THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1008. ; PAGE FIVE DOMINION BREWERY 0 WIFE WAS IN PLOT The CHEN AR HAD NO SUSPICION eC rr kal | TELEPONE 838. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES. ' | | Co., (per W. Hector H. LIMITED, TORONTO. over The World. | . | TO ROB HER 'R HUSBAND OF| John Gibson, of Kingston, will judge | WALKED OFF WI WITH APRON! Hume). | J P BICKEI L & Cl O Celebrated HIS SAVINGS. {the dairy produce at the Wolfe Island | FULL OF JEWELRY. | September 2st. | . . a . {Tair-- _ Stock 0 Cl ¢ - . -p Bl 8. pening. ose. Cheese salek: St. Hyacinthe, 760 } | Amalgamated Coppe = TH BANKERS BROKERS White His Bravery Too Much For Men at 12jc; Watertown, N.Y., 7000, at Nervy Servant Girl Walked Past A Leos MB 15 MH! AND She Becgted in House and An Zi. 10 18fe. | Mer Mistress With $5,000 Am. Sugar Rein. Co. [| 1% 1 Members of Chicago Board of Trade the first English «pheasants ever r . , . a Elopement is Spoiled. hatehed 1. the in Dy "Or tario have Worth of Stolen Goods Under Jin, Smite & Refin. Co. ? a New York, Sept. 2). --Kammass De- heen raised in Essex county this yeas i Her sre - { Atches. Top. & St. Fe... ) 851 | LAWLOR BUILDING, i TORONTO. linski was asleep in his home when ie superintendent of post oflices hiladelphia, Sept. 21.--Under the {American Car Foundry. #38 33 | two me dp his room 'and, after bas lett, for Wentworth Saity to lay very eyes of her mistress, who sus- |Balti. & Ohio : 5 3 5 ow | Correspondents of FINLEY BARRELL & CO. kening him told him they had jout a Iree rural mail delivery route. pected nothing, a elever servant rl | Brooklyn Rapid T. ..!.. 17 1] : yme for his money { McFarland, alias Bellamy, the al-| thief walked out of the house of John Canadian Pagific - . 170} ) : HMBMBERS OF One man stood at the bedside svith |leged rare book swindler, was re-sr- {E, Marsden, in West Philadelphia, yes- |Ches. & Ohio . J 4 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. revolver hy band. *You have 36 and ested in Toronto and taken to Chi- Verda, with Bn apron fuitl of Jewelry 10. ua. & Bt Ral Wi 291 NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. we wan 1 esac elins ad : : % alu at 9 . { Cons. a pg : % . 4 IEW s COPPER YC ICR India Pale Ale 1 $600 in a trunk and wondered how the | Messrs. Georwe Joutillier, Barrie- ihe girl came to Mrs. Marsden on { Col. Fuel & Iron. . i . NEW YORK COFFEE EXCHANGE. looked | field, and Lorne Sangster, of Queen | Thursday and applied for a position | Erie, com. . a 3 NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. XXX P t {about the room for a minuté, and street, have returned from a visit at | a5 4° domestic. She gave her name as | Erie, first pref. ; th § CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. : or er jahen, Quick re 8 fash he Sprang fom | Jasnanaque. ban} tatement shows Hary hi i re. Misraden engaged | G. North Ry., pref. = 26 i CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE. the bed and grabbed the "man who | gus ani stalement sho her anc we began work immediately. | Louisville & Nashv He ... J 2 i ST > | lid St t {held the revolver. The second man an increase of $15,673,178 in deposits | Ax Mrs. Marsden stood on the fo Moun Tad =. . i AT = RA Exo HANGE. nva ou | MINNEAPOLIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ran from the house. in Canada. In August last year they |yesterday, seeing her son of 10 National Lead .... : A; the would-be rol ber |declined 83,286,606. sehool, the girl, dressed in street at-|N. Y. Central ® 3 i COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE OF PHILADELPHIA. Delinski and Every Cork {Branded | struggled for several minutes, Delin- { Hon. A. B. Aylesworth has returned | tire, passed out of the house. Mrs. (Northern Pacific... 135% i WINNIPEG GRAIN AND PRODUCE EXCHANGE | ession of the re- {from Vienna with his hearing greatly | Marsden noticed the apron tied in I tren MM Tal i . { ski finaily getting poss ) > < ' | volver, Mrs. Delinski who had bee mj | improved, and will immediately take | hyndle under her arm, and asked ty {Eu B. R- : 1998 an COBALT RIGNEY & HICKEY [sleeping in another room appeared. | part in the campaign in Ontario. where she was going. She said shel {Rock land ; es 1m 1H {Sl did not appear surprised and fr he towne of agen and Woodiiure, was going to post a letter. | Rock Island, pref. . ay a SHARES BOUGHT AND SOLD: CONTINUOUS QUOTATIONS. 