BEC a PO Te TWEENS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, I TITNEE 18, 1908. POLICE MRE LOOKING ... =." =. MAGIC OF LAURIER. mes 10 HONOR AN EVENT]; For Your Over The World. & Co., (per W, Hector H. FOR AN ENGLISHMAN WHO| It is proposed to take a police cen: "PERSONAL MAC MAGNETISM S| Hume). si 'A BUDGET OF N NEWS FROM g DISAPPEARED. 4 4 EE WONDEAFUL sme on 4 NEWBORGH SUNDAY DINNE J B. A. Coon, whose general store | Stocks. Opening. 47 pees-- » . : E tat Havelock was<recently "destroyed by . Amalcamated Copper 76 | 2 His Name is Harry L. Ride--The fire, has made an asSignment : Spectators Saw But Could Not American Loco., com. Ja 15 Preparing For the Methodist Coroners Jury's Verdict in| Dr. | k ment, e Of Sarnia 2 pro Hear Him -They Seemed 'tom Smit, & Kefin, Co. #5} So | Golden Anniversary--The New : Michi ? minent business me hed on Friday . - Am. Car oundry : 3843 : Ey { ichigan Central Railway | rning, after an illness of but a few Drink in His Words and Re-|y,. nda Min. Co. .. 43 Bridge Opened--Presentation to = 3t. F Tem i Theology Student. . Tunnel Fatality of Tuesday. weeks. spond to His Gestures--De-' Atches. Top. & St Windsor, Ont Sept. 15 w police At Port Arthur, Out., bears came! mand to See Premier. { Balti. & Ohio -- B} 97} Newburgh, Ont, September 7th..-- ave looking. for Har .. Ride, anj@imost into the city and carried off |, = : | Bro »klyn Rapid T. > 92 S07 The annual reception of the Epworth With Whipped | Cream I Canadian Pacifie . } 71% | League to the High and Public school } 3 I § Englishman, who disappeared' from {three pigs from the farm of a man . Vi A Ci . : yh oh ra . { Ches. & Ohio «..... . I istaff and students was held in the base-* One package his boarding house a week 0 Ride | named Gadser. was employed in track « ystruetion | Nine ships are overdue in New | © WBCT 18 3: be Hii ¢. Mil. & St. Paul - 1384 36% {ment of the Met hodist church on Mon- ¢ S. a £ . opef-ail Bn: IE 1 Cons. Gas, N. XY. .. 54 |dav evening last. It was one of the and a pint of work on the Michigan Ceutral rail- | York. Fear is felt in shipping circles | © : a i way. His board was paid up to the | that some of them have foundered ix : : | yesterday at Ni- lo) "puel' & Iron - a 34 |most successful receptions the league time of his eli Bo ; a y j hi. { the Ret sais ra IE on the Aslantic. _ 4g ; for "the old and 3 Al | Btie . ' : bis ev or hola 1 ecep are over a boiling water e Ie, ane s great g ging ! : , com. . 30 th r held. a thirty clothes are still in his room. Ride has {on Wednesday. 1 ie backgroun 3 an th rie, first pref. | 4: 3 [mew students at the High school athis Makes Enough Dessert for a Large Family. no relatives or close friends in Cana-|! A posse of angry farmers are scour- | a". md, and the ; (i. North. Ry., pref : 321 |year r Is in Cana-| ? gr) Cai shook Band er all : . Ry., pref. 32} ar. : da, so far as is known jing miles of territory in Dereham | ~ hook - hands metaphe rically | Kansas & Texas, com. ... 1 + 304 | Mrs. RE. Lyons, Montreal, is visit FLAVORS: Lemon, Orange, Raspberry, After an inquiry lasting several | township in search of a stranger who | Louisville & Nashville ... } 105§ |ing J. W, Courtney. Mrs. G. B. Thom- Strawberry, Chocolate, Cherry, Peach. . . b +] opl In re i s the r velo a . hours last night, the $ i he seven . [people n re was the us acific x ved 1 rok afte sxtend- at, e jury empanelled [attempte «] to assault the scven-yvear wdanetie mfinenie of th . { Missouri Paafic ..... 