Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Sep 1908, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. | i mpe-- Dok for the Label Stanfield's Underwear comes in three weights bow . for winter 'wear. And you can get just the weight you want by looking for the. label 'on' every genuine * Stanfield garment. "Red label light weight Blue label --medium weight "Black label --heavy weight 4 Yur dealer. will likely 'nave i all weights, If not, he can 3 get them for you. This is the flour we good cooks know Will make the Bread that's white as snow It's just as good for Pies and Cike And all my skill as Chef I'll stake \ On Beaver Flour's reputation ; "The popular flour of .the nation." hed Beaver Flour the original Blended Flour GILLETTS PURE POWDERED LYE Ready for Use in Any Quantity. Por making SOAP, safterang water, remov= ng oid paint, disinfecting, slits, closets an er many o rT purposes. A can equals 20 pounds al Soda. SOLD EVERYWHERE, ™M E.W.GILLETT fiaires TORONTO.ONT. 9, \ Cook's Cotton' Root Compound. « The great Uterine Tonic, and sonly safe effoatual Monthly 88 Regulator on which women can depend, Sold in three degrees of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, 83; No. for FRecial CARES, Sold by all repaid on © Fr o pamphlet. 9: THE ©oox Meoiging G0., TORONTO, ONT. (formerly Windsor) MEN AND WOMEN, Use Big @ for nnnatural discharges, inflammations, irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes. Paivlesp, and not astrin- gout ot poisonous, Sold by Drugglsts, or sent in plain wrapper, "\by express, prepaid, for $1.00, or 8 botfles 82.75, Circular sent dn request, Lubricating Oils ~~ Gasoline " We make a specialty.of handling aah Tadbricating Oils of all kinds, Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO, - South Cor. Ontario and Clarence Sts. Phone, 486. : A HINT TO SHAVERS ate now welling x Safety Razo which is fully guaranteed, . FOR 25 CENTS. . Bef one and try ft ~~ A.ST RACHAN a | SHE FIRST OF THE SEASON. We. will have our Home-Made Pork Sau . Try a pound or 5 SATURDAY. pg are just as good as ever | RS, 60 Brock St Phone, 670, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND ENTS TELL US. in Eas Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Lansdowne Girl Married. Klyneshorough, Sept. 9.--Fri Klyneshborough have just rece telligence from Kuroka, Sask., of the marriage of J. Lancelot Walters, to Helen, youngest daughter of the late Bernard MeNamee, of Lawsdowne, Ont. Rev. W. J. Drummond, 'missionary in Shanghai, + China, and wile and children are visiting friends in Klyneshorough. He will. not return to Shanghai for a year. : ' en * At Seéiey's Bay. Seeley's Bay, Sept. 10.--Farmers are through harvesting, and report very goog crops. The thrashing mnclane'is busy in this vidnity. The kb at James Donmelly's iu honor of Miss A: Scott, Buffalo, and Miss 8S. McArdle, Belleville, was a most enjoyable one. Miss S. McArdle has returnéd to her school in Belleville. John Hudson is visiting old friends here. Miss A. Scott, Buffalo, N.Y., Bas returned ai- ter spending her vacation with her parents hete, , Budget From Fellows. Fellows, Sept. 10.---School has re- opened, under the management of Miss Jessie Sills. A number of the farm ars have threshed threugh here. The ents are a very light crop, only twen- ty-soven pounds in d bushel. Visitors: J Mr. aud. Med. Mark Rouse, of Bath, at Robert Howie's; Miss Ethel Dawson and Miss Ida Robinson, of Kingston, at her parents; Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson, Miss Della Shillington 4 visiting relatives at Watertown, also Mr: and Mis. Francis Smith and son, Mr. George Dawson, at her daughter's, Mrs. Henry Wiskin, Kings 18 Sruce; ton Mount Chesney Notes. Mount Chesney, Sept. 10.-- Threshing and corn cutting are the order of the day. A number from around here at tended the tattoo in Barriefield on Wednesday evening. Visitors : Hugh Fowler and. sister spent Sunday at P. Fowler's on the Point road; Mrs, James 'Morton, visiting at James Hickey's; Mr. and Mrs, George Ander- gon and James Conpell visiting at J. Smith's; Christopher Cochrane at H. William Marshall and Eis ter, Seeley's Bay, speut Sunday at J. Smith's; Miss Anna Bell "Hickey, visiting friends in the city; Miss Mabel Sears spent Sunday at home. Sears'; Items From Kepler. Kepler, Sept. 10.