Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Sep 1908, p. 5

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on 1 SLES LLL LSASS | day, in henor of Colonel @® Straubenzic Miss Ada Richard from the geousness f 1 Misses Cotter is here from Mon- Colonel ot _ - Mrs. J. C. Paterson, Union street, left, } yesterday, for Kingsville, to vis- it daughter, Mrs. Charles Mas- ters, and Miss Nan Paterson has re- | tumedl to Montreal | Miss Olive Matthews, of Toronto, is [the guest of Mrs, Hiram Calvin, at i | Garden" Island. Miss Anna Lesslie, William street, came honje, this from St. Ca- | tharines, whete she has been visiting {'Mrs. Reuben she and Mrs. James Lesslie idown to Brockville, Florence Cun- | Mrs. Jackson Miss | Mrs. R. H. Tothill, Farl street, will Con week, Leonard, and have visit gone Dr on to and drownlield, Bessie and Smythe, . » - a ww | 6 ld { The golf teas began again, this af-} 0 in ternoon, at the Country Club. { . : ; - vi oN A "number of ladies have been in-| Guwili bt » vited, to lunch at Barrieficld camp to-| g ® morrow. i : ® ' - = i P48 | As a great mapy of her friends have pn been asking wh® Mrs. E. N. Mozley Perfect weather gemilegd on Colonel: js to" hold het bridal reception, it may and Mrs. W. D. Gordon, who were at be mentioned, that it will not be until home at Barriefield camp, yesterday. sometime in October. The air ou the heights was d:lightial, Colonel Henry Smith will leave for and the view of the city and lake, as | Ottawa, on Tuesday people drove over the bridge aud back Mrs. Octavius Yates, and was in itself a treat. The sight at the | Petrie are back at Mrs camp was a pretty ome too, with all | Hooper's, Albert street, the delicate summer dre and the | Sandbanks. : : scarlet and gold lace. and other gor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hooper, Al- of the officers present. The | bert street, left, | this morning, for hast and hostess received just outside | Rochester, N.Y. the brigade tent, refreshments being Mr. and Mrs. James Bute and their "dispensed in' the mess tent adjoining. | fomily "are quartered at Mrs. Percy Through the afternoon the singularly | Hewgill's, William street. sweet band of the 46th of Port Hope, Dri: "and R. W Garrett, Johnson played airs gay, martial and pensive. | street, aré back from their summer At the tea table were' Mrs. Arthur | home. * Lunningham, Colone} Gordon's eldest | -eaeoer =» SR daughter, and Mrs. Francis Macnee, | Mr. Percy Fortescue, of Winnipeg, making tea and cutting ices, and lead- | Who hal bed' the guest of Mrs. James ing the men, who did a large share | Cotter, Alfred street has gone on to of distributing refreshments were Miss | Montreal. i Bessie, Miss Nora and Miss Helen Gor- | Miss Maud - Betts, Beverley street, don, Miss Marie Carruthers, Miss Hil- | returned to tow, terday i da and Miss Doris Kent, and Mies | Miss Lillian and Miss Hilda Smith, Norah Macnee. Amopg the guests were | Of Toronto, firrived to-day, to Visit Colonel and Mrs RE. T. Taylor, Col- their aunts, the Smith, Well- onel and Mrs. 7. D. Rs Hemming, Migs | IPgton street Grace Hemming, Captain Frank Hem- ot id Annie or and Mrs. F. Strange, | 'T08 Capinin and dd Hughow, | M08 Oswald Jeffery and little Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blair, Captain daughter, Florence, who have spent and Mes. 'Charles Tow. Mra George | the past month with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mackenzie, Mr. and Mus. Edw. J. 8 | H. Corbett, « ourt 1 lace, réturned to Pense, Dr. and Mes, Ramsay Duff, Dr f their Heme Jn Chicago to-day. Miss and: Mrs. Arty Ross. Mr. and Mrs | Rosalind Corbett accompanied them JAB. Carruthers, Mrs, Arthur Flower | TOF a few months visit March, Mrs. James Hamilton, Miss lo. Lenore Hamilton, Mrs D. Norton-Tay lor, the Misses Norton-Tayvlor, Ms James Gildersleeve, Mr. and Mrs. Ar ¢ thur- Gildersleeve, Miss Mabel Gilder sleeve, the Principal of Queen's and Miss Katie Gordon, Mrs. Wo 7 nell, Miss 'May Ford, Mrs. James Hig gins, Miss Madeline Higgins, Mr. ane Mrs. Robert Carson, Mr. and Mrs. | John Carson, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rig