Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Sep 1908, p. 3

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i aerme----------r - ~ % FOO000000000000000000000000000000000000000 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT 0 D 0 X 0 & Q Q : Sa 000000000000 POOO000D00000 OOOO 000VO0O0U . the very newest and they We are receiving and@pla cing on display Fall shapes tainly make as good a showing of good honest comfort as you and models in the Corset world, cer- could wish to see. The latest ideas are here in many shapes, and styles, graceful lines, per fe¢t workmanship New Autumn Models. 'comfort and satisfaction all combined in our 50c¢., 75¢., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 to $3.00. Warm Golf Jackets / : : At no time of the year can you get more comfort from a Golf Jacket than the early Fall days and nights, handy to slip on, on a chilly evening when going out, or in the house before the fires are started. Red, Try one and be convinced, Navy, Green, $1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. NIN ANNA ANN i Crumley Bros. White, and in co mbined colors, J SALE. Kor the balance of the season we will sell Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers and Garden Hose at a discount of 20 Per Cent. Off Our line of Refrigerators ranges in price from $6.00 up to $35.00. = ELLIOTT BROS., " "roms \ 1 & EE " chool Shoes ! We have many styles of Scheel Shoes for Boys, Girls, and Children. Boys' 2.50 to 3.50. Best Grade Box Calf, size 1 to 5, $2.00, Cheaper grades, $1.50 3" Grain and Buff Leather odie, $1.25 and Boy 1.50. Our Boys' $2.00 Calf Bluchers, makes a wonderful School Boot. { leather lined, Boys' School Boots, sizes 11 to 13, good values at $1.25, 1.50 to 2.00. Cheaper gr: wdes at $1.00, but not gudranteed. Calf. Boots, rizes 11 to 2, good soles, $1.25. 1.50, 1.75 to 2.50. peeial value at $2.00. Small Girls' School Boots, sizes 8 to 104, $1. 00, 1.25 and 1.50. : . School Shoes, light and heavy 1.50 for Boys and Girls. Children's weights, $1.00, 1.25, Bring them here for their School Shees.™ ' = land P. | i getting THE NEWS OF F. NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND" ENTS S. TELL US. The Tidings -- Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Budget From Bethel. Bethel, Aug. 31.--Harvesting is near- ly completed in this locality. * There was frost a couple of nights last week but it has not seemed to do much harm. 'Mrs. Frederick McWilliams and Mrs. John Connelly spent a few days visiting near Sharbot Lake. Miss Forrester has charge of the school {for the end of the term. Misses Maud wind Olive Salsbery are visiting their uncles at Yarker and Colebrook. Miss Amanda Wartman Visited her cousin, Mrs. John Jayne, one day last week. Rev. (Mr. and Mrs. Williams visited last week at J. 8S. Galbraith's. W, Curl and Mr. Stuart were visiting Hriends near Kingston last Friday asd Saturday. Walter Higgs and Mrs. W. {Curl were at R. Dennison's, South {Napanee, last Sunday. Mrs. Mackie land children are at Alexander Fee's. | -- Items From Willetsholme. . Willetsholme, Aug 31. Farmers {have finished harvesting. Threshing is { the order of .the day. The Sunday {school picnic held at Else's grove, last week, was a decided success. A little idaughter has come to stay at the {liome of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wil» tson. Mrs. John Wilson and Mrs. J. IA. Todd have returned home, after spending a Jew weeks with in Oswego, N.Y. Miss Mae Mills, who been visitihe Miss Enia Wilson Mrs. R W. Spence, has returned Jelleville. Visitors: John James Wilson's; James E. McNeely 's: John Spence John Wilson's, a num- Friday and sons, her thas land home to | McClean, or | Wilson, at Mr jand George Cowan, at Miss Enia Wilson entertained ther of her young friends, last Mrs. J. A. Todd and Wesley, visiting Mrs. R. W, Pine Grove levening | Emery | sister, | Yonge Mills Doings. Mills, Sept. L.