--Corn is a good crop in this locality. Miss Ina Dell Powley, has had an operation on her is improving nicely. Recent visitors: Noble Elecbeck, wife and daughter, -Harrowsmith; Miss Myrtle Irene ' Stagg, Kingston; Miss Irene McBride and father and brother, Jelleville; Mrs. H. Knapp and daugh- ter; Miss Amelia Cranston, Hermon Kavener, wife and daughter, Collins Bay, at his father's; A number from Kepler attended the funeral of the late Sydenham. Hubert U. attending the military David Andrews school at Sy- who tonsils, Frank Guess, Townsend champ. at attending denham is Barriefield: is the high Violet Man Collided With Bull. Violet, 9.--H, pharp and George returned from Toron- to on Monday. A. Scoutin has com- menced "filling silos. Mr. and Mrs. D* Wright, Mr. and Mrs. J. Valentine and Mr. and Mrs. E. Sharp, left . fox Toronto on Monday. IH. Sharp met with a painful accident on, Tuesday. While driving cattle out of his corn he ran against the bull's head, frac- turing three ribs, The stome crusher has left this neighborhood and to Switzerville. F. Sharp and EK. Wright returned drom Toronto on Sa turday last. Robert Silver moving into the village from Mgrlbank. Miss Eva Valentine suffering with ton silitis, Sept. tobson gone 18 Lake Opinicon Locals. Opinicon, Sept. 9.--The 1s held August uccess. A. Teeples completed. Miss home after spending with friends at Wilmur and (Collins Bay D. J. Hughson took party to Kingston in his speedy gaso Mr. and Mrs. R. Simpson and daughter, Clara, returned home to Bay after few dave with friends here. Mr. and Mrs M. Hug! visited friends at Lati mer last Visitors : Mrs M Darling at her son's, A Darling: Mr and Mrs. F. H Best, Crosby, at A. Darling's; Mr. and James Sher wood, Philipsville, iE Hugh Mr. and Mrs. eeman, Wil- mur, at Mrs: S. Hunter's. an- 29th has oD Lake nual picnic we on and proved a his Hunter a week road oh returned a line launeh Seeley 's spending a son week son's News From Elgin. Elgin, Sept. ¥--The funeral of the late James Murphy was held Monday to the Roman Catholic church, Phil- lipsville, and was very largely attend- ed. Mrs. Eveline Brown, widow of the late Albert Brown, Phillipsville, pass- od away very suddenly on Monday ai terhoon. She leaves a grown up fami ly. Rev. E. W. Crane and family have returned from camping the past month at Charleston Lake. Much im- proved in health is Mr. Crane. Invita tions are out for the wedding on the 9th. of Mise Kate Derbyghire, one of Elgin's most popular young ladies and Ethelbert Dickey, Yonge Mills. George Brown aud son Roy left on the first of [eptember visit with friends in Lacombe "and Edmonton, Alta. About a dozen lumber waggons are hauling heavy stone from R. Mus- Don't be satisfiled with "just as good." Ask for the best.-hat knowng--:«: BUCKLEY & SONS. The Tidings From Various Points * THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1908. tard's quarry to Sand Lake for ship- ment to points along the canal G. C. Frederburg and wife, Westport, called on friends on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. William Pennock have gone for a week's visit with friends at Lyn. Centreville Matters. Centreville, Sept. 9.--Some farmers have finished threshing and are ploughing. Messrs. E. J. Perry and William Fleming have gone west of the for the harvest. A number from here . took in the lawn social at Wesley on Friday evening. N. D. Kenney, King- ston, has returned home after spend- ing the past few days with friends in this vicinity i Nettie Weese is spending a couple of weeks with her uncle, W. Asselstine, Marlbank. Mrs. Yohn Donovan has returned home af- ter spending the past three months here. Quite a few {: the picnic at Enterprise on Wednes- day last. Mr. McFarlane is erecting a new store. Peter Cassidy is putting an addition to his barn. Centreville fair is on September 12th, Miss Had Pleasant Summer. Bath, Sept. 10.--Mrs. Edwards, Cape Videent, N.Y., is visiting friends herve. Miss Hanley is improving her house very much by having it re painted. Herbert' Lewis is on the sick list. A number of our citizens are attending the' Totonto exhibition. Mrs. Piet and Mr. and .'Mre. Charles Cunning- ham, Chicago, also - Mrs. Dennison, Selby, 'are visiting at Luke Cun- Bghat's, Most of the tourists have left for their homes after spending a plegsant summer here. Miss Edwards visited with "friends in Cressy for a fow days.: Mrs. Charles. Burley is visiting her relatives in Ingersoll this week. The family of Mr. Gordon, manager of Northern Crown Bank, ar- rived on Saturday last. Dr. and Mrs. Northmote left on Thursday for a visit with friends in Guelph and other places in Western Ontario Wooler Wafts. Wooler, Sept. 9.