PAGE EIGHT. TR, AE-------- 3 'AT L i Any merchant satisfied ith an honest profit asks Jot she "BUCKLEY HAT" THE 5P.M. EDITION ROLLER HOCKEY LEACUE. Nothing Important Done at the Meeting. A meeting of the roller league was held in the Y.M.C.A. build- ing on Thursday evening, but nothing were represented, and the mes runsing the league would like four. The final meeting to organize the league will be held on Monday evening in the same building when all interested in the ganie aré requested to be present. Any team desiring to enter should be sure to have representatives present, as the schedule will be drawn up at this meeting. There are plenty of good players in the city. This game is very fast and very interesting for the spec- tators, Last season' the games drew large crowds. 3 OOOO 0000000000000 000 re ) MCKAY, furs weprencs & ---- Association Football. been arranged with wv and Wanderers, ' for ptember 12th, 7at the It will come off at A 'game has Mount Ch Saturday, Cricket * Field. four o'clock. Baseball Team For Ottawa. The baseball team that will visit Ottawa, on September 25th, are get- ting' in some good practices at the Cricket field every day. The team should be a better one than the one that visited the capital some time ago, Members from all the city teams will likely be chosen to make up the nine. If the hoys play as they should both games should come to them. Want Game With Belleville. Manager Dalby of the: Kingston la- | erosse club is endeavoring to arrange | with Belleville, in the near | future. These two teams have played | three games, every one of which re- | sulted in tie, the first two- being { |a game a one five goals cach. The locals think they j shee goals each, and the last can win out { CATALOGUE 1908-09. Now ready. Call or write. It is a work of art showing all the latest designs. : STORY OF POLICE COURT. Three Offenders Before the Magi- strate To-Day. Albert Newell, a young man, the first to walk the carpet, when po- court opened this morning. He arrested, last night, by Consta- Mullinger and Timmerman, on a charge of being drunk! and dis: orderly, H® pleaded guilty, and was fined 85 and costs Frederick Cotton, told the magistrate that his home was in FEngland, but that all sum- mer he had been employed on the steamer Rideau Queen. The boat laid up here, ¥dterday, and Cotton could » | not stand the pace after he was paid off, He loaded up on fire water, and was taken in charge by Constable Driscoll. . "Where do you intend to go now ?" asked the court of Cotton. "1 guess I'll to the nps 'All to go." John Dunstie, arrested for drunken- on a charge of steal ing a sweater from front of J. P. Forrest's store, was remanded a day. He told the magistrate that his home was in Montreal, and that he had been working on one of the boats. was lice was i bles John McKay Fur House KINGSTON. 0000000000000 "also drunk," Royal ft Dresden We show exclusive decora- tions in this beautiful China. Fruit Sets Compeorts Plates Very appropriate for wed- ding gifts. oo lumber car \ p right: 1'will give you a chance a ness, and also m DEATH OF MRS. McGILL. Resident of City Many Years, Passed Away. Mrs. McGill, widow of the late Archibald McGill, and a resident of the city for many years, passed away at her home, 21 Main street, at 5.30 JEWELLER o'clock, on Thursday afternoan: ' De- iL and ' A RC ceased, who was sixty-seven years of DIAMOND MERCHANT a had been ailing for some time, » and for the past two years had been Iblind. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, | Mrs. McGill came out to Canéida, with her husband, forty years ago, {and they first took up residence in the | township of Olden, where they lived Fete | for some few years, then moving «nto Kingston. \ Deceased sons, | John, of Peterboro; Me- | Gill, V.R., of Calgary; and Richard, of Kingston, and one daugh Mrs. 0. Ackroyd, also of Kings- She is also survived by a sister the old country. | i Spangenberg | Issuer. of Marriage Licenses. . "Shooting Season Has Opened Some Guns Won't kill no matter Row close a range the sportsman may have. By buying your gun here places the responsibility up- On your accuracy. For each Gun we sell can be thoroughly tried before leaving our store and each gun guaran- teed. Loaded Shells, U.M.C., . Winchesters, Ely's. All sizes kept in stock, white and black powder. W. A. Mitchell's, 85 Princess