« 5 : ot * WAUE TWO. : : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, T UESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, ¥ 'nN bridge is agajn noticed at camp, He! nn; REPORT OF HAY CROPS.' 7 13th HELD is an orderly in "the 47th Regiment, | ' : Z : . 2 ' | land, yesterday, announced to is com: | I In Canada -and Several of the 3 : CORRECT {rades that on November 5th he would | States. ARRIVAL OF THE DIFFER." seventy six years of age. "Almost y ACROSSE TEAM IS IN GOOD . James McGlynn of Wolfe Island. ret ting too Young to go to camp now Annual ENT REGIMENTS. |cuid Dake': with u chy wink of His | CONDITION. ives the following condensed seport| _-- TIME ye leve. "Duke" has several medals for . ; v uke us severa states reaching the eastern market : 8 z A Bie. - : : serving his country, in the early days. 5 i QS + -- g 4 ugust Military Work Was Commenced 1040. took part-in- the siege of 'Soliestr Hope to End" Season By Trim-| New York State--Iit-- the northern : A } 3 onometer in-OF ow | | Earnest To-Day--Orders Issued ' s off 10 the *'Duke I' | ming Belleville--Rugby Teams |part the crop is light, also in the : pol. Hats off to: the "hy Now the City Clock is out - . $ ! oy the C andant--Notes of | Ideal weather favored the opening at k ity-- | north-eastern section. In other sect Furai- «2y the Commandant--Notes of | Ideal weather AV OTe Ww open Work All Over the City tions of the state, the yield is an av- of cum on will be a Day. |duy at camp. Although quite warm, General Notes on Sport. erage one, the quality pot so good as ; there was a cool refreshing peZe. os ¢ he, 3 8 : bis ture Although yesterday was the open-| [jeyt : George Kidd, of the ith | The lacrosse team had a fine prac- {in previous years. More clover and very convenient. . 3 y | Hussars. is one of the most popular | tice 'on Monday evening at the cricket | over-ripe hay and eonsiderable old hay | His many Kingston { field, nearly all the plavers being in left over. Barrieficld, the day was given OVer | man in camp, " play « v | 4 7 I et for the receiving of the different regi- | friends were glad to see him back | line. The boys #are in fine shape and{ Ohio--More hay than last year har- A i mm completion of * the | {all are anxious for another game. In {vested in good condition. The percen- 3 ing day for the military camp, at ments, and the { again in uniform. ae . « y and plans for the camp. Early--in the af : er all probability one will be arranged | tage of clear timothy is small. Last ternoon the regiments commenced to| ANOTHER CITIZEN FINED. . | With Belleville in the near future to | year the crop was clear timothy. o larrive, and by night, the 3,600 men, | ---- decide which is the bétter team. Cap- Michigan--A fair average crop; less 3 ) 4 ) : as, . b ; 4 > 2 Curtain vere under canvass. | Military work | poy Expectorating On Court | tain Singleton is. quite confident that {clear timothy than last year, and a : commenced in earnest to-day. All day he can now put it all over the men |large percéntage of clover mixed. N F 11 Jewellers vesterday, the Barriefield road was Room Floor. from that "Beautiful Isle of Slumber-| Indiana--The yield is more than last CW a ats 4 : Sale clothed with v@ns and carts, all load- | Charged with expectorating on the |land," as his players are all trained | year, consisting largely of clover 'and : . ed with "twmp supplies. The tents were | floor in the police court room a citi- {to a nicety. - The local team have a | clear timothy, light, harvested in good Have Arrived 345 | . all in readiness for the men, and as | zen, who failed to put in an appear- good record this season. They have | condition. hed " } , ance at the court yesterday, was ar- [not lost a game so f but have tied Pennsylvania-- Fall $ In all th t ssuers i Every-|cach regiment arrived, the members |8nce a Y. ay go far, ave ti ennsylvania-- Fa average crop @ Very newes . Marria hi y were detailed off tg their -own sec. |raigned before Magistrate Farrell. three with Belleville. quality poor more clover mixed and 0 I of ge thing rel... 