THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 180 FELL AT TORY MILL A DRUMMER NEARLY ENDS HIS LIFE. TE ---------- A ------------------ ---------- PURCELL AND KILBORN Waly Don't be satisfied with "just as .good." Ask for - the best hat known-- 'BUCKLEY & SONS should take place at once, accordingly | 3 F H | it was decided that the chairman and! Oh the health officer should interview thet 4 Board of Work's chairman and try an ADVISES THE PEOPLE TO arrange for. the necédssary flushing. BE VACCINATED ... INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up dv Reporters. On Their Rounds. Suits.cleaned and pressed, My Valet. Wiliam Kirby, Portsmouth, is very sick. Wiliam Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MecAuley's. 'Phone 778. Rev. Mr. Jenkins, Kingston, has been with W. H. Fairbairn, 66 Charles street, Toronto. - Seidlitz powders in tin boxes are sold in Kingston kt Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230, . During August there were two cases of typhoid fever, two of smallpox and one of diphtheria. 1 Mrs. C. H. Sharpe and Miss Par- rott left on the morning train to at- tend the Napanee fair. Sole agent for Kingston for the Ta- bard Inn Library. Gibson's Red Cross Drug. Store. "Phone 230. Mrs. D, Smith, 176 King street, has returned from Portland, Maine, where she attended her sister's funeral. Francis W. Jackson, M.E!, of Balti- more, Md., is in the city to spend a short vacation with his parents. Draperies dyed or cleanéd, My Valet. A meeting of the guild of Cooke's church, will be held to-night, for the purpose of reorganizing for the winter months. "Special agent for Kingston," for the famous Tabard Inn Library, Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230. Remember the garden party at Mrs. Ramsay Duff's, Princess street, on Thursday afternoon, in aid of tuber- culosis fund, everybody welcome. Mrs. T. H. Russell, Seeley's Bay, is visiting friends in Kingston, on her way home from Toronto, where she has spent the greater part of the sum- mer. The Tabard Inn Library at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store will receive every six weeks all the new publica- Named As Receivers of Property of A. Booth & Co. : Watertown, N.Y., Standard, Judge Henry Purcell received a mes- sage from Norwich stating that he had been appointed one of the receiv- ers of the property of A. Booth & Co., fish and oyster dealers, who have a branch at Cape Vincent. With J Purcell, John Kilborn, Cape Vincent, was appointed and their duties are limited to the handling of such pro- perty as is within the northern dis- trict of the United States court dver which Judge Ray presides. They have filed a bond of $30,000 with the . Em- pire Surety company as security. The branch at Cape Vincent is said to have done a business of $20,000 a year. Avoid Headache Powders, When your liver i$: rong, cheeks are pale, head aches--don't deaden the trouble with drugs--help out the sys- tem with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sale, mild and sure are Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Buy a 25. box, 'Have You Noticed The style, the quality and the price of ; Our Shirts? Always -something entirely dif- ferent from what you have seen Buckley Hats . England's Best. Dr. Evans, at the request of a physician, brought up the question of attendance at the contagious diseas® : hospital. The physician protested on {A= a Precaution shalf of himself and others against | l pox--City Council to Be Asked the procedure there in allowing al i to Secure a Suitable Hospital | young doctor to attend a smallpox pa- | | | | | Small- Traveller Had Narrow Escape-- Nearly Fell Between Cars of Moving Train. A Lindsdy despatch says: "One of the travellers for Crothers' candy and biscuit firm, Kingston, had the nar- rowest possible eseape from death at Tory Hill on Thursday. The "drum- mer's'" name is Hughes and his route extends throughout the north coun- bry where he is well known and 'popu- ar. + - At Tory Hill he was boarding a train, when it was moving out of the depot and grabbed ,the guard rails of the passenger coach, which was second from the last. One hand slipped and Hughes swung in between the cars. Those who saw the mishap held their breath expecting to see the man fall between | gn. | to meet sure death beneath the wheels of the train. The