THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TH URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1908. st LAW IN NORTH some New Goods are all here. All 'we ask is to have you call in and look. , Toe up-to-date styles, fit, finish and prices of our goods will convince you. Specials For Saturday Satur- low |™ article police Men's Fancy Cashmere Hose, on sale day, 19¢ per pair. 25 dozen Shield Knot Ties (Hook On), regular 25 each, oa sale Saturday 15c., or two for a (quarter. (CHRISTIAN ~ GUARDIAN ; | Places Flourish on Montreal River--Paper Says Higher i | eather severe comments to make on | the administration of the law in New . | fame L. | turbed up and down Montre: al River. coal {made a provincial constable. The pa- . |Ferateq aud driven back . to work at { the point of a revolver. In connection led by agents at convenient points | With regard to blind pigs the same | paper alleges that they abound. - The | use are the prosecutions ? The claim 1s | should not carry liquor into the coun- at all. | system of the province needs reorgan- lization, and to be manned by a high- | ee -- Type of Officer is Needed. . Ontario, It claims that houses of ill- The allegation is also made that the lwith the houses of ill-fame The Guar- | question is- asked if the penalty of im- "It is evide nt," continues the ler type of officer, if respect for law i i | Blind Pigs Abound and Immoral The Christian Guardian has are allowed to flourish undis- lconvicted keeper of a blind pig was per states that foreigners are mal- dian says that the inmates are locat- over the mining territory. | prisonment is never reached of what frgate that the government railway Lin question, "that the whole {and order is to be maintained.' EAGLE swoops oN CHILD. Battle Before it is Finally Captured. York, Sept. 23.--Hundreds of | persons journeyed out to the physical leulture camp, near Helmetta, NJ. to a large bald eggle which was captured last Thursday while attempt- ing to carry away a three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cribler, who are spending the [mer in the Some Odd Ends in Men's Suits at Half Price. | The | several ' . . | Hard 100 pairs Men's Working Pants, regular $2 | Rar and 2.50 per pair, on sale Saturday at $1.45. | New 100 pairs Boys' Tweed Short Pants, good wearers, regular 90c, Saturday 59¢ per pair. | Ree Boys' 3-Garment Suits, new $6.50, on sale Saturday, $4.95. goods, regular sum- woods child is small for and had told her mother . that she was afraid of a big turkey R s n that flew down close to her while {was at play. The parents Ol 1 Se Co Si to the child's story until yester- |day, when they were startled by her Nagonized screams 127 Princess Street, Kingston. | astoning from > The Store That Sets the Pace. { with its talons set in the flapping its great wings and esate to rise with its prey Mr Iran to the of the little one, | while Paul Cribler, his brother, caught jup a shotecun and followed him | Mrs. Cribler was nearly crazed with liright and followed the men ling When Mr. Cribler reached the {eagle he attacked it with a club, but |s0 intent was the bird in getting away with its prey that he was obliged to | strike it several blows before it re the child's --. Paul Cribler fired eagle that it her age, times she gave no they eagle, shack a huge child's arm, trying Cribler their see rescue TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL, scream New York Central Excursion New York OCTOBER 6 AND 7, 1908 7.00 RouND TRIP $7. 00 From Kingston, Ont. VIA CAPE VINCENT. TICKETS GOOD TEN DAYS hoe ased its the arip eagle on rose the wounded £0 and when its wings to the tip to tip, the gunghot wounds in are healed ° it will be Jronx Zoological [Parke sent [and opm to the earth and was placed in {a cage The child's arm is severely lacerated land swollen, and its dress was torn [to rags in the struggle. The eagle { measured five feet nine inches from | SPENDING $1,400 ON DEAD DOG | Coffin For Pet to Gost $200, Monument $1,200. 