St. HARDWARE. is survived by four William S. George # . | ter, | ton | | ' {and a brother, in | Mrs. McGill' was for many years a {member of Sydenham Street Meth | odist church, and was a regular at- [re up to the tige of her illness. | | | both | | Judge ihe would | jemocratic Jot New York lartlett pears, 50c. Bartlett Pears, 50c. Bartlett Be. peck. Fancy pears, Crawford ---- Green Gages ! Green Gages ! Edwards & Jenkin. Alton B. Parker, denies that to accept the for governor be willing nomination 50e. peck. Craw ford. To fit a man is not a di ficult problem. It's merely a matter of care and care in little-things is what has made our Tailoring Business a Success. The particular man's definite ideas are carried omt in his "WE NEVER FAIL TO PLEASE. All the fine things in the New Fall Stuffs are here and are. ready for your choosing, some exclusive patterns to select" from mow, that cannot be duplicated later. / ? Yo take it. | : Ii the Garment doesn't fit you, you don't have Fair enough propesition isn't it? SUITS TO ORDER, $20.00 TO $35.00. OVERCOATS TO ORDER, $20.00 TD $40.00. TROUSERS TO ORDER, $5.50 TO $8.50. LIVINGSTON'S UNNI INNING, hockey | of importance was done. Three teams | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1908. ---- AND VICINITY. Plums ! Plums {, Plumes ! wards & Jenkin. | CITY i 5 . GL NERS ENS HE WILL NOT TRY OTHER | LIQUOR CASES. | Haney Bartlett pears, 50c. peck. | Spotters Were Reldrred to the i County Inspector--What Col-| ) : Prof. Shortt leaves, ion Monday, | onels and Captains Told the rtawa, to_asiiime his duties os civil Magistrate / | service commissioner. | Early on Friday morning three spot- ! | ers were at the residence of = Col. | {George Hunter, wanting to lay more information, about men selling liquor | in Barriefield. ~The colonel heard | what they had to say and then refer | red them to George Moreland, inspec: {tor of licenses for the county. "There | are eight more magistrates within five miles of the city," said Col. Hunter, | "and?] refer vou to one of them. I {have tried all those cases that 1 wish {to and I positively refuse to try any more." The colonel said that, despite all that had been said about the li- quor trials, both for and against it, two colonels in command of units at the camp had come to him and told him that they were delighted with the way things went regarding the trial. They stated that their eaptain: had told them, that now they would have fio trouble in recruiting voung men for next year's camp. In years past, the drinking indulged in at camp had kept many a good man at home, and the drinkers had come on instead. One miore case, that of Caterer Del- gon will be tried by Cdl. Hunter, on Monday afternoon, in the court house. : WCIDENTS OF THE DAY. i -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Jartlett) Crawford. | '50c. Bartlett Pears, 50c. y Leaves On Monday. i Answers To Puzzles. Pn Monday we will publish the answers to the puzzies of Friday and Saturday. Can you make them out. . Gone To The Springs. Prineipal Gordon has e down to Caledonia Springs, for a few days, owing to a few twinges of rheuma- tism, Very Fancy Fruit Now Coming. For Saturday's trade we offer 100 baskets special Pack Crawford peach- es for table use, six 'quart basket for 50c., at Carnovsky's. Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reduction, in. price in the order and ready-made clothing department; also gents' furnishings. Look at dis play windows, 5 A Dog's Days Over. Inspector Arniél, of the Humane So- ciety, shot a dog, this morning, on Johnson street, suffering from dis- temper, and mange. This was tbe only way to put the animal out of its misery. Put Up Or Walk, poats. Quite a few red coats, blue coats and William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders one or two without coats, missed received at McAuley's, "Phone 718. their trains to-day, and will now have W. A. Newlands, water works collec- | to pay their own fare if they care to To- go ack home, One' or two officers ronto. were also" left * behind, and will be Miss M. Beaupre, visiting relatives! forced to put up or walk. in Portsmouth, returns to New York | : on Saturday - 4 | Camp Horse Missing. I'he members of "B" Battery are ex-| my. police were notified, this after pected to return here after the camp | otified, this alter- DE tewawe. ig. Over, hoo, that a