THT DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1908. +|(aRAND Y OPERAYNOUSE ) Ta . d it Leneespneness seesseseres | | MAT INE £ & SIGHT Sept. 26th CONDENSED ADVERTISING WANTED--GENERAL. Y TO-LET. Gold in - ? » u s ilight | . UR DA RAT i Taw Sad ® ° h ! auY BR TH R MINSTRELS J ES HOONERS OR BOARDERS, CALL ATINICE LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, here were mber of luncheons B i . C EE, § ng Ey bath, hot and cold water. Enquire, : ! 5 y First insertion lc. "i word, Each consecutive ajus ne, Lottage ma * v8 Barl stre Country b, on Monday, and | 80--PEOPLE-- errr oh ar ee thereafter half cent a word tt y . . a bn for some days that pretty and 3 the funny clown, clever comad- Minimum charge for one insertion, 2c; | A ja I En, XN U MBER OF 1 SUL FHI pURNISHED FRONT ROOM. MODERN Jd spot, over In the Rideau, 3 AlHegn Veteran ne or ply saving conveniences, with or without board. Yin | . - . . . i We have again been successful in securing the Stumes, three msertions, 0c:; six, $1; one month rice asked. Address Box No. "101 . 5 . 5 , has 4 ry gay and lively. ' hat : The British Whig, Ringston. es Apply 214 Wiliam sires. services of Mr Rosén, the well-known ladies vitics. will continue. therel Street Parade _- = : : ON = on ir ron TWD RESPECTABLE WORK-| STONE STABLES, PRISUESS N° po a pit i in good repair. Possession, Oct. 1st tailor and for tl . A . . A P this week, as there are Mat , Children, Adults, 25c¢, WANTE MALE 1c next ten d: ays , beginnin on A x a | 85 50 ening, 2 2 Sc. D-- . ing men to board and lodge, one = » 2 vera: Him in town | Evening, rr : minute walk from Loco. Works. AP- Apply "'K.,'" Whig office. Tuesday, September 22nd, he will make i oo Sat Bl a MEN NEEDED FOR DETECTIVE ply 23 Earl street. Hl Hmusements. i i | i | | Tibet ttoed Fessasssers Ross. Sydenham street, work. Write enclosing = stamp, Can- : " x WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS WITH adian Secret Service, Niagara Xalls, | FIRE INSURANCE SKS, GOOD modern conveniences, with or with= up Ladies' Skirts® for $1.25, fron material gave an informal little bridge party kB | Ontaric mpanies, lowest rated, fair settle t board. Appl n A t jay afte yr « "rio. comp s, lo ou % v » y St. 3 i ; . testiay. aflornge fwo | 9c WOND R AND 5c eee ments. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 109 Ppiy. 176 Ulergy 480. - n aq . nr .Q er Samples ' ; purchased at our store. Sampies oi his work Ee ies niaved. the afternoon, : SONS AND BRICKIAY: Brock St. Telephone, NT a YA . ; / ie Np a, ' : ymber of people dro ond SPECIAL FEATURE THURSDAY rs Bagot street, next to BE WW BRICK: DWELLING, ON ALBERT may b> seen at the store. All own New Fall op ; ashe heople deopp d | STG Apply to James Saul, onl THE OPPORTUNITY 710 FURNISH St. near Victoria lark. Modern. ! premises. estimates on electric work. All kinds Apply to T. J. Boon, 139 Welling~ ------------------ of work promptly done. F. J. Birch, ton St. Dress Gools is here now, so yon will be sure Miss | : Macyillivray helped the | eee ® . hess with + pleasant aflair. ! PROF. HAGUE VEST BOY, 17 YEARS OF AGE TC Electrician, 206 Wellington street. 