CONDITIONS § ARE BAD|[ PICTURES "HORRORS IN REALM OF CZAR. - . a Chicago Detective Says Russia in Terror--Little Protection For Life and Property. Chicago, \Sept. 4.--~The police of Rus- sia are used for the purpose of harass- ing political enemies of the government and not for the protection of life and property, while something akin to a reign of terror exists among the people most of the time. That is the deduction of Detective Make Mills, who has just returned from the duty of taking a Russian murderer from Chicago to Rus- sia. Detective Mills denied that a whole congregation of Russians had been flog- ged by Cossacks because some one had stolen whitewashing implements from a church which was "being renovated, or that he had seen twenty boys and men executed. He was quoted as having made these and other sensational state- ments. But the detective stated that conditfons are actually so bad in the domain of the Czar that it is guite un- necessary for the traveller to exagger- ate his experiences "Things are very bad in-Russia," said Detective Mills, "and there's a kind of reign of terror there. The police are used to proséeute men and women who say something against the Czar or gov- jernment, and accordingly the police force has no time to protect life and property. The functions of the Ameri- can and Russian police are entirely un- like. The consequence is that life and property don't get 'much protection in Russia. "There are many executions in Rus- (sia of which the world never hears. .In | Libau, Odessa and some other cities-1 visited 1 was told there are twenty or more executions of military prisoners every day. "Sometimes men and boys are shot within a few hours after their arrest These prisoners call themselves revolu- | tionists, but in many cases are black mailers and terrorists They write threatening. letters to persons with property, demanding sums of money, and if they don't get what they ask for they carry out the threats in their letter "At Merzalkowa, near Odessa, there was for a hime a hre m one or another of the buildings of a wealthy merchant every Finally a lieutenant Cossacks called together the people the public gquare and 'told them building in the town would he the merchant Bad' any more The fire stopped "In one town some whitewashing im- plements were stolen from a church that was being repaired. Several mnocent persons were flogged in the hope of find ing the thief "The financial condition of the coun try is pitable. The masses of the people are very poor, and hegrars seem to in- fest the whole empire." Mills took the Russia Meffodi Zeir nosekow, a Russian fugitive wanted in Libau for killing four peasant women At Libau Mills gave his prisoner to the Russian guthorities and the man was executed 'within a week. NEW FALL MODELS IN CORSETS { i We are receiving and pla cing on display the very newest Fall shapes tainly make as good a showing of good honest comfort as you The lates t ideas ape here in many shapes, and models in the Corset world, and they cer- could wish to see. and styles, graceful lines, per fect workmanship comfort satisfaction all combined. in our New Autumn Mgdels. 50c., 75¢., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 to $3.00. and Warm Golf Jackets At no time of the year can you get more comfort from Golf Jacket than the early Fall days and nights, slip on, on a ¢hilly evening when going out, or in the house before th fires are started. Try one and be convinced, Navy, Red, Green, White, and in combined colers, $1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. a of in every ired if tooth night handy to ESCAPED FROM CAGE. wo Six Vultures Fly O"er London Streets. 