' * - Lp There * gree. ¢ Tints. loo 4 i -------- Young Men Find Popu- larity Waiting When They Master the Intricate Step Terrible tangles and wiggling wiggles of limber legs and flipping flops of flighty feet in the amazing contortions of a dizzy dance of unparalleled strenuosity No, constant reader, this® is not a harker's announcement of a side-show exhibition of a brunette belle from Hono lulu in a new version of the can-can. but an unexaggerated and faithful characterization of the dance that is" now engaging the attention of young society For society--and this means all with- in Ahe magic circle in this democratic land--has gone crazy over the buck amd wing dance, At least, the young men have ! The same old dance that thrilled the nerves of "old marsh niggers" after cotton pickin' in the south fifty years ' : ago has swept into favor among the : Merve dnd Aare 75 elite with a biff-hing-bang suddenness Je Sebati, > So the fashionable ms masters of CcessIry ISI Sr OF Lt : New York, Philadelphia and other big " . - a : 3 cities are teaching the buck and wing 77 ' 2m Ce " enn In their officés 8 Wall stréet young TLE . " W pri 272 FOC EEG dk . brokers are Joanding the hardwood |piblical authority th - floors with a dexterity of legs and swing { possible, and that if you have an marvelous control of t of arms that would make old stage stars | joubts all vou will have t o will be "Why 1 grit their teeth with jealousy! And | {5 go to one of the bazaars, Kirmesscs, You can at social functions, particularly those | open-air partigs or ent rtainments wl for charity, both the wen and women 1 i amar if 1 SP Nits a aviotv Of nte Ht > yleasure ath i I Y + | sockety SO delights nn giving 101 nc permits an mite i yv 6f movements twists ot legs [here were Ss artling pleasure mect : 146 aS . - Ee: ! : : : i 8 | 14 chase the glowing hours with flying herself will win the respect of others. [angler sleeps, after a'toilfal 'day on the bless you, jiggle the jig and swing off | hepefit of heathens in foreign lands or | You can do the hopping dance, posing contortions of the arms and, feet? Ha 4 a : ; vitl sdal work that Id ke i i Hf i ) i Se lake, casting and troll in vai with a pec il wor that would make | to buy towels for the poor mm a Mac- | in the air, and go thiough fancy move- ha, it was just what they wanted! ------ Husbands' . Valuations, Of Wives (the irs ne oki ing. mn vam, he your ecstatic darky nearly die laughing! | [Fadden's court ments. Or you can dance the plain Something difficult to learn! Something REBUKES MODERN WOMAN A 1did h : : load R Inte} a out to hjs- nets and In Philageifitia Tony presel, 2 youre But what of the other dan ? buck and wing, beating the floor with full of life! A dance to give them! | Fie ' sta Car w h has st left a sub he long, rakish Pun he gopal scion of the alc Drexe family, \ . co ins. oO ; : They on s steps . n iT Od SESS the. fo tate ¢ = antial sum to his. widow on condition with the very cream oi t ng. ie I .d Vanity Fair by the ar¢-light The waltz remains, Of cour y vigorou eps." "You can 1iperoar nimblene: 3 feet, dexterity of | She Apes Man, While Man Grows | that she enters a convent and devotes result is thdt the sport on. | amaze anity' Fair by the art-ug it | couldn't very well do the buck through it if you want to. Or it can be limb! You're learning it," twittered : Fe réinaind j FET. erates lindreds he sportsman may trave twinkles of his feet in the buck and | wing on a large scale he ballroom. | daneed delicately and gracefully by chil- | one of Frank Gould's friends, "to elude Effeminate. the remainder of her life to prayer has ; 'HmnCreds of miles and not land a fish wing. In New York Frank Gould took | But alas for the misty m of the | dren : the subpoena servers." Fathér Bernard Vaughan, Londen, a been more considerate to his, life-part- | of the sort that he can have served to { aa w! gu i ¢ : >. - . . . . > - » Jy > ' * ~ . up the dance for the delectation of the | quadrille, the lancers Wd other "The buck and wing can be danced "There is no doubt that it is one of | IW days agq made some striking refer- | BST than some other testators we know him in any 'of New York's great hotels. elect. Throughout the country young | jie movements of the feet! Year by [from six to sixty." the finest forms of exercise," ¢ OF | ences to the changing relations of' the i of. It was ah attorney who wrote mn Fhe State of. New York spends hun- men have followed suit Children take vear they are going out of popularity, | When Frank Gould took up the study | declared Mr. Wroe. "Athletes say i sexes in the course of which he expres- his ge, i } Jeave jo Hevbort Ermer, pees of Housangs of sollar each year to it like ducks to water, and girls ever | and*vear