Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Sep 1908, p. 5

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# THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TH TURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1908. pe a------------CETIIIRINIIIS FIRES IN THE WEST. GRAND JURY SISTEM..." nh Mads of Flames. Fort William, Ont., Sept. 10.--TI entire f fires, which to the city's limits.: The Mount McKAy has beer while fires ade raging a t near the on the Inlian reserve \ Trunk prdperty. From Hymer u the Canadian Northern, this morning, that the Montreal, Sept. es very One settler is of the criminal ' urne the settle n to day, Justice Trenholme condemned | Dirhed ont In he un ettled, portios the grand jury. system. In his agd-| 2 21es Soa) OWnSIupe 1 1 t that body | 'Hq | ATE ROW the bush, ang ther te ody we So Yat 8 iro ; Tatars of the i# nothing that will stop them excer ong as we legisla sO i . on : ; a - ves fit to impose upon the com | heavy réin Fhe "fire munity the burden the grand jury | 4 ey ¥ system, which it does in PO id u to iw withaut any corresponding advantage, | "ot reached any sett ement. t is the duty of the judge presiding | I'he firemen Lave had detachment nt thes pening of the terms of this |Out fighting the fire wherever it aj n he ope go ¢ 4 ava Vika . Sa Su court to give the grand jurors some pears likely to menace prope rty. instruction that may d them night the ashes from the fire instructions ¢ ¢ discharging their duties CONDEMMED BY JUDGE] TRENHOLME, MONTREAL. A Burden, Which in His Opinion | Has No Corresponding Agd-| vantage--He Then Instructs the Jurors in Duties. 10.--At court, est have approached rig sicie lar Mes Wore the opening ; Area King's bench, unea sy and Sweeping said ping country | of + present it my opinion, aid in| 1 storm. NEWS oF DISTRICT. | sion were for a The Tidings Froni Various Points| in Fastern Ontario. | Joseph Maggison, Sidney, met with painful accident on Friday. His jaw fractured 'in an accident' while a seed drill, wedding took Bavside, on September Miss Berta Finkle apd Everett Rush were made one by Rev. Mr. Defoe. On Saturday, while Rev. Father Collinge was leaving St. Joseph's con- vent, Lindsay, he accidentally tripped on the walk and sustained" a fracture of the right ankle. At the Olivet church, ton, August Mgt, Miss Maud lian eldest. daughter of Mr Mrs Berry, of Jerryton, was united in marriage to Sly Labor day marriages in Belleville : Alired Rowbotham and Charlotte Car negie Grant, both of the ety David MéAmmond Farrell, Rawdon, Annie Ralph McKenna, Belleville fully fought. war vance This Year. working Toronto, Sept. 10.--The aim of A quiet place at th 2nd, when vad Lo. year to missions. This was the {sent out | commitiee. [is wanted [figures | how rapidly the | towards the million dollar mark. Th | amount asked for the last year, every Estimates of what were drawn up, and $630,000, which chureh is mone reached show Berring Lil ane near will bi mission more than and {devoted to braneh enterprise in the church. | committee detided that the must attempt to contribute more for the foreign field church's proportion of to be christianized is 12,000,000, 500,000 on of lorry, ary John Ernest and estima at requiring in { future missionary and a year The mevement ig said to having a beneficial influence in th { movement, and it is will facilitate the million WRONG ITHACA. ------------ | mission expected | that this rapid achievement of Troubles of Married Couple in movement Detroit Mich., Sept. 10.--August | Brenner and Mary Waggner were mar vied in Berlin, Ont, on Muesda md started wedding Ithaca, Mich, brother of the bride resides derling told them Ithaca was "in | spent all his money ay to Detroit home PRepniless. The her The cnr Detroit, yea TRIED TO SUICIDE. tour te on Was in the D™ Ts Through Drink'. At 12:15. o'clock, on Thursday, P. C James A Craig fireman Michael intoxication While He where a Some ein Detroit for rail arrested a Rvan, in a Shortly ner and arrived | tried td Ww tickets named bride tate of pawn some of wedding but none of the shops nny them plight sent would advance} into "horrors," and for'some {the policemen had to keep the | him for fear he would do himsell bod couple to the Lieut. lily harm. He took nearly all hi Rutledge = questioned closely, | ciothes off, and only for the timely supplied them with supper and a Coming rference. of tke policemen, woul fortable room last and transportation] pave ended his life. He for Ithaca, N.Y., for I tied around his neck and Jeit "this morning | top of the cell. He | came quiet and fell into a deep | He*w#ll be cared for by a doctor, willsnot 'appear for a week. money upon Some ong watch om their police, who discovered where them had a to ol which place they | bars on sleep and Something Needed. York, Sept. 10.