THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1908. TRAVELLING, . BROTHERS 5 INYO LV ED L THE NEW DIPLOMACY. S-------- : i Scholarly Contribution to a Ger- Kincstong PEMBROKE 1 man Review. AILWAY BRUTAL MAFIA CRIME IS Vai © HEAVILY PUNISHED. EN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway "a D {Participants in Outrage on Two 2 ] > ; Jomano-- hE E i WSirls Get Sentences Aggregat- agit * Ts Z rat . Ninetv-One Years. fed ' 5 0 Centra Canadian Exhibition f= FmnrOme Years, oe = 7 ilan, Sept. 15.--At the Palermo : i : i Ottawa, Ont. Sept 18th to 26th assizes yesterday severe sentences were Sept. 18th to 26th, inclusive...... $3 passed on four emissaries of the Mafia 4 J . Sept. 22nd, 24th and 25th... ...... 32.7 who were concerned, on October 31st . P ido Return Limit- Sept. 28th, 1908, last, in kidnapping the two elder 4 " «We_Want_Them daughters of Signor- Zocchi, a well a 4 s . WESTERN EXCURSIONS, SEPT. Ca known dairy proprietor, resident in 17, 18, 19, the Sicilian capital. : . . . : A Returns. Paces ron. Kinga The girls, whose ages are seventeen * The biscuits which please us must be brown DETROIT : : ; $12.00 4 and eighteen, were enjoying an even we and crisp and firm and dainty, with a well-raised, ing walk with their mother and younger sisters, when they were seized 4 4 ' evenly-baked crust. by eight men and driven off in a couple ] L o : of carriages, in waiting around a cor- : "Mother says such buns require a steel oven, scien- ais POLE sad A ; 3 i ner. The girls were gagged with their Bow i i 4 . . Na Tana a By y al = ; \ own shawls to stifle their screams. 3 tifically constructed, uniformly heated, perfectly ventilated ; A } I'he mother anddittle ones were : table to identify among the kidnappers ; -- 'PANDORA' OVEN EXACTLY." two brothers named Billeci, who were F. CO Age D CORAL, cor geal X assisted by an old-unele named Ste- A EZ" When you see a "Pandora" Range the sale is made. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. 5 fano. Y (8280 Mor | Train leaves union station, Ontario street, It s set- ' 8 i appeared that shortly after set DR. DAVID JAYNE HILL. daily s excepted) for Tweed, !tling in Palermo from Vicenza, Signor A . denham Napanee, De R lanne k Zoechi had lent two brothers $2- Dr. David Jayne Hill, the new Am- A ahd o | points Sorth Marah, aa 123 a0 nded 000 to build a house. As associates | erican ambassador to Germany, con- : Of . route your ship of the Mafia, which mostly preys upon | tributes to a monthly review his op- via Bay a ee Railway x Eo . unwary non-Sicilians, these men had | inions of modern diplomacy and the Sarticulass, ANY 10 ati 3 (0) g Any not only showed no intention of . re- | duties of modern dipiomats. Hither- Agent, "Phone, ! . 5 - . ' a paying Signor Zocchi, but began a |to, he says, the foundation on which policy of extortion, finishing up with | the diplomacy rested was the doctrine | ) I en-Angle a demand for both daughters, with | that. .each state existed for iwelf |. London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St.John, N.B, Hamiiten, Colcary. £3,000 dowry apiece. Signor Zocchi | alone, and the chief task of the diplo- Garment bluntly refused, and thereupon the | matist was to help strengthen his own ? "FOR SALE BY LEMMON & SONS." brothers conceived the idea of ruining | state by weakening the others and de- ~~ p 3 the girls in order to compel the fath- | stroying competition from them 'n his | Se---------- _-- [BEN I rYoves