STR Rew LLL v THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908. : EE ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 - : LEGRAPHIC TYPEWRITERS. n ; P a} TH : 1 Do ; MADE A NEW RECORD sn i Without wh FOUR MILE 9 IN AlR a ae Sete an all the 2 gg 2 1 EATS 598 SLAMS "i HOSES i Sr TE i: WOMAN UNABLE 70 1 1nER: n | Champion' Had the Bet Won at Wor typewriter, says the Electrical : . i moan Cg ah : » B 1d. - When so connected it becomes i Ballo { py the 400th Clam. But. Got|a complete sending and receiving tele. | W2ited 30 Miles Before oR F. Y f- hildren Reckless and Tried For 600. graph instrumen 5 nd both ved and' Landed--English ~ Parachutist or our vont etn Ss . TART receiving instruments record the fes- Has Novel Experience, ' ~ Start a special Savings Accouni at once with the : a ngs a' New York, Sept. 3--The, Battery sage: y RIN 0) ined y record yest aro : : : : * . NGE PR BE er SH TT eer rh _ The only experience required js that | , Landon, Sepk 3 So vicla Spencer, | © Standard Bank, and keep adding small amounts to it 7 2 3 n hy A 8 fy wg RA TH Tampkinsville eonsmed 508 clams and The an i ---- iE Tnewsiter. ling .adventure and a most remarkable regularly.! You will never miss the s i , a [came within two of winning a bet o ner in which you would iy 10 | escape from death. J ¢ Then, when the child is old enough your deposits, can Be taken out and are inter- A & I vert Yook place. af the stand write a letter on an ordinary type- On Thursday Miss Spencer was en- with the Compound Interest which we add quarterly changeable from cozl to wood, or ; SQ | Dave Everett, which faces the South Lo i ie 2s, estage il] be Is ed 0 mak i" 8 Tract Soteont uta will provide a fund large enough to give. a thorugh vice versa, withat the removalofa | Feryy. The two brothers appeared. and actly as" it appears on the sendin Se when the balloon rose to a height of education. 4 , J ; the larger man of the two, as 4Ve| In some respects it resembles the | about 2,000 feet she found herself un- It's a'good plan. Think it over, bolt or disturbing the Water Front Z if he had enou ; s z e . Z . gh clams on hand to set- i ol ad i : A ' rH « y tle a wager. Everett said he had, and familiar stock ticker and other printing able to liberate the parachute. The re- RINGSTON BRANCH 4? . J. 8 Turner, Manager = A coal fire can be retained d 7; gs! yere : telegraph instruments, but unlike th sult was that she was carried helplessly i : Silas started right in. , He could swal- |: y s X¢ these 9 5 and nigh 8kin X 7hin. low - clams Fy than any man could | makes possible the use of capitals and by the balloon for a distance of thirty gt, and one or two turps of y small letters a di 1 miles. She managed to k h 1 =. AND : ky fl re open them, and he had Everett panting |; s-In ordinary letter writ- aril to keep her frail | the grate crank in the morning =), when he reached the second hundred { "8: The receiving machine records the | 5¢at until the balloon descended, by - . remove the ashes and clinkers, leav- ; But the opener had a reputation to sus- | Tc S28 just as written and gives what Which fime she was almost perished : . : : ? tain, and he manfully kept at his task. Sorresonds to a carbon copy made on | from the cold. At one time the balloon ing a bright and clear fire to start . He struggled througifthe third hundred | '5.0Tiginal machine, rose to a height of about 20,000 feet, or h ph » strugg ¢ There i 'said to be no chance for | bout four miles. ; the morning's work. then took another knife and began |. uC The hi "I had a horrible feeling," said. Mi \ again. The man who had made the'bet | 5 ocoon 3 fac ine takes down the S, terda Jee ng," sal 158 You take no risk in buying a Universal Favorite, as every that his friend could not do the trick bimini 3 ® seb To No acer How 1 om 1 should he Le % A arn 3 : ake a mistake . rougi Range is guaranteed io cook and bake perfectly. ually atntnseed 40" and calmly paid faulty hearing or carelessness or neg. fy wrap of ca, I had only a muslin |- ~ | > Har . : ct, as in the case with the present | blouse and a blue serge coat. I felt the MANUFACTURED BY Why. that's nothing," said Little Morse system. of dots and in § cold keenly when T was up in the air a J Fin lay Bros. Co., Lid. Neck Silas. "I could go two hundred | yee 211 over the world. height of 10000 feet, but at 20,000 it | more without 'turning a hair." was unbearable, My hands were quited ARLETON PLACE, ONT. . said the