136 & 138 Princess St. | lo8ked on -unconcernedly while her | Wis., jere destroyed by forest fires As time passed, and the girl did | [Southern Ry., col i g | husband and the intruder rolled about | on Sunday, and nearly four thousand not appear, Mrs. Marsden went up- 1S \ 3 Pacific mn, » a aos 1k ' | the floor persons are homeless in consequence. |gtajrs and examined the safe, finding ont ro 3 BENE tn. x = { Clarence Chambers, Kingston, Ont. -- | With a great effort "the intruder [ At Cincinnati, Ohio, Alexander Star- | that all the jewelry was gone. There |; '& ity > . . Be * ye away. As it ~was nothing buck, a famous naturalis t, fisherman |i: no clue to the whereabouts of the U Eg Sted, 3 : { W . Hector H. Hume nager | out of the ordinary, Mrs. KK. | and anthor,; ended his/life in the gov- irl U.S. Stee prei. 5 i : N Ma | Delinski returned to bed. Delinski, |e ernment building, on Monday morn- | - : [t nion Pacific, com. . + : = {dressed and went to the city hall jing. {Wabash ....... = 2 2 i Filli TALK OF A NEW WARDEN ? |Wabash, pref. a EE ---------------------- [police' station, where he reported the | At Fort William, Ont., bush fires ! | cocurrence |are again dangerous and the fire' bri- -- : | | Detectives questioned Mrs. Delinski, {gade had to get out to save three An Ottawa Story Concerning Dr. CHICAGO PRICES, - | ontrea iver but she professed not to know any- { houses at the extreme west end of the Platt. September 21st thing about the case. Later she con- | city. An Ottawa despatch to the Toronto] J Upening. Close. After a considerable length of time, labor and expense in pro- fessed that she was in the plot torah] At Fdeor Elias Johnson was ar-lworld says : | Sept. : 101; 99% | specting for minerals around Cobalt District, I can now put on' the jrested for passing a quantity off 14 developed here to-day that at-|pec. . rn 101k 100; | market fifteen 40 acre claims, all in one group. on the TAMAGAMI {strange rs found it out. He her husband. 8 a) She : said Antonio Antonovitz and | counterfeit American half dollars, a tempts are being made to remove Dr. |yav pas oe 1042 103: | RESERVE, N.W. of Indian Chute, Montreal River. Assessment and . wre 3 | 8 3 * n: y S ji 3 i i 3 Joseph Druski we the men who had the BD ple the market ith! JM. Platt from the wardenship of| Cop. considerable' work have been done in this territory. Am open to attacked her hus and, They ere ar- | The Ate of is Touse of the Kingston penitentiary. Sept. . i sell in lots of three claims or the entire group. Full particulars, rested and conlesed this gui i ote Crane the releom of that : A oar Wgo when SHorts Ne made | Dec. . a fant . 663 # 64% | maps, and engineers' reports may be had on: application to me. rs, Delinski, who is twenty years | LOSS : 3; Te yy friends of one of the o av 5 5 Titles all clear and the claims are open to inspection old, while her husband is past forty, chamber will recommend the addition | {ye penitentiary to secure the Ah May... 2 Gk : p nspey 4 had permitted Antonovitz to call at [Of a number of eminent commoners to | ion for him Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, | oe! Eta nthe. absence. of her hus. {be elected for one term only. [minster of justice, wrote to Dr. Platt| Cobalts. G. Salkeld & Company, hand Antonovitz learned from ber | joe bontore, oye six years, while assuring him that the idea of a Crown Reserve ow XT - that Delinski had $600 saved, which' he poring : mateies In the Yard of change was preposterous, This time | Cobalt Lake ...... vy - Box 269. - COBALT. {kept concealed in the house, and he ther b me iv fe {4 I lied + |it is stated that a liberal M.P., whotLa Rose | ¥ Np > 8 8 g wl that she die mn |: 3 < i A 1 i {proposed the robbery to the woman. | Was so badly burnec is not going back to parliament, is |Nipissing "ee : : : dhe @ | "When I have got the money," he the hospital five hours later. . . endeavoring to work the game, but Nova Scotia po 36 7 : P.S.