' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, T UESDAY, SEPTEMEER 1. 1008. > FILLS A LONG FEL1 WANT. Makes Old Lawn Mowers Better Than New--Improves New Ones. Sharpens the Lar Horse Mower as well as tl 'Smallest Lawn Mower. Handy: tool to sharpen Kitchen Knives and Garden Tools or any- thing that a scythe-stone will do. PRICE 35 CENTS. i -Corbett's. LADDERS! TR EE I NE WC NRE TV SR woo Extension fruit picking. strong. Heavy Extension - Ladders Heavy Single Ladders, All on hand at ? Anglin's Lumber Yard, Cor. Bay & Wellington Sts; Ladders Light for and 1 Catch Sir James listening 00000000000 00000000 OPPORTUNITY. Kingston Business College Limited, - Head of Queen Street. 25th r Canada's Leading Busi« ness ool; Practical, rogres- sive, Fermanent, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Tele- graphy, Civil ice. Special to the first registering before Hottin, | : Secretary, H. F. METCALFE, President. sel t of price. pamphlet. Address : Coax Meroe Ba TronTa Out. Jormeriy W DR. LITTLE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS Best for Women's use, In irregularities or supression, at all Druggists, or by wall, $2. DRy LITTLE MEDICINE CO., Toroato, Ost. OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO. Smoking and chewing, at forty-five cents a pound, is a good tobacco. Why pay eXhty-five cents. Andrew Maclean, Untario street, : IF YOU WANT TO BUY, ; RENT OR SELL REAL ESTATE I make a specialty of same. Drop a card or call on me. No trouble to.show property. Insur- ance at lowest rates. Jonesy to loan. GEO. CLIFF, Real Estate valuatior, 95 Clarence street, etc., at Cory i sw T FRESHLY MINED Coal is far more desirable than that dug out of the earth a year . ago. It's cleaner--hasn't stored up twelve months' dirt and dust : it's dryer and in many ways a greater heat producer. Here it is at your service on quick order-- bright, well screened coal fn all the standard sizes at standard prices for hetter even than stand. and quality. R. CRAWFORD Phone, §. Foot Queen St. EE 306-810 . King street, at 86 per year. Editions at 2.80 and odes 2 WEEKLY 'BRITISH WHIZ, 16 published in parts on Monday and day morniig at $1 a year, To States, charge for postage has to made 50c. for Daily ; 25¢.' for Weekly. ing Offices in Canada ; rapid, stylish and cheap work ; nine improved presses The British Whig Publishing Co., Ltd EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director. Daily Wibig. THRALDOM OF THE PARTY, A Toronto paper wants the Ontario legislature to do something by which the voters will be freed from the thral- dom of party. At present the party, it is argued, owns the voters and the voters should own the party. There is Ontario where the reform vi tried, but there is no party less inclined towards the job than that which is .headed by Sir James Whitney. Toronto is under the heel of the party, truly, and the de- to keep it there. Hence the double-back-action scheme which the Whitney government invented and for the purpoge of keeping Toronto tory. to any- thing suggestive of a loosening of the his party has upon elec- tors. The day may come when the vot- ers will rebel against the machine and smash it. but they will he acting in- dependently of the legislature or of the government which néw prevails in On- tario. The marvel is that they are so no place i can bel bett sire is grip which docile or so long-suffering. -------- A public school boy has, from the passed the en- a Junior fourth class, trapee examination, and there is question whether he should be allow- ed to attend the institute. Can he be Having is he not Evidently refused admission ? passed the qualifying examination entitled to certificate ? he has been out of his class. his A CONTRAST IN CASES. The Brockville ashamed of Bayne's work in Colches- Times is evidently ter, and so declines to defend it. Our contemporary is, however, quite will- ing to divert attention frbm it by call- ing attention the ballot-box of- fences of one Reilly in the coynty of Frontenac. And of it? Who hired Reilly ? who left the country, to become an exile for his screening to what A man misconduct. There was no of The whom he was supposed to be serving Jeft stone unturned in his effort to bring In great the offenders. government appointed a prosecutor, who no the guilty ones to justice. contrast is the work at Truro, where a certain king's counsel, acting for the corruptible Bayne, is doing this level to screen some of the offenders, successfully for the time by the What that If Col- new best and ruling of the magistrate. means need not be given, a epoch in political affairs, it advertised to~be, the lid would be re- a chester's election were really as was moved and the people given view of it rotten thg mess might be. This is what may be called "scram- ble day" the day on which the pypils have hunt avoided by the deliberate assignment certain before what covered, no matter , how public schools--the their at for seats. Could this not be of pupils to schools hand ? SOME ONE IS DREAMING. Alberta Saskatche- upon of Manitoba, and have agreed a series school books, plied by Morang & Co., at very low These. books