PAGE EIGHT. : TEE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1908. =ISHE § DETERMINED) ONE BAD MISTAKE AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. Is Ereqiently Made By the Wisest | Dates of Some of These For! I of Kingston People. THE MARLBOROUGHS ARE It's a serious mistake to neglect Brighton - ny P | backache. Backache is the first symp durk's Fall ARTED FOREVER. {tom of kidney ills. Jatal JLonmplica Bobeaygeon v i {tions may dollow. Boofh's hidney Brockville - Sept. 15.1 1s. 17, ry All [Efforts to Bring About a Re- Pills act quickly to osercome Kidney | Gobourg--Centrat ee Sot. i sad Hg J US T AR R 1 VE D FC SR 'onciliation Have Proved Ab- ills, do not. delay until too Inte, it | Solborne Sept. 24 abd 4. % solutely Fruitless. may mean Diabetes, Bright's Diseas: furnwall - ~ Sept. 10, 11, 12 | { i Read what a Kingston resident says re 1 . A Rp 33 London, Sept. 12.--The Duchess of | Nps. J. Stirland, of 253 Sydenham Cana 3 1c and 4d Marlborough, despite the oft-repeated iirect. Kingston,* *®fht., says: "Some Lansdowne ho *| ; Tr rumors to the eon y, 1s a8 confirm- | tun years ago M1 Stirland suffered | Lynaburst ' . London, (W Sa u day. ed. ns ever Mm Seg : erminbiion % with a broken shoulde i ppeom { remain separated from the duke. L fall. The shoulder beifame v age Marmora . is true there have been frequent and 4 his back: was weak. } kidneys Morrishurg - numerous attempt on the par of Ly ine badly affected and there were Me ekvill -- Men's Box Cali Workine B . Ving friends of both to bring abott & re v » mt : f Bright's disease Nontore ¥ Mens box alf Vv orking Joots, Blucher ation. bat tow all fucthee ol a Symi ours 0 1 Hel . Napanee . ' conciliation, b OW a irther that api develope e became | S08 si yle, { leather lined, ood heavy soles, fort in this direction has been aban- be ould it sleep. The de Duasta. © ntral) { Q a » : | : ' 5 a 3 and could ne 1 . (Ce $9.50, > . doned, owing te the Bann i at | ire to. urinate was so frequent that | Perth & Sept. 8 aia 4. titude ol both husband and wile, he would leave his bed many times | . Sept. 28 ane I » WwW ine B : » 'exact cause of the separation | Ty ' : Sept. 39 and Men's Tan Working Boots, Blucher style, The 'exaet on ded acpatalion | juring each might. The urine was Sept: 17, 1% 19] o 1 soles. €23 00 : , has never been disclosed, as Teylhey scant and scalding 'and a heavy brick | Roblin's Mills .. sosiennensss O0t $ut rood soles, £5.00, has ever cared to ventilate their grie- just sediment was always noticeable. | Renfrew ..... - § «a7 ava I=. | : i : ; : Yorces Ih court. But thic rouch is gust, dim i i al ny \ his wd "| Sturgeon's Falls -- Be 4 nud a4. | Boys' Box Calf School Boots, Biucher, known, her grace has found the WIR iT a Xo [Be Kia Spencerville Pte 2 and 30.1 1 Bh ¢1h iol ? A do Sp ion unti w used Booths dney | Stel Sept. 29. - er comfo hile e noble duke & ' yx oronto 2 , Sept. 14. 0H LIE : ' ox i : Store, on advice of a friend. He soon | vankieek Hill ... Sept. 15, 16, 17. d; 3 boys' Calf Blucher, sizes 11 to 13, $1.25. only recently ad openly eSprossed to found relief in them and it was a very Winchester... , Sept. § | Anty Dru fe's Vision., ' ns distinguished ele Ye Be sho ime ¢ 1c had cleared | X00 Isla - -- NE - = School Boots, 11 to 2, good soles, Churchill, is increasing disifke, mot "CUS AE BEC the BEE tcl to | WARD mmm Z=ZT0T Sei 4 a i | Anty Drudge had finished her weekly wash before 5. po cor onde ak havior tor juormal? Dress For A Small