traveller, lucky for himself, is a mus- cular man, and as the train gathered speed, he swung out again and drop- ped on the platform. The feat was an 'extraordinary one, Hughes being a stout man. For an in- stant he said afterward, he could not get his breath, but he had sense en- ough to hang on firmly with the one hand. "The greatest muscular feat '1 ever saw," said Jack Anderson, of Tory Hill. Against : : tient : ther le with the people = sare For the Disease. [tient and then ming i To Prepare he chairman reported that the doc- had during the past week or so been treating a patient 'a coupie times day The sub-committee of the board consisting of himself, Dr. Ether- ington and Dr Board of Head has dec y council to enforce a4 precaution a amnst an |, The tor 15k + cit cination | as Dining Room tbreak of smallpox here this coming lwinte Brockville had last winter. i" Furnishing 1S spring there have been a Fe of smallpox cases of mild form --ls. easy Buffetis CORRECT TIME Can be secured from the Chronometer in Our Window. Now the City Clock is out of commission this will be very convenient. Smith Bros. Jewellers 350 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. "Phone 666. Ross had notified him that he must either go into quarantine at the hospital or cease attendance upon any patient. They deemed it unsafe for a physician to attend a case there daily and then move about throughout the city ------ A PLEASING CONCERT as nce 1€ No publicity was giveigps practi- With us. Our new lines of}. lly no danger existed ie cases od pars Round fad nJuary | were all taken care of by the Board of prices the lowes [{iealth. which used a frame build- ling on the smelter site as a hospital | None of these cases was ever vaccinated All of them, with one exception, were poor people who had to be tre ated and {kept at the city's expense, the cost to [date being about $1,600 ~The Board of Hearh is now asking the city council for a suitable hospital building for all seasons of the year. Such a building or the money tor one, {the city must furnish. The cold weather god |i approaching, and if more cases devel- Mis-|_ proper shelter must be had for pa- Hn 1 ients and attendants In connection 1¥ | with this, the board puts itself on record las advising everyone who has not been | vaccinated within say five years, to sub- [mit to vaccination as a precaution. No loubt a discussion on the value of vac- cination will result from this action of the Board of Health, but the board has nd are Was Given in St. George's Hall on Tuesday. The stereotyped phrase, "a large and fashionable audience," was quite true of the assemblage in St. George's hall, on Tuesday night, to hear Miss Carolina Molina, of New York, sing, and Miss Muriel King play. And bet- ter, the audience was a preponderat- ingly musical one, and, therefore, ap- pgeciative of the very high type of music given. Of Miss King's playing, =o much has been said in praise, in-the past, that little remains. One of its chief charms is fts cleanness--never a note of run he or chord is lost or blurred, but each {simply asked the city council to carry |receives its full value of tone and out the Ontario Health law time. Another praiseworthy thing is Dr. Etherington introduced the mat- | her skilful use of the pedal, which nev- at yesterday afternoon's meeting of lor confuses a harmony, but only gives . health board when he moved that |g singing richness to her music. Miss th city council be requested to furnish { King received many encores, and at SMDEBOARD S Oak $8.50, hand- varieties at £30 There is siden $7, some in Gg finish, $11, some $22 and each, also uo choice in sion Siyles ished in arly English, We Square FART up to } EXTEN ntyles, $6 Hound TON $7 have 25 or POLICE NOTIFY SCAVENGERS $50 When Calls Are Sent to Police Station. In regard to the complaint made about one of the city scavengers not attending to business, it might be HANDSOME WAGGONS CHINA ( DINING CHAIR ABINET DINNER , suitable building for contagious disease ases [he building being used on the | smelter site would be unsuitable in the and a better building must be secured. The board must take [thi action in the interest of the people, | the The moti {ted unanimously motion of Dr. Evans, Mr. King Dr. Etherington were _gmpower d take up the matter of a suitable site md building, find out the probable