Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Sep 1908, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1908. i i TRAVELLING. ; EE, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS MILLER ARRAIGNED. AN APPEAL FOR PEACE. MEL it A ' : Boatman Pleads Not Guilty to Extract From Great Speech of q TR LT oP vi Nd Manslaughter Charge. 3 Sir Wilirid. RAILWAY { >: ; 7 Ed » he " | WHAT WHIG G CORRESPOND- Watertown, N.Y. Sept. 10.-- To a | Addressing the people of Sorel, Sir £4 ' ! charge of manslaug ter in the second | Wilfrid concluded : "1 must thank vou IN CONNECTION WITH | ; 4 4 Br | ENTS TELL Us. fegree, according to the indictment {from the bottom of my heart for the . ops - | he ES | J found against him, George Miller, the | cordial welcome you have given me Canadian Pacitic Railway 4 2 {2K | The Tidings From Various Points Clayton boatman, entered a plea of land the appreciation contained in i , | in Eastern Ontario--What | not guilty J hen axeigued in yprehie } Your address especially of my ou E as : court. all was hxed at i Jn | deavors to. create warmonious rema- Central Canadian Exhibition | ) ¢ y 3 People Are Doing And What June 25th Miller ran into a .disabled | tions in the Dominion. If there is one Of course theresa lot : a They Are Sa fi il i { i it i ' 'Ottawa, Ont , Sept. 18th to 26th : : : | y ying. skifi opposite ( ayton, cutting the | thing of which [ am proud it is that - v ffe . Sopt. 18th to 26th, nel | { 75 Minas Of : craft in two aid drowning two of the | 1 have succeeded in establishing peace m making oliree right. But do your part Sept " o 26th, inclu | e Mines osed. occupants. Miller's trial will come be- i conciliati between all the ri- . I Will come and conaliation between a ie vari right, and a need have no fear of the results Sept. 22nd, 24t and 25tk { rR a = i 1 3 - : § rh e) nd, 24th i 2 : | 5 re JI Wilbur, Sept. 7.--The iron: mines { fore the county court ous elements of which our population Return Limit--Sept. 25th, 1908, | BY [have shut down, owing to the com- Only a few wedks ago Miller again |is cqmposed. The blood which flows as 2 as you use Chase & Sanborn's -- 5 - : I pany going into. liquidation, and fran into a boat near Alexandria Bay |in my veins is that which flows in WESTERN EXCURSIONS, SEPT. | : ) ol {upon quite. a few families who moved | while returning from the Chippewa yours, you people of the Province of Coffee. a Sa 17, 18, 19. i ih N {here previously it will come hard, as | Bay races. He was at the wheel of |Quebec." But I have never asked my 00 tno money is forthcoming at present the Delwanna II, plunging along at | fellow-countrymen to support me He- Tr o { Evervthing is so dry that fires are Twenty miles an hour in broad Say- cause of that. But I think I have a «| This woman says that Lydia E.| starting along the line. Mr. Hassel- | light. The | Naila, owned by 'the Van right to ask vou not to put me aside he | Pinkham's Vegetable Compound bring and Mr. Clisdell have left here | Wagenens, of Svracuse, was rolling in [because I'am of your race. Some of | cured her after everything else!for Toronto. Mr. Bateman, insurance | the sca when Miller came along. The |the conservatives have fallen to such | had failed. agent, called here a few days on busi- [ Syracuse boat was cut in twain but [a depth of basen thet their princi- Mrs. W. Barrett, 602 Moreau St. ness. no oue was drowned. { pal organ Sat ~Qudhe L'Evenement, { Montreal, writes to Mrs. Pinkham:| . ns > {asked the French of the province to 'For years I was a great sufferer | Died At Her Son's. mm. | | vote against me because I am of your from female weakness, and despite! Wilton. Sept. 9.