¥ : PAGE SIX. . . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1908. Tr -- A ---- i Fo THLSPALEDITION AD FINE WEEMS, we JIE DIYS ERSONES "Phone 650, My Valet, if you 'want| © 38 TES Al § a £. was - any information 'about dyeing or 3 SR %. Y.M.CA. WORKERS AT. THE "12, =" LOCAL NOTES AND : MILITARY CAMP. IN GENERAL. : . t | ee Brest Cleasing Sale: S . aT-- KR O aA s Most , Successful Year in tne vost, Brotk street, has made alQccurrences In Thu City And yi: i militia Camp Department of Do reams coun I era Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Di Association Has Just Closed-- also gents' furnishings. Look at dis Interest Easily Read And Re- resden i Some Interesting Figures. ¥ |play windows. Wikibase. : i ; ' illiam Swaine, piano tuner. Orders »| The most successful year in the : TTR : oe rary i We show exclusive decora- Me militia camp department of the Y. M { It Has Been Proven. ¥ recived 4 ri Pho 1 tions in this beautiful China. C.A. has just closed. No feature of | Over dnd over again that for dual- 5 the camp was more noticed or gener- {1% style and good values, our furs day. He. preaches. there on: Sunday. . et . f 'all a ] New velvet collars on overcoats our Fruit Sets ally appreciated than the effort fo [IAT Surpass a others, See our as- specialty. My Valet, 191 Princess St help the men along spiritual lines at [Sortment of new styles in ladies' fur- | PYPSEN. CF Va I and John Dunstie, arrested for theft and Comports the association tent. The work was lined coats." They are very popular d y A i : runkenness, has been remanded for a under the general direction of J. W and our prices speak for themselves. week 3 Plates Hopkins,' of the provincial commitfee, Make your selection now, or leave A. W. Neilson returned to the city . Toronto. R: B. Nelles, general secre- |[YOUr order apd we will deliver just to-day "from _ Picton, to resume his Very appropriate for wed- ug tary, of the local association, was in when wanted. Oampbell Bros', the studies at Queen's : = ding gifts. ehprge. Associated with him were J. {makers of fine furs, Twelve days of fine weather is Sep- : J¥ Thompson, physical director, and Pe . tember' ot the | Messrs. Deeth, Eadie, and Dunnett, of | ° | Will Be No Docket. hr Ta fans. Lev-She gud : % . » 4 . Toronto, Cénnel and Lailey. 'Sam' | Owing to the date set for the fall} | Cunningham piano tuner from Hrd i ¥ o Pay ; § 4 Spangenherg Lilley had charge of the post office, |assizes, September 15th. coming ' so Chickering's. Leave orders at Mec * Four* money-saving purchases "may 'be Many ofy the young men of the local [soon after the close of the long vaca-layley's Book 'Store. wi 3 n 3 goods JEWELLER association assisted at times. tion, there has not been time-wqopeh| Mrs. V, Johnston has returned to made To-night. The folowing puar- . LLE The religious meetings were ghrong- |to close the pleadings of the cases ub- Montreal, after a. week's visit to her chased below their values will be offered d Mi ed every evening. These meetings were der procedure, and no business will be sister, Mrs. John Donnelly, Sr. T : i : an preceded by a song service, and as done next week. Justice Riddell willl gee MoCann' dv of Professor o-mig it: : = fi k E dred Jed i thus be greeted with a blank docket a 8 ACY . . : : \ + "DOL many as five hundred crowded into 8: Tf 3 docket} Shortt's residence for sale. : t 3 1 DIAMOND MERCHANT the tent and sang the familiar hymns. [00 Tuesday. 