PAGE FOUR. The Best Night Light in the Market. BUILDING Brick No. 1 Hard Brick; very smooth face; neat appearance. Good for veneering. See them at ANGLIN'S LUMBER YARD Foot of Wellington St, Jewelery Repairing We make a pairing all Silver with speciality in re- classes of Jewel- and Silver-Plate, long experi- ery; and our ence we can accomplish the most difficult work. If you have article of Jewelery any in need of repairs, Just give us a Kinnear & d'Esterre Watchmakers Jewellers, 100 Princess St. try. and Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and only ifo effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend, Sold in three degrees of stre ngth ) 3, or sent prepai receipt of prico. Free pamphlet. Address: THE Cook MEDIOINE C0. TORUNTO, ONT. (formerly Windsor) IF YOU WANT TO BUY, RENT OR SELL REAL ESTATE I make a Drop a card trouble to at specialty of or call on show property. Money same, me. No Insur rates. to ance lowest loan. GEO. CLIFF, Real Estate valuatior, 05 Clarence street. etc., at FRESHLY MINED more desirable than that dug out of the earth a year ago. It's cleaner--hasn"t stored up twelve months' dirt and dust {t's dryer and in many Waxs a greater heat producer. Here \t is yur 'service on quick order we 4 screened coal in all rd sizes at standard ter even than stand- Coal is far price and quality. R. CRAWFORD "Phone, 9. Foot Queen St. THE WHIG, 75th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King street, Kingston, Ontario, at $6 per year, hkditions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m WEEKLY "BRITISH published in parts on day morning at~$1 a year. To United States, charge for postage has to be made, 50c. for Daily ; 25c. for Weekly. Attached is one of the best Job Print- ing Offices in Canada ; rapid, stylish, and cheap work ; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lt'd: EDW. 5 B. PENSE, Managing Director. Daily Whig. BOTH PLANS. committee to the the and practically WHIG, 16 pages, Monday and Thurs- SUBMIT property attention The has confined city its later plan® for the restoration of dome of the city on the old the appropriation bell, about The ed dome all erving buildings The for and ' architect's $16,000 cost, including the fees, lines, and be clock will feeling at one time, as express the Whig, that the old was a well-proportioned one that could be the appearance remarkable in was and desired in of the in the But opinion changes on reflection and pre- most building city. men of excellent judgment have pressed for the edifice, Whig to it. Enough ex a preference larger and urged the idvo- cate ry has been said the subject to warrant the committee in the council the two plans and permitting the larger body to pronounce upon the larger scheme. It will be at the discretion, of alderman to move in the matter for which The that on upon submitting to any and call an expression at may of opinion, least illuminating. the be it that will be committee show peoplé the old dome is preferred to 5, but far several grounds has pre- sented con nothing so 18 vincing, ------------ ANTI-ELECTION SCARES. The report that the ship Adventure, lately at St. John's, Nfld., Strait. blocked and that the floated August, has given the - political croakers something to do. They attack the Hudson Bay that it will not simply arrived found the Hudson with ice in July, ice in it until do not railway and say built. They doubts as to its utility. that the be raise It is not ap but It answers its purpose, and that is to the with parent report is correct, question bona fides of the govern- the observes ment reference to scheme, that n Canada commercial considerations the One paper sneeringly never stop building of a political railway." i In the published by "Cruise the we have observations of A. P. Low, the af- of the governmen{ id Hudson of the Neptune," government, the in charge to the islands in it licer pedition Arctic 19014 reliable and the of 1903- is regarded as the most of its kind. In "the Hud- Hudson Bay not Bay the winter and publication this report Mr. Low Strait and solid, but floating able year says son do freeze are so covered with masses of ice as to be prac- tically unnavi for at least seven does not the sufficiently months in the The ice begin to melt until well into month of June, and is not ation with the formed melted for ale navig or middle of the to obstruct the months dir steamers until uly and al No ice 1 in strait bay sufliciently heavy navigation until latter November." and 1 ordinary part of Five of unhindered traflic the