8 1 glas and In a top Stratford, ( Sept metal coffin with a plate | ane d trimmed and linpd with white tin, the body . of Diana, a spaniel owned by Mrs. Florence of Elmswood, Ferry Road, taken to Hartsdale, N.Y. d in the dog cemetery there was born the Waldori-A York, eleven years ago her mother ed hae a long and wa 'onn., =a Japanese Bald win, Strat ford, was Apply to nearest New York Central Ticket Agent for folders giving complete info. mation or write to H. S. FOLGER, Ticket Agent, Kingston, Ont. | | | | {and burie | Diana in |toria, New | after Shi two weeks | from Japan and blue blooded pedigree, Jd by Mrs. Mary Weston, H Raldwin bought her Iwas 3 old for $400 | from New Y then own from whom Diana ald three when Mr ork S1X week | win removed vears {| Mrs i O00 O00C00CROO0O-0000NO0TUTUIOV00C ® @ (888 grief a spe distracted with pet ordered 200 aldwin, s of her cial coftin, costing Mrs has ordered monument to*mark Diana the spaniei head ent She ha elected twelve pall-beaver to to Hart 7 . g | Evangeline the 21.200 vith Baldwin a in eo stone and | honorary mpany the body dale | GOULD DIVORCE Ganong's G.B. Chocolates . Always fresh. Ad. REES, 166Princess St! Phone 58. PROPER IEREIEEEE SUITS | ketteris Clemmons Asks Ali | mony of $120,000. New York, Sept. 23.--Mrs Hine Clemmons Gould, who is | Howar: 1 G ould for divorce, to-day {plied throug to Justice juerich for [Gould to {alimony and | foes After ljourned the | 1st, at the The finest in the city. Kather suing ap Gie Mi vear « ounsel ad ober h counsel an order pay her £15,000 for a hearing the argument until Oet request of Cornelius Sulli= {van, counsel for Mr. Gould Mr | Sullivan said he must have mor time to examine the papers in the Immediately following the tem porary disposition of this action, the brings us SUC Se of Helen Kelly Gould against Frank J. Gould for absolute divorce | was called before Justice gerich in | the same court room. proceed compelling £120.000 5 her justice o) ADE Ghe Main Idea and Object This lease i Is to please our customers. cess and makes. us friends. We do i with our little prices, with our big as- sortment, with our fine qualities and grades. ing lng $his vate ware the court merely fixing the date 2nd, for Our low prices show you how to save your dollars. la hearing on the motion. Mission Dining Room Sett, 8 pieces, early E nglish | "finish, for $45. Mahogany §Parlor Suites, 3 pieces, | covering. China Cabinets for | Responsible Gieg The brief, Oct KAISER AND ADVERTISEMENT $25 to 45.00, best silk For Defacing North $18 to 65.00, | Cape. London, Sept. 23.--North Cape, the " Robt. J. Reid, {most northerly point in Europe, on 0-000 0Q000 {the Island of Mageroe, Norway, is de- faced by advertisements, for which m8 | Kaiser William is responsible. When a KINGSTON, CANADA. Imperial Grown Brand Underwear few summers ago he visited the Cape, QO0O0C [he allowed the local authorities to paint the name of his yacht, Hohen- lzollern, in letters fifteen) feet in height Unless we knew ths Superiority of Imperial Crown Brand derwear. It would not pay us to advertise. We rely on re- taining your trade. Insist on having Imperial Crown on the face of the extreme point jrock. At once various German Ask your dealer for it. 000000000000 0000000000 00000000000 230 Princess Street. Telephone, 577 0000000000000 MADE IN of ship- names of their in striking letters on the Cape, then an enterprising {chocolate maker followed their exam- ple. He in turn was followed by a {firm of boot-blacking makers. Small prices were at first 'harged {for space, but they wire raised as time went on, for an adver tisement on North Cape is very costly.' OOOO TRADE MARK, ping firms painted the | vessels | North rand. 0 .COO0000000< and now space 000QO000000 ' 3 LAYMEN"S MOVEMENT. Series of Meetings in Ottawa Next Week. A series of meetings will be held in Ottawa next week by the Laymen's Missionary Movement. In a pamph- Jet issued by the Canadian council in Toronto it is stated that" the object and scope of the movement .is "an inter-denominational and internation- al movement of co-operation among the laymen of the various Christian bodies, designed to. stimulate and maintain among the laymen of the churches, of North America, an in- tellicent and active interest in the speedy evangelization of the world, in co-operation. with the mission board and societies of the various churches." The movement was originated in the missionary interest and has