2 . Miss Katie Abramsky has returned 350 Yards: White Frilled Curtain Muslin, ¥. W. Robertson was a great help in | The next sitting of the high court, the city after an extended visit tof full 25 and 27 inches wide, many pretty de- ? : i this portion of the service, as well as [Will be held * on December 7th, before | por sister, Mrs, Breslin, Toronto. : : 91 : Issuer of Marriage in the aiter meetings. Mr. Nelles had [Sir Jobn A. Boyd. © "House hunting" is a tedious task. |i desig nr ed per 1 tn o - the general oversight and the whole | SS -------------------- Buy a home of McCann, and become'a p ard. = LC ~INL L 4 : , : Licenses. proceedings were marked by an earn- { They Are All Right. house owner. : ; y vibe ; " . } : : 2 est Srthmslanm, Among those who| A young Kingstonian, W. D. P.| Two civic committees called for Fri- |i 200 Yards Fringed Curtain Madras, in ; BE . + {spoke during the camp were Revs. | Barker, after a practical experience in| day could not transact business, be- |} . : : 1908-09. | Svkes, Sproule, Mackenzie, Whitmore, | the occupation, become a partner | cause onlyoo e. member on each was} cream and white, full 23 inches wide, regu- : . ; jand Mouse. Mills, Pound Robertson, jin the frm of R. J. Cowan s go. present. Fe 4 > Fiestidiias larly sold for 18c and 20¢ per yard. YOURS » : { opKins anc others, Mr. opkins | § OCK nro ers, 0 opge siree "> # Misses athleen anc enrietia [4 1 Now ready. Call or write. Shooting Season land Mr. Deeth played each evening, ronto. This house does a reliable, | Howells, also their brother, Gilbert, TO-NI1GHT, 11%e¢ per Yard. It is a work of att showing land My. Bryant sams on two occa- |sound conservative business, and is |leit for Syracuse, N.Y., this after- ~ all the latest designs. Has O ned lsions. The Betliel aft Princess street worthy of the trust: of all sellers or noon. 140 Bath Towels, extra good value at 35¢ and J J h M K F pe ijharaties rendered Yalnable service at purchasers of © safurities in foi ; Fine dragses, Frouich cleaned, witli 30c each, size 24 x 45 : inl hes. VERY ¥ : 1 song service Sunday atternoon Ie rs x aL CK : mury. arwid ros.; 19 INCOSS, R [ 0 n ¢ ay ur House Alt Some Guns Won Eh ho matey These meetings were very fruitful, as | Mining Exchange, and are in & Pe In the police court, a person, on the SPECIAL, 20c Each. Row close a range ! e sportsman [pearly fifty men decided to lig the tion to benefit their clients. Assuredly | "Indian" list, pleaded guilty to FP . H KINGSTON, &| may have. By buying your gun |Christian life. An hundred others | their activity commends them. drunkenness, and was fined $10 and 36 only Beaded Bags, in black and steel, . Ol here places the responsibility up- | were oreo > : - ei ----_-- costs ar 1 3 GOO QO 00 0000000000 | En Re iE F y ul wefy D Y onslly deal vith. The atc wil Bive Good Brow. Geta, evening: Laonnsd: Millard; # are to be sold less than half price. a | For each Gun we sell can be {three thousand I'he average visits A largely attended - meeting of the|young lad living on Pine street, was Regular $1.75 for 75ec. A HINT TO SHAVERS | thoroughly tried before leaving to the tent during each day was two directors of the Horticultural Society severely bitten in the arm by ¢ dog oi Regular $2.25 for 95c. Wo rc. mow. 'selling a Safely Razo gus store and each gun guaran- | thousand five hundred, and 'many days was held on Friday evening. Reports a neighbor. s at 7 R : 1: 2 75 f $1 25 which is fully guaranteed, v eed. estan his Be re ; . : eesived were most Sngauraging.. Kuh a arwice Bros : phone 650. Expert egular $ do Tor $1.29. | e ) lr depe mis als 8 Sor § pre ¢ spiel » Jers ( 'leaners, FOR 25 CENTS. | " Loaded Shells, UMC, Thi Boom gg Me 2g ro ge ys already rhe pees hs po being, paid steadily " Get one and try ity I Winchesters, Ely's. {seven thousand letters were posted at been received by the secretary. A. W.linto the city treasury office. After A. S r RACHAN | « | the