--<The death o jeurred, on Saturday afternoon, of {Carl Gilson, aged twenty-one | Deceased the youngest son of H T. Gibson, and ify survived by hid Mather, two sister and a brother, the | Ingter being in Vancouver The many {friends of Miss Arlitta Dien _ will be pleased to know "that she is recover nr from her recent illness. Robert Glynn, Oswego, has spent the week his old friends here. Miss Derbyshire, Brockville, returned home, Monday, after visiting her (grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Purvis. Mrs. J. E. Purvis and family have moved to Lyn and will be much missed in neichborhood The young Frederick Kilmurray broke. his collar-bone while at school the other day. George Gibson, Port Arthur, was calling friends here Miss Jessie Purvis leaves for Tuesday. Threshing has begun in vicinity, Mrs. Bates; Brockville, Dickey, Mallgrytown, were. the the latter's brother, J. J. Tuesday. are Spence, Yonge years. was {among 1 Helen on our son ol on Toronto fon {this uests of I® yg Dickey, on Ida Hill News. Hill, Sept. 1.--W. Smith's outfit has doing work near the village Ihe yield of grain whole, is reported Mr and Mrs. Robert Robinson will leave this for the Toronto exhibition and returfiing will visit New On- other points, calling op | Lda threshing been Lroenl some past taken as a the \ Week good. | week | before | taro friends ane A pienic party took a trip to Falls Harvesting has fair crop has been Mrs. James Riel for a with ert Kiel Kiel at in New city, a motor Cuddy, for day¥ undergoing treatment in the King | General Hospital, is much improved { Messrs, and Smith housing crop. Some Saturday by boat been finishéd, and a housed. Mi and have visiting his father, present Jones on been days Rob Mr York supply few resides president of Robert has being { ompany been who some ston are furm- and re- past Rickard a big hay ers are some rve sowing seeding with timothy the | Ernest Campbell has been in the jployment of W. Jackson ior some mining prospector who this locality of late re ports some va deposits { here Factorymen report want of milk received the Farmers report the limited doing week. em weeks. The | has been in lnabie near 1 decrease in past been the im who have ground ean be {few days i plowing only a dry, and amount done { daily. A Cut In Expenses. ton Times J. Wright, Toronto, in reply to tations of the hvdro-electrie that there 1s no danger In transmission line, farms and the H promoters an clectr 1 passing through highways, points prots unienced, along the out that when the charter of the Toronto & Niagara company was granted, the company compelled to fence its transmis line The Toronto & Niagara companys li of 60.000 volts, and Mr. Beck say may be of 120.000 volt the feet wide ton, and 66 feet ton Toronto, and was ston wdro line original plan of coinmission was for a hine 100 between, Niagara and Hamil. between Hamil- fenced on both sides The such wide and and with latest proposals EH protection. Crossing for gates provide no WATCH YOUR TONGUE If' Furred and Coated, It's a 1 Looking Glass Stomach Warn- ing. When| it is the night before you do nat fat youre tongue to stomach is the no appetite, nerves on the sunshine of life clouded | The real time to watch the tongue fis all of the time If at is {with a white fur, or {dark trimmings, even the mach does not tell vou by the acute 1 pains of indigestion that it needs help Iyet the coating shows that vou are into a bad and that i there is need of Mi-o-na. Mi-o-na is so positive, | reltable' in its curative action upon » stomach that G. W. Mahood, the vrent, a guarantee "of ua ps morning after the have to look that the upset, aching, with all counted with Sto- possibly way SO sure, so sive with . every O0e. box relatives. Hmusemenis,' (GRAND OPERRIHONSE) SATURDAY, SEPT. 5TH. Matmee, at 2.80, Evening, at 8.135. Pig in PL Scenic Produetion Written."" QUINCY ADAMS SAWYER And Mason's Corner Folks. "One great big laugh frog beginning to end, the sweetest love story ever told." Matinee; children, 25 adults, 50c, Kvening, 23e., 50c., ., $1.00, Scats on Sale. 