--I have also a good Silver Claim in Coleman for sale that told Mrs. Delinski, "we will go away {| The Protestant churches of St. enquiry in official circles to-day show- [Right of Way will make a mine. I have also made a discovery of Asbestos on together Mrs. Delinski agreed to the |Johh, N.B., are pledged to raise 350,- | 1 hat the efforts would again prove | Silver Leaf ..... } 9 | the Montreal river worth looking at. | i ar for e |: J proposition and it was she who let 000 during the coming year for the | hitless, { Tretheway iy wl . " = Antonovitz and his companion into [purpose of extending operations Jn The only objections urged 'against |Temiskaming .. ... .. .. : W. D. P. Barker Rich y the house Sunday night. Delinski's | herd the home and foreign mission |p. Platt are that he has been ex R sexs ichard 1. Cowan os | courage upset their plans. lelds, eedingly strict against the admit- alos: of our ambitious young | pss : I ------ | At a meeting of liberal delegates SL viiiove, is ny Tips From The Wires. a . C0. J.merican girls work too bard at | rook FORMAL "EVIDENCE |held at * Spencerville S. J. Martin, | {hat prisoners should not be paraded| J. P. Bickell & Co., Toronto, re- it : { Kemptville was unanimously chosen i : is he 1a) : Lower prices prevail to-day in COMPANION TURNED TO STOCK BROKERS. school. It Pt 1 Hid to the public view and in this is 'port : Many teachers have little or no | And the Case Was Enlarged Until as the liberal candidate to contest |,,held by the department [the more active stocks. The general ; : : oF eT » {i Grenville ¢ » feders r s Ra : y a ¢ er. ¥ a = 1 1 W. Members of Standard Stock d i Exe judgme nt about pushing a child October f the county of Grenville at the federal here is no age limit under the act. | feeling is that political influence is KI A CRO ae and Mining Ex bey ond her endurance. They ought D Toronte Sept 21. The charee |e lection. ort iz published. in Pari For some time he has been carrying | responsible for the weakness in stoc ks, : to know that girls especially have a against he Wholesale. Grocers. Aso: Ly : Pp roy r hia 5 on als out the duties of both warden and {but the over-bought condition of one | Edward Cook, Aged Thirteen, of COBAL f STOCK S { a nce Miguel, a, the | deputy warden. [or two hig houses is more likely the Wood Point, N.B., Receives A SPECIALTY. ¢ y ari y » : : ; | dane . be ok aes, 0 Sisen ciation, of Hamilton, of cons tituting | pre tender to the throne of Portugal, Lady FOF NO iT as soon as these acvounts er physical collapse is the result, {a conspirac estraint of trade, was | retly , rs, 8 » joaus 3 . s bose i aio oa 2 18 Mg us No 1 3 ' p facy in r : r vin J t oi gion [recently Cre thy married Mrs. Samuel No Strained Relations. tare liquidated, improvement in prices Charge Near the Eye and Falls 88 & 90 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont an akes years o year: called in a special assize court, tl Sloan Chauncey, a rich American wi- | twill take place Dead--Edward Wood Held the "Phone Main 185. recover lost vitality. morning, with Chief Justice Faleon- | dow. Special to the Whig. : Tua laze | oi '8 C + Marke Many a young girl has been helped [bridge presiding. ~The evidence take | F. J. Senscnbrenner, an American | Ottana, Sept. hho rumor hos | 5 2 pe fairly Xood irading one for Sun. Mi 8 § af € 3 y : i reaches re re ns {sho F: ( ading one pr . i . + 1 over this critical 1x riod,and been pre- | Was of a somewhat formal character | paper manufacturer, is urving that the gg "Pi page the Ki lions 'between ) oe . wig sh 1k ne «d_ sales on |, Sackville, N.B.,, Sept. 21.