Pe------ __YEAR 75. 75. A STAGE GRL Is the Victim of a Brutal » Murder. MILLED "BY 'Hist = RA {BODY IS CUT UP WITH KNIFE | AND SAW. i . Prisoner Confesses Jordan, An Actor, He Slew Wife--Torso in a Trimk. Boston, Sept. 2 and brutal erime 'er Tells How Hidden The most committed in (reat death of Su four ye it, discovery loston since an {Geary, a land one much resembling jelosed to-night by the ithe torso of Mrs. Honorah actress, aged twenty-three trunk in Hanvock city and Lhe SYOmer the girl, choru ALS ALO di of an of wa Jordan, Somerville, at in a No. 7 Hill] thi the head were found house lencon Later limbs the the moan N of Len bone Farnge: ille, in at and other gra Jordan home scalp, hair wre taker the Jordan, from range house. Che Veor treet, lice, to-night, an actor, of OL Somerville, 1s held by od with the according to the made a full complet of the crime According fession he ac Tuesday ght home and, what he hal bought a hateher up the bod torgo in a trunk. He then planne Harvard, last char murdi and to Jordan' identally | wm 1 quar hedonin ni he done, aw, cut which was scheduled ght® for New Ye wis of the , fact that to or leave throw woard was disarranged his obliged 'to hive the trunk to house to portumty The discovery of the to the suspicions of the W. Collinsy-axho. had in. the merous robberies a we taken place in"and about Boston recently, and surmising, from its weight, the trunk he Wag carting abont tained silverware," notified the poliee Collins reported « that 'he had first taken the trunk 'Jfeom the ta tion this morniig, 'it having from Somerville on 'a was first taken to the South where he left it" Later he upon by Jardin te carry trunk to' No. 7 Hancock stree lodging house kept by Mrs Haley. The hae¢¥man the his suspicions to thé police Sergt. Michael Crowley to go to the Hancock inygstigate, When he house Jordan wi ti cg was sho floor and trunk we 5:20 Jordan accosted in the rk the I'hé off, owin pln laid await wime wag due hackman, (i. that con North come train. It tation alled loeal as « he n wh second gaged, time the About being fount Deed--Chester | horrible | to at first denied his identity. he admitted who-he Asked his trunk he denied that he had one. He I to his goom by { the Y officer, however, and ccfnanded {to open the trunk. | Jordan did not appear alarmed, but hesitated trunk, and it was not siderable argument on the part of the | officer that' he produced the key to the tru nk and inserted it in the lock. furning his head, Jordan threw up cover of the trunk, and then sank on his knees "burying his face sobbing ow ley disclosure, officer Later was. about was ord or the nervous to open until after con- | the back mn his he hands and back the a sickemng staggered for in rhas st "at the n trunk before him lay of hackened flesh, a filling the greater while pieces of flesh body The entire bespattered covering of voman's of the from other into of the blood. sort | mass torso ard trunk, the were stufied interior with any parts of the corners 18 nas no remains submitted protest without uffs and was led | locked up. Giving name and addre he declared the hody in the trunk was that of his wife, and appeared perfectly willing to officers everything concerning tell the the case For mdye Tardan wa orden the hand: to sta- on No. 3 a his to-night, police four hours eted Boston time While the than : the Somerville, the that he com with of and after ail ed when et by of hi went over hor professing crime wa Arnes ils con apparent tual wly and der, *which 1ihstanty rried in struck nu-.| | idea | away on Honorah About to rvil Some we trouble feath of th the it his that was terrified This deel first and knocked her down, and to find that he had killed her. happened Tuesday hight Fearing discovery h of the body of the him he then conceived the cutting takin one parts throw the | then the that left to boueht knife ne to had weeording repotr his wile him | hi cutting-up or and om the calp 8 ed. the cellar it iced off practically arms from fles and and' the eaving mn bones the trunks with I'he were and K the da' tea remains with simply it ear enormous u hx 30 high it is tandard of quality fs EL GRORGE The Populas Comedian to Be Se SUMMERS. en All Next Week at The Grand. | otherwise | suicide. | resort, ed } say I new | new { mark { recommend | Baker, ter, { bo _ KINGSTON novia SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER THE PRINCE OCF WALES. Ruting the record voyage of the British warship fidomittanic, fromi Canada to Southampton, the prince of Wales took His turn in the stokehold. shown in the photograph as he ap peared during his spell of wore, as stoker's kit, a white suit, It will be noted that his royal highness, who is work, white headgear and white gloves. With the prince, also in the stokehold, were Sir Francis Hopwood, Sir Arthur Biggo, Lord Annally, tain Hall-Kine and Captain B. Godfrey Faussett. LAND EOR WAR VETERANS. Department Issued Form plication. Sept t.