Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Sep 1908, p. 10

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SECOND SECTION. 4 : t= tg : Ly SAGES 3 TOM, gE YEAR 75. z THE MOSLEM PILGRIMS' RAILROAD TO MECCA. The Daily British W bhbP A son - -------- eee an ---- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1908. DOINGS. i STAGELAND] CATARRY, OF HERD THE NEW PRODUCTION CF} = orp a Arie. Outi wey J. M. BARRIE. Lulu Glaser's Successor in "The Merry Widow"--Henry Miller Ends His Long Season in = "The Great Divide. Richard Harding Davis' "Vera the Medium" has been made into a play for Eleanor Robson. Israel Zangwill js coming to attend the production of his new play, * Melting Pot," in Washington. Eugene Walter has written for Liebler & Co. a play called "The Dreamer," and for David Belasco 'The Easiest Way." Henry Miller ended his fifty-four weeks' season of "The Great Divide" at Rochester, last Saturday night. He will take a month's vacation. Isabelle Irving will have the leading The recent opening of from Damascus to Medina marl turning point in the history o Moslem faith Every year hundreds of t! men, women and ehildren journe the ends of the earth to red event in worship at the holy citi Mecca and Medina. "They com India and China, Persia and Af istan, Egypt and Morocco from mote corners of Asia and Africa during toil and privation, life ard property that they may px form the haii" or pileximage, wh is "a. service to God from those wl are able to journey to Mec ia | For more than 1.200 vears these pil grimages have been ninde to the | tomb of the prophet at Medina and to the shrine at Mecca, vet no m openly professi any creed but tl of Islam is known to have sanctuary and lived hi seclusion give to Medina romances The hn that was from DPamasen to end the romar { avowed Christi beyond Medain Saleh into the of Hen The vail he VERY MODERN PLANTS ONTARIO'S ELEVATORS FOR NORTHWEST'S GRAIN. Biggest Grain Elevator in the World is Included in This|'" w Number--An Obnoa lation Toronto Ad. an 1 buildin rine ( quired pa { orn pl into « the fied. Thousands of pilgrims flock role in Percy Mackaye's comedy, "Ma- ter," opening at the Savoy Theatre, New York, 'on September 26th. Beerbohm Tree produced the Stephen Phillips-Comyns Carr version of Goethe's "Faust," at His Majesty's Theatre, London, on September 5th. Rose Stahl inaugurated her third i season in James Forbes' comedy, -- f "The Chorus lady," at the Grand 18S SUSIE M. KINGS + Opera House, New York, fast Monday. 466 Quebec St., London, Ontarioy "I'he Unwritten Law' is the name } writes: + of a new play by Hall Cair which "I began using Peruna last January, will be tried soon in the British pro-§ when I had such a bad cold, and 1 could vinces. One scene occurs in the Aretic | pot get anything to help mo. refions, , "My nose and head were all stopped | Mabel Roebuck has been engaged by up, so that 1 could hardly get my breath. 3 James K. Hackett to play the part of 1 thought at times that I would smother, : -- - . " Princess Flavia in his revival of "The especially at night. : Doers saying oe Permenant Wey Prisoner of Zenda," at the Hackett "I have no trouble with that now. The: Theatre, New York, next week. noise in my head has.all-dis rod i Vera Michelena has returned to New - y wppeared., York, after spending several months I know Peruna wil{do just what you in England, Germany ang Switzer- say it does, [cannot praise Peruna tow highly, as it has done so much for mes the Lord; others--but by for the { land her: red in vaude ahs $ Lb he | land, where she appeared in vaude- smaller number--stood in silent\geflec- ! ville. This season she will have a part | I hope my letter will reach other suffers ers." { tion and adoration with tears in lin "The Soul Kiss." . {their 'eyes. Many natives of the He-| "Miss Innocence Abroad" is the ti- Mrs. 8. J. Kountz, 1015 Scovel street, {jaz and many soldiers of the Turkish {tle F. Ziegfeld, Jr., has decided on for | Nashville, Tenn,, writes: { army were meanwhile conversing and the new musical production he is to "I have had a very bad cough nearly {Joking, and, whenever the others were |make for Anna Held. The piece is | all my life, and I am forty-five years | waving _the shram or pilgrim's robe, [the work of Henry B. Smith, Julian | old. I have taken almost every kind of made violent gesticulations as if to | Mitchell and Maurice Levi. cough medicine that has over been Fidiedle le Cerginony. 