PAGE SIX. Spe 'Ss cial Sale Saturday Morning LADIES' FALL COATS Regular $7.50, 9. 00, 10.00, 12.50 "For $4.98. 265 All New Fall Styles In Cheviots, Homespuns, Tweeds. Also 18 Short Fawn Covert Coats. Made in the most approved-fashion, neat- ly trimmed with Velvet, Braid, and But- tons, and thoroughly man-tailored. Your Choice $4.98 Each. ALL S1ZES IN THIS LOT. SEE. WINDOW DISPLAY R. Waldron. -- - Synopsis of Canadian Northwest. Homestead Regulations. NY even-numbered section of Domin- ion Lands in Manitoba or the North | west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, | not reserved, may be homesteaded by any | person the sole head of a family, or_ male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less Application for homestead entry must made in person by the applicant at a Domin fon Lands Agency ntry by proxy may, however, Agency on certain conditions by t mother, son, daughter, brother or an in tending homeste be must be must be lation licant An application made in person eligible for homestead entry. DUTIES.--(1) At least six months' resi dence upon and cultivation of the land in each year during the term of three years. (2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, erform the required residence duties by Pr on farming land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint owner ship in land will not meet this requirement (8) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of a homesteader had permanent residence en farming land owned solely by him, not less than eighty acres in ex tent, in the vicinity of the homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by hun in the vicinity, such homesteader may perform his own res: dence duties hv living with the father (or (4) The term 'vicinity' in the ceding paragraphs is defined as meaning not | more than nine miles in a direct line. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST s+ MINING REGULATIONS. COAL.--Coal mining rights may be leased for twenty-one years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2,660 acres can te leased to one applicant. Royalty, five cents per ton, QUAR TZ.- and (80) two pre A person eighteen years of age over having made a discovery may locate a claim 1,500 feet by 1,500 feet. Fee $5.00 At least $100.00 must be expended on the claim each year, or paid to the mining Re corder. When $500.00 has been expended or paid and other requirements complied with the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an acre PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 feet square. Entry fee, $5.00 DREDGING. -- wo leases of five miles each of a river may be issued to one appli sant for a term of 20 years. Rental, $10.0¢ a mile per annum. Royalty, 234 per cent. after the output exceeds $10,000, W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B Unauthorized publication of this ad vertisement will not paid for, CABS! The Old Stand and Thé Old Num Phone 490° OFFICE NO. 1. All orders promptly attended tc night ox day. ABSOLUTE SECURIT Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of I See Fac-Simile Wrapper Below. { 1 Very small and as easy to take 8s sugars FOR HEADACHE. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION, FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEX! TURE, el CURE 8I1CK HEADACHE. Notice to Our Customers Our store will close at 6 o'clock sharp every night, except Saturday. A. GLOVER. TOCONTRACT CRS& BUILD ER The Perfect Brxk & Tile Co., Wash- anoque burn, Ont. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees, Are read delivery. tion at reasonable rates, plant, 60,000 daily; DR. LITTLE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS Best for Women's use, In irregularities or supression, at all Druggists, or by mall, $3. DR; LITTLE MEDICINE CO., Toronto, Osta Brio that will stand Capacity to contract for immediate | inapee. | «Asan SSS SRN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FR IDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1908. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS lwitas WHIG CORRESPOND ENTS TELL US. i | { The Tidings From Various Points | in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. | | Fair View Notes. | Fair View, Sept. 24. --Grain is not {turning out very good. Water be- {coming very scarce, some having to |draw from Napanee river for their |stock. Messrs. Henderson and Marsh attended Shannonville fair. Miss Lil- {lian File expects to go, next week, to | Toronto, where she will attend normal {school.. Miss Mabel Madden and Miss {Edna File are.on the sick list. Ste- {phen Bennett took a load of tomatoes {to Kingston on Saturday. Mr. and {Mrs. S. Loucks were recent visitors at G. Brook's, Riverside. C. Garrison attended Napanee fair and won many prizes. F. Marsh carried off a number of prizes on his different kinds of fowl. is The Student Has Left. Flower, Sept. 22 Master Appleby left for Blairmore, Alta., on Monday, and will remain west for | three four months. Benjamin Ly- ron has gone to Perth to attend high school. Miss Edith Appleby, of Cen- jtral school, Kingston, spent Sunday at home. V. K. Greer, Presbyterian student, who has been with us for the summer, returned to college on Monday. His departure is much re- gretted. The appointment will be filled during the winter months from Queen's, Frank and William Lampier visited friends at Olden this week. The smoke from bush fires is simply awful and water very scarce, all the wells being dry and the river very low. Mrs. Deachman and family have returned from Hall's Mills. : Lyon or Summer Resort Closed. Kaladar, Sept. 22.--F. N. Thomas, manager of the Bon Echo summer re sort, has left here, to-day, the inn be- {ing now closed for the winter. Misses | Lorena and Rita and Master Lin Dunn {are spending the week at Pembroke rge Maker is setting a great pace his new is his {in store. "Something for {nothing" motto. Mr. and Mrs. Kellar arrived home, yesterday, from Napanee fair. We ; : them, a farm being their desired haven. Good luck, Christie. Mrs. Fleming has been spending a few days with her relatives at Peterboro. Our school teacher, Miss Bell, has returned to duty, after three weeks' sickness. We all wish her better health in the future. Mrs. W. Bott left here, to day, to visit the Ottawa exhibition. Mrs. Thompson and daughter, of the Al- gonquin hotel, returned home, vester- day, from Ardendale. : Illness Not Serious. Yonge Mills, Sept. 23.--The many friends of Victor Purvis will be |pleased to'learn that his illness is not considéfed serious, and it is expected he will be able to continue his jour- ney home in a few days. Miss Sarah McLean has arrived home after spend- ing the last two vears in Lynn, Mass, Mrs. West, Alexandria Bay, has been spending a couple of weeks with friends there. Miss Kezia Dickey, Williams- burgh, is the guest oi her brother, .J. J. Dickey. Mr. and Mrs. Simons, | Rossie, N.Y., and Mrs. Watson, Lynn, {Mass., are the of Archibald McLean. After spending a year in California and Vancouver, Frank Gib- {son has arrived home. Mrs. Arthur } Purvis spending a few davs Brockville. After {Toronto and other western points, Mr. and Mrs. Ethelbert Dickey Friday. Mrs. the guest of are soon to lose guests in spending a week in is returned on Castleton, A. Dickey 18 Newman, Mrs. John Fish Creek Jottings. Fish Creek, Sept. 24.--The hum of {the threshing machine is heard in this | A number from here attend- at the Presbyterian church on Sunday last. Miss Edith 'hompson returned" to Toronto, Monday, after spending her holidays {with her parents. G. Sheppard, {the sick list, is recovering. I'he [nic and social held on the 9th was a | | decided A large number at- tended the corn husking at J. Steele's lon Monday night. School is progress ing favorably under the able manage- } [ment of Miss M. Burns. Visitors : |Eli Barker at C. Thompson's, Bur- | | ridge: I. Bowee and Miss M. Steele at {J. Steele's, W. L. Goodfellow, arham, J. Steele and Mr. and Mrs |W Shillington and family at E. i 3. J. Fitzgerald and Miss Turner's jvicinity. flower service on on pic- SUCCess Sr Thompson's; E M. Burns at P number of Portland, Sept. 23.--A the lake and | tourists are still visiting | report a good catch of fish. A. Mur- {phy returned home after spending a few days with friends in Chesterville. Miss Ethel Bushfield, of Toronto, the guest of Mrs. W. H. Murphy. Inumber from here attended the in Brockville last week. w. {Murphy is in Ottawa attending texhibition. Miss Margaret Dwyre, Trenton, and Miss Mary Dwyre, Elgin, were the guests of Mrs. C. Ripley on Monday last. The vil {lagers are delighted over the fact that they are to have cement sidewalks. J. Cauley, of Westport, has the con- tract and intends having the job completed within three weeks Miss {Ina Morris is in Syracuse, N.Y., vis- {iting her sister for a few weeks. G. | Creegan is spending a few days in Montreal, the guest of friends. Mr. {Connell has moved from Colborne ! | street to J, Lvon's house on Main {street. Miss H. Donevan is in Ot |tawa. Miss Jennie Morris has return- {ed home from visiting friends in Gan- and Kingston. Mr. McLean, lof Oliver's Ferry, was a visitor in the {village on Sunday. | Portland Happenings. is A fair H. the of of Marriage At Vennachar. Vennachar, Sept. 21.