--Mrs. Elizabeth y [5% : a Ta" 7) (race. (Shame.) That paper says : "We ° svery remedy given me by doctors for |p.p ook died, yesterday morning, at st s Ji : : on { have always said that in a country MTT. this trouble, I grew worse instead of 1}... con's George Babcock, Camden | ov ® 2 b ? | like ours, where the majority is Pro- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. better. I was fast failing in health, |p ot Deceased has been very ill for : : | testant and English, it is a misfor- Frain ) Nation. stat eed | Wd 1 was completely discouraged. 'a long time. The funeral will be held wh § | tune for our race that the prime min- ' * One day a friend advised me 10 UY here to day, and the remains interred 5 N > ister should be a Frenchman. An Eng- sydia BE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- lin Wilton cemetery. 'A large company 3 | lish prime minister, le would need sound. 1 did so, and am thanlful to lof relatives assembled at Mrs. Burt's { the French group td keep himself in say that it cured the jemille weakness, Yon Wednesday evening of last wae | power, would always "respect \_ our p naking me strong and well, be Ta ia ; i > 4 rights more and defend our privileges i Ba oe who suffers from fe- | 10 Withess a very pleasant yeni In : i more v Bore 4 Sete A PET Hleges THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. nale troubles should try Lydia E. Pink- she Marriage t het daughter, arnt % - 5 minister counid do, who must nece cog HA am's Vegetable Compound." Lion Suarl, Shh D Tn A & A . | sarily count upon the good-will of the f Acts like a Charm in FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. |; |. ch was played by Miss Hottie 3 | English to keep himself in power.' D1 RRHOE For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- |; ake, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Sim- : ' | eShame.) Is it, . cried Sir Wilfrid, A A and is the only wm's Vegetable Compound, made | mons. returned to George Simmons', i I. that Je I ia ( saudinis should be : ; ha 3 srbs. has Plant o tro . y to orohto | separa tec Into a group by em from roots and herb: 3 has been the [last wvening, from a tnp t Lor nto, 3 | selves ? Sueh talk is not the patriot- | + Specific in CHOLERA and standard remedy for female ills, | London, and other western points, : ism of our people. We do not want to | , wad has positively cured thousands of [Mrs, Simmons will receivé after Octo- p pm of Gu he pe. 3 Ju nok ah lo | ; : 0 en Season women who have been troubled with [ber Ist, in Mr. Simmans' house, which | ask is 'equal justice "4 all whom Pro | \ 'YSENTERY. P - lisplacements, inflammation, ulcera- [has been undergoing repairs this sum- | i| | vidence has brought to this part. of | ion, fibroid tumgqys, irregularities, mer. Mrs. Francis Ward and Mrs. Ira | America. To-day English and" French seriodic pains, backache, that bear- | Amey took in the hom pe EXenr { | are united because both recognize no s ion to. Saskatchewan vs. John | The best Remeey known for COUGHT, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. $c JP or 3 reg. New Brunswick ng down fee ling, % Bhile cy: {dis S Hume, accompanied by her mother | 8! 1 alon principles: which are predter tin) Ellestuaily cu's short a'l attacks of SPASMS. : ) ber 15th--N ber 30d ion, dizziness or 1 eryous prostration. |... i ior, Mis. Clute and Miss Clute, | : Re Tite wih are preter thal ! Is the only palimtive in NEURALG: A, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE September 1oth--- November oUt Why don't you try it ? . : N NC Tat et : | racial division ot me say that, a ; arrived from Napanee, In VeekK, 0 ] | though my friends of the 'nglish race | Chicrodvne ive lig ken in drors, graduated according to the malady Nova Scotia Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick joi, Mr. Hume. Mr. and Mrs. B. B ; oe irk It invariably relieves pain of whatever kind: creates a cabm refreshing sig p ova SC women to write her for advice. S}ihlev ha not perhaps quite so dear to me gllays irritate he nervous systems when all other remedies fail, ledves we broken up camp and are } , | np as the French, I recognize them all a no bad effects: and can be tatem when no other medicine can be tolerated. Octobe Ist---N mber 30t] | 3he has guided thousands tO, i. home this week : : lav. fellow-ou . pan | Jctober st Ovemoe health, Address, Lynn, Hass. re Fy. lellowcountiymen. 