--Marconi, wireless inventor, arrived He said : "We want one thing plete and perfect the service and the other side experienced great difficulty land from Canada and get a big station York. What we intend perfect the station at Cape Cod the receiving of trans-Atlantic the yesterday, to com New Cat Characteristics. { Carmen in Century have | (ats rather than belong » master will cling in grief to the walls and refuse to be taken away them But if they follow master they will the end of the world. forget that they are and timid their themselves know be feel for between We withe the want to | nearest * to. New to do is t for mes Sylva to a new Canad: anada ol lines | {irom can | their | to { not arily timidity with One must extraordin and fron heads a @wo. nervous aves ther PD easily they They made to and however, expect a like a dog It is a free and indepen dent little cousin of the a tropical animal which needs grea to become mos large -- new - hall to hu run away, whither wted and guarded well that We to must pro In Chatham a thousand people is cost of $75,000, cared must cat obey heast--a lion warmth in order beautiful and as | permits. as Do You Know That a pretty Bill-Head, or Letter-Head isa good yadvertisement ? a m---- A Hard Knock. Halifax Chronicle About the hardest knock which the toners have re ceived up-To-date, comes from Hug | Allan, a member of the staunch family of Montreal, their report (we civil Service commis { | | { ole | conservative Whe declared that A organ) was "scandalou from the tory #9 and libellous in its reflections on the moral tone of Canadian business . ° >: : 'full of despic- [™ and that it was insinuations This ought t« the most rabid partizan in th country, that Messrs. Courtney, Fysh land Bazin are not infallible. | men, able satisfy BILL-HEAD WE CREATE, not copy We give you finest work at lowest prices, } =a --and the reason is that we have every\ facility and the most | modern styles of type. je : If you want a nice lend. You wanlj piece of printing-- Ri ied come to us,--we do it tand hilosophy ? the best promptly. Spupieads ' Hy s marae if you ar Juncersiand it looking . {good to remember : on savs about women. 1 for good WE PLEASE You gity mind what. you business. | Not merely try to please you e ---- hal i During his furnish Letter-Heads, land, Mr. the best Bill-Heads, hiv. spoke. vers : th naigne on but Note-Heads, Selitical life brought about hy ti y d ¢ administration. He launch heapest Memorandums, lib gon. He lunes E £2) d Circulars, firages glee tor in our lin Envelopes, -and Business and that is eNiraPagance. An old listened to him religious] Calling Cards ,&e. why we mmm wish fo away his _eloq ne quote you our prices. Acquiring Philosophy. housekeeper who had rather mall stock of patience went direct the found | kitchen one glay to of dinner Japanese « What "Schopenhauer," "Do such lation She George ook, poring over are vou reading?" sh Lieorys re can under the madam When vo vou think vou mistres apply come say Good One On Foster. Patriot lecture tour Foster, ot a large tly and condition « ttetown 3 ly on the 1 ferver of the against and who had was carried by his patriarchal airs, and his tive voice. sSuddenly she lifted arid Neried : "The * dear He's too good to be in politics. We do all kinds of Job -- en Work from a mere Taxation In Natal. card to a large book. Natal taxatiol bill pr Iistimates giv en. graduated tax indiv THEWHIG JOB ROOM KING STREET hands man The vides new for a on Companies will be taxed the raté of ls in the pound on ta able income. Land will be the rate of a penny in the pound, a land beneficially occupied at t £1,000 not belonging to abse the rate of | will Land taxed at Companies value. tees will TELEPHONE 202 fin thr. round ' deemed absentees quarters are in Natal. ed be ------ ---- * district is now a mass of for settlers are back of the in the township of Par- has Last were grounds ' falling all over the city like a snow- The Indian houses on the mis- time in danger, but { the fire in that locality was success- Ask' For a Quarter Million Ad-| Presbyterians is to give a million -a word from the systematic giving | The the travelling year is 3125 000 The church