2 THE DAILY a WHIG, WEDNESDAY, 'SEPTEMBER 2 wr IN DEMPSTER'S WOODS ' apidl Red . nad, Stitn Eres). .. NEAR GANANOQUE. sofle Exercises or Starva- tion Diet. Cogs NOTHING TO TRY. asp will reduce excess fat and build nah and health of anyone © it regularly for a short time. oduct of nature, delicious to and safe and harmless tn all The Fire Discovered Just in Time Marriage of Frank Corrigan and Miss Clement--Leeds Crops Are Reported Good. Gana Jogue, Sept. 2~--A bush fire in Dempste woods on the river bank, just per of the town, caused consider- able uneasiness for some ume yesterday afternooft. The: blaze was first noticed by . Messrs. William Keyworth and Frederick Meggs while on the river m a boat. They at once landed and finding the matter serious, alarmed the neigh borhood, men women and children turn- ing out to fight for their homes. The nearest alarm was rung and soon brought help to them, enabling them to get the fire unler control. Watch wa: kept throughout the night a everything is dry as tinder. To carelessness in using ma hes is doubtless attributable the fire eat care antl catition shoul id be used at such a dry time. 1f fires be started they 'should be thoroughly ex- tinguished before the parties leave. A pleasing event took place at John's church at 6.30 ye sterday morning | when the marriage of Sophia Cle ment. | daughter of Mr. and Mrs William Cle ment, King street, to Frank Ce rrigan, lof the Corrigan Dry Goods Co.. of this [town was solemnized by, Rev John P Kehoe. The bride was attended by her sister Miss Pearl Clement and the froom by his brother, Patrick Corn gan, Kiuigston. After the ceremony he bridal party repaired to. the hame of the bride's nts wh delightful re a | wedding breakfast fat person is victim of con- cruel riducule. Save your- m humiliation and dangs er by taking Rengo. Don't wait rt you are a disgustipg : frig was partaken of, fol Hite profrties. It will nol injure the owing which Mr. and Mrs Corrigan | dig orians a8 so mafly druge and took the west bound express for Kings Reng ra positively reduce surplus|ton, Toronto Niagara Falls, h ff fat rapily and do so Without harm to, York ¢ to spend "the sublfbt. It is very palatable andi Coon The bride was frcanany toseat. It is prepared in Bl ip yf humerous lsorte aatie of hly ¢Mecentrated form and is conveni ma x so one can of friends, favorite was a par New the | ir le esteem trom cle bamone whom she Fhe groom's gift ent to carry in the poc ket Buve it "With him at all times Rengo requires no ex hausting exercises or starvation dieting to help | sunburst of pearls, to th -§t out' as so many of the | pe: irl crescent and to the groomsman a remedies do | can god right ahead|S Id ring. 1 many : friends and attend to your regu-|join m wishing them I pmess lar daily duties. It -| prosperity. On their return they pels proper assim wilation | reside on Syder sham stre of ihe food and sends the| 1 tl late food hutriment into the] The funeral of the lat Ja muscles. bones and nerves | mingham drowned at Kingston and builds them up -in-i.., Sunday last, took place from stead of piling it up in) AY Ee. Firep.strectives the form of excess fat ® sther's residenae, Fir tre ee r 1 fternoon and was very largely a There is nothing 'Just Pday \ as good" as Rengo For| 100 members of Leed's in attendance sale by all druggists $1.00 per full sized srous 4 or by mail prepaid, numen and the Rengo Co taken to Rengo Bldg. Detroit, Mich. The com-| W. Hatt and then the tege proceeded to the vanlt at Ganan gany will gladly send you a trial pack- ge free by ' ha |oque cem:tery where the beautiful fun- mail, if you write them direct to' Detroit; free packages drug stores. BY her cral of the Magonic ord Twas - conducted the officers of the local | lodge lof which deceased was an officer at the time of his de ath. Je The main part of the work of harvest. ing the crops throughout this section is fim shed and as far as can be ascert: ined vield has been a good one. In a s it has been somewhat lig up. South Leeds' above the average the best yield Apples the averdge her large cir was a prime to the bride 1¢ bridesmaid : so-called fa heir com Bi Mills, James ter | thout t| Lodge, No. 201, bok. 1 I'he floral tributesdswere beautiful I'he re Christ church where [)pscomb officiated, Eat Rengo were Like Fruit or Candy. were mains Rev r= no at | and recommended in Kingston Wade, Druggist. service by OPPORTUNITY. 