Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Sep 1908, p. 8

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ATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908 SA AIS. [or a Je Boviier a 5 329) = : = 3 Fo 2 ST Crave Eo a : Zotine gf Le lows. . re: ra 5 A Te NR Sa he Ae TE a PI 1s ers from the editors of peer- age hooks, asking for the latest par- flown on his aerolars uty too ] EAs ; "A a = : : % ticulars about himself, and a circular ) | EE , : ; ; } 3 3 : from Sir William Bull, urging him not Paris, Auyr, 13.--Wilbur. Wright ' has miles in one minute and forty-five se t i fi o SUCCES "os + heri nt Te Ho ove ee ir of Scotlond. Sir Wilm all French keptics to wild enthusi- ass \ i , : Sa a Asher of Scotland. "Sir William | il ; y . : \ oy : J might have saved himself the trou- The length of hi flight was noth- | j : ; 4 3 NE 4 J IX 8 Srl a he raked Sie Hoy. 3 ; ing, but its nature was marvelous { AB > 4 A mE the : = ne remembers 2 : ) } ) | that he is a baronet, Sir Henry takes Vith a wind blowing, although not | | from a private drawer a little book a strong wind, Mr. Wright rose near- | entitled 'Memoirs of the Ancient Fa- h for ty foet into the: #ir w hin fift | : s a : i ah 3 ) 3 ' : ilies of the Echlins of »Pittardo, in ect of his starting point, and at thi 0 og b 0 } Fo hl Vg, > X add the C r of Fyle, in Sc heirht circled Awia: around: the race » ; it io 5 Transtentd Fyte, in Scotland, now : ( ; ' . : 4 or ; 3 : , ransplanted _ in Ireland." An un- . known Echlin left it in the cabin of course, taking the corner wt sharp angles, and dropp 3 tartis an Australian liner, and the steward, # . ° . . { finding it, has sent it to the har net. t lI O > i About L100 people witnessed the The Eehlins trace their lineage ne k 1 rigina ng 5 point as easily as a large bird fight, many of whom were experts, i ; ; 3 . #0 3 EA ; ; Re ong. to the thirteenth century. - f ; uch as MM. Archdene Louis Ble g ; : ; ; § . i tur ot the brother Zen and som Ru % i : part Li ROBBED BY FOOTPADS. Fit-Reform occupies a [esition unique in its relation an military men 10 had come yx " i $ A ¥ 4 : oN \ ally ty os : I i } ; i 1 5 An ae Ee Farmer Held Tp Posh wr to well dressed men. ref Roar ; 8 x 4 r Fae oR. 3 18 aymen . "a 3 y . . ai Tiki the axvant Se Jiright ) ; Ts ar 2 4 ha te : ; Near Leamington. Fit-Reform eriginated dis inctive hand-tailored garments Mr. Wright said he would not fly Ab hs rk 4 2, PARTY Shwe 3 ve i ri 3 Windsor, Oat, Sept. 4.--While re- mn Canada. Hh. Pictures were token rod the of ; ; urning home from Leamington tc . Hepa poy ht a . ia Tr photographer Oo ' " : A Kingsville, Orley Wigle, a young farm: FitRelorm o: iL ica Liz system of sis by Which abstain; but the amateurs either gave pn - -- . - Ee qs fer, was held up by two unknown every man--tall, short, stou!, exlra stout, slender as we " ko || Lamp FRI od kid -- Te Treneidalsh Porte of Cie lofoesr ior o highwaymen, Mr. Wigle, who * was as 4 normal mn --can get perfect fitting garments without no promises or broke them, and there driving, suddenly" found the men at . a . : iy : Mans, Wilbur bis horse's head, and while one held going to high priced custom tailors. he vere © Mr. Wright 5 " Se a of kilo- the wrse the other proceeded te ~ 'oo. 1.1 . . 