eh YEAR 76--NO. 226. A THIRD MAN {home this | ered BIG FIND OF SWEETNESS. Honey House. la., Discovers in Walls / of Sept. 25 Hed Vorhi when he Falls, sweetness wa of FEneill Van city Alden, a of meV home. A actively Vorhis second ig t the lowa in between OV the disc mn and torchouse wall of his have Mr. in the Lennox Election, To Run ol and tone of and been Van took up the found 300 pound been stored away between of the second floof, and was taken out that w pounds. Fifty i and bee bread were left distributed &bout the bees work when 1 store Vv honey the one ney THE REV. T. J. GLOVER had hbors they of ists shed of | the rie hive any neig honey ACCEPTS THE INDEPENDENT NOMINATION. Death of Mrs. Isaiah Huffman, Aged Eighty-Eight Years-- | Arrival at Napanee of the Re-| { Drinking Places Closed By Govern- | ma of the late 1. . Nal ment Agents. atone, Vrgoman N.Y., Sept. 25.--The villa ! I'rout River, eleven 25.--Rev. 1. J, miles north « 4 c situated the international the nomination line noted the ate at the Fenians made House of stand its saloons the sea Lennox boy for the first time known throughout the and has hopes of redeeming Lennox Mr. Glover university graduate, ducted Hilleroft ston Une passed bakenc borhood. HAS GONE DRY. of Sept. accepted independent candi election for the Mr. Glover i widely her on boundary iwhere the 187Wen nd has 'gone fifty vears United States officers have fall drinking the rebellion important and extensi Napande, Glover has as a com in line, us ing mons. and country Com for dry 18 xcise | dealers and | During Canadian e the closed and 3 Queen sd + 1 a wueen got alter formerly con Kin and places are the place as a business oper wm spite ot academy in became and of Napanee's dearest old ladi terday af the person ged hty Ie _- township of NOT GUILTY OF ALL all her long - and for Civic Foreman Gets Sentence which Thr Years. died. She resided with her al 8 daughtes, Mrs. M. C. Bogart, RE aL the death of her husband many nro She leaves one sister, Mrs Allison, aged eighty-six vears ceased was devoted member Methodist and a woman, loved one. Thg funeral take place on Sunday afternoon two o'clock to the Western The remains of therlate LI. M. Vroo died in Pittsburg, Pa., or will arrive in Napanee to interment the plot Deceased brother-in-law « Mrs. J, W. Metzler Mrs. Zara Vanluven, Ni 1 Misses Edith and Stelia Knapp. Kin Mies Burdette, Newbury \ this for California spend | } bi 1 winter with relatives and . s SS aw wale Dickson, Jelleville, is of Mrs. Conger Allen Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith and little daugh ter, of Chieago visiting his pa rents, Mr. and 'My R. J Smith South Napanee Mr. Smith has pros pered in the Windy City he leit | here, cight ago now | travelling for firm hall | U Field & Co. We Miss Meda Iw was married Roy Edgar, are now rents, My will also WwW. F centre, smuggling ations peacefully aw: ternoon at five of Mrs. lsainh eight years and seven ceased was born®n the Richmond and lived life in the neighborhood years on the farmn ay 3 came Ve the cust o'clock in Huffman, a months ithorities ely sixty she onl BIC upon Monti former ept. 25. --Charest of the road appre foreman vear priatia by ucceeded the rolls iment, who 200 mn money sentenced 1 pad ) De 1 8 23 { | sl city's ol ! pay was a of charch every penitentiary. Judge Pic the vou ted in the ing t hol Piche all tend prisoner rem Ww | ' ! will pon=ibl Hi at the city hall commit n cemetery . Dislocated His Jaw man, who Wednesday, ep day here, ph Krap for in family was ton, and When left the Miss guest phy week to whistling He the be to Iriend the st thanked hospital a whistle son and left him it would he would try again, ol p ian, telling long before thing -------- { | Lose Their Pastor. Sept. Rev sinee since He of Vernon 1906, of has asked Mr. Co years will drier \ the Toronto, sert, pastor stern Baptist church, relieved of his duties as heen Buffering for which oat affe to a Mars years the Merrin, of St. Thoma on Wednesday of the on a visit and Mrs visit friends in Ki Hall and daughter, ite, left on Wednesday for B.C., to spend a month and visiting friends in the n Shorey k on re his 0 SOM tior sam to L. removal nter all CAUSED SENSAT PAY ROLLS FALSIFIED J MILNE ARRESTED. -- s ark l hey mn guer Vancouver. rht ON AS. s1 COM wie M sume Toronto aves studies at Hall " Of ©X¢ Last Watertown am £1.65 The Se v Railway Accu Toronto tendent of the an couver Was Resident | Cteed Super s| SW ' Electric sed or p.m. returm One return. Time PB. busines a is . " Vancouver DAILY MEMORANDA. 