Girl Hoon and she sat in her comfortable rotking chair and : MY XTherh) cOndual, and He "| Sold by dealers. Price 50c. The R. : : ozed o] PF \V ance Ki OF . . ward him. | " ' "od. Fo rie h ATE . ot of Women's House Slippe rs, made '0. doubt 'that ihe duchess L a, limited, Fort Eric, | Ai : And in a dream, she saw an unhappy woman bound o' weed, leather soles, sizes 3 to 7, only is feeling the absence of the mascu-, Mt» SOl¢ Lanadian agents, ie «Bh with fetters, her right arm chained to a washboiler, her n* % line protection to which she was SO . ! i" : ] | my * long aceustomed, but she is becoming PRODUCE AND PRICES.. Bo i left arm to a washboard. dati. One lot ol Buby Boots. sizes 2 to 7. hard more and more used to relying solely : i | And the sun was setting and it was growing ar I {) : yr 0 Tr DN. y and entirely on her own judgment, The Figures Paid on the ! And she dreamed that she touched the shackles on CALACE 018, DiC, both in her business and private mat- Markets. , } \ , : . of Fels-Naptha soap. Cs $1 Cat ' G1 OF o ters. Indeed, the duchess is develop-| Kingston, Sept. 12.--Prices were XA HS " | each wrist of the woman with a bas 1 4 a d f iP Special Sait Cases at $1.75, 2.50 and 3.00. ing a wiliulness and © strong-minded- | quoted 0 the whig, to-uay, as iul- i And they fell off, and the woman arose giac ree | -- {J free from washday drudgery for bo ore, And Anty n Ie ness absolutely amazing to those who | lows : lL I i she! Ilour and Feed--Flour, baker's, $2. Drudge, arousing from her slumber, knew that what she oe knew her in the days when / 4 thought it her duty to consult her | Yu to $5.10; farmers: $2.00 to $3; 3 | dreamed was true. husbpnd In everything Hungarian patent, 83 to $3.20; oat - i ) Ww é Outside her charitable work, - the | mea: and rolled oats, >1.40 to $1.50 d & ! : . duchess has been caused much con- [tornmeal, $1.80 to 52.10: bran, $ « , Ie SEPENCABLE ) bod son en a te] TS = The greatest emancipation proclama- cern by the illness of her second son, | $2 = OHOES --~ they Hon, Ivor Spencer Churchill. The [ton; straw, $13; hay, se, 12; ? ih 1 k i : 5 to $16 ton since Lincoln's is 'printed on the bac boyy has been found to have weak [to $14; pressed, $15 to $10. lungs, Fr addition o being a vietin LS « vd, 205 ) loze : a a ong» clin) Kgpe Now Ind. Zoe. per dozen. | of the red and green Fels-Naptha soap of anaemia. Immediately his mother Lisi Oats, dde. was informed of the lung trouble she | wheat, $1: buckwheat, Suc: bark na fort ft troul vheat, $1; buckwheat, ; barley, i wrapper. Ite 1S the directions for using rushed him off to St. Moritz, Swit | 70c.; rye, ide. to Xfc.; peas, §1; corn, ' ' 7 A zerland. After a course of 'open air |best. 95¢.: mixed. 90c uw (14 > hi y best, Joe; Jaited, 30. we AT. | Fels-Naptha in washing clothes. TICE EEIOP PSE ERIORE BREE 000000000 TRETION treatment i re the duchess to] Butter--Clolos. oreaticm farn ttle 3 : 8 return to ondon to id se al fers' butter, prints, 27c.; packed, 25c.; attractive tile dress Kk 1i:Lle . } F fe important social finetion [rolls 25¢, : : gird as 4 usteated Ih Hie Sgcompiny It is also a different way of washing. ' fresh air for her ailin on s mn Ea Je | uttor . ; : hi 5 . Ganong S G.B. Chocolates all the window sashes of the place re 35g. AO Assen Giixi tution, Ph tinen in a darker shade of blu ° wrecking methods w hich uséd to be : moval, the boy sleepin i * . ttle beg heavily pade i the open nir. This Fish--Salmon mt, . + worked in washable mercerized