543 jst m returned last week after an exten : magnetic: influence of the n Min SUP : 'fed visit in the west. John Sharpe is No trouble to prepare---simy oly edd Bolling Waters old daughter of Frank Doward. of almost-contact whic words > St. 3t. M. A threatening forest fire bas farted ried to the listeners on the very edge of, | {Sol pa 1204 | visiting hi mother in Belleville, hs cool and serve. Flavored just #uht, Sweetened just on the mountain side, mid-way 2 ihe oro hort sy Larne ATH Nationa oad 54 76. olim 1s 1 with typhoic ever arry . aps 3 rin ar he crowd. in short, the larger hand- | Jations, ol 1051 | Beeman leit on' Monday to resume his right, Perfect in every way. Cheaper and better than morning, was unable to determine the | tween Patenville, N.1 ang West | 1 1 ~- ¢ . Ne Bry shake, which kept the listeners on the a : . . cause of the fire which resulted in the | Saugerites, N.Y., and it is feared that | very sige ef hf rg i Thai N. Y. Ontario and West 1 10} [course at Varsity, Toronto.) Lieut. D. fruit, pies or pastry. ' 1 t R SC, - z disaster. he verdict simply recited | the blaze may do great damags. [thralled, drinking in the personality of «| Northern Pacific . : 301 Beeman left on Monday for Mon- that W Kimball and Bert John- Ontario Bank shareholders are talk- |, man whose words they could not; Penn. R. R. 223 real where he sails on Friday for Eng- ( AU TION : Don't accept a substi- , n ¢ "™ : tat . hen a 108 ords they could, not | : : 4 son met death by sufiocation. The [ing of raising a fund to ensure legal {hear. For they were listeners but not | Reading {land to take a year's course mn military tute, or you will be only recommendation is that better | action against the old board of direc-{y ~~ ne \ es Ne work he old land EE ¢ . . a : hearers | Southern R > ~ 3 : ork in the old land, : : htt To egress be provided at No. 4 tors, and asking the finance = depart- | 'With a f breeze blowing, with the | Southern Pacifie ...... ... 33 ja The new bridge was opened for trai- disappointed. There's no other dessert sla ane that the J oprow space be- {ment at Ottawa to help in the hght, | Falls with aring, and indeed within | Ul. 8S. Steel, com. ........ a1 {fic on Monday and certainly is a credit just like JeLL-O. Sold by all good grocers. ee merete work be ne ' Bold : 5 h 4 i vor w filled up as] At Greensburg, Pa., a portion, of [sight, with cars passing on de highway | U. S. Steel, pref. = 1 109° lo all concerned. A number from the THE GENESEE PURE FOOD C0. BRIPGEBURG. CAR 50 the tunnel construction prog jresses. the Seventh Ward public school build- {5 ff, the ker . 1 Pac 3 [camp took in the baby she w in Napanee ¢ « g reached ith | Union Pac., com. ... 161 . peakers reached wit Highest Award, Gold Medals at St. Louis, seo ing has been cldsed for fumigation, 'their words no larger an audience than Westinghouse eo \ 71 fon Tuesday night FLED IN NIGHTIES nine cases of diphtheria having Been |. 010 have been gathéred in a goods 8 {| Dr. Beeman spent Tuesda- in Tor- _ Portland and Jamestown Expositions. _ reported in that ward. The patients fo hall. It was purely a tribute to the CHICAGO PRICES. onto. Edward Graham, of Wesley, who : was injured by falling" from a tree, is And Escaped Fierce Fire inure Members of four Jmities. The | wonderful personality of - Sir Wilirid . September 15th. | po om oronto. dfought has made the flushing of sew- f+ha¢ men and women turned their backs eni 'lose. } Bach hettey und Wj Rely FECOVEF, " ers impossible and President Clements, upon one of the seven wonders of the Bi Xipeuiog. Olose. Miss Helen Finkle Jen gi Monday to | 10 CENTS PER PACKAGE. -- 8 attend e Bishop Strachan School in Toronto, Sept. 18. --Roused from | sleep by the sound of crashing glass | &f the board of health, says the diph- | world to see him, and kept them turned, | pecember ... : . 100} T . \ ! and the smell of smoke, Miss Lillian | theria cases are directiy due to this. [Ty was a tribute. also. to the force and | Mav ; 3 5.3 | 4 Oronto arles Wintell left on Sun- i ---- | popularity of his cc ity "574 (de : le to take up theologi- Glenny, Miss Clara Vance, and Mj 1, 1 he Hon . y's , Ane irs : lcagues, the Hor Corn. Mayiie Nelson fled into Queen street WISDOM FROM BABES. { Messrs. Graham and Lemieux, that September : By i) al work i w inet Jas we " 2 ' . €¢ . 