in in printing ;and binding, and wan which are being sup- rates. are superior matter, promise to give great satisfaction. It remarkable that the Ontario ernment, the first to matter, is the last to produce any de- A way gov- this is move in special commission the cancellation for reduced rates, of result. the old sale, finite cleared for of the a bar- the Another commission of not contracts and at hand. to settle the question should gain books undertook on what then be done, and being persevering or as practical as the first failed to make While it has been dawdling along, de- bating whether the government should publish the whether they should be published under the the schools located within them have their In the western provinces On- the government as commission it has so far a recommendation. books or contract, have acted, and newer provinces re-opened with new books. of severe the SNCCess there is a reflection upon tario, and one which scarcely appreciates. The Times wants to know St. Thomas when is the psychological mo- ment ? It the should dry up who has. nothing par- to is moment when one ticular sav. 4 WHAT IS SURELY COMING. The presidential candidates will be saved alot of talking and travelling throygh the use of the phonograph. They have selected ten minute=speech- and spoken which make the records. These records will be sent es on select subjects, them into the machines out in thousands, so that all over the land, wherever the politicians congre- gate! will be giving the ideas of. the and in the exact yoice with which they were, originally ex- candidates pressed. 'There is a great competition be- THE WHIG, 75th YEAR DAILY BRITISIE WIME, published at Kingston, Ontario, fora United Attached is one of the beat Job Print- 1 man himself, Taft or tween' the 'political parties as to which will give the people the most perfect work of the kind. Thus far there is simply the reproduction of the spoken word. There may be mov- ing pictures presently, and with them the phonographie. recitation, so that audiences may have a glimpse of the Bryan, as he delivers himself of certain passages. Science is doing wonders in photo- graphy and in sound recording, and with the . result that the people are being educated or entertained at a minimum of cost. The theatorium has done the theatre infinite harm. It is | possible now to xeproduce scenes from .| the dramas or operas, with dialogues and music and stage scenery that are marvelously attractive. It will pre- sently be possible to have a pictorial visit from the greatest orators, and a reproduction of such of their views as they desire to have specially impress- ed upon the people. EDITORIAL NOTES. The West End tories (in Toronto) talk dismally of the party leadership, and want Mr. Borden to be deposed. Now what is the trouble ? pepe Some people do not appear to real- ize that the one.cent postage rate ap- plies to drop letters. They are using two-gent stamps and so contributing unnecessarily to the post office reve- nues. Harry K. Thaw must have heen abandoned to his fate when his law- vers have to sue for their wages. His defence, that he is a bankrupt, means that Mattewan asy- lum. he remains in y ---- "How Whiskey Is Made," is the ti- tle of a syndicate article which ap- "How whis- distributed is a appropriate enquiry in view of several papers. and drunk," pears in key more Colchester's experience. is The Toronto World its friends much comfort with the ma- has not given jority of three which it figures out of the next election for Mr. Borden. Mr. Maclean, M.P., should have been equal to a more imposing job. The Hamilton Herald concludes that' Nova Scotia generally was very cor- that the Isn't rupt in the last election, and Colchester's disgrace .is simply culmination of the rule of evil. that reflection too sweeping ? The conservative candidate at Otta- wa--the new man, preferred above all others because he is a Canadian--is a spoilsman. How much civil reform can one. expect from a party wherein the Birketts are the controlling force ? has no hesitation manu- The Weekly Sun in declaring that the woollen facturers are getting a big advantage at the 'expense of the farmer. When will the tiller of the soil learn to look out for himself and let 'the bloated aristocrats go ? The the various the resumed power. that the carrying out Montreal Gazette enumerates changes that have been tarifi since the liberals Has it not been said made in liberals have been simply the conservative plans, the original national policy ? Sir Wilfrid's Ontario Tour. Collier's Weekly. Sir Wilfrid stoops to conquer. He makes a three weeks' tour of Western Ontario, which is an act-of grace on his part, considering his age and the hopelessly stifi-necked tory province Ontario is. But he avoids Toronto, a city set in its ways, not to be moved from its opinions by all the eloquence that ever came out of Quebec. Sir Wilfrid may have wept over Toronto, but he can never win it. What the liberals need in Ontario, éven, more than the chieftain's presence, is good candidates. A Sanhedrin of old, hard heads runs the liberal party in On- tario, sits on the lid, and