100-00 000000000000 00000 | | Kingston Business College Limited, Head of Queen Street. Poth ness sive, Short the fe but | grain w section when raged vield is well | Corn, for instance, | known in many years | fair crop and also above quali 1 aver 15 are a n ear Canada's Leading Busi« hool; Practical, Progres- Permanert Bookkeeping, and, 'T'ypewriting, Tele graphy, Civil Service, 4 larkson pedlal rates to tha first & [turned to Toronto twenty-five - registering before | bellford the Jones and family nave r Miss Hay, Camp new teacher in the 1 1s { ville COULD NOT "REGISTER. All I country commuting sixty the doing war, 1 en, {in New Gi Meg call for particulars. | West Ward school. Miss Ewing, holi J. BK Cl RNING HAM, Secretarys daying at Carleton Place, is back to her H. }. METCALFE, President. duties wn the High school. Miss Pit OOO OD 000000000000 00Y chev has ret@ned from Rothesay, N. B ------ene -- | Mrs. W. P. Daily and daughter, Brock are in town, | Thinks He is a Citizen After { + These Years. | Spokane, Wash. Sept. 2 { years' residence B! luty in the civil . homestead and woting for every TI publican president from Lincoln to | Roosevelt does not make a man a citi Genuine R the nan C. A. Sherwood, North Ya : _ Wash.. west of Spokane, wants to C ? yw what more is required Mr arte r S rwood was not permitted to register primary election by city clg Qk yn the ground that he was be orn : s : Brewick and had never! taken Little Liver Pills. naturalization papers. He s was naturalized and brought United States from St. John, Must Bear Signature of t. when 1 as a small boy He J riny in Minnesota and J. Tar yr Abraham Lincoln ear zt second election. He not only - Lx Rs s presidential election » exercrsed hus See Fac-Simlle Wrapper Below. S03 t ey SINCE A QUICK CEREMONY. Ten Seconds Taken in Marrying a { Couple. Sept. 2 and age, 1 as -City age Me VeAars ot and Every Woman FOR DIZZINESS. ITTLE FOR BILIOUSNESS. h 8 {FOR THE COMPLEXION Spokane. Was ORNUTNE ig twenty-five years of Purely ert, twenty lof the Spokane county supreme court who broke all recotds for quick cere is tute And should now AVEL Wiring rie raise. together in Green county, Mo., {and became engaged at Joplin, where Very small and es easy 10 take 8S sugar. C ARTERS FOR HEADACHE. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR 'CONSTIPATION, FOR SALLOW SKIN. o ently residents Kans CURE SICK HEADACHE. | Louis. Mo., wert married in ten seconds | the other day by. Judge E. H. Sullivan} | monies. Less thay Sdtegwoels were fused and there were no frills or kissing | the bride. Essary and his bride were Sleanses | tlie where visiting relatives The reason for hurried hitch was that the couple to take their honey- the wante moon trip on a certain train. After the: ceremony they cau lit a street car {and reached the railroad a few seconds before train pulled out for Puget ey Sound THE FRONTENAC KILLED FOR QUARTER. LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | Lad Striek in Face. By |. ESTABLISHED, 1863. Man. sident--Sir Richard Cartwright, New York. Sept 2--To be knocked Money, loaned" on City and Farm Pros! (own and 1 for a quarter was the at galunicipal parchaned: IDegoatis | fate of G org Gross, ten years old, on v I t, Monday ht. The . peveived and interest allowed; ast Sixth stree night I | 8. C. McGill, Managing ®irector. N nding with a_ group on the your druggist for it. RE Samael supply the J 2 accept us Wh y ha at ond stamp fi' J Books-sealed. It cutars and directions ine wid le to lad! hy INDSOR SUPPLY £o., Windsor. Out. General Agents for Canada. a Big vhen a heavily built man IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Fe . pl Gross and struck him face Set up or a bath room installed. | Wha hy _on't you pay me that quarter I can do it in first-eiass style and | 0" OW¢ me asked the stranger, ac- at the right price, 'Give me a DAVID HALL, | sses fell us, and # SCI | Gross Gross to the pavement uncon- 1e heavy man disappeared. curried to-a nearby store, within a half hour, Phone 335 64 Brock was where he died Kk BUSH FRE FOUGHT... THE SPORT REVIEW, Interesting News Froms the Var- ious Sporting Fields. The polo game betwee nthe Toranto Hunt and Buffalo vesulted in favor of Toronte by 7 goals to 2. At the Ottawa Canoe Club sports Gordon Johnstone, the Canadian champion, won the 100 yards city | ehampionship swimming match | sixty-five seconds. | auspices of the "Toronto Everard Butler gave { an exhibition ° of holding the breath {under water. On his "first essay | stayed below the surface 1.12, and. the 1.23. Out of the water his breath: two Under the ! Swimming Club, ° second time young Butler held minutes. Sporting Ji The question as to Walker's 9 Mei is efiectually set at rest by the setter from Mr. Wheatley, one of the timekeepers. His evidence proves that, in the first