OIE: MBROKE RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway LABOR DAY Trip Tickets will be se id SINGLE FARE going Se miber ith FOOL 0 eLure AL I « S¢ € ¢ 15004 t r 1 until « September FARM LABORERS' EXCU IRSIONS to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta $10.00 going trip, $18.00 additional for return Leaving dates August 20th. 22nd, 27th, and Sept, 2nd, 11th and 4th. Canadian. National Exhibitidn Toronto, Ont., Aug. 28th to Bept. 14th, 08. tickets will Tuesday STANDARD OIL. * Nominee of the Independent Party | For the United States Presi-| dency--He Wi 11 Make Warm. found > 1 at Return Good Monday, going on 1 31, J 4 5 3. 4,5, Hisgen o P 2 , Mass, the 8,9, 11, and ' alid res | i DEAE Wey turning from ronto on or before Tues- : I ry {3 day, Sept. 15, 1908 rsonality of his ¢ Full particulars at K, & DP. r September dingly - inter€stin be se $3.55 : » andi # Good Paper : nom nee and C.P, 'Phone, HO, Pass. Agent, R, Txket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, Gen, BAY OF ' QUINTE RAILWAY leaves union station, Ontario p.m. daily (Sundays excepted, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- and all points north. | j ue] v tra and sometl despatch to Bannock-<|° nstinet He and points on Central 3 mct ie t } your shipments via Bay and four of his sons formed Fof further particu. ympany to manufacture and sell it W. DICKSON, Agent. | had been, up to that time lerks in a clothing store in Al | il they: man- combined product The was a mg of a mvented an 1 side 15 a grease Standard 4 nanufactured Tweed, onto, Bannockburn "To secure quick burn, Maynooth, Ontario, route of Quinte Railway. lars, apply to Ii 'Phone, No. 3. ------------------------------ i Thomas, cap Open Season. New Brunswick | Septe mber 15th--November 30th Nova Scotia October 1st=----November Quebec September lst-- December 30th 31st Write General Passenger Dept. L3H, AL 7: NERL7 NAS MONCTON, N.B. For free copies of THOMAS L. HISGEN. mont ldron was $3 tarted O@ axie ned up the Hisgen barely I'hen Thoma George ory an o 1d1e brought "Moose in the Micmac Country "Fishing and Hunting." 51 Kin; bank, Torontn Ticket Office, St. East. General Passenger Department, bu ro ss again Moncton, N.B., or apply Montreal | i ck of the axle Ticket Office, 141 St. James St. milknran Geor to borrow $ They altogether and started When they made a gre they got in th morn where the lucts, mut $100 1 carly 1c matket-place farmers cage with went around se i | I was | | their prod 1 ling the grease and' the out. In a few months a genus demand had bee n created, and Gustave were able grea hem good und it ne Thomas and to re Central fnadin ie he dia Exhibition (or yea rs now the Standard Oil oct made an offer to thers Comy v for to refuse out $600,000. I'hey the buy r busine veloping Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Ont. Aug. 29 to Sept. 14. Return kets will be sued at §¢ tickets ge to return until LABOR DRY, Monday, Sept. 7th! t eke will be ASS FARE, 6th and 7th, Tuesday, Sept Return INGLE Koing 1 turning ued te ' For ful HANLEY, Untatio Sts Lake Ontarlo & Bay of Quinte, Steamboat Co, LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER 1,000 ISLANDS partic illars, apply' to Ay Johns ent, Corner v rg » yy Strs. NORTH KING. Commencing June 27th, AVE King- ston for Thousand Island inte daily except Monday, at 10.15 a.m: Return- ing leave at 5 p.m., for Charlotte, N.Y. (Port of Rochester), calling at Bay of Quinte Portas. STR: AL HA---Leaves Mondays Bay of Quinte Ports. at 6 p.m. Full information from JAMES SWIFT & CO. Freight Agents, J, PP, HANLEY, Os 8, KIRKPATRICL. Ticket Sauants. for STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND: 3049.15 a.m, 1.00--4.00 .p.m. 9.15 a.my 1.00--4.00 p.m 7 9.15 a.m, 1.00-4.00 p.m. Breakey's 9.30 a.m. 1.30 pm Y.15 a.m, 1.00--4.00 p.my 1.150 a.m. 1,00--4.00 p.m. 10.00, 12.30 a.m. 5.00 p.m. /ES KINGSTON 11.30 a.m. 3.00 80 au. 8.00--5.30 p.m. - 11 30 p.m. 3.00--5.30 p.m «301.00 p.m, 3.00 p.m. 7 p.m. Bay, 8 p.n --11.30 a.m. 3.30~11.30 a.m 9.45 a.m. 1.155.830 p.m. Sat --Spec ial trip to Simcoe and Spoor's dock, at' 3.00 p.m, Time Table subject to change without notice: Hoat calls at Car snd from Kineatoa going to Royal ALLAN 5" LINE Montreal to Liverpool THURS. 