--The has issued the the land last Ses=10n the cases of oliicers Ottawa, partment ation act of provide for non-commissioned for who 'wereerhsted in Canada, not members of corps who were in Canada, but in South Africa' bei war. The applicants have, non-coms. and | privates their discharges, which wil ed. All the appli sworn to before a forms of application either from the militia from any distriet Early application der that the applic passed upon the and forwarded the interior, warrants to ti we the ations con ean | officer advis mili to by ment ment the cerned. ot bounties who otherwise hav ations of militia forms of he officer and for close MNISSION: obt department mmand rag: de a unde p r forms for mei | met ed wn Ap- lernmen served | le in or may A the « BY JILTED LOVER. i Shot Down While Engaged in Per- formance. Petershur gedy occurred during a pe months ag man fell madly in i a circus y became eng but the other fiancee, that each other, and a marry in his or her owr had decided, of the Kuznet and last man of and her, arena, and vent him groom dead He then' c self to the hoped his Some a voung 1 lo they she said, gle show soffi disappear week the her choices her hush: Kuzne before shot she tog heerfully police, penalty w hie ald should have to A Shining Mark. Sage did do for What Parisian S. Baker, it will the following : "1 was so bald mark for my frien tried vbur trying fseveral bottles advertised and high hair restorers), and | I now have a heavy hair. T am n and I have a hair after for over Parisian baldness Main street and such ter ly old car Sage flicted + with 101° N.Y. Parisian Sage, the restorer, guaranteed ! Hoad, to cure dandr | hair, and cure ite moriky back, © ur dressing nd luxuriance to the ttle. "Ask. 'G. W. Mahoo« Iron Wine, Pint bottles, Store. empty » reform influes ith prais only by is stomach ne e prodigal w with condemnation. seven years. be for you. a am r my east, nd miserly | - is wolfspriig of waste. s1¢ ladies' because it a hair priced 1 gladly commi him that death he t "i major shining 4 RH af to all af Charles Roches- | natural ha Ww. op fallic scalp, favorite > Is charm G5 IR about a | : Fo lax: Engineer Commander Ayres, - Cap- ES SE CASE TO BE REVISED. Effort to. Release Lord Barrington. 1s, Sept. 4.--The British ¢ has taken steps to revive the Lord Barrington ease on the strength apparently pointing to the of the man who is now serv- sentence in Jefferson City for---killing" James P.~Me€anu;« the horseman, in St. louis county, in 1903, ' Mrs. Lillian Gates, fied with the trial as leading advocate ton's fight for hfe, will I'hursday, intent She Another Ov it. Lot oS of data innocence ing a life who was identi- sureounding the in Barring- lepve St. on even again Jefier- ntials from Thom- appointed Brit Mrs. Gates to prove Loui pleading son City Erskine, sul she his goes to with cred the newly S case Louis. ready and acting as in a saloon at No. 127 Har- San Francisco. However, from San Francisco says saloon at 12 Harrison, cot in es 18 now that McC alive bartender rison"street, a despatch thibre. 1S no street, in that city. James McCann, Sey Harring disappeared mysteric in the early summer of 1903, and a few Mays: later a body in a quarry a few miles from Louis was identified as that of missing man. Barrington was ar a charge of murdering Mc and sentenced to Governor Folk com to life imprison ann Pp a friend of Lord mour ton, usly found St the: rested on convicted Finally, his Cann, feath. muted ment, sentence CHINA FEARS JAPAN. For Conflict Over Various Matters. Sept. 5.--Contrary her agreement to maintain'the status quo settlement of the Chientaa with China, Japan done a of things which arouse the ap prehension oi the Pekin government She has occupied the residency build recently completed at Yenchi in the disputed district; she oht into this town a joint military = commander and gendarmes and she is pro ceeding with the reorganization of the existing system for the government of the Korean population. China has protested to to the Japanese diplomatic tive here, but with no result ever Japan is Plans Pekin, to ending a \ dis pute has recently number in this territory ings Ling brou and thousand has civil Tokio and representa- what- establishing also. an agri | territory. teal purposes, | be t ultural farm at Lutaotio in Chien tao. This is part of her effort augment the Korean population of the Furthermore, two Japanese generals and four staf officer at present engaged in making lv of Chientao for strategy and the arrival of a Japanese field near has renewed the of apan purposes to precipi A are careful st guns tery of | tears he border a has A tested also against the the Tumen river at | terminus. Likeled By Cookery Books. Cardiff, «= Sept. 5.