'With bands playing, and the | Constable Mullinger was the com- weedy hay. = American Styles . Licenses. duced from | men on a good brisk march, the men | Plainant Be said that he Sight Ye Rugby Teams At Work. Vermont-~Thie , crop is ¢ one-third tS -- ~ 3 ved & the ce ane . st | C1t1zen an 1e act of expectorating o The different junior a short of an average one. Bu 5 = 15 per cent Ari ; d 1b th ' ump and made a most | © 1 foor. and: told: hit to go: is ' f Reve Junior football teams 2 a 2 2 a 2 : Hat bo King Hat, the best $2.50 'Ph 666. ay creditable showing, notwithstanding 3 le Noa go i'%j [around the city 'are now beginning to anada has less than an average n one \ to «0%. A lthe fact that the roads are very dus- | 5% . gn St pose x. a 1 did ot | Put in their «appearance in different | Crop. . time toll: giving their uniforms anything an Josie: a a i fields. The old cricket field. is the - P. J. HUNT. . app ar, ) SLE ay | A m, ? | main stand-by and every afternoon HOME FROM PETAWAWA. | uel 3 parr i 98 nrresy amc bl and eVening numerous teams are at' ' ; as , sharge by s © rk T was taken in charge by sta 'work there. - There are some good [The Camp One of Best Ever Held | #egods Bateson. When asked why he did not lave : . ! players among the voungsters and There : 3 o ¢ " | appear in court at the proper time he befor ong they wil i: RR arc also a great mi ) ) - | efo 1x they will be fit \ ' | : B many of the old said that he understood that the case O.R.F.U. ball. Foi b Jor. junice Corporal Belch and . Ptes. Ross, timers," and all of them ageavery ; tend : : . I F glad to git back. » ; Yh Sot. lov Wednesday. lad rested has been called, or nothing definite Smith and Desjardine, of the P.A, - , Yolody vr a vory Duss dus ie seventeen-year-old lad, arres o done, it is likely that there will be a |M-C:, have returned home from camp atest eas Happi- [vith the cooks of the various regi- [5% {is 25%, on 4, care Of Stal | junior team in' the, O.RF.U. series, |2¢ Petawawa. a ® lments, and their assistants. They I pay ea aA ! cary Plenty of rood ayers are wandering ; The men are well Pleased with Lhe 1 . hustled around by the morning and he it hind ro sorted to hip that smo around waiting for some one to start samp, and the genera opinion 18 that I B son Co. got their stoves up, and in the af- Ds ex Yr hs had been giv- | ® team, # There. Sele of She Jest, over heid Sere. i n ac trnoon they made a raid on the | th OE plans cen ony : " Thode Note thaws pa cases of typhoid ~ waggons that carried over the sup- vuilty . Clayton Yacht Club. Ie 0) BO Press were rated * hie cheap- plies. One cook + was noticed peeling | © "I am wiad that it turned out hie] Clayton, N.Y..acht Club has elect- w fe e Tien We e at Qu fe and Waist potatoes with: a butcher knife, but] wv ** gaid the court to the accused, |d officers for .the ensuing year as fol- Pons hot " traced to the camp at y S. : the | lows : ~ Commodore, J. H. Stebbins, etawawa. The cases were cared for ) jr; vice-commodore, C. W. Rees; rear |2t the cottage hospital, in Pembroke, commodore, J. I. Gillespie: secretary and all the patients made rapid pro- Received to-day a ship- and treasurer, W. J. Ross: fleet chap- gress. The water at the camp was | ment of the newest Yout, in lain, Rev. Father Garand: fleet cap- first class, there being no. complaints Stylish Silk Waists, made jh ' J tain, M. H. Matty; official measurer, made regarding it. The work of in with wide Tucked Mikado Me We shave a choice 16t of Minh, Ernest Serrell. stalling a system of sewerage at the | Sleeve Overpiece, and trifn- and Ermine Sets. Call and seo Col Gordon, camp commandant, | vant on King street, about 11:45 oo': _a' : camp 18 