horse belonging to the H. Cunningham, piano tuner from JH! field Battery, from Deseronto, J uns ] 4 {was missing." How the animal got Chickering's.. Leave orders at Me-{ o. = io .B Auley's Book Store away is a mystery, and up to this af- G. M. Macdgnuell is in Toronto, at- | bry on Ba Mite of the missing ani tending the Presbyterian board of ben found. moral and social reform. { William Place, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Place, Cape Vincent, N.Y., died from his self-inflicted injuries. Miss . Bertha Peters, Montreal, visi . ing her aunt, Mrs. D. J. Ainslie, left, | romantic v Thursday, for Brockport, N.Y. | Bugles and drums and fifes are of Herbert Ainslie, Mrs. William .G. themselves most excellent things in Ainslie and little son, Howard, left, nature, and when they carry the mind yesterday, to spend two weeks in |t0 marching armies, and the pie Brockport, NiY. \ turesque vicissitudes of war they stir Two drunks scored quite a t¥esle on |up something | proud in the heart." Ontario stréet," this afternoon. Jo we value our privileges in King- policeman appeared and both ston ? were thrown into a nearby hotel. Bartlett pears, 50e. peck. Crawford. George A. Grant, acting general manager of the North American Tele graph company, with his son George, are spending holidays in Torénto, Buffalo and other western points. Mrs. William J. Arniel and little daughter, Gladys, left, yesterday, for tor, is spending a few days in Stevenson's Word To Us. Says Robert Louis Stevenson : all garrison towns, guard-calls, and reveilles dnd such like, mike a fine, interhuide in civic business, "In n A men Poultry Show. ¢ An enthusiastic meeting of the Poul- try Association wax held last night to make final arrangements for the local show that is to be held in the armouries 'in connection with the Hor- ticultural Society next Wednesday and Thursday. The boys are looking for a for | A QUEEN'S GRADUATE. TO SUCCEED PROF. SHORTT AT QUEEN'S. " - In the Political Economy Chair-- Dr. 0,.D. Skelton, M.A., Ap- pointed Professor and Dr. W. W. Swanson, M.A., Assistant. It is announced that Assistant Pro- fessor 0. D. Skelton, M.A., will be' promoted to the professorship of the Sir Jom A. Macdonald chair of poli- tical and economic scierice -at Queens, and that the assistant professorship will go to W. W. Swanson, M.A, a graduate of 1995, and at present in Chicago. Mr. Skelton, the new professor, comes from Mille Roche, near ' Corh- wall. He graduated as master of arts at Queen's, being medallist in classics. While acting as classical tutor, he took up the political science work at Queen's. He then went to Chicago, where he took the degree of Ph.D. in political economy, taking high honors. Afterwards he' studied in England. On his return, he occupied an . editorial position on the Booklovers" magazine, ann remained with thatperiodical un- til it ceased publication. Then he returned to Chicage University, and was for a time préss agent in Presi- dent Harper's office. He gave up that position to return to Queen's as as- sistant to Prof. Shortt. Mr. Skelton has written a great deal for political science journals. - Fe has had several United States college offers, including one from the University of Chicago, but decided to remain at Queen's. He is highly recommended by Prof. Shortt, through whom, ho doubt, he owes his present appointment. His assistant, Mr. Swanson, hails from Oshawa. The latter is also a Queens honor graduate, securing his degree in 1905, being medallist in political science. At Chicago Univer- sity, he took the degree of Ph.D., in political seience, and has been lectur- ing there. Mr. Skelton is about thirty years of age, and Mr. Swanson a couple of years younger. If is sa tisfactory to know that two young Canadians, both Queen's graduates, a chair named after Sit John A. Mac have been found right at band, to fill donald, and filled so long by such an eminent Canbidian as Prof. Shortt. ------ ; PIRATES GET SETBACK. Tigers Tighten Hold on Flag-- Detroit ig Leading. A break in the even run of victories by the leading clubs in the National League race came Thursday, when the Pittsburg team was defeated by Cin- New York and Chicago won their games, with the result that the New Yoiks materially strengthened their hold on first place, while Chica- go drew up within three points of their Pittsburg rivals, in second posi- tion. The standing of the three lead- ing clubs, Thursday's games included, is as follows : cinnati. »C. 632 80 50 615 Chicago ... . 