squelches young, rising stars. The personal equation counts for a great deal, a point in the game of politics which the grits seem never to have mastered, An End Of Hypocrisy. Awherst News. Mr. Hill, the liberal candidate, went on and came out of the Colchester battle clean-handed, and lost by about two hundred votes. Mr. Stanfield's friends deluged the county with pur- ity, righteousness, whiskey and mon- ey, and triumphed, 'but there is no honest man but__who would to-day prefer to stand in the place of Mr. Hill than in the position of Mr. Stan- field. He won his seat, it is true, bat he won it at heavy cost, if not to himseli, to many of his friends and associates. Let us have done with hypocrisy. "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows, Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King." per SS. Virginian, a full line of Jacob's Irish biscuits, Glacier wafers, Alpine wafers, puff cracknel, ch. sandwich, milk ch. bis- cuits, Sydney, Polo, Small Clifton, Jamaica, 'Colonial, Thin Social, Breakfast Ottoman, Rifle Nut, Ginger Nut, Miranda, Opterf Shortcake, Fed- eration, at Gilbedky stores h Getting in touc ith men of affairs may lead to success--but the difficult part is to get them to stand for the touch. The man who is always talking about himself never says anything that is calculated to benefit his fel low man. Must not be confounded with com- mon cathartic or purgative pills. Car- ter's Little Liver Pills are entirely un- like them in every respect. One trial will prove their superiority. Just arrived SPIRIT OF THE PRESS The New Spirit. Brockville Recorder. . It seems that the new spirit of the conservative party in Nova Scotia came out of a bottle. - 'In Legal Fashion. Detroit News-Tribune, John D. Rockefeller is said to be- lieve the Bible is full of errors. Let him take it into court and get it re- versed. Its Great Duty. Toronto Globe, It remains for the Hydro-Eleetric commission to make good. With all the power of the government at its command, there can be no excuse for failure, A Wordy Giant. Hamilton Spectator. J. F. sregor, conservative candi- date in Glengarry, speaks four lan- guages--Gaelic, broad Scotch, French, and English. He 'ought to be able to spellbind Glengarry some. -- Knew What He Did. ar. gets his conservative nom- ination im West Elgin solid. Mr. Crothers Bnew what he was doing when he made that two thousand dol- lar grand stand play by sending back his fee as school book commissioner. Toronto Croth Hard On Mr. Foster. ' St. John Sun. It is one of the 'mysteries of poli- tics that' the organized conservative party has so permitted this man (Mr. Foster), to dominate it, in spite of the united protest of the better ele- ment. For the Sun's opinion of Mr. Foster, as expressed herein and here- tofore, is not merely the opinion of a political opponent ; it is public opin- ion. In this verdict has joined every newspaper in Canada that is not part of the machine, The Toronto News, The Toronto Telegram, The Ottawa Journal, The Montreal Star, The Win- nipeg Tribune, The Calgary Herald, The Victoria Colonist, all of them strong conservative advocates, have all, py careful study of the evidence, denounced vigorously. this man who broke his tru to the widows and orphans; even the furiously partisan Halifax Herald was moved to declare that Mr. Borden would greatly streng- then himself with the people by rele- gating Mr. Foster to a seat on the back benches of the party. But in spite of this unprecedented storm of public censure he-is allowed to - hold his place 'of prominence in conserva- tive 'councils; allowed to tour the country as a recognized member of the conservative government with which the people are asked to supplant the government of Laurier and Fielding ; allowed to stand as eloquent evidence of the insincerity of - conservatives charges of graft and the untrustwor- thiness of conservative promises of reform.» The Tariff On Woollens. Toronto Star. The manufacturers of woollens would have reason for:sorrow if the govern- ment levelled up the duties on leather and = woollens: Fhe duty on woollens is not 15 per cent. or 174 per cent., but on the average more than 30 per cent. The duties on woollens imported from Germany average more than 50 per cent. In nine months of 1907 woollens to the value of $2,206,000 imported under the general tariff paid duties of $753,470. ~Woollens to the value of $11,860,700, imported under the preferential tariff, paid duties, of $3,254,381. Woollens to - thé value of $813,694, imported under the surtax tariff, paid duties of ¥371,674. On the whole a tax of $4,379,525 was paid on an import of $14,890,494. When an in- dustry enjoys protection to the ex- tent of $4,379,525, or nearly one-third of the total import, is it fair to say that Mr. Fielding is driving the oper- atives out into the streets ?: A Chivalrous Opponent. Aylmer Express, Con. When Sir Wilirid was years ago we rode a bicycle in procession from Orwell to the fair grounds. We will not agree to ride a bicycle this time, but we will certainly be in the procession if anything of the kind is undertaken, and if one of our grit friends does