Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1908, p. 2

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. t 2} PAGE TWO. : 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1908. ---- -- EE - Shedden Wwaggons are coutinually 'y : 7 y fe a : iE BOARD 0) F WORKS passing; amt which is much in need of | UCCES . L a 3 142d pir attention, {, Smeg, I'he Sy engineer's report on per- | 4 . manepl road paving will be considered | "The young men's favorite.' DISCUSSES ENCROACHMENT |" EE meeting of the board | KINGSTON TOWNSHIP FAIR ; ON PATRICK STREET. oe Monday afternoon. ON THURSDAY. Buckley & Sons, enn _-- - . MOURNING IN BROCKVILLE. LONDON. W. J. Turkington Challenges Land ay . Surveyor's Plan--No Prosecu-|{ At the Death of Mrs. H. S. Mc-! tions on Egress By-Law Till Donald. | City Buildings Exits Made| Mrs. McDonald, wile of Judge Her- Football. Bedroom Furniture| sien. ets taro peel ie, 0e ann : 0 0 TO S@CUIrE 10, 20, 25 and 3313 Per There Was a Record Attendance, and a Fine Afternoon's Sport --Horse Races, Baseball and "~ ; : ; ne \ . The board of works had quite a Jou lawn" after a brief illness. Mrs. Me- | op of Kingston ALi ultural of business to transact al yesterday ip, 1g was a daughter of the late | Society 'was held, at the fair grounds, . yon 's o T were pres- ¢ i < we e afte Al 3n Pring ha he I. an), C Pr David Jones, who for years was re- land was a decided success in every : ent, Alds. Graham (cha lj gistrar for Leeds, and was married to | | way. The weather was perfect, and the en ® I y (816 SS. board and asked that Raglan Road one daughter, Mrs. Jackson, wile of {four thousand people were on the x a year taxes, and it would be a g | for 'others, and she was one of whom !8nd interesting nature. handsor Face Oak Finished Suites, jbe secured cheap. On motion of Ald. was no guile." Her death will leave | the exhibition, was a good move on . with Beve » Mirror extra fine, | McCann, the chairman and the aty lo irreparable breach {the part of the directors, as it at- complete with Iron or Wood F for es fe wall deh sult | . . ¥ £1 Ty 0 S02 the Dbest ¥ « ever | NEINCET Were authorized to consult El a. a first cousinol| | tracted a larger crowd, and there was 2 offered the city solicitor with reference tc Mrs. Ladd and sister-in-law of Mrs | far better space for exhibits. In the : q curing an 'option on the land nedgs- | 5, Mowat, of this city, and has of- {main building there was plenty of unu ndsome, at $35, $42, and| It was at $ ( » to $8 We are very 8 y y the ¢ 3 : . ario a Y lent walks on two-thirds vote of |ehancellor of the diocese, of the bish- vsmi 2b.: 3 srong on ' ? leity council : On Hickson street, north lo rand Mes Mills. ® nr | ladies' work brought forth many fav- Harrowamith _M. Lee, 2b; B. God- ; ¢ side, f Montreal street; Montreal | I a orable comments frey, c.f; D. Woodruff, p; R. Wart- side, from ' went the a r.f.: W. Lee, 3b, C. Woodruff, 3, Russell street, north side, from Di-lg,v) "afternoon well handled. There were sdiive long | 1 'S ; The engineer reported that the board Francis. Despard f "Toront 5 ne wis par roto, Whe on the go. George Darragh acted as The. association football match was an additional 8750 from the city coun- \geoqth's door for ks, being take 4. The > re r Hoor lor. Weems WP T= Cutcheoh, timekeeper. There were four 1-0. The match was very interesting ja ged In the free-for-all, Syka Direct e p-for- ¢ rect, own- oy : n the free-lor-all, Syka nrgct, © full-backs, J. Silver, B. Tolls; hali- To-Morrow, Forever ' evening. A grant of 31,000 should be | / } difficulty in capturing first prize, in send, G Smith, A. Bearance, Joseph YARPET S--(ro ustria, Germany and | / = at CARPE] from Austria, Germany and the right thing. The mayor had pro- | Glenbur) ie--Goal, D. Lavelle: in Tapestric Brussels, Wilton, Axmin- | k of J 1 : tated ONE 666 | was not handicapped through lack of | 3 vQ y N N Garve PH 2 6 jas Dn han PI p went to DD. Sheehan, of Westbrook, C. Stokes, J. Caulkin, M. Me *arvey Neckwear *; 66. 