2 ws-S to tak f £2 321 . UNIVERSITY AVE, BRICK : 1 to hav: fashionable material, as well as a fash- - - clerk at News-Stand ; also : ¥ * . | Ih Torrance whe as | Will stize Bovs 1. Audience and short newspaper route, Bring recom 8 8 OUT OF dwelling, 8 rooms, mode fmpr ionable, well cut, well 'made skirt. Don't fail ae ring 2 ei Hypnotize Nays. from, AUtignee fn Short mes er Rash, Britieh-Amers | 208, CLE ANIRG ASHES baeseg TE ly an I an fot K 1 t ¢ {1 . o spent the ner in Hn Hacky ay 8 Hotel News-Stand. carted. Prices right. Apply, te S 51 Broek St. ak» advantage of this oiler. house, on street, has asked a | Lytle, General Carter, 35 Main St. fow people to tea, there, on Friday. ime ella \ PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER, MALE - STORE ON KING STREET, AD- Mrs. Torrance, with the Rev. Mr. Tor- Stn dE ev ahd for Co ity of Stormont, Village o'{ pURNISHED DWELLING, 10 TO 12 joining Whig building, now occupied yance and their children, will be en 8 making a 18-4 A: her ne ar » Moulinette, sil thated on St. Za wrens rooms with all modern improve by Joseph Hiscock. Possession Uecty pension on B treet, just above ading al She will Jocate lost river. Duties to commence Oc . ments, from Nov. 1st to May, Me 1st. Apply at Whig office. 1 i t aL abov articles, and friends if you will bring Apply to Joseph Tilton, Iroquois Cann, 51 Brock street. questions, _ Hotel. ------ TO-DAY and ro BUY VOR CASH; SOUTH AFRL [2 OR MORE GOOD ROOMS, WEL 1 ASH; 8S 2 } 6G x ], xz ave been asked es He WANTED---FEMALE. can soldiers' titles and scrip In furnished, heated, e1¢., with Norton-Tavlor, Saskatchewan and Alberta land. Ad modern improvements, beautif ENERAL SERVANT. REF ERENCES dress "R.B.,'"" Box 123, Saskatoon, and centrally situated, telephone, is Cory re) | required, #9 King street. Sask. . Apply "X. U.,,"" Whig office. member of King- -- . . oe rast Ea Si rR . » Ni 3 GOOD KITCHEN GIRL 1 ANY PERSONS HAVING GOol . AT © A GOO v or furniture, be | FROM OCT. 1.-- BRICK RESIDENCE, OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Ap Sieward, Frontenac Club second-hand Staves 3M, odF - - fore disposing drop a post r i ivision sireet, with twelve 1 iB av TUM Pr 1 will give good pr rooms, including extension kitchen, Almon, of Roslyn=ave-| wiv pp sorn. my rustic |™ STE, ABLE Ra AY Thompson, Second-Hand Dealer, hot. water heating, bath, etc. Ene fprmerly of King- auction by WILIAAM MURRAY. auce ply to wen a7 arl Princess street quire at 179 Division St» at tea informally on 1 oneer, t his rooms, 27 Brock St. 1 -. > T v \ - ---- po------ ------------------------------------------------ pr Mian | Market Square, Kingston, on A Goon GE NER AL a 126 King} MARRIED COUPLE TO 'A be married py i : ' the sare of my Roe and furnish FURNISHED, A HOUSE IN A GOOD Ja An FE so I at r QR board, only, for three in exchange location, suitable fo 4 the WEDNESDAY, the 30th Day of A hE IR M AD APPLY a2 MRS Fi the mutual use of my home ho wiil Ra tar . hoarding t Kent, 85 King street. srences required. Thomas Mills, young men, with privilege of oe Mi . Thoma September, 1908, at 12 - som Ap ------------------ EE Clarence street. ing themselves. Terms iu wieru Ads : . ' T okc = AT ROCKWOOD HOS. | - - eee ee dress "'R.," Whig office, or y m {reet, yesterday, 0 clock Noon. ) housemaids and cooks. Apply | GENT IEN TO GET THEIR WINT- person to 324 Brock street m with Mrs, Gage 'the matron. er overcoats made now, also last years' turned and made like new wn until | on 0 "igh, water connections SIST IN LIGHT HOUSE: Your own cloth made into up-to- FOR SALE William re w the winter. . |RIST Aonls at once to A. 1 date s . and workmanship 250 Princess 8 to guarante ase, Thomas Gallo- - s---- way, The Tailor, 131 Brock St. HALEY HOME COOK STOVE AND nter p-- 3 1 ) : having next to Bibby's