that uninterrupted and feel well-known the North-West it is which will po Mr wanted to carry out the This 1 850 peo ple of by t he be Graham time built a oon a ible, says it will be huge of westoer from the the n world to the It is the Saskatchewan and provinces the of mar ket of ranary demand Al may depend on the world Manitoba, nd their of berta, future it much more than anyone can now conjecture. DEPRESSION. has a October. the from REGARDING THE G Wilshire ele monthly dismal arti He world dull from his that the 18 quite wlord im hi for ces the time coming when have its reaction socialists will not time may be different fellow in declaring present period of depression from a unique and «different in character other such periods, inasmuch as all the character, whereas merely earmarks of the illnesses to him a mortal other papi were severe Hithe rto the depressions hve been the farmers generally have escaped their effects. Now, "I prophesy that the present period will get steadily and worse un til no class can say that any previous period of depression ever injured it arder and said he : worse much 'I predict that from bad to worse, aft or Bryan elected, until the mtry falls into such 'a critical that the national government forced to -take the most strenu ou to ny a state of chaos intervening, owing to the enor- number unemployed men things will on no matter whether go is state will be measures mous which will be [ predict seen in our cities, that these measures heroic proportions o far on the there will be a certain will that tl il ad us way : ialism that hackward no cr to turning tical point he I m one clause predictions Ii a great ! in Fmrope or this country with- the indus- and pros- for a once 1s been reached. to my war ke saving we see next two vears, then | situation will be saved, perit will come upon us wi Mr. Wilshire admits that this is not lox socialist position. Some THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TU ESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, Lvesrs ago, during the sessions of the | socialist. congress at' Brussels, he ask- ed for the consideration of a world- and the wide unemployment problem, matter was shelved. Mr. Wilshire sees a revival of it under conditions which will force it on,the public attention. Carl Hilty, Swiss philosopher (not a socialist), goon come when people will weary of the says the time may 'literature and art and healthy barbar- sgience and long for a taste of ism. It is certain, he says, that "we are approaching a period marked by a return to nature such as existed the end of the last century, Marie Antoinette played shepherdess with her courtiers at the Trianon." Back to the soil, eh ? and there would be less to-day, if people were as content with small pos- at when It is the source of all wealth, poverty in America many sessions and gains as the peasants of France. EDITORIAL NOTES. The life of still spared. 18 of the school trustees When is the Damocles to fall ? asked Mt. that party Ariends be placed upon the list. Oh, -the big the city sword Foster of Ot- horrors SN names tawa patronage Which or it to be- the smaller for is 4 building ? Is there to be no second choice in this matter ? Not a foot of land given to man or the record. Laurier Is political syndicate by That the is not one to be proud of ? government. is Winston Churchill's has been criticized Fuh !* Winston take his the king. wedding "garb the sty les. tailors. Ie cue from anyone, by makes the does not not even Dr. will the be exceedingly thankful. he which to Colquhoun has decided that desert. Dr. For minister ought not Pyne. of education According to Mr. Borden his tour in been triumphal in its the 1900 and again the east has character. 'Victory is in air." in the to where it was in 1904. There earth if Mr. be a political ruler has to be victory in Jorden is ever going in Ottawa. -- Borden says he stands pat by Halifax Mr. [[overything contained in his speech, including public ownership. The Telegram cannot find this particu- lar plank and says the people cannot object to something which does that. not exist. There now. Take Mr. Oliver in Ottawa with Why not Hon. front did con- Mr. the official correspondence which presents the the proper only land given was that of government Ames conservative plunderers in light. away to political pets which the conservative distributed the patents. The --r-- The Hamilton Herald has the correct He may be but if he the business long enough it. So that the predict idea of the prophet's art. unsuccessful in his