1 appeal Jo INSIST ON HAVING - CONVINCING men of the Richelieu, to stand Quebec - - = Wolfe IsTand News. Ee ; Lg Bo cons svt As rot past days | 8 Dr J. COLLIS BROWNE'S Jo Se MEDICAL TESTIMONY : defence of | CHLORODYNE. : : WITH EACH BOTTLE. The immense success of this Remedy has given rise Sold by ali Chemists. on t w farm ' ( 0 y [the past for that part which stands | to many imitations a | h Prices in England: W,; ite General Passenger Dept. "ti . 7 ( y Jame McDonald om wrles alh i : {for equal justice and liberty to all. | } '% is, 2/9, 8j6. . | dev. William Kane is movin on to ¥ {And T would urge you to be ready | N.B.--Every bottle of 1 11 Sole Manufacturers: iY . hy the farm that Maxim vacated Duncan i {far the elections, whether they come | Genuine Chlorodyne 11s of y 8 N A ' Mclaren is moving from the village x ad. #0) in 1908 or 1910, for whenever they J "hears on the stamp ALOR! 3 J T. DAVENPORT, RAI LWAY w / L S oO N S back to his farm. The former tenant, - =2! [come our policy will always be 'the | the name , of the . 1 Ltd: i oving to a'farm in same in this respec inveator, Dr. J. Louis Faryo, NSE. AR ANCE wp Every packet the vicinity of Cape Vincent It i ob . ati a Asal | . Collis Browse. MONCTON, N.B. F ! " Y "ype! stated that Martin. Kane will move |, With Charley Grapewin in "Tt 1 : N.Y., to William Bul el t 3 A Literary Feast Checks and arrtats those too often fatal diseases FEVER. CROUP, AGUE. divisions of race, and our party worl ' q fe nel ¢ : ' P ait vour ancestors fonght i September 1st-- December 31s ; 1 : op 3 2 aus : leady: he ough 6 ea 2 ag i our rights, so to-day, 1 call upor?"; vou | hors Mair ireenwood moving ov ? SE | | Lo work in the coming election as in vive Hise than from Rosiere, For free copies of 800 shoots place. Charles Lavi moving "rom ES ------ Ihe Forum for September, has a sur- | : of sticky paper § | the farm that he ti to Rochester ivey, by Henry Litchfield Wést, of the - * 9 1 Nore wal Jann stant 1 » Ss io 3C » f i 1 = 4 y "Moose in the Micmac Country . N.Y. Jt is x dior 1 v bat Gran The Opposition Scored. {issues of the presidential campaign Wholesale Agents, Lyman Bros. & Co., Limited, Toronto. SOLD BY 15 likely Lo purchnse latter place ir Wilfrid Sorel . | which may produce sudden and unfore Joseph McCamesby ha ett. lor the I'he main work ¢ 5 e opposition | geen consequences. A. Maurice Low "wpe . d i " Fishing and Hunting, DRUCCISTS, CROCERS Ano GENERAL STORES B/N, (},-West. Mrs. O'Reilly has return- | cinee last ole tion een to seek | javotes attention to the growing de 100. por packet, or 3 packets for 280. § | Lome after an extended vieit t dut and advertise | "scandal I hinand for constitutional government in Toronto Ticket Office, 51 King ; lh pm : . L. St. East. will last a whole season. Wintuip r. Mr : nonin ig visiting | wish to sa thie le of ] nada Lacunties which until recently have $7OTIINHIINIIIIIVO aeeeat a aaa es tbr EAL mn atertown. 188 suby umming that we have 1 1 80 low as heen strongholds of despotism sug- | L 4 General Passenger Department, -- leit yesterday on a visit to Hamilton. | (hat o it desire merely to cre- | posting that Egypt and India may | Bg" » Moncton, N.B., or apply Montreal . | Mis Jennie Med arty, Rochester, is ate scandal, ut, knowing the posi- | soon" catch the contagion of politica) a | Ticket Office, 141 St. James St. Wood's Phosphodine, sojourning with relatives on the i tion of the opposition, I am not sur- | unrest. "The special articles include an | 1 | C 00 a S : > The Great English Remedy, |'?' Mi 