Livery. « Kitchen Table. Apply 70 Wellington Y gL. 7 taine wheon, Ww, at Ar " Rt, 1g i pl MAID TO AS IN! GENERAI 40 Hibhy'S LVOIY: es re LZ 7 ndale."' in 1 - PM Will Me " ct Surat 2 Fe housework ; family of three. Apply treet. sss . : hoy oF ars jinam 1 le cass 3 ill make three noeni LO Yihe evening | MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR Spier -------- owe t i § : , 1 ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to] A SQUAI PIANO IN FIRST-CLASS Help secure condition. Will sell cheap. Apply Con Whig oflice. ---- eighteen dollars weekly. positions. Will equip shops. Mrs. Edwin i Jand, 307 Ali Hage of Parriocfield opcupiee res GENER 3 : PRO- Fall Milli nN TY r win i , 307 Alfred n . 1 wv, and lot adjacent GENERAL W RA \ AN Pr. . « INE J ERO. Positions. ctice. Careful instructions : i freet, w ceive iday, Sept hereto : . ficient. in COORINE, (OF t18 oo loos te Few weeks complete course. Cata- { PRIVATE SALE, F T-CLASS 5th, ¢ Wie ards on the first three I her ol. the .ahove P Ares 8 bo » ie AH HEL "DO he logue free. Write Moler Barber Gel piano and household furniture chea I'erdays of ea month Lid 1 Ka x : igi : i e Y th references, st y lege, Toronto. Owner leaving town, 160 King ¢ } 3 . sidders. ty ' - or. Unit We are justly proad of our showing of Ladies helt tos = Nuperintondent, Picton. SITUATION WANTED. -- - pair cee an : TAIT 00k 1 ap - - y AM CONE 1 t 1 pH shi en's : 3 is ' « alg number i et « a t MS. _-- and Children's Hats this fall, and also proud umber of the girls to. their cottage, | fo, por cont of purchase moneys SITUATIONS VACANT. © A GOOD WOMAN, POSITION AS shine, ln sle. "Good paying do he rive 1 their launch, ve tha t the oa the balance within = . mi ap-- ok in a hotel, or private family ta : er cent, ite ales 11 spin in' a hotel b of the fact that we have made more sales at terday afte m. ty 3a ARE YoU OUT OF WORK? IF YOU s Box . gE office bi i is ing at : r 1 1 : 'q er la i made are te to US; we have positions gee repr -- . ne ' . HY : 3 aro write to SAH : this opening than at any other in our store's Mie: Lcia Sitti witl ressive. to her ha ie of the sale or may | open' for all classes. Apply, Cana- ~ ARCHITECTS. Sg AR . " mL 2 ¥ : 3 © application to the undersign- dian Employment Agency, Brockville, H.. leas t RR history. This only goes to show how popular morrow, Thursday, with her mother, | eq Ont : ARTHUR __ ELLIS ARCHITECT Shy : our models and prices ave Miz, WK. T. Swuollie, Jolmsen MACDONNELL & FARRELL. pe BE, THUR Ed ce, 181 University..." Barrie St. | (els « S are. street Solicitors for ndors, Ave. ; TIHV IR . ~ Visit us and be convinced oe er db rere: eter eee rR RE RA Nr ' ns , od oe. Phe second class cadets will, he | eo eee | ys. GERTRUDE. R. CRAIG, TEACH HENRY PF. SMITH. LECHHIECT right. For particulars. aj hosts at another picnic to Lemoine's LNT : "er piano and theory. Pupils pre- ete, Anchor Building, Markel hHouatt J Lockhart, Real Estate and Insure EE ---------- Point on Saturc Ww. " : Al C T ION SALE. pared for exams, of " Toronto Con- Phone, 343. Agent, 159 Wellington St. ! wk : > . servi . Address 169 King St. ee --------------------------------------. s Sopot - HE BRICK RESIDENCE MON; | ~Servatoy. A7eress King P__|Powmms SONS, ARCINTECTS. MER | VALEABLE FARM-WEST HALF TOT There will b v dance at the vacl r t } 4 Foon : > . A om chant's Bank Building, corner Hroc 13, 5th Con,, Township of Richmond | ! i he yacht § colli , » t {| MISS GRACE ( Lot Lx Ee or and