80 51 612 In the American League, Detroit, Won. 0 Lost. New York 16 Pittsburg bigger and better show than last fall when everyone got a big surprise at the quality exhibited, and are look-| their home in Brockport, N.Y., after spending the past two months with her mother, Mrs. Ainslie,. Johnson which won yesterday, has now taken guch a firm grip on first place; that only a succession of defeats can dis- street, Ww. J G.1T.k., Hamill, customs agent of the Montreal, has béen on a va- cation trip to Toronto, Buffalo, Ni- agara Falls. Hamilton, Belleville and Thousand Islands, and is now in Kingston, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. (, Diamond, 211 Montreal street. Sheriff Ezra D. Bellinger refuses to allow Sunday baseball in Cape Vin- cent. The Eagle announces that it is not opposed to rational Sunday amusement. The sheriff acted upon a letter written by Rev, Mr. Ferguson, of Kingston, pastor of the Presby- terian church at the Cape. DENSE WITH SMOKE. Sun and Moon Peered Through Pall a Murky Red. The smoke-laden - condition of the atmosphere ig one of the main topjes generally discussed on the streets. The moon crossed the sky last night like a luminous 'ball of glowing fire, shrouded by a rather dense .pall of smoke. The sun ig 'seen through a veil of the same murky red. The cause of the present condition is the large bush fires throughout the country, $#he up- per air currents are in such' a condi- tion that the snioke cannot ascend. The upper strata is heavier than the jower, hence the smoke lies close to the earth. Burgess Robbing Graves. Gelett Burgess is still intensely in- terested in the ruins found on his property in France. In writing to the publishers of his "Maxims of Methuse- lah,' he says: ; "I' am to-day opening my seventh and eighth temb in Les Baux--prob- ghle date 100 B.C. to" 200 A:D.--can- not be sure. Found abeut- thirty pieces of pottery--several bronze utensils--(cooking and table things) one small ring--not much that's valu- able--but lots of fun--it's great. It's a regular cemetery--u burial-on. a ground subsequently the property of the Knights Templars. A ruined house of the same period is also on the ground. This is a great old town, hundreds of,.ruined houses--top of a hill--120 inhabitants." Knew By Experience. News, "Do you believe Poe really heard the raven 'tappin tapping, tapping upon 'his chamber door ?" asked the lanky artist, "No : that's all rot," tesponded the | impecunious bard. "Think " { "Sure. I'll stake a {a square meal that {raven doing the tapping it was | collector." | rm | Love Not Entirely Blind. | Reynolds' Newspaper > | "Miranda, I want to | marry me and to tell me-- "Oh, George, this is so sudden !" --"to tell me 'what date you and your | mother have decided on for our wed- } ding." Chicago ga SO against of a a Lill sonnet instead ask vou to ' Lowney's Chocolates. Edwards & Jenkin. Fresh. ing for better things next week, En- tries may be made to the secretary on morning of show. rn -------------- Moved Off Orderly. A few residents in the lower part of the city were awakened from their peaceful slumbers early Friday morn- ing, by the rumbling of heavy wag- gons, the yelling of drivers and the singing of passengers. Many thought it was a host of gypsies conquer the city, but it was only the gallant soldier boys leaving camp, ai- ter their two weeks' training. The coming ting their belongings collected togeth- er to take home. When they arrived in the city and left their waggons, they were quite orderly and no com- plaints were made about their be- haviour. Schooner Acacia Here. schooner. Acacia, which went down near Sackett's Harbor, recent- ly, in a severe storm, when Capt. Simmons and his crew had such a terrible experience, arrived at Davis' dry dock, to-day, to undergo repairs. The schooner was towed over by the steamer Little Mack. The Acacia will need a good deal of overhauling be- fore going out on the lake again. With a broken wheel, the steamer Kenirving arrived at Davis" dry dock, this afternoon. The Kenirving is on her way to Sodus, ) Smith's Falls. - The steambarge vived, light, from her way to Oswego, to load coal Westport. The John Randall ar- Smith's Falls, on for Looking For