TRAVELLING. CTRL TT RAILWAY EIN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway | ffl ROK Central Canadian Dahibitien Ottawa, Ont 140 Sept. 18tl hé troubles tach The Harrowsmith Fair, Parham 28nd & 23rd Sept Single tare 1 round ts p 2nd Sept ing - 24k Renfrew Fair, 1€th, a wa note ih re, sand th 1088 F 'CONWA yY. will find these lit © pills valu Ger Ait oF QUINTE RAIL WAY. spat On ye t them. Bat after alls Yk head on » so many lives that here is whete r great boast, Our pills cure it while » not % Carter's Litt Ary easy tot n " to Liver Pills aro very small and a. One cr two pills makes dosa ble and do not gripe ox lease all wha noe thew. In 3 on 3 five Oy Arugyists everyw Bc or sont by wail a MEDICINE CO., New Yori . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1908. 100 MANY LIBERTIES | GIVEN CHILDREN IN yiase] DEGENERATE DAYS. \ {it, except for ten wears' interest. | But that is not all. We have under- io. News From the Var-| taken the construction of another rail- way, the Hudson's Bay railway. The '* jous Sporting Fields. {Hud lson's Bay railway does not ap It looks like New York in the Na- {peal very much' to the people of Wel- tional Baseball League. land county. It concerns more 'Ben" Simpson, the ex-Queen's play- people of the west. has turned out again with Hamil- [and you will agree with me, Tigers. what concerns one portion of Father community concerns every part of the ommunity. And you men from tario are ready to bear your share {the burden which will be necessary to lacrosse THE SPORT REVIEW, i i But 1 say to you Need of Greater Up the Little Ones Impressed | on King's Sons and Daughters Stratiord--The Organiza- tion's Work. tfaord Care in Bringing | ! Stanton has a number g rugby recruits for the liege fourteen. New Westminster is sure to land the British Columbia League hampionshi p again this year. ] Providence s inability to win at Jer- sev City gave the Eastern Baseball morning Miss Sophie | League pennant to Baltimore. secretary of Louisiana, Cleveland is making a great yun in convention, impressing the American Baseball League, shoot- atten to the ing into second place and within who in these striking distance of Detroit. too } "Wid Bill? Donovan, of Detroit, \lso | has been bumped pretty hard in the Last year he lost but the American Baseball at i 1 } | ci country. You will not be called thing upon that, because we have pro- vided for it out of the price of land set apart for this very purpose. Now wes have come to the conclusion The nters and 1 i at Knox | SeC= day | | | Daug | Sons Opene at church ght, more tion i up of children, enerate days Liberties. Young peopie were | expected to give more attention to he | Master's less to the tien of 1 provin- showed the condi- or- new and a one citizens in the west are placed. railway will give or ' optional route. At the time all the wheat as soon as tracked is sent over to Lake We want to provide another railway | by Hudson's Bay. the present route Bay route, and wheat and cattle lets for his production. We have been told: going to hurt the trade Lawrence if you do that ¥ of little faith,' is too great even lets. What we more than sufficient were allowed {past few weeks. in present nd two it me secretary's to be ght and received frivoli- games wlern age he report in an encouraging new circles have been two hundred into the order, not has one advantage in the { hom , if it makes a good stand { on its return. It has more games to {play than any of the other three con- tenders National League team. hitting--New York, .254; Chicago, .249; Pittsburg, .244; Philadelphia, Boston, { Cincinnati, t. Louis, y trying among | Brooklyn, Chicago leads towns and cities of {fielding » circlesswere taxed | Américan League team batting--De- the demands !troit, .263; Louis, has been the, 243; New Y h; Cleveland, 935. 