Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Sep 1908, p. 13

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"NY MEDNE THAT iD ME. OF COBALT. THE GANDY TOWN SUGAR STICK CHIEF VICE tub of ice cream; and soda water in the cylinder and in the case; dozens upon dozens of bottles, and huge cases, which, in the nature of the things, must have contained candy. And the result of it all is that Co- balt--that is, ¥ven downtown Cobalt-- has a clean, wholesome smell of its own, Nowhere is there the odor of THE DAILY It is Also Considered "Real Devil- ish" to Drink Pop--Mining Centre Without Crime. stale beer, such as you can get on any side street fifty feet from the business avenue in a large city. And there are no loud oaths, no wrangles, no crimes, IS PETERING OUT FRANCE IS SLOWLY BUT STEADILY DYING. Is the Only Country in the World Where the Deaths Exceed the Births. BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1908. A BRILLIANT PERORATION, Sir Wilfrid's Call to the Leader- . ship. The Premier at Strathroy; "It 1s now twenty years since I as- sumed the leadership of the Liberal party, or, to put it more exactly, it is now twenty years since the too great pattiality of my friends in the House of Commons put upon my shoulders the rekponsibility of leading the Liberal party in the whole of Canada. I would 1 casas OF CAMADA For Your Children's Education Start a special Saviags Account at once with the Sas ah hose iY 600" Paris; Sept. 26.--The steadily pro- Standard Bank, and keeg adding small amouits' to it Toronto World, "Fruit-a-tives! Cured Backache After Doctors Failed Utterly. "1 have received most wonderful benefit from taking "Frult-a-tives."" 1 suffered for ycars from backaches and pain in the head and I consulted doctors and took every remedy ob- tainable without any relief. Then 1 began taking "Fruit-a-tives" and this was the only medicine that ever did me any real good. I took several boxes altogether, and now I am en- tirely well of all my dréadful head- aches and backaches. I take "Fruit- a-tives" occasionally still, but I am quite cured of a trouble that was said to be incurable. I give this testi. mony voluntarily, in order that others who suffer as I suffered may try this wonderful medicine and be cured." Mrs. Frank Eaton, Frankville, Ont. Be wise. Profit by Mrs. Eaton's example, and start with "Fruit-a- tives." They will quickly relieve Pain in the Back, and stop Headaches be- cause they keep bowels, kidneys and skin in perfect order and insure the blood being always pure and rich. "Fruit-a-tives' is now put up in the as well as the regu- lar 50c boxes All dealers should have both sizes. If yours does' not, write Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. new 26¢ trial size GOODY TWO SHOES Never wore as pretty. a bit of foot- Wear as our Good $2.50 Shoes for Ladies They have the style, quality and ability of many shoes that sell for third to one-half more money. I'hey come in several styles and will be glad to show them to you. H. JENNINGS, King St. NATURE AND 'S WORK dur- one- we Nature and a woman's work com bined have produced the ndest remedy for woman's ills t the world has ever known. In' the good old-fashioned days of our grandmothers they relied upon the roots and herbs of the field to cure disease and mitigate suffering. The Indians on our Western Plains to-day can produce roots and herbs for every ailment, and cure diseases that baffle the most skilled physicians who have spent years in the study of drugs. From the roots and herbs of the field Lydia E. Pinkham more than thirty years ago gave to the women of the world a remedy for their pe- culiar ills, more potent and effica- cious than any combination of drugs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is now recognized as the standard remedy for woman's ills. Mrs. J. M. Tweedale, 12 Napanee Street, Toronto, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: 1 was a great sufferer from female troubles, had Hoss dreadful ois down pains, an uring my mon! riods 1 suffered so 1 had ey to ny doctored for a long time but the doc tor's treatment failed to help me. My husband saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound advertised and got a bottle for me. I commenced its nseand soon felt better. I kept on taking it until I was well and an entirely differ ent woman. I also found that ia EB. Pinkham's Yeteiable Compound made childbirth much easier for me. I would recommend your Vegetable Compound to overy woman who is afflicted with female troubles." What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound did for Mrs. Tweodals, Cobalt, Sept. 23.