friend. D) ore ! nay 4 -- Ten dollars more that you can't, OVER 100,000 AT EXHIBIT. numbed, and J Jad to enack them |. "You're on. Begin opening," answere : SE ---- ole wooden yug:uf the panel the cldinpion. gin opening d G.T.R. Company's Show Attracts hte to Testore the circulation. x On. the contest went,"and a hundred Much Attention. of "1 had ply Se mtistued, , and fifty more clams went without a | The splendid exhibit which the Grand would be blown ao a e Salloan gasp. Then there appeared to be trouble | Trunk have put up at the Franco- |pily/ I escaped that fate, but, where. of [* but the clams kept Yon disappearing. | British exhibition is attracting a great |all places in the world, do you think we bi The hundred and -seventy-five mark [amount of attention and the English | did come down?" she SCE "Actually | passed, and then the end was in sight. [people are getting an idea of what a {in a clover field! Could it have ms At number 198 there was a gasp and it Canadian railway really is. The views | better? Talk about landing in clover!" was all over. of the double track scenes, the heavy land the fair parachutist laughed mer- Little Rick Silas however, entered Motive power, the splendid equipment | rily ne a protest. He said some clams farger [and the beautiful reproductions of pho- | "But T felt fid fi ime," than Little Necks had been used when |tographs from scenes along fhe line, to- iss ey er ring "hard 'times, " ! expect the smaller ones were all gone. This gether with the specimens 8) TEs WO tat i 1 esuld du what may be ed nw that was not allowed, however, and he had | fish and game which are on view, are | chute the balloon would come bo all confidence bas been restored and "good times" are returning ? to give back the $10 he had got for the both pleasing to the eye and attractive [right. What alarmed me most was the \ first 400. fee 3 to the mind of the visitor. The total possibility that I should faint from cold s attendance in the Grand Trunk building aid fall off. At one time, before I had New Insurance in 1907 oly $7,081,402. EATING IN ENGLAND. from May 14th (the opening day) until | gone up very far, I tried to console my- Gain ; July 23rd, amounted to 106,607 people. | self by humming snatches of a comic over 1906. , bith $1,577,855. What to Expect at a British Tea, | Letters have been received, from Can- song, and a queer idea struck me to sin y Gain in Assets $1,271,255. 5 Dinner or Supper. Rdiains and others profuse in their praise. [Up in a Balloon Boys, but I stoppe : oo 2 yy ? York An Americar--woman visiting among of this handsome building and exhibit | short, because in view of my dangerous Gain in Reserve . . a $ 966,221. : . : : : : hich "is a credit to the railway and siti : : : English friends in Kent writes home |; + railway and a | position I thought it was improper and «a - "| concerning the difference between Eng- big advertisement for the Dominion. imprudent. Unfortunately, I could nat Gain in Income . von $ 171,147, lish and American afternon teas: FAI recall any hymns," shefpdded. Gain i ( i "The Enh ot so much more. than |... Te Discipling Of Work, Miss Spencer then described the scene ' m Surplus ' LL $ 300,341, we Americans," she says, "a hey | "57573 Yee, : : as it appeared to her in the clouds. "I $ Hever: Seer tc Bid og Mid Hooligan harvesters are the exception. | remember being impressed with a iiss HEAD, OFFICE WATERLOO, Ont. At the vicarage to-day tea was served Jail for the blackguards that give twen- | of awful stillness aroufid" she remarked. : § ) ty-five thousand decent men a bad name | "It was terrifying. But I got accus- S in the drawing room (one never hears | °. i / pa . wi S$ re a 3 . To: the word: parlor here). The service |; ll soon cure that. And if any remain |tomed to it. The moon was shining in whom the spirit of riot lingers, a | clearly and all 2 vas Tor ie fore tha done wr . 1 gers, arly, 4 all around was bat asi before, the foes, whe month in the western harvest fields | its pale light. It was impossibl hed in . > | should take it out of them. The west | the trees, but one of the most utiful IT Sin rete he deg Ol vias believes that the laborer is worthy of |sights I saw was the reflection of the "In the on orale table was a vase | is lire, but no more. There are no |moon in a river as we pagsed'oyer i. D i S C oO U 54 AG E D Mm £ N of Wild Nowers and. at' one Side Was 3 i hat BO He pay Is I scemed to dance on its placid Sur- * f sad bes ov loaf : a e ) ours. | face, A pretty scen ifferent |. : ad "i I ad bout, heavy Joaf and Junite, with gre long and the work is hard, and tie aT Te Ao Siferent ' 1s LIFE WORTH LIVING : ¥, - i AS 4 . 