1 Lawrence and the There six or- | Washington, s 'Chicago, 230: Phila- { routes. We have come with county secre- |delphia, 22%. Chicago leads in team clusion that the time Frontenac, Lamb- | fielding . now, and mow we have « and Middlesex, and y J. the field looking at the condition unior Ingersoll, King- "Canadian the country and preparing plans fo ar the 'man who = the over 0 nhers all the flourishing heen circles may be i | "Are of the "Oth, st | has condition, anly officially reported as dis- 2 | handed S Ls poor people Ontario, and i to their utmost them, and accomplished. t winter wa the in the the to meet great one for these two out- coming will be for: both the St Hudson's to the to build it survevors see | upon uy { work are | nied counties, Carleton, Perth, Oxford also five city ir oO on, S. Prescott, led the owners at Blue Flynn, of Open Season. New Brunswick September 15th--November 30th | Nova Scotia | October Ist--November 30th Quebec 1st-- December BR. AEA AEALTWL HENS 1 September 31st 2 % . . it pay. Write General Passenger Dept. INTERCOLON CYNE MONCTON, N.B. For free copies of : E MPIRE Poult ry Duster i tantly. "Moose in the Micmac Country" Lares Saclage "Fishing and Hunting.' Toronto Ticket Office, 51 King St. East. General Passenger Department, | Moncton, N.B.. or apply Montreal | Ticket Office? 141 St. James St. and ' Mec Teod' s Frog g Store, 1 ers in Poultry Supplies. ABSOLUTELY PURE. SOLD IK PACKAGES AND CANS. Same Price as the Sheen adulterated kinds W. P v Central Canadian Exhibition Ottawa, @nt., Sept. 18th to 26th Eas GILLE C TT COMPANY i LIMITED re TEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND R.O0 9.15, 10.00, LEAVES KINGSTON 8.80--11.30 am. 3 1011.30 a.m. ~11.30 a SAT SUN, 12.30 a. MON. TUES, without and a Muzitoba Beaver Flour is a blend Ontario Manitoba reats--makes the whitest, most nutritious Dread and the lightest, tastiest Cake, Pies and Patr y- AT YOUR GROCER'S. ree © Time Table subject to char notices Boat ealls at Garden Island sud from Ki a going to of and wl Lake Ontarip § & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co.. Ltd KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, 1,000 ISLANDS? Witte ms TR Tari Lass The Grand Duchess Is the Corset ll figures Many expertlady corset fitters have expressed their appreciation of the style, fit and lasting qualities of the Grand Duchess Corset. --r----y Str. C CASPIAN Y.eaves Kings Royal ALLAN Sz LINE BR | cu | | ston, Bonnets, place, with Flynn raced Goes Fast stakes of the London, taking ninth of $1,540. Mr. horses, but his of the Ottawa and Toronto, | Montreal, us. which we shall he prepare d to pu in al seventy.sight with} winnings into execution as soon as we receive { a membership of between and t them. The government will byild 7 railway, or rather somebody will entrusted with the building, ever we do all the: terminals and the elevators shall be built by government and retained under all cir- cumstances by the government, so to insure the largest measure fit possible to the © anadian people the North-West provinces. circles, 1,600 some only captured meeting. \ new Canadian record for the step and jump at made by Dr. Garfield McDonald, New Glasgow, the maritime province amateur letic championships at Halifax, he covered forty-seven half inches Johnson, gilist, Rurht two one OFFICIAL MUNICIPALDOM. al hop, the J. at ath- when and a Pittsburg Township Council. at 10.30 am. Present: Franklin, €euncillors t Minutes of re Ard, and spe- 22nd, adopted. On the reeve and borrow 22 000 Council met | Revove W. J | Milton, Spence, | ting, Au Spend I ' ir Sma Aug gust Smith, « to mes feet one ular mes | meeting the American colored signed articles dor Burns, the heavyweig the fight to take S.W., in December, hampionship of the that this will be his | me TWO STORIFS TOLD | tre aren a on, has with 0 tht place In and to world last Wolfe 1sland and Gananogjue Tat Play Bail. 16.