THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, S ; Fococcoociooonosoocos! §7 rg THES PMEDITION MERAY; URSY Stasvenge | Royal Dresden We show exclusive dina tions in ¢ O00 OOO000 0000000000000 000 2000000000000 000000 Fruit Sets Comports Plates Very appropriate for wed-, ding gifts. Spangenberg JEWELLER z Ly and jf DIAMOND MERCHANT . | Issuer of Marriage Z| Licenses. ; CATALOGUE 1908-09. Now ready. Call or write. It is a work of art showing all the latest designs. John McKay Fur House KINGSTON. Shooting Season | Has Opened | Somé Guns Won't Bill no matter now close a range the sportsman | raay have. By buying your gun here places the responsibilty up- on*your accuracy. \ For each Gun we sell can be thoroughly tried before leaving our store and each gun guaran- teed. which is fully guaranteed, Loaded Shells, U.M.C,, { FOR 25 CENTS. Winchesters, Ely's., . | Get one and try ita | A. STRACHAN All sizes kept in stock, both white and black powder. He ting of Whitby collegiate ne ot Wi cea | WL AL Mitchells, aged as modern language mas- | 85 Princess St. HARDWARE | sLoon, GG. B. Stillwell -- : master at 1,000, W. Dean, Pringle sidence to' Henry move to Napanee | "Your lime water hottle' filled free | of charge at Gibson's Red Cross Drug | Store, | » OOOO 000 GOOO! pci A HINT TO SHAVERS We are now eelling a Safety Razo was eng 'ter at atjence Gertrude aL S850 W. Black, as Miss ( as classical master | re and Selby has Martin, sold and will his | has been the Almonte, principal of school ap~ Marmora pointed public Bt s -- you | Special | Sale To-Night, 7.30 O'clock Handkerchiefs Hemstitched Plain Linen wai A NEY Serine Fancy Embroidered Muslin 10, 121, Each. Reguar 15¢ for \ Long Gloves WHITE LACE, worth 30, 25¢ PAIR 35,40, 45¢ for... sry LONG LISLE, Black and White, opened at wrist, regular 50, 60e. e 39¢ PAIR fOr aladdin EXCLUSIVE SHOWING OF NEW FALL DRESS MATERIALS Striped Broadcloths, Bordered Costtimes, Novelty Cheviots, Chiffon Broadcloths, Satin Venetians, &c., &e. PRICES 75c., 90c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.35, 1.75 YARD. R: Waldron. 1.50, . | Evidence | this beautiful China. | | { | among | imile | The | corps in camp; JONTHEY HALE WAITEN FIVE HUNDRED SAY THEY WILL TAKE LAND. . | in Milita Department That Many Who Served South Africa Ate Anxious to Follow Plow in Western Fields --Veterans May Become Com- fortable on New Homes. Ottawa, Sept.- 5.--From present ap- | pearancées a good many. men who | "wielded the sword" in South Af- | rica, will shortly follow the plow in | Western Canada. The act of last , | session qualifying every man who ser- ved on a Canadian contingent in South Africa to a special grant of | three hundred and twenty acres of {land beyond the great lakes is prov- ling an eeditaly popular matter soldiers. Word of the government's generos- lity carried far. Of the eight thous- | sand odd men who made up Canada's three contingents over five hundred | have already written to the militia ! department, declaring that they want the land. Letters are coming every day. Most are from Western Canada but Canadian soldiers are writing from all parts of the world. There have been letters received from a Jarge number of men in South Af- rioy more than .a few from England, Ausiralia and New Zealand and a scattering lot frédm other portions of the Empire apd the world generally. The veteran will be able to make himself exceedingly comfortable in the Canadidn west fy ; in addition to the soldier's rights he will be able to ex- lercise homestead and pre-emption pri- vileges of the ordinary settler and can become the possessor of a square of land, or six hundred and forty acres. Warrants have been printed for the soldiers and the militia department will issue them from now on in favor of , men qualified and forward them to the interior department which will give the necessary authorization to take up the land. LATE CAMP NEWS. ioe Sports on Monday Will Interesting. The programme of sports at the mp on