6.30 7.30 5.30 p.m, Nreakey ; 8.00--5.30 p.m. 8.005.830 p.m, Island den Island Ser 11 HE 15 A CANDIDATE: "TRE MAN WHO BEAT out; Things | hor two | from | a diamond pin, | ge had | up t fo and | farnters | the fiddle and the diamond pin at | » I 1 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1908. * a favorite selection ality of Springheld, id perhaps elsewher His at speech een because ratoric al aking have of their free effort. He just story How 1 the Spring- inner one f the utm and directness There 1s no : arance of manner or fie 1 ple, str: rorw Z, at limes seem {ing ¢ tage fright, {been one of h assets. Wher- ever he has s spoke n all who have listened, | behefs might be im ssed with the ap- {parent honesty of Mr. Hi 's utter He appears on the platform to retiring, 1ess man SOME has suddenly ht, much against pelled to : efforts successf m from ul { i of it the Octopus Republican 1s st sim 1ight- has | whatever | been, have | ances pl be a 10m ged into wil 1, One Durable | New York Sun. Mankato, Minn, lem of finding -a small expense, and one teep grades as readily Pavement. has solved the prob- durable pavement at that can be used on s as on a level surface First the drivkway was narrowed to 30 feet, Curbed fl tered and boulevarded Then it was' excavated to the depth of six inches and surfaced Five inches f dry crushed limestone one and a half two. ng les in diameter was put on and rolled down with a ten-ton roller Boiling tar from the local gas works was applied until the entire surface was lcovered. Then says the Cement Age, 1 layer of broken stone an inch to an inch and a quarter in diameter, mixed with coarse gr was applied on the surface in the proportion of three parts of stone to one of re] This was first mixed dry on a platform and then thorou mixed with hot tar and ap plied on the surface tw »s thick d tamped into place to confo with surf t he treet wa street avel, rm Ce applied again cement then » surface and the Then a coating of sand was id the roller again used Ihe 1 to stand for t was thrown open was ap two ts a line: foot to ide of the have been had ssed against a practic ally inches thi¢ mpossible for clements to I'he pavément 1 ur fas « winters, i l was oper y own each rather the has 10Ws not gives off 13 not ood twa sprinkled] Human Vibrations. Baraduc, of Pari the 1th society s . has heen lec Record. at the rooms, in Lon showed ged vib- film on turing, says ['heosophical lon, on Z tographs of these by placing a sensitiz of the nerve centres usually places the aves of the ne He ind le ions it night g. The vibra subject throw the nitrate ilm into a corresponding n, which is found regis film when developed, just reflected from an object of a camera register rm of that object Baraduc had also many pictures taken in the ordinary way by means of the camera. In these various states of emotion are shown. Sudden anger ap- a sort of whirling shower of and vapor A of high spiritual contemplation produces a mis y globe of lig way above the itter's head In one pictt ic double kn in praver is sh till morni state some of a wih { woman 1 » etheric eaming sifting Sti The Parisian Game. ret Goul ated that 120,000 tons 1es-are appall 1pe ng pe ssl i Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock has made a great reduction in price in the order and ready-made clothing department also gents' furnishings.' Look at play windows. street, dis- i The Ubiguitous Creditor. Week! ive appr to what owe [a a small place Hal balance second night few, were marks LAURIER WILL WIN ! STORY OF CRIME Premiers Message to Liberals of Eastern Canada. {NOVEL METHOD ADOPTED "io Waiter Score, Premier of Saskatche- BY EXPERT IN'LUNACY. Woman Told of Shooting Under Mesmeric 'Suggestion--Doctor Was Willing to Try the Ex- periment Again, 'New York, Sept. injected into the testimony being taken by the commi lunacy" appointed by Judge of | general to determine whether | Mrs. Charlotte Hitchcock .was sane or insane she killed her husband and she is sane or insane While in a 'submerged uncon condition, brought about by suggestion, according to the testimony, Mrs. Hitchcock told the rxal story of the shooting. It was that her husband had' shot her and! that he shot himseli. This testimony, which was given by Dr. ¢ra Van Gieson, of 134 East Fifty- seventh street, who is connected with "It was charged thar I obeyed: Laurier {in holding the elections. 