forecasts, continues in he political the will get for who SUCCESS in this contest are discouraged. conservative to be wholly party not to the | if eonser The Journal is inclined compliment it inspiration generally What have Ottawa the government on It from the good has done has taken vative party a gracious it and do right when the tories couldn't their ' wrong ! | fluence must to use tory ideas | in ofliee use ideas and went | A SCENE IN MONTREAL. It Occurred at the Manufacturers' Banquet. Montreal Herald I'he talk of Montreal is the whole Ls hearted reception given Laurier by the Association the Windsor hotel For the best part of the week manufacturers' had listening to. complaints from the wool len section against the alleged in- dddequacy of the dominion tariff laws to provide them with as much protee tion as they would like to have. Reports of the convention proceed ings would lead a casual reader to believe that the convention was wholly antagonistic to the government and its leader. Yet when this same leader appeared before the manufadturers last night and told them frankly that the interests of Canada, as a whole, are parmmount to the interests of any class or faction he was received with a surpassing in enthusiasm anything seen here in years. No more striking tribute to the hold which Laurier, the man,-has upon the Canadian public could have well been imagined. It was a unique spectacle. Nothing like it has been seen in Montreal since the days of Sir John A. Macdonald-- if then, Five hundred men forgot themselves. | They simply rose . to Laurier. They leaped to their feet, scores of chairs being upset the moment he rose. They waved their serviettes; they waved their arms; they waved any- thing handy And the cheering ! It was just one ier ! Laurier." It rang through the vast dining hall with a stinging staccato note. It startled the waiters--even imperturbable waiters. And the waiters stopped where they were. and cheered with the rest. They put their trays down and hollered un- til they were. red in the face. It was the spontaneous tribute oi five hundred hard-headed, keen busi- ness men to the geniug, the honesty and the loyalty of a great man. There is from two to four dust on the country roads. Wilfrid [1 Manufactur banquet in i Sir Canadian ers' at their the | convention been | welcome long roar. "Laur- the inches of i {Silver {agricultural implements, | which | lists are {ten-mile tracts away (hity per | former | away | amount | | works. ET CANADA CAN COMPETE, AGAINST ALL \LL COMERS IN WORLD'S MARKET. Canadian Manufacturers, Can Care For Themselves--Every- thing Has A Flourished Under. Liberal Rule Since 1896. Pom the articles in some of the conservative papers, especially those of the high protectionist wing, it might be supposed that! the Laurier government had entirely neglected the development of manufacturing in Ca- nada, and that in effect liberalism on its economic side was hostile to in- dustrial development. The census sta- tistics prove how absurd this sugges- tion is. There is, however, an even better standard of measurement, and that is provided by the books of the customs department, which show how the manufacturers of Canada can care for themselves against all comers in the world's open markets. The export statistics of manufactured products tell the story. The cemservatives were in power from 1878 till 1896. In 1878 Canada sent into the world's markets manufactured articles to the value of $1,127,000. Eighteen years later, in 1896, the total was a trifle more than doubled--$9,365,000. Then the terrible grits came in, who were to close the factories: In ten years the export, of manufactured products had risen to $24,561,000, and the variety was much greater than in conservative times. Take iron and steel and machinery, for example. We sent abroad $549,000 worth, including $166,000 of macu.X ery, at the end of conservative rule. In the fiscal year ending June, 1906, which taken because the date of ending the country's trade year was changed in 1907,,we exported iron and steel or manufactures thereof to the value of $1,269,000. Here are some other items of manufactured goods exported : is 1906. ,246,000 LO71,000 133,000 ,S64,000 1896. Cottons... ...... ...%3 809,000 Paper. . 3,593 Boots and Shoes 75,000 Leather . 1,907,818 Agricultural Im- plements Musical Thstru- ments... .. 342,000 Bacon and Hams 4 381,000 Wood Pulp ... ... 675,000 Whiskey ... «.. ... 374,000 Copper in Ore and Pigs Nickel... 