--(To came which was to | between Howe Island (Wolfe Island) for prize of bat and ball, came off Sept 13th, at Howe Island. professional players of Gananoque, sisted by four Howe Islanders, the ) team, the Wolie ders met on their arrival. Of course it was discouraging for the Wolie Islan ders, who have not had much prac tice, but like brave, honest men they faced their opponents, the result would be, 1 in favor of Gananoque), knew their good work would recorded as the umpire was also a Gananoque man. Had Howe Islan as Wolie Island, lowe Island men, ranged, the score would have the farmers home to milk the sarlier than they did, for it was plain- ly seen what: Howe do, when three of them ball and the other got first base. The Wolle worthy of praise for holding fessionals, weil, not letting seore in the last innings. been fair the would have ry A SPECTA- wathorize month t current From .J vard MeMas have Mud forthwith, 1} ex- { mmunics Kingston, the I tor) I'he been playe Boxon Harbor to BYE Sept or unst Smith-Spence, es to che out Ishury, re road, weed to Mr. erson re side Moved, neil - fully 123 B., pass- August lst, an hat Dr en ag altogether likely ges, formerly of Toronto, will turn with the Hamilton this vear, and if he does he will probably ake the of George Ballard quarter-back. It is improbable jallard, whose eollar-bone in practice, will. be able to play « this year, although his doctor hopes that he will be able to get round in time to psticipate in final ¢ should the Tigers req his services to land the championship In the meantime he will coach the team from the side lines. an ut out Figers as et. Refe Hend Mr at that was broken place Smith opposing gain has him the uire re pointed collector Milton Brown, Atkin orre A wr, stone, ete. W. John- Vanalstine, Gillespie, bonus, ih (which was 8 t« for not ames, S10 on motion dd: D Ww F RE Conn they is passe e, SM3.04 ster, Hun stone, , X31.8 Milne, S37 heen as hogest put up all as THE NATIONAL RAILWAY. on cha culvert, 8. 831; F James r , fence £16.50: 2. | The Hudson's Bay Road Will Be Built. sir Wittria' kgoCiagara. * Une question we have greate attention to, considered othe people the ne Grand that v 10k rushed repairing :, do 10.50; wl, "keows" tribute the hit the have never half way Islanders mven which we seriously it means : L stone, . $6; PF. ( Wm. Gordon, we than any much to the anada, the building of anscontinental railway, the When we framed attacked by the opposition They us tell us stop of the road is m from Winnipe the settle y more umming X because of ( is SO them W once score CITY Trunk Pacific. umpire | been ve close. I'oR. measure we were the t to force of to y compiete to the rs upon ection Y They Deserve Much Credit. Howe Island, Sept. 17 tor) : We must heartily our young men in their playing Although they had but a practice; they were able to_cope with "Wolfe Island Centrals,"" who were victorious in a game ainst the "Ferry Te I'he trophy which was a mag 'Mohawk,' and four balls, donated by Mrs. Dunn of New York, bit "who ha been residing on the islands the few months, was joyfully carried away by the of ten to--one.-- Every Dunn kindly for. her tean and they also g wishes to the playing ture and Battle that You way { 1 operat: (To the Edi i congratulate Rive of locality told that we said this rail cost ST2.000.000 thé people's money, whereas it £200.000 000. Th a most and statement What of that we a contract ifie r, serving success in ball are voudl anadian last week. days successfully fv i few \ will cost is dishonest, the intair, the on 8 am.' part opposition. had made Tru Pa com We Werg ing to build Mone to Winnipeg ompaRy was to-pay the expenditure ement, and res we the nificent al wi vith mnyv, where Grand k by re for ulway the « cont. upc the arr X i from nd Isiannd Council past three That rail r a and pts Council us victors by a seore Mrs n one thanked interest the their best men for their team in the ISLANDER Fur- Lined Coats. own fac to wear, members if the ten paid +. T.P we st as