1 have contra- 'dicted the charge straightly and empha-) tically. It is positiyely untrue. The dissolution was decided on by myself and. my colleagues for excellent reasons, {abundant reason even, fourfold reasons m fact, in the Redistribution, ther raii- way situapion, the Rural Municipal | policy and our telephone programme, - it was 'decided on™and the elections were held to suit the needs of the peo- ple of katchewan without regard to any other interest and withont the most remote suggestion from Sir Wilfrid {Laurier or anybody else. But if our i opponents are to be believed, if we may draw conclusic from the things we heard and saw during our campaign, then it would seem plain that the Sas | katchewan result is a sign of the result to be expected when the leader whom we all love and revere, Sir' Wilfrid Laurier, the leader who in this Depera- {tion in Canada is.admitted by all par ities without distinction of creed, race, the research laboratory of the health | color or politics to stand in a class all department, was listened to with in-|by himself, admirable, irreproachable, terest by the commission--Drs. Carlos | peerless--a sign of the result to be ex NacDonald, Allan McLane Hamilton pected when our beloved leader in the and Frank Robertson, all alienists. | Dominion realm next submits 'himself The : commissioners "questioned Dr. [and his policy to the people. In other Van Gieson and said .that they would | words, your humble servant may have the story, Dr. Hamilton re-|done a thing to mate rially influence the marking that of course they would lquestion whether progressive Liberal look for deceit or shamming on the rule or reactionary Tory rule shall pre part of the subject for the purpose of | vi ail in Canada in future. Guilty or not getting at the truth and not with any {guilty ? And if guilty " what penalty ? view of imputing dishonesty to any-|If true, is it for the people of Saskat- ote. [che wan to deject, this province which of Dr. Van Gieson stuck to his guns. [all provinces has in the past decade pro He was willing for the bepefit of the |fited the most by the sane and success commission to try thE experiment |ful policy of Laurier on the tariff, on again. He did not' know it would be |imnugration, on the public lands, on. successful, but he had an air of edn-|railways, and especially his couraggon fidence. 'The commission didn't | Hud: son's Bay Railway programme? If inclined to listen to the suggestion, | found guilty 1 not complain: If and Mr. Jerome's 'represents Mr {an I * done or may by the Du-Vivier, protested that didn't | * be, able t why a defendant should hxpno legree PESSCrve tized into giving testimony for her a_continuant¢ of 1 self, to which Dr. Van replied |! his pe i cy I am confident tha that: defanflant should "allowed" ted against me in the to her testimony fair young province Hitchcock and and whose welfare a printer, lived sacrifice and so 156th street, and on November 20th | on the parrol us he killed. He had two bullets in ~ the head, and there were four in Mrs. | He Was Not A Humorist. Hitchcock's | Montreal Her 3. --Hypnotism was is mn which on er, sessions, when whether now. scious" ms hypnotic scrutinize seem ve, he be to for Saskat aurier and it will not reckoning whose in are worthy ungelfish 500 Gieson be coun giv Ld Mrs who was her hushand, at 769 East was body. ' , who died 1 favorite with members « 1e House of H was octor all over, derate, cheerful and dign claim to being con iccount .of e of Sir wa Inverness county, and the nterrup » frequent and too to the doc . call off your doctor straightened out the f somehow, and pl Is you dogs record sa 'Sunny' --Empress Of Russia. 'The most beautiful queen on any throne' has long been called." Kel logg Durland thus begins his marvelous life story of the the September Woman's panion. "She tall .and hair is luxuriant and rich in Eyes that some call blue and some gray lc out through long, dark lashes coming t and in them lies a great sadness, an ap Hibbe said pealing wistfulness touched with regret, nan asi "Mae a silent melancholy. Yet as a child she The was known 'Sunny." Her life story i has never been told in English. This 1s [qe ab curious, because all would like to hear | [verness. the wonderfyl romance of a poor little bert German pripcess becoming a great the sovereign, the--eo-ruler of one of the vastest empires on ear the mistress of | a fabulously rich and bewil leringlygex- | travagant court, and perhaps the most All powerful woman in Europe. After a |Corn quiet girlhood. and a struggle to main- tain appearances, she was courted by a wayward gallant, heir to a mighty crown 'Sunny' -lost héw heart to the royal wooer, and he, putting aside the less noble loves of his reckless, yout hiul days, pledged himself to her, persistently courted her ainst wide opposition, turned a deaf ear to the councils of mperors and queens who tried to dis courage match, and after years of battling diplomatic intrig personal carried erman princess of his obscurity { Empress This Alix f He made Fsiritsa of was"a she y, consi 3 _hegl TX 48 He I'saritsa of' Russia in |giiered a hum Home m- stately; her lost all on expen Hibl tmg in riding, rist the Sir ry told bert Tupper. a joint