not ask us to ride in the band waggon we will. walk with the boys behind it If Sir Wilfrid Laurier comes to Aylmer this fall we again appeal to the electors of East Elgin to get away up above the small, peanut politics of the past, and as citizens, regardless of elass, color, race, religion or party politics, give him such a reception as he never had before, and show him that there is one place in Canada, at least, where we can for - the time being drop our dif ference of opinion of politics and un- ite to do honor where honor is due. Why should this not be done ? here many the Tribute To Mr, Gibson. Toronto News. It is definitely settled that Hon. .J. M. Gibson will Mortimer Clark as lieutenant-govergor of On- tario. The appointmen likely to prove "entirely acceptable !to the peo- ple of Toronto and to the province generally. There is no wide field of service open to a-lieutenant-governor One often questions why the office is maintained. But it is certain Mr. Gibson will perform its duties with zeal and judgment. He is a man of catholic taste, of wide reading and of philosophic témper. He will be strict- ly impartial in all his official acts and relations, he will represent the pro- vince creditab® at all public func tions, and there is no doubt at that with the assistance Irs. son the hospitality of Qgvernment House will be graciously dispensed. succeed Sir ---------- _ Piles Must Yield. Any congestion or inflammation of the tissues of the body are due to causes which always yield to Wade's Ointment. Its action is particularly prompt and efiéctive in cases of piles. The remedy always cures eczema (salt rheum), ulcers, catarrh, dandruff and all scalp or itching eruptions of the skin. In big boxes, 25c., at Wade's drug store. The Statement Denied. : Constantinople, Sept. 1.--An official statement is given out here, "denying the report that the sultan of Turkey WELL KNOWN LAWYER, One of Chief Leaders of the Mis- souri Bar, { ~ W. S. COWHERD, OF SSOURI. Hon. William Strother Cowherd, who bas been nominated by the democrats of Missouri as their standard-bearer in the coming election for governor of that state, is a well-known lawyer who was born in Jackson county, Mo., on September ' 1st, 1860. His boyhood was passed at Lee's Summit, a pic- turesque portion of Missouri, and he went to the public school there. 'La- ter he entered the university of Mis- souri, where he graduated, and later studied law, being admitted to the practice of his profession in = 1882. He has built up a big legal business and his professional abilities make him one of the chief leaders of the Missouri bar.t He makes his home in Kansas City, Mo. "Gown Of Pongee Or Linen. Cowal A very simple but effective model is here illustrated. The. original gown was of white linen, but rajah or pon- gee would make up with 'excellent ef- fect - after the same design. Eyelet work, insertion and embroidery were used'sas trimming, the bodice and skirt being joined at the waist by rows of insertion, so that the gown was all in one piece. 'H pongee or rajah is used for the gown heavy lace dyed could be selected for the trimming. Revenue And Taxes. Mr. Patterson In Inverness. Mr. Foster claimed that because more revenue was coming in from the customs therefore the people were taxed more. No fallacy could be more absurd. Take the post office tax as an example, The two-cent stamp on every letter was a tax, just as much the customs duty, . The revenue from the post office had doubled; would Mr. Foster then say that the tax which three cents under his government six cents on a domestic letter, or that the tax on a letter to Britain, which was five cents in his day, was now ten cents? Of course we would not. Everybody knew that the rate had been reduced, from three and five cents to two cents. In the customs it was precisely the same thing. The government had no power to compel the people to 'buy what they did not want. The one thing that the gpvernment could do was to fix by the'law the amount that im- porters must pay into the public re- venue on every hundred dollars of value before the goods could be taken out of the customs and delivered to the people who bought them. What had the liberal gowbrnment done in this respect ? In their last year the conservatives 'had charged on every hundred dollars the sum of £18.20. Un- der liberal rule last year the rate had been only $15.66 equal to a 'reduction of fourteen per cent. The government got the revenue, because the people were better off, and bought more. Was any government to be blamed because the people became richer under it? ns was was now The Open Convention. The Vancouver Sunset (independenty advocates the proposed open voting convention of the Vancouver liberals as a pattern for their conservative rivals. It continues: "I can imagine no funnier spectacle than that bunch of nomination-seeking 'tory small fry, and its conscript mouthpiece being compelled to swallow Tupper. He would be a big dose for them and a bitter one, but it might be good for them. Certainly the country would be the gainer. Canada i$ not clamor- ing for-a Woodworth 'or a Tisdall-- it does not need