Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Sep 1908, p. 7

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TRAVELLING, -------- GE LLG RAILWAY EN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Centra Canadian Exhibition Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 18th to 26th Sept. 18th to 26th, inclusive...... $3.70 Sept. 22nd, 24th and 25th... ...... $2.75 Return Limit--Sept. 25th, 1908, WESTERN EXCURSIONS, SEPT. 17, 18, 19. Return Fares from Kingston DETROIT i . SAGINAW, MICH. . BAY CITY R MINNEAPOLIS, 31 via Jake route. Full particulars a vd C. Ticket Office, Ontario St. 'Phone, 50. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Ontario street, 4 p.m. daily (Sundays excepted) for Tweed, Sydenh Napanee, Deseronto, Bannock- burn and all ts north. To secure quick despatch to nockburn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your ship ments via' B of Quinte Railway For farther narticulars, apply to R. W. DICKSON, Agent, "Phone, No. 8. , MOOSE Open Season. New Brunswick September 15th--November 30th Nova Scotia October I st- November 30th Quebec September lst--December 31st Write General Passenger Dept. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY MONCTON, N.B. \ "Moose in the Micmac Country" "Fishing and Hunting." Toronto Ticket Office, 51 King St. East. General Passenger Department, Moncton, N.B., or apply Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James St. For free copies of Annual Western Excursion To Chicage Hu Bay Four on, S naw, Central Canadian Exhibition Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 18th to 26th partiula For tu LEY, AGENT, ( Streets ISLAND :-- 9.15 a.m, 1.00---4.00 p.m, 80--9.15 a.my 1.00--4.00 p.m 7.30---9.15 a.m; 1.004.000 p.m. Breakey's 6.309380 a.m. 1.30 p.m FRI. 7.80- 15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.my SAT. 8.00915 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. SUN; 9.15, 10.00, 12.30 a.m; 5,00 p.m. LEAVES KINGSTON i-- 8.80-11.80 a.m. 8.004-5.30 p.m. 8.830---11.80 a.m. 3.00& 20 p.m, WED, 8.80----11.30 a.m. 8.00---%30 p.m THURS. 8.830--1.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 7 p.m. Hreakey"s Bay, 8 p.m. FRI. 8.30--~11.30 a.m. SAT 8.30---11.830 a.m SUN. 9.45 a.m. 1.158 Sat --Special trip to imecoe and Spoor's dock, at' 8.00 p.m Time Table subject to change without notices Boat ealls at Garden Island going Ro sad from Kinastoa Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Ltd WED. THURS. Bay MON. TUES, 30 p.m. 80 p.m. Island KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, 1,000 ISLANDS' Str. CASPIAN Leaves Kingston for Thousand Island y 5 ay 10.1 r leave ALETHA lay for Bay of Quinte Full information f ) \ AMES SWIFT & P. HANLEY, ( Freight Agents KIRKPATRICK, 1 Agents. , Royal ALLAN ai", LINE Montréal to Liverpool CL I ( S cket t Rates © be obtained P. HANLEY Agent TRAIN FOR BUSINESS Most men train their brains and al- most entirely neglect their bodies. L They do not seem to realize that keen- ness of judgment and clearness of thught depend as much on the body as on the brain itself. Any man can prove this to his own satisfaction by attempting to decide a weighty busi- ness problem while suffering with an acute attack of indigestion or a vio- lent spell of billousness. The amount of work that the brain can do depends much on the health- fulness of liver, bowels, kidneys and skin. "Fruit-a-tives" are fruit juices in tablet form. They act directly on liver, bowels, kidneys and skin--and enable these vital organs to rid the system of all impurities. Thus the blood will be kept pure and rich, the brain active, digestion sound, and life made pleasant. tives" are now put up in he new 25¢ box as well as r ¢oea not carry them, tives Limited, Otlawa. | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1808. ~ A DEAD MAN'S TALK GIVES DETAILS OF MESSAGE FROM BEYOND GRAVE. H. W. Myers Was Sender--Edmond Gurnei and Richard Hodgson Also Communicated With Liv- ing. y London, Sept. 16.