~This town Cobalt, for instance, has its vices, somchow, there in these shadeless, grassless towns which makes strong mean yearn for things which they would shun in Fifth- avenge or in the little New England villages whence many of the silver seekers hail. Cobalt in its excesses, however, is inventive rather than imi- tative, and although the camp is only five years old it already has invented two new methods of debauch entirely unknown at Creede or Cripple Creek or any other mining camp. Already in twenty buildings and shacks and log huts the high priests of the new mining vices minister to the votaries. This makes one such place for every seven hundred and fifty men, women and ver output. 15 has other points of interest besides its sil- something for the miners, big, burly chaps, or the refined college bred engineers, in- stead of fighting booze, eat candy and it is decidedly open to question if they would care or dare to eat it so brazenly in Fifth-avenue as they do in Main- street, Cobalt, The Origin Of Woman. Philippines Gossip. . According to a Hindoo legend, this this is the proper origin of women: Twashtri, the god Vulcan of the Hin- doo mythology, created the world, but on his commencing to create woman, he discovered that for man he had ex- hausted all his creative materials, and that not one solid element had been left. This, of course, greatly perplexed Twashtri, and caused him to fall into a profound meditation. When he arose from it he proceeded as follows: He children within five miles of silver ore. |¢ And the traffic which is enriching Am- ericans, -English, Canadian, French and even Polish purveyors is carried on with flagrant openness. The evi- dence of the previous night's excesses are piled high on the rough hard side- walks for all to see. * The habit seizes not merely the rough miners--young college men, the mining engineers of the camp, scions of great families, and graduates of the world's famous technological schools can be seen furtively chewing the thing they have bought from the prosperous twenty. The other thing comes in bot- tles. Of this traffic the Canadian Gov- ernment must have cognizance; some of its school teachers have it, the people hint, but the government raises no finger to prevent and allows the Temis- kaming and Northern Ontario Railroad to make good freight returns from the traffic. Even, it is said, the little chil- dren in the public schools patronize these places, and the teachers recog- nize it by early rotting teeth and upset stomachs and general dulness. What are these strange, uncommon |} vices of Cobalt camp? Simply candy |} and soda water. For Cobalt; which tenderfeet approach with the idea that [4 they are to be made dance to the tune of revolvers on the very railroad sta- tions; is distinguished by the num- |g ber of candy and soda water stores | patronized, by the dissipating silver miner. By actual count there are twen- |; ty candy stores in Cobalt; in places |, five and six to a block, or as near a block as the infrequency ~ of cross |g streets allow. And they are orderly, |, quiet, law-abiding candy stores, without |, even so much as an automatic piano |g in them to grind out irreverent music. ed to the miners' dance halls and grog- || geries. He is told that there are no such places. If he wishes excitement |, he may go to the Salvation Army bar- racks or to the three moving picture stores, If he wants inward exhilaration, he has the choice of a nut sundae, or a |} chocolate soda, or a bottle of prilla," or candy. And in the candy |e line he can get anything, from the lolly- on a stick to the bonbons he sends his |b best girl on Christmas. Liquor oons are not allowed in Cobalt; the dives were driven out years ago. There |g are a few "blind pigs," you are told, but they are few and far between. On |d a Sunday, when the mines are closed |t and ten thousand men are amusing themselves, the crowd gathers about the drug store across the street from the bank, munches candy or smokes, and b listens to the Salvation Army, In the forenoon it goes to the five churches in town. Many go on excursions to fish at Temagami, or run up to Hailey- bury and at train time the stations are crowded. The returning trains in the vening, however, bring no riotous, irunken crowds. They are as orderly | ¢ is when they went. And in the his- i tory of the town there has never been 1 case of larceny involving as much 1s $100. The jeweler leaves his wares wut all of Sunday in an unbarred win- dow. { This: seemed incredible. So the visi- ir to Cobalt tried to tgap one of the ugineers at La Rose who showed him t rich trench, "I suppose when you ran across that you had a large celebration?" "Not that you'd notice it,] was he reply. "This camp is mining on in industrial 'rather than a firewater ind six-shooter basis. And if you wanted to celebrate in the ordinary sense of the term you'd have to leave Cobalt, unless you can acquire a soda water jag. If you please, this camp is yart and parcel of the effete east. Why thout a year ago, when there was a trike of the men at some of the mines, ne of the superintendents who had some from the west wanted to put in in armed force to protect his property This idea was generally regarded as eing a good joke. There wasn't any ittempt at violence and you had to read he local newspaper to know that the strike was still on. Candy? Sure, they ll eat it" - The visitor had had policemen tell him that there was "nothing in it" be- fore he went to Cobalt, so he took a 'ook for himself. Up and down the strange streets here a sheet tin shack 'rowded a log 'cabin, which in turn leaned against a sort of Coney Island frame store, he went one Sunday, his ar pricked for the sound of feet danc- ng and for the festive note ofthe nelodeon fiddle and piano. In all the own he heard but one musical sound, which proved to be a young 'mining engineer playing on his boarding house piano. Beyond this all was quiet. Well Iressed men and few neat, domestic looking women were in the streets, minding their own business. A dress maker and a millinery store accounted for the women's appearance; some half lozen tailor shops, which "pressed 'em while you wait," told the story of -reased trousers. Half a dozen barber shops explained the habitant's glorious- ly waxed moustache and the pervading dor of bay rum. J The Jincoming express that evening further told the story. From the bag- gage car were thrown off hundreds of sarcels , which made a great heap on he station platform Many of the »arcels were Re Toronto tailors of Iressmakers. ere were pieces of machinery for 'the mines, packages of ne c Newfoundland, %iji, performed heroism. steaming from the MacGregor--a man of gripped by its clothes in his teeth. the beauty of health. . auty "sass- [Don't endure pimples, boils, blotches, sal- | Pills and remove maker. much more The largest property may be wrested something for buys a cushion for his pew. ook : The roundness of the moon. The undulating curve of the serpent. The graceful twist of the creeping plant, The light shivering of the grass- blade and the slenderness of the willow. The velvet of the flowers. The lightness of the feather. The gentle gaze of the doe. The frolicsomeness of the dancing sunbeam. inconstancy of the wind. timidity of the hare, tears of the cloud. vanity of the peacock. hardness of the diamond. cruelty of the tiger. The chill of the snow, The cackling of the parrot. The cooing of the turtle dove. All these he mixed together The The The The The The and formed a woman. And he presented her to the man. Was Remarkable Heroism. Sir William MacGregor, Governor of 30 years ago, while Jolding the post of medical officer in a remarkable feat of A shipful of Indian coolies ad been wrecked about twelve hours' capital, and Dr. vast physical trength--who headed the relief party, 'lambeted along a broken mast which gave access to the vessel and returned gain and again with a man or woman n his back, and sometimes a child His however, was the rescue reatest feat, f who had fallen onto a tf a woman eef below, and who, having got at the pirits, was mad with drink. who tried to save her were swept out [he stranger in town asks to be direct- | to sea, but young MacGregor, Iwo men lower- ng himself down a rope, seized the knot of the woman's hair in his teeth nd dragged her up to life again. Don't Forfeit Good Looks. There is no beauty so attractive as It is a kind of almost any one can have. te. They not only mar personal ap- pearance but are signs of dangerous disorder, Wade's Iron Tonic (Laxative) cure the blemishes the cause. They are a strengthener and blood boxes, 25c/, at Wade's Money back if not sa- lood reat nerve In rug store. isfactory. The Best Inheritance. Property left to a child may soon e lost, but the inheritance of virtue-- If those who toiling for wealth to leave their hildren would take half the pains to ecure for them virtuous habits how serviceable would they be! rom a child, but virtue will stand by im to the last done he imagines he's the church when Many a man The remedies