Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Sep 1908, p. 1

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YEAR 76--NO. 213. 1S FIRST TINE 'A Papal Legatee Appeared In England, : IN OVER 300 YEARS, i: CARDINAL VANNUTELLI OPEN- ED SESSION. mein DEATH TRAP. Others Dyikg.. Sépt. 10.--A | Chic dy r0 built " boys at play collapsed on it killing nd makers yesterday, Uy injuring third, were old, Hammond, due to the had exeavated their homes. of Thomas was dead of the first to dragged him Nott, fifteen Mott, former cannot recover old, superintenden C Co., fn Sec and victims boys fourts vears mts of was gons of pre Ind Vv near Ricketts, a contractor, ! fa'ther, the ruins gon a wi arr fre yea Ma one scene, ouis of Fred Hammond, { Hudson, * Ww Standard son fourteen years : Hudson, Of the International Encharistic Steel Congress--Letter From Pope Pays Tribute to England As a! Land of Liberty--Millions of Catholics Obey Its Laws. London, Sept. 10.--For in more than BOO years tee made a publle land last evening, when Cardinal Van rutelli, with the solemn ceremony, and all the pomp of the Roman Cath- | opened 'the sessions of the | um tie | cangre at | astac Heralded by Vann 1 ar NOW IN JAIL. in Montreal. Que Sept. Walker street, his fiancee, Mis the altar, where was waiting, has fiancee ha first time papal le appearance in 10 who the Montreal, | Nélson, 61 ly deserted Strike, at deacon Ker ed or a Nelson's X20. He the match even. on lding, nome arres olic church, internation WT Westminster fan-fare of telli ported eucharis oyer 1 cathedral trumpets white mised we girl' handsome the with failed hiding Cardinal al fre silk « bearers su] al \ he groom under by cardinal's between a WMopy ight cape to appear, im the cit anatior and weal ivid v mn a and rob walked nishops the kneeling After the the altar pulpit pomnting lon 1 » expl | 'ble tc val and bi y a chan hop ero he introductory reme the read Card the congr the holding capital an the and of chaplain and 16 Pop al Vam importance o ol + tell emphasizing of the approving in the famed f citizens ject ar of empire it extends whose n liberty authority ny miilions of Cathol la faithful and dutiful obedience. | House Vannutelli went to the pul- | ( Latin address, | ( he ref to "country once favored | dissens he later, but to and law so Mia render Cardinal pit and delivered a long in the of which England a by God." Painful had sprung up e heen softene and thank the dispensations which brought gathering together in London Archbishop of Westminster he cardinal. choral ceremonie and after ben the the ny aroliy I'he fairly latene will of 1 pent rred hot larg cout Inra continue te a a the abl midd mage in sp said dd t fons ™ the they mu admirable month not the sinee le Providence for such a uo Did He Do It ? 10.--A tal ake The d and oth Constantinople, Sept follow: Silvio Ricei wa accused of attempt of Turkey, bomb was of the timed emer named custody sible the [1 1005, | the court | Yildiz { majesty carriag Solemn here hei lor the Sultan when er coded 1 diction sion returned to » sacrisiy. prog explo Mosque a yard Kfosk, he MADE A HAUL, as to Gold Brick Artist Arrested Alter Two Years. Wash. 10 steamer Senator, from Nome, arrested on a « state with expected in the of two wm, whi 5,000, Seattle, Sept Steppir from the st arrived Beggs entering The the final chapter vold-brick robbery the steamer Tang thie over w which ha vd Jame was harg the capture tolen to" st | satio is and sensatio FOR $10,000. h part on nett the w hie "Bobby be the which Make Demand Owners = Speaks. x afterwards Miller custodian Her on returned believe SHO oon h a ston, Because ol aid | 18 llision--Captain over M is to have st airbanks Miter way fre Bey completed tt near | Robert TT 3 ) Skagway bi m Skagwi ior and mong the sie Fitaniy the yortl to meet Miller mmpri onment diately upon The officers capture Milles amboat it h of dit ton an two term ol spring clease lident given ton exonerate a been King 1, 8 ou iS Huns wil wi the h from ponsibility "fc Fsford has employers to maintain wrding matter, the Pp the will | Hengy the 1 even a 'n been istru The Union, the work of lines