--Extraordinary in- terest was aroused some months ago whem Sir Oliver Lodge stated publicly {that he believed messages had been received from dead members of the Psychical Research Society by living beings. The messages in question are said to have emanated from the late {H. W. Myers, author of "Human Per- sonality and its Survival of Bodily {Death," a writer and thinker of the {highest distinction, and Edmund Gur- {nei and Dr. Richard Hodgson, who were among the founders of the so- {eiety. This was compared by Sir Oli- ver with the first 'faint tappings heard by a party at one end of a + After suffering eight years, 'thiswoman was restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Read her letter. | Mrs. A. D. Trudeau, Arnprior, 'Ontario, writes to Mrs. Pinkham : "J suffered terribly from ulcera- tion of the feminine organs for eight years. I tried four doctors but got no | relief, and thought 1 would have to die. "One day I saw an advertisement of | Lydia RB. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound in the paper. I sent for some, {mand before I had used five bottles I was entirely cured. I hope every suf- | fering woman will take my advice and use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable C und, made from roots and herbg, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- riodic pains, backache, that bear- mg-down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tion,dizziness or nervous prostration. 'Why don't you try it? Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. our sickness. She will treat your etter in confidence and advise you free. Because of her vast experience she h sands. Address, Lynn, Mass. to any Dye At Home! + Maypole™ is a cake of soap that washes and dyes at one operation. Not an old fashioned dirty, messy powder dye. It gives brilliant, fast colors--dyes anything --dyes to any color or shade. Good-bye to that trip to the dye house dye at bome with Maypole. Maypole Soap oe. for Colors--isc, for Black, Frank L. Benedict & Co. Montreal. 64 § » Every Woman is interested and should know A 18 about the wonderful - SA MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vaginal Syringe. Best--M ost conven ent. It cleanse WINDSOR Ge a : ts 4 UPPLY CO., Windsor, Out. neral Agents for Canada. Cook's OE . Root Compound. » The great Uterine Tonic, and 'tual - Monthly h women can free pamphlet d « S E Coox Meowoing 00., ToRUNTO, ONT. (formierdy Windsor) Open for Business From Now On. Until the arrival of new goods we will special inducements to spective purchasers ia of the lines still left. In the eourse of a days we will have our stock in and we will pleased to show you very latest styles at never before offered city. Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers, 100 Princess St., Kingston. our offer pro- any few new be the prices in THE FIRST OF THE SEASON. We will have onr Home-Made Pork S sages, SATURDAY T t TR. KIRKPATRICK, Local Agents. or they are jw as goed MYERS, 60 Brock St. 'Thone, 670, tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, | Pinkham if you need adviceabout s helped thou= | # To-day the | | SE {tunnel from those moving toward {them from the other side. Fuller par- {ticulars of these 'messages from the dead" are now accessible in the pub- lished journal of the Society for Psychical Research. They were trans- mitted through a medium, whose real name is withheld, but who is called "Mrs. Holland." Sitting with her mind blank, we are told her pen mogv- ed to write, and it wrote what pur- ported to be a communication from beyond the grave. The message blurred and broken, but a large num- ber of them are printed. Many deal with the difficulty of opening com- munication between the dead and the living, thus a me%sage which is said to have proceeded from Gurnei ran: "Nearest simile I can find to express the! difficulties of sending a message is that 1 appear to standing be- hind a sheet of frosted glass, which {blurs the light and deadens sounds Dictating feebly to a reluctant and somewhat obtuse feeling of terrible impotence me. 1 {am also powerless to tell what means much. I cannot get into com- munication with those who would un- derstand. Believe me, you need much {training before you can ever begin to {help me as I need to be helped, andl do not know how that training is to tbe arranged, for it is like which infinite importance a sleeping person." was be secretary, a burdens 80 entrusting {message on {depends to The human or living personality is | dec lared to be on a lower plane of {spiritual development, which does not clear impressions from the {higher plane of those that have quit ted the prison of flesh. The messages claim to give laccount of existence after d {lowing upon death immediately | "obscuration of consciousness" {led to many failures in attempts to | ommunicate with the living. The first message ascribed to Myers was lin verse, though certainly not of the {distinction which marks his 'published {poems : receive some eath. Fol- was which | "Friend, while on earth, with knowledge slight, I had the living power to write. Death tutored now in things of might. I yearn to you and cannot write.' Myers is said to have afterwards told how at death he passed into com- {plete unconsciousness. 