21 5 ; k, when the last heat of the three- Rn a [would have received $1,500 less than! das 3 . . lock, H. Stuchbelly. styles and shades, 25c., 50ec., 75c. ISSUED HERE. {work 3 . . wor ; but as to the one in the lead, this v -- ; once e stend as ful. The er R | . 4 a-- Ke FF. Harrison Co. n Th ench was awiu le on 5 [ very good time was made. The follow - 3» B 4. Austrian | "Jn ran ustr i Henderson and McCann. Judge McDonald on June 15th, 1864. | directors were more than pleased with he opened to Division street, a dis- [grounds, and the sports held the Ave . » necess ald | 4 nvestment. The necessary land coule it could be truly said "In her there | The securing of the fair grounds for PARLOR =i TE S--new designs, cover-| ,., t, extend this street. ten visited here. She has of. late Toum for the exhibits, and the usual £60 e » over 0 lesigns, starting [construction of the following perman- [ the guest, "with her husband, the | eeedingly geod showing was made in Blacklock, rd; Orser, Lf; Boyes, eed Canon Grout down to The se races were all good, and |Mman, : I'he horse races were go J. Warner, 1b.; H. Woodruff, | oll : of works would be pretty welligo + "down to visit in Brockville, e: ep! ting E i Sn x N ose v r starter, Smith Eliott and Thomas between teams representing lin rg The style, the quality and the cil for the end of the year. Lots of |; shortly | after her arrival and nev- shout. To your optical needs and (fore, it was "essential that the finance | ; t. J > ton, had n x: ed by C. Horne, Kingston, had no [\ Lo "mp 0 "Revel, 'slexander Silver; Always something entirely dif- 2 . C y Are the maxims cut deep into riven Ald Craig said that, no | three straight heats. In the green race England" 1he new atid host to be hae | vo see that the board of works | Kay's Olive B., won out in the three- backs. R. Smith, N. Lillis; half-backs, See Our New Fall ters, te. ; ol ! funds Ald. Graham said that even if | forwards, Fowler, George Vair, { MARRIAGE LICENSES * "+ 4 ANE - Our Repairing and Upholstering De- =f x 5 as r . The } ses Jast year, and yet it had done more minute trot was run off 1g NOISES "In the 100 yards race put on at the aad $1.00. Grahs Si hat ¢ anhole . ATES ~ 16 > 8 8 « Phone 90. Yours, | tl. te ) el " ont flu Ee oy 8 could not be ascertained, until the eurad fe, Soars Yano second, Uv T 0 ade 8 ane re 8 FF a . ¢ . klock rd. jon A 1 | 3 | en home stretch. Some {and J. ackloc ATC . . e : wos anhols Id be at-| ht : : gineer said the mani wou ¢ ed ing is a summary of the events: Notes Of The Fair. Agent for Collar. Charles Keller appeared before the She is survived by her husband and the result of the show. Close upon : Dr. W. ¥. Jackson and by three ' . | tane e of fifty feet. He had put up oe Baidinochiors. ' ) | crowd until early in the evening. The 3 [house there this season, and would |" pejoved"hy all who kuew her Mrs. |programme included Borst Ther put up two more this fa it he Ss rl McDonald's life was one of gentle- | football match, and baseball game, was extended. The city woul Be ood [1 'ss, sweetness, and loving thought | ° and the sports were all of an exciting % ; A speci purchase just to hand. Some | ed 10 r ower taste These are |" : d decided to recommend the {stayed often at "Bishopscourt," as crowding was done away with. An ex | the vegetable and fruit line, and the ' > t . vs street, east side, from north limit, lo fr ral, which took place this (Fri- = 8.8, AMINA Gy vision street; Ontario street, east fide | Mrs. McDonald's illness and death is | delays owing to slight mis he that By Laird umpiréd the game 1 {from Johnson street. {made doubly sad, as her sister "¥ leould not be avoided, but this was a g , de do sad, as her sister, Mrs. amply paid for when the horses were and gave entire satisfaction. 