0 Hearn was dalled to Ro prised at the course they have adopt- appreciation of George Mor€dith's | . School Days! -- ---------------------- Sema gue Tones and invig Atos tho whole { chester; -N.Y., owing to a illness of | We all ky he weapons the con- | 2: pn mane np \ | RN nervous system, makes new |}. ster. Mrs. 1 McDonald's condi ad a HH I y Modern Love; JS Eahc paper on the . . ; servatives are , but I can tell |"*Arts And Crafts Movement: a dis Blood in old Veins. Cures Nerv- | I TXT ff N CLANS ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des- . | L1on 1s very critical. James Coyle's | conser tives thi they will never {cussion of the or igin, growth and SYSTEM pondency, Sexual Weakness, Fmissions - | friends are glad to learn that he i : 5 DPW i sad bv uel , alue of the. "Moder Roni matorrhea, and Effects of dbuse or F much improved 3 ised nan I4 jmora: value of ti fidern Rociely rice $1 per box, six for 85. One will pl Proved, ethod iplause wm tell the | Drama. ER willcura. Sold by all druggists or maile -- sppositior that if a few black sheep r twenty centuries Xanthippe has plain pkg. on Soviet of price New ns Barn Struck By Lightning. i hve AVE trite SUT wk. we shall jbee sidered as the model. scold of : Annual Western EXCuPSions | Guests WeodWoaipme Rare ren Serbs Satis oon spell |e strayed into our fock, wo shall fhm' considered as 'the model soold of ( 1 'ort H 1 ! id ! SL8.08440800080800 Sree secssstestesteste weather, lasting yout ) ut hey ¢ attacked ofr es a telling argument in her by S------ - -------- ------ hree except 1 " ) narine depart nt, and we app inde? walf, ding her uy » modern eyo y month, trees turning | Judee Cassel 10¢ in the mat > a long-suffering af devoted wif® glectiul spouse, Socrates, left Dear Old Golden Rule Days. Of course, the childrén need new School Shoes, and you should try the House of Good Shoe Making if you have been having poor luck in the wear of the shoes you have buying elsewhere. All our lines are now complete. First F all Showing of the New American Styles Both our windows show the smart new styles of Men's and. Women's Footwear for fall. As usaal we are a few weeks ahead of the other fel- tows with our new goods, and a year ahead in style. 1 run the household while he dis 3 ' t rh 3 coursed on the front porch on the '" sl t wely half | pron a assels in 1 1 wauties of the simple life "In De \ el wving the cloud vest wm withir w last f da fence Of Xanthippe one of the Synopsis of Canadian |; ih mn iil levine the ous | tegion wit" th fat ow ays icv OF "Nandhinet is" an of" th Fhe. tnin IWEVE truck a ba cated \pplaus n an organiza- | Set Magazine Northwest. full of : Leap To Horrible Death. Homestead Regulations. Calvin Loyst farm, a mile or iwellure thers may be Who are ot a TN ie Central Canadian Exhibition A be tion of 1) ahd contents, it is reported. wore to] ture them out. and we shell do i « grieving over the death of _ her $ ¢ tal ¢ ny : 1) n favorite son, A othe desponder Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 18th to 26th : t 1) : : pod nl M8 you eT through illness, leaped to Fi vi ! ! ! 3 3 ; i Rous The God Of Rain. terday, from windows-an their home Y vi My Mary Ann Reisch jumped d from | \ iron stom pre amos the dining-room window of t} econd the lowest classes of sonthern India [fle of her home in Seventh street 1 sbtamni 111 i time ) suffered injuries from which I ods drought iganti ' \ died hortly afterward. Her -- i ] twenty-five, wa vacation, Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte t be | od ite Bid 4 is hy idm wel cart gts Bnd tu e 2 so i ps ago, a d since then neonsolable Steamboat -Co.. Ltd resi- | ing an ohitie i he rh y npanyi t x the i lian Reynohds, aged fift eafenir ! ' y then t any yeat assistant matron. at the J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoe Making, ---- ; 1 ol \ : te y SL