--Wood g 1 g B . . os ) 3 chas s and sales N . : ? yared for a healthy womanhood by |and the case was adjourned until Oc- | United States government place a |.' an, 0 Fy E> von penite; ( aes eg on ue N ! Point, five miles from here, was the| BUYING AND SELLING ORDERS pare : 2 » i Y tober, when his worship will be able | prohibitive tariffi on wood pulp, and vary, and ojlia o Re Justios fe 4 re rket rally quiet and ] 5°" of a tragedy, on Saturday af FOR J to devate a week to it. J. Stanley [so foree Canada to consent to export partment are somewhail stramned, a «ondon market generally quiet and {te on when thirteen-year-old Ed . | FOSS Te y ive saw . s . o ) ; Wi wr stocks s . v Luin LYDIA E.PINKHAM'S ; press representative saw Mr. Dawson, [rather heavy with copper stocks show- | PRA WASH BO fas Cook, was COBALT STOCKS Cook. Montreal, won on the witness | pulpwood freely. > : | 3 i , x inspector of penitentiaries visits | ing ressure. : : VEGETABLE COMPOUND box to-day. He was -formerly secre Sir Wilfrid Laurier was greeted, at ing G 5 penton i 4, Who sits "ng pres ne bt tide. but im accidentally killed by a charge from | placed with reliable brokers free of : A x 5 % . : e pent s : srious droughts » v ; ie penal institution a ingston of- | erious droughts continue, bu " double-barrelled shotgun in the charge. the association. The minutes |" ry, upon his arrival from Lon- Miss Elsie I. Hook. of Chelsea, Vt lary of mig 3 . . Q ten, and who would be expected to tant crop areas practically unaf- ir . "2 MISE Rinie ) oy » SROC « sre read to him [dor Monday morning, . 3. BL 4 I |portan I I v s of Edward Wood, aged fifteen. the association were read O ham don, on onaa) Y hand o Bre hoot, it 'Je B. Cur ir rir igham t 4 o writes to Mrs, Pinkham: - well as some of the by-laws, whic h | 2st, i cheering thousands, at know Just what was going on. | fected. i 2 : : | Young (ook was killed instantly, the "I am only sixteen years old, but I |e said were correct, as he rememberec 1IM.C. station. A beautiful illumi- He said that Zeiations were . not | Corn ripening rapidly and is Dow charge tearing a gaping hole under 04 Victoria street, Toronto. want to tell you that Lydia E. Pink- |them. He also sent out circulars borin "civic address of welcome was strane; shat 2 ere had been no | close to 'the frost limit. his left eye. The accident took place = -- ham's Vegetable Compound and your [ihe trade, which were quoted as evi- fread. Le Sid Bk In 8 lak as he| Cotton still unaffected by threatened | ho, the boys were bringing the cows NEWS OF DISTRICT. advice cured me of sideache, periodie | joncins an understanding. Mr. Cook | It is officially stated, in Berlin, that knew there haq heen no word of Dr. | storms. : from pasture. When almost a quar pains and sleeplessness; also of a ner- | ii there were really three associa- [the visit of King Edward and Queen Platts leaving. "» a : | Steel tonnage placed in present quar: | ¢or of a mile from their homes they The Tidings From Various Points vous, irritable condition after every- |. =... cots of associations. Beside | Alexandra, of England, to Germany, or some iime, said Mr Daw- ter will be larger than at similar per- | | ticed a crow flying over their heads in Eastern Ontario. thing else had failed, and I want to the dominion body, there was a pro will be made early in February. Their |" he did not have very good|jods since the panic. . Wood turned toward Cook to take a Borde ill sak at Picton § thank you for it." vincial body. in each province and |majesties will spend three, or four health, bat 1 am glad to say Hat he Missouri Pacific July net earnings | ot at the bird, and as he did so Wewhn Th Speak.' Alalon on Dep hii a, ay ldave I eri he cuests i Es {18 much better now, and. in fac a Mincreased 869,182, in spite of gross de oF . 1scharoec " x x > FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. I 0 yi " i iam Rerkiy, the guests of Kaiser letter Wwe got only lately intimated hadi ed Bihan, ; te gun -- Sectarg 4: ( re pis A. V. Fosilr, Lieton," has bien aps For thirty years lydia E. Pink- | BY pracuts the other i The Central Canada fair opened, on |i 2! he was considerably improved in| Thirteen roads for second week of | face ang he fell to the road dead. polited the town pan Sificer al ham's Vegetable Compound, made |"""™"™" 2 ; Monday, at - Ottawa, "with favorable heith ww anv trath in ti | September show an average: gross de ---- i ts EE from roots and herbs, has been the TOUCHED A LIVE WIRE weather. The cattle exhibit is above s there any truth in the rumor HEARING AN APPEAL tober. 