most people recom- mend they do not use themselves. vein recently uncovered by a SHE PATIENTLY BORE DISGRACE A Sad letter from a lady whese Husband was Dissipated. How She Cured Him with a Secret Remedy. "1 had for years patiently borne the disgrace, suffering, misery and privations due to my husband's drinking habits. Hearing of your marvellous remedy for the cure of drunkenness, which I could give my husband secretly, I decided to try it. I procured a Sage and mixed itin bis food and ee, and, as the remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not know what it was that so quickly relieved his craving for liquor. He soon in to pick up flesh, his appetite for seturned, $2 stuck to his work regularly, and we uS# have a happy home. After he was completely cured I told him what I had done, when he acknow! that it had been his saving, as he had not the resolution to break off of his own accord. I hereby advise all 'women afflicted as I was to five your remedy a trial." 9% and pamphlet g full Free Package oor loils Sri and price sent in plain sealed envelope. Cor- respondence sacredly confidential. Address: THE SAMARIA REMEDY CO, ! Jordan Chambers, J an St., Toroato, una. breakfast food and condensed milk, jt will do for other suffering women, can 'after can of fresh milk, tub after s¢Also For Sale at Henry Wade's Drug Store, Kingston." rr gressive decline in the birth rate of France is a subject of constant pre- occupation among political economists. Certainly a statistical review of the situ- ation published in Opinion by M. de Foville, member of the institute and president of the Academic des Sciences Morales et Politiques, accentuates the mational gravity of the question. The latest figures prove that France as a nation is slowly but surely dying. In 100 years the birth rate has fallen from 32 per 1,000 to 19.7, and at the present moment, for the first time in history, and in France alone among na- tions, the deaths exceed the births. Since the twentieth century began the decline has continued at the fol- lowing alarming rate: Excess of births over deaths, 1902, 84,000; 1903, 73.000; 1904, 57,000; 1905, 37,000; 1906, 27,000. Last year 1907, there were 20,000 more deaths than births. The official returns are 704,000 and 774,000 under these respective heads. The word "depopulation," M. de Fo- ville _oints out, is therefore no exag- geration. Is it, he asks, the beginning of the end? At this rate, France will soon be ripe for invasion. It is the only fate waiting a country which is capable of supporting 80,000,000 inhabi- tants and is content with half that number. In another twenty years there will be two Germans for every French- man, As to the causes, the writer contends that they are political and economic as well as moral. The law is lax in re- gard to certain criminal practices, it has made divorce ridiculously easy, and it winks at pernicious teachings. Noth- ing. in fact, is being done to arrest the gradual extinction of a great race. BITTERLY FOUGHT CAMPAIGN. Both Parties Confident of Success at Polls. Montreal Star. . St. Johns, Sept. 24.--Morris or Bond? Which? Such 1s the question which is now agitating the public mind. It is personal to a great extent, inasmuch as few vital principles of public policy are at stake. Newfoundland may be re- garded as a large and flourishing busi- ness concern, with a staff that has been so accustomed to control, that abuses have crept in. The present chief has had eight years to make good. His opponents declare that government has become a mere name; that his sup porters arc merely recorders of the leader's will, and that dry-rot, ineffi- ciency and mismanagement characterize every department. They ask for a change of staff and in a manifesto published last spring, Sir Edward Mor- ris laid before the country a program. me that is essentially democratic. The old lines of Conservative and Liberal have been obliterated. Sir Robert Bond has, in his executive, standard- bearers of the old Conservative party, whilst the Liberal Old Guard, of which Sir Edward Morris is the sole survivor, is working hand in hand with the true- blue Conservatives, in the effort to overthrow a government which he and they alike, are agreed has forfeited all claim on the public confidence. Hither- to the government has remained wholly on the defensive, but it is probable that within a few days that an aggressive campaign will commence and last un- til the poll is declared, somewhere about the first week in November, Not in the memory of the present " " lem oe p q- . . . a good