ney, Mrs. Allaire Shortt, Mr. and Mrs Jeremy Taylor, Mr Hugh Nickle, Miss Mary Hora, Miss Mabel and Mis Dorothy Miss Miss May Miss ningham, Miss Frances Sullivan, « Christine Cochrane, Miss Mamie Gar- |leave, "on 'Tuesday, for Montreal, rett, Miss Marion Calvin, Miss Olive | Where she will spend the winter with Matthews, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss | h@ Bon, Mr. Rg ¥. K. Tothill, of the Bessie Richardson, Miss Marjery | Bank of Montreal. Merrick, Colonel Kent, Captain Wal - . w- ter Macnee, - Mr. Fgancis Macnee, aad | Major Clyde Caldwell has been many others ! | warmly greeted by all his old friends ES | this week. and .- The tennis lunch on Thursday was a| The Misses Adams, of Toronto, who great success, and so was the tourna jare at their summer cottage among ment following. In this Mrs. Lafferty [the iglands, were up in town, this and Miss "Constance Norton-Taylor | week, for the tennis luncheon. won. Those who went over Mrs. (Dr.)" Beattie, Mrs. Arthur March, Mrs. Francis Mac- [and two daughters, Mrs. nee, Mrs. Gearge Mackenzie and Mrs. |ald, Annan, and her little daughter Herbert Dawson, Miss Bessie and Miss [Helen, and Miss Lilly Beattie "Owen Nora Gordon, Miss Grace Hemming, | Sound, are visiting Mrs. F. S Rees Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Frances | Jarrie street Mrs. Beattie is 'a sis- Hora, Miss Madelon Carter, Miss |tor-igsiaw. Mabel Dalton, Miss Marion Calvin Miss Laura Macarthur Miss Olive Matthews, . Miss Mabel | oq], i the guest of. Brownfield, Miss Frances Sullivan, | Wright, Colborne stroet. Miss Christine Cochrane, Miss Mamie! Mis Lota Carson, Brock, street. is Garrett, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Mil- |} ome from her holiday : dred Jones, Miss Mamie Anglin, and! - "ow the Misses Adams, of Yaronto | obisn Mildred Macmorine, st James Sr Crian' 2 , or 4 spending 16 Week Mrs. JJ. 0.°Crisp's tea at St. John's |,¢ Wolfe ~ Island, Shen Mre George rectory, Portsmouth, was delightful in every Flowers filled the | pretty rooms, white asters and green the tea tahle, and the guests congenial Miss Hattie Crisp made the tea, Miss Constance Cooke poured coffee, Miss Edith Strau- benzie cut the ices, and those assist ing were Miss Sophy Crisp, Miss Cor delia Straubenzie, ~Miss Kathleen O'Hara, Miss Milly Ferris, Miss Clara St. Remy, and Miss Kathleen Crisp "> "-- VanStraubenzie will at "Kirkleatham,"' were : Owen Sound, (Dr.) McDon- of Mrs. Mont- C. Ww. 1s Hague, Mrs. William Kirkpatrick and Miss | kowise Kirkpatrick in {when last. heard | Mrs. Douglas who been all summer on Cushing's has gone back to Jersey City | Miss Clara St Remy, of Buffalo, { who has been with her aunt, Mlle. de [St. Remy in Portsmouth, is now with {Mrs. J. H. Birkett, Bagot street. Mrs | Birkett and Mr Leonard Birkett came home, from Halifax, yesterday, and Mr. Birkett will return in a few sense were Venice from. Porteous, ery being on were has Island, - entertain Tues M re at tea on days. | o { Miss Macaulay, King street, sailed, | yesterday, for home . and Mrs, Professor . . 0 Db and on | Mr taken Shortt's the Skelton have Mrs. Adam | house, King street, for | winter, i Miss Smith | Waterloo, next week, | | | Jessie coming from visit Miss Strange's, is to Mildred . Jones, at Mrs | King street I" Miss {been staying Lewis, of Montreal, who has with her sister, Mrs Hague, on Wolfe Island, has howto. Buxton where | George | returned Mrs | terloo, famer | "The Rev. Edward Torrance, King | street" has been up in Toronto for a | few days Mrs. "1. P. Doyle, who has been vis- iting | Mrs, «db. A Weese, Princess street, leaves for her home in Toron- | to, to-morrow Wa sums still at spent the Smith has makes slow progress in a heavy sea; and so also does a firm, loaded down with poor and sickly look- ing printing make | little headway in this progressive age. We realize this and have stocked our Job Printing Department with the very latest and best of type, and are prepared to do all kinds of the best work. an nah DO YOU LIKE} | BEAUTY ? Of course you do. Tt is one thing which attracts. Our work is on that line, and at w > a "> The Dean of Ontario and Mrs. J. © Farthing, with their are at home again from their holiday Mrs. Iva Martin and her daughters, 'Underwood,' came back, instead of to-day as expected. | | Captain and Mrs. John Gore street, with their daughters, are] | home again. | { Mrs. J. "Muirhead and Miss F.