593,000 2,497, 00( 281,000 12.086, 00¢ 3,478,00( 943, 00( 194,000 486,000 7,148,00( 2,166,000 and 4,310,000 118,000 generally ver These se hedule: s show that, speaking, the metal and mineral in dustries have greatly flourished unde the liberal rule, and that the cottm trade has also done very well. In sucl lines as the manufacture of bacon, of machinery of other products n workmen and capita specially interested, there ha: been enormous expansion. The truth is that with the sole exception of th woollen trade all sections of the in dustries of Canada have done mor business and made more money unde: the moderate Fielding tarifi than wu. der the boasted National policy. That is why the factory workers and fac tory owners will vote for Laurier and tariff stability. o ol paper, and Ontario A Sample Misrepresentation. Edmonton Bulletin. The Mail and Empire says "'the gov ernment has given fifty per cent. the timbes-area of the west to poli ticians."" The present government never 'gave' an acre timber to any man, politician not. Ther was once a government ich "gave in a single y than the present in twelve years present government miles, every If thi of the tota it that the 0 of or Ww Ar cent. more government has sold Altogether the sot 6,400 square mile to the highest bidder pres fifty per cent western timber, how came government sold and gave 20.000 miles ? The total sold the present govern just about one-quarter the Ames says was given uj whom the former govern it. On his testi have 1%,000 square in possession of the crown than we had twenty-five years ago And this is what the Mail calls poli es! What insufferable it must the has re ents square by ment is timber Mr. by men to ment sold it or therefore, more gave | mony, we fool ro electors to be. Ought To Be Consured, Belleville Ontario We have excellent saying that Mr. Porter, the government dredge Belleville, prevented the spending of £10,000 more among the business men of this city for supplies, and de layed the completion of our harbor That is one part of the price Belleville had to pay for hav a "hard-shell'" tory representa in the house of commons authority for by driving away from or which ing tive Have Luxuriant Hair. thick, heavy growth of healthy is always to be desired. To have a reliable One you can de- Dawson's Hair Re- 50c., at Wade's A hair and keep such hair is often required. pend upon is Dr. srorer. In bottles drug store. toni 1908. HORSE ARTILLERY SPORTS. MSerporal Bernier Wins the Largest Number of Trophies. The following are the results of the Raval Canadian Horse Artillery ' Mounted Sports during Petawawa camp . Lemon Cutting--1, Sergt. Dr. Aikens; 3, B.S. , Tilting the Ring--1, Corpl. Bernier ; B.S.M. Henderson; 3, Br. Dumphy. "Individual Jumping--1, Br. Graham; 2, Corpl. Bernier; 3, Dr. Dorion. Turk's Head--1, Sergt. Fowler; Dr. Dorion; 3, B.S.M. Henderson. Heads and Posts--1, Corpl. Bernier; 2, B.S.M. Henderson; 3, Sergt. Pep- piatt, Tent Pegging--1, Corpl. Mahan ; }r. Harrison; 3, B.S.M. Henderson. Total Result--Corpl. Bernier, points; 2, B.S.M. Henderson, 12; Sergt. Harte, 5. Corpl. Bernier, "A" Battery, R. C. H. A., wins the trophy and special Harte; M. Henderson, a a9 id 2, 13 3, Result of dismounted sports : Putting the Shot--1, Br. Gr. Ryder; 3, Sergt. Wolfe. Running Long Jump--1, Sergt. Wolfe: 2, Bilodeau; 3, Corpd. Ber- ner. Running High Jump--1, Gr. Grady; 2, Corpl. Bernier; 3, Dr. Dorion. Hali Mile Race--1, Br. Dumphy; 2, B.S.M. Henderson; 3, Dr. Baker. | Throwing the Cricket Ball--1, Corpl. Bernier; 2, dr. Dumphy; 3, Dr. Huard. Throwing the Hammer--1, Gr. Bilo- dea; 2, Gr. Ryder; 3, Corpl. Bernier. Hop, Step and Jump--1, Dr. Do- vion; 2, Sergt. Harte; 3, Corpl. Ma- han. 100 Yards Dash--1, Dr. Br. Dumphy; 3, Corpl. Bernier. , Vaulting with Pole--1, Dr. Dorion : B.S.M. Henderson; 3, Sergt. Harte. "The Result 1, Br. Dumphy, 16 points; 2, Corpl. Bernier, 14 points; 3 Dr. Dorion, 12 points. Lombardier Dumphy, "B" Battery, . H. A., wins the challenge trophy id spec ia) prize for best man at dis- mounted sports. Best man for special prize donated by Captains Panet' and Palmer, R. € A. in the following events, mount- )d and dismounted. Result of the dismounted sports : Running High Jump--1, Gr. Grady; 2, Corpt. Bernier; 3, Dr. Dorion. Hop, Step and Jump--l1, Dr. rion; 2, Sergt. Harte; 3, Corpl. han. Vaulting 2, BS. M. Dumphy; 2, Gr. 9 Skippen; Do- Ma- Dr. Dorion: Sergt. Harte. Gr. Bilo- Bernier. 9 with Pole--1, Henderson; 3, Throwing the Hammer--I1, leau; 2, Gr. Ryder; 3, Corpl. 