1909 ab a standard remedy for female ills, -- : We : Sheriff Gibson, Picton, is on a trip and has positively cured thousandsof | \nion Saved Her From women who have been troubled with | ~°mPanion Bi : } . crease of 5.08 per cent that relations between the warden and | Town Topics, New Yogk, says : some of the department officials are |would take advanta Yof the sharp good. A pure food show is added |SEained J rallies to sell such stocks as Smelters, ere lisplacements, inflammation, ulcera- | tain Death {pons year, ki tos : ti 1. fibroid tumors, irregularitie S | London, Sept. 21 Margaret amer- (The striking mechanics claim that periodic pains, bac Jkache, that bear- | and Mrs. Woods, two employees of | there are fifteen hundred cars of [the City Hotel, had a thrilling ex- {wheat in the C.P.R. yards at Win mg down feeling, flatulency, indiges- herience. The two women were taking |nipeg which the company cannot move | § ; Th the we n + prastration v short cut from one room Yo an owing to lank of motive Power. There ingelan pen ieniiary a ne Dan frost in wheat here this morning; wo New YX 5s against the dismissal of {very much further towards Pembroke, 1b) other along a ledge at the level of [are alsol"they say. 160 cars out of |, | 1 th thirds not placed vet on accoun f |.Justice Mabee of their action, insti- } are still doing immense damage in the Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick {the iourth floor, when Mrs. Woods {commission at Regina Admitted. there. re-inspection being called tuted to recover $2,500,000 from «J. R. | surrounding country. : F women to write her for advice. | touched a live wire and fell with a| Mistaking arsenic powder f The Chicago Inter-Ocean =ays : | Booth, the Ottawa lumberman This | On Sept. Sth in St. Mary's church She has guided thousands tO |:hrick on the narrow ledge. Her com- mon salts Miss Rose Doyle, vl A SECOND JAWBREAKER. Wheat bears say they had covered be- |is the suit arising out of the sale of |Chicago, Miss Mary E. Mooney, fore health, Address, Lynu, Mass. panion grabbed her and also received | thirty ht ve , daughter of he ca they did not care to take any |the Canada Atlantic railway by Mr. | merlvy of Brockville, was united in t or old he ate ovle athan 1 Mind Readers Put to Awful ¢}; ws f Russia, al : fi atl gL : v shock, but managed to h her | late John Dovle. Chatham, Ont., ni eaders u oN Awful 'chances on the news from Russia, al- | Booth. The plainti had an' option | marriage to Dr. William C. Sheppard ympanion from falling to certain {a tragic death during Sunday night Tests. - though they don't believe tat Ger- | on the road which, according to Mi Surviving his wife just ten days FULLL, WE =1GH T | % on the street below, I'heir She sank in unconsciousr nd died Berlin, Sept, 21.--The Zaneigs, who man or Mediterranean ports will be | Booth, they did not exercise in time [William Me hay, one of Brockville's | cereams brought help, and they were {an hour after physicians arrived are fillin "a two months' en in ement closed to the Russian wheat on a and he sold to the Grand Trunk. They | veteran residents, passed awdyv in the 7% We removed to safety. Mrs. Woods' hand Vessel movements : SS. Canada, i at the Betlin Wintergarten ave a count of cholera in ib 53% . | had been burned the bone, (ward . fram . South Father ecommand performmnce the -- Marble tare But. should.