Monday, will include the fol P jutting 16-pound shot, 20 yards dash] relay team of four men from sack race, three-legged relief race; alarm pace, Victoria race, running broad jump, and hop-step-and-jump; bayonet contest tug-of-war, teams of ten men; tug-of- war on horseback, teams of four men. lo-day Gen. Otter will inspect the [lines of 'Camp Barriefield, accom- panied by the camp staff. Col. Jones, D.G.M.S., left for wa last night. Caterer Belson excelled all previous records in preparing, yesterday, for the social function of Mrs. (Col.) Gor- don. Everybody voted it the best ai- fair ever given at headquarters. Col. Rathbun, of the 9th Brigade, has the record for being the best story-teller in camp, He tells with a wealth of det#il, an eloquence of de- scription, and a style worthy of a Be en lowing events : 100 yards dash, race, one mile, race, Cross Otta- oy | Kipling in his best of camp tales. at Barriefield, this mess tent of the 9th Brigade was "Ledgers." Every officer appearing at table said "Ledgers," saluted and sat down to his morning meal. The 8th : Field Battery has the mess arrangement for its men in whole camp. Major Robinson, commands, makes it a point-to after the "inner tube' of his and they appreciate it Major Malley, of the 5th, is working hard to bring his battery up to the high standard of previous years. Capt. Krancis Cartwright, of the 5th Field Battery, is a favorite with his men and non-coms. and can get any- thing out of them in the way of work The water suuply, yesterday, was good and the supply was abundant. The signallers have been graded into viz, : beginners, advan ed, and heliographers. All the men are doing good work and acquiring instruction easily. Last night there was a gramme at the 'bonfire' Songs, recitations, etc., were best Major Cains and* friends were visitors at tent : last evening. They where about ---- Sergt, Maj. Bailey bave the best office tent ever used in camp. As an office, this tent and that of Col. Rathbun's are nfodels of com- plete appointment. The password morning, in the best the who look men, three classes, good pro gathering. of the number of the 9th mess left. some- a and office staff PASSED TO ETERNAL REST. John Kerr Died at Ripe Old Age. On Satur lay morning, at nine o'cloe x, a beloved personality slipped quietly to the other life. An invalid for years, Mrs. Kerr, widow of the Jate John Kerr, first, commanding of- ficer of the 14th Regiment, has been away from the activities of church and social life, but when health and strength were hers she was ever one of the helpful 'ones In early life, Mrs. Kerr, en name was Clarinda father being an officer army, was an Anglican, but when she married her husbgnd she became a Presbyterian, and gave of her best to all good . works, in St. Andrew's church, Her charities, were un- bounded, and many a poor person and family has had reason to bless her. She was the happy mother of nine children, but three of whom are left-- Charles 1. Kerr of Wawanesa, Man.; Walter RB. Kerr, of St. Paul, Minn, and Misg Ada at home. Mys. William Sawyer, 'Brock street, a sister, also |survives her, and will share in the deep sympathy which is going out to the family from all sides. : Mrs whose maid- Baxter, her | . od in the British too, "Beautiful new tooth brushes." The kind that wedr so long. Seld at Gib- son's. Red Crbes Drug Store. "Phone { 230. On Monday, } Col Hunter will try an assault caste arising out of a scrap between two Pittsburg residents. Bibby's $2 hats are leaders, Green gages. Crawford's. PERSONAL MENTION. elas, Movements: Of The Peorle--What They Ave Sayin~ And Doing. Nisa The . Vii Greaza has returned i or . | Carter, Belleville, is visit- ing in the city. . of the M. T. company, from Collingwood. urphy, of this city, is | visiting friends. in Cobourg and Port John J. Main, Yarker, is the of Mrs, Bryant, 541 Albert street. : Gregg G , Renfrew, has return- ed to the city to resume his studies at Queen's Mrs. T. J Boyle, Chieago, is tife guest of