cotton thought necessary. Noy he | taken the boy Ii Meat--Beel, carcase, I'he model was ¥lioht blue Always fresh. The finest in the city. a er rap ot skinned dighy herring, 24 ba er -- ---- to the Kentish clifis, and has rented | choice ents, Gc. to 15¢. Ih; pork, 0c. | | skis of the little frock the It has freed millions of women from wash- be pr ety oe auarter, Be tole simply with a dep hem. The | day 'drudgery for all time to come--from whitelish C. 3 pike Oe, hot Sn a fe J Are you still a slave to these old-fash- per ton; shorts, OO 0) loria month a httle place North Foreland Lodge, n sroadstairs, (ge. Ih: cut ; ' o dre and close to the sci 1e duche 3 ey So s gold 910 Ele 1 RE hy ; ase, oe. to Se. per li; cutie } with a revere collar embroider slavery to the old back-breaking, health does nothing by © We more | 3 z i : hal 2 mare 1 ¢o 13c.; spring lamb, 2c. Ib: « PS, in fre dots. epibroidered ry we COO the boy 1s improving I'he duchess' devotion to o ; (o : OU herring. armoy Mod S th i | . ) oY - @ | has aroused much sympathy and ad 5 i' 3 : 5 § c , > a 11 - - A.J. REES 166 Princess St | miration aimons her mors totam | dori; Aduntic salmon, soe, Ih; sate] EEE i | foned methods, drudgi ng away every wash 3 $ [friends whe 'usually delete she | Soil, To: to Jigs, G10; halite a l | day, wasting your time and your work and Hw . FR . (duties of sick nursing to professiona "ve. 3 ¢ dock, Ve, Df RB | . = Phane 58, fegflond, remains Seanulile with his} hullbeads, file; a Wo. red horrine, toc, | REECE wearing out clothes before their time? (S(@le vine an sie siaielis) es 00 es 0 sale . ) y: ; pies - dest son, Lord Bland- 13 bof; maceersl, J40 8 dh. trou i Fi ] ret = \ T CEOs PTB OE EEO fo "semaint mean while" with his | 246 10 perch, 30. don rugs | |S Then stop. Use Fels-Naptha. Wash your . vher il Menhein, and when the | iegs, bh ClECoes, on b.; ue- | 3 Se a : | 3 » gab fohess wishes tae Lo) / I-| fish, 150, & Ja: lake horeing, 10¢. lo SET | clothes in the new and easy way in cool or ysil brought to her by tie tutor finfian haddie, 10e., 12i¢. lb.; red § p | : summer or winter, with- duke has not been in Sdhderland snappers, le: founders, 10c.: fresh, | ¥ = | lukewarm vvater When the duchess comes back to | en; fresh lobsters, 30c. a. lb: sen bass, | 8 2 | out boiling or hard rubbing. Easy directions Honse since the separation salt water herrings, 40e. to Cle. doz-| ton she intends 'going *to New York | 121¢. H.; smoked salmo Ie "i Shad Rs 2 . r 8 along | Toni iyimaked sslmon, Jie. a Jb. | ; a on the back of the Fils-Naptha wrapper. in the latter part of autumn, alo: Poultry---Chiekens, 60e. to 5c. per | vit hie othe « . a]- | : . > " pe | with her mother; Mi 0. bel | pair; turkeys, $1.95 to $1.75. | mont, who. in Pari | Fruit--Lemons, 20 er dozen: or | x ts A -- } anges, 40e, 60c. jer dozen; ¥ 7 PREETI HS BACTOT 7, WN IRR AA YS STWR Se i AOS Tk RG "8 Save The Children. Fablets in the house may THE CUT PRICE SALE OF HIGH Bin Libis in tw Mouse mia © ; . - - ! maby fe during the hot weat ots, 2k Yar. be CLASS SUMMER WAISTS. Lor months. Stomach Sroulen, chara | arcs erm Made up in the latest styles of the finest Lawn, Mull and ! ji 4: gyiatthoen JCRILY of . do pn bruhthe Bd ) 1 of little ones very um- {1 v tomatoes, 60 r i ol f Spot Organdy, beautifully tr imme with Valenciennes Lace, 1 nost cases because the mother Wool, washed, lhc. to 16e. | and open, and blind Embroidery. One third off. loes no ve a safe meditine at hand | she P