8 yi br 't if the di 1t gave a marvelous demonstration of his aer oplase. He Bew Jor a Mum Rous Snag Bo. fiove the farms cf hid Toe h od ore Fit-Reform originated the Tsatisfaction or money back" Le woul do. 86H went 1m ;, and alighted gracefully, like a bird, about three feet rom 1is sta ng DL ar : te . (ables at the point 'of a revdlver. rinci le and lived up fo it a : been engaged in setting up the machine for about five nionths. The motor is the invention of the |yw, . y."wiije showed fight the rol. Praneip © 8] OD 0 1% Fit-Reform has originated many bush . . . E ants 1t! » it attained the There is a little w 1 opposite the Wright brothers themselves. The machine is started from a sort of satapult Bnd Re $isined Vee bers grabbed" iis theont and sim cct g hore. face dow red height of fifty feet" The time of the fight was 1 minute 45 seconds. e nee arly I choked him: The footpads secured $17 new styles in both Suits and in cash. and a valuable watch, A pro randstand, and ther ¢ : a . : ! Loa ph) : : Count Zeppelin's magnificent airs hip came to grief only after.a spl endid fight. Count Zeppelin start ed his journey at 6.45 a.m. on a recent Tuesday ; upon the professio took back their word, leftxthe pri MGIOsure whet On August 8, at the race co urse of Les Hunaudieres, about four miles from Le tl " ¥ vher : » 1 re on the ground, lay the ruph descended at Oppenheim at 6. o'clock on the even- |i 'ht (I & vajuable watch. A pro Overcoats for fall and winter, and vith their cameras. , hit way from ha + a = i i i B > e i. . * » them, indide the inclosure, was the ing of the same day ; 1esumed his journey at 10.30, and Feached St Sigart at $ 15,00 the TON OW case, invites your inspection of these dis- Be ron irship came to gr Echterdingen. t abort 3 o"clo e . . v . : great "vhite aeroplane, morning. Eventually the airship came to ground at Ec 4 . 2 : w -- eee tinctive models in exclusive fects. storm came up. The airship was ton from its moorings and drifted off toward the Southwest: 2 lew DOUKHOBORS GIVE IN. ne and ran. He snapped a picture of th moments later it was a mass of fl ames. Every one had heard that the balloon was as Eto alle aeroplane and bolted, Atlantic liner, but nqt until the skeleton lay on the ground a forlo rh wreck was it possi Ey a. 1 Imprisoned Leaders 'Promise to $15 to $35 Mr. Wright;--Mr. Berg, his agent. | how tremendous were the proportions of .ae machine. A public fund is being raised to enable : Behave Themselves. rr and a few others pushed afte hin Zeppelin to continue his expérime nts Yorkton, Sask: Sept. 4.--The last but he ran well, and it was fully ten r . . 1. ¢ ] lof the fanatical Doukhobors ots he W vinnakt heh - ta Daher : tarite) hioht has demondtrated the useful-] long to see what 1 have seen to-day. | 1 anatica oukhobors at Oreca- ni ites before they ca it him. I A H it, = flu ah LE i on pe | rie of ho ns for army purpos Mr. Wright ha us all in his hands. ldia have been taken back to their vil- t va tke i. with ihem, 1 ar 3 ' What he does not know is not worth | lages on the Canadian Northern rail | t Suddenly a photographer jumped up wy found he was only a decoy, alter : . M } . 3 : Ww said: view can he all, for whil they hunted him down | mq ograph acked him elf at 1 1 m if ¥. Ii I " a Be ry a I is | knowing. This machine proves that | road. Their leaders were arrested and and danced on his pamern; éeven otl na ry m R Motor oar, i ed ont Sous 1" " 2 ravel by aerial means is at hand. It | imprisoned some time ago, their chil- field the an man-bire I o \«nier remarked : "It is a | would -give ane immense' pleasure to go dren taken from them and placed in ag h toronline work. Who! out with Mr. Wright at any time," viliages, and the remainder, tiring of t the "Wrights M. Archdeacon, a warm partisan of { their mode of life under police sur- ? My en- [the French school, had to admit that | veillance, promised to be good if re- er men got pictures and departed I inl lant ' » him : - ss 1 There