now going on. . . + med with Silk Insertion and PRICES. I his staff, arrived at the "camp | clock, Monday night, he noticed the The Season Opened. Che members of the R.C.H.A. will Collar finished with esterday. The orders issued by Col. [accused being chased out &f the. door The duck season opened to-day, and Joturn from camp about September Insertion, best I WwW F Gourdier iordon were as follows : by the proprietor. The accused had | before daylight many hunters could be | ~~" quality Taffeta. A beautiful . - " y | refused to pay for a lunch, and after dimly distinguished making their way Opening Of Grand s+ garment for Exclusive. Furrier, 76, 78 and 80 Broek . street. bat a fine appearance. Although the bh uy and camp i made up of a great many | reen" men in the ranks, men who save. never been in camp before, there est f urngs | then what dic it matter ? Some | "There is nothing against vou in ture 'a n d [might think this Sheard, but at ¥ court and I hope that you will never Jmihitary camp, such a thing woul ¢ year here again." C arp gtihring forth no argument. Hot pota Li a ae was accused of being House. toes were served out to the boys last drunk and disorderly.' Constable Mul- night, for supper, and they report | finger was the complainant. He said that they were all right. that while passing the Chinese restau- Brigade Orders. being made to settle up used bad lan- | towards the water front to get 'their : ; S I'he. subordinate staff of the camp | guage towards the proprietor and al- [hoats and get down their shooting- A play that will win the sympathy will be composed Camp sergeant- | 80 to the constable. | box early. Some large bags of game : and interest of its audience and well major, QM.S.I. James Legge. R.C.R.| 'Three dollars .and costs, or thirty [are expected in the city to-night. merits the great succest it is having ) . arr Al nL | | Chief terk, Sergt.-Major W. G. Bailey, days," was the magistrate's verdict. ------ is "Quincy Adams Sawyer," which |' : | FIXTURES IN STOCK {W.0., C.M.S.C. Clerks, Sergt. J. A. The case of Simon Burns, arrested Ready For Footballers. will be seen here at the Grand Opera . ST IES G | [0 onnor, C.M.S.C.; Sergt. A. Mur] several days ago, and remanded, was "Alfie" Pibree has_, everything in House, on Saturday, September 5th, j 16th Regt.; Sergt. K. Crawford, | then taken up _ Burns was accused ot readiness for the. Cueen's foothall Nearly everybody is familiar with the 2 dU po [No. 3 company, CA.S.C.: Pte. Law, | stealing a hide from a K JE P. fre ight | players when thew put in an appear novel of the same name, and it is an Pp. > 3 y Ad Tat le ' cust 2 The de ad | players 2 ar- . on 3 ase ; | TIT EO | {shes Seryt J. Higgins, 14th] car, on August 28th. 1 hide 8d {Alfie says' that Queen's: will promised that this dramatization of PUT IN YOUR TANK Mil: : cen shipped to John McKay i i a} 4 P.W.0.R. Military mounted po been shippe ie 'have the best te in the 3 col | has retained that simple, pure, . : : ' " "I am not guilty, sir," said Burns, |% J cam 'in the intercol- | | . : ado a. . tk) E Stafi-Sergt. 8S. McCullagh, 14th vhen arraigned before the court {legiate this season, and 'will certainly country charm which gave the book AT OUR DOCK. P.WO.R Post . office orderly, ho k Del rta foreman at {land the championship i f sueh popular vogue. The scene is laid ' | ; : x - ¥ 'rank Deline, cartage lorem: t {at Mason's Corner, a country town of | Ihe Le Duriauly, 160 is Be camp the K. & P. freight sheds, "told the A Ch Vier | Massachusetts, where "Quincy, Adams | "F ress 004s . taft. having reported for Wty on the | tour about missing the hide from ; 1allenge Issued. Sawyer," a wealthy Boston young 4 Spark' Colls, Spark Plugs, Colum- an § 5 the car. He said that the seal on the ong Lake baseball players do not | man, comes to build up his health in Dress Goods ! bis Dry Batteries, etc. in stock, [25th inst., are taken on the strength br lil I SE ja Es tain ir ' car had heen broken open. tke the treatment they recently got |(phe country. The gi ton Wi from that date: Lieut Col. D. D, Clarence O'Neil, the second witness {at Sharbot Lake and now challenge {and some of the © sivis Smite bim : . . REPAIRS PROMPTLY . Young, DAAG,; Lieut-Col. F.