and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212 100 acres, two miles west of Selby, 'club to-nigl a 1 Ea. i Se ol edalist Ie . Le e Ye a , . onservator Examinations. Address | WM NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, Ve drainec and watered, poly, Mrs. William Norton-Taylor, of } Rate 5 i MURRAY CR : 3 Earl et. Ram R: os second floor over Mahood's Smythe, King & Smythe, Barristers, | Fredericton, N.I}., came to town ye io | al ao Ss Je ot oe Drug store, corner Princess and Kingston, Ont. ! , : i I t. 1st. ile subje ) , o terda and will be the gues o i 1! oh . terns sec. W Milo 0 E Bagot streets. [Entrance on Bagot Ni . | will oe be E Irs. | reserve hid. [Joris -W ' FINKLE FARM FOR SALE. street. "Phone, 608. HOUSES OF THE LATE GEORGE t Yo on Fay or, -_ ellingtor eet, : : iii or - Jilson Estate ; 114 Stdart street, us riday, when she will g PRIVATE SALE COMPOSED oF PART LOT NUMBER MONEY AND BUSINESS. longed to Manager Bank, of Some onto. i the Firs on 8 y - ro---------- --- ---- ' a s 0A - hte , i of Okces 'AE vps . and one mile west of the = Ts Monk Wholesale Shoe Merchant ; doub Miss L. Casault, of Quebec, ; RTIAL HOUSEHOLD EFFECT 201 one mile weet, te t POLICIES ( i house, ~ 42-44 O'Kill stree 2 Mrs. Douglas Young, mn S MI Ve Ave., DAY a ful Ae of the Bay of Quinte ; 3 buildin gS nC ek . t . Sydenham street: 179 Collingwood yn 2 om TE Thout 175 acres of oe other company Spe i 1 pet, ; also lots on Lower Albert cm -- : DE f * gin { ree Apply to Joseph Power,r oe Tweddell HH Browne ayd her daugh-§ 4 0 air WM Allaire Shortt, at thei 1 e ting ' '. y t r immer ou g ttorburn, vill go, to-morrow, te rm, an 5 BC ' b LONDON AND GLOBE | Y 3 ' Company, Avast HHH ' i He, spend a sitort time with on, Brock street, o rtimer Atkinson, on her way a A " 1 ' 13 additio Ottawa, with x J) . de : " : Ide Shiny f - - -- te ¥ o le will - take 1 RIRTHMAR RKS, G fon 0 ma r P Shortt with her ¢ sto 1 " permanently, -- radon, 'sueens g Smellie, Johnson MARRIAGE LICENSES. property insured i e ithou nly ye Ars own, OF lay, at 1 1 --) a Before renewin iving ence p mer . ake ve y 4 street 1 .. smellie, ¢ home EE eee -- . ! th ; Strange | 09 hiroat 4 Lim England tl followin I di _ Saud . y, 8 TRKPATRICK, ISSUER Of s « r ; Blemish ! Ranoque. Iarriage Licenses, 43 Clarence ork artist, seks x : "i a es Nong ee of Jaton. HE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Very Important! HAH AHAHNH : on Wednesday, October aston, ir... Barrie - --- Unitarian. Pucsday, for Toronto, | hy. and Mre: Bradford Wyckoff S1 REV. C. W. CASSON. } 4 orth d in law lectures He will be | wood. Syracuse, N.Y., annpunce h ! yar PR . . $ cKkav Meikle came 2e ' ny young people during | opoagement of their daughter, ils : : "hr AS BEEN CONCE! NTRATED in the buvi 1g ( f + re : J he ming season ) J ora Sherwood, to. the : On Rejecting Christ. J 1 . y . k + : iss Louie or Brock street . Id Bennet MA . The Unitarian church, instead of rc our Fall Shoes, and the result is most grati- 3. Forneri, Alfred 1s : : » | Walter Leopold lennett, » pastor fC.» Jesus, as is so often foolishly A ] to Ottawa on Monday a turn € ter ending part ¢ 3 y Preshvterian church, jecung Jesus, & litv ¢ ting H o | Is one of the things you want. y t the Atlant henne- | Bradior The marriage is to , is in reality asap ing Him ! fying. To-day we are showing the result of such Wink dov ; Ye mm itis S > a Arthur Klugh, Wel 1 : te adtord, t 4 n & the ve uest sense g not co : 1 : wine. She