5:~With a strangely their powerful wings their ugly, vultures Wellclose THE "KING" FLY KILLER London, slow motion. of md a see-saw movement of featherless heads, six young flew in wide circles over Square, London, E., last evening. Gaz ing up at this strange spectacle was an eager, excited crowd si Originally eight in number, the vul- tures had been at liberty since Saturday evening, when, through a cage in a menagerie. belonging to a Mr. Ham- lyn having been accidentally left open, they escaped into the air with loudly flapping wings. It was a cruel jester who spread abroad a story that the birds were fierce and had been known to swoop down upon small children and : bear them away in their claws In consequence of this rumor many mot he Te 0 ur,C 1 ot hes - in Wellclose Square kept their children doors TR the whole values are, easy 'to see. Sept LURITTR WIRTH THT URE i - rr door delicate Hard- the most Druggists, soil each, not 10c. s without crushing and do es fabrics or injure the highest pelis h. ware »=»A Gracers. within | Sund: 1y f knowledge of | hh led German | square to shoot one of the {day morning. The yultu ttracted by some pieces i back yard, suddenly swooped down them, when the Germat bed, fired at it with a gur and shot it dead of Mr. 'Hamlyn's assist Tinted for another of the birds, 1s ing through a dimly lit warehouse loft 45 emerged upon a flat r and dis- rectly approached the vulture, which fori 1s perched--with its back toward them "upon a narrow coping. The bird ap peared either to be dozing or to be lost in reflection. Then there was a sudden rush, the rapid flinging of a net and a | frenzied flapping-of wings. The watch- ¢rowd cheered as the vulture was ig BR: remaining six birds yx triumphantly evaded Gpture. T time i hunters scaled only to sce their quarr} ff to an even more inaccessible aly dizzy perch. After the hunt had been ibandoned yesterday for the night one of the birds was seen perched, perfectly motionless, upon the roof of a church. Another one, by eccentric movements of its wings, was balancing itself upon the rim of a chimney pot " COMRADES ALSO PERISH. It was also a lamentable lack the habits of vultures resident of birds on S | ward greatl | t t cl of, | | l¢ | | jing borne But the cr points, Field glasses are not needed to seeithe fine Dies. on Arctic Ice With No Friend points of perfection in the kind of clothes we sell. Style. Fit, and¥ every detail tof Fine Tailoring are there iuside and out. If better ig . expeditior clothes could be made, this store would have - "The Denmark expedition arrived y . . i . » ap { Bergen to-day. having carried out them. We especially invite particular dress- | objects, although this ls yas early . < 3 » hv EP OTE > y . » aid. for. Myliug Erichsen, Lieutenant ers ail men who never wore Ready-Made Pacn and Mr. Bronlund perished in Clothes to seé ours. Copenhagen, Sept following telegram has been received from Lien- ten; nt Trolle, master of the Denmark, the vessel of the Denmark Greenland it its November, 1907, in an attempt to return from the north coast of Greenland over the inland ice, having been obliged to remain on the north coast thraugh the summer owing to th® state of the weather, he body of Mr. Bronlund was found in a crevice near one of our de- pots. By the body were found sketches showing the results of the work ac- @omplished and also the dead man's diary, in which was writen the follow- ing we perished 4 in latitude 70 degrees north under the bards hips of the return journey over the jaland ice in Novem- Prices $10, 12, 12.50, 15.00, 16.50, 18.00, 20.00 and 22,00, EP. JENKINS CLOTHING CO 114 PRINCESS ST. W -" of L HAmusementss, Form Ever Big Scenic Production in of "The Best New "Bugland Written.'* QUINCY ADAMS SAWYER And Mason's Corner Folks. "'One great big Jaugh from beginning to end, and the sweetest love story ever told, 5 50c., The., $1.00. on sale. Prices, Seats now One Week, Commencing Sept. 7 MStinces Labor Day and Saturday. GEO. H. SUMMERS 22 BIG STOCK COMPANY Monday Matinee, "UN glk ONE Monday night, IE Great Vaudeville between A Hal, "Change of play and specialties Prices--Matinees, 10c. and 20¢, 10c., 20c., 30c. Seats mow on sales (LAKE ONTARIO X PARK ) To-Night--Free Show MONDAY, Sept. 7th Trades and Labor Council Picnic. 