Should « I high all Red Wegtern meeting sile I'o the building tran ion Re to anmet 1 in iblish class perfume riick ru tot NN toilet Cro fresh DAILY MEMORANDA. able AY pany. that S10 000 brought and letermined to prove was operates the Ki damage d no way at faul urred--that bottom of mn the cident to Oe sen I'itania the Ch harbor. damag desirous Sept. 10th, In : States standin L nited falling the mec get into his that that Capt d, althouy off | Caught in & CaveIn~Ong" t h eri en nine 5 The { {nice A TELEGRAPH POLE: in in H wn iv e mm rs Vor lif son of R. Deserted His Fiancee at the Altar Tho M Wrch- | 18 appeared enthusi- t mm pre how \ two tar. It rest lar ri te pe n ni le nw t ne [TT FOR THI TITANIA'S OWNER TO SUE ot of Esford between d t l ted i} compar ny tw t ariot nit to Ih the paper anadian ordai ned s he holds 186 King Edwar at Newmarke wrning 1561 Hspectors sm whist! db \ on the before that Chureb 1885 ey state also nt 1887 three S08 A No the thoroug [21] insped 1 stake the T} be found almost ana A 12 rai stove to me King She be ENGLISH CHINA TEA SETS ' Quaint old style. oi ¢ faster tl $3.75 Set. t tnesses lowed the th aft must ha » the King fol Kk bh ston NX L public, mind ) the mn t for the willing told matter when ke been and tir statems exactly sitnat to to taken proper the on as r swear one they Also a few sets sho or two pieces. While last. $2. 95 ---------------- ROBERTSON BROS. ne Cur ume me be the about thirty-seven years I never had an anvoue had bees shouldn't hate been til 1 was released from cause 1 know that it fault in any way," S{ v enly have 1 able to was preg of matter, ver litania th sont ny open that © 1 ot ve par 1g ir or acc drownsd rest all blame, not i arry Ricketts, ware tl fo Daily KI FOR LADIES trap | , INGS70N, -------- What We Will Soon Behold as Fashionable. one of them, 0 and nt of the his . | | IS WHAT THE CORSETS WILL HELP TO SHOW. | of ord the | Strong Features of This Season's Stvles, According to the Presi- | dent of the Dressmakers' As- sociation Now Meeting in New York, New York, ten yards. long and the two feat tres styles that are ac according Miss White, president Prot Ass the fashions dre: Sept. 10 short of this tually Corset gloves string mas nt- aud are Season "tablizhec A ( make talke Jhuandy ol e beth Dres who ta 'three all parts Opening se convent to wen 1 of the ocigtion, sued | on clive new smakers at lay { " from ountry the id ssi association on Miss White exhibited forty Paris gow all when l the something difierent, ar her which latest riable added was not orig | the important never houses been worn by There mat the Directoire cost the tight-fittir torm sit up correct, ment ume Kirt, es uth } the side not ver joy "Only charac all extremely I'he one prevails I'hat overing t} teristic styles, long slee short glove course As to the they are adapted resemble a teleg nearly as possible. they are of : this seasofi's is ob ve, thie thin hand. of well, is new to mtaking raph pole For e corsets the | Ligure yan that extremely ten yards of string perly. A slender them Stout women cannot eliminate their curves ~they ply do the best ohe9 can QUITS SOCIETY TOR ¥HE SUN, long, and to them woman ct nto lace entir must sim- ear his Rich Widow Goes in For Revival of Persian Cult. Mass., Sept. 10 prominent I for residence and to 11, aw, Lowell < Lowe I of iwnindsome vears disposed of interest rest hie workhi ppers, the th ing its tae | Lowell tl sai itreal to new te the M: erm it, came Denver to vot Mazdazn It which notoriety 18 the her the ns, ac gal and much inte summe that treng rnatic is Y t mpl ister, this Lhe nat hight BROTHERS KILL THEMSELVES | Y4 Partners and Horse Dealers "Drive Out Separately. 