| { Chown, Clergy street, have returned | to town : | Mrs. Hare, Kingston, is visiting her son, Mr. . M. Hare, at Uxbridge, Unt | > > - Mr. and Mus. Newell Bate, Ottawa, | have issued invitations for the mar | | riage of their daughter, Ethel, to" Mr. | George Kirkpatrick, of Edmenton, in Christ Church cathedral, Tuesday, September 15th, at two o'clock, sons, vesterday Cochrane, | | | | | i | Fatal Lottery Prize. London, Sept. 5--While the Royal] Mail Steam Packet company's steamer | rent, which is due at Southampton | lin a few days, was lying in harbor at Kingston, on Augwsts lst, a' passenger ynamed Hans Ole': Wilhelm Wind was found dead in his chair. Several empty whiskey bottles were discovered {near him, and death was due to aléo- holic poisoning. He was on his way | to Denmark and had with him nearly R15,000, which he had won as a lot-| {tery prize two months before. | JOB DEPARTMENT el . - Green Gages And Peaches. t PHONE 292 green gages, extra large | J. Crawford. most reasonable pric's If you want a nice | piece of printing, ring up | | Fine peaches. | Arthur | | Freight WRECKED AT TRENTON 17 CARS DERAILED IN SPITE OF HORSESHOES. Whole Carload of Horseshoes Did Not Prevent Accident to Train--Several Cars Went Over Back and Were De- stroyed By Fire. Trenton, Ont., Sept. |earload of horse shoes were not en- ough to save a Grand Trunk freight train from being Wrecked nar here at three o'clock this morning. The old | superstition would have got its death blow for sure if jt had not been that none of the ai mnds received in- i juries, and. a goodly portion of the | train escaped destruction. Temperance {people and lovers of the drink that | inebriates will differ af to whether another proof was shown that good luck was at work when they learn that among the cars that remained intact, one contained a large ship- ment of whiskey. Eight cars were ditched, and these three were badly smaghed totally destroyed by fire. The wrecked train wasa west-hbound freight of some forty-five cars, loaded with various merchandise... The mis- hap occurred just east of the Trenton station. The tion of a half dozen cars, with contents, > As the train neared Trenton, travel- ing at a high speed, a split rail caused about seventeen -cars leave 'the | track, several of which went over the {north embankment, and immediately | caught fire, and were soon consumed. { Three of these were empty coal cars. I'he car loaded with horse shoes was {damaged, but its contents did _ not | seriously suffer. The car loaded with | whiskéy rolled over the embankment, {landing on its side, but did not suffer | much. I . The . first "twenty-three cars of the traip. passed all right, but. seventeen of the : following cars were derailed, leaving the five rear anes the track.: The accident occurred in about the same spot as the one in which & num- ber of horses and a jockey were: kill- time ago. Fortunately, this time no one was killed or injured. The Trenton fire brigade responded to a call, but unable to he of much service in saving the Grand | Trunk property, water was not available It is difficult to ascertain the extent of the damage, as the destruction of the cars by fire has left little trace of much of the contents, and railway officials never admit any The wrecking c¢rew from made quick work of cleaning up wreck, and fortunately the track remained clear for trafhic. {.