THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1908. 1 ET -- S---- -- -- NEWS OF NEIGIBORS > * "i ss co mo Other Crimes. WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND: | Rengo, the Great Fat. Reducer, | Pocis, Sept. 16-The judicial inquicy Brings Happi to Battle into the crime of Caesar Tasso, who ENTS TELL US. Es Ppan murdered an Armenian woman at ' Creek Woman. > Marseilles and hid her body in a or : 2 As an ' ordinar illustration of the " gs } ht to light som The Tidings From Various Points | wonderul results' of "Henge mention nk; We rug, the police belie z is here made of the case v rs. Ada L. A a : in Eastern Ontario--What | 5 (00 "OT © ives at 33 East Main § connect him with at least two other People Are Doing And What street, Battle Creek, Mich. - and | murders. ere is her loss in weight, bust i They Are Saying. AAS In January, last year a brother of i plore After. Tasso arrived in Marseilles on busi- 7 pounds... 197 pounds ness. He was in the best of health Glenburnie Notes. t--3T 4 ne : A 3 a 15. Quite a num- Bust--44 inches wil «+ | and had brought $6,000 with him. eR Pa = : Me t The following is a letter writien Vv He slept at Tasso s hotel on the % kh Toronto a hoo, | Mrs. Erskiie to the Rengo Co. at night of his arrival, and was found Opie hn Ir corn cu Some have {end of only 40 ys' treatment : 2 a wv ink FEAR. » arted » their potatoes. Apples "1 can bardly believe my eyes when I dead in his bed there next morning. or arce. Sanford Leeman hax | /00K at myself now, and realize 'how fat | The money was never found. are vers ce. Sanford ax | S" : . . unsightly. I was not over two Some time before that two Syrian fan ed : farm Ww ith patent dengue: sianths aft ¢ uel as though 1 Nrong | merchants died mysteriously in Tas- Ti 1s easy to see why a "policy i in this Cotiipiny Ben The ound is very dry on account of | a new . « » light o + . 4 A ck of 1 wi excellent inve@tment as well as a protection. lack of The wells are getting | It 18 all die 10 Rengo. I started it | s0's hotel, and in their case also the jac kof rai a he have cone to | ®ith. little hope that 1 could eter, got money which they were helieved to | he bi t 87, 081 402 Chain i ii, thi by dt, tease 1 had taken 0 Mahy | have had with them disappeared. { Lag year, the new usiness amounted 0 obalt Laat did pot mis ay while taking Rengo. The police are also looking for oo --1 gan over 1906 of $1, 5I1T 355, Yet the 'operaling Hartington Happenings I guess that was because it tasted sol man whom they believe to be an { bon Fo! "last AFUDELO PP I 28. : much. like Gelieiohs candy. flesh 1 fei | complice in the trunk murder edd expenses were a t the same as year. Ber Hagtob, Sept. Which io very. | msl getting more strength, sd shat [mitled hy Tasso. : lag five years, the actual mortality wad wily sy, ch g oor eC: SB VERY | io-day | can lift a great deal more, can - heavy -grop. (Un account of the dry ldo more work, walk upstairs quickly FR UNION e amount - -expected. And the Interest Income E / weather ire has heen no ploughing without Jetting Aired, ad do SHmost WOMEN on ON. the ° mo $198, 103. : = : everything wi the same e - a ality by done. John Soalin is Suffering rom light as when | was a girl. 1 am simp- | Badly Scare Ex-Minister Wha] " oh tio to 1 aoaller } te a severe attack of typhoid fever AW- | jy feeling fine, and if 1 can't do any d ison \W an expense. al ncome Girlhood Vigor Rogoined. | is Clow was in Toronto last week. A | more than write you this letter, I cer- Feare L Pr} 2 Y I terest Income, and large number from. hee attended the tainly Jus Rt 30 yuu Re mis os 1 Constantinople, Sept. 16.