Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Sep 1908, p. 1

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he _ MEAR 76--NO. 206. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 3 T TE -------- TWO DEATHS AT STELLA. MAY PROVOKE A VOTE. y Ek Ric * - IN on err i rrr rr KEEP, | RUGGED F ORM Toroato, Sept. Winter Feed. % Pope. " L Stella, Aug. 31.--Harvesting is about - ; ; I--0ttawa Val : ft ley and Upper St. completed. = The threshing machines The Liss Made Up te to the Central ort. job tm to crop ung ill bon of) SAE Le > Battlefields Commission is Mot Agreed 2 Layreoce [0am one. Grain is turning out fairly well "i where it was sown early. Owing to Cj : PY : . R. R. 80 miuch corn planted, which is a , ho on ans : winds, fair and , good crop, there will be plenty of g : . ' . very warm, with feed for the winter months. Buek- f-- RR : local thunder- : + fwheat is' looking well and potatoes a i . : : will be a fair crop = . oa ) 1s to-night. Wed day, be- Henry J. McCormick Has Made Complete dy nt, vou 0 nun | | CEE, WORE | | Some Member Want Plains Converted Into aor, niet Welnesdey Restitution - to" the Com- or ha ap Hecinl tip Egy. VEE Modern Park, Others Wish Land Pre- a pany. ig eft fou Burvifiold sump OB : SE 4 | 'served as it is. : wens 'an operation, Inst week, in the ™~ vw ---- ree---- % : . {Hotel Dieu, Kingston, is improving ra- | } 3 . | v ! t NY : Henry pidly. A MeDonald, Emerald, bas A ! s Po. Toronto, Sept. 1.--The News sa Ho ays and flowers. This is the de- | Watertown, Sept. : : : "Henry J. McCormick ha made | purchase 8 f . McCormick, the . defaleating claims i Ormies s made purchased a house and lot from J. comp slete restitution to the New York McMullen, in Stella, 'abd is moving Earl agent of t Rome, Watertown and ' . ' A 5 ' 4 n arl Grey's plan. 8 he ha or L0 i { Central and Hudson River Railroad |to it, where he intends opening up a & | bration at Quebec are nearly all in, B f Coie Ogdensburg railway division, charged | b ; : ut seme of the outside members with forgery in the sedond degree and | ©™PanY of all moneys claimed to carpenter shep. Mes. Bray Jost a 13 and the total cost will run between have demyrred. Py ATC * P & 3 « { grand ae eny in the first Pu and { have been misappropriated by him and | valuable horse a few days ago. Miss 3 \ ! pe 3 00 and $340,000, leaving. a sur-| "If we: char ge the whole landscape . Te ahr gree, that has bee done without any pre-|Anna Filson Kingston, is visiti g her N ; plus of between $10,000 and $25, 000 t hore ; 4 : pe, now awaiting the action of the gremd | , ne 1 . % 0 | wher will the battlefields come in ? jury, has disgorged all of the spoils {mise of immunity or forbearance of | Sister, Mes aughey, before leav- Ng hand over for the parks fund. they ask. *The land will be no whit gained through the alleged fraudulent { prosee ution against him. Every claim, ing for Cleveland, Ohio. : / { The pageants, which were estimated | different hom hundreds of other parks settlement of claims a his ix which has been settled under his ad- Two deaths be curted here' last week. to cost 875,000, will require $95,000, | here and in the United States. Ther : g | ministration a ims agent, has been | Mrs. Charles Smith, who has Been a | DUKE OF NORFOLK owing to the slump in grand stand re. | will be nothing distinctive al years service, according to the state- : : i sufferer for some time yased li "wl T bo { = inctive about ment given out by his "counsel, Attor- jivestigated and" in-evary ease jilwas Ww ; 4 Pa alray lian, sept. - L==The" 'Sacls and | ceipts wy | &ppearance; nothing to found that