her brother, L. Joyce, Charles street. ; Miss Bessie Caldwell, Lanark, turned home. to-day, after visiting re- latives in the city. James Met anns has retyrned home after spendin, ga a few days with friends at Brewer's Harold Ee. Ottawa, returned ty/ the city, Ao-day, to resume his studies' at Miss Marie ¢, Johnson street, ending a Beaupr with her brother, Beaupre, at Toronto. Bridgie and Mae McKenna have gone to spend a few days with friends in Wattrroan, NY. Miss Florence Treneer left this morn- ing for anextended trip to Portland, Maine, and the eastern states. Misses Ida and, Florence Kilpatrick, Kingston, are vigiting their aunt, Mrs, James Gordon, Napanee. J. H. Herrington, of the Standard Bank sta is forced to take a month's owing to ill-health. Miss Emma Peters, of Miss E. Greaza's, has returned from Toronto, after atiending the millipery openings. Mrs. Walker and. Mrs. D. Hut- chinsop, Kingston, are visiting Mrs. J. Jones, Park Plage, St. Catharines. Stanley . Cadenhead, Alired street, who has been seriously ill in the gene- ral hogpital, is able-to be around again. John O'Neil, home, to-day, he was employed Strathcona hotel. Mrs. C.J. McSorley, 444 Johnson street, has returned after a pleasant visit to Fort William, Cleveland, To- ronto and Montreal. Misses Cora and Jessie Joyce, Ot- tawa, have returned home after visit- i ing friends on Charles street and sur- rounding district. Samuel Ranton, assistant editor of | the Stratford Herald, is visiting in the city, the guest of his aunt, Mrs. J. Renton, . Earl street. Physical Instructor Thompson, of the Y.M.C.A., went to Toronto, yes terday, having received word of the death of his grandmother. | Samuel Reid, of the Whig composing | room, returned to-day after a three weeks' trip to Toronto, Hamilton, Jrantford, Niagara and Welland. Mrs. Frederick Henderson and daugh- ter, and Miss Mayme - Wilmot, of Gapanogue, are the cuests of Mrs; Frederick Whitney, 101 Queen street E. J. Reid, secretary of the board of trade will take a holiday. During his absence, the work of the office will be supervised by J. S. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. George Croft, Dese- ronto, are in Kingston to spend a few weeks prior to going to Vietoria, B.C. where he intends going into business. J. Cousins, University avenue, and J. Macdonald, Queen street, left this afternoon, to spend their vacation with friends in Rochester and To- ope. Nrs, guest ' re- i returped where the Portsmouth, from Brockville, as clerk in lisolation Hospital, escaped on Friday. Occurrences, In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re- membered. Cabmen's "phone 490. Bees Bibby's new. $2 hats. Crawford's. Sen 5 to fill out contract, Suits pressed weekly for §1 per month, The prouches at SeGeorge's cathe- Sun i Ad 99 [IM MOLIOW-03 [wp fells, of Petaboro an eloguent chap- lain in camp. Labor day, steamer America makes a camplete tour of the Thousand Is- lands, stopping at Clayton and Gana- | noque, 10.30 a.m. io 7.30 p.m. are 50c. Phone to My Wardrobe, 592, to have | your suits cleaned and pressed, called ar and delivered free, at a no- tice. A drunk in the police court was jou to get married and he then would} have better use for his money. Fined $1 and costs. Mrs, Washburn, a patient at the The police found her in a secluded part of the hospital lot. Frederick C. Reid, Earl street, get- ting out of his rig, stepped on a loose stone, his foot turned over, and he sprained his left ankle. p The steamer America brought nearly : passengers up' from Alexandria Bay and intermediate points, to-day. This is the last river excursion of the | season, Constable Timmerman succeeded, yesterday, in finding the home of the six-year-old lad who was lost and taken to the police station. He lived on Albert street. Bibby's $2 hats for style. The Bijou theatre is handsomely de- corated during camp week and is greatly patronized. They pictures screened are very fine, the automobile races being very realistic. "Four