cost, appear before the council at its 1eeting te immediate action | cold weather mover said CARPET Che makes in England A ri many A fine in Wiltons, moral I's wen from » . On pe LINOLEUM Block carpet Hn el urge Etherington moved also that council be asked to take the neces to carry out the terms of vac act and that the Board of Edu to carry out the and desi like and CURTAINS ilk Fapesiry Repair lauses Phone 90. rg Ww r. Etheringto 0 d I'. F. Harrison Co. | heen po accmation Chenille, et tep work promptly done jcmation | cation be requested Yours, | out. that profession was in favor rt jof v as a safeguard against smallpox, : {Health to insist upon the law being 0 jearried out here. He wasn't an alarmist, {he said, but as a Y ® [board he prope member of the health 1 to prepare for an em- | ergency It might be reasonably ex- {pected that there would be a number of | smallpox cases here this winter | Dr. Evans wanted the qgestion vaccination left over till the next mec {ing of the hoard to give the members {time to consider it. He said as long as | he was a member of the board, he would [never vote for compulsory vaccination. Dr. Etherington insisted upon his mo- tion being put. Dr. Evans asked f {the yeas and nays and the vote resulted as follows: Yeas--Chairman Corbett, Mayor Ross, ington, Francis King, John Of the Best Quality Wilton Velvet oO board, Dr IC I ed a et abate the R. McFAUL, Kingston Carpet Warehouse 1 | yt Sydenham | ago, wer had been ordered did 1 abate h st orth st wey The N ke the O'Kill street said that was willi Sewer reet .emmon, --: Nays--Dr. Evans.--1. Knight, was absent A communication was received from These Rugs are in sizes, |jubilité of Dr. W: T. Connell, provin 1 bacteriologist at Queen's, to test a3 4. [vi reference of the matter to the {provincial board of health. This the Regarding the str sewer patterns in all sizes we outlet which constitutes a nuisance, the w solicitor advised offer them at cost price. to auisance so as to prevent I The City En gineer has reported upon this sewer and |advocated extending it from the basin, o deeper water. The ntion of the fact that if the city con- | front to become vested in private: cor- a ------------ | porations, the time would come when MUSIC. in outlet for the city's sewage he medical health officer said that AMES SM A i 1 twas floating a in the basin The ol wt A r had been brought to the atten- Professor of Music. tion, of the ¢ 1 logs which blocked the St. Methodist Church. Ss ) 5 Joh S Studic 154 obhnson the nuisance, sewer is a trunk sewer, the K. & P. railway 1g to allow the city I'he other member of the itv Solicitor McIntyre regarding the 8 x 3} yards, 3 x 4 and 3} x| RT AL Not having a full sett of board decided to do. 1 that the city's duty was | ratepay taking action | partially filled in by the K. & P. railway, tinued to allow land along the harbor fit would find much difficulty in securing PIANO, ORGAN, VOICE CULTURE| , The. medical he oc he sewage council over two years Organist and Choirmaster I sewer. The health through gov ffic mgany to extend ernment leased land I'he mayor stated that last year I aken the initiative grant it land 1e extension of a m water--streets that are at [wot] | Intl the its the to re Far-Seeing Investors Bu of Dr. Evans, the board King to appear before -ouncil to urge it to take 1m- steps to have all streets ex ed to the water's edge for the pur of sewage outlet sev m was adop- | the in the act respecting the schools. | the 1 n.d it behooved the Board of | for | solicitor made | umber of | {the last, for an insistent recall, play- led a "dance of Norway, a most attrac- | tive number. ; | Of Miss JMolina's voice, one of its | charms is that it grows on -the hear- ler, developing new beauties. She is at | « best in songs of gaiety, bright- {ness aud lightness being the inherit- ance of her nationality. Her registers are well balanced and her notes are singularly sweet and ring- 4 ing. A pleased audience called her' back again and again, and she sang | weet, lilting little songs in reply. some of MARINE NEWS. is Found About the Wharves. The schooner Jamieson arrived at Wolfe Island, from Oswego, with coal for W. H. Allinson. The fog on the lake is holding number of coal schooners over Charlotte and Oswego. | The steamer Glengarry arrived, { light, from Cape Vincent, loaded