er to come to terms. own country and injure their trade THOUSAND ISLAND PARK. . ¥ | When, on the day following the kig- | and industries in Wai countries. fy A Inapping, 'Carabinieri tracked the gan "Now," says the ambassador, "a {yap f i L 3 ¢ » t a gang > a) x ) e Number of People Still at : , el im i oii iva 5 J-¥ 13% AL ZY" to a ifn house, rented hy the | different view prevails, and just as g This lll . ra EY + Pog 4 { Billecis, they had to break down five | modern political economists have over- T} 1 Tsland P k Sept: 14 or d : . stout doors before they could rescue | thrown false economic mercantile sys- 0USAN Slant BE Open Season. Defective. the captive virls, who were discovered | tems and the supposed advantage of A large number of cottagers still re- . in a heart-rending condition. possessing the largest stock or the | Main here, enjoying the balmy Sep- t - on NET: N On gefusing enbicing viands spread | precious metals, so the modern dip'o- | tember weather. The Ocean Grove or- This trademark makes every nek 3 out on an artistically decorated sup- | matist must discard the old diplom- chestra, i numbering 150, arrived un FIT- . il New Brunswic 2] R S 1s ] ad cr table in an upper chamber, and | acy and instead of separating nations : hursday, std will opping a! The : --fnan «. jud ze of fine hand-tai ored 3 > = o ar Wr [§5'4 01) Regs } also the blandishments of their cap- | bring them closer together; inzicad of oman, anc vi e E 9 tio REFORM September 15th--Novembe ' 30th : ARLES y Bll tors. the sisters hod been horribly hp sowing dissensions among them intro- day Se They seem * be ghioying theme garments. - CC i sy ' saulted by the brothers and uncle, | duce order, law: and justice for their | S¢IVes and have a number o moar . . : Nova Scotia : When You while the rest of the conspirators, | mutual relations. boats in use daily. Un Setifdal ag g Wh h finds h Fi Ref October Ist November 30th S I a PN feasting below, sang songs to drown "The best equipment for him who Suartered te, Steamer New Sand en ne t ie 1t- orm - he victims® cries. A stubborn «true | seeks to do this is a knowledge of anderer an made a hity-mile elect Fen-Angie the vi ri tubborn str ' k re. hl Quebec ; 4 gle had taken place, the supper board history, and as a skilful phy Sajan, rab h teliew's sohveition arrives tn J Wreath, he has found everything + « Ri as overturnea an TOU Stre yroceeds to first acquaint himself with Lig hate men s m September 1st-- December Slst| 8 Underwear. ah ep urna And the roum strewn DB physical J physiological | few days for a short stay. The ho-|- that constitutes the best 1 in tailoring. The guilty brothers were arrested in | history of the patient before preserib- tels have quite a number of guests . ¢ and the boarding houses are open yet, i a hiding place on the roof, half dead. |ing. so a skilful diplomatist-should : 1 Wri 1 P D : ri Place ob the x ¥, Dalf dead, first t acquaint hmsel poe Borin also all the In ess plgces and mars Cloth, trimming, wor anship, style, fit and rite General assenger Uept. he ampagne bottles by their Victioss tory of states before trying to bring | of the cottagers will remain until the wear--all are included i i th t TERCOLONIAL WINNIPEC MAN CURE { Though the accomplices of the band | jarring interests of nations ip har- | 1st 8 October, I'he Jishive is hes te n a guarantee tha goes qs had flown, Stefano d one other mony." now than at any time during we 1 : re AT N A were aftdrwards athe : ther , The chief danger to-day, Dr. Hill Season. : : with this trademark. a RA | LWAY OF RHEUMA EY | This revolting outrage met with | thinks, lies in the conflict of commer- y he Singhs on the river has Prevent: '1 fitting punis hment x the apportio cial interests, the increase of popula- j¢d many o he boats Irom making.