the claimant had received |00 = Wednesday morning, Aug. 26th, other Italian liberal newspapers print Ihe News has it on good authority | the meeting eron of ney Thomas Burns, and is now ready | : nd Friday, Aug.' 28h. David Me. | Pi I g ground of i to start Life net ith Jean sat | the full amount agreed to be paid -to | 8m z Fiday, Aug. Sth, avid 1¢- | a rumor, which it is alléged emanates | that there is a serious division among { past. it will be like putting a modern rovided: he ae Sey . he : : og Ls {him or her in settlement; so that no | Kee passed' sugdenly away while Sit from a vatican' source, to the effect | the members of the Battlefields' com- | frame on an old picture, or even Ps He ha 8 8 en - Se titan. | Widow, orphan 'or in fact any claim- | V0¢ Yad 5 couch; He hail been in | that the Duke of Xorfolk inténds * to | mission over the future plans for. the | touching it y © > eo es gt | . M 8 - > \ } ' . ro ar £2 made 3 Samp : e re i ant has been defrauded or-lost a sin- pas healt Ho ori time. Both bo | provoke a vote at the Eucharistic | battlefields 'Keep it as it is ough as when 60 ds. to eh \ 0 . i : "0 . gh ¢ on he apt piri in : gle penny by remsen af his transac Eo were taken ior i enood cemetéry | Congress, in London, im favor of the . As they stand at present they are | the soldiers and Montcalm tripped or ra', AceoRding © tions." or interment. rd. R. Patterson and } restoration of the temporal power of [in a state'of rugged nature, little dif- | over its uneven" surfaces. It could be the statement of his attorney, and Miss Bessie © McDonald have returned | the papacy It may be recalled that | ferent fr 1 2 ( Ww " {| rl ole now has nothing left but a small tene-| It has been published. that' McC cr home from Buffalo Mrs. C'. Patter- | uke of Norfoll a ih an rent from the time Gen. olie saw | used as a play-ground for football, £ I 8 al ocd i £1 500. { mick turned back to 'the railroad com- | Buffalo, i Rhy i er- | the Duke of . orfolk, eight years ago, | them on the morning after his esca- { baseball, en, in ya ee Be a oy I pany about $60,000. Attorney Burns| 7 Palo, 13 VISiting friends 'here. | when presenting an' English pilerim- | lade of. the cliff. It had. bee n proposed | Beep it as it is; do not destroy. jts J se © ® . v 0 |g » x * , » 3 C11 a { } v \ ich le pure a i »e oe Db * eat | states that that 'amount jis creatly WHO'S BODY I jage lo the lw Pope Leo X11I, ex- {to transform their barrenness into a | meaning by tr ansforming it claims agent, and during the time tha i SE 00'S BOD S IT. | pressed a warm wish for the restora- | beauty of a®national park with trees, | dern drivewavs he has been confined to jail, since |eXaggerated. Although Attorney Burns ---- {tion of the temporal power This gue Sth, it js said thyt Attorney | ould sake Jo Jchinite stewing N Clad in Clothing Made in Hamil- [aroused an outbirst of indignation | 7% a ? vs urns has advanced money with [19 understooc a L-ofmich, : among the anti-cleries aly. here 41 which to support his family {probably be indicted by the crand : ton, . ony 8 ! { PITH OF THX NEWS. . erents, the Caid Glaaui, has been : | jury the two « ts and will plead'| McKeesport, Pa., Sept. 1.