--Three Wessel's cows and ome cow belonging to Mrs. McConnell were struck by lightning during the terrible thunder- storm last Tuesday night, Mrs. Daniel McColl and Miss Edith McColl are attending the Toronto fair. Mrs A ('. Rogers i& visiting friends in Tor onto. Miss Carpe wr, teacher in the Gunter school, Visited friends Belleville, on Sanday and Monday. Mis. Samuel McColl, Mrs. Stillman Terrill and Mrs. W. A. McColl, went on the steamer Alexandria's trip to Montreal and Quebec 'last week. Earle Gunter, who has been learning tele- graphy at Frankford station, has gone to the west to join his brothers at Maymont, Sask. Nicholas McColl, of Bethel, is very ill. Slight hopes are entertained for his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hinds and daughter, Miss lola, visited at John Casement's on Sunday last. Mrs. ig visiting friends near Gilmore. of Albert George Sharpe Tidings From Lombardy. Lombardy, Sept. 10.--A attended the South Fimsley tural fair held here last Saturday) oxhibits were hardly up to the age, except the display of ladies' work which was the best seen here in years. Mrs. Lally and J: Lally, of Micaville, and Miss Burns of Brockville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Kelly, last Sunday. Miss Marie Dpoher, companied Master Peclau to Teronto, Monday. She will be a pupil a Joseph's Academy. Thos Millar, returned last weck from visit friends in Ogdensburg and ton, N.Y. Mr. Milligan, Ottawa, a guest of Thomas Millar's last week Dr. J. V. Donnelly and Miss Balfe, Smith's Falls, and Miss vers, of Ottawa, were guests last Sunday at P. Dooher's. Mr. and Mrs Norman Allen and children, of Brock ville, have been visiting friends her for the past week. Miss Anna Dooher spent a few days in Smith's Falls this the guest of Mrs. J. B. Clint Russell Percy little son, o Falls, visited Mr. and Mrs Henry Taylor, last week. Erpest Ha ley, of Watertown, N.Y. renew ing acquaintances here last Saturday M. Dooher and Edward O'Meara at tended the funeral, on Monday last of the late James Murphy, at Elgin Messrs. Pigeon, Montreal, were the guests of their Mrs James Bissonnette, during week, large crowd rienl- The aver- last St. Sr. a with Can was Susie Ne week, Mrs Smith's and was of sister, the The S®¢t Of Thing He Liked, Judge's Library, . had In an early day Mo., f boy rushed into office of wed. Me Ga lena, and urged the doct m quickly and see his father, who 'seim ed to be Said the doctor "What 'ails what has Le eaten 2" I'he boy but fourteen per : "Well," said the back and throw him a couple bundles of oats and him 1 will be up there in about thirty minties." -------------- in Stone county, the wd, of wr ie oc dying him, and much sup notiua Feu said Oh, coastin' cans doctor, "last in tel No bath complete 'without Requa's perfumed bath powder, Sold in King- ston at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store Don't tty to drive ,a: stake at the end of your responsibility. Tt reaches further than you may think. 2 Can you find: a word which pl aced in.theiblank:space twice in reading from "it" to "mno tell Why" the fishermen were havin rom here attended | near | ol ---- THE SPORT REVIEW 'HOW MAY WAX MET WITH | A ACCIDENT. «i A Piece of Newspaper Caused Her to, Break--The Driver of Horse Behind Hadn't Sense Enough to Avoid a Collision. | W. H. Carson has received the fol- lowing letter from Norris A. Dunklee, Conebrd, N.H., regarding the accident to Driver Hayes and "May Wax," on Wednesday : "I very much regret to inform you that your driver and mave were both hurt to-day at our fair, owing to the bad driving of the harse Ogden Boy." In turning into the stretch a newspaper flew in front of your mare and she made a break. The driver of the next horse had' plenty of room, being far enough behind to @o an the onteide, but instead he locked wheels { with Hayes and never stopped pulling {him sideways until "May Wax' was | pulled to the ground. Another fool be- hind went ciean over the top of both of them. "May Wax" had won the first heat, and "would have won the race in a jog. Mr. Hayes has the sym- pathy of the peoplessf Coweord, as we found him a gehtlemian 'in every re- spect. He will ship home in a couple of days." He A telegram stated that neither Mr Hayes nor the frotter were injured The driver, no doubt, got the worst of the mix-up. 4 | i } + City Football League. There will in all likelihood bg .e<city football league formed, émbracing the senior city "teams, that desire to en- | ter. 1 the proper people would take | this matter in hand they could make it a grand 'success. 