[ called; stated that he knew nothing | Sharbot Lake players to meet them |;..lous | unLry re Jecom¢ Now is the time to buy MADE. n Strange, 8.0.8.C. officer; Major W. J | about the case and was asked to step |at Long Lake baseball grounds on {1a og yy N an to run Hat out of youn New Dress for Fall, B. White, S.A.8.C. officer; Capt. Ran- | 0" 1 "the witness box by the court. | Sept. 10th, at 4 p.m. own. ut Mr. Sawyer conducts him while the assortment is at _@ [kin, sanitary officer William Aubin said that at noon on i cm ---- io such a way that he finallyfk its best. Many lines show- : | The following non-commissioned offi-| pyijayilast he saw two men in the New Telephone Subscribers wins. the love and respect of the whole ing mow that cannot be Selby & Youlden Ltd [cer are tpken on the strength of thel ilwav vards. They were looking at 708; Burke. Reve' TE community, and even turns around his | a8 duplicated this season. Be ' . | : . « A, sidence nemies 4 {camp from the dates shown opposite | something on the ground, which ap- | ago : ore he » Tesi » | enemies. " ; . - their names, viz: Stafi-tcorgt. H. H, peared to be a hide. Witness felt A ria get: residence 164 x tion 20 oe Four goles Kingston Foundry. o Jeckells, from 28th inst. Stofi-Sergt. | gure that the accused was one of { Queen street a 2 ' : B. A. Hotel Arrivals. y : [Swaine, 14th Regt., from 30th, "as | these men, but could not say who | "gag" Gna © (6. JP stock | John C. Coull, E. D. Warren, Jo Headquarters for extra 1 on {sergeant-instructor of 'musketry. Q.M.| {he other man was. brokers. Clarence street Ys "| seph White, Justice Hodgils. Lieut.- strong Hosiery, for Girl's wb S. IL Edwards, R.C.R., from 31st, as Michael Hogan, the other witness 683, Ya¥riefield Camp, Barriefield Col. Kidd, Toronto: CC. CC. Skinner, and Boys'. v HAVE YOUR ergeant-instructor of musketry. QM. | called, was not present, and as his 639, Craig, Rev. Wm., residence (of Mrs. G. N. Asselstine, Willie Hubble, ' . Windows Decorated 5.1. W. Mcintyre, RC. H.A,; QM.S.L | evidence was considered of great value Sydenham stdeet church), 271 Alfred Gananoque; J. H. Oppmeister and | Jami Slade, B.S.M.I. George Bir-| the magistrate decided to adjourn the | (faa wife, Vancouver, B.C.; John Donovan, . WITH e ve heck 3.S.M.1 W Hird, R.C.H.A.,| case for a dav. Constable Bateson fo Henderson, Mrs. Jane R.. resi- | Belleville; E. De Pencier, Montreal : : from 20th. Sergt.-Major ( I'urner, | stated that he had served Hogan with dence. 19 Cleroy ? stroat. ? H. P. Rose and wife, Miss Rita, Alex E A G 1 A C I E R W.0., CLAP.C.; C.QM.S. Henry Weir, [a summons on Monday afternoon : 504° Jackson. Wm.. residence 973 | andria Bay; T. B. Mckean, H. Fras | . The only substitute for Staied Glass The case of the four employees of | kin' cireot West, ' | er, Brockville; J. M. Eagan, Brant- Artistic, Durable, Economical, by C.A.PX Q.M.S.1. W. Rhodes, R.C.D; 5 Ru S Sergt.-Instr A. R. Skinner, R.C.D,; {the K. & P. railway, charged with 762, King Edward Tobacco Store, | ford: J. J." Downey, Whithy:; A. W ' Sergt.-Instr. A. Steer, : . Sergt. | tearing down the hoat house of John 1354 King street. "| Graham, Providence, R..1.: T. J. Me SHA WwW D J DAWSON Pp Merrick ROC.D , Hem- | Tweddell, was further enlarged for | ») Kingston & Pembroke railway, | Ponald, Wellington; E. F. Harrison . . min R.C.D., from three weeks. | engineer's office, Ontario street "| Edmonton; V. H. Huck, R. N Wright Pi acsowa i Suteon ang Sualey, '21g Major McLean, G.G.} . having re 671, Mills & Co., Thos., hats and | and wife, Virginia; E.