--A whole of and wreck 'resulted in the destruc- their to on ed some were as loss. Belleville the south MARINE NEWS. What is Found About the Wharves. The steamer Howe is on her way from Fort -William to Richardsons' with grain. The steamer Columbia called at the dry*tlock, Saturday morning, on her way from Conneaut to Montreal with coal. Swift's : Steamer North King, down and up; to-day; steamer Aletha, from bay points; steamer Rideau King, from Ottawa The schooner Charley Marshall ar- rived Safurday morning from Char- lotte, with "coal for the Kingston & Pembroke railway wharf Two government barges are lving at the Kingston & Pembroke wharf load- ed with lumber. They are waiting to be towed across the lake It is expected that the new steamer being built at CoMingwood for the Northern Navigation company, will be reatly to launched inside of three of" four: weeks . MM rf: The tug Bart- lett arrived to-day from Port Dal- housie, with the barge Winnipeg, which will the government dry "di I'he barge was damaged by against the pier there: the A. D. Davidson will to-morrow from Chicago with be wh go on runmng steamer arrive vheat Man Wants Alimony. Cincinnati, Sept. 5.--In his wife's suit for divorce, Drewitz, late, yesterday, filed petition, in which he says he wants alimony because his wife's temper has given him nervous prostration and disabled him from work Re tently Drewitz sued to have set aside a contract he made with his wife by the terms of which he ceded to her all claim to "her property. Later Mrs. Dgewitz sued Drewitz for divorce answer to Ernest a Cross doing Corporation's Bad Investment. Glasgow, Sept. 5.--For some years the Glasgow corporation has held 300,000 shuare vards of unused lands, suitable for building, in the hope that the value might increase. The move- ment Of people to 'outlying suburbs has now increased to such an extent and the holding has become so great a burden that a committee decided recently to recommend the corpora- tiop to put the land on the market. Shell Explodes After 52 Years. Berlin, Sept. A blacksmith nam- ed Braun discovered a shell among heap of old iron, vesterday, at Maina- schaff, near Bremen. It dated 1866, and as he had taken part in the war against Prussia, he decided to weld it on the lever of his water-pump as a souvenir, but ; the moment he placed it on the forge it exploded and killed him. 5 a was Tombstones For Sale. London, Sept. 5.--Indignation has béefi-caused 'at Northampton by the fact that on the last two or three market days a dozen or more old tombstones, which have apparently been removed from gravevards, have been exposed for sale in the market place with other second-hand goods. Rowing Across English Channel. London, Sept. 5.--Capt. F. Bidding- ton, of the Yorkshire Light Infantry, is practising at Folkstone for his at- tempt. to scull across the "English channel. He made an attempt, last vear, but ran foul of the Varne Bank amid-channel. NEWBURGH ET. | Fiftieth Anniversary ' of Methodist Church. Newburgh, Sept. 3. Shorey, the former pitcher of the local ball team, but who is now living in Win- nipeg, made his debut in sssion. al ball last week. He is playing left field for the Lycemus of the city lea- gue and has evidently made good, as the Winnipeg papers speak very high- ly of his work. The trustee board of the Methodist church are making preparations' for the celebration of fiftieth anni- versary of the dedication of the Me- thodist church, in October. ' Two Sun- days are to be set apart, Oct. llth and 15th, the first Sunday to be in charge of the Sunday school and Ep- worth league. In the morning the circuit Sabbath school fally will be held. On Monday evening, Oect. 19th, a big tea meeting is to 5 held in the church. Prominent ministers of the church, who formerly gere sta- tioneci here, will) preach Bor the Monday evening many of Newburgh's famous sons, who have since ,ame for themselves, will speak. Mrs. Pomeroy and family leave for Chicago, on Monday, after a residence here of several years. Their many friends will regret to learn of their departure. Miss Beaman, of" Kempt- ville, and Miss Grouse, of Newcastle, the assistants on the high school staff, arrived . on Monday. Tibut. W. G. Beeman, of Halifax, is home on a short visit to his parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. Beeman. Mrs. W. E. Schus- ter, of Belleville, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Madden. Misses Madelon and Juanifa Thom: son, returned to Toronto, on Tues- day, after spending the summer with friends and relatives in the 'burgh. During the offertory in the Methodist church, on Sunday evening, Miss