'The period of oblivion was unusually long with There was no link between my [tees consciousness of things of earth | last thing 1 felt was a touch that jelosed my eyes and passage to the plane I now occupy. The transit was absolutely unknown to me and 1 am not conscious of a return journey as it were. When I communicate in this way at least I am conscious of strain and effort, but I cannot note the stages of the way." Several messages were prefaced by signs which at first appeared absolute- ly meaningless and which had to be taken in conjunction before an inter- pretation could be found. Thus three messages began 17-one, with the next with 1, the third with 01, which fin- ally read 17, 1-01, Jamuary 17th, 1901, the date of Myers' death. In view of alleged messages W. T. Stead states in the of Reviews, that he asked a lady who 'received often messages from be- yond by means of automatic writing if she would try to secure a message {from Myers." A long communication | was received to the efiect that the ad man had made many discoveries annull at which {he arfived in life when writing of the {human personality, and that it his intention to make these to the utmost {me, as these Review some conclusions was discover ies known extent of | 'my pe | Miss rount : Johnson, by whom an he communications has {1 w the Psycehieal | Society, is inclined to scepticism the theory that from the dead. : ac : been { prepare Research regard with they come ---------------- French cleaning {shrinks, My Valet, ' for never injures Warwick Bros work The 18 never ours until we reach or to-day's { morrow fit. 1 | There is 1 © i i | ? nore Catarrh in this section {of the country than all other diseases | put together, and until the last few {years was supposed to be incurable. For {a great many years doctors prondunced {it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to | cure with local treatment, pronounced it | incurable. Science has proven catarrh to {be onstitutional disease and therefore Ss constitutional treatment. Hall's Cure, manufactured by PF. J. NA & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only |constituNef&T cure on the market. It is | taken mixrnally 'in doses from 10 drops {to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the | blood and mucous surfaces of the system. | They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars | and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CoO, | Toledo, Ohio. | Sold by Druggists, 75c. {~ Take Hall's: Family Pills for consti pation. i COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we sities prompt delivery. 'P Booth & Co., FOOT WEST STREET. lar one, AS OTHERS THINK. {The Prices Paid at the Various x Centres. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Everyone 'in Kingston Has a Right to His Own Opinion. | While everyone has a right to his | Montreal, Sept. 14.--About 1200 {own opinion, yet it is wise to always (head of butchers' cattle, 150 calves, lconsider what others think and pro- 580 sheep and lambs and 315 fat hogs (fit by it. were offered for sale at the Point St. | Nothing makes life so miserable, or {Charles stockyards this forenoon. Vinterferes so widely with the useful- (Trade in cattle was very slow, with Iness of the average person, as indiges- (low prices prevailing all round. There { tion, and it is well for us to give fair {were no choice cattle on the market, consideration to what others think and 5c. per lb. was the top figure about this remarkable afifiction. {paid; pretty good cattle sold at 3c. ';. W. Mahood is positive that in [to 4ic., and the common stock at 2¢. Mi-o-na stomach tablets he has an to 3e. per lbh, "while the canners brought from lie. to 2c. per lb, with absolute cure for indigestion and the many disagreeable symptoms that fcl- (bulls at about 2c. per Ib. Grass-fed | calves sold at 2%e. to 34c., and good low this disease, such as disress after 1 eating, coated tongue, bad taste in {veals at 4c. to Be. per lb. Shippers the mouth, dizziness, flatulance and [paid 3c. per lh. for go large Nervousness. Isheep; lambs sold at 4le. to Se. per They sell Mi-o-na with satisfaction Ib. Good lots of fat hogs sold at Te. guaranteed or money back. They be- ito Tic. per lb. lieve in it and so may you. | ; iene |" East Buffalo, Sept. 14.