also visited a ' Thursday, September i et forced acce ot of Delivered Promptly. iw Klugh, V | | | FAA AH SHAH HK effort in \ £ |lington street, are home fi Lu hing ¢ \ ta 2 is 0 . The groom is the son of Cap mitted to th I ke Hib 2 RV. liam Shortt a Wr J n, "Underwood, who } {ain and Mrs. George Bennett, of Port ery word that He spo as infa he * orld we by n I ap en 1 n Picton, is home Hope, Ont. and every command as absolute Ad ur nappy ew a D \ i 280) vi! : : . ain. : - - - takes Him as a man al his word, | % [oy of Mi spel 1 nme? Tames v If Aiee | judges him upon his ments and the mett, Clergy street, The engagement is announced of Mi Re k worth of his message, and seeks 10} Ggq] We can do it because our carts 4 v age system is equal to all de mands. Try us for your Winter's ho has 1 or house to Mrs. George | Nollie Gue Ix hter of Mr . \ 1 Lines of Shoes. wk vit! We yor So : A tt acker : iil 'eave Soon for Mon- jand Mrs I'homas u , Cataraqu spread abiuny hat vill Joave fF N here , ; the essence of his tea believe spend the win-§to My. Walter ok, the same ; w York, _ wit ' his "lt d t | the 9RTh ; or son. ylace The marriage wil I ace | God and love to man loes ti 'York. eT The mars Jove to man It dots Bt 1 AS, SWIFT & CO. We believe, that never in the 50 years ol oul HL PRC tober. 7th at the bri Lo. [deal with of Westport 5 yut as a human example whe shoe retailing in Kingston, have we offered such ww. he Rev. Alired Cook , V : $ ir win Jor "Hazeldells' sv should inspire, all men to noble: Thousand Island & St. Lawrence splendid values. We, will ap precise haaing you I. Walkem is in Mo ISI A The engagement olf i 2d divi . 3 bd by J her daughter, Mrs Cooke. garet Tawlor, youngest d whter + | and diviner hie. . . call and look over the new lia Jaseoh r dapgmes, : iss Phyllis Short, "Underwood," {ihe late John Taylor, M.P., of Dun -- River Steamboat Companies > Denne. Peterhoro, sist and vr Bruce Carruthers, went up | yijle, Ont., to Dr. Herbert Walker, of | Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 | jn Connection with New York Cen xm. Allred ot « tonto, ay, for' a short Visit. 4 Bealton, Ont., is announced. The n Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the tral & Hud ume er stu : I > in Stuart Leslie, Bagot riage will take place quietly in G literature. ra udson River R.R. t ! from Deseronto, and | church, Dupuville, on Sept. 30th back in town. Col. N. F. and Mrs. Patersor CONDITIONS IN INDIA. Leave Kingston J H SU HER AND & BRO 5 tir , : push At Tore Cr ; . Laflerty expects to leave, | ronto, ar nce . the engagement "ol am. and 2.00 pm. ° ® I L ® . . Wo . hi , y for hechee abont--the- end of the heir Vounges auclit eler B : Leave Kingst a Sunday, " their youngest daugliter, Helen « The Quiet Talk of a Returned pin nelia,-- to Mr. Fdwardy Francis Ona Student. Leave Cape Vincent THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. acon Carey is back in town, liss Car olina will leave .on | ; a is or hE » ey ? I'he wedding will: take place quietly 6.15 p.m ! h Mrs. M. | 1 ool sal) rT] i y 4 s Sposa : od ox v k, and will sai > : Miss Elizabeth 8. Colton, daughter of Making direct co 3 MeN MOE SO ude 4 3 WO 3 he ew Ava : . next month. ! zabel . iH, Ga % Jk PRE fo sghes, v street. Mrs. Ca from there almost immediatelw," for Sela . late and famous: "Father" Aaron}! from all SAA Inspires -- se HAA ~ FHA TAN vers e No © wd ) Pirodgh sl wers have not returned orto Rico. where + is to be maxr- n, hs irned to Massachusetts ough Steper ---- "OM; M: S i'w I he house Fculed In A Fog. 