by year the desire for more lof the dance a month or so ago he was |one of the best 'things for training. sed the opinion that re of to-day my.) 1 &, an my siste ee 1¢ appy ashy + 8 Ih Bs ity in and Jie nes and to prefer it to pineapple sundaes in sum- | vigorous dancing has become appar at. Hollowing the example of scores of young have taught Jack OBrien to dance it. | were face to face witli a sex problem asics Hs reir greed, ousy, folly, = Can gs, givers, and eree S for the mer 'But Jo you mean to say young wo- men who had learned its mysteries Alvin Kraenzlein, the champion hurdler that could be understood aright only | Pi Bom life a Bes have Jenin ans r heeft, Jet year Alter yest. kilns men join the men in this danc >" you "It's corking!" declared Mr Gould. | of the world, learned it, fro e. And | when men had become more manly, in making; "ite a burcen 10 ne. a ang a 8 sportsman--in- Those move easiest who have learned to 13 1 : TAC duos from me. AN 1 1 Tot ing my married life," declared another tones the same lament on the decline 10 3 [2 ( py J PH « "wr 1 i . * 1 { 1 . sy 2 " y Cc tCla Py d v 3 p pC sist The graceful rosebuds of girl- And it was observed by his friends that | he declared it to he great and women more womanly. 0 "mm, * ' dance. ~Pope per ! } Ee \ ots "I have always declare at of the r The buck and wing the favorite dance hood whom a wintry breath might blast | after he was served with papers in a "It certainly has found favor among it seemed, as though the modern man > Sar ] ave Sv ys declared that e. Spoty i Retr? You. ine Sire, , , . they, do they dance s vigorous, | divorce case he seemed to find his chief | men in society, and it is because they | was fast becoming effeminate, while oy eT he Yarns Pring im oH « K oe Ng ES: breathless dance? Do you mean to de- source of diversion in an Eighth avenue found they were being buncoed on many the modern woman hankered: after any peri a 4 iat 59 I i A Dead Latter. "Inmpossibl I clare they can do the ° rgia Grape- | dancing school other dances. The dance keeps them in masculinity h ¥ vill find : To } Joa ¥ te Philadelphia Post, Ip re voen vine' or 'Cincinnati Sift It didn't take Mr. Gould long fo mas- health. for one thing. It stirs up the The typical modern woman, he |' andl. per SO. 0 geler, as ar Dr. Ethelbert Gilbert, of Duluth, is Whereat we remind you tha i y \ : I : " c thi Th as possible, anyone making such 'a | willi : You bet ter the dance, and he we reeling | circulation. And many will dance when | said, "apes after everything mannish. {0.00 periment, 1 leave he th- {OnE in 'marriage ceremonies to omit, That is what a dancit ster, through the "Palmer Hous Glide" and | they will not take exercise. There's fun | St would like to dress like: a man; Tuinol \ W ri D: Tp : Rr De whenever requested to, "the obnoxious asked the other day, rep : t | "Newport Twist" as well as any planta- | in it, stalk about and lounge like a man ng. hed iam hil o £ hii e- | "to obey. they do! And it's g ( a tussle | tion denizen ever did. "Now, many society 'folk often like to She would like to smoke and drink like neal ree a, His widow one shui = One of Dr. Gilbert's parishioners took ¥ 1 1 1 st Ro : ' . : " » CK WN i y 3 a s = + ~. between them who'll do it the best, the One dancing master declares he do a 'stunt a function. What is |a man, and talk and swear like a man iF pg ng. my MX of . sixty | him to task abemt this matter the other IF 'Ti8 S " | 1 1 T " ; | guinea and a Mr. Kerr cut down his oh men or the women | teaches the buck and wing to Ioo per- | pleasanter than a dance? Many cannot These remarks, however, as he at- | Coq oo, a wv to £1.000 because "wher a ' 1 1 1 1 ¢ of 1 TH S ¢ pH \ 0 J * S( vhien- Tha » y ¢ y A PIECE OF t * like anything that becom the | sons to every éne .learning a fancy | recite; they lack the power of voice terwards explained, he directed against 5 Ba : fing gr started What right have von" he said, "to . wr . ' \ 3 a . . 1 1 : VET omme p eadin Ss staritd 4 pn 3 s » JOB . ad of society, thé buck and wing s | dance. So popular has it become But they can do that poem in motion-- the modern woman who yelled from the oe A . mn Re Rdg 'she ' | tamper with "the marriage gercmony ' : TING been improved. It has been modiied The dance sprang into popularity | the buck and wing. Tt is harder to learn | housetop. that she must and: will have playmg. alia > gang.» Oh, well," he said, "that 'obey' is a 1 \ I'wisted out of shape Gilded so you {about three years ago, when Walter G. | than most dances. But when® you know her rights, and who roughly handled ' Fish Pirates dead letter anyway. The very best wo YOU WANT wouldn't know the metal. 