5c WONDERLAND 5c Latest Vaudeville Pietures. " VOSPER" Novelty Good clean Moving and Impersonator, this Entertainer to see feature season nights of the Only two more act Don't fail to beautiful love drama "The Lion's Bride" Last, but net WEST in. latest CHILDREN, ONE Roller Rink OPEN LABOR DAY MORNING, AF FERNOON {AND EVENING. Auction Sale Of Valuable City Property Will be sold by Publi * MURRAY, Auctioneer, at ket 'Square, Kingston, on see that most least--you must hear WILL illustrated songs. CENT: SATURDAY. Auction, by WM. his Roonta, Mar bie CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES" First insertion 1c.-a word Each' consecutive scrtion thereafter half cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25c.; three insertions, 50c.; six, $1; one month $2. Lo WANTED---MALE. EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY SALESMEN handle our, line exclusively or side line. Liberal commissign. © The Ward Safety Razor Company, No. 856 Dearborn St, Chicago. MEN, AT ONCE ON SALARY AND EX. penses. One geod man in each lecauwy with rig or capable of handling horses to advertise and introduce our guaran! stock and poultry specialties. No expe rience necessary; we lay out your work for you. 25 a week and expenses: Position pirmenat. Write W. A. Jen kins Manufacturing Co., London, Ont. SALESMEN WANTED.--If you tions and want to earn our free catalogue, "A Knight of 'the Grip," will show you how to de it TRAVELLING SALESMEN earn froin, $1,000 to $20,000 a year and expenses Hundreds of positions open. You can easily secure one of them." We place om graduates with the best fms in the United States and Canada. Write (01 call) for particulars te-day. Address Dept. 791, National Salesman's Training Association, Monadnock Block, Chicago 11. ; Scarrist {Aide-. Kansas City: Munthe: Exchange, Minfeapolis, Minn, U.S dare ambi a good salary, WANTED--FEMALE. APPLY AT MRS, Johnson street. joy SE MAID. GAR ett's, 52 A MAID FOR GENERAL' fatndry sent out, good wages. 179 Earl street. HOUSEWORK, Apply to SERVANT, WELL Apply in the evening to 244 King St. RECOM Mrs. A GENERAL mended Kilborn, 10, PURCHASE A LIMITED NUMBER 1866 Veteran scrip. Address Box 66, Whig Office. GOOD COM- ents. J. Tele: FIRE INSURANCE RISKS, EE a Jostens, rates, fair settl & Co, 109 Brock THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH ES timates on electric work. All kinds of work , _F. J. Birch, Elec: trician, 2 Vellington street. "JOB CLEANING AS ouUT OF "Re i Rep tt eral Carter, 35 Mam TO PURCHASE GOOD CORNER GRO- ¢ery in the city of Ki , Nome but principals dealt with, ness confiden- tial. Apfly Box "C." hig STENOGRAPHERS, CLERKS, GOOD SAL- aries alse dining room girls, two cham- ber-maids, one chef, and one for Hotel. Arply to Canadian Employ- ment Agency, Brockville, Ont. IMMEDIATELY, FOR S. S, vo. 9, Kennebec, olding second or hllctass ceryficate. "Apply stating ualification and salary xhected, to J . Newton, Sec.-Treas., Dead Creek, Ont. [EACHE R, JENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR WINTER overcoats v, also last year's turned and made 'like mew. Yourown cloth made into up-to-date suits. . Prices snd workmanship guaranteed to Thomas Galloway, The Tailor, 131 Brock St., next to pil y's Livery. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAKRER ! Graduates earn twelve to cighteen weekly. Help secure positions equip © shops. Constant practice, Careful instructions. weeks com plete course. Cor free. Write Moler Barber College, Toronto. MUSIC. KING, ALICE STREET, piano classes. MISS MURIEL has re-opened her DAILY GOVERNESS, ONE WHO UNDER stands primary work preferred. Address bv letter, giving qualifications, E. F.G., Whig office. ASSIST IN LIGHT washing Reference George Mills, 124 HOUSE required, University A MAID TO work 0 Apply Mrs Avenue, MISS GERTRUDE R. piano and theory. exams. of Teronto dress 160 King St CRAIG, TEACHER Pupils prepared for Conservatory. Ad +ISS GRACE CLOUGH, A T.CM, GOLD Medallist. Teachet of piano ond theory. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva tory examinations. Apply at 83 Earl St GOOD GENERAL family No washing wired. Apply in the SERVANT FOR City refer evening, 124 CHILD'S ward for its return to PLAID GINGHAM DR ,Whig Offic WHITE FOX wearing collar, answering to fhe " on August 24th, Pl Metealfe, 355 receive reward. TERRIER name of e return Brock St., and A TAN AND NEAR Friday Short, STICK PIN WITH commandant's tent, Barriefield, on afternoon Kindly return to Mrs. Otterburn. Suitable reward. ONE PEARL, A GOLD photd' inside, either King, Finder kindly LOCKET AND CHAIN, WITH on Wednesday afternoon, on Princess or Clérgy streets. return to this office THURSDAY, fhe: 17th Day of September, 1908 at twelve o'clock noon, the ' family n Gaskin, resi situate Lhat valus ible dence property, Capt. | f Ontario ate is of cut stone, des basement rooms, pantry rooms, heated by hot water, about 66 es St. be pui up subject to a purchase money in 30 days PY yer cent. of the at time of and the -balance thereafter, Furiner made known Auction Household Furniture Wednesday, Sept. 9th, 10 a m. 385 BARRIE STREET. ino, 'B. W. par couchds, tapes: carpet, tapestry rack and chairs, bl writin mattresses, "Cheerful Oak ge, crockery, wotk bench, ler, and shum AUCTIONEER; 13 Sydenham ALLEN, THF Telephone TOWNSHIP OF LOUGHBORO NOTICE is hereby given that a court will be held pursuant to the UxTARIO VOTERS LIST ACT, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Frontenac, at the Town Hall, Sydenham, at 11 o'clock y St r the municipality .oughboro for Dated Sydenham this seventh September, 1908 | F. M. LAWSON, at day | 1.0.F. NOTICE. the City Cdurts and all other | Foresters are requested 'to ayscmble af the Court room, cor. Montreal and Princess Sis, on Sunday evening nex at 830:p.m. to ap | tend divine service Andrew's Church. | tcCANN, Members of Jot Secretaries. | ber. 1 reached this place under a wan- | moon, and cannot go df because of | frozen feet and the darkmess. "*"The bodies of 'the others 'are in the middle of the fjord: Hagén died on 'November 15, Mylius Erichsen some ten days later --Jorgen Bronlund. | "Mr. Bronlund's body was buried on | the £pot, where it was found. It was im- aS ible recover the bodies of the | hers owing to a heavy fall of snow. | We erected a monument at Over Haven, | Port Denmark, to the memory of our | three dead comrades who perished 'in' doing their duty on the field of horor. | Everything possible was: dome #0 suc- | cof them from the ship, but it was be- | yond hpman power to prevent the catas- | trophed | The commitie of wh Benen x- | pedition is despatching the tugboat Ber- gen 'to-night to tow the Denmark back | to Copenhagen. ng to Ragpickers' Trade Union. | Paris," Sept, 5.--Paris . ragpickers | have formed a trade union, with the | object of abolishing middlemen, ' L ITHOROUGHLY and Princess Sts, | contains 12 nd has all the | IF urniture and) Store Fixtures | noque. « BUSINESS CHANCE. COMPETENT YOUNG office man would invest $200.00 with ser: 1 vices in established business. Credlen- tials exchanged Former resident wishes return All communications treated strict confidence. Address "Folger," Washington St., Buffalo, N.Y. b ae mn 143 MISS BESSIE pianoforte od) St. CHAPMAN, TEACHER OF playing (vargil Clavier Meth. For information address 822 Queen Autumn term opens September 1st MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES building and company offers, win's Insurance Square. COVER MORE OF contents 'than any other Examine them at God- Emporium, Market « LONDON AND GLOBE Fire nsurance Company. Available assets '$61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have . for security the unlimited hability of all the stockholders Form and city Rropeity insured at low est possible rages ore renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange Strange, Agents. 'Phone 568. LIVERPOOL, 2 McMILLAN PIANO. Ty a SQUARE, BAS, IN SRN iy FOR dri Apply 121 i Pr St, or he HG. COMPORTA en a Er 1g PWELL ING, wy 1 ed street. Boon Pe CWebiag 8 5 . "WILLOW ps AS NG deep by eet 100° Pg house, d and on ¥ - $750 WILL PURCHASE SIX house No. 197 Rugtdn Road. Soe cellar, water inside, - garden, all ready move into, hg easy, apply 1" Patrick Street, # ROOMED HOUSES OF hE LATE GEORGE WIL. son Estate: 114 Stmart Street, leased to Manages Bank of C tree: 104, leased Sai; Tr ea pk Oni o ant; double 42-34 O° str 52 Sydenham ret 170 Kill sireet, bi also lots on lower An street. Arp to Joseph Power, or John Twed- TO-LET. STONE STABLES, PRINCESS STRERT, in good repair. Possession Oct. 1st. Ap. ply K. Whig Office. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH MOD- ern conveniences, with or without boawtl, Apply 176 Clergy St. A 21 UNIVERSITY AV E.,. BRICK DWELL- © ing, 8 rooms, modern improvements. Ap- ply to J. S. R. McCann, 81 Brock St. OFFICE ambers, . Na. Geo. Chiff, Real ence strect. ROOM, IN EXCHANGE 116 Brock St. Apply to Estate Broker, 95 Clar- STORE ON KING STREET, ADJOINING Whig building, now occupied by Joseph Hiscock Possession Oct. 1st. Apply Whig Office. TWO ROOMS, room, ONE LARGE furnished of unfurnished, St., near gt s College. "AB." Whig office. FRONT ' on Union Apply Box i BRICK RESIDENCE, 181 Mvision street, with twelve rooms, in cluding extension kitchen, hot water heating, bath, etc. Enquire at 179 vision street. . FROM OCT. 1. 1 ON SE PTE MBER best business stands the corner of Princess streets, lately occupied by toner. Apply Felix Shaw, St., Kingston, Ont. -- m-- OINE OF THE im Kingsten, on and Wellington *. Nisbet, Sta- 116 Bagot 18ST, - ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, car. ARCHITECT, OFFICE, Queen and Bagot streets. HENRY: P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC. Anchor Building,. Market Square. Phone POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER. chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone 212, MARRIAGE LICENSES. S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER riage . Lioenses, 42 Clarence Co Ok at MmAR- FOR SALE OR TO RENT. TWO SOLID Ordnance and BRICK HOUSES, CORNER Wellington streets, 8 rooms rent.--W. J. Crothers. Repaired Varnished and Polished Cabinet making. B: GARBER, 389 Princess St. THE FIRST OF THE SEASON. We will have our Home-Made Pork sages, SATURDAY. Try a pound they are just as good as ever MYERS, 60 Brock St. "Phone, 570, IS QUITE WONDERFUL. The: Robustness of King Edward Says His Physician. London, Sept. 5.--King Edward left Marienbad upon his homeward jour- ney, yesterday. Ott, his physician there, issued au official statement to the effect that the results were even more satisfactory this time thak in former vears. The statement says of the king's physical condition : *"The {robustness of his physical condition ut { his quite wonderful.' Sau or so, age 1s Vig Sept. 5.--A wrestler named Antonmteh is causing considerable trou- ble to the military «authorities, at Sarajeno, Austria, where he is serving his time in the army. Neither a uni form nor a bed large enough could be found for him, and he receiving a double portion of food . Recruit Gives Trouble. 18 For A Fine Trip. take steamer America, 10.30 am., | Clayton, Gananoque and tour of the islands. All after {noon in Clayton or one hour in Gana- Fare 50c. Labor day,y Old Masters For Cambridge. London, Sept. H--Fourteen paintings by Gainsborough, Romney, Reynolds, Hocarth and other old masters have been presemted by an anonymous donor to the: Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge. Green Gages And Peaches. green gages,' extra Crawford. Fine large peaches. J. Took 5,000,000 Lives. Berlin, Sept. 5.-- Adolphe Zinert, a Frankfort slaughter house employee has killed 5,000,000 hogs during the | past iwenty-seven years. Bibby" s $2 hats for newness. "It is good economy to buy tool brushes at Gi Red Cross Drug Store. The kind that won't wear out jute, sold. there. 2 Cunningham, piano tuner - from Chk s. Leave orders at Mc | Auley's Book Store. A large range of up-to-date suitings [to seleat from at Waggoner's, 188 Wel- | lington street. . William Swaine, piano tumer. Orders' received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778, Bibby's $2 hats for style. ! | each, moderate THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT nitarian. REV, hing W. CASSON, My Belief, I believe in God enough to obey Him, and to yield to Him my allegi- ance and assistance in those causes in which 1 can trace the deific .puar- pose; T believe in myself enough to give myself every opportunity to de velop the highest and noblest quali- ties of which I am possessed; 1 be- lieve in love enough to, endeavor to live it; I believe in my