLE . BODY. . ---- Cases For Consideration Increas- ing--Judge Mabee Makes a Splendid Chairman--The Board Sits at Winnipeg on Sept. 10th. Ottawa, Aug. '31.--The utility "of the railway commission of Canada is em- phasized by the increasing volume of work which * is necessitating the appointment of three extra members. Last year, ending June 30th, the number of application# to the board and its general business increased by thirty-five per cent in comparison with the preceding twelve months. The board heard arguments in over five hundred cases. There is always a number, which though entered for for hearing, is settled by private conference between the parties in- terested, or referred to one of the board's experts. The complicated ques- tions, and there have been many dur- ing the past year, concern only those ol freight rates. There have not been many complaints in gespect of the passenger tariffs, telegraph, telephone and express companies which come within the jurisdiction of the boara, but apart from the general enquiry in progress as regards express rates, this part of the board's business is small in comparison with the rest. ] The new chairman, Judge Mabee, has made good in his position. His most noteworthy characteristic is his faculty in dealing with cases and an ability to quickly get at the kernel of a matter in dispute. / His judicial training and fine legal mihd 'are of particular value to the board in the application of the glaw to the facts ..f a case There will a sitting on Tuesday and some days following and about twenty cases have been entered for hearing Un ythe 10th the board will sit if innibeg, where a lot of west- ern matters will be heard. While it is not customary to make public their reports, it is understood that inspee- tors of the commission east and west are keeping an eye on the C. P. R. rolling stock in view of the strike. be "CHOICE TOMATOES." Cases That Attracted Attention During Election. Truro, N.S., Aug. 29.--The trial of Alonzo R. Bayne, charged with breach- es of the election law last November, was resumed before Stipendiary Crowe. The crown has been joined with Fulton, the prosecutor, in this case, and this gives it more pretentious character. Counsel on both sides took up most of the time of the court with arguments over questions, which the stipendiary in most cases allowed, but several times he refused the prosecu- tion to go the limit. Owe witness, who had been let go by the proseeution, was wanted a second time. The court refused to have him recalled. The witnesses examined testified that of cases of goods marked "choice to- matoes"" that came to unknown par- ties just before the election were tak- en delivery of by it seemed nobody could remember whom. George W. Stuart, chairman of the conservative committee, swore that he had known Bayne about a month be" the election in connection with mining matters. He was called up and talked with Bayne over the telephone. Bayne was at Five Islands and Bayne wanted him to ask Frank Stanfield | when he was going to senda lot of small streamers that was promised him. Stuart says he replied he knew nothing about them. He supposed the streamers were printed matter. Later he asked Stanfield about them and got no information. There was further | evidence about the carrying of a sat- | chel to Five Islands, which may have had liquor or something else. Ralph Aston swore he had one these, from know tents. fore of which he said he thought came Frank Stanfield, but he did not | and was ignorant of its con- | wm BRYAN"S MAIL ENORMOUS Popular ' Subscription Plan Collecting Funds. Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 29.--The "popu- lar-subscription" plan of campaign adopted by the democrats has swelled Mr. Bryan's mail, which was large before the campaign contribu tions began to come in, to enormous | size. Waggon loads of it every day, but only a 'small percent-| of the letters to _ the nominee for president reach his de No human being could take care of one-fourth of the mail that is received by the Bryans every day ? "Brother Charlie"' Bryan is the man upon whom falls the task of taking care of the greater portion of the let- ters. All of W. J. Bryan's mail goes first to his newspaper office, where it is sorted, and where the greater po tion of it- is answered. Mail that de- the attention of the candidate himself is sent to Fairview and there, in addition to Mr. Rose, Mr. Bryan's confidential. secretary, a force of stenographers is kept at work answer- ing letters and