7 Se pt Ov "dinburg dithicultic to wipe o it the Wola here, njamin alers ment to Elmer's body gamon river, Near by standing Ire ymmi the hree © hours Benjamin Wola {small stream, ar vial clutched tigl n ver WONDERFULLY RICH STRIKE Made on Montreal River By Mann Brothers. Ont Killa tu Nort Sey bot " Ve made one the Cobalt distriet east bray r. they 1 Hing 1 brought ound ht up e rets from was 1 the and WENT TO THE BOTTOM. the Terrific" Collision Between Boats-- All Saved. Unt. ver the Beet Brockville boat collis ugh t two gether Sept ion 'o Alexandria swiftlv-moving la launch Living slowly, and were thrown plackily 1 help ar i The other boat disappe the water immediately, pants, four men, swam' were stone altho into 11 held sank pants tain the mos : on ive red 1} des and the 4 3 to, shore mw be Rubinat, Aper Hunyadi, and all imported mineral waters at Gibson's my 3 1 Red Cross Drug Store. Phone 230, ONTARIO, IN WOOER MISSING, Sensation Over Double Love Tragedy. Ind., Sept. ME--The love dedy of Joel ¥. Baker, {Mrs Sylvia Herniee has a wew ment HM mystery added $0 it by disappearance of George. ywhom Mrs. Tlernice was to elope. was while taking a last buggy with Baker, during which mrs. told him that she intended marry Warren, that Mes. Hernics was by Baker, who~shot himseli driving about the tountry i body of his sweetheart. was at the t to from Benton ° Mrs. Hernice was driving with Baker. According to their plans, Mrs. Her- nice was to have joined him and they | were have gone to Benton Harbor and be married. Warren waited at the depot train time, Ancther veh tra louble Warren, with | It | ride | Her- | the dead Warren the train i) until and then when the woman | lid n appear took' the train and | left the city. No word was heard | from Warren, yesterday, and the i the Michigan authori- look him. nn ee ------------ po- Nea ties to fox % WAS SPYING, and | © ale- | i the | Arid As a Result Was Near- HE BLACKENED HIS FACE { The ;Seized By An Angry Mob, But Des | Bmith, { that | the everiing of which she proposed to [tions of labor. {keep him' in ignorance, lupon, | ten he tiously Camm down { lure THURSDAY, SEFTEMBER 10, ------ arbor while | AND THEN FOLLOWED AFTER | went to his Lhe tent { hee. hast A LANNE. s the representat ted 1 the St an addr Congr Beptembe: of th wl det spit mn the wa N wa mother th Vv she that ure last congress, will at aiccting { y between | st bus iness A Gift To The 'Nation. Sey 10 Lonsttution it- 1 whose historic memories, d and ol the from to the Mas volution a part viewed wented re may summate Earth Shocks. Follow THE ORY FOR MEN THE WEST IS AGAIN LOUD AND ANXIOUS. The Conditions of Labor Are Evi- Going to Be Serious-- Big Money lently Alberta Worst Off-- Paid. 10. <The crv again and the con Vik thoug had far going 10 that come to the ht men from SUED me surrounding dis leit the ty they to -do At the jemands 4 thick provin lice for met immi the st and i find 111 are coming Jepartmer t me loss upwar and day wages as $1 a Fine New Boat. 10. ~The pioneer boat irom. Britain to White Star flag, Li 060 tons; has Yelfast Great sec. regarding the to be very fast. passenger new serviee, t the of been' at rag speed, v was observe but it is said Laurentic the amer. fitted with first bine machinery, " ' hecama convinced ma n der with, fear, gentleman gasped {to the rapidly approaching pursuer. | "Wreteh 1" | stranger pa rt man Mr ment point his And colonial views wel rope it dete ) t the law annex makes Peasants CO (M0 Fxport SOO 000 Xi ( \ nares as the thoug by a nd He clothing, expected eal. he down town combination high |. pressuge piston and low pressure rs «ide Reform that goes to slgep on duty Des : pre smud black « When eanwhile had pen walking fox, five minutes aneouv 1908. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. An offer of $115,000 for Dominion Methodist church building, Ottawa, { has been made by the C. Ross com- | pany. The Klondyke's output this year wilt Le increased hy $2,000,000 over that of [st year, making a total of $3,000,- [000 this year. - Farl Grey, on his recent trip spent some time at Petewawa military camp with which he expressed himself as greatly pleased. Wallace Dawson was appointed col-| lector of revenue at Montreal, in piace! of Seth P. » who has been ap- pointed mag strate of police. The Canadian Alluvials, Limited, been formed with a capital of $375,- {000 to acquire mining property in | Little Valley, Cariboo, B.C. Canon Curran, formerly rector of St, Thomas' church, © Hamilton, is dying fat his home in Nottingham, England, where he has resided since leaving Hamilton. | The