'hursday 2 (LAKE ONTARIO PARK TO-NIGHT 33 Free Show High Class Vaudeville New Moving Pictures, Latest Illustrated Songs. ; ¢ ES Je. Wednesday and Thursday De. GREAT AUTO RACES At. which the most: celebrated: DEVIL WAGONS OF THE WORLD Met in the most fam fashionable races ever held. FIVE SMASH-UPS And all sorf of thrilling sights in the World's longest and best Auto-race. A trip to France for five cents Summerhy sings Filean Edgar My Wonderland ir Strictly Hig Clase Vaudev ili . " VOSPER "' The Great Impersonator and Entertainer, Change of Act NIGHT. "UNDER A CROCODILE SKIN," Comedy. "THE BRAHMIN'S MIRACLE." Colored. TS Entire TO-MORROW "Yesterday 7 O-MORR(C W SONG Fhe Road CHILDREN ONE CE Ne AFTERNOON HAINS' 'MOTHER TALKS. She and Small Grandson Take the Stand. New York, Sept. likelihood that Captain en-year-old son and 'the captain's mother will both vo on the stand. The boy is said td have séén things which turned him from his His. grandmother has given statement in which she described the Hains' sey- IHHAINS JR learne wife's anguish her so of what he belidved infidelity He laid hi ead in mother and eried " unwilling his lap anvthp wife s threats to believe and at the same time Anui Hains' army pay with the time of despatches ® acquitted | against Captain stopped, beginning hi arrest according to from Washingtor { | | MRS. P. €, HAINS he will be recompen 3 k pay. Otherwise, it is now si Sill lose all pay from the time he is in the custody of the eivil authorities. Mrs. Hains was a Miss, Labbe came . from a swehlthy family. She was a noted béauly before her 'mar- riage and is still a handsome woman, Capfain nines the son of Gen, P.~C. Hains and has always] cand a stood well in his profession, > ay Form of '"The Best News England Slory Yver| First 'insertiod Te: s word: and } | Variet yi May | --There is a | mother. | out a has been | | plainly that Mr { been appreciated and that they prefe lly rather | mg at | hour DAILY BRITISH WHIG, W EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER g, 1908. CONDENSED ADVERTISING : RATES 5 ao ox a: WANTED MALE, AN APPRENTICE, TO THE DRUG b Apply at, Wade's ° brig Sh Eni que Store. AT ONCE, = STRONG ' BOY, EOR parce Is. Apply Robertson = Bros. Princess street. . J = joke oR TWO FRONT' ROOMS Address * 'Spire,'s hic of WE FIRE INSURA ANCE R 'RISKS. Goon mentar 0s HO Dove tC ot pei Str «oy IE © En ates en A JOB. cLmANING ASHES OUT BR Price PE AT THE BIWOU. STRaKe YQUNG man as .dqgor-keeper and caretaker. Must be good: scrubber. $5.00 week- ly. Call in forenoon. GOOD SMART BOY, TO DELIVER par one who can ride a bicydle. Apply sat_once, to Anderson Bros. Cor. "Princess 'and Division Sts. MEN, AT QNCE ON SALARY 'AND expenses. Ons goo man in each locality with hE or, Sapable. on hand Lg Horses advertise aa b+ 4 uce our =, try a aerieire neces- sary ; we day o out your work for you ho Be ites LA A. To permanent. | Manufactusin, ¥ WANTED---FEMALE, SCRUB WOMAN APPLY 163 PRIN- ess street, GENERAL SERVANT. AP- A OOD Jas. Reid, 254 Princess St. 1 ply Mrs SERVANT. APPLY Al GENERAL Princess St. loperial Hotel, 76 T. SMALL {GENERAL SERVAN Apply at once family. Good wages. 