=1t is now emp - defeated by followers of Abdul Aziz Following is the statement given |1Ury on the two counts and will plea . J ' an } § out by 'Attorney Burns : | guilty without demanding a trial. believed that the body taken from Dog Went Up Mount. The Very Latest Culled From All| and another chief, who 1 tly joined | The accounts for the tercentenary cele Site of the Quebec members and was Full Store -- OF -- SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE. ARAAAAAA AAS AAS A 0 0 its TOU VVYVVVVVVVYYYYY re AAAAAAAALAL LL 040 o TV VVVVVVYYVYYY goli, for reviews of all kinds into mo AAANAARAAAA ALAS Greets you upon entering store TO-DAY One department alter another is just filled woh crisp new goods for fall and winter, and none attracts more universal attention from the Ladies® than our Trimming. Department | the Monogaheln river, here, a few| Geneva, Sept. 1.--What is probably Over The World. the forces of the sultan, is reported | m-- Hy -- days ago, was that of Faneuil Des / the first unattended ascent of Mount Winnipeg's mew post office will be | 12 De carrying everything before him. Béthune, a wealthy 'New York' lawyer, | Blane, by a dog, was made on Aug opered next month The new Sut} bucket shop aw is in who disappeared over a week ago. 23th Juimmaz, Rhe owner of a Farl Gray spent Sunday and Mon- efecy in New York state. The act 25 sy | Bethune left a note to his wife which | young St" Bernard, left Chamonix the y nv 8 Y prohibits the sale or exchan of s And Jumping Off, the Woman | Pastor Announces - *'Spooning"' indicated that he intended going to [day before to accompany the Russian eo hury Sound. says he will | Curities when the &htract" is base Was Killed. { Parlor Will Open Friday. Canada "to "tommit suicide. He was | astronomer Stephanik on a visit to not 'a >t any noiaination. for a led: merely on the public margin quota Dunnville, Ont., Sept. 1.--Mrs. Fred St. Louis, Mo., Sept. l.--Announce- | traced as far_as Buffalo, but where he | the observatory at the summit, where |...) CONSE tUOREY tions, and there is no actual hona fide erick Bier, Buffalo, was accidentally | ment was made by the Rey W F. | went "afterwards is not known The {he stayed. The dog tracked: Taimmaz The cruiser Cornwall sails for St receipt or del livery of such securities killed at Canfield Junction. She bad | Andrews, pastor of the Centenary Me- [body found in the river was clad in by scent and arrived at the summit | jh, and Halifax. with the naval a , The work of double tracking the C been visiting friends at Nelles'" Cor- | thodist Episcopal church, south, that [a suit made by the Ww. E. Sanford | exhaysted and hungry, after a jour- det: on SepWEEber Oth Pp. R. line hetwoen Winnipeg and Fort ners, and was returning home with Jon next Friday evening the church | Co.,: limited, iof Ha fo Ont. ney of about fourteen hors James McLean, Fort William was Willinm which has been occupying the | her husband. 1 ley got off the Port parlors will, open 'for the fall season caught on a bridge by a C P.R. train attention of the C.P.R. for the past ! i { . , ---- . hree rs ' acti Dover train and by mistake got on [for the reception of young men and at Woman River and killed three immer will be practically the train for Hamilton instead of their sweethearts There will be The auditors report that Col. Les- Fampleted this fall, and the major Ror that for Buffalo. They discovered | music. recitations and refreshments [lies shortage ns treasurer of the To tion of it will be used to facilitate their mistake when the train was mov and chaperones will be provided for ronse exhibition was $24,900 he JU ¢ Rusporiation of the pre i sent wea « op. ing, and Mr. Bier jumped offi. Mrs Friday night gatherings ; he New .Ontario Publishing Co. Bier followed him, falling on her head A great many young women have EE will shortly issue a new daily paper, on the p latform, causing concussion of | ho place to entertain their beaus at the Northern Star, at Sudbury. , NEWS OF DISTRICT. . the brain. She 'died