--Cattle re- THE SPORT REVIEW. | ceipte, 3,700 head; good active, 10c. land 15c. higher; common, slow and | steady: prime steers, $6 to $6.50; ship- | ping, $5.25 to $5.90; butchers, $4.25 to $5.40: heifers, $3.25 to $5.25; cows, £3 to $14.50; bulls, $2.75 to $4.25; stockers and feeders, $3 to $4.30; heii- ers, $2.75 to $3.25; fresh cows and springers, steady to $2 higher, $20 te $45. © Veal receipts 1,500 head, active and steady at $6 to $9. Hogs receipts 20,500 head; good, ae- tive and strong; common, sl8w and steady; heavy and mixed, $7.40 to $7.- 65; Yorkers, $6.75 to $7.50; pigs, 50 to $6 roughs, 5 to $6 stags, £1.75; dai $6.75 $7.15. Sheep and lambs, receipts 15,000 | head; active, sheep steady; lambs 10¢. re lambs, $4.25 ) yearl- 1.50 to $4.75; $4.25 to § . ewes, $3.75 to 81; sheep, mixed, $1.50 to $4.25. Interesting News From the Ver. ious Sporting Fields. In an exciting game at Woodbine the Buffalo polo team defeated the To- ronto team by 4 goals to 3. The Canadian cricketers at Phila- delphia were dismissed for thirty-six runs. Disgraceful ! Canada should have sent over a croquet team. It | couldn't have done worse, New Liskeard defeated Haileybury by 9 to 3 and won the Temiskaming baseball cup, also the Silver Foam Brewing company's silver cup. New Liskeard lost only one game in the league series. There is but the remotest chance that the winners of the American Associa- tion race and the Eastern Baseball League will meet this year to decide the class A leagues baseball champion- ship of the United' States and Can- ada. It is rumored in intercollegiate cir- clee that "Ken" Williams, the big Queen's hali-back, will play with Me- Gill -this season. MeGill is dead anx- ious to produce a champion team, and is doing all in its power to induce men to enter At Queen's, they say that Williams will remain in Kingston. "Eddie" Durnan, the Toronto "pro." and Francis G. Greer, of Boston, the American amateur, sculling champion, have hot officially hooked up yet for a race for $1,000 a side, and the pro. championship of America, but the" chances are that they will be, and the | Y® event will be pulled off on Toronto i in Bay course early in October. " At New York, on Saturday, John | J. Flanagan, of the Irish-American | A.C., a three-time Olympian winner, was the only athlete to establish a new record in this year's AAU. sen- jor championship games .of the metro- politan association, held at Travers Island. Flanagan threw the 56-lh. weight 39 ft. 11} ins, beating his own world's record of 38 ft. I ins, made at Jamestown, Va., last year. to to Chicago, Sept. 14.--Cattle receipts, 31,000, weak to lOc. lower; beeves, 83.65 to 87.75; Texas steers, $4.55 to $5.30: western steers, $3.30 to 86; stockers and feeders, $2.50 to $4.4 cows and heifers, $1.75 to $5.75; and {calves, $6.25 to $8.25. Hogs receipts higher; light, $€ $6.65 to $7.40; rough, $6.45 to $6.85; pigs, $ 26.25; good to choice heavy, £7.40; bulk of sales, Sheep receipts 35,000 w to $4.25; western, rlings, $4.20 to $1 $3.50 to $5.75; good college. to 15¢. $7 A western, $3.50 to ---- Admiral Kingsmill, R.N., who is now head of the Canadian navy, has been placed on the British retired list at his own' request. Yinol Qur delicious Cod Liver preparation without oil: Better than old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for Old people, delicate children,' weak run-down persons, and after sickness, colds, coughs, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Try it on our guarantee. GEORGE W. MAHOOD, Kingston, Ontario. THE ONLY HENRY JAMES. "The a' New Interpreter'"' Has Story on Him. "The Interpreter," talking about Gen. Grant's personal habits, says, by way of a degression, in the Septem- ber American Magazine : "We all over-express ourselves when called upon in public to discuss mat-! ters that don't concern us. few years ago the only Henry James was present at a public dinner in Wash- ington where a number of statesmen were called upon to declare before a company of artists their devotion to a plan for the . 