re ference to home and foreign missions alone. The motto of the movement is "The world for Christ in this genera- tion," and the question is ada evangelize her share world ?"' The campaign in Canada is now in full swing. Splendid © results have been obtained in Toronto, Montreal and in the Maritime Provinces. The spiritual life of the congregations in these centres has been quickened to such an extent that it has been de- cided to inaugurate a vigorous cam- paign across Canada from the Atlan- tic to the Pacific. What does the suc- cess of this movement mean ? It means that the gospel will be preach- ed to forty millions of non-Christian people, the sending out of four addi- tional missionaries to every one now in the foreign field, with the cor- responding financial obligation. It is believed that the church in Canada has now the requisite mater- ial for supplying the funds. Wherever meetings have been held it has been unanimously resolved and recorded that Canada should un- dertake her full share of responsibility in this world-wide movement and at once proceed to the accomplishment of her of the task. Don't Forfeit Good Looks. There is no beauty the beauty of health. beauty almost any one can have. Don't endure pimples, boils, blotches, etc. They not only mar personal ap- pearance but are signs of dangerous blood disorder. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative) cure the hlemishes and remove the cause. They great nerve strengthener and blood maker In boxes, at Wade's drug store. Money back if not sa- tisfactory. so attractive as It is a kind of are a Bc. , Design For Blouse. The sign for which sketch shows charming de- in inserted The model was of heavy crepe de in cream white, with real eluny insertion, but the design would be very smart for a blouse to match a cloth suit, vith the lace dyed the the little design in embroidery in the front of the blouse being in tl ame shade White washable material could also be used for such a blouse, the embroid ery. being heavily padded white insertion being of Irish lace a the lace was attractive. a blouse, odd way the especialy narrow being chine, same same color, in and the or cluny lone cotton, Secure The Best. When you buy Smith's White Lini ment you secure the most penetrating remedy on the market for sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, lumbago and all aches pains Every drop fille curative power and the fails to cure promptly and Iy A big bottle costs but 25 an be at Wade's drug other and 1 with utmost remedd never thorough and had tore Leaves $10,000 To Hospital. Malone, N.Y., Sept. 24. It that Mrs. John W. Teighton has £10,000 for a Malone hospital, shape of an endowment fund, gives 85,000 to establish a at St. Lawrence University and £1,000 to the Women's Centenary Association of the Universalist church The balance of the estate is bequeath. ed to members Mrs. Leighton's family. Appears left the she in and scholarship at Canton of will Little Little relieve the worst forms of Carter's aided by Carter's Liver Pills. They . not only present distress but strengthen stomach and digestive apparatus. The old-fashioned woman who thinks it is a sin to read in the daytime lives in Atchison, and will not allow a book to be opened in her house un til after candle-light. When troubles come to a man in his office he lacks the great comfort ai- forded to his wife under similar con- ditions, that of weeping on the kitch- en towel. Beef, Tron and Wine, make. Pint bottles, Drug Stores Honest labor ought to be considered a pastime. Liver Pills | Hr id pei | for a oer i Then follow his adoice. Dyspepsia in its vield to the Nerve Pills, use " " our own, 50c., at Wade's | et dite. for | anyone tocnjoy the bestof healthif the bowels are constipated. , Undigested material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be daily removed from the body or there will be trouble, and often serious troubic, too. Aver's Pills aid nature, thatis all. §.C Ayer "Will Can-' workers and the The best part of breakfast, to most people, is their cup of Chase & Sanborn's Coffee. . Perfect berries, careful selection, expert blending, insure the rich color and delightful flavor of this best coffee. - oe REE EE