ROKE SIR RAILWAY EN CONNECTION WITH Satan Yociis Raiwey |Z Central Canadian Exhibition Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 18th to 26th. 15th to 26th, 3.70 220d, 24th $2 75 | rn limit, Sept = | Hept. Bet Hetu inclusive and 25th <8th 1908, ~ Parham Fair, 22nd & 23rd Sept Single fare for round _e ing 22nd and 23rd iit 24th Sept, Good return trip Sept., Low Rates to Pacific Coast $50.10, second-class Good Oct. 31st. K. & P. and C. Ontario St. "Phone, F. CONWAY, Cen. Pass; Agent, BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Ontario street, 4 pm. daly tor Sydenham, burn and despatch to 'pomts on ( ments via Bay further particu Agent, "Phone, MOOSE Open Season. One going Full particulars at R. Ticket Office, way until P. 50. ndays excepted) Deseronto, north 1 secure kburn, Maynooth, your Railway For Ww. DICKSON, weed, Bannock quick and ship Yan no . apply to R. New Brunswick, September 15th--November 30th | Nova Scotia October 1st--November 30th Quebec Sapte mber 31st Ist-- December Write General Passenger Dept. INTERCOLONI RAILWAY MONCTON, N.B. For free copies of "Moose in the Micmac Country" "Fishing and Hunting." Toronto Ticket Office, 51 King St. East. | General Passenger Depatament, | | Moncton, N.B., or apply Montrea Ticket Office, 141 St. James St. LIRR Hunters' Excursions AT INGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, Oct. 6th to Nov. 3rd. Femag Arthur Division Co. and to New Brunsw wioundland Oct. 22nd to Nov. 3rd. 1 M ka Bay wan River, Midland, eld Mad « » RAILWAV SYSTEM' I'o points wa i Part and Mackinaw in points Matta- to Seorgian Bay | Po Arthur vv. certain points ick mi av, ini} wuehe d tia wa Seo Ne Lake of Penetand Magnet a Lake Central Canadian Exhibition Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 18th to 26th. wind trip full HARLEY partic AG NT, slree | Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte | Steamboat Co., Ltd KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, 1,000 ISLANDS Str. NORTH KING K IRKE ATRI STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER | Delivery. CORNS { % You can painlessly remove any corn, either | hard, Corn Extractor, contains no acids; on | WEAK M MAN RECEP) FINE FURNITURE 70 KING Some Women Look Sloppy. . Beauty and Grete Disspprar With | the Growth of Fat, There nothing so repulsive in a woman's appearance as an over-devel- opment or extreme growth of fat in any part of the body. A woman's form is essentially of grace ; the lines of beauty vanish s fat accumulates and he bulk and ht at a maiden one see Omes a taughing frig » ol the man {10 0 ir there ar } cided] of even first appearance aw a bust-width aist how and self, of perfect weight, and moreover in better health than you ever were bet re in your | ald | stop ridicule, by taking Hengo There is nothing "just as good' as Rengo. For by all druggists at $1.00 per full od box, or by Jail pre paid, by The « R Bldg... Detroit gladly send y mail, if pou Detroit no top being a side normal You can be, instead form and natu be stronger and your al any moa rial pack them packages write free | recommended King Wade Druggist { » and lenry air ealth Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to itsNatural | Color and Beauty. No matter how long ithas been g or faded. Promotes a luxuriant gr of healthy hair. Stops its falling out, and positively removw Dan- druff. Keeps hairsoft and glossy. Re- fuse all substitutes. 2% times as much in $1.00 as 50c. siz. Is Not a Dye. $1 and 50c. botiies, at druggists Send 2c for free book * The Care of the Hair, » Philo Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. Hay's llarfina Soap cures in Med, rough and chapped hands, and all skin dis- eases. Keeps skin fine and soft. 25¢c. druggists, Send 2c for free book "The Care of the Skin." JAS. B. McLEOD. Soap rg - hat Dyes! Bi ~thal's the name of the at makes success{nl dyeing cleanly, successful, safe. The ast nud briiliant. It dyes to No st'eaks, No mess or o trouble. Give yourself a Cent pleasant treat Joie cleanly *" Maypole" Hays y th "hae Haypol Soa p roc. for colovs. rse. for black. Frank I. Benedict & Co, 67 Alowivenl, ---------- NEW MACHINE SHOP. call is invited for all kinds of general machine repairing. Special lawn mowers the city for A manufacturing and