1 in the iperintendent I railway in [victor Miln hcl any tim minor treet railway | | 1805 ught GENERAL APPROVAL to Have ian Navy Sept 8B given to the scheme the Austra mmonwealth for the formatior la of six torpedo sub-marine ships the nucleus tralian navy. It is believ Lament will vote readily 000 required for the buildin suggested flotilla Officers will tota 1,200 a vided by the imperi nav 1 will H be by the corm ALL SIZES IN STOCK tlotill AT ROBERTSON BROS. un ed 1 486 was 1000 Quebec 1003 ship Gasket a Rr lian Vancouver of a fl 1 pat To Scheme die Th Melt dmira ourn Ity has general 1s of ap prov « boat de overs and two w « nist trol KIDNAPPED YOUNG BRIDE Husband have hter iter eatl porch of her admits 'she had to. make up her claims say aug n "two bit Win nineteen, but sixteen, new | to borrow "EVERYBODY COME. And pick out your for winter. Not too many. but good ones, at TURK'S, "Phone, 705; car fare t Stoves next She be is only to arents she parengs iw SW i arm | pt "n {who { {able mo | { Kane { Brewers KINGSTON, A-HERO FUND: Created Through Generos- ity of Andrew Carnegie. FOR BRITISH ISLES: | | THE OBJECT OF THE SCHEME , most IS SET FORTH To Help Maintain T: Those Who Pe > r- form Heroic Life-Saving Deeds Acting U. S. Charge Attacked in| and Are Thereby So Injured That They Cannot Work, Who Leave Dependent Famil- place | NDREW ARNE his Dumfer wiministe of decided to wi AAPProvi al t the ide I untenance of perform life-saving | injured 'thereby until they are | to work again or, in the event of | their death, to maintain their family | | | of t those deeds, m heroic and are until the widows remarry or Hil the children are able to earn a livelihood. GANANOQUE KICKING. | About Cutting Of G.T.R Tater! national Limited Train, | nternational inetion Lin jted Montreal at sor water lelling Carder Mills with Aubury atl 0 it in We a, t Ay CHURCH PROPERTY FOR SALE Methodists at Ottawa Bui lding. At 1 Dominion Want Ne w An Austral- g, Found In Was Ra gs or | | | | ¥ HR RIIIINK OFFERED A BRIBE: TO DESERT @BGANIZED| - |v BROCKVILLE"S LOSS. The Electric Lighting Plant Suffer. | ed From Fire, A the Whig. "Brockville, Ont., Sept. 25. --About {seven o'clock, last evening, fire broke out in the electric. light t and had a cousiderable start are being discovered. The tows WAS $00! | darkness far as eli Night ap concerned. The roof of the main building is completely gone and the building damaged to such an ent that, at present, it ig impossible to say the exact damage and how long take to make a The engine rgom was comparatively saved, {The electric machinery suffered the Cause of the fire is said to been a live wire, ASSAULTED BY CUBANS. to S50 [have { Restaurant, Sept." 2 Cornell Fale charge d'affaires, of the U tion, in the absence of Miniites gan, was assaulted by a Cuban in city, last nicht. Mr Farler was with Capt. in a well-known restaurant, next to the Hotel A wilt was unprovok Cubang were concerned them, without giving chance rise from him over assailant identit Havana, sitting loca- The que te assy a it. One of Tarler a hig seat, struck! the ¥ight eve. {I'he but Ms arrest and expected shortly. errant to severely escaped, cation are AHI REISER | * * |¥ HARTY SURE WINNER. 3 \ ) Conservatives today were fery outspoken in their de- clarations that Hén. Will- iam Harty would win Kingston against any op- ponent on Oct. 26th. Four good tories were met one after the other this morn- ing, and they 'conceded Harty a majority of from 250 to 400. When asked why they wished to oppose him, they said it wouldn't do to allow am 'acclama- tion. One of their number had to go up against the liberal candidate and suffer defeat, and when lots were cast, the unlucky one fell upon the president of their association. + 4 ¥ ¥* # Prececkoonr rans LABOR. The ers in Proceedings in Washing- ton--Vancleave Denies Charges. Washington, the proceedings other 1 Sept. ~Testifying in against himself and union _officers, in violating the tion of the district of | Columbia, Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of yesterday made serious W. J. Vancleave, president of | National Association of Manufae- Mr. Gompers declared that Mr. ave had himself, and ration officers, shadowed