- such a. thing. occur. Liract-and- deposits of $250,000, which had not been in good health for seves while one arm and her feet were also |Point; SS. Hungarian, SS. Corsican | palace at Potsdam, last night > be thev said it would be almost too bull- | was confiscated, but lost n the first ral months | hurned «« Cameron suffered severe- [and SS. Pretorian passed Father | fore the guests of the crown ne sh to contemplate, as it would set | round of fier ence we appea At Carleton Place, Saturday meorn= ly from shock Point for England; SS. Ionian cleared | and princess. Their imperial "hi the American markets on fire and a The case i ing : ing, fire started in the rear of the meeteemtsim---- Glasgow for. Montreal; SS. Sicilian | nesses and their friends were so fas- five cent bulge over night might casily stables at W. M. Cameron's lime kiln DIED OF LOCKJAW. cleared Havre for Montreal cinated with the performance ' that |occur DROWNED IN CANAL. and gained rapid headway, destroying perian, for Montreal, at Point mou | they kept the Zaneigs at work fo . -- the buildings and five valuable horse Rusty Nail in Foot and n Corn-}that were inside. the average and the dairy show and C horticultural ends are als v isd: i i ¢ Action 11 or- 1 Uso ry Again: Dismissal of New York city where he will un. special ' I treatment Oo special mm al treatm * is not," was the re ply "In- |A.C.P.. Unit ed States te preferred Against J. R. Booth. : it Ww n deed things are very far from that." |e St. Paul A te . New York Toronto, Sept. 21.--The court of Irs : XY. boyd : From what could be learned both | entral and the Hill > 11 « appeal, to-day, hearing the appeals d a a) irom a ne months ail the minister of justice and other offi- | {\h for turns on bulg of Henry lL. Sprague for himself and wit ! Gs F_daugh ~ req U.A¢ Ble cials support the warden of the Minneapolis wires :| Good deal of the | fir. Seward and A. L. Mayer, all of The iaspe, Ate, they have not spread Gananoque, return- the immediate fu- | then sued for alleged breach of on- |General Hospital, on Saturday He S88. Vi torian reac hed Liverpool on |over an hour, subjecting them to the MILLS CLOSED DOWN. Muscular Man Loses Life in : | September 18th | most thorough test thev have under - all © 1 In a fit of despondency, it be { Tetanus Set in. In connection with its harvest y i heir iv gy wa ana. Mr d rozi . ) hats h t home | cone since "their private exhibition Paral r Strikt in 'British ( k bo Q "A | lieved, Mrs. Ellen Crozier, a resident | Brockville, Unt., Sept. 21 John 8. festival, on Sunday, St. John's !/ last vear. A aralyzing Strike r ornwall, nt., ept 2 "Eloff Hastings, for many vears, tool Foxton, who ran a rusty nail in his |¢lican church, Sandwich, Ont., . The crown prince and princess test Cotton Industry. muscular man, weighing 200 pounds fo green, which proved fatal She foot ten days ago, died, Saturday | brated the one hundredth anniver Mme. Zaneig's thought-reading| Manchester, Eng., Sept 21 All jor more about thirty years of age, bas sixty-six years of age, and is icht, 'of lockjaw. He lived Just a of the erection of the first church, | rs, writing down two character hope of avoiding a paralyzing strike and having the words "J. H. Bassett" bo, vived by four sons. short time after tetanus set in. Fox- {When the British evacuated Detroit , erman compound words and of the eotton industry and allied tattooed on his arm, was drowned ir ! ton was a corporation carpenter, and and the northwest in 1796 several | ing her to guess them These | trades was abandoned, to-day, when | the Cornwall canal about 8 p.m. Sat . was employ constructing sidewalks | families loyal to the British crown | wor were "hinterbliebanversicherun-ifour hundred mills closed down. The urddy. He had made a couple of trip Prayers For The, Souls. lwhen the sccident occurred. He was moved from Detroit. In 1807 the ! ersfond (survivors' insuranee--funds) | shut;down came as a result of the jin the Montreal and Cornwall Naviga Montreal, Sept. 21.--Publie- prayers ixtv-three vears of age, and before, church was reared. land "'zwangsversteigerungegserbadnisse reiection, by 130,000 cotton mill em- | tion company's steamer Filgate, and |by oxer 30,000 people were offered up, oming to Brockville resided for mahy ---------------- (results of compulsory auction). ployees, of the operatives' proposa f | was dis ged here on Saturday. He Sunday in the Roman Catholic ceme- in Hamilton He leaves a | Mrs. Zaneig gasped for breath when a five per cent. reduction in wa . | spent the afternoon drinking, and was tery, for the repose of, the souls of Eve Wo an but no family MANIA COMING ON AGAIN. |. attempted to negotiate these [Not only these 130,000 workmen are | seen to fall into the canal while walk- | the dead who-are buried there. It was : in a : | mountains of syllables, and now on strike but thousands in the [ing on the bank. An attempt was | the annual service for All Souls' day, KR, "ano na hk row Plenty Of Paupers Confesses Murders After Thirty | the crown princess' permission to w . | allied trades are locked out by order | made to save him, but he sank. The | which comes on November 2nd, but the yout the wonderful S. } . . : "B . : y x fter a = rt se y " 5 > y h MARVEL Whirling Spray London, Sept. 21.