locometive engineers 10, ~Eghell | Canadian Northern railway, convihced [ing 340 men)" hive. asked - lof conciliation on wage S-- ly Lynched. HIS WIFE. | Disguised Husband Was Was Identified in Time to Save His Neck--Episode in oines. Moines, of this wife . of the number- board con'di- lowa, city, an appointment for Sept, became for and a his had 'S Hon. J. | lieutenant- M. Gibson's appointment as governor of Ontario was work As a preliminary fmade on Wednesday and R. GG. Mae | the cellar and. _surrepti- tpherson, M.P., was appointed postmas- | burned ter of Vancouver furnace | George alarmed at to Whe p and he, there- began to evolve plans for ama dete ve the gas Smith be datson, and called | perance hotel house on | Brantford ! for ille lintoxieating A Montreal Mol conservative for N m of London Marie Le Bla Was so terribiy I at Mrs odor orks until the the Mr. Smith d tried to \ sapin jet , the the keeper of a tem Burford road, > and ®L and sellix on fined keeping know if was abandoned | C0sts his on reupon ration ar lean ative, runnin and wrth-east fingers | at Smit} them dale son 1s tive Fir Mrs af anuounced her in A) m TT supper of wihnal Mr, Smith apphed the nds seeming going to visit vis "Mlle | former, exhibition { hor other acquiesced andy, » his turning burned cork offe inure ad | tively grounds, onto that «i to resume her John Anderson, in Hamilton. [vear in the don, Ont for watch from a David Weir, liam lgwson, charge. He been the criminal for ing and sanctioning this two Nominations North Renfrew, Renfrew, T. A. Low; Fielding; Antigonish, holm, M.P. Conservatives, Alexander MeCall The car men, numbering fifty, the Quebec and Lake St. John railway, owned by Mackenzie and Mann, have applied for a board of cone i investigate und report upon. by them for a new wage se hedule and for changes in conditions of labor. nto a negro, in whi follow hardly slammed the Mr. Smith, hit the |. that even" if = up to make hms b | : day proposed t his wife 1aV Smith o x callin had when ] was sentence ed 1 was to LS. POs he was Central o young Wer J.P has wrison his role | mncon- efforts that him 'in iherntely farmer Ort a indicted under alleged the delilement i as and his remarkable passers-by generally ted to the slinking sleuth. Mrs. Smith pursued her in the tion of her home, and was not until us 2 sible f very t line were ion of <0 . mn serious attent : attr coda procur ot briskly dire 1t girls, Liberal, South. Hon. W. illiam Chis Norfolk, yesterday she learned of the alarming fig Haire. Baer; that followed her. As as she hWilk that the black was keeping her un became frantic and, running up to a stout of benevolent appearance, appeal for help, pointing soon S. coal the observation m rear she of an began the: benevolent whet further comment on his was cut off by the black faced off. Lhe) MAPANEE. REGATTA his speech, was reamed, the WITH CANOES OES HELD WED | NESDAY . AFTERNOON. bres i cut Smith as and In a a crowd had swrrounded Mrs, Smith, That "Lynch he negro!" shrieked Linger, was | him ! in less than a | The Union Cheese Factary Burned the * Ground Wednesday | Afternoon--It Was Own By F. A. Perry and Was Ifsured. He=The fir 2 Napanee anos raay atternoon ild be witnessed following man was pile lace, OW faced at trugetin of to g to from | ble began spots on with wk, Phen some tha cork as 1 L ( bed of y Napares, tia held yeste all that eo | goodly crowd ar pavement nual I club [The day {ed and a | afternooiryy sport, {the winneQ the Nenior en a man came running up vi desir the | to the amateur him to fitted, to was a relief was The we crowd jerked the tive noose The unity vari Smith 1 moment him ntity and mspectron opport Mrs alte INS Dafoe Junior forward, i a ¢ she simply said single } | Jemmett, Conway. { ome Crab henoweth ett. Fo Mi dear went. 1 and he m aw ioe. Gran Anderson, (stroke), Ladie [Tington ADOPTED TREATY Congo Free State is Annexed Robinson, | * tandem Miss Ca Parks and Parks land Miss G. Miller 1 Double Che th he {Loynes and demmet and the [Qiaacy, alzo the I. Ladies' Deputies Fopenoweth responsible : and 'al land: Miss Z ongo i Special race, to Belgium. idl am Zz the ) now: pted t annexa chart the um Oras tandem and and Mis Parks of (Chambers of \ Belg Congo ('henowetl Ge Misy should be Ar only in case a The hy | Lovnes Jemm debt sped this obli ( half le, B32 made tory Ole mi hand it Loynes Gunwale doubles roll; Chenoweth and nes and DD. Jemmett es and Miss ngton passed Deputies Chenoweth, Ih B and adoption by Jemmet final A GREAT LOSS. fours--Ca Belfie, (stroke), Miss (stroke). Miss '{stroke), { H Hern Miss E. Amy, D Parks; B. Chen H. leonard henoweth The tilting Yesterday about ameron, Loynes Jemmett th Ruined By An Ex- Minister. 