--A nunfher competitors, with-a expanding n r " id : . . . rerso 0 @ 5 » re " & : = 3 . son ie Jificulty with most women les 5 the fect that while Jhey ste ss Yoranto exhibition. Miss D. Compal | Coniuience in 'some on and be, reduced. of distingu a as oon] a favorable death rate; it is but natural that The Mutual Life about the health and welfare of their family and loves is visiting B. Campsall, Ottawa. r. | to write to me and find out ne truth. ted » : peli attention to themselves until Nature says Stop. To prevent this every woman and Mrs. GQ J Pa have returned Redtith lasting Jratitude Lo you and the first women's associatipg>on re- of Canada i 1s earning more profits, which go to the y- : A - 2 0, s NO CO ial . 4 @ ~ - should take Psychine regularly. If creates an appetite and is the greatest of | lame from Niagara where they have | pickine. ¥ Sorvia "= Loord. holders in reduction of their premiums. > digestants. Psychine is a boon to run-down, tired and over-worked women, been visiting for some time. Quite a This same experience can happen to Yesterday they Sharteted a Tnunch 103 for there is LIFE IN EVERY DOSE. Mrs. J.T. Miller, of 63 Notre Dame St., number attended the revival meetings yo ri oi Et har var w e ard Sulleg upon | vert ing wig ; HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, Ont. T B 5+ ""I am thankful! for what Psychine has held in Harrowsmith 'he: thing "just as good" as tinction, demanding sup) ¢ - Winnipeg, proved this, for she says : ¢ Me There is nothing "just a volent works. The launch stopped be- wv i i s. Oh, how I suffered. My appetite sem Rengo. For sale by all druggists ag 1 ed | ode fof we. | Was laid up with Yeaknes ; Yap $1.00 per full sized box, or by mail pre: Jfore the Bosphorus residence of Riza was very poor and my stomach was greatly disordered. To-day I am strong Junetown Jottings. paid, hy The Rengo Co., 8333 Renga ly, of "oo choo "or war wno has , for Psychine has brought me pe rmanent relief. [I feel like a new Junetown, Sept. 15.--The rural tele hide , Detroit, Mich. The SoIpany a A released ad . who was nan now to what 1 did before taking Psychine. I feel the vigor of girthood phone line is very convenient. Mr and | gladly send you a trial package free by |just been released, anc 8 rssh. } Mr cob Warren are spending a few ail, H you w Ihe direct to Detroit ; ro lfrichtened almost to death, believing gins once more." s. Jaco are sj 21 free packages at drug stores, i eo him back t Bi we ks in western Ontario. Messrs. Le For sale and recommended in Kingston that it came to take his ac o prison. He was relfeved on ascertain- . ' NV ne ne 3 land arre AN 2 Summers | by Henry Wade, Druggist. son. E IRY PSYCHINE FREE. Free Trial Bottle. a Warsh | Nilkiam Sym ES y Henry A gg Fae that it "was only the gentle sex ABERNETHY' 5 \ Fane) a th demanding money for the poor. : 3 " o 3 know he Please lat me save & lee tia) of Jacob Herbison tock. in theisip Bishop Turkish womeén are largely profiting . arki » TV ine us per your special offer, « we Rideau. Miss Marie Purvis has Send every PaYCiing U4 Pet your . 1a the Ride ri i by the advantages which liberty has ut returned home after visiting friends in vy ree. CUt amp ial i AtLeris Mi and Mrs. W. B. Warren, et une afforded them, and they may shortly Lansdowne, spent Sunday at Thomas | be expected to be seen dancing at balls eleriy q Franklin's. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben. | College given by Europeans. i ba I 14th, a son. | rs . Ferguson on September Psychine regulates and strengthens the stomach and is an infallible remedy for Mi < I. Mellow has returned to her OSHAWA, ONTARIO THE MARRYING WIDOW all disorders cf the throat, lungs and chest. All druggists and stores, 50c. ome at Sandhurst, after spending a Visitor, the Lord Archbishop of Toronto : ow weeks with Miss Edna Summers. A Residential School for Girls Wants $5,000 ¥rony Farmer For f 1 FOR EV R Y -------- Preparation for the University. Young chil- 3 i 's Falls . Breach of Promise. At. Ferguson's Falls. {ron also received For terms and particu. ; oo a Chatham, Ont., Sept. 16.