association post office, and two Mclean. The following judges were] Tuesday next, interest is charged on ta All sizes kept in stock) both {thousand received. Over one hundred appointed for the show next Wednes- | all unpaid taxes. ; re A Tre white and black powder. {eallons of ice crenm were sold at the day aon Thursday : Fruit, William R. Edwards has returned from a cw ad % y ™ a FRE The world has more respect for and George Nicol, | visit through the front district of St. . y - 9 | nteen. Writing paper and enve- Craig, Glenburnie, v ! RY hairy Hap ig" Tas for baldness W. A Mitchell & {lopes, as well as pens and ink, were Cataraqui; vegetables, B. Lancaster Catharines and Hamilton, and also Phe nearer sdme neighbors are the | - ' freely supplied, and writing tables ar- and Henry Heaton, Cataraqui: flowers, | visited' the Toronto fair. 3 dearer they are not 85 Princess St. HARDWARE. |... 0d for the convenience of the |W 14 Macnee, 'city, and William Carr,| See the annual exhibition, Horti- . Tribulation never at home where 8 ™ lmen. * Daily papers, magazines and Portsmouth. Rockwood hospital and | cultural Society, in the Armouries, there is any great amount of laugh ie v not horrow Jou naib s books were always at the disposal of [the penitentiary will' each ke com 16th and ITth, afternoons and even- | -: glasses and take a look at yourself: : , limentary exhibits. The annual ponl-|ings ap A . i 8 ; ithe men, and hundreds each day |phmentary f a. po gs. 4 4 7 ' > - - 1 | eked to the tent to avail then |iry show willthe hald at the armouries| Clothes line thieves have heen at Women's Plain 'Black Cashmere Hose, in all t J < : : : a : ar 3 : ' Icelves of these privileges, on the same dates, and in conjunction work, on Quebec street, this week, sizes, 25¢, 35¢, 49c, 59c, 65e, 75¢ per pair. i] Ba ssid SEE EEE = | At the close uf the series of meet. [With the flower show. 'The poultry several complaints having been made lings, a '"'soldiers' night" was held, judges will be' R. E. Kent and George | ahout clothes taken off the line. Girls' Plain Black Cashmere Hose, in all sizes, " a '* 2 la: care anili sol. Mrs. I. M. Graves and two children = AE. . A APM | of Evers eave n splemfic {is --_-- rete home. gustpeday, from: of 25¢, 85¢ and 49¢ per pair. - grots. Different officers testified. to the DYE SHOP BLEW UP. month's visit with her sister, Mrs. J. 'Children's Black Cashmere Hose, in all sizes, | | : good done by the Y.M.C A p - . . ~ « ' « " | I done by the YM.CA. and the |, gig: Several 'Injured in| Mys. H. Asselstine, Portsmouth, 25¢, 28¢, 30c, 33c and 35¢ per pair. T. Murray, Westmount, Montreal. association officers were cheered to the : . . "Ha hs ocho for their work. It was a re- Gasoliie Explosion. | who was seriously injured a few days , " ® ( : . - 3 y ,? 3 . 2? 3 « r 1 « markable ending and amply repaid "Syracuse, N.Y., Sept. 12.--With a [8g0, is improving. She was remaved Boys and Girls Ribbed Black Hose, in a very E : any efiort made. The Y.M.C.A. is a [roar audible for blocks, the dye shop to hat Jame, this Nook and is able to strong make, suitable for school wear, all i nr » e use, {recognized part of military camps [of the Wildridge-Latimer company, in now, and it is a satisfaction to the |this city, blew up, yesterday after- . . i. supporters of the local branch to [noon, killing: one man and injuring a | oC... 4 ' ma re » « * r) 1 y > » 3 . > \'"T'o come in and examine our large stocks Rare the work at Kingston is upto. | ammber of people. | Swift's wharf this morning on her { way east. The steamer has been sold of Read y-to-Wear Garments, comprising date and aggressive. An explosion of gasoline from some [AY artiof in Corawall ; . all that is best in Ne unknown cause demolished the idl Ra turdey was drunks' day at the | 5 3 ' Ya FRUIT SHIPMENTS HEAVY. storey shop, scattering the root an police court. John Newton and # J pr 2 ' eo alls 'i irections: # set " . \ 4 brick walls in all directions and- se Frederick Taylor were each fined $1 The steamer Britannic of the North- sizes, 26c, 30c, 35¢, 3c, 45¢ and 49c per ern Navigation company, was at pair. One Express Company Alone |ting fire to dwelling houses on each - : H led 6.000 B I u 3teubrand eiuhisen | and costs, James Carroll, was taxed ' . askets. side. ry 4 enbrand, 4 pC Q ' alitzg Mi ag Pe- v ' » » a Lil S Hy aed 5. ; aisle Bll old, employed in the shop, was | $2» jug. arnelius McMahon was 1 Our New Fall Suits have arrived. You'll find ie. int JUSINess 8 now 1 ee 3 " i manded for a week. . . - : wing, the shipments to this city be-| blown though the. from door a) a clots figanee. commities . Wis the fall showing of our garments brimful of Over 100 to select from. ine very heavy. During this week one [Was found lying in the ruins; dead, |, jg to meet, last evening, but' Ald. interest. Every exertion has been put forth handled 6,000 baskets, | his flesh burned almost to a crisp. Rigney was the only member present. ore "Very ¢ a p t company alone 8 Shu] " . . . . state that tle peach crop William Wildridge, proprietor, the The aldermen are attending to the to have it eclipse all its predecessors mn point Fruit men B= i i other £ i » shop, as | -. é Fh 4 ] 4 I all Coats Cra Rd ™ Wik light, Lipecinlly ie al ies fhe tk Wes po. y : a sigess ht Te cy Hess dy 4f style, material and correct tailoring. rawlords, bu that ater on ere ) « 00 nn i The steamyacht Say hen. own by Wil ie du ample Supply-of we gheap. severely injure Mr. Burnham, New York" city, was at er variety. A fruit man at amilton ror 6 Swift's wharf this morning, on her . . Ove: 600. All new. {has already received an order that { way up the lake. The Say When is Sin le-Breast Fitt Ba (Goat : vill mean «shipment - of forty cp Lapum Logals. [one of the finest yachts on the river. od ed ck ® loads of grapes Lapum, Sept. 12.--Service was hele | All veterans desiring land grants Ski ts &C {here in the schoolhouse, Wednesday | from the government must have their . ; " I " " Wedding At Enterprise. | evening Rev. D. Williams took| applications in before the end of this With two imitation vests, silk lapels, collar Napanee Beaver tharge. A kitchen shower was given | month, as the time expires then. The : : . ud bs On Wednesday, September 2nd, at |Peter Stover and 'his bride, Thursday f time has twice been extended, but will and pockets, trimmed with braid ornaments, This is the finest collection ever shown in the Methodiat, chyrch,, Enterpeiss, the |evening, on their return from their | not be again. mercerized lined throughout, thirteen gored Fol i" Ns . marriage took place of Miss Tressa |wedding tour to Toronto, Niagara Mrs. Sterling Holland, Portsmouth, cA ade i ack ¢ av y yi . Kingston. Every garment guaranteed neck vounwest daughter of Mr. and [Falls and other points. Mr. and Mrs. | writess that her little six-year-old skirt, made in black and navy wool vicuna, at at = Bre. Will B I Alonzo |F. BE. B hay i from To- | is a9 'qs latest stvle TMrs illiam rown; an onzo | F. BE. Brown have returned irom To-| daughter did not fall off the side S seas § SU SU . : . | . ) E % this season's latest Ly le Jackson, only o of Cornelis Jacke | ronto and Niagara Falls, Mrs Re D. { walk, but was pushed off the walk by A aed . . fare sci or son, Rev. Mr. Whyte ofhciating we | Brown spent wirsday with Mrs. | philip Atkinson, with the result that As ther 3.18 only 2 to cach de