zs PAGE EIGHT, Tg, srssrento | Women's Handsome Fur-Lined Coats $45.00 and $65.00 At $45.00--A fine quality, import- |aiternoon ed Broadcloth Shell, man tailored, lined all through with grey and white squirrel, or Russian Hamster, storm Collar and Lapels of Natural Alaska Sable or Isabella Fox. This Garment is usually sold by retail stores for $60.00. On Special Sale at $45.00. At $65.00--Splendid looking Coat, man tailored. Your choice of color. Imported English Broadcloth, lined with selected quality dark Canadian Prime Muskrat. Coats, 48 or 50 inches long ; lining to bottom of Coat. Collar and Lapels of selected first grade Natural Alaska Sable. Special Price, $65.00, with Mink Collar and Lagels, $10.00 extra, - Write for Catalog. - "Order by Mail. We ship all goods, Express prepaid, subject to inspection. : John McKay Fur House 107 Princess and 149-153 Bro¢k St., Kingston, Ont. [ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. John McLeod Writes About City Dome. Toronto, Sept. 19.~(To the Editor): {In looking over your columns to-day that the | Ex-Ald. Royal Dresden We show exclusive decora- tions in this beautiful China. Fruit Sets where you mention property committee will meet yand decide which plan for the re- building of the city hall tower they will adopt. | hope that they will act on your wise suggestion and accept the best tower plan as 1 {saw it in your of Wednesday last. I do sincerely hope than one of the finest public buildings in On Comports Plates | tario will not be spoiled for the sake of a few dollars extra expenditure. "The city buildings are a monument to the architectural and building abilities of men well versed in their art in the taken as a whole, but T al thought the dome hardly believe the larger Messrs, Power & pay 3200 the town of birth and hesitate to pay little more if when 1 enter the grand | old" harbor T can see the beacon light from a beautiful tower guiding all the hips and small, from the jeonfienes the old Lake Ontario, the River Lawrence and the Ri {dean in into the beautiful har 5 | bor of dear old Kingston I receive your paper regularly wateh with interest all that done the city I hope the sum ahead I think it deal for the city to return to dear see leity do very issue i Very appropriate for wed- & ding gifts. » | past, ways was symmetrical. I prepared by the best I year taxes in will not Spangenberg JEWELLER : and %* DIAMOND MERCHANT some my a per i great of St safety and is being be a good nw ton and meet with and - Voice In Favor. 19.--(To the am pleased you are in of the twentieth had. enough of one Let by higher and a Why don't Architect handsome design he your SO Edi Sept a dome We squatty cen that all Vor can be have leaving guaran- tury {old means handsome Power show that ot up in of the citizens could {have a right to it aldermen. --CITIZEN. us have a one HN windows it one at well the as as hope some day H as Opened { JOHN McLEOD \ ray have. By buying your gun | Kingston, For each Gun we sell teed. Loaded Shells, U.M.C., / both white and black powder. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. - - : -- [mer hotel will go Shooting Season |; I {old King bwithe the best Hriends I ever knew Some Guns Won't kill no matter | bow close a range the sportsman | Another here places the responsibility up- |tor): 1 on your accuracy. of thoroughly tried beiore our store and each gun Winchesters, | Ely's. All sizes kept in stock, - 9 | W. A. Mitchell's, 85 Princess St. HARDWARE. | No No meeting Meeting Called. of the city vet been called to receive the council has city pro ee ---------------------------------------- | ity buildings' dome. It was expected that the council would meet this even- OUR ROGIER BRAND o dng, but it may not deal with the . {question till the regular meeting, next | Smoking and chewing, at forty-five] Monday evening cents a pound, is a good tobacco. Why | ray eXhty-five cents. Andrew Mosigun, : Ontario strect; at Gripp and Cold Tablets," buy them Red Cross Drug Store Gibson's © -- - - - pli 4 WAAAY dh As War dna ih A hd F ew WE DRESS THE BEST DRESSERS Fine Tailoring is Our "Hobby" - Every garment we create is a triumph. Every line is correctly designed. Every stitch is correct ly and skillfully placed. The particular man's definite ideas are carried out in his garments. We Never Fail to Please Him We take pride in having oir