acknowledging the re- ceipt, of campaign money. : Thousands of democrats throughout the country seem to prefer to send their offerings direct to the nominee instead of to the national treasurer, Gov. Haskell. After each instalment of mail is gone through there is a of | very : \ are received ) age addressed SETVEeS LAURIER TO LEAD. Chiei Liberal Whip Expects Vie- tory For Party. Toronto, Aug. 20--The News lishes the following : bs A cheerful optimism as to the result of the pending general elections is en- tertained by W. S.C jens X Py Strath- . who is at the, Kin pard. " Kfter the moke of p has clear- ed away, you'll find that there has not been much change in the present relative strength of the two parties," he said: "In Ontario there are thirty-seven libefal members to forty-nine conserva- tives at the present time, and we count on holding Bis position. 'It was feared by 'some Of the party a few months ago that Sir James Whitney's big victory might injure us in he federal Yiortons, but that fear has passed away. ve heard some Say that 'the fact that the conservatives are strong in the 'prov- ince is a good reason for keeping the liberals strong at Ottawa. As a matter of fact that idea of a balance between the parties is found to have been main- tained 'in the past" : "Sir Wilfrid Laurier is spending all his time during his Ontario trip in the western part' of the province and is keeping away from the cities," remark- ed the reporter. "What does that inp dicate ?" 2 . "Well, the liberal strength in On- tario lies in the country not in the cities," replied the chief liberal whip, "and we thought it would be better to have the premier speak in the country. It. will be the best means of holding Ontario. There would be little use of his speaking in the cities especially a place like Toronto that is so sohdly conservative, ; "The six places where he will speak, howewed, "have been selected so. as to allow the electors of the largest -pos- sible number of ridings to get a chance to hear him. Strathroy is one of those places, and it is near the eorners of three or four ridings. Clinton, another plage, is between East and West Huron and easily accessible by railway 'from other parts." FINANCIAL STRINGENCY. Trying to Prevent It In the Do- minion. New 'York, Aug. 29.--Yesterday ship- ments of gold to Canada make the to- tal for the movement approximately, $10,500,000. The shipments for the day were in exeess of $2,250,000 and at- tained particular importance from the development of the fact that the Can- adian government is urging its bank- ers to make the utmost provision for the crop movement in the dominion "last. year." A banker in charge of the local bfinchés of a prominent Ca- nadian bank said yesterday, "Cana- nadian bankers had on deposit in this city as much as $400,000,000. What- ever is the cause for the retention of Canadian money during the panic, the Canadian finance department is bring- ing pressure to bear upon' Canadian banks to call home their money so there may be no possibility of any financial ® stringency in the dumnion this fall." Distress Aiter Eating.- If your food sours, ferments # di- ests. slowly, causing pain, or Hautu- aes. take. Day's Dyspepsia Cure and restore your stomach to proper ac- tivity, It removes all evils arising from in- digestion or dyspepsia. This preparation has digestive, ton- ic and laxative properties. Each bot- tle contains gixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's Drug Store. Wore Old Clothes. Robert Austin, the baby boy of Rev. A. P. and Mrs. Stanley, of Maxwell, was baptised by Rev. W. P. . Boyce, B.A., B.D, of Conway, on Thursday afternoon, Aug. 27th, at the baby's great grandfather's, John Sharp, Na- panee. The baby wore a dress em- broidered and hand made by great grandmother, the late John Sharp. The dress was also worn at the christening of the child's grand- | father, the late Lucas Sharp, of Mor- ven. ; How To Kill Caterpillars. Berlin, Aug. 31.--A writer in a Ger- man paper says that every caterpillar and slug has disappeared from his garden since he allowed his boy to ride a motor bicycle around the gar- den, states the Motor Cycle. He is convinced that the exhaust fumes from the engine acted as a caterpillar de- stroyer, and he has never seen his gar- den with such a show of fruit and flowers. Spree ------ Testator's Objection To Brains. Hamburg, Aug. 31.