20 to get along with | - : | squeezed if it had | some time ago, has been lying at hap and Glenburnie, Eiginburg winning by ~ . | Nicholson, judges, and Charles E. Mec- price of } Fidelity necessary things would have to be Jedi er having recovered sufficiently to be] events, a Bree. jor. all, green Ine Mire A. McLeod was the referee, and the honest regard for the welfare . > < ' | undone At preset the houtd hades { moved home from "Woodlawn." jnifiute, Hot, Sh running race, teams' wore: as follows : of our patrons' eyesight. to go ahead on, an | Y Se-------- 0 . . Elginburg--Goal, Frederick Ball; Yesterday, To- Day, {committee make a grant on Friday : : and R. Silver; forwards, H. Town férent from what you have seen _the policy. of { doubt. the finance committee would do | 3 Topsy W., owned by W. Cordukes, Smith, '0Capt.) Alexander Smith before at prices to suit everybody. | - secured first money, and Charles Mc- P . full Smith Bros mis 4 | *9 minute class. The running race event s , " | ¥ p 'i Ameli ecedes. as getting ns : ] : RUGS-AN sizes, qualities and shades. ithe hoard got an additional $1,000, it | #4 with Amelia Recedes. It was gr Edward McGarvey, (Capt.) W. Black In all the newest American partment is at your service 3 ' : \ TRA Y be sed ering the course, could be seen covering . : close of the horse races, W. Laird se hor Ses were on the {tended tosas soon as funds were avail- De @@eee) lable. Grates all over the city requir- { , The directors are deserving of much : to fed flushing, on sanitary grounds, but Free-For-All. praise for the success of the show. the work could not be,begun until the Ska Directs {c. Jlome Kingston) i 11 George Mills' "Teddy Bears" were a . i erngo, (« urdy ingston) .....3 . a : finance committee provided t the strects Easter Sunday. (5. Haffner, Ning: {at the fair. They made a great hit 3.2 J Bannister, Portsmouth, was | i | department with more funds | ston) "ae ai 2.3.8. : | Truswell Lyon, Har- struck in the eye with a baseball, but | "J. L. Whiting « wrote, on behalf of | wall s ar x4 : > ©) e A Miss Matthews, who owns a lot at the Tigte, 1.11 ; i nn | this did not. prevent him from enter corner of Division street and Raglan | : : ing in the horse races. ; ) | Road, asking the board to attend to | Township Green Race. | The exhibit of the penitentiary was much admired (J ) a drain at that point, which was 'Topsy 'W.,i (W. Cordukes, Kingston | . ersian blocked, and flooding her land. This HON. WILLIAM HARTY. Township) . Lily. dom McKay's fur store had an at The Liberal Candidate for the Federal|W. H. P.. 1 John Pur "Kingston tractive display in the main build ) matter was referred to the engineer { Township) seassrennnss vere iiois ROSY. g: House and a sure winner in the city he Ww. J. Tarkington Patrick street, | - g , has done so uct to adve y n | Machinery Maid, (F. Valleau, Cata n a a awl ' sty asked for permission to build several pon dane Vir =n Aan. { raqui) ... he saereeee 3.8.8. hn pu k wa awtally du wy 1 1 i \ steps over the street line to his house. | Sir men (F. all, r ) ; ; | wou 4 ave wen we to have hat 1 3 A------------------------------ owns! eamy as asanensesass sasaes' Sprain ed. ® Bt SouIns Hl She ron fence & nerone