1 such a league were formed, given the' right care, and kept going every season, there would be no hesitation on any one's part about startimg a senior, inter- mediate or junior O.R.F.U. team. The material would be on hand. This would keep the young players in training as they grow up and would harden them for battles in the! senior cories. No move has yet been made to oreanize a senior team and there does not seem to be any one dead anxious to do so. my Queen's Players Running. { for the chance Queen's players were out again®on Thursday evening, The boys get out and cover quite a distance every evenig, just to keep limbered. It will not be long now before college opens and the boys will have to get Busy. Some new material. will be on hand that was net expected here, and will prove good for the college team. College Rugby Scheauie. Senior Intercollegiate Rugby schedule for the coming sea- N ne The football | son is as follows : October 10--Queen's at Ottawa, Gill at Toronto. : October 17--Toronto at Queen s, tawa at MeGill. October 24--Queen's tawa at Toronto. October 31--Toronto at Ottawa, Gill at Queen's. November 7--0Ottawa McGill, | + 14---MeGill Toronto. Ot: at McGill, Me at Queen's, To ronto at November Queen s at at Ottawa, Notes Om Sport. Donovan, ex-Queen's at present in Ottawa, will the Ottawa hh er, who is likely be invited out team "Chaucer" Elliott tried to "Janek" Williams to to but he evidently preferred to 1 Ottawa Ottawa by Montreal, main in ago an tminster Capitald have accepted avitation to play in New Wes n October. All the team will the exception of Powers An Ottawa despatch "Marty" Walsh, of Ki Javed centre for Ottawa Jas winter, will be with yonin the conung season. Having beaten the Montre J : the Cornwalls now think that if on oat is theirs the team Sham roc ks, they can beat the Nationals arday, the championship They believe the season is ahead of them on National grounds » Dan Patch at the State Fair in De- troit, failed break his record of 1.55, but made the mile: in 1.58%, the fastest mile ever driven in Michigan, He did better than horsemen believed he and his mile in 1.58% is the fastest ever a track. It was with the conditions handicap they proved to be, that the horfe has not forgotten art of pacing fast ------------ rthe to would, made on figured as the and shows the Peck's Corn Salve. A little remedy that every from corns should get to-day. few days every offending corn gone. In big boxes, lbe., at Drug Stere ---------- Violet toilet at Gibson's sufferer In a will be Wade's water. Sold Hudnut's Red Cross in Kingston | Drug Store. NECKTIE PUZZLE. and read ne" will complete the sentence and g poor luck 2 ' running | serimmag- | persuade | go with that | , who | hockey | their hardest strug sle of | Michjgan | a splendid performance | ge "DAMAGE DONE AT ARDEN i -- By Electric Storm--Barn Burned and Buggy Struck. | Arden, Sept. 9.--A heavy electric storm struck this place on Sunday, the 6th, doing considerable damage, striking & barn of Charles Parker, 'and burning it to the ground. It was nearly full of hay. There was a small {insurance on it, $100 on contents and $200 on barn. While at service at Beaver Creck schoolhouse, the lightning struck a buggy belonging to Marshal Peterson. tearidg the box off. The horse got away, but was caught before any fur ther damage was done. There was a Hovely rain at the same time, which was badly needed. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Alex- ander, a son. Harvey Scott, proprie tor of the Lake View hotel, is moving back on his farm. The, tourists are all gone from around here. Rev. Mr. Gilbert, J. E: Hays and wife, J. E. Barker and Dr. and Mrs. Geddes are taking in the Toronto fair. Charles McGregor, Myers' Cave, was here on Tuesday., W. W. Pringle walked up to the village for the first time in five weeks. He is improving rapidly. Wil- Liam -Wormwith is confined to his bed vit, but is: slowly impuoving. Anson Clark is giving his new house a coat of paint. Percy Detlor and George Thompson took a trip to Napanee. G. E. Thornton was in Toronto last week huying goods. J. W. Brown is going to the west. for a few weeks. Mrs. J. W. Brown was away for a few days vititing © friends. Nathaniel Shandrew has taken the contract of running J. E. Hays' livery. : Gown Of White Serge. A smart frock cut on princesse lines lis here illustrated, the model gown {being of white serge, trimmed with | white erochet buttons. Bias strips | black satin an inch in width outlined | the sides of the yoke with a crescent | shape and piecement of satin at the { hase of the yoke in front. The panel down the centre of the back and front | was seamed in. the middle and was overlapped on either side to below the waist -line by scallops of cloth and The scallop trimming was over the shoulders, The yoke and col net and cluny |buttons. also 'introduced land on the sleeves. {lar were tucked | beading of The Latest Humor. Smart Set | "Does. Gladys look any different | since she and her husband have separ ated ?V i "Yes varcee."' "Heavens ! 