« PAGE SIX. If you are thinking of buying Range, be sure and sce the UNIVERSAL FAVORITE RANGE [t is economical on fuel and gu iranteed tocoolk | and bake perfectly with either coal or wood. MANUFACTURED BY IDLAY BROS. CO., Limited. Carieton Place, Ont ar RR TRE NT ST A SS TE LE "For Sale by All the Leading Dealers." \ LAST WEEK OF THE SALE Oriental Rug Bargains We have been cutttsg prices 10r two weeks. Hundreds have saved money by purcha and we have nearly done with our special sale to raise funds. The Orient are already arriving, and next week the new Rugs will be tions as the old stock. 35 to 50 PER CENT. REDUCTION Some Rugs Less Than HALF-PRICE We will send Rugs on approval to all parts sing Br new importations from the while this sale continues--all subjectéd to the same reduc- of Canada. Courian, Babayan & Co, 40 KING EABT, TORONTO. OPP. KING EDWARD HOTEL THE DAY RIGHT BY EATING "™ SHREDDED WHEAT for breakfast with milk or cream and a little fruit. "a. muscle-building food, €a sily digested t the most licate stomach. Puts Vim ar It is de- Vy iV nerves and weary igor into tired bra ins. Sold By All Grocers ) 1053. BEDDING OF QUALITY RS Fitting up your Y/ bedrooms for fall. Bedroom Setts, Odd Dressers and Ward- robes, Brass and lion Bedsteads and Child- Cots, Mattresses AE hat are soft and wear for yetrs. °° . Sanitary Health and Star Brand, Hercules . S12€8. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker. MACHI od r 1 Ten S Spring in NE SH k THE FRONTENAC NEW oP. | : en} ESTABLISHED, 18863. i gener oh | President--sir Richard Cartwright é | Money loaned on City aud pr: | perties. Municipal an County Debeu. Re. | tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. S. C. McGill, Managing Director. phonogra braz Best attention MIS may | THE FIRST OF THE SEASON. We will have our Home -Mad 5 SATURDAY. Tr just as goed 60 Brock St Pork a pound as ever. "Phone, 670, : | (near Princess) Kin ken | St 3 3 sages, at Sir ns Bros ws Parcel | they are Pelivery. ah MYERS, jest {dents at Ottawa | plitts thlavers | Western bATS LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | Farw Pro |, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TU THE SPORT REVEW RUGBY TRAINERS. | QUEEN'S | AT WORK. | two Bishop boys One minute behind him came Hatch, of the dllinois Athletic onds. Sidney Club. British Columbia is taking of send- | ing a hockey team east for the Stan- fev cup. They have Lester Patriek-and from Niagara. ' In | Vancouver are Si Griffiths and Brau | Only Part of the Senior Team Has | Arrived--' 'Chaucer' Elliott's Accident--Will Kingston Have An O.R.F.U. Team? rugby had a good on the campus Monday | Many of the players have not returned yet, and they are hadly the time for the first fame close. Elliott, Mac rier and others, are out and are rounding into good | is not definitely known yet | will be back, but after | on the water, it | take many days to put him} "Curly Campbell arrived Monday, and will jout in uniform at once. "Curly" is a | and after he gets a little | he will be in fine condi- McMahon and Camp- | ihell reported at the gymnasium on | Monday afternoon, and went right to | 0 They certaimy | familiar with | Jesides | 1 i on teams Queer it needed, a is growing very | donnell, 11 day, form. It {when Willinms this summer's outing not every will tinto shape | {in the eity on be | is good man, tnear weight {tion for foothall {work on the players to be perfectly every branch of the {being trainers, 'they | game and will be a great {way. Russell Britton should making his appearance coach. should be able to pick the boys and do wonders with them in ten [twelve de seem has { the | aid in that be | He | | | | understand soon as up or «Chaucer" Elliott's Accident. to main "Chau- topic Monday The news of the accident Elliott the sporting people therg did Kingston coach | eer was among on evening, and was not | heard it, that {for the great not It wa { just his earnestness in the practice, in | sure that the juniors would do as they told. that cident. In place of telling what to do and then letting them do always tells ther being er caused the a the players Chaueer"' them what to do and and this ce handled to have him out does it as in is not always with gloves. The doctors on crutches be he be from the pect davs, and will able the fore (to | many to talk team fence, That O.R.F.U. Team. | far regarding I So no O.R.F.L will As to the play- too anxious to get worth gettin team, a can secure ¢n- an say it it will not. ers they are only if there is anythin | out for. They want a semor they feel sure that they {ough Players to get a senior team to- the Hogtown will