} . MONCTON N.B. . ment of a total ob ine op tion, the desire to acquire or extend Hee Fegulos aps. The Sader I= t is a good thing to look for and a mighty ' A : i ander did not make her regular down ne trip on Friday night. good thing to find and you will always find it in | Remarkable Caze of . Cure Afte imprisonment. A minor accomplice territory and search for new markets For free copies of he Doménico, © twenty-five, ami Gincoppe | medy by asking, "Ts it, then, neces. | D. A. Gardner, contractor, is build- the genuine Fit-Reform Suits and Overcoats, made Spec ialists Failed. got eight years, the vounger brother and new colonies. He suggests a re- Billeei twenty-eight vears' solitary | S8IV to acquire political influence over | in a large wharf and boathouse on i "Moose in the Miemac COUNIY™ |- wionir wana prominent roi | 0 omen i he ed Ey | ie be arn re | Wet cost Tor 3 Th Forte ot Syrw by the founders in Canada of hand-tailored garments. i «5 18 cial advantages therefrom and there- | cuse. Joseph Wicks, of Utica, eh 1 " of this City, who for § l 1 fano was doomed to the gallevs for . "Fishing and Hunting. Sekt If thik | fo | ah tor thirty at n 0 the gall to in?' also building a large boathouse on . 3 ial. ha Bering | : ! I'l vhole article is domi " ; | Crystal Bay. Rain is greatly needed ( W coa $ $ Totants Ticket Office, 51 King an ear oh he eiqu ar: | > rr the Ee that all st omnia = in this locality. At Fine View. mostly Suits and ere ts, 15 to 35. St. East. to. Shy that he as y tal ar > Bedford Township Council. more belong to the real family of na- all the cottages are dpen yet, and Ganeral Passenger Department; | with excruciating pains in the Lack ar Fermoy. Aug. 29. Members all | tions and the interests 'and happiness | will remain so as Jong as' the + fine Moncton, N.B., or apply Montreal | side, which onouneed by "hi (Present. Minutes of former meeting | of the whole family are to be fonsid weather continues. Services were con- Ticket Office, 141 St. James St. | physicians as amatism. - Hot ann passed. Moved, Lee-Seanlan, and car- | ered on the same parallel with the in ducted in the Auditorium, yest ny | cations wets Row ort ed 4 + vied, that these orders be passed terests and happiness of individual J morning and evening by the Rev usual med Mi Myres, charity, $2: 6G. A Smith, | countries and their peopl A. Fulton, of Svracuse | mented by on houndary, $1.50; A. Vanconent. cedar, $4.32 mes Wilson, post LIXIN | to no pur n his desperation. k fon "imath eo oT : T RI ERE A { took Gin Pi n his « t, a Bs im 210 a k, ve 3 i oh Gown Of Crepe De Chine. I'he more you know about tea, the { { J { i [ in a few ho aking » first iq : ies ad, SS, and more you will appreciate the delicate | Pill the pa nr it bs 310 on Opinicon Road J. A. Ken , 3 fragrance and delicious flavor of CRAWFORD & WAI SH wed t in nedy, $10, on Fraime's Hill; F. Bot "Salada" tea. | | | He continu £10, for fencing part of hall p New velvet collars on overcoats, : Sole Agents for Kingston. \ | Ww t E hours he had 1 an \ 3 1 ung, ¢ 1 : Anya astern Kcursions Gin Pills a at 50c- a box nds. Moved, Scanlan-Kennedy, shee