either of them, but a man of the Tupper calibre is badly needed, because his type all too scarce dn the councils of his party. Dare the machine take a chance on an open nomination?" is Remark- able for richness a} Walch flavor. The big black) plug chewing tobacco. contemplates paying a visit fo Berlin at the present time. } quiet in his Taste. y : tions of fashion. Our Suits at and $18.00. erings worth investigating. One of the satisfactory things about our Clothes is that 4 there is a style, or rathey a number of styles for every type of Man. The Young Fellow, who likes to spread himself to the limit, is well provided fo r and so is the man who is more Dignity, tone and character serve to keep our garments within the gates of good jud gment, though in every line they are indicative of Clever Tail oring and the latter-da y iunova- We -Call Special Attention to 12.50, $15.00 We are showing unusual values for the modest prices. Off- i The Best $2.00 Hat Store. THE HD. TEOE®E QEEEEERELEEREEEE BIBBY CO. p Kingston's One Price Clothing House: O00 WEEECEEOECCAORRS ~ Lombard PI CHEAP TUESDAY « ote AY TOYE'S, ums King St. A Lost Angel. Collier's Weekly. Where is John McKane, the angel of wick ? His gold was water to. the thirsty and when water was needed. The party drank deep from his well of hope and was revived, afd things changed, and the Hazen government got in, and it looked rosy for John McKane, who aspired to be a nation builder at Ottawa. Millionaire Me- Kane pervaded the landscape. In St. John they spoke of him as a greater attraction than the Reversible Falls. It cost a dollar mere a day to haye a room on the samé floor with him in the Royal Hotel. If we re- member rightly, John McKane pur chased a newspaper and started in to mould public opinion in his way. But that newspaper turned Grit, while the editor was' in the middle of a sen- tence, and. John MecKane is heard of no longer. Into what viewless air has this angel with the golden wings vanished ? Toronto Street Market. Toronto, Aug. 31.--Wheat, old: bush. 85c.: wheat, new, 'bush., 85¢. to Be; oats, old, bush., 5lc. to 52¢.; "oats, new, per bush, #ec; barley, new, bush, 2c.; peas, bush., he.: hay, old, ton, 815 to $16; hay, new, ton, 8i2 to 815; straw, per ton, £11 to $12; dressed hogs, $9 to. $0.50; bufter, dairy, 20ec. rE 24¢.; butter, creamery, 25¢. to 26¢c.; eggs, dozen, 2c.' th 2le.; chickens, spring, dyessed, b., 13a to 15¢.; fowl, per lb., 9¢. to lle; ducks, springs, lb., 12¢.; cabbage, per dozen, 40c. to 50c.; potatoes, new, bush., 60c, to 70c.; beef, hindquarters, $9.50 to 810; beef, forequarters, $450 to 26: beef; choice, carwase, $8 to 89; beef, medium, carcase, $5.50 to $6.50; mutton, per cwt., 87 to $9; veal, prime, per cwt., $9 to £10," 'spring lambs, 210 to $12. Jones' Falls And Return, 50:. Rideau King every Wedpesday and Saturday at 6 a.m. James Swif} & Co., Agents. ---------- People can depend only on them- selves--aad a good many people can't even do that. Beauty is only skin deep, but man's cheek is often estimated a at more than its face value. the conservative party in New Bruns-' CHARGES AGAINST SPARROWS Built Nests So Electric Wires Could Start: Fires: Incendiarism is , the Jatest charge against the bothersome little English sparrow.. The Weekly Underwriter has been making' some investigations, and relates some instances. The sparrows are not charged with striking matches and actually lighting the fires, as mice have been accused of doing, but with preparing the kindling so the electric light wires could do the rest. The Underwriter says : "The sparrow hazard is now bei studied by fire underwriters. A fire was discovered recently in the cupola of St. Anthony's church at Evans- ville, Ind., two hundred feet above the ground, - caused by a sparrows' nest. The elevator of the Melrose Milling company, at Fort Branch, Ind., was destroyed by fire starting in a spar- row's mest, and property owners. are warned against the hazards of leaving open ventilators without" screens. In another case a sparrow built its nest behind an electric transformer, where any break of 'the circuit would have set fire to the building, and another case is reported where a sparrow flew to its nest with a piece of burning string from a bonfire, starting a fire which caused serious damage." Animals owned by Gol) lon Hoover, township -of Raintown, died of rabies and now two men who handled the animals have gone to New York for tréeatment. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years 'was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local diseases and ribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treasment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hal's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by wl Cheney & Co., Toledo, io, is the only conbtitutional cure om t market. It is taken niternglly in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars pation. and CHENEY & Co, Ohio. Druggists, 78c. Soild b; A all's Fawily Pills for consti- $ Take | Evangeline | Ganong's G.B. Chocolates Always fresh, The finest in the city. A.dJ.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58.