dva nd buck he stom 1s ah home in Westchester, hurled KINGSTON, ROCHESTER Kennchec agricultural fair, held BE or di iat tion thay hereell Jom § fourth Soot Nindow of . a b Ca Xo wile of Na he .god of rain, and | teentl treet, and was instantly kill 1,000 ISLANDS t ower. |W HE JeXeey al on RAL: | 'hat ~ whor he sor favorite fe |ed. For' years Miss Reynakle had suf $ voored ithlessl ong fered from nervous troubles. y Frock For Little Girl he se lown torrents of rai 0 ir : : Unlucky Dorando | PIERS IIIIIIISIIIIII AI III SII II III III In a fall from a bicyele, Friday : oa August 25th, at Milan, Italy, Pietro catcl Cy LO eaten or i Dorando, who finished first in the 10u great Marathon race in the London Olympiad, but was disqualified for SE ee SRN ELE BES 2 (WEISBACH GAS LIGHT) ALLAN Ras LINE fo ant shan" Wer Ja IQ) a ot a. ony i SEE i PRICE COMPLETE ' i A K ! N\ | beauty of glish girls and his on- | a 3 Montreal to Liverpool ng et 5 Jt | rem eens | quests - among them lost him | = 1 t$ ot p le the" ( / | 39 Burned To Death Or Hurt. | sweetheart after his return. The rac § %, Oct | i he smning "ey % Wu N\ Philadelphia, Sept. U.--One man was [left him in poor physical condition | £ > 3 hi . ' ' met ' i : burned to death, two women were | and he wa en route to Salsomag- | = ® : ; 3 ini 3m 7 is to-day, in a fire which destroyed the | oe urred AF 288824448 ssssns Str. CASPIAN Be Disease Proof. 000000000000 0000000000 O00 000TO0000000000004 OO OOOO were more or less badly bu 1 early, jwater baths when the latest mishag eriously injured, and several others | riore to try the efficacy of the irc men's and women's buildings of the tin ar This light gives * Maintained Piladlonis eo a Sh Old Hair Made Young. G Gish: Efficiency. That means a good mn Lop u . AWSON 8 # Store o . - fie by. Dawson's. Hair. Restorer... 3 light ; not only when the mantle is nd hs onght to be two. in stores gray hair to its original color tc . . There alwavs angnt to le tye in}lithout dying 3. This isthe natural |8 just light, but 'all time. the fism of : a. "and proper method. It promotes the 2 has made the | : ri \ vod cing of ink chambray | marriage Bl EO i { life of the Ha? where dying destroys : . . - ringham, ' immed © wit vig lit. 'In bottles, B0c. each, at Wade's | white embroidery ms and Toop Drug Store. i "oil n AE RT | "| MCKELVEY & BIRGH, 69-71 Brock St | s O i 1 out in square pe 2 ) y | 1 : . } C A . Y stother ii of mater al, : he on 7 | Duke Soon To Wed. C2 OOO 000 C0O0TOOOOT C . 1 Oil ; overlapping across ouldér als % Rome, Sept. 10.--The Milan Unione, | i $" 0a 1 The Kind yo i are looking for ls bet piped : Ye J 1 sheer iS : la clerical paper, publishes an article ' . . . he kind we set! vhite embroid i &, as wers > | tos ) t ? v m ! . } which has been reproduced by the Lubr icating Oils ¢ and eeve trills of the long | whole Italian press, to the effect shat | Gasoline SCR sleeves. | the duke of the Abruzzi will probably : & ; : We make a specialty of handling Taft To Make Ext T so of go ta the United States to make A i . . d We FURAN aft 1 e Extensive efinite g' > : Lubricating Oils of all kinds. . Coal is goed cou) and we guar A o axe x 5 ve our "Biggest and Best' d finite Srang ements for riage : ery. Phone, Cincinnati, O., Sept. 10That Wil with Katherine Prices on application 33. liar aft will : 'complete dhugh®er of United. States Senator . : . h : ete Plug Stephen B, Elkins; of West Virginia ALL GRADES. LOWEST PRICES. yn Ary yor 3 > ¢ extensi i he ite W. F. KELLY & CO, Booth CO States hofore the. Novem lection Chewing Tob fl [and that it is reported the ceremony South Cor. Ontario and Clarence FOOT, WEST STREET. ay he announced 'as the person hew ng cue may take Place on January Joh, the Canada Metal Co.,Ltd Sts. "Phone, 486. { terinin ion of the candidate Lduke's birthday. r sad

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