ng th e, two « , two, ave 1 wi out We n, ouped by plainly, and give them nothin wen Vears, smted the absolutely ( millic b that young ce another HOWE SS 11 fu re neat | A i . th ure and ¢ meas of and made to ples Made in our to fit, made at Campbell Bros' edged headquarters for Lory made , fashio hich comes of t the Canadian peo acknowl would be thirt urs will cost a But when the will cost int it lollars It an that id that millions, the We may t} money In the Slavon public library s, and a very large of the Russian reaters selec social and governmental subjects. Whhy's 82 hats for quality. Ye volume two pre- ad the which we will L Kail. ! jes have it ropottion N OR re nwopo on Walker, 3 bunt red figures are : nh on Davis, [5 K yosterous. but advance will be S36.16 I money, e lays, 3 Ww. ames s1 16 51 of arf count, SN ACCOR) wd S66 Mrs an, gan, shiny recouped, every cent of S89 9% Rawley, TH account, me ant It? Ask your doctor all about Ayer's non- alcoholic Sarsaparilla. Then you will know whether you want it or not. -- 23.02 a coal July, x ( & Birch & weounts itt O rent « wl Ivey a own o [ paid : W Thomas 1 Jack vue tione £5: S850; S81; Alrs I" ard of men, r, Lhe Ww Norris, sho . printing, Sr., charity . bos Grimshav Wm lob Wa Q Mrs. M William ry "o examining Sim 2 Grimshaw, fixing tis, amning > Grimshaw, | R ed that notified em eXy mm solv owners be t! will to car be images 1 Simcoe lerir Ryan's property, for Simcoe hirst a.m. receive up yersSarsaparill q NON-ALCOHOLIC fixing I be ¢ on the ary repairs I< N Want Want Want Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Ask your doctor a nerve tonic! a blood purifier? a strong alterative? Want a family medicine? Want it without alcohol? Ask your doctor 10 1,000 Islands-Rochester. Steamer 10.15 a.m: at 53 pm. spian leaves Sinday at Tor 1.000 istand ports, and Montreal to Liverpool tdunte. {| ™ for Rochester, via Bay of Want Ayer's Sarsaparilla? Ask your doctor Free from Alcohol J. C. AYER CO Nowadays. It's Campbell Bros - Qoebby hats. man will admire. . then hil hill a woman' s find fault with his tiny of wife's A love Fry . .. 'Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass. 's celebrated $2 hats, to do any-| that this railway is a necessity owing to the conditions in which our fellow- This them an alternative is Superior. | There will then be | Hudson's raises will have two out- vou not St. ye the trade of Canada Say con- je | the be but what- as of be ne 2di- have a on five Islan- not caring what 1 Islanders. could to, are the pro- } Had the the | i that | On- 2 of | } i help the citizens in other parts of the | | Saturday Morning, 8.30 0'clock BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS -- FOR ------ Sc. EACH. 860 Black Sateen Underskirts. The complete stocks of one of the largest manufacturers in the country, comprising over 75 different styles, and worth in the regular way, $1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50. ] our Choice for 98c. These Skirts will bear the closest inspec- tion. The material is of a superior qual- ity. The workmanship is high class in every way. HKach Skirt is. extremely wide and full. ACCORDEON PLEATED SKIRTS, FRILLED SKIRTS, TUCKED SKIRTS. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY > R. Waldron. & "KING" p 1 f r t 2 1 1 and ars THE FLY KILLER Kills without crushing and do es not | fabrics or injure the highest polis h. 10ec. ware ==? Grocers. soil each, delicate Hard- the most Druggists, SAOES At present there's a demand for Warm Slippers. We have jast received a few newlines: Women's Felt Slippers. Special 75c¢. Fancy Oriental Slippers, good felt--soles, 40c. Fancy Soft Leather Budoir Slippers for women. $1.25. Women's Leather Slippers, Special at $1.00. Women's Carpet Slippers, 30¢, 50c & $1.00. Women's Fine Leather Slippers, 60c;, 75¢~ and $1.00. Men's Carpet Slippers, also $1.25. - fleece lined. 50c and $1.00, Cheaper grades, 35¢, 50c.'