9 in their night clothes, at 4:25, this|The Delineator. {thousands who could not hear staved |; ' whurss . ot {valued worker in St. John's Anglican morning; and"thus ese aped a fierce fire | Herbert had a way of telling make-be- [also to applaud them | December sks a . i {chur h here and will be much missed. atur ay KC ist 0 pecla J in which completely demolished the in. | lieve stories. abot the things he saw, The secrets of Sir Wilfrid's hold upon ge Te pom ann 2 0g [iin Weick the Congregats on reseed him with a ten golume set of theologica terior of Miss (ilenny's conf tionery | |and his mother wished to convince' him |} public are manifold. Some of Hem | , : yo "N ; y 1 o : The they were not true , ong day. i} to do with the man in the sil Stock Notes. Tworks as slight t token of the esteeiii cs : : e x ih ma in the silk 1 | J. P. Bickell &.Co. pt: lin which he held Mr. and Mrys. ol1ce ew 00 S or a . ast audience of fifteen thousand by Coroner Labelle to investigate the double fatality at the Michigan Cen- tral railway tunnel, on Pues lay | 1 { | | | i | | 1 1 store: three young women slept It 1 {1 on the ground floor in the rear of the { when he saw a dog pass and began » imposing figure of a NO report : 15 I . Alternate strength and weakness | J M. Denyes and Miss E. Humphries store, The fire apparently began in [Story about it being a grizzly bear, 8 he an who 1s also a Canadian. But : ; La} the yard close beside a large window, |bade him run away and pray God to [th is anothet tie which binds his peo- | heavy trading ruled Phroughou attended the funeral of the late Miss tor "Ww an un inl : \ . ; { 8 i y a » | Mor Jenves in Enterprise on Thurs EE -- forgive him for telling an untruth > ) t is the settled conviction | list up to midday, a though the | Mona Denyes in rprise. on ur French Doctors Here Very soon he returned and exclaimed: {that the man in'the old soft hat, the Sir (volume of business at that hour [day last. A large number from the vil- 18 Only Suit Lengths of Broadcioths and Chevrons "God savs that's i right, mother i of the re hour, is exactly | shows a considerable reduction As- attended the fair at Centreville on Handsome two-toned and bias-striped, also plain, ] ' i 1 . ? i i ces ireat | rday he soldier bovs returned : $ * 1 surances from high sources that Great |S Ir I'he idier boys returned in.a rich lustrous weave for Autumn tailored wear, 99 Prof. Landouzy, dean of the medical : } I | He thought it was the man who : : } : ) Northern, preferred, dividend will be | fre m camp on \ day and he enemy 18 and 50 inches wide. Autumn shades, including Copen- has imparted some [safe for another year I'he ant girl hagen, Bronze-Green, Golden-Browrr, Navy, Medium- faculty of Paris, France, and a dozen er . ct 11 iatfor 1 other distinguished French delegates | - $ u he platform with his data to the tiberculosis convention whicl Laura was playing ¢ e oJ 0 care y er nced in the silk topper up- | maintained . ! " : 5 ¢ |B t n the t I t is all [strength to the market. Some issues [of Mr. and Mrs. Yeomans is seriously Green .and Black. Regular price, $1.50 yard. ON SALE convenes in Washington on the 21] « dds dolls, but was greatly . Le pannel : Bho hesids _ y Id t 1 |i Dr Vi Napanee 1 th arrived in Kingst nm. Th dar te | the song of 1 T ar nmi ) the 1 cou re present g sold ou appearanc e¢, espect i r, room aapance, was in tt SATURDAY ONLY, yard on hursday after f watch- [ally St. Paul and Hill stocks. tol on Tuesday noon hy steamer Toronto, en route | RUNDE arg) day, from Montreal to Toronto. They vies: | Patiently, "Rir . : [he trustee board of the Methodist Cashmerette Waisting --Special for Saturday Say, boysy loqui 1 k 'of the drought is holding