Madelon Thomson delighted the large congregation 'with a well-rendered solo, "Life's Lullaby." Miss A. M. Sutton, Miss Potter, C. H. Finkle and Herbert Ryan are at the fair in To- ronto this week. A number from the village are "'soldiering" at Barriefield this week. Mrs. G. A, Aylesworth and Master John returned, this week, al- ter visiting relatives in the east. Mas- ter Ross and Miss Marjorie Brisco re- turned to,Galt, this week, after spend- ing the -holidays with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisco. The work on the bridge is finished, but it will be about ten days before the concrete flooring is hard enough for travel. Miss MacDonald, Yarker, spent a few days, last week, with Miss Stella Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Sager, Richmond, spen@ Tuesday with their S. E. Sagef. The county bridge committee was in the village on Wed- | nesday. Mr. Lake, of Strathcona, is relieving W. B. Dunn, at the Bay of Quinte railway station, here, while the latter is at Barriefield camp. The son, POMB OUTRAGE &N SICILY. ---- Missile Thrown Through Window Nobody Seriously Hurt. Rome Sept. 5.--A bomb thrown, yesterday morning, at a window of 'the mansion in Palermo occupied by a wealthy merchant, Sig- nor = Pecoraino. Though the weapon was very powerful, no one was seri- ously hurt, though Signora Pecoraino and her daughter were struck by splinters of "gldss. The walls of the house were greatly damaged. No motive for the outrage is known, though in certain quarters it is held to be connected with the agitation in favor of Signor Nasi, the Sicilian ex- minister convicted of fraud. was Mr. Borden Dodging Trial. Brantford Expositor. "To expedite the hearing of election petitions," is another promise made by Mr. Borden. The conservative leader has had an election petition against him pending sigee 1904; and it has not been tried yet. He has placed every legal obstacle in the way of this trial. He does not want it to come on, but the minister of jus- tice has stated that if ever it does come to a hearing, and if the infor- mation as imparted to him is estab lished in court, Mr. Borden would be disqualified from holding office and be banished from the House of Commons for eight years. Mr. Borden says he wants quick election trial, but all his legal ingerfuity has been engaged in fighting his own election trial Jf] since the year 1904. America's Special Trip. Labor day, 10.30 a.m., for Clayton, passengers may remain there all after- noon or else take the America for tour of the islands, remaining one hour at Gananoque, or the steamer New Is- land Wanderer, returning 7.30 "+... meals on board. Pnly 50cg The Summer Is Past. So why cling to that sunburned straw hat when you can buy a nobby felt in such a celebrated make as Christy's, Scott's, Buckley's Stet- son's, Imperial, etc, $2, $2.50, $3, #4," at Campbell Bros.', fashion's ack- nowledged headquarters for hats and furs. Virtuoso Of Four. Rome, Sept. 5.--The newest infant prodigy is Francesco Mollena, aged four vears and thrée months, who played one of Mozart's concertos at a concert in Brindisi last week. Labor Day Special. Monday, steamer Ametica makes a complete tour of the Thousand Is- lands, calling at Clayton and Gana- noque, 10.30 am., home 7.30 p.m. Only 50c. : Wedding Ring Found In A Fish, London, Sept. 5.--While cleaning a pouting, yesterday, an emplovee of the Herne Bay Pier company found a woman's gold wedding ring in the stomach of the fish. ------ Marrying Late In Life. London, Sept. 5.--The age of two couples who were married recently at Whithorn were eighty-seven, antl eighty-four, and sevenly-eight and eighty. ' An unusually large nuwiber of sta dents have already -ecistored at the Kingston Business College, head of Queen street, for thefall term. Spe- cial rates to those registering for the Matters That "William are three constituencies which LW. Shellington and family, Cole Lake, \ spent lasi Sunday at ---- x Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The Canadian Northern railroad ex- pects to handle 30,000,000 bhishels of the North-West crop thi® season. Some 32,000 New England ric | railway