--One"person in : Years. | the answer, which was given amid of the trades--u body was found after a short search, |service was held yesterday 80 as to be R Domv Joxingl i : tl t Pot of the population of Paris, Sept 21.--Great excitement | great laughter . and was taken--to--d-- M. McDonald's | sure of good weather, The attendance, Jest M oO - Vi rey eg « e Pe on « { sin 2 . " . 3 . « out it cleanses || Er oh n nd Wales is a pauper, ac has been caused in the small village When the exhibition was over both i undertaking room The COTONAFs Dr. the , congregational singing, the play- ty ipiand a } vernment returns of Harlowe Happenings. Hamilton, decided that an inquest ling of funeral marches, and the open- o » gove y re ns on 2 + ' i . . coraing lo ! " ge NE on. Jan Harlowe, Sept 19 ~Mr = F. Ga ay | was unnecessary. The authorities are lair preaching made the celebration the condition of 'pauperi a5, spent ¢ w days with her sister, | endeavoring to locate his frie e most ifpresgive. to behold. . Mrs. G. Conners. There was a husk- artes rr en lst. 1908. The name of casual paw- wrs was the e ghest on record ply : > m ® : "0 : pers was then the highest on reco ing bee at T. Whiteman's Tuesday MANIA FOR KILLING. "Where is the cough," that Gib: p and the number of able-bodied men i . J. Grav's Fr : : 3 : Ww TRON a PrLY co. Windsor, Out. relieved at public expense, owing® to g and one at J. Gray s Fnday -------- son's Red ross Cough Syrup will not elieved s g : 1 j 4 > ucmt Arp (or vunuite the fact thet they were out of work he who, thirty years ago, murdered : Dumphy-Mills. : . ov Sebedtle for 20c. "Phone en : Ee bowed. an in. | little girl, aged two, whose hody was | The marriage took plac \ . |Myer's Cave. Miss Pearl Taylor was With Case Knife. 230. : : . IN CURED and lor other Sous: 8, BX é a an 1, und in a local river. He added hw 1 Mmarrié 5 % "or pare on Monday |{}je guest of Miss Cora Parks on Sa- Al i I Sant. 21 --A mani Michael Slick, a boilermaker, in Chi. Tease ent: r cent. Aas con . Pe afterno o we » no : . " Alex: ria, La., Sept. 21.-- ani \ : IN 24 HOURS oat : pbs 0; Pe : Ne while at Gijon, in Spain, in 191, he ater ot NM wo Mil nown Ki '¢- | turday and Sunday last. J. Thomp- | Xandna LE 2 ; i Ed : es cago, was fined $10 jor stealing a a HOUR pared with 1907. ne notig€able fea- ps ™ ai oR pe '¢. | stonians, Mrs ary ills and Edward '_,,, 1 {Emily have moved to their for killing took pe sion of Edware : : rth with whe he - had u eant painless Ve ally ther » of the sort ~~ * morej murdered in the same month two girls | Duraph The ce yn and (fmily h - Avie : cure orisoner.. when hi kiss from a girl with whom he ae he rd, Soft. or. b ng, DY Applying mg] ture of sid : hil D aged respectively fourteen and fifteen. | Lom pay 'el oie Tong was per- |, home at Northbrook. Mr. and |2¥ he «8, negra Pp Re WoT, J sins von NY armless bee anse composed married couples, without Sha eth He cut the head off one and threw the JOFmed a} one. o'clock ov Rev. Ir Mrs. J. McCausland are spending. a death warrant lo the murder ol bis tans 8 3 18 ha + than married couples with children 3 MacTavish, at the manse. Mr. and ; ia: isiting friend t Tam- | wife was' read to him in jail, last and balms. Fifty ye: Y \ Saved body into the se = \ D v Joit at tw *elock. F few days visiting riends a am ht H rasped a - case knife kill . ave oh lieve . ; rs { eft ¢ < wk for 1 x: Cf , sh eo grasped a case fe, a A by all fave been reloveds I'he man further said that he im} wg 0-0 aes worth and' Napanee Miss C. Parks jnignt. je Oras] + 6 : > S. » substitutes. a 20 an Cape Vincent, Watertown, and other 1 wm m ¢ led "Tip" Davis and Garfield Bradley PAINLES a moved to commit these horrible crimes Bt TH I reside 3 } te" returned to Foronto on Tuesday, af- ding Ad four other pr RANT S Hardie At Halifax. by an irresistible impulse from which points he reside wn this oity. 4... o few months visit at her home | 2" al Nous ed ou a d i, : = ] 1 ---------- at Ea apg negroes. ne © we wound- CORN EXTRACTOR Halifax, N.S., Sept. 21.