work such as machine sharpening have the enly machine in e)<=repairing sewing machines, graphs, scales, razors, edged ng, model and pattern mak ition given all work. Re- leaving shop city prompt Montreal Orders taken Parcel Machinist, 30 Ww , (ne Sim HUNTER, Princess) St {ingston. A. Vanl ar wiven's ory Woman 18 interested and should know about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vaginal Ryringe. Best--M ost conven- - lent. It cleanses Zninstantly. SOR SUPPLY CO, Windsor, Out. General Agents for Canada. CURED IN 24 HOURS soft or bleeding, by applying Putnam's It never burns LVeS NO Sear, Anse composed only of healing gums and baln ifty years in e. Cure guaranteed, Sold by all druggists hotties. Refuse substitutes, PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR CEIDTPREE Any 1 TW mig de- 1 1k hack wnhood 1, un uth imple free man, Robinson Detr higan wd Any LIMITED TORONTO, ELLIOTT & SON, ST. WEST LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND :-- 7.309.115 a m, 1.00-4.00 p.m, 7 30--9.15 1.00--4,00 p.m 7.830--9.15 1.004.000 R.m. 'Breakey s 6.30--9.80 a.m. 1.80 p.m 7.80--9.15 a.m, 1.00-=4.00 p.m, 8.00915 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. 9.15, 10.00, 12 5,00 p.m, LEAVES KINGSTON 8.80--11.30 a.m. 3.00 8.30---=11.80 a. 3.00 8.80--11.30 a.m. 3.00- 30--1.00 p.m. 3.00 p. "Bay, 8 p 8.80--11.80 a.m. 8 30--11.30 a.m 945 a.m. 1.15 at ~Special trip Simcoe and Spoor"s dock, 3.00 p.m, Time Table subject to change without | notices Boat calls at ve i Island going to |' aud from Kinasto. Royal ALLAN "Nici Montreal to Liverpool a THURS. . Bay FRI SAT SUN; 30 a.m MON. TUES. Wiib. THURS 5.30 p.m | 5.30 p.m, 0 p.m « 7 pm. | 8.005.830 p.m Island | Victorian sails .. Corsican sails Rates of passage and full information be obtained from J. FP. HANLEY, may 8. KIRKPATRICK. Agent G.T.R., or C. Local Agent, dirty comes =| Relieves LINE : med Quzen's "Remembrance presented Queen has a bath » an aged crippled woman liv Bristol, who gave birth to the day the king and hecoming to pet at a Id on queen lame, out of communi- sent recent royal Wrried a wl able facts ty, emento ol carcely I'he m were who the the the that between bill mal hand from We distinety the m dirty eC a and it . I'he lov of m ol roots to cultiva Stomach Gas. used Instantly hey re alwavs ca hv termen "cattle. | dried ap | "but at that time the farmers had brought tis and ! seed Gbhe Farmers BY UNCLE JOSH o- This weck story to be wanting rain. In situation has become The pastures are drying up, farmers are of the fall will be very hard on the Some of the pastures are so that they will be practically and the hay crop, so it is only about one-hali what there is told the same old about the farmers some quarters the quite serious, and some opinion that this of no use, reported, is it usually is. -- An Ottawa Valley farmer, visiting in Kingston this week, was talking about the dry spell. "Down our same much the he said, a held over from a bumper crop. no surplus to last vear, prevailed," way condition reserve supply of hay, 1906, when there was But this year there is fall back upon. "As a result, there are many cases where cattle can be bought from $15 $25, that a few mouths ago $25 to EO. to Fall fairs are now attracting the attention of the farmers. Harrow- smith #&nd Wolfe Island fairs have passed off with great success. At both shows the farmers had a fine exhibit. | Keep up the good work. Sheep are a persistent agency of im- provement the land on the farms where they are kept. There no man but has something i to be thankful for. Find out what it then be thankful. Success in live stock raising depends on producing a better strain of ani- mals with each breeding. Ii the colt lately weaned is not ing well feed skim-milk in which littie molasses has been put. Try a hoe for mixing the shorts or any feed that gets pasty when mixed with water. Makes the task Variety of food is a good appetizer There which likes the same ration month in and month out Even selection "Whatsoever he also reap.' diseases to 18 do- a easier. no class of stock 1s argueth for careful for it declareth that : man soweth, that shall seripture an Furigous and insect can be kept from taking the the orchard this next season by ful, judicious spraying The five to