an hour later. aome or in boarding houses," said Holl 's Bly 'resi : Cas. -- ' dE ae om tn. Li Awarens, ened hoy have to strofl | 4 pp en at 00 er---- a es ae le blame Tor the | The Tidings From Variout Points | ME A TRAMP. around the city to enjoy cach others existing unpleasantness on Venezuela dom in Eastern Ontario. BLA company. Our Shure pain "iy be | All the provinces of Persia are in.a At Brockville, Saturday evening, at He is Believed to Havd Fired open A - iE i ym oth ie Append icitis. {state of anarchy, and the country ap- { Mrs. Frederick Goulette's, Miss Ada i oles 3 itl Te thos ei thy ) 3 ars . { pears fo bé on the verge of civil war. Elizabeth Alice Gilbert was united in ; F d ; Stephen White; Halifax, aged ninety: | marriage to William J Brockville, Sept. 1,--A serious fire | ome without scorts will be well ---- -- one, was seriously burned by the up- Montreal : GOT ON WRONG TRAIN / CHURCH CHAPERONES. VV VVVVVVVVVVVY Better than ever, ever, that's saying too, much. We never before ed such a range of novelties Beautiful Trimmings In Appliques, Tunsertions, Galons. Bandings, Motives, etc, in colors White and Black. Smart Suit Braids "All the new desirable novelties, together with a great range of plain Silk Braids, #1 colors White also Black. Rich Laces Crochet Plauen, Orient lipure Efeats ns, Medall VV VVYVVVVVVVY AARAAANAAAAAL AAA AR LM Pritchard, took place at thefiarm of Henry ooked after setting of a lamp and'ts not likely to Elmer G. Moore and Miss Mildred pohnaton, tent Fiankuille, when | im copiers connected vith he -|4. E.Morden Goes to North Vancouver toe. tar, Noate aud Miss Nilired, large barn was destroyed. The farm event met the The io. Warld save that Not] ; g ! ; he Toronto wld savs that No Stevenson, Brockville. were tiotiy was leased by a man named Curtis, | Jeneral church funds L k A P, Th C ll . York conservatives are eager to 10 mi : 5 <Q . aad od Ju placed" Tar cr ook After a Paper--The Collegiate |}: fiurjeimoes mov fo vom: maven Sil of some 600 bushels of grain and PECULIAR MISHAP. ) 1 manse, Prescott , : - mons ' George W Barnard died several tons of hay in it I'he fire -- I { t f Ni { R dy Yet K. Kat ister of fovel i ; g . arng d, on ' \ " . ato, mister ol foreign al ¢ « 1 ~ cent de was incendiary. A tramp called at the | Matche Ignited--Was + Nearly | nstitate 0 ea iaire~unde: fortoer cabinets will. Ba ay ny Ing. in St Vin nt « : 7 ¢ ' ospital, MOCK Ville, ter ar 11 house, Friday and demanded food. He Burned to Death. ------------ the next . nese ambassador 10 | axtending over three : . was refused admittance, whereupon he Quebec. Sept. 1. --The daughter of : 3 : made threats. Three. houses were burn \ Irie n ™ kson. anéd fv Ss. met - / ed. The tramp is described as being of wit} sainful 'accident hp : . | three weeks, one of which she was ill scorer, NS. Asear yy three i dark ¢ 1 five fect ¢ inches 0 pointy a vith 2 | I ; A. E. Morden, a prominent resident k complexion, five nine inch little tot 'was sent on a ¢ 0 with appendicitis, the death, late on! . 1 n A v. F : with a grey suit 1 : t i Mo pt oo Frid in BI field. of M Shrub of the town, contemplates pulling up ; | Re ad rio d the cers 85 { earby roeery store ontea riday, in Bloomfield, of Mrs. Shrubb; | of kes y iy we ooks' | Dadian ci " v unid ' --a ward 'and brought home a package of SO ) I tak and lea : in vo, week hg Sovents iz vearsY uniting i ar s Mit : = : , ; : 5 was 1nexpressibly sad The oung wo- time, for Britis! olumbia. goin to fo | nie, their thir < to Matthew A Dangerous Experiment. matc instead of the article she . | ' \ | oods, Los Angeles. has) ] Lol