--J. 8. Fra- | ( Fergusos p Falls, Sent A= Panrich SISTER-IN.-CHARGE or (0 THE ser, K.C., "acting for Mrs. Carpenter, | Emma = I p ulbes Ah : Lanark. SISTERS of ST, JOHN THE DIVINE |, \ijow of Wallaceburg, has filed a | p } . spent Labor day with her mother, Major Street, Toronto 1} writ for breach of promise against Mes. J. Cunningham, of this place. | COLLEGE RE-.OPENS SEPT. 16th. Salem Nersjam, husheior, a farmer of 5 { > | f this place. is dr: Sombra, cle g MN, , i 5 ! 2 Pateias poy je; ob Bis: ba a. Merriam had bought the wedding 3 a We have all the new- ing sand for' a cement flaor NM an or Harrowsmith, on saa conducted | ring ands told her children to call him i 1 del hatn, George Monee: a oh Pt [by Rev. Whiteside, evangelist. . Miss } Pa." but refused to set the day for | : p estpatterns and models visited Mr 'and Mrs. Gray, here, last | Pearl M. Switzer has returned home | the wedding. i : to be found in the ex- week. A serious fire nearly took place Jto Wilton, after a lengthy visit with ! treme and modern up- here last Sunday, when the chimney her friend, Miss Effie M. Clow. Dr. Harry Reid Knows. to-date Footwear. sn Mrs. Cunningham's house took fire | and Mrs. A. H. Leonard and little . EF deuaais it on Mr unningham 1 daughter. accompanied by Mrs. W. G. W. Mahood, Thé "druggist, does | LAST WEEK OF THE SALE and a spark caught m the shingles, McDonald nd 50 avid 1 of peor guarantee Parisian Sage to grow here was a very high wind at the Mctiomald, nd son, David, alt of tf Lair on 'every bald Read, 'but if 'there Heavy Sole Shoes for Street Wear time and ouly that some neighbors : 1s any hfe left in the roots of your 1 R B . were at hand andiput the fire out, the yr and Mrs. John Claw, last Weeks hair, Parisian Sage will stimulate the In Gun Metal, Velour Calf and Patent Colt, also Tan and rien a u ar AlINnsS place would have heen destroyed test BT uingston, was the hair bulbs and cause your hair to Red, for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. ea {Miss Annie Sills w > SOW * | grow again. Here is one case: "Iam Ww. We have been cutting prices for two weeks. Hundreds have Sangster Statements. > [Mies Anuie Hip went 10 Xo ee How using the second bottle of your Shoes for Evening ear saved money by purchasing, and we have nearly done with our Sangster, Sept! 16.--Many from here Wilton. is the guest of Rov: Wartmais Parisian Sage, and can notice a new Strap Shoes, for Women, 1 Strap, 2 and 3 Straps, in Fanc special sale to raise funds. The new importations from the attended the raffle at Joseph Kelly's, [fo fow days. Miss Kathleen Jovee |€T0P of hair appearing. 1 am glad to "Patents and beaded effects, Cuban Heels and French Heels, al- Orient are already arriving, and while this sale continues--all Fish Creek. 'Mrs. E. Dudden has re- [1b 500" Giiawa. on Saturday. where |58¥ it is a darker color than amy hair so White Kid Shoes. next week the new Rugs will be subjected to the same reduc- turned to her home in Camilles, N.Y. he will attend smal chool f lor o | was before 1 became bald." Harry : . y : ~ ; : . > 8 tte « s¢ . George 8 tions as the old stock. after spending a few davs with friends Joyner has secured a good position Reid, 10 Manhattan street, Rochester, Shoes for the House here. Visitors : John Daly and sis [55 Re = ANY REMEMBER NEXT WEEK ONLY aN Trio ly] Burns, with J. Hogan, in the store. Mrs. A, }° Ment wait til: vou're bald: Before Strap and Boudoir Slippers, for Women, Plain and Fancy Juck has take housekeeping A Xi fo : 5 PER CENT. REDUCTION Burridge; George Hamilton, - at Buel hs = 0 up ous ping using Parisian Sage, use it now. Kill Felt Shoes. Fine Kid Slippers, in Brown and Black, for Men, 35 to 0 . Formos i and ys J Maik B, Fd ispent a few days in Toronto last | W€ dandruff germ and prevent batd- Everything new, can be had here. bel at an ise Ke 1c De le | week Mrs. Stuart Joyner returned [Bess , G. ~W. Hahood, the draggiet, Some Rugs Less Than HALF-PRICE eh Thomas Yow & Wa. and ear { home. soterday. lie cpm 8 few [ele Pasion, Sago at Si u lorgs Younis 3 3. Daley's: My ? and Mrs. T. jdavs the guest of Mrs. Wilder, Kings- Jbottle, and he guarantees it to cure We will send Rugs on approval. ) Golden at S Hickes 5: Pa Ee Vis | ton. Miss Beatrice Grant, went to |Uandrufi, stop falling hair and cure Fa 3 ot 3 Ea 81 . 