place, 9 2-5 seconds should never have been recorded, "the watch showing a vard outside 9 2-5 seconds, "and, condly, that the course was distinotly down hill. The 100-vards race at Halifax, which resulted so unsatisfactorily on Satur- day, in the Canadian championships, owing to the illegal start, which Schaefer, the local man, secured and which resulted "Bobby Kerr's de- feat. has been ordered to be run over. Kerr's protest having been reconsider- ed by the committee and for this rea son Kerr will remain Halifax couple of days longer Hamilton Spectator : "Tom" Long- boat's five-mile performarice "zhould prove decisively, that he is fast round- ing to his real form, and that he will be the Longhoat of old this fall. "Billy"? Sherring takes it for proof that the cold weather will see re- markable improvement in ion, as the Olympic coach tnot neither Longboat apé warm weather artists. Toronto Globe question in N.L U. cireles the Indians win out since their at Montreal, on Saturday ? It depends on next Saturday and Monday. ' Caps meet Youtsealers in Montreal on Saturday, and Tecumse hs do battle with Torontos at tie island Labor day. If -Caps:win both ames and the Indians lose their last le, the Caps awe champions. [If aps break even and Indians lose Torontos it will be a tic. if 2-5 se mi mn a a the lug claims nor Simpson The uppermost is will defeat all now on strug the to ~ THE GUN 'WENT OFF. Make Time Caused Wife's Death. Lockhaven, Pa., Sept. 2.--Mrs Chubb. twenty-three years old, wife of an employee on the farm of Geo. F Good. near here, dropped a loaded shot gun, butt downwards, through a steve pipe hole in the ceiling of a room to hey husband yesterday, when the trigger, striking a projection, exploded the gun, instantly killing Mrs. Chubb Employees of the farm were at din ner, when Chubb saw a chicken hawk fly past the dining-room window He told his wife to get a shot-gun that he kept in his room. She fe: red the hawk would escape, and to make time dropped the gun through dhe pipe-hole Trying tq Mas. DROWNED BY FISH. Boy Dragged Into River Fishing. Milford, Conn., Sept. 2--Refusing to give up a big fish which Lg had hooked on the end of his tiny line, little Maurice Miller was dragged, into the Weapawaug river yy drownef The lad was than seven years When he got a bite he att efi ted to haul the fish in but found it so Xdtge that he could not bring it to the surface His foot slippetk from the rock -on which he stood and he tumbled into the water. Stil clinging 0 his pole at the other end of which was the big fish, the youngster vainly tiie ed 1 to swim in shore. While less Absent Minded. Tribune told ofe Chief Returning one after- Richmond, Va., York An anecdote is John Marshall noon from his farm near to his home-in that city, the hub of his wheel caught on a small sapling grow ing by the roadside After striving un successfully for some moments to ex tricate the wheel, he heard the sound of an axe in the woods and saw a negro man approaching him.- Hailing him, hc "If v will get that and cut 1 dollar, this t to] Ive t r by' af dats uid the Justice said, nu axe down vou a > ut no axe, . that's all," .8 simply ma backed whee clear of A Gifted Boston Bulldog. + Teleg bu on rorge to capture found ths ll Size emy ne Owing to the hole Rather than loose his prey dog retaingd his hold on the woodchuck over night and was helped out by his master in the morwing. The dog wa# nearly exhausted: and revived after feeding and drinking Ra curious man" ner. "ug He consumed about two quarts of un- guarded jce cream which had been sef aside for a party. After this the dog pseemed still somewhat dazed, and cap- ped the climax by falling into a bucket of lemonade : the rets its prosperity never hours ol sincerest and Sympathy ting the sunshine. | | | J OR AS RIS in | hehe city presented herself at the ste Hing | beaten tender | shakir "IN OLD" LADY'S WN THOUGHT NEIGHBOR WAS MAKING. WHISKEY -- And Complained to Inland Rev- enue Office--House of Accused Inspected--The Man Accused is Beyond Reproach. Twice during thé past month aged woman, living on the west has an side of Cs Inland Revenue office, with a queer tale. Fach time she waited to see the collector, and then informed Mm that the person living in the house next to hers, was busy every night making whiskey: and sheeknew he was doing it, and wanted it stopped. Needless to say the inland revenue men were surprised and began to think, that at<last they were going to have a chance to show that they were just as good men as those who, in the small vessels, hunted the coasts for stolen and smuggled whiskey years