headaches cured for 10c." at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Per fect Headache Powders will do "it. The couneil of the board of trade met last evening, with a good attend- ance of members. The various com- mittee" chaivmien reported upon the work done during the summer. The Canadian Lead Mining and Smelting company, of Kingston, to. day, received its charter from the On- tario government, on capital of $100,-H M0, in shares of five dollars each, Bee Bibby's shiecial $2 hats. George W. Bell, V.8., in Toronto in connection with his Veterinary Won- der medicine, returned on Saturday. He states that the live stock at the exhibition is the best ever shown. _ It is expected that by the first of October the new gas tank will again be in commission, Since July, the old tank has been used while repairs have been proceeding on the new one. "Bland's Iron Tonic Pills." The genuine are sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Take ho other. 100 for. 25c¢. A most enjoyable dance was held at Lake Ontario park on Friday evening, H Messrs. Burns, Tierney and Partridge] being accountable for the pleasant af- fair: The weather was ideal for the danee and the twenty couple present] enjoyed themselves immensely. Bibby's $2 hats are favorites. This week Edmund McCaffrey, a gra- ronto. Hilton F. Snider, the... R. F. Strasenburg Rochester, and wife, who have visiting Mrs. Leighton Guess, Bagot | street, returned home to-day. | Misses Ella' and Stella Leonard, Gladwin, Mich., ave calling on friends | in Camden East, Glenvale ston. They are nieces of John Leo- nard and Mrs. Carrie Hall, 50 Prin] cess street, | W. Hector H. manager, to-day, enter taining automobile party from Chicago, route to Quebec. The: party consists of Frederick R. Babcock, partner in the firm of Finley, Barrell & Co., of New | York, and Chigago; John P. Bickell, of X P. Bickeil'& Co., Toronto, and | Leonard 8. Allen also of Chicago. vice-president of company, been stock exchange an Hume, is Another Endorsement. Hamilton Spectator. The appointment of Prof. Shortt; of Queen's university, as one of the men whose duty it will be to carry -out the regulations .of the new civil ser vice act, is one for which the prenrrers deserves credit. Prof. Shortt has al- ready proven himself to be a ge ntle- man of undoubted ability' in dealing with public and semi- public affairs, and there is reason to believe that Kis work in this important position, if he is permitted to exercise his own good judgment; will - be -satisfactory to the, people generally and civil ser- vants in particular. -------- Private Sale Of Furniture. Mrs. N. R. Chrmichael, 69 Union street, is leaving the city and selling her houschold effects by - private sale, including dining "table and leather- seated chairs to mateh, in oak, hand® some brass bed and trimmings, dress er and wash stand 'in mahogany, drawing room tables, lace and other curtains, rugs, linoleum, ete. On view and sale Tuesday and Wednesday, Sth and 9th inst. yo 10:30 to 5 p.m. at 69 Union street. Baseball On Friday. National League~New . York, §; Philadelphia, 1. Pittsburg, 1: Chi- cago, 0. Boston, 3; Brooklyn, 2. astern Le sagug=--Roc shester, 4; ronto, 4. Buffale, 4; Montreal, Providence, 8; Baltimore, 7. American League--St. Louis, 4; troit, 2. Chicaga, 3; Cleveland, ton, 3; New. York, 0 Washin Boston, 7-10; $i 1-1. iladelphia, A ---------- Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reduetion_ in price in the order and ready-made clothing department; also gents' furnishings. Look at dis play windows. To- a De- 2 . Will Likely Act. Prof. Adam Shortt has been asked a { second time to mediate in the C. P. R. strike. He will, in all probability accept, . At Montreal, the marine inquiry | was suspeaded till Tuesday, in order that certain bogks may. be produced. and King- | Kingston. i en | editor for free publication of matter | that they rightly MODEL SCHOOL STUDENTS, duate of the Kingston Business Col- lege, head of Queen street, accepted