patrons' clothes made exactly as he wants them. We know that we can please you with our Tailoring. Test us for your Fall Suit or Overcoat. Suitings, Overcoatings, Trouserings, Vestings, ete., selected from looms with an established repu- tation. Moderate and pleasing prices always. LIVINGSTON'S live | real | They | perty committee's report regarding the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 comms ---- SUMMONED, DID NOT APPEAR. ' -- {Husband and Wife Failed to Answer to Charge. William Jarvis and his wife, Eliza- {beth Jarvis, failed to put in an ap- THE 5P.M. EDITION { ' } Ipearance at' the police court, al- { I ---- {though they had been summoned to {FINE GREETING TO LAURIER answer to a charge of drunkenness, AT STRATHROY. {when on the "Indian" list. Warrants will be issued for their arrest. Con- stable Arniel informed the court that | An Oration of Matchless Power he had serped both Jarvis and his and Impressivness--A Success- | wife, personally, with a summons. a . i Frederick McCormick, also on the ful Administration. | "Indian" list, pleaded guilty to a Strathroy, Sept. 21.--With hearts [charge of securing liquor at James {thrilled and uplifted by his eloquence, | i { Norris' hotel on September 16th, and {| minds acutely responsive to the flow | was fined $10 and costs, or twenty lof argument and force of his appeal, | days. {emotions touched by his allusions to | | the passing of the years, five thousand | | people heard the premier on Saturday deliver an oration of matchless power and impressiveness. The gathering of the liberals from i Middlesex and Lambton lost nothing |by comparison with the monster de- {monstration at Niagara Falls. If lsmaller in proportions, it was more {perfervid in its enthusiasm. It was a | demonstration which afiorded the | most convincing proof not only that | the heart of liberalism in the western {counties as Sir Wilirid put it, in the right place, but that it beats true as ever. There were no large issues before the electors, Sir Wilfrid declared, but that {was really a compliment to the gov- | vernment, for it signified that their administration had been successful. | With po real grievance, the opposition | {had taken te groping in the mud for | {scandal, but they had not been able | | to find any. The only accusation pade | had concerned not the political ons |of any of his colleagues, but the" pri- | vate life of Sir Frederick Borden, and {the slanderers had had to withdraw | the accusation and. apologize. If, he said, any other charge was brought | "either the minister will "have to go | {or the slanderer will have to apolo- | |gize."" After ridiculing Mr. Borden's | | pretensions to the authorship of civil | service reform, Sir Wilirid made ex- cellent play with the leader of the op- position and his travelling troupe of provincial premiers Recalling the fa- phrase, '"'the wolves hunt in but the lion hunts alone," he asked, "where the lion of 'the op | position mow ?"' and the roar of laugh- | tor which. greeted this shaft showed {that it had gone home. Equally effective was his reply to the conservatives who assert that the government had sought to bribe the electors with postoffices and armories, "These are the purists," he declared, "who bribe not constituents, but whole provinces." LATE BISHOP CARMICHAEL. eer a -------- HAD LEG BROKEN, An Injury Received By "Chaucer Elliott, "Chaucer" Elliott, coach ofl the Montreal football team, ¢ while coach- ing the juniors, on Saturday after- noon, broke one of the small bones in his leg. He was taken to a hospital. It is expected that he will be out on crutches about the end of next | | | mous packs, week, is nepuimeee Queen's Trainers Here. McMahon and Campbell, the two Hamilton boys that will train Queen = football squad, arrived in the city, to- day. They will commence their duties at once, and reported at the college at four o'clock, this afternoon. They are two young men who understand their work thoroughly and should make a championship team out of them if can. They will certainly be a the team in numerous anvone | great aid to Movements Of The People--What [**¥*™ They Are Saying And Doing. | ' . > PC SRE . . Gorse Plants, of Cobos, wan | ha iced bul tom trom, tho ity Rev. Father Gill, of Ottawa, preach- i will jonve here on Hii ay 'evening ney i a. . ra | for Ottawa, where they will play a se- ed in