201 Brock street. A MAID FOR work, laundry Apply to 1 GENERAL HOUSE sent ut, good wages Larl t : HOUSEMAID, AT ONCE required, Apply 2 Emily 8 o'clock in tho evening COOK AND References St., after GOOD COOK, IMMEDIATELY, ENG - lish, or Scotch preferred. Good re- ' Teregops, good wages. Apply, Whig office, ADVANCED for a little qualifi- {LAD GOVERNESS OF education and experience, Apply letter giving girl. by LOST. INITIALI on Sa Whig LOCKETT and chain, ward for return to GOLD G oifice. COAT: LINED with pink, between City and Depot Toll Gate. Finder please return to Mahood's "Drug Store. CHILD'S CORDUROY BANK BOOK, ON FRIDAY AFT Thomas Mills Office, Waese's Photo Kindly leave at naon, between Clarence St and graphers Findér Whi A: office. DOLLAR BILL, ON WEDNES- morning, on either Chatham Main Sts. Finder please this oflice and receive re | A A TWO day D¥ision or ] return to | ward. WHITE FOX TERRIER wearing collar answering to the name of "'Duke,'"" on August 24Lh oy TAN AND | Ce | STENOGRAPHERS, CLERKS GOOD salaries, a dining roomy' girls, two chamber-maids, one <vhef, and one housekeeper for Hotel. Apply . to Canadian Employnient Agency, Brock- ville, nt, GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR winter overcoats made now, also last year's turned 'and made like new. Your own cloth made into up-to-date suits. Price and wdrkmanskip guar- angeed to please. Thomas Galloway, The Tailor, 131 Broek St., Bibby's" Livery. next to MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Gradua eighteen, dolla positions. Wilt stant. practice. 1 instructjons Few weeks Te course. Cata- ) ue free. Write Moler Barber Callege, Torpfito cations, sto CHL" Whig office. SITUATION WANTED: DOMESTIC SERVANTS EXPERI. enced, English, Scote Teish, arriv- ing weekly. under superyision. If you 'need a servant Write, The Guild, 71 Drummond. St., Montreal. PERSONAL. HAR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, arts, ete., removed ; permanently, without scar. Twenty years' experi- ence. Dr. Elmer J. ds eo, Bye: Par. Nose, Throat fmd Skin Blemish Specialist. 258 Bagot street. MUSIC. MISS GERTRUDE R. CRAIG, TRACH- er piano and theory. Bupils prepar- ed for exams of Toromto Conserva- tory. Address 169 King St, MISS BESSIE CHAPMAN, TEACHER of pianoforte playing (Virgil Clavier Method). For. information . address #22 Queen St. Autumn term opens September 1st. HA SQUARE aE + condition. . Whig office. = Appig ONE ToP B® G LOSE , ong Queen stréet, TO BL i A GENTS i works | com pe, TF, Sha : Apply at 19¢ 'HOUSES OF TI m Gq Tilson 0 a) Eh » merce ; 104, a Wholesale 3 pony O'Kill__ street ; 12 street © 179 Collingwood Bao 0a " ower | 0 wade, Sh Mouse 43 Fdenhiam areel street. John T ower, or TO-LET.' WELL TF ORNISTD ROOMS, . conveniences board, Apply 176 Clergy St. a2 LA AVE.,, BRICK dwelling, roo \y Wodern im fave ments. wb to «8S. Ry McC 51 Brock St. TO RENT UNFURNISHED, HOUSE OR part of house, modern conveniences, Queen's College neighborhood pre ferved. Apply Whig office. LARGE OFFICE ROOM, IN EX. chgnge Chambers, No. 1168 Brock St. Apply to Geo. Cliff, Real Estate Broker, 95 Clarence street. wiTH FROM OCT, 1.--BRICK RESIDENCE, 181 Division street, with twelve oms, including extension kitchen, hot water heating, bath, ete. Ens quire at 179 Division street. ON SEPTEMBER 187, wx, ONR of the best business stands in King- ston, on tho corner of Princess and Wellington streets, lately occupied by F. Nisbet, Stationer. pply Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot St., Kingston, Ont, ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF. cs, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. MONEY AND BUSINESS. building and contents than any other company offé¥s. Examine them at] Goodwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark. et Square. § LONDON. AND GLOBE Sompany, Available assets $61,187,215. In addition. two which. the policy yholders have for securfy the unlimited lability of all the stockholders. I "VERPOOL, Fire Insurance & Strange, MARR TAGE LICENS 8. ISSUER OF © 8. KIRKPATRICK. 