0 i Q " p 3 Anty Drudge S Advice to Mr. Newlywed. 'were handed around with delightful in- Spest tou goes often as not to bed wil as 'the balloon bordered upon it. "It ®t . MEN, you becomes disheartened: formality 'on a long toasting fork. mo |& backache. Its a safe guess that t was all so strange, with the large build- he when you feel the sympto f ) 8 g sling ' harvesters don't feel like high jinks !ings looking mere specks down below." \ : i dl Debility and decline stealing r. Newl -- , i : maid be sent, . : ; : Mi ewlywed-- 'Yes, we've got a fine little dove cote. aid being presen when they are making their way back !' Miss Spencer then explained how. the ; ! Pon Ti Xo heat me ated Ing ry "There was a plate of hot buttered | 3 . ; ! ! 4 But it's one of those swell apartment houses and they scones on one end of the tale and at the | 330+ They have earned their money § mishap which led to her remarkable yition You used Tar you Hn ' i '"%. : ) and a good rest. The west works at a re \ A y rg u don't allow any washing done. Won'tstand for the other a dish' of small cakes. A jar of Rat Som oes rest wore at.2 adve pe Seclipred, The . parachute Wl x ley to ba, You foot like Girma aim smell and muss. jam sat between, along with two high [& qc Fas Soy 1; ight Ith Was attached to the bottoni part of the = despale. You ; : ¢ : plates bearing parts of loaf cake It was |, o> Flobon all its might It has a | balloon, and her seat was 'a little webb- nave. Hie , paid-in the ' Anty Drudge--*'Poor boy, you must be nearly bankrupt all so homey. ns force a0 Tine wimpy as, 11s summers, [ing loop not more than four inches in CRON back over kidneys, draius at night, with big laundry bills, But, get your wife some "At the 8 o'clock supper--and this whith eri fitcse Sooding kg f On Rithier side she. clapsed the x rar one, aetreaor va. i ' the schoolgirls shared--the rere hot | ; BILE : €s for support. In appearance the { \ stfal, Fe|s-Naptha soap and she can fool the janitor. Won't OE 0 er Cold Sonn St meat | fields, and it is likely to feel sore in the loop would be like a garden swing. 70 Ll ] tite, foumtivons oF hair, Poor sir need boiling water. Just use it cool or lukewarm. pie and cakes and jam-and. cheese and [Hots Jor 3 week or twogiter He strain | © The parachute is detached by pulling / i Piny hu a Nor vous Rub the clothes lightly and they'll be like snow." beer and cider and such o lot of cheerful a bei ond" io Yeah, he West fa piece of cord which releases a stee] SE Treatment is your -vefuge. It go talk." 1dolizes work. It 1s a downright sin to | catch round which are twined the strings | RX 7 9 will strengthen all weak, organs, In most parts of England this Ameri- be ide mn a a of anv OppoL. of fle panache. 1 tugged nd me - ) Yitallie {Lo Deryous system, purify al he : . oman. finds the > ies 3 0 Sa y l ged," said, Miss Spencer, "but , © blood an re you to a man If I only had some place to boil them Tormal an es ee York of Sighteen ji gustody of a Northwest not release oad T am convinced that . Jy condition, " . OHMIY ; e SAYS . . Mounted policeman. The boy had'stolen | the crowd st. hav ide ' bo Eve " / the hot cats 3 n 1 1 crowd must have trodden. on 'the I'd wash lots of my light clothes myself Evening Sun... All. the hot meats and Lorhing, Bad' Degued SOUING, Had | Lovararan whe oes nih Of the Pay When Cured. - wronged nobody. But it was harvest | ghall never again go up if, the ¢rowd READER Are you a victim 'Have you lost hope? Are you intending to ] » 3 big silve britannia lids to keep the | ? ) the Jaundry wears them out so fast, said g Sver.or on The covering rep the | me, and he-simply wouldnt work | comes into the enclosure. ' marry? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment' will eure you. What it has done for hundreds. of . * contents warm ; 1 ; when the wheat fields were crying out "Of course a "OM = a young woman who lives in two rooms. eat le uisoved We wid Veze for every strong pair of arms in four balloon use ] Bud Ey rol pre the others, It will do for you." CONSULTATION FREE. No matter. who has treated" tables ec ken, oli . side table and the thousand miles. For that crime he was | The joy and relief I experienced when Joyita das us hovess ominion Free of Charge. Chatges reasonable. BOOKS Then she heard about Fels-Naptha. lids are instantly restored when the being taken lo Regina to do a month Nn I my litle pocket aneroid barometer show- (Hystrated);-on Diseases of Men. ' . . guest has been helped. jail. Such is the spirit of the west. fed me that the" balloon was coming ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS--CURES GUARANTEED, No Treatment sent Now she 18 washing those things her- There are always different sweets and t e may re y. upon it to tame the rowdy down was great.. : C..0. D. No pames on boxes or envelopes. Everything confidential. Question harvesters. | I dropped near a little village called list and cost of Home Treatment FREE. uddings, such as apple tarts, custards os 1 ] Pp I'russington, near Rearshys in Leicester. self, without hot water, and doing it far and stewed plums. "Dessert" as they : ad 1 , : ; 1 1 call it, consisting of fruit and coffee, is Lighting The Sacred Flame. I immediately jumped off, and scarcely better than if she boiled them. served in the drawing-room, and with |. Of all the fires that once lit the sky [had I done so before the balloon started in the north of England on Old Mid- J off again, and 'I chased it across two RS. it thin slices of bread and butter and 4 1, a small cakef. The coziness of this after- | summer eve, there was but one alight | fields. Seeing a house, I gave up the . . : ' She has found dut that Fels-Naptha pail makes up for any formality that | this year. This was at Whalton, a little | hunt. and I stayed at an ad)dcent house Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich cleanses things more thoroughly mn cool or attended the dinner. : village near Morpeth, Northumberland, | for the night. At 5 o'clock next morn- . . . . . Eng. This is the Bel fire which Scot- |ing I discovered the balloon half a mile lukewarm water, in little time than if they Of A Contrary Disposition. land used in old time to light on) May |away. It had dropped in somebody's . A H-- . . 3 ) The Bohemia Day. In Northumberland it has been | back garden, and not only scared but - : were boiled till Doomsday. "At the time of the Cherry creek flood, | Christianised to St. John's fire, but the | .half stified the people in the cottage | rOOOOOGOGOO0OIOVOO0V00.0000000000O000OOOOOOOOD ' "| ceremony belongs to days long before | with its escaping gas." : which played havoc with the then strug- 3 : cling Villkee of Donve y . _ | Christianity ¢ame to the north This In the ordinary way, Miss Spencer , 8 If you live in a room, apartments or gling Village of Detve He f the on- July the Whalton men and lads have said she phoul] have descertded with . ~ ~ ok c ter. kne as Beaver Bill, | once more gone to the woods for fuel, | her parachute in ten minutes. The . cry 2 whole house, take 2 chapter out wf x he Teather oss h i landowners allowing even a Measure ot Srowd at Heanor, near Nottingham, . ? . . » varvihing " emises save Biil | heavy timber to be carted for the | w ere the sports and gala were held, Yl This young woman's experience, res Ea ory eve ha goes on round the ou wats we or ce dow. | aye . . > o ow Seemed: to 3 ss Beaver Bill |fire. No one knows for how many ages en she failed to do so there was a : Boiling 18 unnecessary when you use of er Seemed oF pres Sve Whalton has kindled the blaze 98 ach Scareh for her gll night long, in which * » 1 : : OE rt LI ofiked valiz te Midsummer eve, but records of two | several motor ¢irs were engaged. J Fels-Naptha, either In winter or summer, , yolantees, panty wozked valiantly to. find hundred years show that the custom has Although Miss Spencer has made 300 For the balance f tl > i ji = | h ' : At last, wet and weary, they must fain.| Never been broken. : parachute descents, this is the fifst time; alan oO 1€ season we w se a A 1 that's needed 1S cool cr lukewarm report t6 him Tailire, . - . 