he Time, 1.23; 1.4 213. # lady who was watching the bal ] , ~ fics 1 i of T Ww. Death Of Adam J. Sharpe. . game was struck in the face by the Nah, ing =, She uitcial p ah of " Adam J. Sharpe, of Loughboro, Three Minute Trot. ball but was not seriously injured. Will grow quicker if You We offer for sale 2 Genuine (3) | - het. Iw Leet over ti Kne Mr passed suddenly away on Monday, Olive Be. ic. had NeRux, Ringaton)3 1 Kingston Township Agricultural so ¥ buy at this store, as our : oe fe croaches 0 re » Pp . Mr. 91¢ ag iz residences AR Eup ella . hy worthy ohn a . a Persian Rugs, miported from ) Is urkington bought a rough-cast house Bist Ro a his Ll ioe nee I wl Kep- Lyons, Harrowsmith) ...........1.2.2. Ife ty : My og R. J. Dushell, wi goods are sold at much be- sta > Sig g er. e deceased hs $ y itella Prince ME ee Porta rico-preside . 3 3 Kurdistan one size 10ft. 3in. ie dec € wd a stroke of| Stella Prince, (J. Bannister, Ports- iamsville; first vice-president, H. low regular prices. i Just talking it over one tells : : land erected it on a lot he bought on . oR" . . : y > r . is apoplexy and onl SUrvive al mouth) asenses 233. S o . Sa ne- ; bv 11ft. 10in. Regular price, Patrick street. thinking the fence was pople and only urvived about - impson, Cataraqui; second vice-pre | the other. Ask your friends where 875, fo fh 8, : six hours. His wile was alone i Time, 1.12%; ; | side lates bs k : $75, for tthe street line. The engineer said that ix hours. Hi wife was alon with ident, Gates , Westbroc k. to buy your New Fur-Lined Coat. him at first, but managed to eall : Directors, F. Trudell, Collins Bay : : {the fence must be moved back, and some of the neighbors. Dr. Tovell Running Race: \F Kni tht Catarac ui: M. Fowler { We guarantee satisfaction and $45. 00 Cash. recommended that if Mr. Turkington cont for, but ere he arrived, life] Amelia Recedes, (D. Sheehan, West- 1 Glenbe oe: B K a Catare = have the reputation of turning out ®idid this, he be given the right to a My z . : : Brook) cosssssssiss a wrasassssen i . 2. : Y: L.ataraq the best Fur-Lined COATS. Get Hl and : E the stot was gone Ir. Sharpe was the son of | Nellie K., (P. Kelly, Kingston) ,.....2.2. |W. Shannont, Glenburnie; A. Day, Col ; the N Cut S i-Fitted erect portico and steps over the street 4, 14¢6 Thomas Sharpe, of Sharpton, | Dr. Wax, (A. Moore, Kingston) 3.3. lins Bay: W. E. Topplifie, Glenvale 32 inch Flannelette, Fast e New Yu mye Ia One size 10ft. lin. by 12ft, d @ line. t Tis recommendation the board and had reached the age of sixty lime, 594 seconds ; 59 seconds A BE. Weller, Kingston Station; J % 'Colors, in Light and Derk A ® adopted. Lree ars. He wag i saber apd.) Ip basel "pa Cs LF. Sproule, Westbrook By ; 10 7in. Regular $80, for tS Tha site : . w ni Piavi. Mires years, was a member anc The baseball. match Harrowsmith [L. I. Sproule, Westbrook. patterns, for only ic. a ou ) | or sisters of ii Hons ol Prove steward of the Methodist church, and |ve. Glenvale, attracted no end of ex-| Secretary-treasurer, J. W. Edwards yard. . . r er. dence petitioned for rebate of 3 37 kde Stee x. was. als + en dibRy : pes ig 3 ) rg i : 4 50 00 6 h Re rte atralli nce on dingeogtreet formerly d trastec, Jie was also a jcitement, jhe Hurrowsmith hi wig- [B-A., M.D, Cataraqui. 5 English Flannelette, extra ) rs Table : rominer member «¢ We range or ne y 5. 