-B. Edwards, The Always Busy Store ich Grads: Plans at Living Pri ea . , [ported for duty as brigade-major, 7th MARINE NEWS. furs, 150 Wellington street. i and wife, Syracuse, N.Y.; George F hy : Victor and Berliner Am OEp Wi. are 11 S1zes, Infaitry Bricade: i taken on the | -------- Blackwell, Lindsay; Thomas McGill, fams' Sewing Mach.ne. Phoenix Firg x 4 and 3! x strength frofa this date. Lient. Don- | what is Found About the 569, McKay, John, furrier, Princess | } | Cornwall; Netta Beardsley. St John, | illo lola foulofobdofolode, | Extinguisher ; and a full line of Musical nelly, R.O.. 1s taken on the trength Wharves treet show r S ns mel ic, eta Vv room Instruments, Music, et: i tl late 1 orderly oflicer to | Of the Best Quality 578, Renton, Mrs Lucinda, revi- | Mo; E. A Taylor, Norwich; Mrs: E | { | | | "ne IE 272 Earl street. . | K. Fhompson, Madoc: R. A Chap SOFTNESS OF SEALSKIN. \ | 1 : The schooner Jamieson arrived from oflicer commanding 2 avalry Bri ! " . . : ' y 4 { | Sodus with coal for Anglin Not having a full sett of velo Capt Powell i , p taken | The steambarge Navajo arrived from 5 . . on the strength, from thi date, 8s iw tran] with a cargo of genergl pat terns all sizes WE hrigade-major, 2nd Cavalry Brigade ynifea win = I'he duties to-day will be furnished 791, Shaw, Miss, residence, 202 man and wife, Mrs. Alma Mavic Id, William street, | Boston; Allan Neilson, Conway; Yet 3 Py 5 The - subscribers are re juested to | Wah, Ottawa: W. H Henderson, Lon Is Rivaled By Human Hair Where CO A 1 ' - | Dandruff is Eradicated. . cut this out and paste in their Tele- | don, Ont. tne | Sealskin is admired the world over The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. | freight } o Direct | mh Macdonals lof esterday {PhOn irectory. -- Gordon Macdonald 3 relay | is | Harty Can Have It. [for its softness and glossiness; and 1 from the 7th Infantry Brigade. Camp |; m . 4 on y of o 3 We on al orderly officer for to-day. ior Toronta o 4 Se crew of th On Monday night a fierce fight took | Canadian 1 recman vet the human hair is equally Major H. A. Turner, 46th Regiment Swift's: Steamer North King, down place in a Mantreal treet hotel, he-| Hon William Harty can have the | soit and glossy when healthy, anc SCRANTON Veterinary officer for to-day, to be de- |, 4 up, to-day; steamer Belleville, tween volunteers of different regiments | dominion seat if he' wants it. That is [radical cause of all hair {rouble \ {tailed by the oflicer commanding 4th | wn. to-day: steamer Aletha, igom at camp. The fight started between [the almost unanimous expression used | dandruff, which is caused by a pesti offer them at cost price. : : ; : or . hi ; . . sob? . x Coal is good coal and we guar- privates, but before 'long a.dozeh or|by grit and tory politicians aromnd | ferous parasite that sap$ the vitalit antee prompt delivery. 'Phone, 3 | 1 ) YO s steamer tLigleat ng, R McFAUL, Hin following regiment parads io jer points: Ste a Rigeau Ki 0 rete to it. One lieutenant was | the Scots of Ringston Phe employ of the hair = it oo! Newhro 4 133. * t dav for musketry instruction : 16th T. Co.'s wharf : The steamer |dadly used up. ment of over six hundred men at the | Herpicide is the only preparation that as . : nd 40th Re etry I'he 16th Reui le ™ yr Sas what! 3 Fort William | The priests of the diocese will ar Locomotive Works is the salvation of [is fatal to the dandrufi germ With Booth & Co., ningston ( arpet Warchouse ment paraded at the butts for firing | with 90.000 bushels of oats apd flax- [Five in the city, next Monday, to at- [our business houses and means quite | out dandruff there is no falling hair, FOOT WEST STRE : pra il 4 } p.m ed: 'the tug Bronson clédged for | tend the annual retreat, which will |an acquisition to the old town as far |Put a luxorvignt growth of g , soft | continue until the