back seed- [church are comple arrangements for Cashmerette Waisting, in Cream, Medium and Dark ; Modern Miller says : A continuance f. ed at the British American h and (; 1 ; GTR. P ing. Farmers ing for rains ubilee in Octobe - "0 : : ; . ing. Farmers Waiting for rains pelore IC the i sh Rev. 1 : Shades, dainty dot and fancy striped and' checked de- 2% } left after midnight on a GTR. P Edwin and his motl 1: : d a G.T.R. Pull - lc. .a 3 EY pL . le ¢ Wh ton hn ' 3g afternoo Coming to a ight } OTE ta that : ' " re is te ¢ rossley, of Whit to be the preach : ; man. for Poronto. Unfortunately | Yak Sunday afternoor " a eo Siragnt ¥ , more than mw planting wheat. There is talk of a [I Sun J nd Re : Dr signs, 27%and 28 inches wide, suitable for blouses .or : , o rries e mothe nt a low [lif n t that t hi n 1s Sin- ' decrease age se 8 fer on St . ane v r oD : < hy By their arrival here was not known to Hh f che +110 pes be i hhh y ; lecreased acreage, in sections where {1 SY J children's wear. Regular price, 50¢ pe SPY.CIAL ib so that the ; ; little fellow could pick cere: no hypoerit he had 'seen the pi letied), | Ber on Sunday, October 18th. On the leading doors resto 1 1 w could | ploughing isnot completed, nso 1 ! ' r Ist 1 > SATURDA yard, fhe a ng ; goa of Sing ton ull Some Secing -gpme fine ones higher | Premier unging hi n el |" J.P. Morgan & Co's relations with | Monday, Oct "Toth a dig fowl snp PRICE FOR Xs eo, else © oule : : ok { . . iy wou upy he begged ! { Harriman will be made closer to the |p¢ have heen entertained. The distinguish ged e mY loved comic an old_{felt ha to be given in the church Just Received a New Lot of 36 Inch Flannelette the tree Oh, no, 1 his mother, |y il have mar that tl detriment of the Hill stocks. Very heavy, soft warm finish, Light, Medium andi {F > » ed Frenchmer \ Tor | many frie Morley Wel nen are in Toronto, to-dav, |. id be breaki he abbath " | felt: hat life of the m { tl ¢ | 8 Wheat at Winnipeg : September, > | i . i] at ould ban will | 1 to hea f his and proceed to Niagara Falls to-mor . re - ar nl t t 19 0 \ 063 December, 951 hank S a * ve 1 i Winn cg Dark Striped Pattern s, also Pl lainPink and White, FOW. I arc oth} ' . ( A i I ne lc. ctober, Yojc.; ece er, se : wih i Er Be .-} row bath now, are we, mamma?' inquired I and that neither : : Nev. i003c. At Minneapolis Septem- [last w Mrs 3 cking is able inches wide. Regular price, 13e. and 15¢. yard. Edwin. fs hed : i ) "1004 ; D scember, 102} " At Chi- [to be out after her rec illness. Miss SALE SATURDAY ONLY, yard Baseball on Thursday. i hict the peopl terday | i May, 1023c.; September 991c.- | McCauly r wed hon mS i A limit of 15 yards to a customer. Lastern League--Toronto, 3: Buffalo "Wouldn't you just as lief have had a | tars m . "Heid to the J foros oie eyes 1 ye Lh vi s relatives ~ it ympbel / eng , ifalo, ou 0 1s 1ave 1 ( tur { 1 Sir tfrid ) December $1. after : t a n amphe 2. 'Baltimore, 4; Jersey City, 3 (11 | kittle brother as a littl sister 2" as sked | cataract ft ent of Missoni River cise dord. Mrs. James Benn and 200 Huckaback Towels 1 f y Miss Vera Ber Richmond, spent \ Pure Linen "Damask Finish, size 18x36, handsome innings) Newark, 2-3. Providence Margar t's mother red ew nothing tetda I ldecision against railroads postpone a3 1, R Mer McKim ig d : : » i i lay with Mrs. 5. Shorey. Mrs. MCeAim floral designs wit >order a hemmed ends. | 1? 