43 Clarence St. J Pigase veturn to I. FI Metcalfe, § Broek St., and receive reward | Never Fails to Restore | Gray Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty. No mdtter how long it been gray orfaded. Promotes a luxuriant growth of healthy hair. Stops its falling out, and positively removes Dan- druff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re- fuse all substitutes. 234 times as much. in $1.00 as 50c. size. Not a Dye. $1 and 50c. bottles, at druggists Send 2¢ for free book ** The Care ofthe Hair, | Philo Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. J. Hay's Hartina Soap cures Pimples, rod, rough and chapped hands, and all skin dis- eases. Keeps skih fine and soft. 25¢, dr ists. Send 2c for free book "The Care of the Skin.' 'JAS. B. McLEOD. | Semon rr --------_---- A Word In Season. Witness Scott liberal been returned to good working majesty of forty: That is plenty good neither for a government to have a | Mont rea | * The [to hav | very government seems power by a twelve in a house ol |as it is nor a state weak opposi here have been lots of wile made m the bout gan, of heclers and all immoral mad govern the ole cabine | tion charges conservative papers being employed promises DE , side so as to influence tions, but the fact that three | ministers defeated in stituencies is a feather cap' of the pretiy orts of being on the three con in Hu but is also that the little interfer Were not only opposition, indication frie dom of the voters was led with, On the hand, it 1 that Mr. Haultain and hi had plenty of assistance {irom Manitgha. Be that as it may [the province has shown sufficiently Scott's past rule ha: good other | charged { merry men a liberal government "for the next fivi years «to men whose battle cry i "provincial rights," and whose boas! is that they prefer to think provincial "than patriotically and{na tionally Caught A ke 32} Pounds. Cornwall, Ont, Sept. 2.--While troll: the foot of Cornwall island Denneny, of the Royal Bank Montreal, whe is spending his holidays at his old home here, landed a huge lunge, which weighed thirty-two and half pounds MF. Denneny was alone in the boat and battled-for an with the big fellow ere hé beat out. John P one bum Nonsensical rumor is almost as good as the truth with the chronic gos- siper. The man with a sincere desire help others always has work ahead. The dollar should not be blamed for the tainted] methods thai Secured it What intend doing to-morrow to you "cannot be counted for gain or for loss. I Marriage Licenses, Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON. Christ's View Of CHrist. the real character and Vnature of Jesus, whose opinion could be better or moré reliable than that of Jesus Himself? There is ample evidence to show that he re Himself net in the. least as deity, or as one member of a triple God. He even flatly denied such as sumption on the part of his disciples in answer to their adul call ye me good ? There but one, that is God." anything at all it denial of distinction God. To the as- In considering ghrded Once he said, ation, "Why is none goad If this meant means that it is a distinet his deity and' a clear drawn between Himself and affirm otherwise is to deny sertion of Jesus Address, Rev. C. W. Beacon street, Boston, literature, Casson, at 25 Mass., for the JEWELS TO SAVE HEATHEN. Women and Men Contribute Liber- ally to Work. Chester, Pa., Sept, 2 the cloguence of Rev ter, a returned missionary at Twin Oaks Holiness. camp meeting, in to & request for gifts to be into cash for the mission people filleck the contribution gold watches, gold ring and other articles of the response converted ary fund, yasket with vatch chains ewelory? Several women took the combs from he back of their haw and placed them n the basket, while a number of oth ws took