1 Behind, on the "The Madonna's Jewels,"" the new made, but none did me much good. I | hall, observed several parties o » ar ic or folfi-Fer- ¥ Arab soldiers who were vit Sie eich rants Wolll-per. would have spefls of coughing that I = ERR {ng Sher harggles, and in a 'caravan Nuova," is working, will have its pre Sought 1 wauid Sansis msds wo dente Just by sat a eowamon wom: iere i arlin in February or : id as er and th The feaba ar Saray Stowe of /Tecca {sold coffee, and whose ans. whe Tr ah y thu in Fs at winter I have had no cough and I know | On September 1st, the anniver sary of the sultan's accession, the | their laughter and riotous conduct, of- | folklore. ~ : ? that Peruna cured me." { Hedjaz Railw: which follows th e pilgrim route to Mecca, was|ten interrupted the fervent devotions Sorat] ; | opened as far as Medina, Eight h undred and fifteen miles have been | the hadjys--or pilgrims--near to Dorothy: Donnelly, at present ap- [r-------- p-- ; | completed in seven vears, and the re now remains only 285 miles of | them. is prarmg Te Shanley Ropers - The WSK Disp, > at Meine ho digs pe as * | the railway to be built. The cost, has been comparatively small, | his * picture, we may be sure, is eT hi : . a > I ne ah Usp, less than $15,000 a mile. The ling | will be of great military import. | { frue to-day as when it was drawn. - ag ign lor hinge x thither ¢ tombimosaus of the | 2008s for it gives the troops of th; e porte control over he rebelli- | 1} °° and Medina have grown, but i iss ae oe Rly op ver prophet, Jioke pies a 1iFoe bart} 2V8 tribes of central Arabia. | the people are the same; even the 3 J y by ' y } . {scourge of the Wahabi, who strove to nanamer, of tl A ci flat-roofed n | holies--toward hich i ; his fai devon ti | i fad i t holiecs--towards which the heads of r than his faith. Seven times he [purify the faith and to cleanse jt The date for the first production of a dina the faithful bow and toward which | walks 1 yund the Kalba--the ancient | fr © i i 4 p Eve," Po 5 . . je, STU Jv > (Nhich walks round the Es hae it ifrom the stain of idolatry, has left] On the Eve," Dr. Leopold Kampi's TO MS MAJESTY THE KING + © journey fr Jeddah, on the Red pantheon of Arab idolatry; he stones [no mark on the races that worship at play, Americanized by Martha Mor- . ' hig ea - vey hort journey by ra the de vil alter the utes of his the shrine in Mec 'a and at the tomb | ton, has not yet been announced by SirJohn Power& Son Ltda. v | fore entering 4 Hein oe aren hee 1208 estors, and listens to the of the prophet in Medina. Perhaps Mr. Harris, but it will in all proba- £5 ; 1 frit. rv Staring 'the Hejaz or sacred tq sermons on the granite blocks of Ara- [the Egyptian orator who spoke at the | Pility be some time in December. Ce Ed Q ne fur » § nt SP » hie wo § oy ing 3 i . - 3 Q A : ior # ds Tim perl iat scene of Which we have a vi- [inauguration of the railway is right Ernestine Schumann-Heink will be hs Vous & hve 0s i elf in a garmer ¥id pi ture by Burckhardt. ed and "the prophet did not permit the Jin her European tournee with a con- THREE SWALLOWS } penitent ba . u oth As a ome of them, mostly foreigners, railway to reach Medina until the ca- [cert in Hamburg, on October 23rd. rR Jleniten 110 ant ¢ the ere WOT erying loudly and weeping, beat- |liph had granted a constitution " jAmong the cities in which she will © a days engaged ning Shei breasts and denouncing' which is to cure all the ills of Mos. appear, in either opera or concert, are IRISH WHISKEY Hes, 0 » © hich s themselves to be great sinners before] lems. Berlin, Vienna, Budapest, Paris, Lon- ye : "Jdon, Madrid and probably St. Peters- Famous for over a > * fburg and Moscow. most modern io Foil of steel and age dues her competitive position over Miss Nina Collins, who sings. the century for its delicacy | ( aré fire-proof. e newest Georgian other rts. - . 