1 {Carthace, N.Y., on Saturdav, to visit [all diseases of the scalp, or money Our Oriental Brassware is also subject to same discounts. aguie Barrett at M. O'Connor's, ( Cole ¢ ' hi lay, isi 8: 1 2} : E : Maggie Bas y : RUE 2» her brother. J. K. Grant. Mrs. M. | back. Parisian Sage is a delightfully Lake; | Tank kendo, J i' tel 18 i Spafford, Mrs D. Noore, and Mrs. | invigorating hair dressimy; it makes DERENDASLE li an we | Tovell spent a few days in Toronto the bair soft, flufiy and beautiful. - SHOES -- . -- Qu iVi? las eek. The new steel bridge is Courian, Babayan & Co., 3 Seeley"s Bay News hreosing al Bg 4 -- it Twenty Years After. Ne 's Bay, Sept. 15.--Dr. Gardiner [ill be veaddv jor trafic bv Thurs : - : = 40 KING EAST, TORONTO. OPP. KING EDWARD HOTEL [ius cold his residence to Dr. Eliot, |" ° **84Y for traffic by Thursday. { Winnipeg Free Press. = 0 oo the price paid being $4,000, The Yo { Dyspepsia Radically Cured. pire : "There. was. a time when Yor Intenso remove to. Kingston : That relaxed, disordered condition | What was known as the liberal party reside Mr. and Mis A Do ge Lt) the digestive system marked pa was attractive to the youth of the country. Under great leaders, such as Alexander Mackenzie, jeorge Brown and Edward Blake liberalism | had a personnel that was a guaran- tee of high character and a policy that aimed at the redressing of wrongs." The journal irdin which this 1s quoted was as bitter, mali- cious and mendacious in denouncing NAME AND DESIGN REGISTCRED, and abusing Brown, Mackenzie and ee : Blake as it is in misreprelenting and A deliciously dainty chocolate confection Houry . Tuckhs, dle: of the oldest {Sl2Adering 'the liberal leaders of to: indescribably inviting' and toothsome. tnt oF es YY) | residents of Sidney, died Sunday night | 9%" " : . ¥ i om danger Shs Ba Tan | 6 ie bomen dhe uh comemign of | 1, ens to the "youth of he| § Like all of Cowan's specialties, of | eichty thee bat the advanced age of | hose memories go back to the pub-| ff Superlative excellence. The name aba rik] I $1 ; Jlic affairs of twenty vears ago that! 8 "Cowan" octal myed on every bud. improving in health slowly r. am 4 on the occasion of the Mrs. M. Steacy, of Warburton, visited tering foraivine. : . tion of Youug Liberals in Toron pin | friends hers on Sunday RNIN ana 1884 it persistently referred to them | . {act as 'young hoodlums.' One of ils Budget From Sydenham { Nowe of us ought 3 i many abusive references to tha young ' : [mer ¥ to yuestions wi Extidiees muck men then assembled from all parts ber of people attended the servites, at Poverty is r Mothat Sef makechif of the dominion in Toronto became PHCE "ol makeshitt. | celebrated. It said they had = lithe appearance of "looking for free drinks and cigars, but what they really needed was free baths." | How they would have been surprised if they could have looked forward to this year of grace and learned from s the same source that their liberalism ne ose was then a "guarantee of high char- acter." Make A Note Please. Ask your doctor to tell you, honestly and ' WR. Pres. Prat 12 A i £ frankly, just what he thinks of Ayers So daibt the liberals will beac vin | FOr Bicycle, Automobile, | tt have returned home alte months visit different points. in SISIVIINIINIIITIIeLLLLR0 