BIO, an bride entered vthe church leaning on | Stanley Brown, Wilton. Miss lertha the little girl's right arm was broken. carly inspection is advisable If you wish the arm of her step-father, to, the Fitchett, Roslin, is spending a few | Evidence was taken at the police re a laree choice ole , trains of Mendelssohn's wedding | days with her cousin, Mrs. W. Laptm. | court on Saturday morning, in the to have a la: Be « hoice to select from. march, played. by = Miss Lora Lock- Mrs, Clara. Lapum and Mrs. R. Bore | ort on, cade of Alfred Coward and wood. was attired in white liberty called on Miss Laura Homan, Camden | Charles Dean, accused of stealing a » A Pl < Sh Oo G d satin, with trimmings of chiffon and |East, Thursday afternoon. James | tree off Bell's Island. The magistrate | easure to ow ur 00 S, laces. and white hat with plume. She | Huff purchased three fine tows from | afterwards dismissed the onsl. was attended by her niece, Miss Hat | George Jabeock. Harold Huff, on the The 'Trusts and Guarantee company, tie Bell, attired in white silk, while [sick list, is convalescent. Mr. and | limited, Toronto, are appointed ex- | Stanley M. Wagar was best man Af- | Mrs. James Huff attended on Tuesday | utors under the terms of the will ter congratulations had been offered | evening the lawn social in Camden lof the late John W. Vanderlip, of the wedding party drove to the home | East, at St, jluke's parsonage. [Calpsyille The estate is valued at of the bride's parents, whet a table | {about $14,000 and is made up of ladened with dainties was awaiting. | Killed Going Home. stocks and real estate. About twenty-five guests were present Port Hope, Ont., Sept. 12.--Henry milton the bride of | PASSENGERS INDIGNANT After the usual toasts, Neville, aged twenty-two years, ------------------ -- sw changed her lgfidal attire for a travel- | Cavanville, a popular young farmer, | a You chan always depend pon obtaining Hing sit of ble chiffon broadeloth, | was instantly lor Tate ast night, | At Treatment They Received at something different here to what' other with hat to match, god Ne, hd ee. | when he jumped from a Jreigtit frat Quebec. . , Jackson accompanied by friends, drove | ging west and was struck by an cas : oe Sa 5. : 3 people show. & to the Stations and tak the six bound light engine. Neville had bee Montel, Sept, 2A party . pm oO clock tram lor oronto and lagara t camp in Kingston, with the 46th Striped Broadcloths at Toc yard. Fplie to spead their honeymoon. 1 he Reaiment. and came up on the freight Canadians, who have been travelling abroad and returned by the Allan lin- er Corsican, reached hfe to-day in a 0000080000000 000ETIOTEUATOE0N0eOsOENsSTR FING 'Going Away? Don't forget to see our Special Trunk - at $5.00. Canvas covered, brass trim- med 2 straps, brass lock, iron bottom and rollers ; splendid value. Ny Our Special Suit Case, made on an iron frame, solid leather, good lock and bolts, 4 straps inside to hold goods, selling now for $5.00. Same. with 2 straps al round, 75¢ extra. 3 colors to select from. Che Toockelt Shoe Store. ' .. aah groom's gift to the biide was a' purse |. 14h his companions on an earlier | : : " \ J Novelty Suitings. One length to each de- E rney 10 the bridesmaid 8 Ting Set {Cait Te ae mbes of the A. highly indignat frame of wind hii . XT n . : r GROG ne earls o th NE 2 ¢ Revastors": AN ir tre en he hands o © sign. V ery latest ideas. $8.00 to 15.80 with Sar 4 } i neg axle, Io ie |U.W. and Independ nt Foresters, and {medical branch of the immigration each lo Be mar % oid or a ' Br wh sata > noted' solo. singer. | department at Quebec, which subject- . organist a gol PRE OK set | a > ith "Bearls | ------------------_--------_---- ed them to the same rigorous exam- English Cheviots in Black, Blue, Brown, With pear] | Baseball'Om Friday. _ lination as the newcomer from the - ' rastern League--Mc real, 6; Toron a 8 SR % BV EPAE - : "we : . a Died In The West | Eastern League--Montx \" | slums of Europe. hey are very sore &e., &e. The rough fashionable weaves, |, DediaThe West. I ieimo, 5 me Tm 3 vo et ot Brin 75 90c¢ 1.00 25. 