1 a . ind pa ¥ wy read mai { pro- | Yiats . Bav elevators nro : % rorgiat Ti po : prima donna role in "The Girl Ques- ¥ of flavor. ] 3 may E ; t ics. a vw ore lay elevators are equipped with the 1e real injury, however, lies in the tion." succeeded Miss Lulu Glaser' as of highest standard of fastest marine "| known to me- [fact that the vessel owners are smart- | he leading comedienne in Weber's bur hanical science, The elevator at Tif- ing. under a sense fi sti : . nga Purity. fin { i 1 . ] 30.000 | their of Injustice, for |lesque of "The Merry Widow" in New fn, for eam, can. ig 3 i o their own pliots, qualilied--under--sta=} York: Fhe cast is Weaded again --this vis especially YO " ushels an hour from a vessel's hold. |tutory regulations, are fully co : i i I t : ee 3 g 8, ) mpet- | ye ; P hols wants perlatiy n thi 1 tion no Counting delays while shifting from ent to handle their vessels in pe gear by Paul Nic holson, wha occupied recommendéd by the thought is iver } + hatch to hatch, the speed averages port, and the ¥ y 1 Ry the chiel position last season. A P F : 4 3 | Ie : f ages |} : 1ey resent the intrusion of J. M. Barrie's latest production Medios! Profession or bg be are we 20,000 bushels per hour. At Montreal the stranger. The charge is directed | "What Every Woman Knows, was Account of its peculiar lines of the railways 8 his the lake 'steamer slips alongside ew / rains . for La a . fies he lw \ { I ea ne Hp Wong ide tl W holly again t Ontario, for masters | produced under Charles Frohman's " DRYNESS "» t article deals with the v ling ocean liner and a floating marine ele- from the maritime provinces are ex- {management at 'the Duke of York's « vator transfers the cargo. This v empt. . : th ited EO. a oh : oh Fidow . : Theatre, London, recently, and it } : Tecessity Joy Snlansive slor ie shadow of the pilot and his [proved the equal of its predecessors. age houses at Montreal. The improve clandestine appearance at the gang- | Perhaps it will be considered the best Lr i hanugl oe yous bitterness which is, for that he has done. The audience re- tir ore vce ers u he asons. not eood § ise] } a : , Ee nd Ir : up 2 he : n) : hsons, t good for the busi- | ceive unflagging interest and delight ; a r) ye ar, ane he Supe Fiority Ress iu eresis of the country at large, Amelia Bingham will be one of the > . hut 1 TS oom! 1354 Sbpagest 24 i ) ev el ners or for the traf- season's stars. She will appear under A Big Bracing Tonic-- narine dep ment has seen | 1terests of sh {res . ho epartment ha eh Ah interests of Montreal the Shubert gnanagement in a new so- impose ¢ sg on upon the ves - 1 ners ot the Be ates do ro inlet Beton Me prem! WE N'S 8 trading d Some Newspaper Statistics. entitled "'Feroza." in Plein has for 1'he Montreal, which has aroused i i i \ 1 J been playing in stock in Fleveland for nie i ae er ew voy | IMValids® Port deals with the career of a woman of rebellion, 'and. which may. French statistician caleulates through 'the lices erigendered, | hat theres one newspaper published L . Vor > : work' posit il 3 time 'when the lor every SX600 inhabitants of the . known world. In Europe Germany | ho, 16 save her fiancee, announces (A la Quina du Pérov) render its position impregnabl heads the list with 3.500 new spars, herself as a common thief and bears § ) tof which 800 are published daily. Eng. | he responsibility for a crime commit Pleasant to take, and never The lation ompels ' the 1 : \ ted by another, : . : 1 In Montreal, the new Julian Ed fails to fulfill its purpose. wuntry should clin t pportunity land comes next, 3.000 new spapers of which 800 are dailies, and then comes steamer take on a pilot' below lo No. 1 i the chine can Th i Lachine canal Ihe wards comic opera, "The Gay Music France with 2819 new p i \mer v not have more than oe, Wl = 81 newspapers, oi ; ' ay 1 have more than 100 [hich only one. urt} -- daily - ian," drew vast audiences to His Ma BiG BOTTLE All Bruggists Everywhere. ards ©, but the : pilot is inevi published twice or thrice a wee ky J 1080's Theatre and the orchestra Every