--The Trades he had been free 'for some years, but here. The Movement people are all | Oners, all fegro A the, pt. ) » ie eee emmeremimemenn | 0 1 1 Labor Congress of Canada openetl a fow days ago he felt the impulse Its Return Postponed. home from camp meeting. Miss E. [6 may © i the victims: attract > The Roval Canadian Horse Artil- Thompson started for Watertown yves- The screams 'o we victims attract- Root Com d. its twenty-fifth annual convention, in coming over him again. ~1 } i 's . : ) » + fe} : 3 tor ¢ , : led almost a thousand persons to the 10 1 1 A( ttempied the +» lery"s coming home from Petawawa |terday. after a lew davs' visit at her | ®¢ to ¥ : oa ' He had Ady mptec 2 A ¢ f Y of the Meanwhile jail this city, at am. to-day, with a atte The great Uterine Tonic, and 1 del : ; 1 1 " : i * here. Mes B N vicinity jail. pc one hundred delegates represer § OW and beine unable as heen postponed for the preser yarents' here. Messrs, urman, North: ( , Jul onl me hundred delegat represent- | of his own child. and being unable to; has he 1 © present. |} officers played a fire hose on Ayles, - ¥ some . ) eitoctual Monthly ing all parts of the demimion in at- resist the terrible impulse which pes. Owing to the bush fires, it's unsafe to brooke, and Morgan, North Bay, were TE tinally bringing: hi Hold in three Segre tendance. Hon. G. H. Murray. premier sessed him he gave himself up to the leave the building at the camp with- at 8. Clancy's Thursday. Miss R. the, wold Nate inally bring: g im : A as No. 8 lof Nova Scotia, Mayor Crosby, Hali- 'police as the only wat to save him- out a force to protect them should Thompson is visiting Miss L. Me- [Pac ne for apo al ov: wis, 85 per boX. [fax. and President Scott, of the Hali- self from further crime fire arise. It may be another week or Causland. Some of the voung men . Wo Watertown this week The Mrs. C. Taylor and Mrs. F. J. Sold by all druggists, or sent ' 5 al y ol y > : t «os before the artillery comes back e to fax Tra and Labor Council, wel The examining magistrate who ques- ! so before the artiller omes bac went ; ¢ n receipt of price, y 2 . . 3 | a] ~ 2 > ve = opal don : re ig Tue (comed the delegates to ' Halifax. Al- tioned Joly says that he is quite me picnic last week proved a great suec- Dhcianee, 8 ianauogue, hive 5 foe A 1 t , > z Bb 4 iN. . ormerly Windsor) | 1 onse V erville, M.P., presideny of the calm and shows no signs of mania. | The re sulps of Queen's supplementa The sum of $52 was made clear | UL jon pri gs k . cei naress, responditig. Kei Havdie, the Nevertheless, an alienist has been examinations will. not be announced 'of all expenses. There was no shoe] mont ob ax Wap sa. of Cobalt a o1 der of the so st members oc issiohec o examine h stil e 29th. The university re-opens Friday on account of the iliness of the Bri ine, of wba , ba i the socialist memb of the commissiohed to ¢ ine him. His till th pen struck a new vein of five inches. fortune. British House of Commons, is present, family believe he is insane on the 30th. teacher, of Dérignies, in the Nord Department, | the crown prince and princess en- by a sensational confession made caged the Zaneig in a long co the police by a man named Joly, who | Versation re garding their history and was employed in a glass factory [ the origin of their mysterious accom- Joly, who is fifty-three years of a .. | plishments told the police very calmly that it was Ask Ban. nggist for it. A i he ganuot supply je RY MARVE -------- ev night. H. Critchley is home from | Condemned to Death Slew Two cure. A been dancing. 1 cess