ago; I'hey listened attentively to the woman's story, and said they would see to it. Nothing more was heard of the il- legal brand of fire water, made especial- ly for William Clark Wright's "Indians," until a few days ago, when the woman again urged up. at the office. and said that evere®hight the same performance was going on and had to be stopped. She stated that the still was in the back room, and was run by water power, the water being pumped from the cellar up to this room and then into, the still She stated that all' night long the pump was running; and that - sometimes it would pump all the water from hes sitle of the house. , She did not say that she had tasted any of the liquor but nevertheless it was being manufactured and she knew it.4 After the second trip made by the nan to the revenue office, the man iding next door heard about it, and now' comes. a very diffegent tale. He at once had his house inspected by the nlan] revenue officers, andi had every- thing in his possession carefully ex- mined, clearly showing that there was nothing in the house as declared by the woman. It now seems that for the last four months' the old lady who has been making the complaints has been causing all the trouble. Every night she is up walking around the house, talking. and hanunering on the floor and walls. to keep the people in the other half of the house awake, and she generally suc ceeds. Then. in the Jay time she all day about her neighbors. The young man who was falsely accused and Aas been «listurbed so mu stated that he w res 1 taiks s of Canadian Northwest - HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, NY Svemnuumbiered section of Dos minion Lands Manitoba or North rR not reserved, may be home- person 'the svle head of over 18 years of age. section, of Genuine Oriental Rugs | Selling at Half Price :buhims. (1) a: oe dx month' Tadeo year re tau Every Rug in our immense collection is offer-, ed at a big discount. We have taken from 35 to 50. 'per cent. off regular prices, and on some lines we "have put the price less than one-half. We are compelled to raise a certain amount of money at once, and this is the only reason for our making" such sacrifices of the best and largest assortment of Genuine Eastern Rugs ever seen in Canada. Hundreds have taken advantage of these bargains, but there are many hundreds of choice Rugs still left in all sizes, kinds and colors. he 80 des ¥ieinity" in' the two aime Tk pine miies in a | SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTHs WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL.--~Coal mining rights may be for fwenty-gue years at an annual rents of $1.00 en Not more thang 2,560 acres can be Seamed to one appils cant. Royalty, five cents per tomy QUARTZ.--A person eighteen Jon 1 of and over having may locate a a claim 1,500 feet by 1, 300 Courian, Babayan & Co, 40 KING EAST. QPP. KINGEDWARD HOTEL, TORONTO {was gomg to take out an information, so the whole case will be aired in police court C. % collector, said that he Division street complained of hy woman, and found just what he pected, that everything was in first-class cendition and no signs of any still or other apparatus. He visited the house occupied by the woman, and found that the cellar under the houses was all one, and that her trap Joor leading to the cellar was the only one that had Leen opened in some as the living next door had not opened since he went there to live. The man was given, clearly to understand by the excise. officers that the, next time she came bothering them with any wild g®ose. chase she would get into serious trouble mland revenue morning an. Dickson, was local seen. this the eX also ume, his WO pp---- Mary Anderson's Age. Impossible as it may Anderson entered upon vear on Tuesday, July statement is horne out by evidence of her birth at Sacramento, Cal, in 1858. Twelve of those years from her sixteenth to her twenty-eight were spent on the stage. and all Lon don rushed to see the young actre who, if she were not a heaven-born genius, was delightful to look at But the glamour of soond palled Miss Anderson down to quiet life at old-fashioned Broadway, a quaint spot in the heart England, where there is an Americal colony to keep green the memory Mme Navarro's native land. Mary fiftieth 28, and the documentary seem her the fi set le de Bismarck™s Strategy Bismarck was once out shooting a friend when the latter bog and cried for help I'm afr: id 1 cannot hel p you unl I also said Bisma 4 adva than hw w, kee slipped die {would be of no lus. But rather | ng deat Ne ntage set 1 sl Ds I may mis raised hedven, With this he