L100 000 the the laymen's be | the terrible alter presents d ho was put in the cells the man em W shirt him not, they its nature quote into her prepar- | ensed of frand, was me he cook it sig wat the white I . read here, assem times womar er | White dual incomes at a maximum rate of a chilling in the pound on incomes over taxed at rate of 6d in the pound on its. assess unless their head- ASKING FOR RIGHTS « CLAIM OVER HALF OF QUEBEC CITY. American "Heirs" to Visit Estate Now in Ancient Capital Iry- ing to Get Hold oi Big Estate. Sept, 10aMrs. Campbell, 'lady, who for some v Vears back laid claim as one of ya the heirs of a deceased Mr. Lambert w | to half the city of Quebec, has again | canadian Pacifie @ invited the 'ancient -capital to pursue Ches. & Ohio st (her claim. This time she came accom- | oil & St. | punied by a dozen heirs, Colorado Southern she has led to believe there's a bonan- Gas. N.Y |za in sight. > Mrs. Campbell and her associate heirs of the supposed Lambert estate, | not only claim the greater part of the 'upper part of®the city, but also the and property hefetofore held and owned by the French government prior to whe capitulation of Quebec. { This includes the ground on which the | National Lead. Quebec court house stands, the Eng- | N Y. Central bons, sohediel, Cates | Xv. org od ro , ete, probability | Northern Pacific will later claim the Beauport asylum | penn. R R {as her chateau. Roading... Rock Island | Rock Island, pref, | Southern Ry., com. | The Very Latest Culled From All | Southern' Pacific Over The World. U. S. Steel, com. division- bailifis of U.S. Steel, pref. yt | tario have formed an association. Union Pac., com. | Young French miner badly "in- | Wabash s [jured by an explosion in a Cobalt | Wabash, pref. | mine v Westinghouse . © S.8. Ta NE CLNGHES CLAN Prices Furnished Br J. P. Bickell % & Co., (per W. Hector H. . Hume). {AGAIN NELSON BATTERS DOWN GAME OLD JOE. September (ith. Opening. oh 4 {3% Stocks. Amalgamated Copper ... American Loco., com. Am. Sugar Refin. Co. Am. Smitg. & Refin. Co, Am. Car Foundry Anaconda Min. Uo. Atches. Top. & St. F Balti. & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Gans Displays Clean Grit--Refuses to Allow Seconds to Throw Up the the Sponge--Awaits p i. Quebec, the American ? ; § i p San Francisco, Sept." 9.-Battling Nelson clinched his claim to the light- weight Jugilist championship by de- feating "Joe Gans for the second time at Colma arena this afternoon. The fight ended in the twenty-first round when Gans, beaten down by a sue cession of blows from bis sturdy con- queror, failed to get upon toct within the count of ten. Tlie veteran colored fighter was severely punishcd, but the champion, too, bore ithe marks of battle. From the first clang of the gong to the last moment Nelson forced the fighting, never givin gnound and gradually battered down his older and less vigorous opponent. Gans succumbed in the twenty-first round after being unmercifully roan. ced. Nelson, in this round, rained right and left blows to the jaw and body, and Gans sank to the floor. Mechanically the now defeated fighter watched Referee Fddie Smith wave his hands, apparently too far gone to hear him count. ' Not until the count of ten was finished did Gans, his face terribly cut and his eyes glas at- tempt to rise. He realized, how- ever, that it was tdo late and feebly declared : "I have positively fought my last battle." : The fight was spegtacular,, and at no time did it appear that Gans had a chance to win it. Time and-again he would shoot wicked punches to Nelson's face and body, but the lat- ter never for an instant wavered. Fail ig to arrest the rushing champion at any stage Gans seemed to heart and gradually weakened, though he oftén rallied and fought back fierce has over whom Cons. Erie, com. tiie Erie, first pref. G. North. Ry., pref. Kansas & Texas, com.... Louisville & Nashville Missouri Pacific .. ... .. Min. St. P. &'S. St. M. ("S00") | us | z 1 > PITH OF THE NEWS. court Un- was from Liverpool, for at \Point Amour, Dominion Montreal, inward, e | Que, at 6 &.m Adolphe Martin, Weyburn, ended his life, as the lady he did rretarn his love "is reported that Queen Wilhemina, who expected the birth of a child, has had a miscarriage Mrs. Guy Porter, carbolic acid in and is in a) critical In a game playedeat Tarénto Island, e | Bracebridge the C.L.A. 1} championship by SIX. The Bishop of Montreal announced, in London, that the next Eucharistic would be held in Montreal Parker, serving a term for stealing, to scale the Brantford caped. CHICAGO PRICES. September 10th, Upening. Close. 