be called eve { taken team, and. some others say youl { s will make A meetin fact person helping | ggther that { bunch hustle shortly, in when every and lend men who f the men would and any ui now should get out hand to the few taking enough interest li fifty or seventy-five attend the first the situation, enter the thought best, and then officers, after promising support, what a differepte it to the team. It would {give the players something to work for It would make them feel that { their work was appreciated. Kingston Hootball lover should | |n it degenerate nn | | a o are {in matter meeting discuss they their their would make a and wi Lond e up to m las since his marriage ha frequent | Tv Cobb Letriking | before in his life Five hundred pigeons, valued at {the smoke from forest It Detroit, Cleve for the American honors chances slichtly favoring the Club | In the Amateur Inte ball match between Sweden and Eng land, the latter by oals to one | New British | Columbia Vancouver out more ly Toronto X1.000 messenger | Wwe fires last week. | land ox with le 1 eau rnational foot won six g Westminster cinched the lacrosse championship, de feating by to three John to thirteen Berg is Ameri the of coming out to ca wrestle Fred light America in October Fajher Stanton t time leall | for heavyweight championship is having the an inter with American stu bre There vk them off the jubilatio camp over Wir to 1 the n habit. | Argonaut transfer Pu player is the oronto of from | y Kent. | veteran football : an As the result of the vi of Arthur iawa Sexsmith, ¢ Bankers, usual exodus of to the Pennsylvania annual Marathon A. L unattached, in t 57 uted mana bur Likely local iy, there be the hockey for the mes Ch (hy I'he at 0, was won by Corey, of Q, hours 9: mn I 30 sed \ jal | one who * express regret | himseli, | | | | | { house' i quent | cashmere | serviceable frocks, and in certain quali | { | was | made with a | are | apparently | Canadian Lleetrical Development com- | pepartment of Public Works Sporting Notes: | than ey | | structed lost in | Chicago | Detroit | trving to (MM! of dro, of Kenora, and Bright of Dran- don. tains a comfortable lead over Don- { lin, New York eaptain, in' the race for premier batting honors in the Nation- Leacue, Wagner's average is .355, and Donlin's mark 297, 'a margin of 28 points separasthg the two slug- { "Fy Cobb, the Detroit star, to all | appearances has a substantial grip on | the American League batting leader- | ship. Cobb has a mark of ,338 for 1 3 vames, whila his closest competitor is Harry the former Newark player, now with 'the Boston Red Sox, who has an average of 113 games. CGessler, Complexions Made Sightly. A complexion that is marred by imples, blotches or other eruptions ESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1908. Hans Wagner, of Pittsburg, still re- | .308* for | i 'Synopsis of Canad % Northwest. Homestead Regulations. . NY even-numbered section of - Domin- ion Lands im Manitoba or the North. west Provinces, exceptis 8 and 26, reserved, may be homestcaded by amy, person the sole head of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one- | quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less. Application for home | made in person by the { ion Lands Agency or Sub-agen | proxy may, however, be made on certain conditions by the father, | son, daughter, brother sister © { tending homesteader. | An application for cancellation must be made in person. The applicant must be eligible for homestead entry. ! DUTIES.--(1) At least six months' resi- dence upon and cultivation of the land in {ieach year during the term of three years. 2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, erform the required residence duties by iving on farming land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (806) acres in extent, m | the vicinity of his homestead. Joint owner A not mother, or an mn- can be made smooth and fair by the | ship in land will not meet this requirement. (2 se of Wade's Ointment. It is the one thing to remember when any healing remedy is required. It cures 4czema (salt rheum), sores, piles, eatarrh, dandrufi and all scaly itching eruptions of the boxes, 23c., at Wade's or s In big drug stove. Frock For Small Girl. how and { A simple little morning little girl is here pictured or lightweight cloth. and fabries are worn by most all through the they possess the advpd withstand serge qn i or Linen wear weathet, ag tage of being able to launderings, but or serge also make will also stand the test of soa) and water. The heht ties in blue washable flanvel a detachable cuimpe of white batiste Claiming