'Parted.i' She wears her hair a la di How's that ?""' | | | ; m------ { Figst Fair Maid--Why are men like mosquitoes ? Seeond Fair Maid-- I can't guess; | why First Fair Maid--They catch after a full meal. are "What possessed her to marry her second husband on the anniversary of | her first's death 7", "So as not to have too many dates | to celebrate." "A philosopher, pa--?" "A philosopher Willie," answered ekimpy little Mr. Hennypeck, "is « {married man who does not wish he wasn't." --The Smart Set for October. "Professor, it's a little boy." Professor (absent-mindedly). ask him what he wants." "Well, "Does she know her to talk to? "No, only to talk about.' | The People's Choice. | The phenomenal sale that our fall hats havé already had is the best proof of their superiority. People ap- {preciate our large and unrivalled as- sortment of new styles and unsur- passable™values. We invite compari- | som, at Campbell Bros', the leaders in | men's hats. . new i i -- { $1,000 Islands-Rochester. Steamer Caspian leaves Sunday -at 10.15 a.m. for 1,000 island ports, and at 5 p.m. for Rochester, via Bay of | Quinte. i i y A -- | Miss Jessie Taplin, Athens, who {leaves shortly for Toronto, was pre- sented by the choir of the Methodist {church with a#®gold bratelet as a | token. of their regret at parting.' { Pond's Extract vanishing cream, the {kind that leaves the skin free from | grease. Sold in Kingston at Gibson's | Red Cross Drug Store. | Florenc® M. ayes, daughter "of W, |C. Hayes, Athens, departed this life {on Monday last, aged twenty-five {vears. Deceased had been seriously ill for many weeks. The magriige of Miss Bertha Pistee, Athens, ahd Dr. W. Steacy, New York, {took place in Christ church, Wednes- | day evening. . { Dr. Gray's shoulder brack and back | supporter. Sold in Kingston Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store, The resignation of Rev. Mr. Miller, | Rlakeniéy, is 10 take effect October | 11th, 4, | Smith's Falls rate of taxation {his {year is thirty mills. |" Athens i= to have an anti-spitting | by-law. | "Roger am meal soap, at Drug Store. You and I are always inclined {measure men by their mbnners, | - 1 Gallet"s genuine almond Gibson's Red Cross to easier to No one can live without sleep for a whole week, . while Dr, d others have fasted forty days. Restful sleep is Wepossan . do good work--you can't rest im a hammock, of on a §| bl that sags. to the centre-- your body should be s throughout, and yet be on a level surface, which yi move. : ; prevent that tired fed The tivo cost less thas h A dog an ordinary lifetime ping --no repairs. oF 'Yargest Bedding Mauufacturers in -- . t ect yourby this 4 mark, tly shown on each, andis = -- A "Money Baek" Gy If you doulks eep well, or have that tired feeling 3 in 'the morsihg, it will ou to change your resent Spring and os for.a "Star and ¢ T. F. HARRISON C2 ~ 229-237 PRINGESS ST. ESTABLISHED 1867 Paid up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 2 3 4 \ hi! RANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES * HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS T DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foréign countries. I ---------- FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United Statcs, A FS SAT Great Britain and other foreign ¢ountrics bought and sold. '13 KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS ATS. P.C. STEVENSON, Manager. csi SCHOOL SHOES i WE KEEP THE BEST. } "OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. 111 Princess St. Vv REID ®& CHARLES, ------ AER rapt, 0000000000000 I00O0AVGOOUO 000 Evangeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates Always fresh, The finest in the city. 2] a v4 : Jute A.J.REES, 166 Princess St | PIRI ER IT Fruit for Preserving. LOMBARD PLUMS BARTLETT PEARS ; she largest asSortment yet i cheap at TOYE'S, King St. A -- a ALUMINUM ALL GRADES, LOWEST PRICES. . £3 Canada Metal Co.,Ltd. rbgoNto. dur

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