'iter an absence of three years in In dia | Watertown, good going rs. Smart, ol Watertown, Clarkson, Ont.. Sept. 23.--During an the s tudy of Oriental languages, liter- | returning up. to and S ( ) i. DE = R ! , are sponding their honeymoon | Hise Constance Cooke, Hozeldeh* | pearkset, Oot. Heming. a Grand | ture and religions. She speaks six. an | emmrmmrmmmee id t a } fre oir pie RE ' . 1 : 1d - | there they stop { r. ar : 1 ? . I'runk freight ran into the ar of the s studied fifteen cnitic- ji 3 7 2 2 > Dr. and Mrs. Waugh returned, ves- : Iaunders, Alice J inornine fruit special, just west of the ? v r carefully. Speaking Many of them admit belief in the . : of » rel of the great empire, she | coming of a Messiah, but are unwilling , sty Solder. als t fy : p Have you tried our strictly i an Solder, also our Star |terday afternoon, from their hone) street. i ) » from Toronto, and Mr tat y Half a doz r : ' & . station ners a t doen cars were 1 - " ¢ not understood in Euro- to accept Jesus as that Messiah The Extra Wiping. The quality is gua ra ES and the price is right. ool lems § nde dso eturned home, | oniked Driver McHarg, London eit 1 Fi - -» la ht, and will ¢ fege this ue freight, hac a foot an countries. Although Brahminism vicariousness of His and death they C d M tal C Ltd 31 WILLIAM ST. Miss Fowler has been visiting | wi : *xtends bac} 1 times, Bt an understand. How He might | . : ss Fowler, 0 has bes siting | winter Ia} rema 'xtends back to pre-historic times, Bt 2 inderstand. ow ¢ might have ] ana d e Gas "a TORONTO. ONT her aunt, Mrs. John Strange, leit, s Mahel Dalton, Johnson street, {| cnrnined an ' - n i pined 4 usm has a definite date an ¢ died for the rest of mankind they per- se-------- - t ee a : on Go : . Bud Ih : 1¢ ceive and admit. But the supreme fact his week, for onto want 84 : fardda ¢ 1 sich A « y Ld i . iN eat down, vesterday, to Ottawa. ain. was thrown across the ustor th tiv ect : : . =, Jo ¢ Arr Q n Q ne OT Wry reet wes ut 3 IVIL ) 8 p 1 arru and My liss Irene Moore, ( y street west, foc ch in consequence was thout 500 B.C e divinity of Chnst the supreme | ne NT St. Piecre ies have been kept visitin her cousin. Miss Madge nd B rahminism flourished $ yom side | revelation of God the Father, the lesson 1 ¥, 3 wterday, making | Oliver, Davswater avenue, Uttawa. . inti 1 the newer bel ief, gaining too many | ol the cross, they dp not accept, for they s to fenders of the | do not understand how God could have - - - rdheimer Stei eraceful repli the compliments : the defen No e € cinway ok tity hove Tact: mpiim ie ino fi _ 4 3 Loss ' 81, 000,000 A Day. ts followers were driven from the | taken to Himself the form of mere man getting on win witatibns have been rec . . CMG ington, Sept. Pr. W. J ountry and have suffered and died for man. i Pi eo : { lr out in the croquet tournament | town to the marriage of M rence : = mtr) Pianos 12. N0S ( lat the Count Club. Their oppon- | Eliza. Helen Bell oa hter of Mr. ee, of : geological survey, who e founder of Mahometanism had { And right there is the religious difficulty . \ font ro { Mrs. Herbert Dawse Mrs. George B Jl i 106 St. George i v ne to this city alter a visit timate ack tance with ( Christian at the basis of the gr st pre blems in : KIRKPATRICK'S ART 8T rt Dawson | Mr ' ¢ bell, i ¢ . Be ele be re 1 intimate acq anc } ! v : § Warehouse: KIRKPATRICK'S STORE, 159 Princess St re EE i | re Toronto, and grand-daughter e Adirondacks, sates that anf iy fron Oe 0 | Indian life, Were the leaders of Indian he A arte nenerere Vi they . defeated Mrs. ter Macnee and | of the late -. 