following Saturday |as population is concerned hair is certfin. = Scowring the scalp { won't cure dandruff Kill 'the dand - | morning 'Archbishop Gauthier arriv- mornit No excuse will be allowed | -- - y ' } {ed home, last week, greatly improved | o {ruff gernge, I'housands of women I [bse ' Last Civic Band Concert. lin health sy his recent trip to Mount | ' Have Not Paid, jo thir beautiful. suits of lair to \ A BS ! | [N * ' a a SADAMLL ommandi licers are responsibl ' ; if | PohdAdALntdd PALO LOAON Commandir AT ponsil The last of the ecivie concerts for { Clemien Fifteen companies held insurance: on ewbro's Herpicide, The Old Stand and The ume "Salada" and you will appreciate the OW ¥ anitation of their' units | the seas wa riven last évening in | the city buildings. As a result of the Sold by leading druggists Send ; d ®l, oficer and his sanitary { Macdonald Park. by the 14th regi {dome fire an asse: " of $912.03 0c. in stamps for snmple to The Her o de hen bauo "sig ks. The medi-} wntal hand I'here was a great { . ollent qualities of high-grade tea. |V2s made on each company I'he fol | picide Co., Detroit, Mich I'wo sizes ber. nal & in 3H : | Xowd of people in attendance, fully | Big butter sale on at Gilbert's, | 10Wing nine have paid the levy to the |[60c. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special oO Hee Y re ene 3 ary 3 , a the « rowds earlier in the Pounds, 'tubs, crock , pails fcity treasurer ; Phoenix, Alliance, agent. * % I hone 490 1 : ont 10 weather was warm anc d | Royal, Queen, Norwich Union, British | : OFFICE NO. 1. meh Shei ee eri night still *--Fhe-whole-- shore | Hand : { America, Commercial Union. Sun and] seem mmmmiacn ¢ up ip nes, and burn $ the packed with people Many smally Northern. The following, six have ot) All orders promptly attended to rubbish anc wrbage constant | boats floated on the calm waters t| vet paid : Waterloo Mutual, Standard, eeeseeceeessecseescsece night or day Fhe officer commanding No. 8 Cav-| us more like a July night that the | | Kingston's Famous Fur Store. York Mutual, Monarch, Montreal-Can. | ary Field Ambiance; will deta} one | night of the lust dav ot August. The{ ada, and Anglo-American, 1* OTHER PEOPLES ¢ix1 4: . 8 1 and four men as camp sani-| band concert was thoroughl "{ SEPTEMBER 1st. rer---- Notice toQar Customers to Be under th irection | and it was regretted that it was the | Last Of Early Closing. Muster parade commenced this | Montreal, with one barge Poor tea is 'poor ecanomy--use | PUT YOUR i SAVINGS IN REAL ESTATE It does not promise nake you rich over but it is the investment we of, and one that pay vou a *hand- 8620488400 0050 amp sanitary officer last of the civie series. Ask a hun- Our store will close at 6 o'clock sharp every night, divisional headquarters lines, next fo : : : except Sat . v Lines, resi kin, heat spots and peeling. We all the year they the stores have closed at five o'clock, | @ which suited me precisely so, p Sa urday ® * . ° » * ® ° » divisional hea®guarters office. ' £ g y = fi het o | know what they mean; how apt we | <<) i ump from Pland from now on will remain open | @ a Ya inate § "et . A. GLOVER. # * # * ® * ® # ef Yesterday, being the last day dred men on | August, it was, the last day for ---------- rb | early sing i » stores ar | ® : what day offjeacy closing in the stores around] "Wo, oo Tel Lo town. During the summer months, | ®@ never tried on a pair of glasses | otified for general information | the camp. post, telegraph a Is Your Skin Sore ? | ae y y telephone othices are situated mn the ' tuale Scalds under armpits, rough itchy are to 'scrateh them The simplest {until sixeo'clock. The early closing is glasses until you say vou are . NewYorkChinese Restaurant Some Bugle Calls. cure is to anoint with Dr. Hamilton™s summer hats [very much' appreciated by the clerks, | suited. but to measure the 82 Princess