skins, fresh, 75e.: tal laby's Own Tablet dere Sc. per lb.: deakins 5 New White Skirts, in La wn, Linen, Pique and Cotton Repp, Sh Uv to ihe well child oi i So shins ie. per 1 ' hides, No. trinimed with Lace, Embroidery, Self-Pleating and Folds, at the trouble coming « Hie 8 Hoth : - a o id : ides, 32.50 each. $1.50, $1.95, $2.00, $2.25 up to $5.00, : ers . . piate or harmful drug. Mrs, George| There nO one ar Be in Time While All Sizes are I mt Lots: (no. of medicines ther in in Stock. hi t e " i flered 5 oh Iv from Sun ey He Ts and eried - ; p dle ' 1hlet oon cured her ' ow un plump healthy lye rd ob . Bei Iv. et { : ; David M.Spence, ever hk an hoor ian ough | erved by virulent power 'to ur Our Grealest Year 4 an ho 'ness. wou Hi heep of same other wn 1 ave w ' + de ol -T ca ' " ablet O any dealer i ma worl e. but the x | to on cl 1 ¢ YTB C4 y . . . A . . The Leading Millinery Store, 119 Princess St. icine or by mail at" 2c. a box, [whe make hon sot cauale in : n epite of induétrial Storms and financial depression, SAL ITERPN A ats wa] on ron iviiams' Medicine com-| 1 you are true to yourself you will check book i roof o iis Company has steadily marched forward. rockville. Ont Folv be toe to oil -- li 3 ad of losing ground, or even fanding all, The New Diseases 'f oh SY oases 7 rs 3 : . : The Mutua! Life of Canada wrote MORE busidess last year than 1n any other one year in the Company' s history. 8 g it i Pr g, i Eat ie mea fe: GIS The total new fisurance amounted to $7,081 402-- . 2 ul 0 I Fes ET Vi I | uy roneh : fo & dt Re at bes a gain of $1,577,855 over 1906. And all but $78,000 ~~ ee ; RAR AE : ait & of this was written right here in Canada. LOM 3ARD PL UMS BARTLETT PEARS | o wr h, a : : os TN The Mutual Life of Canada is the people's Company Rigi 5 By J ; -- conduc td i in the interests of its policy- -holders who get all the profits. TOYE'S, King St. = - BEE "WEIN Ler. . vom 00 0 00000000000 |, A § MADE IN KINGSTON, "CANADA. Qi He i two By s stomach clea = 4 & 3 3 ¢ Gv Le : JOOO0000000000000000000 0GO00000000000CO00C000 atk «Imperial Grown Brand | simon tes | RS : Underwear fl CORTTUL LL. (EEE Awe. SE $0 | 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT Imperial Crown Brand dv :. Wo rely on re- 9 Ar nt the dead ; n to IANS $ A By ; 3 . ] } 2 The largest assortment yet; cheap at Cr own Brand. For the balance of the season we will sell Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers and Garden Hose at a discount of The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co., Ltd a -f J : 0 5 " py " | 20 Per Cent. Off MONTREAL We should be happy to get sick Be. SERRA : ; 8 HAT CIR Q Our line of Refrigerators ranges in price | Manufacturers of the choicest Sow fo Step Diarrhoea. | L ; To \ Han ; 2 from $6.00 up to $35 00, R E F I N E D S U G A R S Ht is sure to come with the summer / + No preseription 18 sO swift to relieve 5 3 . : Si oli - . and go certain to cure as "Nervi- | i p-- % -- Q '1 PRIN Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely from Cane |iine." In all bowel disorders, cramps, : 1% ELL Jd0O I I E SRO S., ST. UBSS Sugar. Be sure vou ask for "St. Lawrence." diarrfioea and acute indigestion, Pol CHARLEY CRAIEWIN, - #) ugar. OE 2 WE , : {son's Nerviline is unsurpassed. Try a! In "The Awakening of Mr. Pipp," at The Grand, on Monday, Sept. | 8 DO0I00000000000000068000000000000000000H000 D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SON, Agents for Eastern *Ontarfe. 05. hottie, oi 14 th. '