Q 1 --Will Ww ht | wa nt for I'he father of the child {man, whose maiden name was Augus- [North Vancouver to manage the me i Ure i oh tb | he Webster, chmans, Nept Liber righ 4 "Be \ t E 3 . ¢ o' EXDrags ; MN 0 12 0 ore an he friends : dit) 3ia} ; ! reports | sent her back Us the store for what [ta Shepperd, was born at Salmon ih hanical end of the Express, of which re nend ! Edith Bishoy antl AAAAAAA ASL VV VVVYVVVYYYYYYY months CIM Ss. Of 0 5 ¥ 1 i 1 1 Alember Scottish agricultural Monday morning. a the home ommission sg ¢ is no hope of Picton, Sept A bride of "only was' six, ating his next nearest London . | din: five vears | Ir. and rs Jacob Morris, Athens remon ) he embargo against Ca RARAAAAARAAL VVVVVVVVVVYY is brother, 1 G. H. Morden, a |®- vill be interested 1 the amounce a little later was |p irhi aoc CRIS BUN Sh ' 4 atel y \ v pure-blooded | s . ul Point, eighteen years ago. She was former Pictonian. business manager ik tar oo | mer wer marriage, on August | that he would try to t+ revoss P - ¢ 3 . ; 1 ix La u ook third prize i ; Yat oui He added: "Jt ie}the house. with her clothing burned parti ularly well known in Bloom i Mr. Morden. ha 1. his job printing | or OW a Folks nglish 1 i : : Hivbt Jolt her body and 'the body and face field, through her two years' connec plant to Samuel Gordon, 'and his pk Jof the ciild also severely burned tion with Eaton & Bowerman's'gener- fine residence, on Paul 'street, to A f ear-old 4 al store, as clerk. Beside her husband |.} Graham. Picton new clothier is says there is no truth in the that he intended flving in Germany or | was require the | horrified to see his child carvied into : y 3 roem was William Keep gton territory, but former Mills, -Ont. The cere- | mony « mnized at no more impossible to make a of thirty kilometers over sea than over land but in the present state of imperfection and insecurity of aero planes a sea flight would a dan erous 'experiment | ji : dau r of Nel ts It seems that the ackage of es ' , A > > Jougious of Dover towns y fell matches ignited as the on jo , Frederick. Bishop; turning to "the store Fortunately IX neighbors saw the child's clothes on : ! : other Mrs. Thomas Brown, a widow; and |and reeve for several terms and} I hild was re- [she is 'survived by her parents, Mr. |My Morden has lead a prominent life oanp of ho ater anc s fe A | and Mrs. J. W. Shepperd, and two {in town. He is a local "Methodist | (nip, = Pull of hot water and 'was fa brothers, Grant and Angus preacher, ha been town councillor Ra M. Coulter, deputy P.M.G., has lh fire and rushed to her rescue; eff appointed & anadian envov to] ~~ FLANS OF THE SWIFTS x wise she would have been barned to | native of the county, died in, To- | been secretary i the county liberal! to Alp in a the it BC th ROBERT J. REID. DAILY MEMORANDA. death on the street ronto, 'last Friday, at the ripe old [conservative a ition All-Red niin To Have Great Stock Yards at The Leading Undertaker. -------------- age of eighty-five year Her m 1 I'he sthools ¢ , this morning he revenue of the | Winnipeg "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. { | 1 domin Rolle pens Wednesday « 1 3 3 1h Baa in alder BLONDE KISSED GQUERNOR. [name was Elizabeth Reid Conger, and with a ood - attmdance and (he jo. fo 1st_has amounted to $4 See Amusement Column for the four -- she 'was born on the old Conge teachers all a } des reddy for s 440 1 [ 81.967 See p Lely ie Hi : Ihe p koeral i 2 ' y . uch is a decrease of $1,2 Chicago, in connection with the Moving Picture Shows and Park Vaude-| gr, 4 Unusual Experience in Tomp- [homestead at Hallowell Mills, the jwork. High I w ad to re-i: om last ve dian Pacific railway ) + Pure Spices and ville. daughter of one of the pior lopen fér the th i: in the quar k Ma) se hinaman 'who es- | Pacif : \ | Pacific . Y « Auction S raitur Liv kins County. f the county Her married | 1 he ( but : wy Bhad : ¥Y ction Sale i ire R ' 0 > ¢ t fd life as ters over the Gilber k, but it is ped § E Avason. . 