Protection. London Standard. A financial writer the cessity of a British investors' tection society, under the leadershiy of men like Lord Milner and the di rectors of Jank of England, whe ek above the suspicion o financial interests. Whitney's answer that the claims of the suggests ne is before the Canadie result; to reply is pany » must await: the English nevertheless, the commission now investors youF overnment ha contractor to transmi proce with the tems ------------ A Friendly Tip. Herald Borden win Ind and Hamilton If Mr. hope to the scandal ery--by depending upon the weak points in the governments re his on alone exposing {cord and elaborating on isolated cases they electors of gralt and making look for statesmanshap to be of the extravagance, The will evidence of constructive the ask with government a mistake some in men the who entrusted country There ave many forms of nervous debility in men that yield to the use of Carter Iron Pills. Those who are troubled with nervous weakness, ht sweats, ete., should try them » team defeated ( Almonte laer t P Saturday, the ar "lace, ny tod Je a thin ger of the {to a pimply |rash when shaved to. ie : works into these little pimples keep thing like wonderful oflicial time a hundred uses, co any drug Irritation From Close Shaving. Many by m- too bothered breaks men are greatly ensitive skin that lose Poisonous | ering matter and up a powerful No- gsoitens and Hamilton's comfort irritation, soothes the (hntment to Ib) It's man, ih a every has but it. store. DUZZLE are you doing, anyway ¥"' qu ww a subway that wi Pat "All right, 1 want "Do, vou supp replied to ge vou could Mr "I don't know," deeper." "How deep will you make it rephed [at dig the hole half as deep again, the ground as it now is above. then be ?"' . Answer on Thursday, go there so 1 povel t continugd "bat said Pat, t's this way," Can ww you tell me how deep the weried Mr. Busybody. ll lard you in Harlem in fifteen minutes," will wait," d Mr. B. hat' big heap back into that [ttle make sure 1 will dig the pursued Mr. B, "my height is exactly and my will low will six feet. head will then be as old! ¢ heavier cotton children for undersigned, cold fre- French flannel, very | model frock pictured | prettily shaped yoke, and | with pro- | enter | advertisement lieutenants | are skin ) If the father (or mother, if the father | is deceased) of a homesteader had permanent | residence en farming land owned solcly by him, not less than eighty (80) acres in ex- tent, in the vicinity of the homestead, or upon |-a homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, | such bomesteader may perform his own res: with the father (or " in the two pre: | ceding paragraphs is deh as meaning not | more than nine miles in a direct line. | SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST 1 MINING REGULATIONS, | COAL. --Coal mining rights may be leased | for twenty-one years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2,660 acres can be leased to ene applicant. Royalty, five { cents per ton. | QUARTZ.--A person cighteen years of age | and over having locate a claim 1,500 $5.00 At least $10¢ u we expended on the claim each ye or paid to the mining Re- corder. When $500.00 has been expended or paid and oth requirements complied with | the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an acre PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 feet square. Entry fee, $5.00 | DREDGING. --Two leases of | each of a river 'may be issued | sant for a term of 20 years | 4 mile per annum. Royal after the output exceeds § * dence duties hv livin (4) The term miles to one apph Rental, $10.00 per cent. five 214 L000. WwW. W. CORY, sty of the Minister of the Interior. 3 Inauthorized publication of this ad- ait will not be paid for. a the design further steps have been | being practical either for wash mater- lial through, | other | SEALED the for TENDERS addressed to and endorsed "TUender alterations and addition to Oflice Build- Experimental Farm, Ottawa," will rived at this office until 4.00 P.M on Tuesday, September 29, 1908, for al- | terations apd addition to office build- ing, Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Plans and specifications can and forms of tender obtained » | Department. Persons tendering are notified that ten- | ders will not be consid ed uiless 1dede on the printed form s d, and signed their actual signatur:s 4 Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank | made payable to the order of the Hon- | ourable the Minister of Public Works, | equal to ten per cent (10 p.c.) of the amount of the tender, which will be for- feited if the person