--A wedding of unusual interest took place at noon, at the home of M. G. Beebe on Wed- Inesday, September 16th, s, when his daughter Malinda was wfited in ma- {trimony, to Herbert B.| Goodrich, of { Castleton, Ont. The Rev. 'W. Halpenny lof Sharbot Lake, was the officiating 'clergyman. The bride looked beautiful lin a gown of white silk, embroidered Wondering where to get the next meal will not get it, {bridal veil, and wreath of orange satin ribbon. She was attended by her sister, Miss Ethel Beebe, while the groom was supported by R. McPher- son, of Matawatchan. Miss Esther Wood, of Plevna, played Mendels- sohn's Wedding" March, 'while the bride leaning upon the arm of her father, entered the room. Puring the eere- mony the bridal party stood wnder an arch of evergreen decorated with au- tumnal leaves and white bells. An ex- cellent dinner was served afterwards. The large number of presents attested the personal popularity of the bride. I'ne groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a gold brooch and to 'the grooms- man a pair of gold cuff links. Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich left on Saturday for Castleton where they will reside. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. Sin, Tells, About a Lot of General. See Bibby's new fall caps. Overcoats dyed or pressed. My Valet. £10 coats for $4.98, at Waldron's Saturday. i A game and business combined in polities. See Bibby's handsome $15 suits. There are a whole lot of traitors in the army of the Lord. Reason "doesn't get when anger is at work. See Bibby's swell $3.50 trousers. The aftermath: of a drunk is quite likely to be a headache. Creating enemies \ is profitless unsatisfactory business. Bibby's $2 hats are making quite a hit with the dressy chaps. Life is a game, in which there are uw good many poor players. What the dude knows he before he became a dude. See Bibby's 33.50 worsted trousers. Tell of it il it is anything good you hear about your neighbor. Practical politics usually means anv method to land the office. See Bibby's #15 brown suits. Every woman knows she is shrewd enough to manage successiully any kind of business 2. cares to ¥ngage in Things in is sometimes muck show and | learned Christy's Hats. Jeing the largest importers of these hats in this part of Ontario enables us to give you values that are not to be found elsewhere. Inspect the new fall styles 'at Campbell Bros'., the leaders in men's hats. Fall Importations Of 1908. Brock street, has all fall importations for order work in his tailoring department. His rea- dy-made clothing and gents' furnish ing departments were never better sorted. Prevost, received as See Bibby's $15 Botany suits are - LUNATIC HIS OWN LAWYER. a 2 Pleads For His Discharge Matteawan. Newburgh, N.Y., Sept. 25.--Seveinge De Angelus, an inmate of the Mattea- wan Asylum for Insane Criminals, ap- peared before Judge Thompkins in | Newburgh, Saturday, and personally made an argument for his freedom. De Angelus is himself a lawyer, and said he was a brother of a justice of the supreme court in the fifth district. Judge Tompkins remarked that the prisoner's case was not well prepared, and De Angelus said he had little chance to consult law books, being confined in the hospital. It was only then that the court discovered that the prisoner was appearing 'himself in person. De Angelus was arrésted in October, 1907, for shooting Walter L. Massey, im New York city. He was found in- sane by a jury and sent to Mattea- wan. lo his petition he attacks Dis- wict Attorney Jerome and his own ounsel, A. DeLos Kneeland. He 'ask- ad for a jury trial in New York to de- ternfine his sanity He atleges that he is now sane and ought to be released. The court took the papers and sent De Angelus back to the hospital. Dr. Lamb, superintendent of the hospital, says he is of unsound mind and is dangerous to be at large, . From --Y Desbarats' Newspaper Directory. Printers' Ink in their "Elite Direc- tory of Advertising Agents in Ameri. 4 . 