STE "The Greatest Power in the World The Greatest Power in the Kitchen pant "PANDORA," TO ITS MISTRESS: "I'm not the Sun--but | Brighten your home. EZIU's easy to find "Pandora" Ranges. It's difficult to find "Pandora" Ranges-- unsatisfactory. M<Clary's - Montreal, Shine in your kitchen, Radiate heat for you. Require no watchine. Never need repairs." ill London, Toronto, FOR SALE BY LEMMON & SONS. Winnipeg, Vancouver, Si. John, NB, Kgmilton, Calgary, NEWEST FALL STYLES We have all the newest kinks in Fall Sl oes {or this season. Red Shoes, Tan Shoes, Patent Shoes, Gun Metal Shoes FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Best Grades of Men's Shoes, $3.50, 4.00, 1.50, 5.00 and 5.50. Best Grades of Women's Shoes, 3.50, 3.75, 4.00 to 5.00. Inspection Invited at Any Time. $ 5 3.00, FPENDABLE be -- SHOES -- Our "Daily | Bread" Should mean Toye' s Bread, if you desire the | Rover You take no chances when you buy ove's Bread. Uniform in its excellent quality, it is in great demand. 'Phone us and our driver will call. R. H. TO¥YE = Phone 467 or 141. EE -- SOLDER! Have you tried our strictly, § and § bo Sorder, also our Star Extra Wiping. The quality is guaranteed and the price is right. Canada Metal Co..Ltd., toronto. ont Kincstong Js Mi SERN Central Canadian Exhibition : Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 18th to 26th. 18th to 26th, inclusive ... 23nd, 24th and 25th Return limit, Sept. 28th, 1908. Parham Fair, 22nd & 23rd Sept. Single fare for round trip. Good ge<"y : 23rd Sept., return Hout He v : = Low Rates to Pacific Coast | One way second-class $50.10. Goud going until Oct. 31st. =a AN rig at K. & P. and C. I. Th Ontario St. "Phone, 30. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. ae -- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. 0 station, ' Tain Aten item Spied a ode Sydenham, = Napanee,« Deseron burn and all points north. despatch to Bannockburn, Thoints on Central Ontario, ments via Bay of further particulars, Agent, "Phone, No. MOOSE Open Season. Rail apply to W. edt New Brunswick September 15th--November 30th Nova Scotia October 1st--November 30th Quebec September 1st--Decernber 31st Write General Passenger Dept. NTERCOLONIAL NEST MONCTON, N.B. For free copies of "Moose in the Micmac Country" "Fishing and Hunting." 51 King Toronto Ticket Office, St. East. General Passenger Department, Moncton, N.B., or apply Montreal = Ticket Office, 141 St. James St. HL DREULLS Hunters' Excursions « AT SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, § Oct. 6th to Nov. 3rd. To points in Temagimi, points Matta- wa to Port Arthur, to Georgian Bay and Mackinaw Division, Port Arthur via Nav. Co. and to certain points' in" Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoyndland, Oct. 22nd to Nov. 3rd. Mus koka, Lake of Bays, Magneta- Pengtand, Midland, Lake- ¢ vaskan to Depot Harbor, y Co rh conk, Lindsay to Halibur- ton and points from Severn to North Bay, inclusive Return limit on all tickets Saturday, Dec. Sth, 1908, or until close of Navi- gation, if earlier, to points reached by iteamers "Central Canadian Exhibition - Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 18th to 26th. tound trip tickets will be issued at Pr 2, 24 and 25 and at - 23 and 25, All tickets gis y return until Septefniue 28th. full apply to J. P, HANLEY Corner Johnson apd Ontario particular AGENT, streets # Lake Ontario & Bay of f Quinte Steamboat Co., Ltd ---- KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, 1,000 ISLANDS Str. NORTH KING Leaves Kingston for Thousand Island points Sundays at 10.15 am. Returning leave at § p.m. for Charlotte, N.Y., (Port oF Rochester), alling at Bay of Quinte Ports. STR. ALETHA--Leaves daily except Sun- | day for Bay of Quinte Ports, at 3 p.m. Full information from JAMES SWIFT & | CO., Freight Agents. J. P. HANLEY, C iS. KIRKPATRIC K, Ticket Agents. STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER | LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND :-- 730-518 Um. 1.00-4.00 p. 1. 1. fA my ' £3 a g E { 8 gE vv TETE BRE - 83 5p B | SAT, Virginian sails .. Tunisian sails Victorian sails Corsican sails SvsmndBs: 16, No Rates of passage and full may be obtained from Agent GTR. or C, 8. Agent.