eight quarts of milk a day cow will never return the farmer an adequate profit, unless the percent- of butter fat is high. An argument in favor of ¢he open head in fruit trees is that the fruit on such trees does not rot so badly that trees with dense heads. pests profits of faith- age as on housewife is able to chicken from a What American tell a cold storage fresh ? How many American regularly eat '"'fresh" chie- "iresh" in its the seclusion of two or three years in the refrigerator the storage company ? It hasglong the boast of the cold storage that fowls are just as desirable after two or three vears' icing as on the day they were killed. This claim is strenuously combatted in a report made by the U. 8S. Department of Agriculture. One of the report is to furnish a graphic guide to chic ken purchasers, so that they may be able to tell the fresh chicken from the cold storage article. When you see which are so drawn hang, for instance, with its head when the skin is mottled tint; when there not putrefying wills one households that surrection from ken is only cent re of been men object a chicken, the muscles of as to cause it to doubled up; with a greenish is a although the dried up sharp, odor; are nearly skin so brittle and at the leg as to erack when rubbed---that fowl to beware of as if it were It is the three-year-old comb and when the the breast bone when is over joints is the the plague storage fowl The fresh the report vellow skin, how salmon flexible--there or greenish ville are feather papillae their elevation though of the it is exceedingly continues pale, soft enough to beneath, and of reddish killed chicken has clean, translucent pink flesh are no sign blotches: the comb and brilliant red and the distinct because of the skin, al When drawn the fresh torage fowl: former are and the have unmistakable two-vear-old or three-year has none of that on the and skin. The skin itself is there are red-rust spots, and green hlotehe the hody with irregular hollows and lumps, where watery slime The feather papillae Exposure to air produces a that a above color easy to tell chicken cold the flesh and muscles of the a salmon pin} ame from the in color inter organs an the chicken or hloom old muscles leathery perhaps covered distended ra is gs coleets darkened. the few hours odor approaching have for a teristic rid" flesh The Department of pert thus sums up: The dictum of that there age poultry for an indefinite charac of put- ex- Agriculture's the warehouse men change in cold stor- that it may be kept period cannot be ac- cepted in its entirety. Both microsco- pic study and taste for the fowl confirm the fact that degenera- tion take place. "It most desirable that a careful study should be made to deter- mine whether such alterations as have been noted affect the appeatance and histological integrity of the flesh only whether has been asserted bv the af long periods of cold storage, is ponsible for some the ob- scure intestinal disorders and the im- metabolism from which mo- especially the dwellers so apt to suffer." no and co does seems as consumption of poultry or some, ter not res ot perfect dern humanity, in large cities, are Produce And Prices. Kingston, Sept 26.--Prices were the 15 acidity of thev ition Or excessive mact cause by slowly Nerviline' rviline ved sipping few sweet cures the the hiccups, disorders For indiges- and stomach known. For all aches, Nerviline drops in "N that water ause other and bowels flatulence better 1s for onaitions as it does all of + stomach cramps, ns, nothing household remedy, minor ills, (le bottle ns and everywhere. quoted to to-day, as fol- lows : Flour and' Feed--Flour, 90 to $3.18: farme the Whig, baker's, 8$2.