3 . " 1 3 hin Len a} . ] ap from rown of Aragon, railway. it sa Ve . ad A wood | ' thaca, N.Y., Sept. lL.--Tompkins | spent in Collingwood I 1 15- | confidéntly expected the © new « " dis ae ach der a bed its ty ine ars Wednesday, > ounty farmers gave Governor Hughes | 2 i i er a m3 I land ver i NS Winnipeg, Sept it iia band s death, when she remove to | legiate will be ready house the Me ntreal and whiel wy will erect' am When making your pickles, Torento, to live with her daughter, pupils by Novemb Work on the At Brockville, duri Saturday and |, lav + i | Catsup, Chile Sauce, etc., use Mrs George larron Messrs. J i . ol A oe erv bac J . di: gr : : radi : $ 2 VS loss: of: his address. even ok. 'dis Irs. a tong " ast ha le r v new ward scho : been + Ly % back- | Saturday night, a total of 192 pounds | ge seale. The ex Rian only the best ingredients. If pays 8.) onger, former well- ward, and on » foundation is mi « were captured by local wer a million dollars in toe end. We guarantee our Y and rantled politicians declared the gov- (I 1 ® : g : ; nown proprietors of the Picton Ga- | ready Fhe little folk will have to !angl 1 front of the town ' . municipal Sept. 1st, In Canadian History Jernor was al ight, that he had [*' LR hil on 1 te fol : t t : . . ; OD et de or made & great speech. and. that if he J78tle; were brothes the deceased put up with mMpOrary quarters in rdinal- Vannutelh--teft Rome ves plana the of Bit Spices and Vinegars a v 1809--The Hon Chief Jus Yl had only given them a little consider: | Woman the Mission chapel until probably the v for London. to represent the mer of Prince Edward ne of | y oni. | Dr. H. F. Knight won the handicap first of the year. when it is oped the | pope at the Eucharistic con & which . 4 oR tion as lation he could get: anvthing he want e \ % ' a " . I { > atta : 5 tod Not 2 : B. . vy "The. f tis f the recepti n was |™ ate hat the golf link He did the | new building w De in readin will open there on September 9th { Opengd By Jette aL be Absolutely Pure born i Not¥hiber 38 3 | ee he fe: 2 ( pe S12 n forty an | handay¢ " he The Ll 2 | Toreato Sept 1 The Ca ' 30 Prepaid Files thel striking blonde leively |COurse in lorty-six, an us hancgeap | Then a second teacher will be wanted we Hydro tric WAr commis- , ana 1 C186 2 he pale + {when one striking blonde impu vy fy has been: made party to the | National exhibition 3 offic urner stone ¢ | threw her arms about the governor's |e - - oe - X ] 3 fh 1 at Ottawa : Ns in. Xew | neck and kissed hint" proceedings to restrain Toronto from OP a 2 p.m. to-day, In Bich and Brine. Biward Taiand met] Tho. X : QUIT THE JOB SUES FOR DIVORCE. carrsing out the- power digtribution |Louis Jette, " lieteiant governor Jas. § den 0., 1 swick # Prince ie ; | a -- Quéebe he main attra tion ? at. Charlottetown to consider the Tried To Buy Tribune x 1eme < ! tion movement. J . + Owin the Dictatorial Treat a 1 ' : Sennet V ineg. andl | the grand stand, this afternoon, is . ~ " 1866-2 The Hon@eCLord Wg=Robinson New York, Sept. |.