by had undertaken to to desert organized its enemies thor injun decree Labor, charges vainst Lhe turer ancl other detec tives, an have him bribed and to labor Jom Vancleave Denial. W. J. garding last re Washi cleave Gomper 8 Every ne a Van the nicht rd to agton, Sept interviewed charg reference re said, made in part, is fi Gompers made the and never that are tion on my at Mr we wn he and believe r I i I thods not st ROOSEVELT"S REPLY. Gets After Haskell Oil Connections. shington, Sept. 25. sevelt, following with White Pre upon a prolong members of the House, prepared 1 gave out a reply to William . J, the democratic eandidate, re to William R. Hearst's charge that Governor Haskell, treasurer of the democratic campaign committe had represented Standard 0il interests both in Ohio and CGklahoma. Mr Ivan had demanuru proof of the promising that in the event substantiation, Governor Has be eliminated from the reident ed abinet conference at the ' { ryan, lative ¢ charges of their kell would campaign Dismissing Ohio case, which in- volved an ation of attempted bribery, with the explanation that he had made no direct cha: gainst Governor Haskell as regards that par- ticular instance President Roosevelt takes up the matter of the Prairie State (il and Gas company and ar- at Governor Haskell's action in legal proceedings begun by Oklahoma de that he was corporation the alle gues th RNopping the "attorney-general of monstrates conclusively controlled by the. great to which, the Oklahoma company hsidiary . selares that Governor for a president "utter i assoc any man anxious to appeal American people on a. moral is heen abundantly shown by governor Okla with has ts of his as of Roosevelt ing corporation a Mr. Brva: vhat it suffer from the paralysis of bu ine w hich democratic suceess M: defy ¥ fear from wonld general would fellow will have a ghost ity against William No ol a show Harty. . Bibbv's £2 hats for neatness, Chief Baillie has in his possession a watch which picked up on the market square. | Bibby's $2 hats are ity meervativy in this was Granville Fortes- | and several {ix names be {of cago from drinking carbolic acid, mis- bf | * | #* | liberal "the Evidence of President Gomp- | jtraflic ito 18954,3 lage | | fed- {3 | i { 600 | Montreal, 1 The knew it to | statement will employ ght." | { { | | | For Standard | ! was | a ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1908. MARINE NEWS. Found Wharves. The tug Emerson arrived from Mon- treal with five light barges. The tug Little Mack will clear for Chaumont with the schooner Acacia as soon as the weather is favorable. The sloop Laurap D. is unloading coal at the Canddian Locomotive Works whari. . | The steamer ' Wanderer will arrive from the islands Saturday night and What About the LATEST NEWS - ne, Despatches From Near And Ry Distant Places. LAST EDITION Toronto, Sept. 25-Ottawa Val- ley and Upper St. Lawrence Wala --~ Light wi {lair and warm to-dav and os Saturday. after undergoing some irs wig 91 be placed on the Cape Ve run, for the balance of the season. The | steamer America will then be laid up. Swift's : Steamer Rideau King |; |arrived Thursday night from Ottawa and cleared this morning for the same port; steamed: Alethy, front bay ports; Matters That Interest Everybody (steamer Bellgville, glué down to-day; |3 steamer City "of Ottaiva, dus.up, to- --Notes From All Over--Little iday Qf Everything . Easily Read | Capt. Mahoney, and Remembered. | Pilot, arrived from Howe Island on Counterfeit bank bills are in eircu- | Thursday afternoon, with the first lation at. Ottawa. |cargo of new wheat for Richardson's A" Heavy rain elevator, and therefore is entitled to | drought in Hiinofs. [the new hat offered each year by H. I'he Adirondack fires are |W. Richardson to the captain who checked, but not extinguished. jarrives with the first cargo of new Ahi : __ grain. Jamilton hotles, lnve sow forty | The fok on the lake last night was | 'The scheme for the re-organization | {again very thick and although some the Bank of St. Hyacinthe has fall- | vessels®are moving they are very much en through. rd behind time. 3 The steamer America Mrs. bLertha was again tied up at Cape Vincent {and was unable to make the trip over ail. {to 'Kingston. The steamer Acadian Four firemen in Montreal were |"2% due at the M. T. Cos elevator overcome by charcoal smoke while ex- this morning ftom Fort Wiliam but tinguishing a small blaze. {8 (delayed by the fog. The steamer A cousin and name-sake of Sir Wil- [Prince Rupert is also due a¢_Richard- frid Laurier died at Montréal, on [50% but is detained by fog, but will Thursday, aged twenty-one years. (probably reach: Kingston later om in J. E. Catdwell, of City View, is the | he day. ar | . ? candidate for the House of TENDERED NOMINATION. Commons in the county of Carleton. The C.P.R. round house, at Webb- A. E. Ross Likely to Oppose wood, was burned, with two engines. | $20,000. Incendiarism sup- Hon. 