1 such an accident has happened to her. ; Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers and ter and ven b l be . ill d f "All the way down stream for two Tremendous Cost of Crime. G d "Ho a dis walter, even a bowl or basin wi 0 101 miles. Bill." they asserted Rev. Dr. John Flagg in Leslie's Weekly. A Mosquito Trap. ; arden=rtose at a discount of "©h, hell," he drawled, disgusted Christianity is the greatest big! Chicago 'Tribune. ¥ : - . : ~-- a few things. "You want to do your searching up- {and conservor of values; 0 1s: the A mosquito trap'looks big yn impor- Follow directions on the Tr d nd stein *Sie toy eontraey to ever fom Hig Se Hig he ot {nes and Salt a gise. Lk it he invention 9 : ca a green down." 01 crime io New AL) of Maxwell Lefroy of the Indian entom- % -- -- : single 'year is enough to build two sub- a. . it wrapper. A - Kafir Swimming Feats. ways : year; the ost to the state a Jas Sound & . - + . I affir Swimming Our line of Refrigerators ranges in price London Standard enough to pay in two years tile whole detice «ndon_Standard : a videni he Erie canal from The : . solv a= The Kaffirs ars great swimmer$™~THey | cost of widening the E S The trap is a small box some twelve from $6.00 up to $35.00 The Kaffirs ars grea Buffalo to Albany. The cost of crime J: hel square and nine inches wide fitted $6. p : ' -an do things in the water which other ® hgh } « \ ] : folk CIT lok upon with -astenish- | to the United States is enough, if our § co © hinged lid provided with a small : Cs , le were righteous for two years, to ie . hich 5 sliding cover ment; For example, a Kaffir boy can |PeOP ; bt orifice, over which moves a g cover ford 2 stream ghoulier wigh, summing gs pay the whole national debt. \ The box is lined with dark green baize. El I 10 I " I 4 BROS. kid FRINGES SWiltly as sh d nt. ---------------------- 8 way they accomplish the feat is thus: The Retort Tourteous. World's Largest Boulder. ' : ! : Philadelpl : ii TOO BUSY TO EXHIBIT AT Just before entering the water they get De aE het very strongly to The largest boulder th the world Bn i e name of "The S i as heavy as y 5i . a huge stone, sometimes as heavy being interrupted during a lecture by pVictoria, Australia. : themselves, and with the help of a com- hy A. : Lorian Raa lids. be io i ] : 3 0 e-comer. One day; while lecturing eviathan Roe a en given it. TORONTO EXHIBI ON pation place i Shon the head 2 eight to a room full of A women, he was | Its estimated pulk approaches, if it does like this BC oting against the heaviest | annoyed by seeing the door open and a | not really exceed, 300000 tons. This can keep his footing against ti 4 great rock may be likened to anf jm- th od : annoyed s But a visit when in Toronto to the old stream. If he were to drop the stone Pr a at he was saying, | mense egg lying om its side, the part firm, with its modern methods, expert .|he would be so light that the water resting on mother earth bein I « C 5 . p 2 g not more ) , : pe would sweep him off his feet. And this he turned to her: hin 8s yards square. Hundreds of tenti i wor oS Tek a of ider this an after- and courteous attention, will assure anol the Kafr tricks against ML TE this an Se LO a lt ards of you of its continued success. tide and flood. or without, sugar, lemon or cream" | from a passing storm or the sun. oTU . And the startling answer he received MANUFA RERS OF Wanted To See Him Move. was: "No lemon Ek you." Tells A Satisfying Tale. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, TRUSSES A ta She En Er pp Tole A Satistring : ' in Lo a a Det Mr. Pointing A Moral. you neu J Advertising ion :, im Sloat DEFORMITY APPLIANCES Simpkins," sighed the . Sweet Young BO Thi me ript. shame that wine should | think because you know your goods by Thing to the Interminable Bore. be used at launchings. We temperance | heart that the reader shares your SUPPORTS OF ALL KINDS : "Why?" asked the latter, a little mys- women are going fo try to stop-it"" knowledge. There is a good deal lost tified. "After all, instead of kicking about it, | in depriving people of information that why not use the custom to point : a }they really need, but there is nothing 1 lost iyf repeating to them something they / § (fly ped AUTHORS & COX : : ® moral! « : . : : ' "How do you mean?" already know. | In .The Good Old Summer Time.| «yo 4 i I u . hy. simply drawing attention to SN ------------ : 135 Ch rch Street, Toronto 23 You are sure to be sHacke] th the fact that oy Bre ast of wine Guick Cure For Biliousmess. A BEEN K gy cramps. Ine gestion and C Bary ofa. the ship immediately takes to water and Nothin will cleanse the stomach, £ ve MAKING DH R 49 YRARS Nerviline handy--it givés ease | sticks to it ever ao. toguinte he bowels and assist the "Because I should so love to see you Keep 8 at once. No summer medicine better liver in removing bile like Dr. Hamil- for young or old than Polson's Ner- Most of us never waste the oppor- |ton's Pills. They cure biliousness in viline, Try it. tunity to criticise. . one night. 20c., at all dealers.