Recruits. Rev. Dr. MacTavish, convenor, pre- sided at a meeting of the assembly's committee on Young Peoples' Socie- ties, held this week in Toronto. BV. H. Matheson acted as secretary. Stu- dies for next year were selected, and the convenor reported that good pro- gress had been made with '"'Harvests In Many Lands." Arrangements were made, whereby it is hoped to secure a larger number of reerwits for the ministry and mission field. It is the intention to write letters to the re ligious press, and deliver addresses in high schools, colleges and universities. If suitable arrangements can be made a second issue 'of "Reapers In Miny tee prepared a service for Young Peo- ple'ss day, which will be observed on Sunday, February 7th," 19 7 In Leap Year. Town Topics. After a brief two-webks' acquain- tance he invited her to go to the ball game with him. "There's Jarvis! He's a good one. He's a pitcher for your life. And that's Johnson, over there. He's going to be our best man in two weeks." "Oh, Walter ! He'll do all right," she lisped hurriedly, "but it is so sudden dear." Edwards & Jenkin. For one dollar. Grapes, 20c. basket. Carnovsky's. Some baskets |turday morning; at Carnovsky's. to | men were up and doing all night, get- | to load coal for | Fields" will be issued. The commit-! 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar 20 lbs. plums only 2%., Sa- | lotige the team from its position. | 9. Fastern League--Buffale, 2; Raches- | ter, 0. Toronto, 19; Montreal, 3. Bal- Providence, 4. Newark, 3; | 9 timore, 5; i Jersey City, American League--Boston, 7; Wash- |ington, 1. Cleveland, 5; St. Louis, 2. { Detroit, 6: Chicago, 5. (ten innings). { National League Cincinnati, 3; | Pittsburg, 1. Philadelphia, 8; Boston, { York, 6; Brooklyn, 5. Chica- St. Louis; 2 New 0, fF; bor | 8 | | ~ ~@AVED BOY'S HAND. Action = of Constable Arniel at Toronto. Police Constable Samuel Arniel, and | Mrs. Arniel have just returned from Toronto, where they attended the big fair. They made the trip to the Jaeen: City on the steamer Kingston, and returned on the steamer Toronto. The prompt action of "Constable Arniel while in the machinery build+ ing, probably saved the hand of a lad who was watching the machinery. The youngster was near a wire machine, and in a moment of thoughtlessness, he put his hand into the machine, and was caught in one of the cogs. The lad screamed, and Constable Arniel, who happened to be standing near, grabbed the lad and pulled his hand out, just in time to save the member. | As it was the lad had two fingers badly crushed, and had to be taken to the hospital for treatment. | Prompt 50c. Bartlett Pears, 50c. Fancy 'Bartlett pears, Boe. Crawford. h peck. Sweetest Variety Green Gages. Another 100 baskets to sell at 25e¢., Saturday, at Carnovsky's. Open for Business From Now On. Until the arrival of our. new goods we 'will offer special inducements to pro-« spective puypchasers in anys of the lines still left. In the c8urse of a few' days we will have our new: stock in and we will be ! pleased to show you the very latest styles at prices' never before offered in the' city. * ¥ * Kinnear &d'Esterre : Jewellers, ? 100 Princess St., Kingston, The fall fashions in Wool Dress Mate- rials are revealed in the display mow ready in our Dress Goods Department. Smart and effective colorings and the weaves most in favor offer quite a varie- ty for choice. Special materials at 49¢c, 65¢, 75¢; $1, 1.25 per yard and up. WOMAN'S KID GLOVES fn'thé new fall 'styles. Special impoT- tations are now arriving. The colorin gs are in keeping with the style requir e- ments of the season. Perrins' Famous 'Katherine' Kid Gloves, Black and Colors, at $1. Perrins' 'Premier' Kid - Glove, $1.28, Perrins' 'Empress' Long Kid Gloves, $1.50, 1.75, 2.00. Bartlett pears, 50c. peck. Crawlond. r T sonnsee ohevessreveee 000 00000000600000TSOTETATOE00b00000000s0 ITE FENETE . . Going Away? i Doi't forget #o see ogr. Truak at $5.00. Canvas covered, brass 'trini- med. 2 straps, brass lock, iron bottom and rollers ; splendid 3 | value. fh. Oar Special Suit Case, made on an iron frame, solid : leather, good lock aad bolts, : 4 straps inside to hold goods, $ selling now for $5.00. Same with 2 straps all round, Toc extra, 3 tolors to select from. Gbe Toockett Shoe Store. | arte .~ 20000RE0000800S wanes a . w » a La "* 2RSNANSSL0CENIIIASLPASRINNN000000000S : y