1 awk] aes a . : . as . s along by St. Mary's-on-the-Lake. The ee Ravin r h Id the office ot out, tl fi > rade a fo Haron cath \ - ReRVY, In pp ngineer sai at the sisters he ot $1 gn a sn . i 8 " + , "» price on SA Y RN- engine o said that the sisters had oA grandmaster. In polities he was a [defeated Glenvale by onc run. There What Happened Then. : Py --_ ' heen charged for that portion of walk. (on cervative. He was buried under [has been great rivalry betwesn the De "Wolf Hopper, with his big sing rr. The charge was for 660 feet of walk ¢p, auspices of the Orange order, Rev. [teams all summer and both have | DE company, will present a fantas Ladies' Fine quality Black R McFAUL on 4 nion street . from Ellerbeck street Mr Dowdall conducting the service, | played good games. Glenvale started | entitled "What Happened Then." at Cashmere Hose, the best 35¢. . J he House of Providence also ap- pile Rev. W Kk. Shortt conducted [out very strong in yesterday's battle, the Grand, Monday, September 25th line, for 25¢. a pair. RESORCIN . ' . plied for concrete walks around that ho church services. The remains were but Harrowsniith won out in a grand | Messr Shubert have ends avored---te Soe the Sadie' Elastic ( arpet Warehouse. institution on Ordnance and Montreal (ion to Cataraqui. Friends mourn | stand finish. Glenvale was several runs | make this the most satisfving attrac Ribbed Vests, in Grey or | - SN 3) [streets, as the boardwalk are 1 a he loss of a good neighbor ahead up to the very last stage of the tion ever sent out by them. and then White, with long sleeves for | DOO000 ( lwornout condition. The engineer said - game. Iarrowsmith then went to jolorts together with the extraordin only 25c. a garment. ! that the walk inspection would likely Guy's Minstrels On Saturday. |work and by heavy batting evened up ary clever company, and the brilliant Men's and Boys' Under- i J ' ' witty and original book; the fascinat {take place next week ' : » score. and the t g . 1 | : I'he Ottawa Free Press says, as score, an he excitement was at |. n Jf wear, all kinds and sizes, at A large' petition was received from | oo he Grand Opera house [fever heat. When the winning run was |g. catchy, tuneful and melodious very low prices citizens on behalf of James Earl, for ed . ror hoarse' Porn rou scored the team was loudly cheer musie. in sddition to one ol the musi 1 500 ' 1 Pe 1 * ' > i , 500 yards popular weave J . last night, Guy Brothers' masterpiece x ; of . : Bis > permission to sell edibles from a wag- (f° BIEL J A SS ed. | Following is the line-up of the teams : [benutifal and costly scenic produ Dress Goods, 44 inc 4 . | h the } a : Glenvale--R. Ellerbeck, 3b.; G. Ir- | bons and the hundreds of bewildering STess 20003, Ine He : Is th for King streets, in front of the residence le ve fre ithe vin, 1h.;. G. Bliss, p.; B. Curran, c. ; | I¥ "exquisite costumes, surely stamp it in all the wanted shades, a --_------------ a circle in we fron 0 eS » ' ' . il. ' ' ' i 59¢. Clo 3 4 i ; : 5 : . . ge, ' e 4 h :* las an attraction par excelience 69¢c. Cloth to go on SATUR- 8 oPse full figures of Sena LOY Sullivan Ald Craig were the comedians and singers, : { Hilliard, 2b; J Ellerbeck, c.f | : -- P . on DAY, 50c. a yard. Removes and prevents Dan- ; druff, allays the Itch and thought that Dr. Sullivan might ob ject, but Ald. McCann didn't think | Gone of ten instruments, each play Fever of the Scalp, and Blany expert lady corset fitters have the senator would raise apy objec- | boing a past master in his art. Al keeps the Head clean and in a healthy condition. expressed their appreciation of the ||" It was decided to place MF. ert Guy sang "Why Did She Break | » wl on the market square corner un- | My Heart u . | . 