employees may strike. ey are aggrieved over discharge of union men. Two years ago sw a great boom in Cobalt, but this fall promises to far exceed the former boom in many di-| rections. At the D.R.A. meet the Gzowski team match was won by the 45th Highlanders, as alse the British chal lenge shield. At Wichita Falls; Tex: Lillie Wheat- ley was shot and killed by Mrs. Wal- ter Allen, wife of the proprietor of the St. Charles hotel. Earl Grey, governor-general of Can- ada, lost his valuable Newfoundland dog, and dffered $100 for his returm. He found it at Petawawa. The Barnsdale Trading ' company, Stratford, doing a general business, was fined $20 and costs for unlawfully selling drugs, Rochelle salts, Lois Peters, stabbed below the heart by Mitchell Oak, on Thursday afternoon, is rapidly recovering in the Cornwall, Ont., General Hospital. Jean Renaud, the eighteen-year-old Montreal bank clerk, so far has not been found, despite the com- bined efforts detectives and the family. West Toronto, Fast Elgin and Fort of the ranging elections. Capt. McHarg won the, governor: general's match in the dominion rifle competition at Ottawa, and Capt. Me- Vittle took first place in the Bisley aggregate. in a stone-throwing battle, at Mont- real, Laurent Gravel, thirteen years old, was fatally injured. A charge of manslaughter is laid against Joséph Tourganean. The Sterling bank, the post office, a jewelry shop and several dwellings, on Main street, L'Original, Ont., were railway brotherhoods are ar- to contest in the dominion 1 H S A Remarkable Discovery That Can Réduce Fat Harmlessly at the A quick, harmless Ronen has come into popular use which far eclipses any method heretofore used. You Eat Rengo Like Fruit Candy and Easily Reduce Your Rengo to i attacks abnormal accuracy, and causes a gradual, harmless but effective reduction without leaving wrinkles which are near- always present after and other dangerous materials commonly called There is nething "just as good" Rengo. $1.00 per full sized box, or by mail pre- paid, by Bldg., De Fay send you a trial package free by wail, if you wri no free packages For sale and y ow to Get Rid of Fat Rate of a Pound a Day. A Trial Box Sent Free. reducer of fat, called or . treatment Inspect our stock and work before placing your order. INSCRIPTION WORK SOLICITED. The Kingston Granite and Marble Works WELCH'S OLD STAND. Cor Princess and Clergy Sts. 3 NEW MACHINE SHOP. A call is invited for all kinds of manufacturing and machine repairing. work such as machine ing lawn (we have the only machine in the cif this purpose)--repairing sewing machin guns, phonographs, scales, razors, ed; tools, dies; brazing, model and pattern mak- ing, t of attention given all work. e pas may be tested or leaving shop. Vork guaranteed. Work outside city prompt: ly attended to. JW. St, (near Princess) Kingston, at Simmons Bros. and Delivery. 9 or Fat a Pound a Day. is perfectly harmless, pleasant, and it Ms chewed like candy. Jt tissue with unerring Charges moderate. HUNTER, - Machinist, $0 Montreal Orders taken A. Vanluven's . Parcel in weight, and taking drugs "anti-fats." as at Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Sarness etc., for sale, 4 For sale by all druggists 3,332 Rengo The Rengo' Co. will troit, Mich, The company them direct to Detroit; drug stores. mmended in Kingston destroyed by fire, on Friday night; partly insured. Farmers are hauling water for miles, go great is the drought in Western] Pennsylvania. At Johnstown, Pa. two of the three city reservoirs are practically dry. At Peterboro, two years in the pen for robbing Abraham Abond, a Syrian peddlar, and seven years for assault- ing him, was the sentence meted to James Baldwin by County Magistrate Edmison. The steamer King Edward,' in a fog, ran'on the reef at Chantry, Island, Georgjan Bay, on Saturday morning. The passengers, forty-five, were rescu- eg. The vessel will likely prove a to: tal loss. (CHICAGO STOCKS. Prices Furnished Br J. P. Bickell & 'Co., (pet W. Hector H. Hume). September 5th. Opened. Close. 1003 Wheat. May December ... ... September Florida Happenings. Florida, Sept. 4.