the rings from their fingers. Altogether there were articles worth thout $400 of this character, Missionary Slater says he will sell 'or what they will bring and devote the proceeds to the missionary fund A Canadian Weakness. Foronte 'Telogram How many school trustees are more ager in pursuit of the honor. of be ng elected to the board of education than they are energetic in the: dis tharge of the duties that go with the \onor ? A record of attendance at mitlee and other meetings of school board illuminates the of the members. Too mahky of the trustees imagine that the year's work is plete when they get elected. And Toronto sehool. trustees are got the only people Jie are more eager to wear the honors than to attend to the duties of a coveted public position. Canadians im all lines of life ave unduly prone to reach the nositions which they do not mean to faithfully work at. Sat the com- the spirit must com- -------------- Don't, if it comes back to you, ex- pect a better quality of bread than that vou cast upon the waters. Bocuse the fatted ealf war killed for the Bille prodigal, it is' no 'valid OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF| THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT ) -- Inspire Vincent to and from all Charles 1 \ York #&tate. Through glee which | HENRY P. SMITII, ARCHITECT, ete., Anchor Bullding, Market Square: "Phone, 845. | POWER & SONS, ARCH charts Bank Building! i and Wellington streets. BOTS, MER. corner Brock 'Phone, 2132, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITHCTY, OF fice, second floor over Mahood's Dru, store, corner Princess and Bagel streets. Entrance on 'Phone 608. . BUSINESS CHANCE. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT YOUN office man oul duxest $206.00 with services n established business. Credentials exchaneed hs mer is dent wishes to on: comming - cations treated : in ee confidence. Folger," 148. Washington Address St., Buffalo, N. Y. ITI8T HE SAME. Swift's Scranton Coal. We have handled it for the past | 40 years. | JAS. SWIFT & CO. COAL ard WOOD. | Thousand Island & St. ESt. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies { | In Connection with New York Cene | tral & Hudson River R.R. Leave Kingston aauy, exce js: oe and. 2.00 p.m. 2%pY \Bvntay, ve Kingston Sund. |e35": nL gusto un ay, 7.80 a.m, and ve Cape Vincent d aii Sas ps t dally, 10.50 +a. my Making ~ direct connections at Cape points in New cent to New York, Pex. Unpe. Vine Week end round trip rate Kingston ta Satertown, good going Saturday on Sunday, Jo{oining up to and imcluding | Monday, $1.65 ., | Card of Thanks. F INSURED WITH. TH# Lancashire Life Assurance Company, Fhomas Mills General Agent, twenty-five | Years ago, for $2,000.00. KHecontly' I ree [i a cheque for $3.000.00 in. settie- LONDON & ment. 1 ane well satistied with the re sults. The policy was on the DEFER RED BONI1 5 PLAN, and my PROFITS | on an davestment of $1 850.00 wore $1.15000, plus insurance during the [ term, of Policy. i J. HEWTON { Manager Kingston Hosiery, Company, | Kingstan, Aug, 20th, 1908, To Whom It May Concern, Dissolution of Partnership. TAKE NOTICE THAT THE PAT nerghip heretofore existing between the undersigned as contractors is this diy dissolved by mutual gonsent. Dated at Kingston this 31st day August, 1908 my "ap WM. LANGDON i i LILLVAN T0 COV ORS & BUILDERS Tho, Perfett Brak & Tile Lo., Wash- A burn, Ont. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessces, Are ready to contract for immediate delivery rick that wil stand Snapee > aon at 000 deity. rajes. Capacity i Furtiiors aud Store Fisturts réd hy roished and' Polished Cao ma : reason why vou should be one, ® D. GABBER, 580 Princess St. CLASS Ibert * with or with- . we uo BH pn HWE EE

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