0 ! er supported in the course style, fit and lasting qualities of the | til another place swrovided. In the I ae f ning in chronic indigestion or dys able. . yie, | t nother pla is provi n ¥ hy six of his company, and was en he a | Price 25¢. Bottle. + | -------- i i a i an i gon near the corner of Princess and welled | behind them were the orchestra, cpn | The best lin of Ladies' ' » bes ne .adies | Dyspepsia Is A Crime. Coats Skirts and Waists Nearly all conditions that in break ever shown in this city. The ling down of health have their begin prices, too, are very reason- Kingston's Famous Fur Store. . eantime Dr. Sullivan will be con ATR oe An The of i Grand Duchess Corset. meantim ivan cored time. and again. The oligo fol-| |" These ables can be effectively cur ted lowing the minstrel performance wag| fod at stage by use of Day's Dys On recommendation of the chairman 'oaqual to anything seen in Ottawa this] oe oe oT [oa TR oe oR se ' \ ps ure . . a ex] TRI il and the city engineer, the petition of geason I'he performance was con- | YN a {Ph at ut arats i Di T \ PREPARED BY x { Charles Livingston and R. Uglow, for '¢lyded by the pantomime of the | I: ue Brepiath ion ws Ihgestive, Ton | 3 the cutting down of three trees in| Clowns' Frolic, which solicited a con- | 5 a . axative properties Each bot h JAS B M \ front of their residences, on the cor-! tinuous roar. Guy Bros. will be at SX | te con I SEE an boi D $reg Se nt ] . . C y w of Union and Barrie stréets, was the Grand in Kingston on Saturday, ; sale o a ade 8s Lirug are. . : ante The trees are too close to- | September 26th, matinee and night. | SHA Ww KINGSTON, ONT. the al of three of f : 4 i Many Drunken Men Seen. | hp | them will be a behefit Prepared A Report. The number of drunken men seen on I'he city engineer asked 3pr instruc The light. heat and power commit | the streets during the plist wask--S= The Always Busy Store. | exceptionally large. They are becom {tions as to the course to I bh followed tee met acain. vesterday afternoon, to | y sare ) we . respecting the enforcement of the by srepare .arepoit to he presented te ' {ing an abominable nuisance On o Z . - as law respecting egress" from public i, city - council. next Ji ove - New Hats for Queen S$, |nesday night one of them tumbled : yaildin oe SUTrestec hat we cit 1 . . | the vement or Sydenhs stree | buildir H iggested 1 the city ling, gpwarding the interior repairs to Students That are Fit [He pas on On onl, kr 090000000000000000000 | de 1 constantly w ing for bu ldi be first altered to comply | {he hew wi ank Are constantly working for Mi Th CUE 0 IL ATL ing thatn |i tov #08 for the King. {lady brought him out a eushion, and your benefit when you own a re deol atv hospitals Sleeps Tn A Window. | pilowed it under his head. After a For Fall Planting. test ase piece of real estate in a city school, hall, church and theatre. On : . | time he was removed to his home hike Kingston, motion of Ald ric the board de A subject under hypnotism will sleep All the Fall Hats are mn, and | Yesterday several drunks careened up > cided that the engineer take no action oh Samuel Porras candy. store win as usual, we have the biggest and down Princess street, and it kept : sf dow, 20 'rincess street, for two . . {the erage pedestria bus ' or Everv improvement that is on outside buildihgs, until the city hours. Saturday. afternoon. Don't | jvariety and greatest values in bas rage pedestrian busy dodging made in the vicinity of your buildings RE made to corre-i Loo 4 town. Let your new hat be | m------ holding makes your property ¢ go 1. Tarkington entered the meet rp one of these: ! # Married At Cushendall. more valuable. Get interested ing at this juncture, and spoke about | % A New Proprietor. | A pretty wedding took place, in real estate. It is fascinat- B8 bhis difficulty on Patrick street He R. P. Wood, Livingston avenue, has. "Waldorf n $1 