or Valet. : Detre t t n for $2.50 i fain oa ted, that 35 be expended or gi (ne. chaix, is ample before marriage; » S 5 does not |! houndary " Hinchinbrooke « xpends 3 \ a Harlem flat seems crampiéd alter- -- ET $f vou ment en ame amount; by Kennedy and Lee & 5 wards. : Buel . hat J Jones ¢ 5 | Dept. B Nat Dy & Clu .y % a : on - re pai : bu i I ake : - - S Li Ti : Co, Limited, 1 116 o Tan tebRls ahd eh a that Ys. | (\ SAO ; A Good Nerve Tonic. | A nap of a ife ime Kennedy and Scanlan, that' J. Wilson \ y J | Will act, not so much directly uuon To Furnish a Home. : get his bonds; by Kennedy and Jones, \ } the nerves as upon the digestive func- 3 : . MO NL I M EN S that Mr. Lee see about Wilson road | | tions and the abundant formation of = As cur Big Mid-Summer Sale is with power to act, also fepair road | | red, vitalizing blood. Nerves can't be bt 0 ; , above rr i LENG 00K ) still booming. Making room for our Fermoy; by. Kennedy and Lee, | y fed on medicine. They can, however, . . hat reeve expend $10 on new road bv | be restored and strangthened by as: f : Fall Stack everything reduced. . Birch Creek; Mr. Scanlan to look over similated food. The mervelous action A b «dain | n . ays 4 : © {the Bedour and McDougall road, with of Ferrozone arises from the action ' V. deh 1 everybody. bg Central Canadian Exhibition INSCRIPTION WORK power to act; Mr. Jones to repair over the digestion and assimilative yd pry j Veranda "P ST J Wr Crosherry's Hill Moved, Scanlan processes. When you take Ferrozone --_-- than cost. a reight. ackin Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 18th to oth SOLICITED. Kennedy, that Alexander Lewis be | the blood is purified, strengthened, i Fea Store ores Be at g : 55 i we ights, ! | 4 nd trip 18 Pe Jesued at ollggtor 1908, for $65, paving hi and grows rich and red. Then you 20. 01 nd 25. tickers pod The Kingston Granite oy pe ge.--Carried. Moved, Ken grow vigorous, healthy and beautiful, = i Me ' n unt ept t t ready for work, because you have the a [JAMES REID 5 strength to do it. No tonic for the ¢ i bari br tii, "blood or. nerves compares with ¥7 r | The Leading Uadertaker. PESSe 0 collect hiteen WELCH'S OLD STAND. mills on the dollar, for county, town ship and special * school grants for pnt 3 4 198. Adjourned till October 24th Ferrozone. Price ! or six boxes for $2.50, at druggists, or Polson & i "Phone, 147. A charming model for a gown of Co., Kingston, Ont Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte| NEW MACHINE SHOP. | Ol ee emline x Lhe oft-finish silk or satin fabric is here . x r Be i shown. The model was in pale bis Ses Steamboat Co., Ltd ; rs cuit color, the skirt made with } a -- e ¥ } J Silver for Children +B train and untrimmed except for a O00 D0VO0IVICOV0 VICUU] i BONCeeoeoreees) RFA Food pushers, baby spoons, leep applied hem, pipe? «at the top KINGSTON, ROCHESTER am tern ma 4 i children's sets, efc., marked with a cord of the same material. Fhe bodice had a little yoke of cream 1,000 ISLANDS Work Y tes \ : V promot. . Chantilly, and was trimmed with sou- / " 8 A ' | « . tache braiding and a little hand em- g ---- De ae . 1 S---------- broider lone shad y eN sntred \ designed fo be roidery done in shades of vellow, Str. C S y lan \ and stand hard usage, green and blue. The sash was of sa- r p | ETT leading patterns, tin to match, as were the small hue Ek Wo Sra Eireann wots wv vesorme wesiene ff [100 vec Ganong's G.B. Chocolates = | itu! wi and Marble Works {50 os, and farricd. that a bylaw NY fil: | | H l The Royal Baby plate makes an attractive gift, and in silver plate is made exclusively by Toronto Street Market. MERIDEN BRITA CO. Toronto, Sept. 14.