1.5 rard | dre, ta, 30 Very | Buffalo, 6; Rochester, 2. | ond-cabin, first-class cabin passengers oy PLU ait on) ara, 4 vol : 4 Oc., $1.00, 1.25, 0 yar sid death Gn Ce this week, = American League--Cleveland, 4; St. [hy the payment of a little mare money a . re 'Q yO For 1 road - the person of Mrs. George Hatt, aged | uic 1. New York, 4-1; Boston, sh Id be exe twithé i h- Compar ¢ the values we offer in Rroad rt wars. who, besides two young | Lc uk ow) or Eee YT houle e ex prt notwi hétanding ab . 3 jthurty | Washington, 2-0; Philadel; , sence of social distinction between cloths with what others are show ing. {children, leaves a husband, who has | Chicago, 1; Detroit, 2. : _ |them. An indignation meeting was Our $1.00 quality is equal to the regular [been helpless for some time, Ow ol National leaguie--New York, 6; held and resolutions adopted protest- 1.25 . {partial paralysis, The deceased lady { Brooklyn, 1. Pittsburg, 2 Cincinnati, {ing against returning Canadians be- $ «<0 one, [was a daughter of Mr. and Mr |} Philadelphia, 7; Boston, 2. Khica- ing treated iy this, manner, and de- | Hugh McKinnon, McLaren's Depot, { go, 8; St. Loul 3. manding that the government amend ---- - {Ont.. and was highly thought of m| ------------------ the regulgtions so as to relieve Cana- the community. She was accorded the | Jf jt is a question of price--then, all | dians frSm such humiliation and an- . - | ® Hargest funeral Airdrie has vet seen. { things considered, "Salada" is the lnovance while returning from abroad. New Frillings {Rev. Mr. Brown, Presbyterian pastor, | reatest tea value for the money paid, [The resolution is "signed by F. M. Bell { preached the funeral sermon. {for experience has proven that "Salar | Smith, R.C.A., Toronto; Robert Laid- rm nt da" '(packed in airtight lead packets law, F.R.P.S., Hamilton; Rev. W. H. | Ne WW Collars | YI'ry Bibby's nobby 32 hats | is tea excellence. Hincks, Toronto, and a large num- ; i A man is known by the quality of.! There passed away on Wednesday | her of other people mostly from west- 3 . candy he buys. Why not get the best, morning one of Arnprior's best citi- ern Canada. : {Huvier's or McConkev's. Fresh on zens, in the person of William Scho- Saturday, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug |field, at the age of sixty-three years. Try Bibby's celebrated $2 hats. Store. | Feathers, gloves, laces, fancy work, At the gesidence of Mr. and Mrs. | Many a young mtin's fafkcy turns tolete:; ete, cleanediby our new niethod; | Wesley Brown, Frankville, on Wed- . downright foolishness {look like new. Warwick Bros. 'Phone {nesday, an auspicious event took, | 'Try Bibby's new $1 shirts. | 650, ¢ : place, when their second daughter, : . a { Most of us are willing to let ihe} LE Hediow and his daughtef, Miss | Miss Estella Lottie, was united in ® a tainted dollar return as a prodigal. |Olive! Renfrow, who have been abroad|marriage to Alexander D. MeChire, Try Bibby's swell $1 shirts. {for some months. havp arvived home. | son of Mr. and Mrs. A. McClure, Fo- The world is full of adepts at blame | Washington, D.C., has a typhoid fe- |iedo, s shifting. jver epidemic, Try Bibby's new $1 shirts. secoeSesavend secaANEARNEASCRERO ES aEseen L$900AREE0EERIERaRIREIERESOEICRR00S » : : : : : : : t