10 Are we Conway and amount Albert , who surre onf th "saving contest was not Union from anid ¢ fternoon Bonde. | factory five Napa bank of be 85, Be ter | oss of ines, Ww burned fare as obsery a ur the fact not known The Fred was h ' armers suff lespread the fire nat alone orig vhile AMony thousands 0 the former 1 = prominence hooks for "wie 0 inated factory was the Dro {perty of and | sured Mr. tle their { { pes CRUSH from whom derive 0 | Mrs Angus, mn ul Stodlton, Toren t ila Fox are ustio 1 and % son home visit en rc Brandan, Calgs and Neat tle 108i Charlie; of confined 10 | a week in ofiects of | Graham, son of UC, J { at Banff [confined to his home, an attack of appendicitis The Canoe club gave a togm hia Medg t evenmiug and enjovable tilne spent people who attended. wiil ne - peg "kid couver and Bitten ByMA Spider. B. ( Hibbert Thppes Hering fr spider He fo ago and was out elt sharp bitten him. momentary he at the tim buat lump had formed, he has been suflering ever sinee. | Unable to live in an atmosphere fill- | is unable to bear the contact of led with rumors of plots, the Dowager though no serious effects are [Queen Maria Pia preparing to flee as the trouble is merely lo- from Portugal to Italy He is able to get around and will | Hot water bottle, made from pure again shortly, fgum rabber, every bottle guaran - {at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Insults come oftener through ignor- ance than deliberation, ha spend New t Sept p LOBES, 18 3 the house, the ; was from among a a sting dance in the As he had only of it lar ge trees. when ii something Pp mn little evening a very WAR was voung a 't amount to much, has | Phone, 577. Miss | '14in toe end. The | 11 4 the} 4 LAST EDITION a ---- Probabilities Toronto, Sept. 10-Ottawa Val- ley and (pper St. Lawrence 10 a.m --M ode rate westerly winds, fine and warm to-day and on For you Ladies, with the . advance styles of ready-to- wear garments, designed for Fall and Winter, 1908 and 4909. . » ny WE'RE READY with all the latest and choice novel- ties in Dress. Goods and Trimmings for fashioning your garments. find every state of In fact you'll department in a complete readiness. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU to call and see our Smart Tailored, Suits, Coats and Skirts, Raincoats, etc., New Cloth Suitinds New Dress 'Goods, New Trimmings, - New Laces, New Gloves, New Hosiery, New Neckwear, Belts and Ribbons. Please Note We are now taking for Suit Tailoring and Dress Making. Any orders placed in tais department will have our best attentfon and guar antee. orders ROBERT J. REID. The Leading Undertaker. 227 Princess street, BE calm nse + Pure Spices and Vinegars When making your pickles, «Catsup, Chile Sauce, etc., use only the best imgredients. It pays We guarantee our |Spices 'and Vinegars | Absolutely Pure. Jas. Redden & Co Inteorre RS OF FINE GROCERIES, i MUSTARD CROCKS For Pickles, at 5c. and | each, Pickle Bottles, at 25¢. | dozen, at TURK' S. 'Phope., 10c. per 08, ye * Tried To Steal Jewels. Eng. 10.--A made, t ni valuable jows donging Ward, daughter of the ¥ American amba London. The attempt was pariially successful. : ee May Prove Fatal. Chatham, Ont., Sept. 10.--J. West- jmore, who is 101 years old, and, who lives in Raleigh township, met with Guilford, daring atliempt was to steal of John Reid, number Is Mrs, dtelaw wr only a to Ww n an accident that may prove fatal. He {fell down the stairs at his home, sus- | taining a fractured collar hone and severe contusions, !

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