- rs', $2.90 to ¥3; Hungarian pAtent, 83 to $3.20; oat- | meal and r6fed oats, 34.40 to $4.50; | cornmeal, D to $2.10: bran, 824 to $25 per ton; shorts, $27 to $28 per ton; straw, $13; hay, loose, $12 to $14; pressed, $13 5 $16. Eggs--New laid, 2! per dozen. yrains--Oats, 3x gh al wheat, SOc. $1; buckwheat, 63c.; barley, -65c.; 81.8 to re- | rye, S0c. to 8Se.; peas, Se. : corn. best, 95c.; mixed, 9c. i Butter--Choice, creamery, 28¢ ers' butter, prints, 27c. ached, rolls, 25ec. Meat---Bee, carcase, ¥7 to ¥8 cwt.;| choice cuts, Ge. to 15¢c. Ib; pork, 10e. per lb; veal, by the quarter, Se. to 9c. per 'Ib.; cuts, Te. to 15c., by ecar- case, 5¢. to Se. per Ib cutlets, 124c to 15¢.; spring lamb, I2e. Ib.: chops, 115¢c. to 1Be. a lb; mutton, 10¢. per Ib.; live hogs, $7. Fish--Salmon trout, 124c. a 'skinned digby herring, 20c whitefish, 12§c. a 1b.; pike, 10c, a Ib } chinook salmon, 30c. a Ib.: kippered herring. Yarmouth bloaters, 40c. a dozen; Atlantic salmon, 30c. lb.; salt codfish, 7c. to 13¢. a lb; halibut 20c. a lb; fresh haddock, 10c. a lb; bullheads, 10c. a li.; red herring, 15e a box; mackerel, 15c. a Ib.; trout 124c. a lb.; perch, 80c. a dozen; frogs legs, 10c. Ib.; ciscoes, 15¢. lb; blue- fish, 15¢. a Ib.; lake herring, 10c. a lb: finnan haddie, 10c., 124c. lb.; red snappers, 15c.: flaunders, 10c.; fresh, salt water herrinrs, 40c. to 60c. doz en; fresh lobsters, 30c. a lb.; sea bass, 124c. a Jb.: smoked salmon, 30c. a lb. Poultry--Chick:ns, 60c. to SOc. per pair; turkeys, $1.25 to 81.75. Fruit--Lemons, 20c. per dozen; anges, 40c. to 60c. per dozen; panas, 20e. to 30c. per dozen. Vegetables--Potatoes, $1 to $L.10 per bag; cabbage, 50c. to 75c, a dozen; celery, 30c. to 50c. a dozen; { beets, 20c. per peck: onions $1 per | bush.; green onions, 40c. doz.; carrots, | 30c. dozen bunches; turnips, 5c. a bushel; tomatoes, 60c. a bushel. Wool, washed, lic. to l6e. per lb. sheep Sms fresh, 75¢.; tallow rem- dered, 5c. per 1b.: deakins, 50c.; veal skins, 7c. per lb.; hides, No. 1, 4c. per ib.; hides, No. 2, 3c. per Ib; horse hides, $2.50 each. ; farm- Be. : 1b.j or- ba- ROOSEVELT'S EASY FORTUNE. Inherited Living--Paid Way on What He Earned. New York Herald. I'he story officially denied that Pre- sident Roosevelt was about to acquire a ¥1,200,000 residence in New York city surd without the denial. He has not money enough. His activities have always maintained his fortune at about the level at which it started, out of his own resources was ab- | per Ib; } rie! h, second son of the kaiser, and the | EDGE T WEIGHT { KAISER'S SON IN AS COMMON LABORER. Prince Eitel Friedrich Spends "Hours Each Day. at Strenuous Physical Work. Berlin, Sept. 19.--To reduce his in- creasing weight, Prince Eitel Fried- most popular of the imperial princes, has un- Jdertaken a no- vel "cure," of which he has just finished the first stage. For several weeks he has been living the life of a com- mon laborer at his summer residence, In- genheim Castle, near Charlot- tenburg, where from 'morning to night he engages in the most strenuous physical work. From five to seven hours a day of gardening, tree-felling, cutting hedges, sawing wood, carpentry and the build- ing of sheds have made up his daily programme. X He has been taking an especially ac- tive part in constructing a new riding school, and clad in workman's gar ments wielded a hammer and saw for more than ten days. This work was going on during very hot weather, but remonstrances by Princess Eitel Fried- rich were disregarded. In addition to manual labor the prince takes hard horseback exercise very early in the morning, on which trips his wife is his | constant com- panion. The prince is twenty-five vears old, and though of a tall, sol- diery figure, has been growing stout diring the last two years. FISHWOMEN CLOSE MARKET. They Forced Removal of Officious Inspector. A telegram from Cherbourg, France, describes a strange happening there {| but he has never for a single instant exhibited a spirit and it has never increased. President Roosevelt has always been busy doing things to waste time in the pur- suit of the almighty dollar. \ President Theodore Roosevelt is and always has been in easy circumstan- The general public has known too COs. | yesterday of commercialism, | | shellfish, morning. The fishermen had in a big catch of fish and and the market was just opening when a police inspector step- ped up to one of the fishwives to the make note of an infringement of local by-lfws. -- The w#man had stepped two yards brought Fall Suit or Over- coat ? New Goods are all here. All we ask is to have you call in and look. . The up-to-date styles, fit, finish and low prices of our goods will convince you. : pecials For Saturda Men's Fancy Cashmere Hose, on sale Satur- day, 19c¢ per pair. 25 dozen Shield Knot Ties (Hook On), regula 25¢ each, on sale Saturday 15c¢., or two for a quarter. 