1-0. Montreal, 10; Rochester, 2. The little one heygjtated a moment ar 1 {the thread of the leader's discon sav {for thirty days. oh Eek hive Yo fd into rs 3 ous. 3 Verv »ood value at 20c. each. «CUT PRICE" : American Langue C hicago, 5; Wash- [then said, "Well, mother, boys ar what th gathered from his handplay, | Bryan attacks United States Steel 1S MOY ington, 0. Detroit, 7; New York, 4. | rather noisy and troublesome, but what | with a word occasionally wafted on the | qr : ag : occupie 3 Pomeroy Mr. "and ' » : ! A A Nd) YJ Nl rpor nd accuses republican | 9¢CUl in TO Ss J J each Cleveland, 1; Boston, 0. with my bringing up and papa's bringing {fickle breeze. Yep they laughed with Sir | Corporation ait EO ia from | Mrs Joh ston, Enterprise, were in the SATURDAY ONLY = National League--New York, 10; St. [up and your bringmg up he might not { Wilfrid's hands; became earnest with |Pa%% eceplng village on Tuesday. Miss Emma Bur- A litnit of one dozen to a customer. Louis, 5. Pittsburg, 8; Philadelphia, [have turned out to be so very bad!" Sir Wilf Jhands ; mock f 2 Further resumption. of furnaces. by dette lef this week for Chicago.' Miss ot ------------------ et et ee tn 1. Chicago, 4; Boston, 1. Brooklyn ES 1Sir W id's ha 1 most all t Re a ki 3 : d 'Tron: company Alig Brisco is visiting relatives in Belle bbb td 6; Cincinnati, 2 Little Bert's mother sent him to bring | convinced by Sir f ( i pi -- C nh 3 : | ville hr k +E IE 3 hastiSe iretces g od + an nor steel cc £ S. | --."_a§eae~Y§™ S a small switch with which to chastise Fayrrender of himse If ¢ d 101 Not' considered probable that the | + Housekeepers, Attention, Died At "The Hospital his small sister who had heen naughty. | their and their will |B % i Fran will offer inducements | afite 1 1 3 i France e ducements es \ tor nk « |: INDIA'S IDLE $1,500,000,000. -Here ! Great Sheeting | Bargain on Saturday Pitrboh Brockville, ©nt Sept IS. --R After being gone g time, h 1€ ud ween ria y ys Ross } a ! 3 Line PD or Gorstine, the fifteen-year-old West | in with his hands Tull | np owever, treated t me- | 107 8 id pan ol Many : ' ng CEPe o 2 port Boy, who, accidentally, shot | I can't find any switch," he said; "here, | thing in addit te ill fr $ ta Sireul court | himself » while cleaning a revolver on | throw these {th aw, att 2 Pr it wind decided. railroads must give Wednesd ~ vg | T1 logue: 1 i Sot the | shippers the same transportation ednesday, and who was brought to th t a ne Sil reversing Hic docks sion or ERS Ernest the general hospital, here, yesterday May Be Trained In Laughing. white hands -of a dreamer t ie ies, € BE . 1 + Sep Sir rk t § 1 hed ome u e Be ore T ember « l died at this institution, this morning Alt hough society seems to be abso way, reach ut and s d for a wer court in favor of the Ba ; ic " % $ SOT md tl nts in tt § ar ahd Ohio i thine d an ex-presu - | ec he dance ju } Fe H ! Bo thinct rande and nact 17 Reguls narte: dividend of 2k | Bens aml i Commerce, Gem Jars ; Gem Jars t e latest 1 y wid ae umng . rate Genre : : { I per it. declared on Westinghou$s ] mes, maintains that Quarts, pints, hali-gallon. James e ¥ who : had { Air Brake Crawford. HEY hay : y news ' frid has a 1 WY Wi veiling his | Chicago wheat market 'has ry ; 1 Jilan. | referene n languag nm t of vi- | ly active, but trade smaller than ves At Chicago Mollie Kran} twelve | Of 1 n n in V r tuperati | are none th 5 t terday Prices ruled lower, but mar vears "old, w " dared by everal con awests that school h t si 1 hat 1 it wa tly evi hot getting good support under the ; nt that tl le er i o | dollar mark on December. A featur | $55, 000,000 is "Added to Hoard Azausliy. A new shipment of 750 yards plain and - 'willed bleached and unbleachad sheeting, splendid weave, heavy soft finish, 72 inca wide. Now is your chance to get in a supply for the com ing seascn. Regular values, ec. and _4Ce yard. "RUSH :" RICE.' FOR SAT- URDAY ONLY, yard hc: Att AE RE panions to climb an electric Light pol ry th +51 1s fdent thal I : . na : EY a I erat amd touch a wire. She made the as t NeTiC tion ar ted for | Vr. | T Judy y. from t | has been the selling of September an ) ¢ people of dia 1¢ mn . ------- cont. touched the live wire and f t the fiscordant laughter. t An i- | plause, he is ¢ ak point in the camp | buying of December, resulting in the rs one of < parts ! Tbr bette PT + eh r tl { the SCT S | latter gong to a premium of about t ' tration 1 m augh ) + . a ---- unconscious to the ground. The | three quarters, against a discount was revived and will recover : 1 liscord 1 many cases laugh- | Applan t said, 15 nerher ! . Te : ' } "a a It cures that troublesome cough," |t | il harm, says a SIC ¢ j fect 1 rousing wi HMunroof half yesterday. Commission houses i has been abso l ! Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup | per "One often hears the expression, fed. he Jacc an wl reeted Sir | have been on both sides Lo al longs SHV ey e Mr I N F I Cl th f Ek y M & R Children's "tams, 25c. up. Thos. Mills t ing has: tire ne 1 \ 1 col Jues onl ave idsand are playing for a re-| 1 sar 2 : 1 ew. a 0 es or ver an 0 & Co... Wellington street | ) ' properly produ h; t \ s any h | &tctio The buying, to-day. has bes AFFEncy thal per 5 St an ui i " Fresh grapes. - Edwards & Jenkin. |Taugl healthy form re igh to | throng who attended {of a good character. § Minneapolis re- | thority estimate] 0a f Boys' Navy Blue "Norway Reefers . Wo 1 pe \ : gt 8 ! « lost i) I good: cash destand - rdin r N I 1.0K a ! N Made of strong" Eng'i Serge, pest -make, trimmings Eoessmm---- i ther \ v Thine ad all int { ,f brass and plain ttons Sizes 24 t> 30. Regular $2.00 and $2.50. ON SALE SATURDAY * | No : 125 Men's Sample Suits" Fm > It's.-A Fine Job, > S . ¢ f } { rosecion of ev >t Ku Thil n Montreal last week our buyer was for | ire C f 325 He 1's Sample S A PIECE OF William Lesshie has made a In i A hhnitas ad NT tt 3y worth while mak % ; z 1 tt t to ut 1c at f fall's newest m ake i materials Manufa JOB PRINTING \ |i i ste" Sao si UE cg of ae ops com. | os mon hy spac lio woh whe |The pipe is now all conereted © aie demonstrated aumliver of | pt led to ref tl rid in ac Mant : i b bot er's regular | rere $15 00 $18.00 a Shore snc, BN Xe one 8 Ne thing em' he Premier | core with his own theor {of the people and t untry at larg Sizes rang m 40. CHOICE ON SATURDAY YOU WANT {into deep water nay | { 2 Mined { 1 $ ' ; ' Ve i vou in the beg | : av i 1 + 3 ; Yang Then we can satisfy vou a hetore the main t 3 2 ram : : y . & , ech . ms 1 ake > IY eal : 4 3 Men, t avi cha nce out-of-the-orc y \ that is, if you are particular ler the of pipe ar d, as blasting { 4 seo. 1 t to hear i at. 1 worl to one of 1 nen. "that it was |b QCCEsS Jd 5 } I of ac sarl SATU RDAY and g r choice. in your wants, 1 0 Slow proces " I as ci A v < ni 2 in 1 3 rm a part hit ith ai fsutn 1 "os "% : I t not ~ ' » , . | stay the tendeney. of the sewage Whose nan Jinks th Canadas (use eee ent to I yy Lages hath to Iu L the smplre 50 Only Boys' 2-Piece Suits hi f {al t} All Wool Scotch and English Tweeds and ser- weeks what You Would flow down instead of up. Howevdr, it} worl nd no h \ hold t t { the pl: an io S ut t d nduc y , Wish oon caught by currents dtitudes r<hips tl 1 et int 1 I t bring t his rug viceabl forsteds, all the latest shad It is suggested that the city build ro rid : is 1 tv for this | the : : 1 is usuaily it n practic meast 1 ' strongly made well lined. i ¢ 3 whet out fram tho weet ln : adarice. of mast' short-lived nest laborers in {heen taken, althotfgh in the mean Regular price, '$4.50 £0.$5.00.. ON SALE SATURDAY rk anc tH mn w smal Did You tver street scrapings. This wu ¢ the toad 0} he lamp of | their convictions a 1 i v § tal. 13. industel verpric : : hn in more ways- An oO ' he we 1 x continuall Ii vi . ed se s bei hampers ' . Sas : : prevent any se from ever | ; r. clean cut f ; es) ) 3d I Ive seen) IS puna pau We.can only add with emphasis: Do not n your bus nesscarder, 7 o the How an D> : ya ' = ¢ he 8 " Ca aoa pia deals 1. o . . "Lt 3 a: Li 5 . . compare letter-heads Tn fot Bo n ' public life is ers tr m r ¢ ! 