--~Ives fishermen have sought the: aid of the hoard of griculture and fisheries in destroying - | the prejudice which exists against the | cons umptis mn tmonthe. ! probably of mackerel in winter Almanacs and cookery hooks continue to foster this error, which arises from the fact that it is only within recent years that mack- lerel have been brought to the market in anv considerable quantity during winter : the many times legitimate One ' 9 1908, Gained Flesh on Peruna. ~ Mrs. Hattie Hamiltdh, R. F. D. No. 2, Sparta, Ky., writes: "I have taken two bottles of Peruna and commenced on the third one. I did notreally need the third one, but thought 18 best to take another bottle, "I have always weighed 102 pounds, but since I began taking Peruna I weigh am now thirty-three years old. Your | medicine has surely done me a great deal of good, and I have recommended it to several others who have begun taking it. i* "My mother, who is seventy-six years old, had grown so weak she could scarcely walk. She took two bottles of Peruna and is fleshier and looking well." Internal Catarrp. ¥ Mrs. M. F. Jones, of Burning Springs, | Ky., writes: "No famjly should ever be without Peruna, for it is an unfailing cure for colds, and it is an excellent remedy to prevent and relieye croup. "And to speak from a standpoint of experience, I can candidly say that it is | the remedy for internal catarrh. Ishall not hesitate to recommend it, especially to all suffering women, "Peruna has gained full confidence and a permanent stay in our home,' da, 0 Robust Health and vigor are promoted by "the use of WILSON'S Invalids' Port (2 la Quina du Pérou) BIG BOTTLE All Druggists Everywhere. has resulted in the say finished patterns ins irs, 'forks, elc., slamped This name was known fo your grandparents as the standard silver quality, SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Hien you buy silver dishes be sure they are made by MERIDEN BRITA CO. Maypole Soap With Ease at Home With Sure Results oc. for colows, isc. for biack, Frank L. Béhedics & Cb, Afontrest, y ther, bat son 5 pre Iook8-3 a fuiv Sifonirls 2 and difections in. falng WNT OR S1 PPI Y O0., Windsor, Ont. General Agents for Canada, 120, for the first time in all niy life,and I | bladder. The Totimony of These Thee Housewives To ATTRA) Beyond Al Gavi That Peruna is a Safe and Useful Remedy. Constipation, Torpid Liver. Mrs, Anthony Rauch, 506 N. Walnut stréet, Bucyrus, O.; writes: - "I was suffering from obstinate con- stipation and torpid liver, when I took your advice and purchased six bottles of | Perunaand Manalin. When I had taken only one bottle 1 felt much better, and since I have taken two more bottles 1 feel entirely well, but I will continue | taking the medicine for a short time to | | make sure of my cure, "I think Manalin is one of the finest remedies: for constipation that I ever tried, I will never be without it. 1t has made me so strong. I can do a day's work and never tire. glad I do not get those dizzy spells any more, I haven't had one since 1 took your medicine, __"I cannot thank you enongh for what your medicine has done for me, All] sick people should give it a fair trial," Kidneys and Bladder. Mrs. Gus. H, Carlson, Box 201, Orton- ville, Minn., writes: "I had catarrh of the kidneys and I have taken Peruna until now, and I do not think I need to take it any longer. "I feel well, and my tongpe is clear, and I have no bitter taste in mouth. 1s am very thankful Jor Petuns srim-- ---- -1 cold, and take it myself to build I am so | Mrs. Anna C. Hyde, 712 E. Yamhill street, Portland, Oregon, Vice . Literary and Educational of New Hampshire, writes: "I am pleased to endorse Peruna as an all-round good family medicine, and one that is safe to givechildren. 1give it to mine at the least suggestion of strength and nerves, > = " "My sister, Who is living with me, uses Derunmjted, and she is loud in its praises, | "Your medicine is certainl§ worthy of praise." ' Backache, Headache. Mrs, Tressie Nelson, 600 N. Fifth Ave, Nashville, Tenn., writes: "As Peruna has done me a world of good, I feel in duty bound to tell of it, in} hopes that it may meet thé eye of some woman who has suffered as I did. "For five years I really did not know! what a perfectly wll day was, and if I! did not have headache, I had backache | or a pain somewhere ant really life waa not worth the effort I made to keep | going. v/° | "A good friend advised me to use| Peruna and I was zlad to try anything,| and T am very pleased to say that six [Roites made a new woman of me and I {h avg no more pains and life looks bright, again." | Catarrh of Bowels. Mrs, Maggie Durbin, 1832 North street, + Little Kock, Ark., writes: : | "1 was troubled for five years with al | chronic disease, I tried everything ! heard of, but nothing did me any good. Some doetors said my trouble was tarrh of the bowels, and some.snid eons} | sumption of the bowels. One Goctor| said he could cure me. 1 took his medi- | cine two months, but it did me no good, "A friend of mine advised me to try, Peruna and I dig so, After I had taken two bottles I found it was helping me, so I continued its use, and it has cured | me sound and well, | "Ican recommend Peruna to anyone, | and if anyone wants to know what Pernna did for me if they will write to | me I will answer promptly." DON'T FAI L TO ATTEND THE We have bunched together all the small lots, and Odds and Ends, them for you to «8 and pladed prices on fi arry Away the S. Some the best bargains of the sale are now awaiting you. , " ---- mw Roney &Co's 127 Princess Street, Kingston. i