971 983 v6 973 10021 101} Wheat. September December May...... ; Corn, September December May admired not lose 79% S04 6Y2 67) Hamilton, took t 684 for medicine Ee mistake G6) condition A Successful Act. ald iw . vn t telegrapher was recently. ged for a reason which his fel low-¢ mployees deemed insufficient. Be- fore the Lemieux act came into force, the dismissal of this employee would probably have been promptly followed by a strike of the C.P.R. telegraph- ers. But under present conditions it Worild*be unlawful for 'them to strike without having first appealed to the dominion labor department for the ap pointment of a board of conciliation and investigation. The board was ap pointed, and it has investigated the dispute. 'A majority of the board the men's side of the case and so have reported, but the com- pany anticipated the-report hy re- instating the discharged telegrapher and agreeing to pay him in full for abl the time he has been out of work Those who are disposed to belittle agd find fault with the Lemieux act because it failed to prevent the strike of the C.P.R. machinists should not forget this of the tefperaphers and the forty other cases where the act has been successful in ending dis- putes promptly and averting indus trial war. An act, which, in forty odd cases, has done what it de signed but has failed in won junior -o -- Stock Summary. New York, Sept. 10 London quiet, stoeks--in nine to Americans in about parity. Copper . London inclined to sell ofi. Steel corporation says orders re- ceived in first week of September, compare favorably with those of last year. In past six years-.R.T. has put one-third of it earnings | into the property. Iron Age savs pro duction of pig iron gaining steadily reflecting gradual recovery in the in- dustry. Corn products output is ahout seventy per cent. of what it was a a hare this time last year. Erie showed an IIE ton roe a i, imerease in its August anthracite ship ments as against decrease by all other fille course > hard coe ads AL Portsmouth. | ward coal roads. largest 1 | built launched The Sunday school committee of the Presbyterian church has to pay special attention to the work in | Alberta and Saskatchewan | Daniel McKeever, aged forty-seven, {living at gun to knock apples from a tree, and it dis- | charged, killing him instantly Stock Letter. A mother and daughter died of New York, Sept. 10.--There was a typhoid fever at Alexandria, and were | good deal of profit taking in "this congress Myles horse managed wall of jail x Prohibition is given as the reason back of the failure of the National Bot Ho ther Supply company of New York. Engineers anadian government brie Phoenixville, the A and « UTOSS ¥ appointed | by to rebuild Quebee will inspect plans ag Thanksgiving afternoon at Lodge of favor would has the St. Vineent, heavi battleship the British successfully the { -- ever Stock Opinions. Bowman & Co. say--We still further advance. . Carpenter Baggott say--Market has gradually broadened and is still broadening. For seven days past we have strongly advised buying Eries and we again advise jt. : 3 and for navy, was look for decided case Pottersburg, used a was to do, which 1 Inevitable Finish. | be THE CUT PRICE SALE OF HIGH CLASS SUMMER WAISTS. Made up in the latest styles of the finest Lawn, Mull and Spot Organdy, beautifully trimmed with Valenciennes Lace, and open, and blind Embroidery. One third off. New White Skirts, in La wn, Linen, Pique and Cotton Repp, trimmed with Lace, Embroifi ery, Sel!-Pleating and Folds, at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 up to $5:00, Be in Time While All Sizes are : . in Stock. David M. Spence, The Leading Millinery Store, 119 Princess St. ° we § ; What it Means to You This trademark is the most important part of a Fit-Reform - Suit or Overcoat. It is a definite promise of quality and service--or recompense. It promises that you must be satisfied with your purchase or you can get your money back. FIT- REFORM Today, thousands of men in every part of Canada will not buy a garment that does not contain this wreath. It means much to you. Look for it whenever you buy. Suits and Overcoats, $15, $18, $20 up felorm CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kingston. buried at the same time; other mem- | morning trading under of the g of + fs \ | ¢ i ' bes g of the family JE ) a [ trength of Illinois Central, B. & 0 t was announced at the ethodist | Canadian Pacific, and the drive mission that the Methodist against shorts in New York Central church in and Newfoundland | and A. L. 0. New York Central ha . 