me doctor's MS Were le, so Sir . at 15 color call | as raised his "Men of " Sir Hib through links et ove that he cz ard escaped, window. outed, ys, Your Corn Troubles. corn troubles Salve used. It sorts of corns, quickly, without pain. In big boxes, Wade's Drug Store. when Peck's removes all surely and 15¢., at cease Smartest styles in young men's derby hats, $2, at Bibby's Self keeps a lot of us apart Zenuine jastice Polished polished mind. Bibby's Word Lord service from shoes not indicate may Sex swell hate, $2 often the and testimony short of pur , who with his Genuine. fellow hand-shaking { Pibby's new fall ha pose, mar! ship was her to th the story whom Nichol Rirssia and of h truly heart raised er home re I Wanted To Know. We t Goodwin, wins EA the unt actor, has place ten mil egraphn is duly fice, f: cognizant used often 1s ever iy ei This is the barrel that satisfac- Bread, Rolls or Discuits--Cakes, means baking tion. Whether it's Pies or Fancy Pastry-- you can always depend on Beaver Flour for the like f his r "Of cour ut n't | P bl » : { Try it. Whereupon Gog t n s quegy by cable, best results every time. vdwin inn "Why At your Grocer's Dealers -- write for ° pricesonallkindsof Feeds Coarse Grains TH Limited, Out. 66 cat Sagacity Of Rats. ¢ rat possess x Un from. C. was i numl rats arded the ve shi averag a sailing Chatham, ape T led to tr wi perfectly sr th, d tacked in fixed on with two 1 should anything touc » it wotild go down. The ly filled with water, and in the a to within a, few of the top re first night 'more | an two hundred rats wer } is ae (j0PSeE w Were aaugh, fhe | Many expert lady corset fitters have oaneht. It was found by the | expressed their appreciation of the of the rats f the grease | style, fit and lasting qualities of the missing bat that Grand Duchess Corset. with ind a the I'he ene for figures was par the and | 00000C0000V0VCOOCO0O0D OPPORTUNITY. Kingston Business College Limited, Head of Queen Street. 35th year Canada's Leadin, ools Practical, Progres- sive, Permanert. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewritin Tel graphy, Civil Service, bor 1 first a gia) rates to the twenty-five registerin before Sept 1st. . rite or call for particulars: 1, Secretaryy pr revent (salt in wing damp and lun 1 put inten to twel vs Womans | September. 'T and gat t} Busi is always What Willie Saw. Pelincator j Willie » said to 1 . nramma. vou ®! Electric lights a Saw peacock J. BE. CUNNINGHA H. F. METCALFE, President. a turkey underne {00 0000000000000 0000000 to do helps a Hily-. Six in the Family (lamoring for Dessert One Package JELL-0O Will Satisfy them all. Very Economical. Prepared Instantly -- Simply add boiling water serve when cool. Sweetened Just Right. Flavored Just Right. : No Cooking. No Fussing. No Worry. 7 Choice Flavors, at all good grocers. New Illustrated Recipe Book, Free. THE PURE FOOD CO. BRIDGEBURG, CANADA. Highest Award, Gold Medals at St. Portland and Jamestown Expositions, If you value your health avoid cheap imitations. \ 2 JELL-0 costs a little more, but---- - "10 CENTS PER PACKAGE." School Days! School Days! Dear Old Golden Rule Days. $ £0 PLS 0046008080000000800¢ Of course, the children néed new School hoes, and you should try the House of Good Shoe Making if you have been having poor luck in the wear of the shoes you have buying elsewhere, All our lines are now complete. 'irst Fall Showing of the New American Styles Both our windows show the smart new styles of Men's and Women's Footwear for fall. As usaal we are a few wecks ahead of the other fel- lows with our new goods, and a year ahead in style. S THE iJ. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. i The Homme of Good Shoe Making. VIII IIITIIIIIIIIIIIN III IIIS esses shsntess Shs RP | OO-O0O00O0O000O0O00O000000000 POC000000C00g0R00RO04 WEL SBACH GAS LIGHT PRICE COMPLETE $1.00 This light gives "Maintained Efficiency. That means a good light ; not only when the mantle is just light, but all time, - 4 MCKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St 0000000000000 0000000 $000 S020R0SD00U rO-O-00L0< O00 000000000 C A POUOCOVTFA C000 0MRNO000000000000000 Summer |F urniture Sale Rveryibing reduced from 10 to 25%. tunity to save money. Carriages and Go Carts. and my ) Suites Your oppor- This sale includes a full line of Couches from $4.50, 5.50, 6.50 Parlor Suites (3 pieces) from "$15 up. Parlor pieces) regular $25 for $20. R. J. REID, Ambulance Call 577. 230 Princess St. THE "KING" FLY KILLER Kills without crushing and do es not fabrics or injure the highest polis h. ware amd Gracers, soil the most delicate , 10e. each, Druggists, Hard-