100 pairs Men's Working Pants, regular $2 and 2.50 per pair, on sale Saturday at $1.45. 100 pairs Boys' Tweed Short Pants, good wearers, regular 90¢, Saturday 59¢ per pair. Boys' 3-Garment Suits, new gods, regular $6.50, on sale Saturday, $4.95. Some Odd Ends in Men's Suits at Half Price. 127 Princess Street, Kingston. The Store That Sets the Pace. What About That New Roney & Co's farther away than the by-law allowed little and cared less about this phase of his existence. It Is not cogent. Rich or his career would have been the same. He 20th, 1858, in New York, the generation of the old Dutch (stock in the United States. { father, also Theodore Roosevelt, a merchant and importer of ware. President Roosevelt was a little boy and was instructed by | private tutor at home and allowed to run free as much of the time as sible on Sagamore Hill at the family estate at Oyster Bay. his muscles grew with his mind, and when he was graduated from Harvard in 1880 he had some athletic victories poor, family His glass- frail pos to his eredit, ¥and also wore the in | lice. signia of Phi Beta Kappa. | After graduating he spent a year vabroad. In 1881 he attended his first primary and then the real Roosevelt, the man that the people of the Uni- ted States know and love, appeared A member of the old aristocracy, he i was so democratic that ever ! suspected that he did not belong to the great self-made men of which this country is justly proud In comiortable circumstances in first place, the steadily increasing em oluments of the various political offi ces which he so justly won meant no thing to him. Assemblyman eivil serviee commissioner president of the New York police com 1895, and the navy in | was always incidential the i which he was accomplishing, just his royalties on his books were result of his literary enthusiasm and not the end and aim of it. He cheer fully accepted a soldier's pay when he volunteered for the Spanish: war in 1898, and accepted 10,000 a year. as governor of New York the following with equal indifference. As of the United States F3.000 year Roosevelt ha big any other president ever He giving them all an expen- | education. Hig income left to his father has been variously at from $10,000 to £10,000 His income is little, if the 6 than time 's death. | no one class of sO in 1888, in assistant secre 1897, his mission ' in tary of salar to work as vies his year sident was ident than pre salary Pres family a a had is we him estimated by any, it | a year time father at the present hi larger was at ol | SCENT HIS ONLY GUIDE. Climbs to Top Blane's Peaks. Sept. 26.--Mont a dog voung remarkable circumstances The owner of the dog, M. Leopold Tairraz, of Chamonix, recently pur- chased the animal at Courmaye ur, and | brought it home over the Col du Geant, over 11,000 feet high. Two days ago M. Tairraz climbed Mont Blanc | with M. Stephanik, the Russian as- tronomer, and stayed at the Vallot i Observatory, on the summit. Yester- day evening his dog arrived exhaust- ed and hungry at the top Alpinists and guides ascending and descending the Grands Mulets and Mont Blanc report that the dog ap- proached them, and, not finding its master, continued its journey upward | with its nose to the snow aw if. follow- ing the scent of its master. | It is difficult to estimate the taken by the dog to ascend Mont Blane, but it is ecajculated to be under fourteen hours. NRSC, ' Dog of | Blane St was Ber- | Geneva, | elimbed | nard--under hy a been quickened to a remarkable extent | by the phenomena) success of ""'Sala- | da" tea. Naturally everyone is anxi- ous to know more about the country that produces such a delightful and | delicious beverage. Sometimes a woman asks her band's advice she'll be in a tion to take the opposite course. hus- 0 post honest measures. i A man thinks his is the simple life when he has no kick coming. the | was born October | eighth | |in putting up his catch for sale. was | al | shouts old | Thus | place. | { | lof Cherbourg | give evidence for the plaintiff. { for 1889 | was the | | | ger | | are Mont! bight sweats, ete. you demand | tween lying by facts { drowsiness, ache. lary trouble, |nevs are sick | woman who had undertaken | hard her to do. A minute later a second po- lice complaint was