move the vessel makes subse. (100, comes fourth with 1,400. papers, {seats were soll out each day long be- jiently from: one eleva 16 Riiothar and. is followed by Stris " fore the performance. The charming ot itt: dome board ed Fain, Russa Gree e musi of Julian Edwards is to be religiously impos hed the last having 450 une WSpapers heard on all sides in every dity where The. nilot is nat tile Shap oa of 1 Itoget er © Europe has about 3000p | the comic opera has been sung, for it \ _-- ze of newspapers. has become immensely popular. It will » Silver Plate that Wears" , 7 be presented in this city shortly, hile and the owner is charged $ sel except in theory. He simpls aboard, and vith tradit al i < i . ¢ additional An interesting item of London the- h bali bene ss and accel says: "| Complexions Made Sightly. atrical intelligence relates to the fact For All Occasions the pilot > A : : : pi . A SampleXion that is marred by Jthal H. B. Irving, encouraged by his ! gift steamer y n her last trip | pimples, blotches or ther er SUCCess 1 he provinces a 8 pil ; other eruptions ess In the provinces, has engaged 2 "dainty piece of marked ¢ Montreal. na 5 in pilotage dues. can be madé smooth and fair by' the {the Shaftesbury Theatre, in London, "» | : owner tell you can- fuse of Wade's Ointment. and will begin a season there in Octo- ? y charges the amount It is the one thing to: remember jber. His first play will be "The Lyons and that Montreal | hen any healing remedy is required. | Mail," in which he has done very well iA Ve BEY aviLleinas ( I Trunk u { nh the extent of her pilot It cures eczema (salt rheum), old} 'on the road" and this will be fol- Knives, forks, . Lower Lake Port: am sores, piles, catarrh, dandruff and al] [lowed by Justin Huntly McCarthy's | I§ | marked have 2 ( scaly or itching eruptions of the [new piece, "Cnesar Borgia." Mr. Irv- | i \ -- : {drug store. inine characters to his wife, Dorothea Wherever Parisian Sage is Known | ' t= -------- Baird, which, albeit right and seemly, ' A Powerful Sermion. is not, perhaps, equally wise. : MH The bishop of London was at a din- . ul = U0 Le Ns IME MATER i . At : : ' i he . A . « + ast L OES THES. COAL? Asta unk 200 (a THE LADIES FAVORITE. skin. In big boxes, 23¢., at Wade's fing is still giving all his leading fem- | < it Has the Call. | Parisian Sage, that most efficient of ner of clerics, when one of the co hind . if & ory dats od om- wim I i Tir dt S igh {pany referred to a Begging sermon he The Root Of Health. possessing these qualities Wt will post: {had once preached. "I don't wish to} Is lots of red and vitalizing blood tively make any woman's hair po {brag or boast," he began, "nor would [ta nourish --and invigorate the body. luxuriant and attractive 8 Ww MN : 1 Nave you 30 think me sonceited, our blag ia. thin and ery ds ant 4 . Nag aC hut, gentlemen, 1 assure you--"' "Ferrozone." It supplies the neces- sells it and will réturn Your) And then at great length he toll [sary elements such as i aney if 3 vg are dissatisfied, \ how women had wept at his pathos, Jand iron, dnd quickly restores Most i in: Cn wing one eb ue Boe ath Sk ape Povoage i a 1 { hatter" TROY h GE hii ave a 'and in an avalanche the contributions |unequalied restorative for the , petter growth of bir and I found (had poured in--gold. notes. cheques, | the sick, and the it sti ra aiphabet up produced x aif your Hair Restorer pleasant to use. ljewels and watches. Here the Bish lates + After 'the first application, the dan- jaf London leaned forward with = drufl. disappeared and my hair stopped [twinkle in his eve. "Be the an il the channels of fr falling out, and it has heen restored [hrother," he said, "conld vou lend A the . ey ben he eo r ere to its natural eolor. 1 now recom-{me that sermon ?' 5 » elevator pv ry hold in A : gf vd an ed ] ators y wk r store adv nds. ---- 7 isn' sum ? Answer Tuesday. : {approximately 35,000,000 bushels. Th Hone a Boda, N30 Mount Pfr ri much meat on the bone 5 : contention, b subtractior n be applied to t} ting sort of zle tp work out, ait the method and shows how

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