tendering decline to into a contract when called upon ) | to do so, or if he fail to complete the _| work contracted for. If the tender be inot accepted the cheque will he returned The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, > NAP be sen tunis at ) f TESSIER, Secre tary. Ottawa, Newspapers 1008 September 135, wi not 1 paid if insert from Departy this without » {authority the SVs | DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS | AND CANALS. CARILLON CANAL. »| NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED undersigned, closing Gap receiv eat o'clock on Monday, the 1908 I'lans, the contract t seen at TENDERS and in addressed to the endorsed '"lUender for the Carillon Daw," wil until sixteen 28th September be this_ oflice the into can Superintending Canals 2 on and after tember, 1908 required to ile I pared the Depar Schedule will f specifications form of 0 be be otlice Engineer of th Place d'Armes No t the fair wages Sched be prepared b which the contract Contractors mind that ed with of are requested to Lender will not made strictly ted x there are be unies the I forms Of Lrms, attached Lhe ac ure: the ns re of sider the oc each accepted bank cheque for the sum 3,000.00 me the order Canals will . declines entering work, at the ra submitted I'he cheque th turned to whose tenders are not lowest or any accepted By the tender Order, J..W. PUGSLEY, Acting Sberetary. ay end Canals, mber, 1908 nts advertise- from the De- foc it. { with 8 | partment will not be i {In the Matter of the Estate of | James Hickey, Late 'of the City of Kingston, in the County of Frontenac, Engineer Deceased and In the Matter of the Htate of Ed- mund J. Hickey, Late of the City of Augusta, in the State of Georgia, U.S.A., Barber, Deceased. ' Notice | given pursuant tol Revised S of Ontario, 1897, | y. 129, that creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the | said James Hickey, who died on or about the 10th day of June, against the Estate of the said J. Hickey, who died on or about 15th day of March, 1908, are required | on before 1st day Oct { 1908, to send by post 1 Macdonnell & surviving exe testament wr the is hereby utes all t or the of Solicitors ¥ the last the said Jam utrix of the la iment said Edmund names and addresses ticulars of their claims. notice that date the said will proceed of the Estates of} lickey and the said Ed- | Hickey respectively among itled _ thereto having the claims of which ave notice, and for the 7Hsaid Mf to any per- ce shall not have at the ime distribution MACDONNEIL & FARRPLL, | Solicitors C Q Xe fo Se ors for said Exccutor and Ex and | y a | the said James | ard only shal thev will assets son of heen received them of such Ci niin en mc sis ta Mn. amr me STOVE REPAIRS! | With one of the best equipped and stock- ed Stove Repair Shops in the country, we are in a position to undertake any and every kind of Repair Work. The follow- ing is a partial list of Cook Stoves for which we have repair pieces in stock : Oxford Perfection Sure Luck Standard Saratog Active Art Garland Bismark Champion Dufferin Duchess Souvenir Economist Stewart Range HAPPY THOUGHT LVEY & BIRCH 69 and 71 Brock St. Empress Favorite Family Favorite Granite Peninsular Happy Home Hotel Cook Live Acorn Why ress | en $8.50 will secure for you a Fall and Winter Suit, well made and trifimed, and guaranteed to givegood satisfaction. Same qualities are being sold by other dealers all over at $10. $ that will cost you tailor shop. 11.50 will buy to-day a Fall Suit of clothes $18 in the very cheapest $15.00 will dress you up in a very Fine Suit, the like of which you will not see in any other store in this city for less than $18 or 20.00. And These Clothes will Have Fit and Fitness As well as fabric and finish. They will also have all the artistic touches, and back of all they will have our personal guarantee. Our motto : "The Best for the least money." Try us once. Roney Co's 127 Princess Street, Kingston. The Store That Sets the Pace. Ganong's G.B. Chocolates Always fresh. The finest in the city. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 8. FII00CO0000, Ou r "Daily Bread" Should mean Toye's Bread, if you desire the Jest. You take no chances when you buy Toyve's Bread. .. Uniform jn its excellent quality, it is in great demand. 'Phone us and our driver will call. R. H. TOYE Advise the purchase immediately of the fol. lowing Cobalt Silver Stocks: Nova Scotia, . Prethewey , and Chambers-Ferland. Buying or selling orders may be wired at my expense. All marketable securities handled. Corres- pondence invited. J. O. HUTTON, 38 MARKET STREET, KI§GSTON, ONTARIO, :