50 | Wednesday evening, September said he didn't think his fence was on sold his residence and general grocery : . : at the parsonag Cushendall, when street line, and he disputed the store to John t ves who will con- | "Waverly," $2.00. | Miss Hannah Louisa Cooke, daughter survey of Mr. Nash. The engineer said tinue business at the stand ' "hi . - {of Willam B. Cooke, was united in in which you cannot possib- it was very clear that the fence was me ------------------ { Piccadilly. $2.50. marriage to James Albert Carey. The tv lose. no eo ok streit, as © walk could] Answer To Ann Hathaway's Puzzle "H : » $3 00 ceremony was performed by Rev. J. : not be laid in the locality in question | In the twenty-five-pane window of | awes, H McConneH, B.D. The bride was line with. other walks . on that |Ann Hathaway's cottage can be coun "Woodrow, $3.50. prettily attired in a seal brown tra- ted 225 different rectang velling suit. Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds, Prices on application. RI SR RN W. F. KELLY & CO,, South Cor. Ontario and Clarence Sts. 'Phone, 486. Wm Murray Auctioneer. 27 BROCK ST. ~_ New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ste., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. ! « | 2 ing and it is profitable. It Our importation of Dutch Bulbs has arrived and how is the time to make your choice. These are all sound bulbs first quality and sure to bloom. is the one kind of investment Take for example :(-- in Th t : thoroughfare. Mr. Turkington thought . > yroperty . : ; : | . . . i Re property Cor Arch of engaging an outside survevor SE -- Ser, | To be found in this storel ! 3 ---- and Deacon Sts., opposite Chairman Graham said he and others 1,000 Islands-Rochester. | 1 | Stops Over Here. Queen's Jollege grounds, W intended doing the same, as' they Steamer North King leaves Sunday | only. | Miss C. L. Doyle reached the city, challenge Mr. Nash's surveys of vari- [at 10.15 a.m. for 1.000 island ports, | RS on Thursday, from New Bedford, : ous streets The committee informed and at 5 p.m. for Rochester, via Bay | be Mass., and will visit Miss Parrott an ideal spot to build. Can t Mr. Tyrkington that if he couldn't re of Quin r a) ! See our windows. Queen. street, for a few days before be bought reasonably. move the fence now, they i , mn leaving for her home in San Francis him till next spring to do so he | $1.65 Watertown & Return $1. 65. | % co, Cal ' | permission to build the portico would Saturday, last of the season, 5! C y depend upon the fence being moved {a.m., or 2 p.m., returning Monday. bo. . Peck's Corn Salve. | E back to the line or. his house Thev eset | er " " A little remedy that every sufferer Hyacinths, at 5c. and 10ec. each. Tulips single and double, 20c., 25¢c. and 30ec: dozen. Narcissus and Cro- cus. & Dr. A. P. Chown Phone 343. 185 Princess St 0000000000000 0000000 with a frontage ef 7H feet, i The largest tobacco farm in the world 1s said to be located near Am- sterdam, Ga. It cousists of 25,000 acres of land, on which is grown about one-third of all the Sumatra to- baeco used for wrappers in the United States, and gives employment to about 3,500 persons. - vy. from corns should get to-day. In a Importers Of Fine Hata. few days every offending corn will be 4 would net insist upon the house being Sensational sale of coats at Wal- % moved back. idron's Saturday. See advt. | It was decided to patch the foot of Dveing and cleaning. My Valet, Princess St. gone. In big boxes, 15¢c,, at Wade's | EE EAR SR, William street, over which the heavy | Bibby 's for hest $1 gloves, 1 {Drug Store, \ Y BI Brock street,

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