Street. if ! in your eye and prescribe Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. Quinte roglw bre ht | Ointment Relief 1s instantaneous, » . . . < to fall ones,| [and would be welcomed by them grind to order the exact lens 'The best place to get an all round ugh member of the Sth ld Artil- {cure is certain. No ointment so use- from Tweed and ihtermediate| ful in the home, harmless and efli- || Vl and ninety- il train, reaching cient. Try a 50c. box [put into force all the year round. | suited to your cise t two oelack Monday after -------- 1] 8 .., hine of them Rendered Fine Solo. Iherve © were eight * cars of Great Clearing Sale. will say Ist of Septem- { On Sunday evening, at Oakville, | Lunch 'in the city. eals of all kinds I'he company made a fine! Prevost, Brock street, has made al ber." So it's time for a Ont., Miss Lottie Shea, of Queen ¢ E nr, $ on shortest notice. English and Chinese Street Methodist church choir, ren ; bi AER oA Dishes a specialty. v \ great reduction in price in the order] : ey ria" A : hie Y.M.C.A. tent was put up on the] and ready-made clothing department: | change ' apd you 1 find it |ed a solo in excellent voice. Her sing a pleasure fo select a new] ling was greatly admired by the large nds, yesterday, and the usual sex-| also" gents' furnishings. Look at dis- | ongregation Vices wilt he hold ~thire "in the even ol Br an. | 3 wil held "ther ih t ven- | play windows. hat from ofir new stock. by for the men. Secretary Nelles ----r---------------- some profit, Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. At present we are ffering specially. good will by in_eharge |. The well-known strengthening pro- | Lhe smiling face of Capt. Healey is perties of iron, combined with other with the 47th Regiment. An an- | tonics: and a most perfect nervine, are | camp without the captai 1 worked found in Carter's Iron Pills, which'| ------------te-------- e a ship without a rudder strengthen the nerves and body, and] and disgusting remarks are made and Moon, caterer for the 49th Regi- [improve the blood and complexion. | a stop should be put to it. | Dr A P Ch w ment, was the busiest mah on the Another band of gypsies is encamped | i The death took place, Sunday even- ° ° . 0 n rounds yesterday. He had his tent !on the Barriefield common. They have ling, of Mrs. Mary McCoy, widow of | "Phone, 848, 185 Princess St looking spick and "span early in the several tents, waggons and a good |] ww The eC 4 - the laté David McCoy, Belleville. She g \ . afternon, anfl worked like a Trojan. supply of horses. : Smporters Of Fine Hats, (lad he 8 » Tesident of the city for seecsencsssenssnssane V-S1X Ss. * He i Qustler. { The interior of St. Mary's cathedral a " ; ; ty ntys of Mak i : > vo nf : i : The 47th Regiment is 'at its full [is shortly to be repainted and kalso- ers of wh Furs, Miss, Ardelle Elder," A.C.( M., willl A man would have but little time | Some men marry paor I or strength. mined. A grand bazaar will be held Princess St. receive her pupils in music at 207 | for anything = else if he loved ., his | tle down, and some marry rich "wi- Cy PRIFISVITISISTINIIPESy ! The familiar face of "Duke" McCam-'to raise money for the purpose, William street, after 'September Ist. 'neighbors as they love themselves, dows and settle up. i VIP IVI IVI SIG IV IVI GOI ese ev eI T eee eR 286488284000 AMABLLS -- py * * * ® » . . Complaints -are Jeginning to come A yrsonal vis¥ to our optic : Any price you care to] {about women bent insulted by boys ottiee' Will' repay you GD y Hl pay. land young men as they pass. by cer ® : ® * . ® * eo * " rans, "MCCANN, 51 Brock street. | | [tain corners in the city. Many ryde bs os ! | | THE PIRST THIS SEASON. . We will have our Home-Made Pork | Sausages, SATURDAY. Try a pound or so, they are just as good as ever. H..J, MYERS, 60 Brock St. 'Phone, 570. hg i SLA LAbLAs PELL L0000 555