1, ye Smale Oa <amate done m fhat met Jews and Chris tia t s | thought to accept Jesus, to accept the Mi Lil t avio rs § . ; - harle ion bh he forest fires is $1,000,000 § rred from bec ming, a, C 2 | CTOSS they would have that which their gre em-- - -- ---- ---- ---- - Mrs I. Somerville { mdas, 1s | the love The eddi vil ke jf anse of rdisgnst at the warr f 1) religions do not give--a common ground wing with her mothe: seorge | place in St. Andrew' irch, Toron 1 ser which split the church, , The inconsist- {on which all might stand and from SWELL THIEF. !orimes committed in Marion uty | Webster, at + Roskwood Hospital, to, on October Baseball On Tuesday. ney betweer ofe ud the which the many problems they have at main | la pt 1 hing eriff Tay Mrs. Cornelius Berminghem, Barri - American - LeagueBoston, 4: De | Saviour of heatt might be worked out. 2 3 | PVie 1 street. is home fr a weel . The m ace of Miss ade ! Oo le d. 7: New York, 0. Jesus prom ted him to ound his own 158 ton is not an Anglican church aving Held t , is home from a week spent I'he marriag f Miss Maude Field, ]troit, 1. Cleveland, ork, us promp Confésses to: Having Hele i 1a 8, 1 er admitted |Uttawa. daughter of Mrs. Charles Field, of National league--Chicago, 4-3; New | religion, m which Jesus has a place as}woman but lauds the work being done teen Men. i tha » had held up fifteen men in the . . | Brockville, to.Captain H rold Lumb, } York, 3-1 Boston, 7; St. 2 ouis, . | 'ne of the prophets, hut not as the <u- |by the Church Missionary Society of San Francisco, Sept 3 rl mal ir, at San .Rappael, Mr live Betts came home, from [of Bell feville, will take place ¢ St tP hil wdelphia, 19; Cincinnati, & preme revelation of God to men. This England. Their hospitals are admirably Rovie, a former student of Stanlord jam uslyv wounded a constable; | Stirl for Sunday { Peter's church, Brockville, yr Tx burg, 3; Brooklyn, 2 (11 innings) acceptance of Jesus as a prophet, as one managed, and make a direct appeal to University, son of Henry Boy f : hat he attacked a young woman Mrs. John Rnox and her lovely -1 day, 20th inst. ------------ of the 'beautiful' men of the human race. the natives. They are better than the § 3 another and tle baby, will leave for Kelowna, . - Chief Justice Meredith, to-day, re Soman among many highly educated | Lady Dufferin hospitals, and better, far to grant the appeal of the town kegs of Indian religions. They con- better, than the government cand git managed, tions ar it for ¢ arri- J fused to @ ronaire property s which for | to-morrow, ati wd Oakland, and of a 1 vO é | « r Y i ma g AAA A Nt NN LY most exclusive. society fa time f * qu community vi e Lowe. Toronto, visiting ;age of Miss Rita 3 lina, you of Midland from the master-in-cham- cede ges transcendent purity of the doc- | which are abominal 'ho sheriff knows of no motive for the |friends in' the city, has returned home | daughter of Mr ber's decision, unseating the countil"trine of life He tanght in such utter the British a bad name for care ? and Dr. Ross Morti- on technical grounds, ances as the Sermon on the Mount. But "interest in the natives. venous in the relos of San Rappael a y sion a number of | yo ; mah s conduct. Mrs. Low, who has been with her William street, fave made confes