made--against a to sell the fish of a fishwife who was ill.. A third complaint was made against a fisherman who went out of his turn the .police officiousness spread quickly. Many of the women still bargaining with the fisher but the last bids and counter could not be heard from the of the women established be- the fish baskets the market In two minutes the word passed around that the fishwives going to close the market in order to | show their indignation against the po- The news of were men, bids hind on was were was hurry and the mar and the time all ten minutes had been cleared to the boats in which {they had been brought into harbor Thus it was that 75,000 inhabitants were without fish. The strike came to an end next day ow ing to the removal, hy the municipal authorities of the obnoxious police in- spector. some within For hustle; ket square | fish returned The Reason 'Why. plasterer is called upon to | Counsel | tries to bully him John Dobbs 7' An old defendant is the Your "Yes ' 'Are you the same sentenced to eight for bad name John Dobbs who | impri age 77 days' onment lang 'No.' 'Are the sentenced to a couple labor for theft ?"' "No, that wasn't me, "Then have you ors using John Dobbs who of years you same was either." ever been son Yes-- twice." Ah! and how "One whole "What ! "Only hour "And, pray, what committed to deserve ishment ?" "I-was sent to prison a cell to accommodate a had cheated of his clients long th&first time afternoon." and the second time one : offence had mali a pun vou so to whitewash lawyer who one Special Valyes -- IN om ----i---- - oN Men's Working We make specialties of Men's $2.00 and 3.00 Working Shoes. Many cheaper grades carried in stock. Special $2.00 Men's Buff Leather, good strong heavy soles. Cannot be equaled anywhere for $2.00. Our line of Men's $3.00 Shoes consist of Box Calf, Heavy Oil Grain Tan. Also guaranteed Solid Leather Calf. Many styles to choose from at $3.00. $2 50 and cheaper grades carried in large assortments. Men's Working Gaiter Boots, $1.25, 1.50 to 3.00. All our Working Boots are made to give solid comfort to the wearer. Shoes many forms of nervous that yield Iron Pills. with There are debility in men of Carter's troubled use weakness, them. rh to rights nervous should try enough and true fellow the yourself. little words and lying Be fair grant the other for mighty enoug same differencg be by I'here's DAYS OF DIZZINESS. Come to Many Kingston People. There are days of dizziness, spells of headache, sideache, back- Sometimes rheumatic pain after urin- You are plainly told that the Kid- pr Booth's Kidney Pills cure all Kidney | ills. | gireet, time | With a severe pain across the small of | { her {at times and could straighten up only | | Booth' 8 at land she had | Booths Do not get your ends Ag far apart exceptional remedy and I could that you cannot make them meet by hesitate to rec ommend them." 'T. iOnt,, Mrs. James Griffin, of 200, Montreal CH bi vee Ee HA COWAN'S CHOCOLATES : AND MAPLE BUDS 50c. PER. LB. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St "Phone 58. FARAH HHO EEE Kingston, Ont., says: iL sry 3 daughter had suffered for some time! back She was unable to stoop She had become | Her appetite was with much suffering. weak and languid Interest in the Island of Ceylon hgs very poor and headaches and spells of | | dizziness had kept fering her in constant suf- | find nothing that | } her the least relief. | Kidney Pills were advertised | Mahood's. She used them and! cured her. She became strong | well, her appetite is good and nined five . pounds. Kidney Pills are certainly an | not | We give could | wonld Mr they over Sold by dealers. Price, 50c. The R. Booth company, limited, \ sole Canadian agents, | | i i | Fort Erie, { "My | = finish, for $45. Is to pl¢ase our customers. cess and makes us friends. These hel SHERRI RRR k IHHIOIRIOK HA ARAL Ls AAR FH Ghe Main Idea and Object This brings us suc- We do it with our little prices, with our big as- sortment, with our fine qualities and grades. Our low prices show you how to save your dollars. Mission Dining Room Sett, 8 pieces, early English 230 Princess Street. Telephone, 577 Mahogany Parlor Suites, 3 pieces, $25 to 45.00, best: silk covering. China Cabinets for $18 to 65.00. Robt. J. Rei