'W prked 1 Wroe taught the dance to a number of {it you have something, the policeman in his endeavor to keep a s . man in the workl promised to ober me he buck | the peace. Her, indeed, he likened to The manner in which the fish pirate eighteen years ago, but she hasnt to more intricate, wonderful and ¢ ymplex | young society women of Philadelphia "How long can one study the Stil y Zoo. supplies the market in season and out this day is the subject of an interesting illus ---------- putty. Still, | who were to give a big charitable func- [and wing? A lifetime. You could study | 2 strated article by Barton W Currie m Many an ugly man has.a handsome current issue of Harper's Week ping in a barber shop. e a vbw tite . Wl 11 ves ; \ ore "308 " c if 3 must be nimble, alert. And it gives you to the gentler phases, the men took'the ! ing of feet during the day. { Pankhurst emphatically denies * Father | The marketn wd' he legs and feet. buck and wing up with a whoop and So, as Byron once wrote: Vaughan' atement; and sa tha ] re iar cat Jotels can 3 % + a ghan s statement, ang says that rely on the pirates. "I'he common angler : : 3 they have no reason winatever to com: | mus ait for 5 ) i ng Here wer vinden ha hurl an J Rp ust wait. for the fish to" bite; os Pi- . : of x Phere were intricacies in the buck and lined } plain of any lack of respect in mep. [rate is bound to get th sith anid almost any 1 in rwo-four tim It, wir dance? There were dangerous No sleep till morn when youth and! Any woman, she says who respect his many nets, When the bi ane of nee Any an, ays, spects 4 ets, en the enthusiastic gs take it up? hello ; On with the dance ! let joy be tincon~ + wild thing from the Man and woman, in Father Vaugh- an's opinion, possessed nothing 'in_com- Then we can satisfy you E that is, if you are particular varieties than a cake of } ) 1 X / it's the buck and wing. tion in the Bellevue-Stratiord Hotel and study and continue to study Al in your wants. : hk x Many demure, severely proper and Well, imagine. the sensation when the | most any one, however, can learn a Dur. Prices Are ust A. decorous mammas who st nd their dear {charming young women of Philadelphia's | pretty dance within a month After ten | mon They were like two hemispheres Wish / little Clarences { Chaunceys to the most exclusive and conservative society [or twelve lessons a bright pupil ought to | which, when brought together, made a dancing master would be shocked f | danced the buck and wing, hit it up to [be able to dance before an assemblage. | golden circle of happiness, and it was they thought the master would teach the beat t and. and sent the bachelors Many young people get tired learning a greats pity such ca woman' did not little angels so vulgar, so unmention- faway. v 1d with enthusiasm. Of course, other dances But every pupil who takes realize that, if she insisted upon being lessons of the buck and "unsexed" she would, 4in consequence . - . : ; \ : Did Y Ny = able a thing as the buck and wir after that all wanted to learn the buck Jone or two 0d cver Gracious! the very name sa s of land wing, and soon Mrs. Percy Maderia, | wing becomes enthusiastic." be treated 2 nothing fess than a -- "bounder." f Tn_your business career | low ha ls, recking with tobacco smoke Mrs James Francis: llivan, _ Miss And so the young men of society are 0 Somoare Jette Breet Why. it's the thing those women dance {Kathryn Voorhees, Miss Sylvia I t, educating their feet! Has not the modern man," li¢ ask- pare letter-heads on the vaudeville stage. N ! Miss Fannie ain, Mrs. Edwin 1 are pursuing the jas 'Noblesse oblige' and 'Place aux | y . A 4 of diff erent fi rm s-- Nevertheless, Clarence and Chauncey 3d, and Mrs. Horace Jayne deli d | wing dances, they v i ; wists of legs and dex- | Dames?' Woman has leaped from "her Ask your doctor about taking one ni y " 4 icely printed and come home ecstatic. Their new dance and amazed society by their marvellous | study through Beginning with the simple buck and |e "completely cast aside such mottoes 4 their che as "hop-scotc Mamma views It "" : : i the } : p 3 . hy . SEReFa poor Speci. i great, says Clarence. Bully, oh gee! |dances Master it? Indeed you should | terity of movements almost beyond im- | exalted position and taken her place in ' the arena with common folk." . The Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla. firm which sent that with delight. Un- 'ment. chocolate-colored Thespians, immacu- | does he offer his seat, even though one to you was not the doubtedly a new dance Entire Nat New late in white collar, silk hat and canes, there be no other for her to occupy. e one you would d ue 4 in the inertia of the mere ancy York, and it not long before the rried it through with a hullaballoo. His one absorbing :thought is to do a] 1 And