--Wheat, fall. Always fresh. The finest in the city. bush., 89¢.; wheat, goose, bush., Sée.: oats, new, bush., 44c. to 45¢.: barley, new, bush., 57. to 5c ; rye, bush. v : 3 3 | n v : ne oc.; peas, bush., 85¢. hay, per ton. J REES 166 Prin St Ros al 3 $ \ $12 to $13.50; straw per AAS $12 to e . 9 A CeSsS * yy | RN) F 4 $13; dressed hogs, $9 to $9.75: but- » > : Mail £3 0 : { RS ter ry, 2le. to 26¢.; butter, cream Phone 58. 26c. to 28¢c.; eges, dozen, 25¢. tc i o « ozen, to OBE eae Ee) SPECS ELEPRAREEEEERE EES Montreal to Liverpool Yokit 4 iv ; KN Fe; chickens, dressed, Ih.' le. to In of » » 15¢.; fowl, per Ib. . to lle; ducks, spring, Ib, 12c. to 13c.; turkeys, Ib., 3 hit : r { 4 16e. to 18e.; cabbage, pes x dozen, 30c. 9 ve pure hasers ia { to 40c.; onions, bag, $1.25 to $1.35 : Stanfield Ss of" the-lines still left. > a ) potatoes, bag, SOc. to We; apples, In the course of a few | N bbl, $1 to $1.75! beef, hindquarters Unshrinkable ° , course A 50 10 S10. oct, fonan Soquatiers, ALL GRADES. LOWEST PRICES. be obtained from P. H L} Agent 1 we' will have our, new "T.R, ¢ 8 KIRKPATRICK, Local s nd ve rill bi ! $6; beef, choice ease, 38 to $9: 31 WILLIAM BT. Agents, : nt oo the | beef, tedium, ca Ss 50 io 86.50: Underwear Canada Metal Co..Ltd., + TORONTO, ONT . 1c A > ) very latest styles at prices mutton, per cwt., to veal, yffered 1 the S prime, per cwt., 88 {o S810; spring | offere n e | lamb, $Y to $10. fits fect] Eve SCHOOL, BOOTS, oy pe y. ry |= . i HAVE YOUR ; Drive Away Aches. garment is tested on | Kingear & d'Esterre |Regular $1.25 for $1.00] There ic nothing els to be had that| models and the exact | Windows SDecorated will drivé away aches, pains and sore- Children's Boot i : . : CABS ! The kind you are looking for is * Jewellers, | Box "Call, Beton, Looneola a SO am kly-sud keep theta awe ay Size determined. Al G L A C 1 E R | y the kind we sell. : hg : - so surely as Smith's White Liniment : 100 Princess St., Blucher Cut. Sims 5 to 74. It is the one remedy that never fails sizes from 22 to 70 The only substitute for Stamed Glass | 00 Old Stand xa The 014 Num. i i Artistic, able, Economical, by 4 Girls' and little Gent da ¢ r 1 SCRANTON Kingston?" |stront Boots. Sizes 8 to 10. | cure sprains, swellings, inflamma inches: g z i nt 8 tion, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago D. 3. DAWSON Ph 490 Misses Good Pebble Boots, and all, deep-seated aches and pains. - .b, Coal 1s good coal and we guar- {solid insoles. These boots will | [aren bottle, 25¢., at Wade's Drug % winter weiglits. gntes prompt delivery. Phone, -- make good sghool boots. : Store. > . Successor to Dawson and ann -------- - prlctsasor 18 Dawso Staley, "21 | OFFICE NO. 1. he THE - FIRST OF THE SEASON. 51.0 r ir. Your ~dealer can easil a High Grade Planos at Living Prices | All orders promptly attended to Booth & Co., We will have our Iome-Made Por ow] > 0 Pe Pair High class cigars and cigarettes at 2%... and 2 yo he Victor and Berliner Sramophonts wi . t or FOOT WEST STREET. ae SATURDAY 1 3p : H JENNINGS. Ki St Gibson's Red Cross Drug. Store, desired" sizes weigh » tam" \ and ool ine of pr night day. : 4 Jos just as goed r. . 'y ing . Furs cleaned like new, My Valet. ° should hot hav re them in stock. ia . Phone, 570,