'William Harty. meeting of the local conser- and Gray [vative association' executive last forty-one [evening Dr. Arthur E. Ross, mayor of has sus- |Kingston, was tendered the nomina- ton conservative candidate to op- pose Hon. William Harty, M.P., for house at Fort Snelling, Mion.,, by |the commons. Dr. Ross was not pre- crawling the roof through sky- [pared to accept the nomination on lights {the spur of the moment, and asked Fhe British admiralty has approved [for a few days to consider the mat- the scheme of the Australian Com- In , conservative circles is monwealth for forming the nucleus of ght he will accept although none of the party are at all sanguine that he can win The conservatives say they cannot allow the togo by acclamation, and hope to give Mr. Harty a even if they come out 3 THE WORLD'S TIDINGS | GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. with the schooner has relieved the report ed | Wallace died in Chi- | taking it for castor Dr. Loss, is posed. At In Chicago, the Commission company, offices in lllinois and pended Six soldiers escaped from the guard- a Cassidy with lowa, --- as to it navy student missionaries Dr. Carmichael of sailed Canada Fhirty-nine by Rey seat have selected ior good ond. OW contest, and were Arthur of Mapleton, St. Thomas for season. Waterfown, N.Y. Cornwall, Alexandria Bay, was nomi atl nated for congressman in the demo- {Dr I cratic convention. } stone office. The steamer Badenez caught off [34 "vor since, and have concluded that Mexico coast by waves, created by lwe were very foolish. You know doe: earthquake, and four tors and tombstoncs are re- ir were killed lated and our candidate is to be William, a dead on Oct 26th con- i boy, sents to - Cecil Thompson, fined 10 and hunting muskrats Evil Is Foreboded. ominous," said a leading to-day, "that we held last might and tendered nomination in 'a tomb- 1 have been thinking of cosi= at out At ol "It's" very Andrew ( onservative e was closely apt if he an aboard he persons Ostafi, a by John kickéd was trying hospital. I'runk railway from September 1908, 8854 563: SH one was run. in le Grand earning 21st are: 11; decrease, Charged with swearing ge of his child worth, of Bloomington, $30 and sentenced to The { B. strike h I'he > died J I'he system THE CAMPAIGN FUNDS 15th 1907, THE STRONG (BOX IS NOT WELL LINED. to the Ells fined vear jail entering its ¢ company declares strikers have returned to work at Toronto, and other places of the Canadian schooner which foundered in mid rescued by the Manches- The crew were to falsely Frank Il. bride, *¥ was a in 1s United States Republican Com- mittee Has Only One-Tenth of Usual Sum--Democrats' Fund Smaller. New York, ed, yesterday, that the total vear's campaign received by the committee when Saturday were also crew Sept It was learn- on excellent authority contributions to this fund which has been republican national its office closed on within $300,000, It learned from the ex source that in previous campaig in the last the republican national 2 total contributions fallen below 3,000 000--that Granada were Spinner. sent « ter London of Yarmouth has, dispatch to the decided to abandon future be known ac New her Mrs. Countess to Time The wang a ork amt an as same Bi Thaw, Wi lirid lin, was cellent dential years to appoint a sepa IAN. it tee of labor. Mackenzie King the | Lover andidate, was eived ten times the sum received to Fhe Brant liberals There are still six weeks of am Pate on campaign to run, nurse milton liberals further astwood, and East Simcoe, contributions .may nominated W. H. Bennett | the party's expenses arrested at St {the time and the slimness of with wmttacking -( sponses far is causing not a little Richard Brown, uneasiness among the party leaders presi sixteen com- have is date the some