--Whitelaw } gto Dicta a Was Bane All Years Ske Was ' C S, Wishipeg, and the harness racing, while the band of |[JMPORTERS OF. FINE GROCE nite) premier of New ~ Rromswick,- was born}, "hoi offored $2,000,000 for the ment of Shah. Prisoner. tr LA plumbiz, Ohjo, were | Ihe TAFE Faking, 3 and the Winni EY He Sone ton Miiito 'reviewed the «visit-| New York Tribune. He declined A ¥ Teheran, Sept. 1.=A misunderstand Denver, Col ept --After being | ©12¥ a aliogn several mi les | peg City band fuinish the musi The MUSTARD CROCKS ing troops of the New * York National! indicate.-of eapitalists wanted to--ac ing has arisen between the shah and { 'onfined t i sippi insane hi 2 a of ax : ot ie. bore | weather is fine and all thai i ; : Guard Lord Laveédihbund foember of the (Quire sth paper, expend about 3500.- | the couniil "of ministers. At the ses- | \avlum for eicht vears Mes Alice J g o aken ay oe Dy i desired. and the atiendane is oh For Fickles, at Se. and 10e¢ Beitish parliamentary 'yity were er-, O00 of 150,000 on its plant and new |sion, of Friday, the prime Joinister | shear "thally obtained her freedom ies fw nl hy Fi ohn | Lo each, Pickle Bottles, at 25¢c. per tained by the Mayor of Montrea | facilities, and make it the Jéading re- |introduced bills, with the sfatement hrough the 1 her sister, and | P¥ ¢ sin : " Ing Sand, the) Decoration For Ie lafid dozen, at TURK'S. 'Phone. 705. 1904 e Archbishop of, Canter + publican newspaper of the country {that the shah demanded their pas oming to caused the arrest Ane: 3 at Washington, 2p a 3 toh ess or A was honor With » lunch xn hy -------- {sage. The council found the bills un- | »f her husband avd his' frst econsin, _ recent disclosures which Winnipe Sébt 1.--Oliv ! SOME. ARE SQUEALING Ghurge EE SY Fined Twenty Pallars. : {acceptable and resented, moreover, | Jennie Sheat. who, it is alleged, wae |? ved here to have been indis- | an Icelander hy birth, : Ottawa, Sept.' 1.-Sir Wilirid Laur- this Sjetatonial tréatment. It then | passing as his wife. ( { corated with a long service medial | . ) : | . Rady : al . voted to résig I'he minister of war, haar charoes oar with hu . y as0 . fiers chauffeur, Henry Berks, was fined | {tha shah' r= Naib-Ee-Sultas i Mrs. Shear charg Shean with heing 1. 2 charge of © bloroforming Thom | militia, including ho Fehon £20 and cost for speeding the hand- |the shah's unc al s=>ultan, and { respopsible fo her incarceration. as. Mero at Tilbury, and' theh found | rebéllion of - "8! t 3a sane ; . } sone antomobile "which Lord; Strath Bogadundjeng, a high palace official, though she was sane. Shear is a pro 5 | [8 ry, Hon : Some « 1¢ insuran | : : are now the only ministers support : ind i they had two , one a wealthy | unusual for {vona presented to the premier. Lady |f oO 1 ippor ing minent mining nd lumber man ff fom & side A i Denier | Laurier was in thi# automobile at the his majesty Denver and Port Arthur, Canada. h SFY anit > 3 : § i rn y } o- | < : ---- ! Wi . 53 as : is servant. : ; ume of the excessive speeding. No d = , Ar > i Mrs. Shear said they lived in Pen W. D. Lighthall, , Montreal, has May Be Phelps' Successor Tr S i '| fence was offered. wo rrests Made. | sacola, Flot ida for-Fears, and. that {heen 'appointed = tore present "the de: | i ye r Ba . : ? i J i why f : c . y p tt Onin x Look At he BApS: M3ntreal, Nept. | The police haw { Jennie | . isin, l partmént of labor before the railwav t Ye York A oy N hy A or of the ark ve +. Metho short a few Hanged Himself With Cow Halter. [arrested two men Jn: connection with | | visitor re Fa me all | commission * in the appeal which the a the 8t. Eustache bank robbery. They f it reception when he spoke to an them at Trumansburg fair At the 3 | rev fF ity mm Fan homas_police arrested two men | having served twents | Over Size of City Dome Insurance These ests are . y i , yg : church, said to 'have hes ! small pieces. St John N.B., Rept. 1.