was. an operator at work with me sed your face again!' | revelation in a cinerhatograph: apparatu whom "I won't," said the operator, as his | no ean doubt : that . Wilbur Wricht threatened with awful | car got well away, "but if vou come | have done all they claim : ni : he ns a va will 1 thusiast 8 bounded. We are Mr. Wright had proved all he claim- { leased, and the police are now rid of penalties, but he went on turning to Paris by the wxt train, vou will | Hhusiasm, jx. anbs Bir the Wrichts," led "But I think," he said, "that we | their troublesome company. CRAWFORD & WALSH hand placidly photographing r. | see y acroplane on the cinemato , ix SE 70d w- it y re § ot 0 as 3 nth ou achines | ime Vright in his rage, nntil at » graph. I have given you a roll of I'. Paul Zens, who has been here a An ao well witl r mach Y ha . » "the flichts. sfid: | France. It must take a long time to| LOSS OF MANY MILLIONS i thie YO a; emptv Alp veek to see tl flights, fid : £ ne . 7 ve in sed Uitew: the scraps a v that NET anil mare Walton Yon tne Jearn to fly with the Wright machine -- Sole Agents for Kingston, roll of fim Aeronautic expert a Estimated That 25,000,000 of Ac-| cessible Timber Gone. ' T On. on, on." Gne minute his face ictoria, B.C., Sept. 4.--The heavy DOMINION BREWERY <0 | SPIRIT OF 6000 LUCK: aw mares TIRED. OF BUSINESS i dr, je wo \sked if he knew where th guishing the forest fires that have for HITED, TORONTU. MANIKIN FOUND IN IRISH |i" DN eyered us, the {RISH. BARONET RUNS VIL vecks been maging in the Cuwichan referred to and e toward the heart £ . Celebrated FOREST. Pe LAGE TAVERN. joi Vancouver Island | YOUTH GETS THREE YFARS. ini { The cream of the island's most ae- | 1 | - cessible timber wealth has been licked 5 3 | i 4 : lieve it is e apre- ; ; Simple : ike to Be Served Believe it is the Lepre For 'Theft of Bicycle, Horse and | Sim] Folk Like o a ie : up by fires Famous in Ireland's" Some Sundries. Their Drink By Sir Henry| "iy ° io ostimated that forest fires Folklore. Cobous Ont., Sept. 4.--J : La Echlin. 7 thus far this season throughout Brit y ish Columbia have caused losses ap- 1 in ubli There ] 8 eterhoro as brought here by x S ' b utilis, A , =r y tmeath, | oly | ¢ ; + PO: tose, ts Pe Jere bY TE rts proximating $25,000,000, ' . A 1 Mulling Workhouse vhere » s placed under arrest af eg Be Sore -- ; -- = k Te 2 t ing essage had been received from ¢ : og A , \ A . lepartment here i Bir i A oon d that Lasure, who is ' ov To ( \bout seventeen vears of age, stole i &ok a POTTOREEA ogo : = A ' trie --- bicvele from Frederick Barrett, Peter i. ets : t th B i 3 X 4 h India Pale Ale ||." oy rh a 0 the bilious is | rechaun, t , I IAD ha Friday night he te v hors E FEE : 5 Are you compelled to deny your- ? : KNX P t 2 : Se | ) a buggy belonging to t | £3 7 self many wholesome foods because : or ar i i rich Ll ifton, from an hotel shed here a ' : =]. | "you think they make you bilious? frove to Peterboro. It is further stat : x : Do you know that your condition Invalid Stout } t sy) d that he took a ) at, ; : a : more to. blame than the foods? | u | razor, pair of opera igh ; : = 3 ! ne ver 1d stomach need at We have just received a new line of Men's Box Calf Bluch- {from a trunk helonging r 3 1 ,tention more than the diet. When ers, good heavy soles, # leat her lined, good for working pur- eS "ork Branded tailed d- 14 3 { of the Balmoral ho re { 4 k a you find yourself suffering with a EL he, c Every Co : oh : I led mo tan : 4 = Find attack, take poses. Special Price -$2.50. three-vear sentence Men's Box Kip, light weight, Bluchers RIGNEY & HICKEY | m on hm MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. : 3 i i ; : BEEC HAM'S Ha Lo aries value Hox Calf Bluchers, size 1 to 5, 3 toa ther 136 & 138 Princess St. gamboled in the moc ht l ------ . bs Other line of Boys' good School Boots --$1.50 and $1.75* Whether No lonely places. | Charities and Public Institutions | Fad A : Seeonprm-------------- = of gold and sil a loprechos { Benefited. . gigi fa pt Girls' School Boots, sizes 8 tu 10, good value Box Calf HAVE YOUR Deliver > have--hidden the | Owego; N.Y., Sept. 4--More than 2 Blucher : 8 ap- {81,000,000 is leit to charitable insti Cheaper grades : 3 { mais , Be. sepa ' I tutions. the Metropolitan Museur of i a oT » ai Wy indows Decorated PS Te 3 nat fa ieode ab ot HL a Tae aan he Sho will | : ok and a ]. 2 ng symptoms wil Girls' sizes 11 to 2 ---- $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. WITH le hay : searchin Ta of Frederick Cooper Hewitt, one of. Le iy 290n cisappear. They settle tse Before we clear off our Bargain tables. We offer the Bar- G I A C I E R * thore than two months strange the wealthiest men in Tioga county, | { ad l Has p : Hy and R gain in Babies Boots - - - -37c., 48¢c., 59c¢., 68c. and 79. XxX Bq A > ories' have come from Killou who died at his home here last § ey : fect " : Y i en Po : Every pair will save you money Tha only substitute for Stained Gin | t a the og vw. of the | da) To relati sand fries less | : ; aha only substitute for Stamed tu : : dav. To ives ond hands ; i 1am s mingle Our New Styles of Fall S hoe: are ready for your inspection. wall ¢ 1h . content he omach a J N little + were vonched for 3 . The larg uest mentioned -in| easy work of estion. Th D. -. DAWSO HOS phatic manner werpl | the will is the of 82,000,000 to the SIR HENRY ECHLIN ishing properties of the food chool children, some of whom, when [New York post-graduate medieal] J.ondon. Sept. 5.--Sir Henry Echlin, { then readily fssimilated and + road on' occasions, school and hospital I'o Yale Uni- | the baronet publican, has removed his _pesidue ried off without ir Successor to Dawson and Staley, '217 Princess street. 1 of s : High Grade Pianos at Living Prices. | 10d Surprise heir elders by d- | versity vhich Mr. Hewitt was a | headquarters from Woodburn Green, | ting the intestines or clogging Victor and Berliner Sramophones We denly uti : k i him I' and | gradus the class of 1858. $500. Bucks, to a Hin He i og a. 4 * Sewi Mach.ne. Phoenix Fira i ; . : ; t : ow i I Vie and) ry full line. of Musical | ih sha or wood and fol- [000 is left now landlord of the Seve tars Ion | ham's Pills should be taken . DE OES pi Instruments, Music, ete l movements of something There is no greater than $1004 | at Bledlow, Bucks, whe » Serve v ver ther is sick headache, . | Mid seniors could not see 000 to any relative or friend, and Mr. | beer and erage ellen Tigi wb - -- -- | 4 . 2 2 ' . ! Wan Re ' 1 t two policemen who found a ewit lat in the will that if i Bledlow are simnier s ri symptoms that indi- Qook's Cofew: Kool Compovnd. | It vos : : a) sein or iy fwarfish proportions in a |i » 1 atives or friends con ng 1 excitement wctive ~~ __ 'I'hid great Uterine Tonic, anu / ar Mullingar and took hi tests the wil o x 1 fortust "ny nee of their new land BE" ohly fo effectual Mouthiy | a fullingar ¢ geet. him to j te t ill he or- they shall forfeit E En of oy 1 # ts | Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents he ate preedily * their, inheritance hike to order their pots 2 ey t which women caf wor "ml 1 he ¢ ily, r 1 wd ] 3 < . d lia three degra t $0 p the observations -- me . of ale from Sir Henry and their pac | -- --- . nN. a No § addressed "to him mething between | There i more Catarrh in this section |kets of tobacco from "her ladyship R CURED for special ¢ $5 . (a growl and a squeal. The inmates re- | an, ol Ser ise ascet Yes, ' the baronet, "they IN 24 HOURS - Soll. by all drugeist rard him with interest mingled tl rad a plat Sas : vr eo by mv proper { name. y on j , IY COM or ! x 3 8 i" ard t nungl with | year as supposed to be incurable. For tiy ea proj ! ou can painlessly remove any corn, 2ither i epaid on rece'pr Jf price. | © a great many yet ! what good 3 at to me? Ii I hard, soft or bleeding, by ng Putnam's ALL GRADES. LOWEST PRICES. rou Lambhlo ros onounced N Pret paraphlet Address Ts! Corn Extraeu It never burns, leaves no sear, Goox Mera Ba Faron 0x1, formerly Winds _ Yesterday ie gates 'of the ark dion. ant T i : ed J | tor of oul o Mk ies ap! sotains ids; Is harmless because ec mposed : Po 31 WILLIAM 87. ---- ieee reeset. | POISE WC rou 1 with children |, 'tres t. prox ced it | H ) 3 ' $ DUsiness | only of healing gums and balms. Fifty years in ana 0 t I TOUR OSC ) : Nar Paina . . | the mse." Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists - Aen -e TORONTO. ONT / -- T ---- toO-Morroy EE A ---------- THE FRONTENAC { Puig Be leprec haun Many en, 3 A Yen tataprh 3 Echhing were di otal Te a and 2% bottles. Refuse substitutes. on dr 0 | requires « omal tree cannot "even. afford the ioes for PUTNAM'S PAINLESS : : I} eannot : Soldiers Will Till Land. . | New Zealand and other parts of the Ottawa, Sept. 4.--0Of the 8000 odd | world have been heard from in cons LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY the cfiicials. would admit no fh Cure, Juanuiact > ial 1 less f CORN EXTRACTOR 1 w little man was seated on ney o- : io, is moral bear % ef sR JO i ESTABLISHED, 1863. rh aear a fr Se in constitutional Cura Bog Ta Be cap Of JGURIN EATHALIOR i lw sident--Sir Richard Cartwright. rkhonse clothes and side hin ! rnally doses from 10 dre ronerty is sti jh ne,' | men who made up the Canadian con- | siherable numbers. . Prociae : § Farm} i othe, and: h him | to at L_It-acs difectly onthe The baron a simple vil 'DR. LITTLE'S FEMALE } tingent to South Airica, 500 have so | Money loaned on City and Farm Pro- | = =~ } ipes and some tobaec-] bloo - Y S rfaces © © Syster porthny Municipal and Coun suet. y : hin f "He biged and ne hun Ia a for any age Life aJecve to the far writtesf the militia departrhent'| Jura. Ma as, ROS ha AR bette i i thirty and forty | a5 it fails jo cure, Send for circulars ojo he 'direct sinking of a well REGULATING PILLS that they will go on the land which is Must not be confounded with com- S. C. McGill, 'Managing Director. wo. 'Continuous conversation | "address: F. J. CHENEY a €o0..]and attends to the taproom and the { Best for Women's use, in irregularities | to be given them in the west, {mon cathartic or purgative pills. Car- . . . . Ss ssible with him, as after a | Tolado, ee | bar : - {or supression, at all Druggists, or by Most of 'the letters received are from { tor 8 Little Liver Pills are entirely un- rl : ge to use thie toiov doy - he brooks. inte. sitvberichol old hy Dr iv Siiis for consti The only communication Sir Henry | ma)$2. DR. LITTLE MEDICINE CQ., | Western Canada, but ex-soldiers who {like thém in every respect, One trial { By is ne Py ather , . Inting the unds, "Me, me, me pation : "i has reecived appertaining to his rank ! Toronto, Ost. . | have drifted to England, Australia, 'will prove thir superiority. and in va eather. aculat x ulids, Ale, ' ba i wi aia ; : i 1 '

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