ind mat udden wa my boy," said Bis ould ted your Queer Marriage English traveMer scribes an with ma among t herdsmen aod Custom. i a de mite connected came wan of across ring negro bi jo be of Asiatic origin suppose that they had about the relations of the fore a man is allowed to marry to stand a sound thrashing with wincing. In some parts of Europe test for the fitness for the wedded s might more reasonably be applied to he 3 woman. « One is remagded of jhotas Edgeworth's friend, who 1 ting bride dropped hot sealing wax gi the girl's arm and fired a pist Hl a her ca The Ww suppos ) might ed sexes who arc of and One advar trace iso has | | out he a One Of John D.'s. '1 John D. Rockefeller, in | comping biography. gives hi mor | | reifl, the work will be a masterpiece » {said a New York Lawyer | 'Mr : as Mark Teain's or { Brisbane's. 1 heard: lnm: 'éne summer {night in Cleveland, describe the hoard- ers' fare of a New York farm house "He told about the 'steak, which was with a club, the blows 1g the nlding, Then he told: | the 7 'The farmer took no ice, hung his 'milk in pails down the But he used. too, jabout he s 'He well to keep it cool, much rope.' ' Sometimes thé im cause us more 'worge thi vehi ones, That man never, gga 105. derive satisfaction d acter real had ex: amined the 'house on | man | clajm may be purch acre. + PLACER MINING CLAIMS ally roo fot square. Entry fee, 38700, . DREDGING, --Two leases of ive miles snciv of a river may be issued to one ap~ slicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, $10.00 a mile por annum. Royalty, 24 per ut alter tbe output exceeds $10,+ by W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interfor, N.B.-- Unauthorized publication of this sdverisement will not be Paid for, KONE BARE TEST Sound w The safety of the inve: importa ance than the ameunt of interet to Since this C from Pp: Hlicy -holders has bee n log t throug gh i u ha gsiina LC gale dollar received étments. "ompany' s organiz a Nn, Rot a 92% of the C ompany 's assets cons is st of Mortgages, Debentures, _Bonds and | Policy Loans--z all git edged securiltes. The only real eftate owned by the Company is its Head Office Building at Waterloo, held in account at 830.87! o ft ; n You "dis superiority over ali plher kinds. $30,875. Take out your policy in "Canada's Big Mutual F PF. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack, St. --the Company owned, controlled and op erated by ; - policy-holders. DIAMONDS ~~ WATCHES AUCTION NOW IN PROGRESS. The High- Class Stock of Kinnear & D'Esterre Of our fine Scranton Coal will praveda \ 108 HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, Ont. 8S. ROUGHTQN, City General Agent, Kingston. 7 SCHOOL - SHOE a wr Ty ' WE KEEP THE BEST. i Consisting of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver, Silverware Cut Glass, Gold Jewellery » will be offered at Public'Aucti fon, | Daily at 2,30 and 7.30 P.M. | { OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST. THE At Our' Store, Cor. Prine and Welling te Stis., Kingston, Ont Ladies Specially Invited. Chairs Provided ¢ n 111 St. merican wd ". LOMBARD PLUMS se A Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO, South Cor. Sts. Fruit for reser ving. BARTLETT PEARS |. | | | cheap at | TOYE'S, King St. kinds. The largest assortment yet ; : Ontario and Clarence Phone, 486. SHORAEALTH EETRED HOME TO DEE The following should inspire every one who is discouraged on account of continued ill Tap to give Phychine. Hr SREATEST OF. ar trial before Lg 3 hope even th lex. McRae, ult mua and friends think and say your case is is Hopeless. says :--*" I was failing every day and had to quit Bork 1 lost 46 Ibs. in a short time and was advised to 'goto the Rockies or the Coast. - I tried them both with considerable expense but I got worse instead er. All hope seemed to leave me and I decided to come home todie. I tried Psychin&#nd since starting its use I have gained from 119 to 141 pounds. I am now a wel man a 4 1 cannot say too much in praise of Psychine.. The stro gt recommendation would be weak in view of the fact that | believe it has saved my li It is wit doubt the best remedy for run-down conditions and weak lungs. | corey hope that you will continue your good work of saving run- down people and consumptive from the grave.'" - Psychine improves the.appefite and gengfally tones up the system. We would like every family to'try it FREE (sce coupon). i Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited All druggists and stores sell at 50¢. and $1. Toronto q UNCED mi TE : 9 TRIAL BOTTLE FREE TR DNCS FOR ATH NON i SEND THIS COUPON Ee