what movements! maidens of But now we can see it in society. It | himself well." ; Yers : : / S$ 1 ng you see now how a neat wing . : g i : : 1 ~ J : letter-head advertises The buck and wing dance 1s umque, while the women confined themselves |and hops of the dance. Young men in |ihg more feminine, that is a fault for A : 4 ! { a well-known master recently, | the- elect circles of society, of cours which they surely cannot be held re- | Lips white ? Ch ks le? Ble nD : ce pa ood thin . gi 1s gia one 3p "Why do the young men # usiness--a& n at's Because, for one thing, it 1s better ex-- d f * young Man would not tumble ? in their ways. They cérfainly have no | it' doc tremendous avorite And they have tumbled into the buck | wish to adopt the follies of men, They | Consu your tor. ' mex ' k ¥ ~ . on ¢ . * Of . of sieap Wark i shouts Chauncey here's a go to it. (have seen. them! Talking of grace-- | agination. ! he you Yard I if A It. makes their blood thrill and flushes | their dances were anting! They Formerly we used to pay one-fifty per | modern man, seeing that, lets her shift - printed one aie Jory Why. it's almost as good | simply took the buck and wing and put | fo see it done before the calcium. There | for herself. He neither gets up ftom Trust him. Do exactly as he says. the thought that the "h. it through a specigs of alchemy of move- bespangled ladies essayed it. There his chair when she enters a rgpm nor . a turally, they heard of it in i ® with, and why--s ¢ GANCes pl } ; sie : , ! because that ry What 'vim and zest and grace The | were gingerl ying has not, and never will, supplant the - Women suffragisfs "have not" taken : TF ( head®told vou the dancing master must be congratulated And the nien? In Philadelphia Horace waltz at balls. But at pfivate functions, | Father Vaughan's criticism * quietly. " standing of the frm S.s-sh! think if mamma knew this Jayne, Anthony Drexel, 3d Jack Com- where entertainment is not confined to They dissent very much from the opm- 3 be - i i e of .rsions of the buck and | wall and the n fol > | the strictly f I All find young | ion that they are striving t be scu- N. : which sent it out. Do was one of the versio »f the buck and | wall and many othe men followed suit. | the strictly formal, you will find young |1on ths ley are iving to be mascu NO AL Li which are so favored by society! | And they followed suij in New York. And | men and women going through the jigs line, and, if the modérn man i¢ beeom- | NON-ALCOHOLIC your busiriess ? declared ! "and it will fit any pers know that the" most. experi dancer must | sponsible. \ 1 dance it fast or slow. It car win the admiration of the gentle ladies. Here ig what Miss Christabel Pank- h £ to the tune of Yankee Doodle. Change This, then, is probably the geason they hurst, the organizing secretary of' the | Consult your doc Or. oe : the tune to a Dutch air and you wou d | trv to emulate one anothér ns quickness | National Women's Social and Politi- | d ki > . ' 3 never realize it was the dance which | of legs that ke one hold one's breath | cal Union, haste say on the subject: | Ba SKIN! Weak nerves? Losing flesh? WHIG JOB once so delighted the darkies. Or do | ac a C for fear theyll twist inextricably into "Lady suffragists do not in afy way ! 2 it to the 'Wearing of the Green' and . a krot, »- Ci _ .|ape the man They do not dress like a Consult your doctor. TE 1s a Job whiéh you can rely it'll thrill every one with Irish blood in the big black plug { Tt is breathless, exciting, thrilling. | man, and have no wish to; they do not % Saat . A ! sane, which keeps YOU tireir vons : . : A And when the fairy jeweled hands flash | smoke or drink or swear: like: men--| 'No appetite? Poor digestion? Discouraged? take to it? chewing tobacco. as they gap io approval--well, what |in fact they would rather be feminine | . . our ' 5 EN what you want. ercise than gymnastics and the hori- h | n THE WHIG 108 DEPT l sontal bar. It calls into play every everywhere, use dance! At Newport, Narragansett Pier, |are quite content to he women, but i ' / . | every muscle of the,body. And there is . » " Atlantic City, they ve studied it. [they do not see that being women is a I Whig Building joy in it. Oh, that's the secret. No its richness and pleasing 4 College boys will buck through college, | reason why they should not have their | | b. f King 8t. J body can dance the buck and wing and ; doubtless, this fall If a young man | political nights." | 4 eh * dan g not enjoy it. Theres bully fun in it flavor. oes occupies an office. near by you do not be Speaking of the modern nian's-alleg- - C AYER It causes the blood to circulate, You ! { surprised to heara calithumpian thump- | ¢d. discourtesy toward women; Miss " Sa