--Bertha Schultz, a young dressmaker in Hamburg, finds herself in a difficult predicament ow- ing to the fact that an'uncle has-be- queathed her $10,000 on condition that she never marries a man engaged in an intellectual occupation. She is al- ready engaged to an accpuntant, and she and her fiance are now endeavor- ing to persuade - the "law that _ the work is purely mechanical. «Big Cut In Prices." 2 lbs. finest Japan tea, siftings 1 Ib. 40c. black tea, 25e. 1 1b. 40e. Japan tea 25c. 1 Ib. 40c. Java cofiee, 20c. Till September _lst inclusive, Mullin's grocery. 25¢. at Relic Of Roman London' 'London, Aug. 29.--A portion of the Roman wall, measuring sixty-feet in length, ten feet in height and eight feet six inches in width, has been un- covered during the demolition of houses in America square in the city. great piled of drafts, cheques, and money orders," representing campaign | contributions, and these negotiable] bits of paper are semt to the bank twice each day, and when the acepunt | has grown to liberal proportions a big draft is forwarded to the national treasurer. . John Bradhour, of Faraday, heen sentenced to the county jail at Belleville for a month for having knocked his wife down, because the woman refused to work in the harvest field. has No-Rent Campaign. Dublin, Aug. 31.--Major Dawson having refused to give a reduction of , four shillings in the pound to : his { tenants at Noughaval, county West { Meath, or to sell his estate to them, { the tenants have decided to pay no { more rents, but to place them with a trustee. fF The material of the wall is sandstone. Forty Children Of One Mother. Madrid, Aug. 29.--Forty children, { including three sets of twipE)\ have been born to Tito and Susama | Lou- dons, who lise in the Spanish ~illage of Rio Negro, in Aragon. Twenty-five children survive Your Corn Troubles. All corn troubles cease when Peck's Corn Salve is used. It removes all sorts of corns, quickly, surely and without pain. In big boxes, 15¢., 'at Wade's Drug Store. . Caught With Rod And Line. Cardifi, Aug. 29.--Whilé fishing for pollak, off Penzance, H. Ensoll hooked a shark and played it for half an hour. The shark measursd five feet ten inches in length. _ his | Mrs. | ' NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario. _ The Oddiellows' decoratioh day in Napanee, will be on Sunday. Rev. W. H. Emsley and wife, Napa- nee, leave, on Monday, for a month's trip in the west. . John Dingman, Brighton, was fined $5 and costs for purchasing liquor in prohibited hours. The civic holiday features at Gana- ranoque cost $201. The yacht club will pay' the deficit of 815. The show of the Addington Agricul tural Society will be held at Tam- , worth on_September 26th. 4 Joel Earl died at his late residence, in Prescott, on Friday last, at the ad- vanced age of eighty-three years. J. S. Lochhead, Centreville, has a ! white horn hen that presented its ! owner with an egg measuring 6% by 8 | inches. Frank Loney, a former resident - of Prescott, died suddenly in Chapleau, on 14th inst. He was forty-five years of age. : i Brockville. council has decided put the isolation hospital in first-class condition before another winter rolls around. rigll s Mrs. Harriet Young, Prescott, died on Thursday after an illness of seve- ral months. She was thirty-three years of age. 4 Rev. J. B. Mclennan, Campbelliord, has accepted a call to pastorate of Baptist © church, Almonte, and'. will soon assume charge. i Sixty years wedded is the record of Mr. aad Mrs. Archibald Tripp, Spen- cerville. Their diamond wedding cele- bration occurred last week. The statement of the election ex- mses of R. L. Joynt and G. H. erguson shows the former spent $191.94 and the latter $350.93. Edward lLetang has the contract of building the piers for the new K. & P. railway bridge over the Madawaska | river at Calahogie and has commenced | work. 7 Mr. and Mrs. David Burgess, Palace Road, Napanee, announce the rmar- riage of Their third daughter; Miss Grace, to Wesley Salisbury, Yarker, son September 2nd. Morrison and McGuire have chased the livery business of Rollins & Son, Belleville. Mr. pur- R. Mor- formerly resided in Tweed. Owing to continued ill-health Rev. J. Ferguson Miller has been = com- selled to resign the pastorate of the lakeney and Clayton Presbyterian congregations.and will go west, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown an- nounce the marriage of their youngest daughter, Tressa May Keech, to Al- onzo Jackson, both of Enterprise, to take place on Sept. 2nd, at the Me- thodist church, Enterprise. Through the kindness of Charles Macdonald, in lending his yacht Kate, the choir of Christ Church had a most enjoyable trip among the . Thousand Islands, on Wednesday, calling at Alexandria Bay and other points of interest. The death occurred in Calabogie, on Saturday, of William ' Ryan, at the ripe old age of ninety-seven. The de ceased 'was born in Glengarry, Ont; and had-been a resident of Calabogie for many years. Mrs.