St. Mary's cathedral on Sunday | ries of games. The team will be a bet- i in Wat 1 Mi Juli [ter one than the one that visited the Miss Lizzie Watson anc iss Julia | nit w weeks ago, and if the Parlowe spent Sunday with friends in Jvapiml u fk v Joke ay a Lananogue. Sarsi tr det it lof playing they will win out. A num- . es "ns " "1e sircet, spen . f x WR 1 ae 7 3 Povo on Walle Ly o a {her of supporters will accompany the Mr. and Mrs. Wafer. Miss Alice B. Egan, Westport, is the guest of her Mes. J. Mc Shane, Weliington street. Mrs. C. the guest | street, Ottawa, for a few Maj. Skinner, R.E., an duate, has recently been from Belfast, Ireland, to Eng. Miss PERSONAL MENTION. Baseball In Ottawa. ol | team. sister, Ss : in in The ruchy work nest to-day, to be season opens. cadets start | m-- | Cadets Begin Practice. | | hope when the know they have lost one they have one ort newcomers, think just as good. Their hould be 'a corker, one that should win back the place the R. M. C used to hold. Their team will also he heard of before.the season 1s over. 1 and street, | 9 | fine The soldiers yod men but Barrie Keenan, davs. | R.M.C. gra-|©F transferred | Salisbury, Bermingham, of Miss 118 Bav condition got whom they first team two ge wo Victorian | from her Niagara | Brock street, réturned and Hurse, nurse, in Order has second | vacation Fails } J | i Foronto Will Play Again. At the Kingston township fair, on Thursday, the Harrowsmith and Glens | vale baseball teams will play another | game At Harrowsmith, at the fair, the home team won out by a narrow marvin of twelve runs to eleven. Both are. evenly matched, and the hould prove a big attraction: I. Jarvis, Ann street, returned | | to-day, after spending a pleasant time | tat the New York state fair, at Syra- cuse, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. | Kingston, are spending weeks at the home of J. Brockville. | team Miss Clara Brennan and Miss | Nalow, Gananoque, visiting friends in| the eity, for the past week, returned | home, Saturday. Dr. W. R. Glover, brother of Glover, Bagot street, was married Brighton on Wednesday. Rev. T Glover officiated Robert Fitzsimmons, er, visitor on Sunday. He is appearin ville at Watertown \ National J. New York Mr. and © Mrs. 1 homas Harold, whole 00 610, Pittsburg, .614 have been the guests of Mrs. W Bs (och x . delphi: 515; Cincinnati, is; {rane, Brock returned to Van-| pha » ! couver, B.C, ton, 413 Brooklyn, .343; St Mr. and 341 | Portsmouth, and little : Bmeries { Ethel, have left to visit Logic. : 551 3 Cobourg and vicinity. fer Bae a |ton, 474; Mrs F. Mooers, Barrie street, | von 'and her sister, Mrs. J. W Or Tamworth, have gone to Toronto Brantford om a-visit. Dr. Charles Hickey, | Saturday, in Cobourg, lof Mrs. Robert Crawford, street. The funeral occurs in Morris- burg, on "Tuesday. | The funeral of the late | Strothers, wife of Clinton | took place, on Monday morning, from her late residence, Bay "street, to St. | | Mary's cathedral, where requiem mass {ployed was sung. The remains were laid | post in the Catholic cemetery at Brew- Mills. J. B. Phillips and son, a couple P? Copeland, game Baseball On Sunday. +E American Ls Detroit, 2 New Albert {-York, 1. Chicago, 1; Philadelphia, 0. in Louis, 2; Washington, 1 R | astern Jersey | Newar 11-10 more, 3-2 Le ot iv 3% League . Balti Providence, the prize fight Clayton, N.Y., in vaude | { was a at | - - League Standing. 649 ; Phila Bos Louis, street, to-day Mrs. Robert Campbell, | daughter, friends in D76 ; St Detroit, 5064; 178; A; n : Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, Bos New 338. Jones, : i Fastern »--Dal 593; an | Prayidence, = .58 Newark, Buf- lialo. .536: Montreal, .464; Jersey Cify, on lai; 424 ; Rochester, 402 incle 3 Jarrie | : { He Is Recovering. | The Daily Times-Tribune, Mrs. Helen Towa, of September 17th, contains thie Strothers, | following reference to a former King stoman : i Let timore, my Did; who died was an Toronto, firm, was taken suddenly ill with an attack of appendi effort is being made the necessity of ar Sharp is one of raph operators to | mission | yesterday, leitis, and every | to refrain from Mr ters Girl Pulled Alarm. Lost efficient. tele A funny accident happened this |¢he city and has been connected wi morning at the corner of Wellington the firm since it opened business and Brock streets, that might | Waterloo." have caused trouble for a pretty | Hugh is a sdh of voung lad. had been a little [ ghar), Byrrie plreet, 'stronger. A well-known girl met a |, raph operating in the C.P.R. office | student friend at the above corner {his city. and stopped to have a little chat | Leceived, lahout the old folks at home The |couple stood over near the post hold- ling the fire alarm box; and while | {busy talking to her friend the girl | {pulled down the lever and opened the | {box before she realized what she was |doing. She was awakened from her \ : i | trance when she heard the bell inside dis issad. a' there was no witnosse {the box tingle, and as soon as she - ; R is vara chs ii ; he | FOF the prosecution discovered what he had done sh Inot guilty through his lawyer, and her escort beat a hasty wetreat. lo oo Cand as there was no ev Luckily the lever was not pulled down dence against him the case was | hard enough to ring the alarm in the! sed station. | cq i | } | operation. r 1 th a one Maj. Alexande she covering, * Charge Dismissed. The charge against for selling liquor without r at Barriefield camp, was cdlled befor Licut.-Col. Hunter; to-day, but wa Belson, pleads From Militia Orders. 16th Prince Edward Regiment--To | leave quartermaster, with honorary rank « Wolfe Island, Tuesday and Wednes- captain, Willis Lewis Yerex, next, at six o'clock p.m., in con | Hon Capt. D Vandevater, who permitied "to resign his commission. | | re | i | Wolfe Island Fair. | Steamer Wolfe Istander will | | | day nection with the Wolfe Island fair, Waterloo, "Hugh M. Sharp, who has been em- with the Ware & Leland com- the | and learned tele- in i A telegram from Waterloo, to-day, states that he is re- Caterer Belson, a license, A. B.| dis- | to, vice | Cough Syrup. 1908. TE rs ES | Occurrences In The City Ana Vicinity--Other Brief Items of . Interest Easily Read And Re- membered. Glorious weather, though a little dry. " To-day the night. "Abby Salt," fresh at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. 'Phone 230. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. The schooner Clara arrived at the Cereal works, to-day, from Conneaut with coal. The property board of education, meet this afternoon. The steamyacht Nokomis was at Swift's whari, to-day, with a private party from river points. "Kasagra,"' the genuine is sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, 25¢. and 50c. bottles. Glenvale is at present besieged with small flies, which are causing no end of trouble to the residents. The demestie science' classes ave well filled and making good progress un- der the direction of Miss Bawden. "It cures colds in one day," Laxa- tive Bromo Quinine. Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Phe adjourned case against Caterer Belson for selling liquor at Barriefield camp, was called at two o'clock, to- day, before Col. Hunter. The members of the R.C.H.A. will arrive home from Petewawa on Tues- day morning at six o'clock. They will leave Petewawa via the C.P.R., at six o'clock, to-night. : | "Dozens of Customers" appreciate | the Tabard Inn Library system at { Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Join it and keep in touch with the up-to- date books. "Phone 230. An open air meeting was held by the Free Methodists in Frontenac Park, on Sunday evening. A large congregation was present. Rev. Mr. Luck, the new pastor had charge. The wharf along the waterfront near | the Kingston and Pembroke railroad station, complained about by the har- bor master, al being in a dangerous condition, will be repaired by the rail- road company. The only library in Kingston with up-to-date books. "The Tabard Inn," at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Are you a member. Two drunken men had a lively "serap" near the corner of Barrie and Princess streets, Saturday night, but were parted and away soon after a call had been sent to the police. | "Wrapped Caramels," = "Molasses Crisp,"' "Chocolate Covered Pepper- mints," "Chocolate Covered Brazil Nuts," from the factdry of McConkey, Toronto, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230. "he want of a light at the corner of "Johnson and Division streets badly felt by parties having to pass along that way. Last night it was very dark in that loeality and walk- ing was difficult. A man under the influence of liquor, fell off his waggon on Queen street, Saturday afternoon, and suffered a | severe shaking up... lt was at firs) he- {lieved that he had been seriously in | He lived in the country. day is equal day and the to committee of was called knows "Every lady in Kingston" class McConkey's and Huyler's high candy are the best money can buy. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug | | Store. "Phone 230. A handsome painting of the harbor, | {with schooners under sail, owned by the late Capt. John Gaskin, has been hung in the oflice of the city clerk. The painting is by Nicholas Hender- son; "of this city, and the scene is a fine one. | "Four Large choice of royalty at Gibson's Red Cross Deng Store, on' Monday morning. "Phone: 230. A 'knight' of the road," in hard | luck; was given shelter at, the police | station over Saturday night, and | Sunday. He said that he had been workifig on a railway? 'but had been | paid off, and was looking for work. | I'heve trouble ahead for a local ecabman. It is alleged that he made an | overcharge in a fare, at the K. & P. railway station, this morning. The citizen driving in the cab secured the number of the vehicle, and the will probably go to court. If vou cannot come and the- list of books in the Tabard Library at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, drop a postal card or 'phone 230 and receive a list oi the books. The schooner Lizzie Metzner, owned by Capt. Daryaw, has been fold to Messrs. Eves and Bell, who lost their | | steambarge, Robert McDonald, by fire |some time ago. The machinery of the [ McDonald will be erected in the Metz- | which will be made a steambarge. i r, | of 'MeConkey's | chocolates, received | Cases" case look over | Inn On A Westward Trip. The Whig received a card, on Mon- day morning, from the Rev. Francis 1D. Bradley. who, in company with his *| daughter, left here on Tuesday last, lon a three hundred mile drive to { Bracebridge. The card was mailed on Friday, and up to that time the driv- fore had reached Eddystone, a dis- '| tance of about seventy miles- Mr. "| Bradley spent Sunday with his broth- 'ler and resumed his drive Monday | morning. He reports a general drouth { through the country, and rain is very ' much needed. The roads are in a bad 8 condition from, dust. ' To Have A Conference. Yesterday in the Y.M.C.A. building, the Sunday School Superintendents [Union held a. conference, with T. F. | Harrison in the 'chair. Amongst oth- er matters decided upon, a committee [was appointed to arrange for a union | meeting, at an early date, of all the {Sunday school officers and teachers in the city, to discuss questions relative {to their work. A gathering of this kind should be very helpful. ri e Last Call For Big Peaches. Late Crawfords will soon be over, {but Crosby peaches are just beginning | come. They are small, but full | flavored and a splendid canning fruit. {Carnovsky will have several hundred { baskets, Tuesday morning. i= ye | » | "It cures any dough,' Red Cross Soll in Kingston only js 'at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. =i TAORE SUIS Fifty of them, the advanced fall styles. Many of these we cannot repeat- or duplicate la- ter, so if you want a distinctive suit and one different from the run ¢f ordinary suits, make your selection now. $18.50, 15.50, 17.50, 21.50, 25.00 up. You may choose one and have it placed aside if you so wish. A Notable Showing of New Fall Coats Many different styles now ready. The large number of designs hinders us from giving a full description of each individ- ual style. They are all the very latest and at prices that will assure you quite a saving, $9.50, 7.50, 8.75, 10.50, 12.50 and up. Ladies' and Children's MEDIUM WEIGHT UNDERWEAR Kor early Fall.: Our stock is now com- plete and ready. We buy carefully and are insistent upon having sizes and shapes correct and quality right. In short the best at the least possible cost. New York Style In Kingston. should assortment of new Fall Regals 'we have in stocld, . You see the attractive Everv style' that's worn by the best-dress- ed New Yorkers this season is _ here--your style among them. First-grade materials and expert modeling are the two reasons why Regals keep their true custom shape to the end. A Regal fitting is the smoothest an most comfortable youcan get anvwhere. Price $6.00 a Pair, Any Kind of Leather. THE. LOGKETT SHOE STORER I'Phone 230.