--There was a very heavy frost last night but seemingly it has done little harm. Miss L. Davy has gone to Toronto, to spend a cou- ple of weeks, with her cousin, Mrs. E. Goodwin. Last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. Babcock, attended the wedding of S. Simmons, and Miss G. Bert, Wilton. Mrs. D. Martin is spending a few days in Kingston. Rev: Mr. York and family, after spending a few weeks at J. Wallace's, have re- turned to their home at' Ottawa. Mrs. J. B. Weldon and son have .gone to Toronto to spend a couple of weeks. called on old friends here this week. Miss M. Peters is spending a week at Cole Lake. W. L. Storms and family Inverary. Visi- tors : S. Martin and wife, at J. Hun- ter's; H. Snider, Wilton, at D: Mar- tir Miss M. Martin, Pittsburg, at J. E. Peters'. 8; to .the police, several cards aall, at the Brock streets. the names of 'unfair merch- Complaint was made this afternoon, about being stolen from Union of King and cards contained the union terms corner The what ants." "For gripp and colds," Bromo- Quinine cures in one day. Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230. : Call on Waggoner-to examine a full range of up-to-date fall suitings, spring and fall overcoatings and fancy trousers. After running for office most of the candidates discover. they were on the wrong ticket. What crowd heaven pear excursions ! The man; who blames without pity is not a rélorm encourager. there would be in could go on Sunday BORN, VANALSTYNE---At Napanee, 31st Aug, to Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Vanalstyne, a daughter. DENISON---At Napanee, 20th Aug, to Mr. and' Mrs. Anson Denison, a son, BONNELL--At New York, on Aff. 28th, to Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Bonnell (nee Edith Fraser, Napanee) a son. HOPPING--At Deseronto, on Aug. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Hopping, a daughter. NEALON--At Peseronto, on Aug. 30th, to N Mr. and Mrs. David Nealon, a daughter. DUNNET-HEANEY---AT Deseronto, on Ang. S1st, Miss Susan May, foungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Heaney, to Walter by Henry Wade, Druggist. r™ Sale of Horses every Saturday, A GREAT SUCCESS. THE CUT PRICE SALE OF HIGH CLASS SUMMER WAISTS. Made up in the latest styles of the finest Lawn, Mull and Spot Organdy, beautifully trimmed with Valenciennes Lace, and open, and blind Embroidery. One third off. Néw White Skirts, in La wn, Linen, Pique and Cotton Repp, trimmed with Lace, Embroid ery, Self-Pleating and Folds, at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 up to $5.00, Be in Time While All Sizes are in Stock. David M. Spence, The Leading Millinery Store, 119 Princess St. . - - ini Lr TELEPHONE, 838. MAKE YOUR STOMACH HAPPY WITH SHREDDED WHEAT ard fresh fruits. An ideal food, wholesome, nourishing and delicious. Contains More Real Nu triment Than meat or Eggs. Sola By All Grocers, 1054. summer DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES. J. P. BICKELL & CO. ' BANKERS AND BROKERS MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE LA WLOR BUILDING; . TORONTO. CORRESPONDENTS OF FINLEY BARRELL & co. MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange Cotton ." " Coffee i. Produce "¢ Chicago Board of Trade 4 Stock Exchange St. Louis Merchant's Exchange Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Commercial Exchange of Philadelphia Winnipeg Grain a Produce Exchange. " OLARENCE CHAMBERS, KINGSTON, ONT. e y W. HECTOR H. HUME, Manager. Dunnet. . HOGLE-VANALSTINE--On Aug. 20th, Miss Ola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vaa- alstine, Napanee, and Henry Hogle, densa PRINGLE ROOT--At Deferontp, on Sept eldest daughter of 1st, Miss Martha Root, Mr. and Mrs. George Root, to Frank , Pringle, Napanee. . . McCULLOUGH-BLACK--At Deseronto, on Sept. Ist, Miss Annie L. Black, Ni ee; dest to, to Jamps Me¢Cullough, fall or winter term. H. F. Met- calfe, principal. . 5 x youngest daughter of Michael Blac) son of Mr. and Mrs. William McCullough, Lonsdale. § : Nordheimer Steinway' Pianos Pianos Warehouse: KIRKPATRICK'S ART STORE, 159 Brincess S¢ Mi

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