for | but going on all the re addr: d his 1 aurier, in Thursday, annc ce ns tor well rec Hon Fast M ominated Thursday ted J. of © the expected, and to be rson, nomir response appeal consery are Boni- RR was Ss were rock man, Fen * * about, HILL ok id SPECIALS FOR | > Feather Ruffs t Of Ostrich, Cogue and Mar- in- Colors, White, Black and Black and ALL AT BARGAIN Brown, White. ; PRICES i New Motor Scarfs Knitted Silk, all SPECIAL AT $1.00 fine shades. TO $4.50 New Beltings, New Belts New StockCollars, New Frillings, New Ribbons. Special Sale Of New Suiting Tweeds, in all the new stripe effects, AT 75¢. PER YARD Call and see them at * 2 AAAI HH ¥ HIE * MARRIED. Kingst Louisa, M Sept. 2411 eldest danghtet Cent both Ll 1908, EVES Miss Mr and Nt to Ly his « DICK SON ird, 1908, at ide's mother Division St Fawvist John Kingstor residence H Rey D 1 the. Mir } of the Dickson Dr. W Kate D Roulea Y--UOOK Parsonage, ishenda on Sept. 1908. by the Rev Mel B.1., Hannal 1 roke : { of He hospital, among other Post, of in a critical con Chairman Mack, of the democratic a br convention, speaking of the Chicago that the cam the republican party £300 000, said that funds in the democratic trea- were less than that He = said no contributions had been re S10.000, and that the abide by the rule amounts larger badly is with ken national from fund about dition leg The that an overthrow {Colombia Pander the | eng well 10 jure » report paign was the sary that ceived Joston announce expedition to attempt the the United States of preparing that eity New York said to be machine of of | in | leader ship a ining rincer. They are supplied with arms and is of above convention would not to accept single than that sum. The Popular "Teddies. George Mills & Co's. teddy were given a great reception by miring crowds at yesterday' of the teddies carried a inscribed in letters guns, John Rockefeller, the Worlfl's Work, ibe true, as has that he forced 'the Standard that he \ these same For fourteen theen ten 14 in on article in Chicago, asks if it long been charged partners to go into with him how it is able to make of long companions. he he has and eight or once gone to £0 " his Oil been bie men hie years, bears ad- fair. banner as fol One ette lows : This you Wherever you For finest furs, * George Mills & Co." Issuing New Works. that Maclehose are bringing out a | Watson, and the | are bringing out "Biblical Criti- and Modern Thought." Other Queen's stall have been | important. material for the | vacation. savs ; YS, bold business, in vears has only compan) office out of he 5 hear, go, Doctors Exclude Clergy. Ottawa, Sept. 25. --That doctors often excluding clergymen from the sick chamber until it too late w the-declaration of Rev €:.. Scott, Quebec, at th lican | new al in moving Clarks, sick persons one by that many church attracted to Christiar ctive reli were It Sons, reported Glasgow, book by Dr. Edinburgh, Dr. Jordan is was of gener svnod, tion He ple ~ i i i of on ! thought peo- Feism being the movement clergymen were physical needs The consideration deferred members bor were ring in gion aust the nding to the parishioners motion most the day, not of ay Y we, g bee 8 of A voung man named Fairlie, report- ed the Joss of a bicyeie, 16 the police, to-day. He leit the wheel in a lane- {way on Brock street, while he was in a store, on business, and when be came back, it had disappeared Bibby's $2 hats please all. at th of | $ | X { the was A calm examination of the petition for reducing the board of education reveals the fact that if the petitioners | are correct in their premises, a reduced board, but a change "members that is needed, it is not | of [work by voting and- working for Wil- 'liam Harty, McKIM.--In Funeral (Cleveland, "Phone, 577. Pat Sept late m ol on the emn requiem mass Mary's Cathedral at 9 30 o'glock soul tances are Kindly nidass sept." 24th daughter of beloved Kingston, on airy Ann Canning Charles Canning, hn McKim indaly afternoon, at late residence. 12 Markland St. Mary's Cathedral irtances respectful- 1908, M: the ia wife of = ° 2 o'clock from her 2 Friends AGU Iv invited to attend Ohio and Wellsville 1 lease copy). ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 227 Princess street. und papers New Hone Li SPEND e---- In Comb and Extracted Now IN STOCK. | Show your faith in Lanrier and his IMPORTERS oF PIXE Bibby's §2 hate all