corn at Richardson's, and cleared for Mont- real. | The steamer Stranger left, at 8.15 o'clock, Wednesday morning, for Jones' Falls, with one hundred excur- sionists. | The M.T. company's steamer, Kin- mount, is expected to reach Kingston about October 1st. She will be used {in the grain trade. The steamer Argyle, undergoing re- pairs at the government dry dock, was taken to the long pier, at Ports- mouth, for the winter. At Swift's : Steamer Dundurn, down, this morning; steamer Belleville, down, to-night; steamer Rideau King leaves for Ottawa Thursday morning. | A big rush of grain is expected for the M.T. company within the course of a few days, the first batch being estimated at 750,000 bushels. Three steamers are on their way here from Duluth, the Iroquois, Algonquin, and Turret, Cape, and the steamer Rose- dale and Ungava are loading at Fort William. There is plenty of grain to be removed, and as soon as it gets moving, the elevator men here will be busy | What a in B. A. Hotel Arrivals. Samuel Myers, J. J. Codville, Otta- wa; A. A. Marshall, Stratiord] James H. Wolf, Philadelphia; James C. Brad- ford, Robert Vonfelde, New York; Louis Bevins, Waterbury; J. A. Au- bin, Hudson Heights; R. Archibald and wife," Westerly, R.I.; C. E. Smith, Brockville; A. M. Hubbs, Wellington: W. Jefirey Moffatt, Nipigon; J. S. Moutray and wife, Alired Burnet, D. ! Guildbault, P. Ouimet, I. C. Kivard, Foledo, Ohio: J. Houston, B. Hous- ton, Belleville; W. T: Shannon, Smith's Falls; A. J. Franklin, 0. Pa Hamilton, W. E. Thompson, H. C. Taylor, C. E. Davis, Fred. Maguire, L, N. Livingstone, Thomas J. Grady, R. Bell, Albert H. Leake, J. Morrison, J. G. Stephenson, Toronto; T. Royal Jackson, H. W. Snetsinger, P. Miller, J. D. Low Montreal; C. L. Edy, | London; George King, Cornwall; J. { W.. Jones, H. Eyler, Harrisburg, Pa.; E. H. Roeber, Newark, N.J.;: D. H. Kennedy, Harrowsmith; P. Chgrles dillingsley, Ogdensburg, N.Y Montreal Real Estate. John Findlay, real estate agent, | Montreal, who is spending a few days {with friends in Kingston, has been ad- | vised to give our citizens a chance to { buy Montreal land. As will be seen {from our advertising columns, Mr. at i pleased at the camp, will be glad board the a painful was west. had a very narrow ceiving serious several ~severe cuts and bruises, luckily, no bones receiving medical attendance, he able to proceed on the trip. g stated that when calls are received for the scavenger at the police station, an order is written out by the constable who receives the call, and the order is left for the scavenger. Some people have been under the impression that when the police are notified of such cases, that they, themselves, see that the work is done. This is not their work. The two city scavengers work- ing under the hoard of health, have each a box, 'situated at the entrance to the police station. When a police tonstable receives a telephone call, or i¥ notified otherwise, that a scavenger is wanted, he immediately writes out an order, and leaves it in one of the hoxes. ~ The rules of the board of health say that the scavenger must call each morning for these orders, and it then up to him. These orders have been allowed to .remain in the box for days at a time, and that is what has been causing much trouble. , is REPORT FINE CAMP. Men Pleased With Stay at Peta- wawa. \ Men who have been here for & few days, from the camp of the R.C.H.A., Petawawa, speak in the highest terms of the camp. They have had fine weather, and nothing has occurred which in any way marred event. The men expect to return to Kingston about Sept. 25th., and although well to get back in barracks here once more. The men left here in the middle of July, to attend the big celebration at Quebec, and at its close, went into camp at Petawawa. The smoke from bush fires caused some trouble at the camp a couple of days last week, when drilling had to be stopped. A thick haze, with the smoke, set all over the field, and it was found impossible to carry on the work. Injured On Boat. William Kellar, employed as cook on steamer 'l'agona, met with accident, while the vessel Swift's wharf, on her way fell down the hold, and escape from re- He suffered but, After was at He injuries. were broken. Leaving For The West. The homeseekers' cxcursion to the west, over the C.P.R., yesterday, car- ried quite a ity. summer and has sent numbér from this vicin- the excursions during the have heen well patronized, safe to say that Kingston her share of workers to the A great num- ber intend taking up homesteads, and doubt, become useful citizens. All it is yolden west, this year. will, no We dye to any shade, My Valet. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. Walking Gloves tions for the readers of Kaagsion. "Phone 230. L. J. Day, Kingston, is defendant in an action entered at Osgoode Hall by the Dominion Fire Insurance company to recover $1,222.60 alleged to be due 6n three promissory notes. Cleaning and dyeing, My Valet. William Smith, foreman of Brock street fire station, was taken ill at his home last night, and Dr. Ross was called in. is reported to be much improved. Hugo &l Tims, contractors, aiter five years work, have finished the con- struction of the 5,000-foot main con- crete pier of the harbor of refuge at Harbor Beach, Mich. Frederick Hugo, formerly of Kingston, is one of contractors. The annual water sports at the Royal Military College were held this afternoon at two o'clock. A number from the city attended. water sports are always features the fall term. "The Tabard Inn" Library the Red Cross Drug Store special agent for Kingston. Ask for a list of the books now in stock. Warrants have been issued by Col. Hunter for mess caterers from Barriefield camp, who have not yet paid their fines. The fines were to have been paid on Thurs- day last, but they have not been put up yet: The 'two men wanted reside outside the city. The London Advertiser insists that the Kingston Standard has given an exhibition of "fine old crusted toryism when it endorses the doctrine of a superior class born to rule and govern. "This doetrine," says the Advertiser, "is pretty well discredited in this voung, democratic country, even in the tory party. The Standard spoils a good case by trying to buttress it with an argument that smacks either of snobbery or sycophancy." Furs cleaned like new. My Valet. Are you a member of the Tabard Inn Library in any other city. If so bring your book and have it ex- changed at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. George Wouldn't Like It. Advertiser. Our local contemporary curious compound of puerility malice in a criticism of W. S. vert, M.P. It is the first time have heard the theory advanced that a member of parliament loses London shows a accepts the office of whip. has always been honor. In the mother of the position is a mark of special dijs- tinction. "The son of the wroar stone before he entered th was the chief liberay whi. the office has been held our foremost public men. party some The by Leeds, a member of twenty-five years, and Borden's right+hand men. he relish being told that his was a degradation and disqualified him for re-eleation ? one of Gave A Fine Concert. The Salvation Army barracks was filled to the doors, last night, for the concert given by Major and Mrs. Thomas Plant. The programme prov- wd a most delightful one. The major |also favored with a short during the evening. Mrs. Plant ren- selections on the Caifadian The concert was the best some His condition this morning Agent for the large The of com- pany have appointed W. W. Gibson of as their tHe arrest of two of the and Cal- we his usefulness to his constituents 'when he It considerad a post of parliaments saadd- cabinet iy Canada of chief conservative whip is George Taylor, of the commons for Mr. How would post address dered a couple of solos, and also gave before at prices to suit everybody. See Our New Fall Neckwear In all the newest American styles and shades, 25c., 50c., 75c. and. $1.00. P. J. HUNT. "J." Brand Austrian Collar, New Fall ; Dress Goods Our complete stock of New Dress Fabrics has arrived and a peep at the range will suffice to convince that this is the store to buy, your new Fall Suits. Newest Goods, latest shades, and popular prices combine to mgke our Dress Goods section a popu- lar spot for Ladies. French Broadcloths in the Newest Shades for Fall CHEVIOTS HERRINGBONES WORSTED SUITINGS SERGES SATIN CLOTH PANAMA, etc. Wonderful values, at 50c., 75c. and $1 a yard. Headquarters for House- keepers' Supplies, Sheetings, Cottons, Table Linens, Blankets, etc. NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. Persian Jackets to Order Select Your Skins