--Calvin ao Lyent well, then 1 . " © 11 of {Grand Trunk railway company has i103 charge of the T} dome bag y : See them. Come quick, Only Wheaton, Salisbury, aged fifty vears, |¢ their name | as Erode Tic k Jaec- brain féver . overed, | ctered against "the Lord's Pay Act land Park as 3s sores Tyo enoligh of 'the infurane ev ba one of each. and suffering from fits, became de- | quesand Pituiel Sullivan. The latter | She oF : the doctor, who nov Ss Morgan Cunningham, fifteen-vears a shved to heat the enst ¢ of the x : fan - gt . a hook " : SM n the : : . A ; ec et ¢ t i I A Wing i 25.00 & . 9.50. d od : anged himself from the | had post-office . orders, checks and obile,: or ¢ pretext of taking |, while at bat in a baseb gam a Lis " el. nnn . ys we : 00. pondent and hanged b ) trafts in his possession totalling five | Her to a sanitagium. drove her Hd ; Wy all game Vessels Arrivals. ity buildings. It is well-known that 16 0 : . 00 irder of a railway bridge, with the [drafts in h p ih 1 LENS hve 0 A sanilgjium, DE OE ACTORS | hetweer: the teams "of employees of Fatl Point, ( 1 + the dome cannot be properly replaced Ie 30 d . J rope with which' he was leading a cow [1 wusand dollars He claimed he | the state line from their home into | two west side business houses, at West at w? Poin b Que , Sept --8S at i Pry Top anes 12.00 - R75: | to pasture found them near the railroad travk. Mississipipi "to" an iisane asylum. at! Side Park Chicago was struek over | Mount Royal, C.P.R. line, from Ant t of the $13.600 10 do the work ag - . 2 ak . " 3 » ' on, = ' - = en 0 ne L! 0 ee FOr 10.00 - - Se ttn { Meridian. Phere she says she was! ihe heart witha pitched ball and in- | Werp, inward, at 220 am. 88. (° A : 9.50 rn rin it should be done. On the other hand, . \ i y : 9.50 5. A story is current that Lord Strath May Be The Chairm an. kept eight years, before her | sister stantly killed Orithia, 'Donaldson line, from Newcas- if the city council decides to do a a p---- 0. ConA is anxious to petire from the Prof. Shortt is likely to be named | succeeded in releasing her Edward MeGraw las had his pre- tle, inward, at' 1.25 a.m. botch job and save some insurance Bibi $y rn cares of the office of high vommission- | chairman of the board of conciliation His wife says Shear is worth over | liminary trial at Ingersoll jor cattle money for other purposes, aldermen - er fpr Canada in Tngland. Lord |to deal with the differences between | | R100,000, apd ib a divorce suit' she has | stealing and been sent up for trial. Drowned At Barrie. say it is none of the insurance com- : Strathcona will 'he offered an earldom { the Canadian Pacific railway company | filed she demands alimony. of 850,000 | For the same offence his brother | Barrie, Ont.,. Sept. 1L--A middle panies' business. The underwriters had ROBERTSON BROS. jin a reagonable period of time Sir rand its engineers and firemen, arising | and court expenses. : . John was convicted and sentenced to aged man, named Cunningham, of | fas their valuator, William Newlands, : r Montagu Alan may be Lord Strath- out of the dismissal of certain em- Jennie Shear, cousin, was released | three years in the penitentiarye 1 Orillia, walked off the Bayfield street | ase hitect, one of the most" competent ffcona's: sitvessar, ployees, ou 8 bond furnphed by Shear, | One of Mulai Halid's sirongest ad: wha, last evening, aud was drowned. 'pen ia the province, La : : att : i Su ' : L .

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