a {position as stenographer with * the { Dentinion" Express Co . Montreal. Spe- inl rates to studants resistering fo the fall or winter term. H. F. Met- lealin, principal. Bibby's §2 hats for comfort. The columns of a newspaper are [the editor the s¥me as the goods his shelves are to the merchant. erson ever thinks of asking merchant for some of his goods nothing, but many reople request to No the for the know should be paid for. My Wardrobe pressing is all done by | hand, first-class work guaranteed. | A List of Those Who Are in At- tendance. Names and addresses of model schodl students who meet ip old arts build- ing at Queen's University : > Gentlemen--W. R. Freeman, ton: George Hutchings, Jones' Raymond Madden, Kingston; 0'Congor, Sydenham; Timothy roy, Newburgh; T. B. Patterson, In- vernry; Frank Strong, Hilton; W. J. Skinner, Yarker; John Stéphenson, Bath. Ladies--Mary Asselstine, Roblin: Jean Bawden, Cataraqui; Ona P. Bell Sharpton; Annie # Black, Solmesville; Teressa E. Boyce, Violet; Edna C. Bicknell, Camden East; Ethel 8. Bak, er, Harrowsmith; Carrie M. Briggs, Gananoque; Nellie M. Clinton, Bloom- Brigh- Falls; F. D. Pome- We are 'enabled to offer our. customers FOUR very special bargains: : 25 Doz. Fine Swiss Embroidered Doylies, suitable for table or dresser size, 9 inches square and neatly finished, 80d regulazly ; at 8 and 10¢ each. a Yours To-Night....... ..... eraennnc Each 150 Swiss Embroidered Pillow 'Shams, in. pretty designs and neatly finished, on 45, 49 and 55c¢ each, Yours To-Night rsdn SC Each 75 Boxes of Frilling, six frills in a box, asual price 25-znd 30c a box. Special TO-Nighte...ooicesiasinsersecsse JOC Each 60 Sample Laundry Bags. These, are made of strong material and well finished, n assortment of colors and sizes: TO-RIZhE auction insist 123 Of Children's: Hosi Hokiéry 16" one oF the Pneuliod articled at ap- parel foremost in the mother's mind just now, and she will do well to visit this department of our store To-night. \ Boys' and Girls' Leather Knit Hose, Ribbed, Fast Black, suitable for school wear, in all sizes. Prices range from 15 to 25c per pair, Boys' and Girls' Black Cashmere Hose, in all "sizes, "Fast Black, excellent quality and fine ribbed, at every price, What You May. Require Monday "May Be Had Here. RIBBONS Taffeta and Duchesse Satin Rib- bon ip White, Black, Brown, Blue,* Pink and Red, for Hair Ribbons and Sash Ribbons, 10, 12}, 15, 20, 25¢ up. : field: Ethel Donaldson, Kingston, Ef- fie Day, Harrowsmith; Mabel Forres- ter, Westport; Edna Fleming, King- ston; Mary S. Fleming, Amherst Is- land; Katie Finn, Enterprise; Etta Grimshaw, Kingston; Lena Grant, Bedford Mills; Mary I. Groomes, Syd- enham; Bessie Gleeson, Kingston; Lot- tie Cray, Gananoque: Flossie" M. Hall, Deseronto: Stella _ Lynch, Erinsville; Mary McCgllpm, Sunbury; Julia E. McCann, Westport: Mazie McCann, Westport: Mary L. M. McCann, New- burgh; Mary MeDonald, Kingston; Christina MeDougall, Spencerville; Ma- | bel P. Martin, Deseronto; Anna Nolan, Athens; Irene Palmer, Westport; Grace A. Patterson, Moscow; Laura Phil lipps, Harrowsmith: Annie Ryder, Kirgston: Jennie Scholes, Kingston; Mildred Scammell, Kingston; Graee Stewart, Lyn ; Gertrutle C. Staley, Wolfe Island: - Jewel E. Sigsworth, Hartington: Inez Tennant, Brockville; Ethel C. Toplifi, Bath; Annie Wright, Kingston; Mary E. Wagar, Deseronto; Jennie Whalen, Hinch. More are expected during thé next week, » Shipping Pianos. Wornmwith & Co. report that busi ness is good with them, notwith- standing. the dull times. The firm shipped two carloads of pianos, to- day, its output figr this week. Green Gages And Peaches. Fine green gages, extra large peaches. J. Crawford. wr rs Very Soft Fine Kid, light "fuirn soles and" no heels. Black Kid and Red Kid. All sizes in stock. Pale Blue, Pink and Tan. Price $1.25. he Toockett Shoe Store. 'New Stock of Trunk and Bags received to-day. To order only. SFE 83 oe 000000 NONSOONRISO00N0IEAPEIOSIOIINS Aasassssacsensasessasasaccase os ad