'beautification of Washington." It was a subject that had not troubled the minds of the legislators before that night, and the fervor of the eleauence was enough to set fire to the surrounding buildings. An enthusiastic olitician leaned over and rer] to Mr. James: 'Don't you think the speeches are wonderful 2° 'Sir," said the Great Am- biguist, 'if the Goths were hammering at the walls of Washington, and the liberties of our people were threaten- ed, and it became necessary to arouse the patriotism of our citizens to de- fend their homes and their honor, these speeches would suffice." "' 1 +" ---- Pe EE PURE FOOD INSURES | (00D HEALTH INSURES PURE FOOD. COMPANY EW.GILLETT Claire TYORONTO.ONT. Frock For Young Girl. J [3 ETRE The accompanying design is suitable " Kr for lingn, cotton, crash or for serge, tussor T light-weight cloth, and is an excellent model for a simple frock for a young girl. The gown is to be worn with detachable cuffs and turn- down collar of embroidered linen, and Use Big @ for unnatural irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes. Painless, and not astrin. also Patent Colt, Gun Metal, Velour Calf, Box Calf or Vici $4.50 and 5.00. Ladies', $3.50, 3.75 and 4.00. THE SAWYER SHO S444 ttt tate ' To Furnish a Home. still booming A bargain for every Verandah and ~ summer thin cost. Pay: freight. / free. Store open nights, at y- "Phone, 147. SHOES FOR AUTUMN WEAR by ¢ The most perfect fitting. The most stylish looking is the Invictus Shoe ! We have the newest styles in Wine, Brown and Tan Colors, B STORE REAPER EHP H FERRER FHF EE ERE Tee ------ A Snap of a Life Time As our Big Mid-Summer Sale is . Making room for our | Fall Stock everything reduced. + La goods less Packing JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker. THE ~KING" FLY KILLER fabrics or injure the highest polish. ware ~~? Grocers. 10c. each, Druggists, Evangeline Always fresh. The finest in the city. A.J.REES, 166 Princess "Phone 58. WE KEEP THE BEST. -! OUR PRICES ARE TH LOWEST. REID & CHARLES, cess and makes us friends. sortment, with our fine qualities and grades. finish, for $45. $18 to 65.00. : ei . 230 Princess Street. a sailor tie of black or colored silk. Cid The model frock was of pink linen, the surplice closing down the left side, being fastened with large white pearl buttons. The collar and cuffs were of white linen embroidered in a simple open-work pattern, and the tie was of black silk. or sent in plain wrapper, " by express, prepaid, for $1.00, or 3 bottles $2.75. Circular ou est. TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect Brxk & Tile Co., Wash- burn, Ont. . PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees, Are ready to contract for {immediate delivery. rick that wil stand 'inspec- tion at reasonable rates, Capacity of plant, 60,000 daily, The Booth Fish Company. Winnipeg, Man., Sept. 16.--It is an- nounced from Chicago that the Cana- dian shareholders of the Booth Fish company will likely buy out entirely all the Canadian interests of the com- pany, and in future will ran it on ex- clusively independent lines. Negotia- tions will be conducted through the Northern Crown Bank, of which in 'stitution Capt. William Robinson, managing director of the company, is vice-president. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY , ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money loaned City and Farm serties. yi tuiipal County Deben- received and allowed, S. C. McGill, Managing Director, Ovércoats cleaned' dnd pressed, My Valet. Wg A -------- SS -------- Robt. J.R ' Are Now in Season. The House of Quality: 236 Princess $25 to 45.00, best silk covering. China Cabinet Kills without crushing and does not soil the most delicate Hard- Ganong's G.B. Chocolates St BE 111 PrincBs St. Gbhe Main Idea and Object Isto please our customers. This brings us sue- We do it with our little prices, with our big as- Our low prices show you how to save your dollars. Mission Dining Room Sett, 8 pieces, early English Mahogany Parlor Suites, 3 pieces, 8s for Z Telephone, 577. FOOTWEAR! Girls' and Boys' School Boots Girls' from $1.25 to 2.50. Boys', $1.10 to 4.00. These are just in from Canada's best factory. A. E. HEROD,

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