-N. Stoughton and Mrs. M. Killoran, of Calabogie, are daughters. Cave Dwellers In Battle. London, Aug. 29.--After an exciting battle, squatters living in caves dug out of the earth at Stoke Heath, near Coventry, have been driven away by a band of youths armed with stones. The squatters gained a living by turn- ing over a refuse heap, and their presence caused much resentment . in the neighborhood. English Naval Footballers. London, Aug. 31.--The admiralty has provided a fine new playground for the sailors of the channel fleet at Port- land, the old naval recreation ground having been found to be inadequate to 'the sporting needs of the bluejackets. Lord Charles Beresford has promised to open the ground on September 3rd, when the fleet will play a football match with Dorset county. Profit-Sharipg For Gasworkers. . London, Aug. 31..-The directors of the Tottenham and Edmonton Gas company have decided to troduce a system of profit-sharing for their em- ployees, to whom the scheme was ex: plained at a meeting of 500 or. 600 of the officers and workmen last night. The bonus will vary with the price of gas, and at the present rate will amount to £4 10s per £100 earned per annum, ; rs -------- Saved By A Blind Man. London, Aug. 31.--A laundress acci- dentally lost her balance and fell into the river at Saumur, yesterday. Her cries attracted the attention of "a blind man named Dessessart, who plunged into the water and brought her to the bank in safety. Year's Supply Of Water. Lopdon, Aug. 31.--The report of the Metropolitan Water Board states that 80,170,900,000 gallons of water were supplied for consumption during the year ended March 3lst last. - Hunting Womin Ride Astride. London, Aug. 29.--Many of the wo- men followers of the Devon and Som- erset staghounds [are riding astride. TEACH YOURSELF NOW For Your Own--Your Children and Your Friends Sake. Diseased parts of can best be reached by dry air. The bronchial tubes and lungs can only be reached by dry air. Hyomei is a dry air treatment from which you' get the Balsamic effect of living in the Pine and Eucalyptic Forests, where ca- tarrhal and bronchial troubles do not exist. 4 Hyomei destroys the germs that cause disease of the breathang organs; vou simply by the use of a rubber in- haler, mix Hyomiei air with your in- ward breath as it reaches the diseased [parts where catarrhal, bronchial, croup or peeumonia gérms are multi- plying by millions their life is snuffed out, as they are the disease, their ex- termination means quick improve- ment. % G. W. Mahood has the agency Hyomei and will furnish the comp) oWit for $1, under guarantee to sat- isfy. to |" rison is from Sidney and Mr. McGuire | the air passages FOR CLOSE ON TO SIX YEARS The Incomparable. Table Water, Phire Rock Pure, Brilliant, Sparkling has been served ON THE TABLE KING EDWARD Vit. DELICTOUSLY REFRESHING. be OF To had at all first-class Grocers and Hotels, Messrs, RIGNEY & HICKEY, Distributors for vicinity XS on "and F, X. St. Charles & Co., Ltd., Agents, Montreal, J 'School Days! Schdol Days! Dear Old Golden Rule * Days. » Of course, the children need new School Shoes, and you should try the House of Good Shoe Making if you have been having poor luck in he All; wear of the shoes you have buying elsewhere. our lines are now complete: First Fall Showing of the New: American Styles Both our windows show the smart new-styles. of Men's and Women's Footwear for fall. As usaal we are a few weeks ahead of the other fel" lows with our new gocds, and a year ahead in style. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO The Home of Good Shoe Making. i V8 i CLL0L0000000066000600:00000000000000 8 PRICE COMPLETE $1.00 This light gives " Maintained' Efficiency." That means a good light ; not only when the mantle is just light, but all time. THE | Kills without crushing and does not soil the most delicatéh fabrics or injure the highest polis h. 10c. each, Druggists, Hard ware »=4 Grocers. 2 ig : The Canada Life Assurance Company Holds the strongest Reserves of any Life Assurance Company made Full particulars of how a poliey will shape for the office--18 Market Street, ed J. O. HUTTON, s V t a-------- "KING" FLY KILLER