100 Yards Dash--1, Gr. Skippen; Br. Dumphy; 3, Corpl. Bernier. * Hali Mile Race-- 1, Br. Dumphy; B.S.M. Henderson; 3, Gr. Baker. Result of mounted sports : Lemon Cutting--1, Sergt. Dr. Aikens; 3, B.S.M Tilting the Ring--1, Corpi. Bernier; 2, B.S.M. Henderson; 3, Br. Dumphy. Individual Jumping--1, Br. Graham; 2) Coepl. Bernier; 3, Dr. Dorion. Turk's Head--1, Sergt. Fowler; Dr. Dorion; 3, B.S.M. Henderson. Heads and Posts--1, Corpl. Bernier; 2, B. S. M. Henderscn; 3, Sergt. Pep- Harte: 2, Hendefson. a piatt. Individual Jumping--1, 2, Corpl. Bernier; 3, Dr. Dorion. Tent Pegging--1, Corpl. Mahan; 2, Ir. Harrison: 3, B.S.M. Henderson. Dismounted, Summary of Points-- Dr. Dorion, 5, 5, 12 points; Br. Dumph 5, 8; Corpl. Bernier, 3, 2, 71 M. Henderson, 3, 3, 6; Gr. srady, Gr. Skippen, 5, 5 Gr. Bilodeau, 5, 5; Sergt. Harte, 3, 2, 5; ir. Ryder, 3, 3; Corpl. Mghan, 2, 5 ar. Baker, 2, 2 Mounted, Summary of ®points - 'orpl. Bernier, 13 points; B.S.M. Hen- Harte, 5; Corpl. lerson, 12; Sergt. Mahan, 5: Dr. Dorion, 5; Br. Graham, 5 8 5; Gr. Aiken, Fowler, 5; 2; Sergt. Peppiatt, Br. Graham; Harrison, 2; Dumphy, 2. Total Points--1, 2. B.S.M. Henderson, 18; 3, rion, 17; 4, Harte, 10. Corpl. Bernier "A" Battery, R. C H.A., special prize for best man in above events. 20; Do Bernier, Dr. Corpl. Sergt the wins the No Ownership In Platform. Toronto Telegram. Public ownership might large a place in the premiership of R L. Borden as it is likely the lieutenant-governorship J. M. Gibson. There not seem to be public ownership in the Borden plat form to affright the small, nar row reactionary of the Montreal Gazette The public body occupy a to occupy mn of Hon enough does even soul the no Standard abhors that Jorden seems to: be orporation Kingston ownership sentiment else can discover in platiorm. The Standard crying before its pro- ideals are hurt the out in Alex York, been received wedding of of New Powell, formerly have the Powell, Invitations Brockville for ander Wolfe son of Alexander M. of Brockville, to Miss Charlotte Me- Goey, of New York. The ceremony will take place October 6th A. A. Donovan, M.P.P., is at ens packing his household goods shipment to Toronto, where he purchased a fine residence. McConkey's and Huyler's high class candy sold in Kingston only at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. There are more women than more than eighty-three years old. Evervhddy 1s more or less suspicious of a suspicious man. Ath- for has men PURITY, BRILLIANCY. rORMIY prize for best man in mounted sports. [| HEHE # 3 WARN NN ¥ » $2.00. "haps, the most adm Bt . < --------== The man who appreci- The Very Newest Styles in Men's Hats. A Favorite in Overcoats Our Black Cheviot, silk faced, Overcoats are, pen red Overcoats in our entire line. Thére's an air of ele- gance about these Cots not to be found in "any other style. Again this style of Overcoat is cut in me- dium length and is of medium weight fabric, which makes it an appro- priate Coat for all times : and all occasions, Prices $12.50 and $15.00. See Our Silk Lined Coat at $20.00. ates a handsome Over- coat will be greatly inter- ested in these Coats. No higher. THE H. D. HHH 4 SRI Kingston's One Price Clothing House. ISB BIBBY CO. AAAI, II Attachment Mea "ABOVE for a b supplied attach haven't one, Have you tried our strictly 4 Extra Wiping. GOOD SALARIES ! Go Only to the Well Trained ! Our High-Grade Courses never fail to bring success to our gradu- ates. Day and Evening Classes, and Moderate Rates. FRONTENAC, BUSINESS COLLEGE street, Kingston. 'Phone 680, STOCKDALE, Clergy N. SHEP SEIS IFPEIEITEIEIS Notic2 to Oar Custemers Our store will close at 6 o'clock sharp every night, except Saturday. Principal. A. GLOVER. "Pandora" dtd the attach- 3 ment does take extra fuel or i terfere with baking. M¢<Clarys Lond: n, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B., hamilton, Calgary. LEMMON & SONS. Canada Metal Co..Ltd What a "Pandora" Hot-Water ns to Me "BELOW---You see how I just turn on the tap and instantly get hot water for my dishes, washe ing, scrubbing, preserving, etc. --~ you see how the pipes are connected to the bath and basin--no waiting ath--no carrying hot water upstairs." Ranges can be with a hot-water ment if you already got Ts either = mz not SOLDER! and } bar Solder, also our Star The quality is gua ranteed and the price is right. 31 WILLIAM ST. es TORONTO. ONT OPPORTUNITY. Kingston Business College Limited, Head of Queen Street. SR Busi« JO Dic. than graphy, Civil l ra twenty-five TRING HA late. METCALFE, President. Wm. Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ote., for sale, [ Sale of Horses every, Saturday,