1 QUIT 9 . : 3 ha had, this raised 8421.308.146 been sold quite freely in the past few At Halifax, the urred Wed- | days on the theory that enough busi nesday morning « Archibald, | ness would be diverted to the Erie to Sheriff of Halifax 1883. | materially affect the Central's earn- He was sixty-eight 5 1 Shortly before noon the general y awn Cap 3 ave . I'he Ottawa Caj ital ave upward resumed, parti invitatieon to: play the Minto cup cularly in the minor although holders exhibition games at New West the Harriman sla rish- want to hold minster B.C., fair next month Iv in comparison with other issues. of future I'here ------ Ti . Y 1¢ treal of a lake shipping Liverpool Market duly to increase rates and discriminate Wi . 4 look a against the St. Lawrence route weat-- Praders are Soking for dow The commodities clause of the Hep } and Or v Ww are bul ish burn railroad. act was, to-day, de feeping TAcers are igox- raved. at Philadelphis, to continued large run of re clared, ¢ ilac ia, t : the North-West, and for stitutional the United \ it at Winnipeg, as this is cuit « 1° season for it, and with weather | charge madq against any member The : | from there will free | the government. | there has nev Sunderland | movement er been a charge, semblance laid Traders who have been right {a government market of late, they don't | of low prices for the next twelve | They argue that if the report is right, with no more last year, and there are | heen directed reserves, it is to | ted will sell of a conservative oats crop is a or three cas cannot fairly be to have 1 a failure. If the of favor of on the statute book were as two said percentage cover very and SHCCPRSeS In oflices ' every law Canada {great as the percentage in favor of the veal ! this would be a law- indeed. act country Lemieux abiding | | | | 1 : death oc f Donald county since After The Wrong Doers. ir Wilfrid in Sorel. Every. inch of been blessed by vears of age | ings ceived land has Providence, and we to it for the Benefit generations. conservatives charged first that had bought for the Arctic which had never been placed on board, ind When this charge had been proven false then they fell back on the paltry "scandal" that we had paid the tobacco. never been tendency was Canadian an issues, group moved on 3 are many complaints at Mon t t combine goods been prices quiet. and petty | too much for There has any be uncon- | 3 States cir- an by 2 the serious ourt British to good of steamer Pacific, from the River Plate, Grimsby, Eng. now on be a say 1 was Wed nesday. Five of her complement lost | 4p. their lives | oil i ( ety-ive Chi- | months or the vear end | ernment 31st. The total collections than [he certainly that The n : o any member of the Wilfrid number of the honest. In suspicion has ials alleged to and wrecked. of ) rainst Corn say Sir Laurier The i the officials of almost rrefit FOV government are where the offic conservatives govern- * Une t entered August 8517,500 were 1,006 . At Rochester, N.Y ( house o | nese every instance corn lower , | were number leaving no Ibe connec are | expect corn Oats | one, ('ash 000 - lappointees short { ment I not turn all conservatives out iwe went into power. I don't {in the doctrine '""to the victors belong the spoils." 1 will say, however, that fii any wrong-doing is proven i {any official, be he grit or tory, membér of the government, 1 {take that justice will be done. Jenton, the in Independent did when believe Judge have been asked why we in supreme court, sales at Chicago--Wheat, 25, 125.000 ; oats, 130,000, Seaboard sales were 200,000 bushels wheat for export. Little cash demand existed for each orain Premiums stained restraining the Fore from Junction Order of assessment al! Zarossi, an treal, who jumped ters raising their | corn, rates banker of 1- | of bail, arrested in Italian his as 0 undef- wher Mex extradition | about the same. + {but has been released as a | proceedings failed. the Crown destroyed Miss B was over Making A Note. Kansas City Independent "What occupation did before you came Kere ?" Conditions In The West. Ottawa Citizen, What directly benefits one section of for the welfare of the For this reason, = the Citizen gath- reliable sotre- conditions in the new pro- vinces of the North-West, is of especi : {al interest. This information js to the "That's