1 ndia coul TSU miss these saving chances. ' y Ll o © park 1 } 1 ¢ stirnli thy of different firm s fe : mirched . t an aj y had 101'a 2 Jol : « na. rai a : i y \ one nicely printed and ! HE Rr make AF. rh A fonndel " "Aly. Mood and so Hl 3 hn is ! ] ways, nf Irrigation, the other a poor oct Lord Cromer On Veraci A statdsman who nas cone hn togeth J if Many Years, : IEME, the d pment o1,1 I he Montreal Stock Coq ) 9 men of cheap work ! \ 1 r able [hat ne ] Hs peo Whale with that exception," mos: pe ; Tces ¥ mn i ui F caren or: rd Cromer, in a : ul nd undi v and if the « that | cot to conduct a rehig am- |g i nsue a ° 1 gether of 180 --PRIN ESS ST. --180 Of course you did ane 3 1 ' adh rp id the } and ) sm R 1 Ire. molly greeted him T wed vhat ign, whether preac Fst F the 1 erest f the European printed one ai -- th Ir country, t t L rreat Wt ud, tl both. soon become tisfied 1 each {a0 Rt Suc i \ Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. Phone No. 844 dwag and ¢ mm nity \ in the build the thought that the y firm which sent that sh more by g jing 1 alor one to you was not the Tt ATC oces To. one you would deal Bank Employees To Shoot. with, and why simply more Ladi 3 } reputation lor vie he . ud , 0 a : E tha relwn + 4] continue to vance.' because that letter tn = a E ong tle | hson ted $ ugh As the result of the rune wavd vi - . 0 head told you the tions of tl & wen on has swept 'over Massachiusers. wii The Canada Life Assurance Company r 3 o. emphasize the 1 ce of : of Indie 1il . ccompamment of murders, Cs, sanding of Lie in otal Tach : 3 nes 44 X Wo ) ! : to het i and robber the SI nut | ; £5 ras L it a Holds the strongest Reserves of any Lite Assurance Company on you 50g #oWw how a beat H is a text ugh ry Ld a t. 1907-08, were $155,000,000, | National bank. on : yest iia : I 5 doctor and took the North American Continent--a Canadian Company : made by. letter-head advertises by tl every « with £120 330.000 last vear : ¢ " 3 ting gallery f, tion'to a dr Canadian people for Canadian people, 62 years ago. Dividends to vour business A. n the tof its | l ry "Well ho auch 7 | he miner policyholders have been large all these years, and are bound to be ) siplove take his turn at : a - 2 > large, owing to the unique position occupied by the Company. Rates r : j for women the same as for men. Keep your money in Canada by purchasing Canada Life Contracts. Full particulars of how a policy will shape for you, given af ; Nice Sweet Grapes. Bla able' f cashic nd the eniployees are sent Hl He hesitated the miner said i the office--18 Market Street, Kingston. WHIG JOB : or Ey aeteiion of the chief (PaliS CT oa J. O. HUTTON, Manager. Is Jenkin Is a Job which you can rely fishes watchman of the rh IY a on--not one which keeps you ame Fortune does not ike n all J on the < let < guessing. It gives a tone to \ She just looks a yme and | Don't Delay In Buying Peaches. ; Buy now at Edwards & Jenkin. & S O i. D E RR ! your business--and that's , what you want. i Nohin fall hats. Thos, Mills & Co i teas w raincoats. Thos. Mills & Co., 3 ) blame no one else! Wellington street Have you tried our strictly } and } bar Solder, also our | Wellington street g | . When a man can : _ THE WHIG JOB DEPT. ce 'what profound, respect | favor. The big black for his troubles he punishes a flask The man who will figure for a vear| o . Wiping. The quality is go santssd and the price is Ever notice methods on coming household expenses will Whig Building a married man has for his wife's hus . 's best to fight shy oi t I 3 RD King St. hand ? | plug chewing tobacco. #hle YOUr consceence woke cheerfully on i honevmoon. a1 WILLIAW : l 1 «ws polity for 87 4 vs, B pyvnes' and Perrin's gloves "Pp Binar s New York perfumes Lana el or cy TORO 1t would be poor business frmit dealer to keep all his dates. Wellington stre or I Cross Drug Store. #