4 ca,' compiled by Arthur Koppell, manager of the eastern department of the Publishers' Commercial Union, in its limited" list of agencies of high standing gives two for Canada, one of which is the Desbarats Advertising agency of Montreal. This agency has just issued a edition of the Desbarats Newspaper Directory. The directory is of exceptional interest, as the information is very full and com- plete. the usual matter, a omplete list is given of the industries in each town and city. The compila- tion involved a great amount of labor, but it adds greatly to th®™salue of the publieation. As the Desbarats Agency 'has had a very their advertise the most the country, second Besides no doubt- sue- essful experience, luding many of business firms in nethod of doing business rommends itself to men, and the directory in- SNe their evidently shrewd business which contains wer three hundred pages, will surely prove of great value to advertisers. We are informed that the publishers will send a copy to any business con- who is either ern of good standin or who econ- sngaged in advertising, templates an advertising receipt of with tor ol postage, rice The office Victoria mpaign, on +. enclosed he r lar [ the Montreal. requ at dost is 85. at 42 ete. agency Square, 19 CALS e © 13 GALS - w "31 3 GALS, J ' Gugelheim, the oil and vinegar merchant, has just discovered a curi- pyramid of barrels. "You can see plainly marked, the quantity ous little problem concealed in his Now, if I should empty a certain have leit twice as many gallons of one vinegar enough to tell which of these barrels must contain oil ? Answer Monday. Says Gugelheim: in each barrel barrels 1 would Who ver of these liquor vinegar of oil. of as is cle Truly delightful. Another of Cowan's creation in chocolate-- a delicious combination of . finest milk chocolate and fresh shelled walnuts. In } and" pound cakes. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. 78 All marketable pondence invited. "COCOA ROLL." yourself, blossoms. She carried a bouquet of maiden hair ferns, tied with white ' Advise the purchase immediately of thezfol- lowing Cobalt Silver Stock Trethewey , and Chambers-Ferland. Buying or selling orders may be wired at my expense. [ects handled. Corres- J. O. HUTTON, 18 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Try it TO-MORROW. PASTRY AND PIES Our display is the largest in the city. alwavs fresh, always dainty and always tasty. the store when down to market TO-MORROW and see for R. H. TOYE, King Street Nova Scotia, a The here Drop are intor goods "YOU NEVER TASTED ANYTHING) ~3 _ \ ONE HALF SO GOOD? 3 JELL- 'The Dainty ; will delight all who uselft. Easily Simply add boiling water, cool. and oy Provarcy-S no arin, no sweetening to Jj add. No trouble, no further expense, Get a package § from your grocer to day, and prove what we say is true. One package makes enough dessert for the whole family. Highest Award, Gold Medals at St. Louls, Wey | Portiand and Jamestown Expositions. a BE SEMEN Satisfaction guaranteed. health avoid ay "10 CENTS PER PACKAGE." Uncomfortable Sleep means loss of power to think or ac--loss of "money-making power." "" That Tired Feeling "* SLEEP ON A "STAR" FELT MATTRESS AND A "BANNER" SPRING and you will be surprised with the new feeling of POWER. There's a reason--absolute cleanliness--a level surface which yields to every move of the body and permits perfect circulation--prevents bad dreams. Will not cot half a cent a night. Guaranteed by the largest Bedding Manufacturers in the British Empire, who prote@ you by this trade- mark, which is plainly shown on each. «* T. F. HARRISON C2 229-237 PRINCESS ST. SHAK _ FCRIII III IRIIIERIEIINIIORN * w # 4 HAR HAAS HHH AH HCICHIHG HHA 5 HO Supreme Effort HH AIC AKAROA HS BEEN CONCENTRATED in the buying of our Fall Shoes, and the result is most grati- fying. To-day we are showing the result of such effort in Our Snappy New Fall Lines of Shoes. We believe, that never in the 50 years of our 'shoe retailing in Kingston, have we offered such splendid values. We will appreciate having you call and look over the new lines.' HE HOK HAHN HO HHO HOI HHH HHH HOR NORE -- J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. "THE HOME OF GOOD'S8HOES. AICI IEC TY HHA ¥ BEDDING OF QUALI Fitting up your bedrooms for fall. - 5 Bedroom. Setts, Odd § Dressers and Ward- robes, Brass and Iron Bédsteads and Child- | ren's Cots, Mattresses jthat are soft and 2 wear for years. « Sanitary Health and © Star Brand, Hercules Spring in all sizes. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker. -