the trouble, ma'am. I made | foot that not only are t crop and a note of a piece of blank paper, tried : fav, there, to pass it and landed here." cattle-raising industry is ina position. It appears that ew- ing exceptionally open winter the sto throve the ranges that cattle were in prime condition in the spring, -with the result that al- ready the bulk of the beef export has marketed abroad, and at remun- erative rates. A double advantage ac- erues from this, in that the facilities of the railways will be released large- ly for the transpartation of the grain crop. It is averred that consequently the early harvest and the increase of lyailway accommodation will enable i : fully one halfi of the present season's | Ottawa, Sept. grain vield to be moved to Port Ar- exchequer coury, tenders thur and Fort William before the of navigation. This is good news Bank the mnton, € Fire in stoke, B.C instruments, and one of & | the, operators, Fito be sent to the hospital } | visitor. ( 'ote) Nath, a veteran | vis} ' (Dutch Pete) > \ | "I used to be an author, mum," re- ) dead at Port Dalhousie, > | ered i ventysix Hand | plied the prisoner with the big brow. | ge gseventy-s \ ¢ y ; | ft Nath risked his Pfe in | "Ah, indeed ! Well, they say au- 3.01 Limes 2 I 1 0 " { thors make a note of everything.' 3 ake Jntario. | mechanics, from Glas- declaration follow the you asked makes Canada country yme and had whole formation from to which has 2 Peter heed) ' ndoubted fisherman, is undoubtedly Vears as erent exploits on Five Scotch row, have made a to the efiect that they were «- {to Canada by the C.P.R., and they not told that there was a strike in progress | harvest conditions able but the thriving ing 10 sworn brought that | ! an \ k so To Look Into Matters. | Glasgow, Sept. 10.--Thrée thousand asked for a manda- of the unemployed, last night, or- ¥ mus compelling Mayor Patterson, of ganized a midnight march to one of to § gn the power by-law and' the best quarters of the city. Mount M contract with the hydro-electric com- eo] police scattered the crowd and mission, refused, holding that the con- frustrated its intention. Several ar v. tract does not confirm to the terms of rests were made. The town council, to-day, will consider proposals to alle- viate the distress arising out of the unemployment of so many people. were on f | Justice Anglin Ad Galt alt, been e. 'the by-law Wednesday west first six miles P.R., the Atlantic express east- ravine, the bri being in flames 1 all Chinamen, passing through in bond from the coast, and they estaped injury. | morning River. on the ( thy into a chasm section of | ran the Bids For Railway. 10.--To-day, at the The passengers were were opened for the sale of the Baie Des Chaleurs close and Atlantic and Lake Superior rail- L wavs. There were only two tenders, . both from: the Royal Trust company, . Monfreal. The Baie Des Chaleurs bid 50c. Bartlett Pears, 50c¢. amounted to $1,050,000; that of the | Fancy Bartlett pears, 50c. Atlantic and Lake Superior railway | Crawford. v amounted to $350,000. ees a i indeed. Threw Lumber In River. at| Sarnia, Ont. Sept. 10.--The plant x- of the Laidley Lumber company was damaged to the extent of $6,000 by nd fire, last night. Because the burning he institution was near the Imperial Oil refinery, it was necessary to throw a n- large amount of dry lumber into the peck. Temps, in an outspoken declares that the only ex- m-- The Paris ! * The steamer Lake Biichigan, of the | editorial, : 2 ! Canadian Pacific service, from Mont- planation of Mulai Hafid's delay in jd St. Clair river to keep the flames | real for Liverpool, with passengers, responding to his proclamation as be from spreading to the other concerns. ; has stranded near Margate, Eng. A | sultan of Tangier, on August 23rd, is { Yife boat has gone to her assistance. [that he is awaiting the counsel o Bartlett pears, 50c. peck, Crawford. The sea is smooth. © Germany. . AND Brown All the newest shades in Fall Shoes for Men and Women. 'Again the "Invitus" Shoe is at the front. Full of style, made of the best leathers, and made on correct patterns, Many styles in Patents and Calf. Also Viei Kid. NO SHOES WEAR LIKE THE "Invictus." A Snap of a Life Time To Furnish a Home. . As our Big Mid-Summer Sale is still booming. Making room for our Fall Stock everything reduced. A bacgain for everybody. Lawn Verandah and < summer : Packing than cost, Pay freight. {| free. Store open nights, at.

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