Now, W. F. Gourdier. LL, WEIGHT Are our loads of Coal, and the quali- P. WALSH. GASOLINE PUT IN YOUR TANK AT OUR DOCK. Spark Coils, Spark Plugs, Colum~ bia Dry Batteries, etc. in stock. REPAIRS PROMPTLY Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry. Notice toOurCustomers Our store will close at 6 o'clock sharp every night, except Saturday. A. GLOVER. DR. LITTLE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS sleigh' bells. ever given Complaints were receivgd from - eral persons regarding the flushing of untrapped grates Juring the dry season They claimed that odor was most unhcalthful. The medical health offi said t flushing of grates was rtainly needed. Mr. King said he t see why it wasn't possible to have » grates regularly flushed, The fire- could do it: + He moved that the sard recommen. thé city council to in 1 some system of trapping the grates | street drains and that until this | 1s done, some system ot flushing during "be adopted. This mo- | bia 2 { Findlay will be at the -Hotel Ran- | A | dolph for several evenings and can suit any purse. Best for Women's use, in irregularities or supression, at all Druggists, or by mall, $2, DR, LITTLE MEDICINE CO., Toronto, Ost. ; A HINT TO SHAVERS We are: now selling a Safety Raso which is fully Fuarantoed, y FOR 25 CENTS. Get one and try ita A. STRACHAN S00000000000000000000A OPPORTUNITY. Kingston Business College Limited, Head of Queen Street. at the local barracks. Major Plant is master of several in struments, and the programme was one that was most pleasing. 5 [oo Fo [SA oe oo Jo iT Real Estate The broad-minded person sees the opportunities it off- ers He sees the population ever increasing and with that increase a steady rise in values as the years pass. Great Clearing Sale. | Prevost, Brock street, has made a | great reduction in price in the order | and ready-made clothing department; | also gents' furnishings. Look at dis- | play windows. Our $1.00 Walking Gloves are certainly great value--right up in style and quality to most : $1.25 Gloves. Underwent Operation. We h the best made Eng ave e ™ Stephen on of Stephen Cayless, janitor at the | Jlish made Gloves. Whig office, underwent an operation 3 the general hospital, | vesterday. The operation was a most successful one, and the lad is doing nicely. J CHOWN'S DRUG STORE PHONE IS 343. Free and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Quite A Botch. Hamilton Times. The Kingston tory organ not ready to follow R. L. Borden into so- cialism. It rejects utterly the govern- ment ownership planks of his Hali- fax platiork. 1 Both the Montreal Star and Gazet have likewise pabhcly irepudiated it." As a political carpen- ter, Borden is a botch. is oe] oe (Re eo, As a city grows, city pro- perty enhances. As the farm- ing country becomes more thickly populated, the soil tign becomes more and more in I'he health demand and prices go up. You John Cayless, the young x dry season was carried . Ith officer said that flushing Z Dent's, Fawnes', Perrin's. Peck's Corn Salve. | anon | | A little remedy that every sufferer What about your New Fall leon corns should get to-day. In a }iew days every ofiending corn will be | at Wade's | cannot make a mis- take in buying either King- "4 ston real estate or farmi r yaa] . ih \d no M You can go out to wear it] was A Disputed Account. Hat ? lands in this section, and no : tgone. In big boxes, 15c matter in which proposition --but you cannot wear IT| The division court case of D. Hall . ---- ' [Drag Store. : : out. {vs. J. R. Donaldson, was with respect [4 | S------ |to a disputed account, the point at Take your preseription to Gibson's | {issue being as to whether the tenant Red Cross Drug Store, where it will Hat. you are interested, I can be of real service to you. McCANN'S, 51 Brock street. |or owner was responsible. The judge be carefully filled with the best drugs [found against the owner, {money can buy. In case you wish to { OL thave it refilled on a Sunday this is | the only drug store open all day Sun- ] Importers Of Fine Hats. Makers of Fine Furs, Princess St. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. Leave orders at Auley's Book Store. White furs cleaned, My Valet. 9 J day. H. F. METCALFE, In society it 'is sometimes pockéthook--not your brains. rite or call f la CE. CUNNINGHAM. 8g rrr your Fi, Pi t. ESE A SA i Rp wd |S apie