fellow-men enough to reverence them, and to as sist in every way that lies in my pow er tq develop equally with myself (them); I believe in truth enough "to ever seek it and to be willing to sub ject it to any test that reason thay demand; I believe in immortality en- ough to be assured that I am living | it here and now Address, Rev. C. W, Beacon street, Boston, literature. Casson, Mass, at P for the SEALED indersigned, Public TENDERS and addressed endorsed "Tender for i Building. Whithy, Ont.," will he 1¢ ceived at tiysioffide until 4.00 pm. on Tues day, Septeaiper 1008, for the" construc pion of 'a _pulNic building at Whithy, Ont. Plans 4nd \specfication can be seen and forms of tend obtained at this Pepasiment and at. the post ce, Whithy, Ont Petsons tende: are notified that tenders will not be cons ed upless made on. the printed form supplied) and signed with their actual signatores, Lach tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, made fpable to the arder of the Honourable the mister of Public Works, equal to ten per Sept (10 p.c.) of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited ¥f the person tender ing decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if he fail to com- pete the work contracted for, If the tender se not accepted the cheque will 'be returned. The Department does not bind itself to ac cept the lowest or any tender. By order NAP is TESSIER, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, September 3, 1908 Newspapers will not he pad for this ad vertisement 'if they irsert it without authority from the Department. Court of Revision. Township Of Kingston. NOTICE is, hereby given that a will be held pursuant to the Voters List Ast, - Yi A Honor the be County Court of Lounty o vac, at the Town sa > the said T m the 16th day of September a dclock am., to hear and determine the Sev- >ral complaints of errors and omissions in be Vaters' List of the Municipality of the Township of Kingston, for I All persons having eg 'at the Court are required to tpn at the same time and Court Ontarig ve of Fronte- jp 1 CHAS. F. ADAIR, Township Clerk and Clerk of the said Court. 1908, Finest peaches, Craw ford's, Cataréqui, Sept. Mth, the | | | i ~ Printed notices containing + WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE second floor over Mahood's Drug store, ner Princess and Bagot streets. Em Atance on Bagot street. 'Phone 608. FERSONAL. BIRTHMARKS, WARTS, etc., removed permanently, without scar. Twenty years' expetience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist, 268 Bagot street. Dry Wood! Nothing causes so much trouble in the house like wet wood., Wa have a big stock of ALL KINDS OF WOOD and guarantee the condition every delivery. HAIR, MOLES, of Orders receive prompt and cares ful attention. JAS. SWIFT & CO. COAL and WOOD. manhattan Thousand Island & St. Lawrence | River Steamboat Companies , {In Connection with New York Cen- tral & Hudson River R.R. -- Leave Kingston daily, except Sunday, 5.00 am. and 2.00 pm Leave Kingston Sunday, p.m Leave Cape 6.15 pm. Making direct connections at Cape to and from points in New Through sleeper Cape Vincent bo New York. Week-end round tr rate ston to Watertow good going Saturday. Eo a returning up to and including Monday, » #5, 7.80 am. and 439 Vincent * daily, 10.50 a.m. and Vincent all York State, MAIL CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the Bal master General, will be res cedv Ottawa until Noon, on FRI« DAY, the 26d October, 1908, for the Sony anes of his Majesty's Mails, on, a posed Contract for four years, as Pe port ce go times per week each way, between Kingston Post Office and Street Letter Boxes, Etc. from the Postmaster Gemeral's pleasures further in< formation as to conditions of general Contract may be seen and bank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office' of Kingsto Post Office Deougtment, Branch, Ottawa, 20th G. C. AN BON, Superintendents Mant Sits rach - - - 3 The Perfect Brick & Tile Co., Walshe PAISLEY sou cts Are read delivery. tion at reasonabl plant, 60,000, daily. There's a lot of pron being 'savieg oad petesio +f 4