000000 R000 RES gland C. Gilbert lea od L 1 O SAY ! i other friend at Grand Rapi « A. Putnam \ agnin t ili last Thursda ght. but Werke so full of Shoes, or rather Shoe talk, that we can't hold in any longer. lence, biliousness, heartburn and head- can be promptly and thorough- red by Day's Dyspepsia Cure Recent or chromic cases alike yield to ne re med 3 : i i stant distress after eating, flatu- { | taken a cha or the better Fhis preparation has Digestive, Fon- work 'on the ral tefophone line 1 and Laxative properties. Each bot progressing. Jose Mellrov is put * contains sixteen day treatment. | For sale only at Wade's Drug Store ting the roof on his new cottage het work is ne ympletion -- calle 3 new hotel Our Fall Shoes are in and it scems as if we must fell everybody about the beauty and excellence of S the different lines. confen- | ISt upon a price fi the Svden 1, Sept. 15-uite a nam We've Shoes for everybody in the family, from grandpa down to baby and every Shoe is a ge a, { prize \ But how can wo tell you here of the goodness of our Men's $3, 4.00 or 5.00 Shoes-- our Women's 3.00, 3.75 or 4.00 Shoes--our Boys' and Girls' Shoes'at 1.25, 1.75 or 2.00, ete., and do each style any measure of justice ? We'd so much rather show you than tell you. : . Borden Come in, please, and the Shoes, themselves, i Pectoral. TH d swinging around the eirele with his 2) will tell you of their goodness and repay you for my : © as he says. galaxy of provincial premiers-- Rob- i and General Use. i your call. lin, MeBride, Whitney, Hazen--in train: but they will mildly wonder why iti " hs all right for provincial cabinet minis | E \ 2 ' ters to break into Dominion politics IN SMALL OR LARGE QUANTITIES er S err and all wrong for dominion cabinet » eC ora ministérs to take an interest in the politics of their own province. It Tor i or | an affront to decency, for instance 2 I J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. SEVER [ORME LEE McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock st : Often a single dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral at while 'Me. Hazen's participation in the L | The Home of Good Shoe Making. domibion fight now is highly com- rs ~ patos RE REE ERE ERE TS RE sEaserene - bedtime will completely control the night coughs § |" a EA AEE ARAMA ATRIA RE EAR LOA EEE Berssssssssesssovsvsnsomsnsrnersrrsssvavssrsrstes WERE . . veiw 3 A Cons ti Talks. -- BE ------------ -- ---- " - of children. It is a strong medicine, a. doctor's adic Sonsurva ive Talks -- " i a dicinie entirel fice from ] h ] M d x ] Four reasons why I will not up C : : a : : . medici 1 alcohol. I on wort R. L. Borden : 1, Because raw or The Canada Life Assurance Company » y aCe y ro i= not in Xie rioht pice He one} ' Holds the strongest Reserves of any Life Assur#nce Company of for diseases of the throat, bronchial tubes} and lungs. ens his campaign by accusations de- Am Continent--a Canadia Company mads ©b void of facts. 2, Because | remember | : sk : oe Tor Cam iar people, 62 years ago. Dividenas to | § Full formula on each label. the conservative scandals; and the 100. High Baskets of American Crawford pioneers dune been large all these years, and axe bound to be : ; ia prose fw losing PEACHES just arrived. All firm and in excel in 6 the unique position oceupi y the Company, Rates cause S iri rer is, in + | Ee, ovis ts the usique vdities oscoighty the Cunpany. Sates Free from Alcohol ol Leo X ulna | lout condition, Geta Basket Sau g tis them. purchasing Canada Life Contracts. ald. 4, Because 1 honestly believe that | Full particulars of how a policy will shape for you, given at aw a change of government at the present | ; the office--18 Market Street, Kingston, LC afactatin i, time would be detrimental to he m= . H. T oY Je Os HUTTON, Manager, - u interests of our Sens Canada, .