name, an unblemished reputd-|gencration has a more vigorous fight jion--will abide forever. are been fought. The newspapers have been engaged in campaign Wolk since February last, and there appears no "let up" in their efforts. The leader of the people's party, Sir Edward Mor- ris, is a good campaigner. He is not only an indefatigable worker, but his is that rare faculty in a leader, of making himself the friend of his supporters, as well their chieftain Sir Robert Bond has all the prestige of possession, and is, moreover, a speaker of much power and eloquence. He has swayed audiences in the past, and it has not yet been shown that his tongue has lost its persuasive force The government appear to be relying mainly, upon three pleas--the question of confederation with the Dominion of Canada, the anti-Reid cry, and the ap- peals to the prejudices of a Protestant majority, the leader of the people's party being a Roman Catholic. As to the first, Sir Edward is as opposed to confederation as Sir Robert. The Reid cry has also largely lost its efficacy. Men have learned that the future of the Colony runs parallel with the suc- cess or failure of railway conduct or extension, They resent control by contractor or monopolists, and would repudiate with almost unanimity any efforts made to give undue influence to wealthy corporations; at the same time they are wearied of cries that are wholly at variance with the facts, and know too well the disastrous results which have sprung from the meddling with the contract of 1808. Sectarian appeals too are losing their influence. Men have lived for twenty years in amity, and aré learning to appreciate that a man counts for what he is, and not for the altar at which he kneels. The pivot on which the election will turn will probably be local issues, and general dissatisfaction, resulting from the low price of fish. as Glass Discovery. Technical World Magazine. We all know that there is one pane of plass for the rich and another for the poor, known respectively as plate and sheet glass. And while both have essentially the same composition, they differ greatly in the purity of the ma- terials used and the method of manufac- ture. Until a few years ago sheet glass-- the windowpane of the multitude-- owed its origin to the blower's breath. But in 1003 John H. Lubbers of Allegheny, Pa, invented a window glass blowing machine which was des- crived as "the newest marvel in the industrial affairs of this country." And now under another Pennsylvanian, Irving W. Colburn of Franklin, Pa, has gone one better and perfected--at a cost of $200000--a machine which makes glass without blowing it at all-- enables one man and two boys lo effi- ciently perform the work of thirteen skilled mechanics. , - f " ¢ 3 surns it out in a continuous sheet and have wished at that time---my friends kwow 1 was quite sincere--I would have wished that the burden, the duty, the honor, had been intrusted to some- owe from the great banner province of Ontario. 1 would have followed with enthusiasm the leadership of Mr. Mac- kenzie, of Mr. Blake, or of any other worthy man, but wheén the too great partiality of my friends chose me to be the standard-bearer, I promised to dedi- cate to the task the whole of my life, of my soul, of my body--and that I have done. _ "My days cannot be very long now, But whether they are long or short, 1 shall ever (treasure as the most holy thing in my life, if 1 may say so, the confidence which has been placed in me byt mén who are mot of my own kith and kin. But, though they were not of my own kith and kin, they know t*at iljeir rights were just as sacred to me as the rights of my own people, 1 hive endeavored to maintain that prin- ciple; to demonstrate that the Liberal party is broad enough' and Liberal nciples_large enough to give shelter aiyd anequal share of justice and liberty toi all men, no matter what their creed or. origin. This is the feeling which has animated me, and this is the feeling which shall animate me to the end. My life cannot be very long now, but when it: comes to the end, if my eyes close upon a more united Canada than I fotind 20 years ago when I became the leader of the Liberal party I shall be- lieve that 1 have not lived in vain, and 1 shall die in peace and happiness." The Irish Of It. Té&ronto Saturday Night. ! The Minister of Agriculture for the fair province of Alberta is Irish. It is hardly necessary to label him after reading the following: This son of Erin was down at Ma- grath, in the south-western corner of the province, where he was addressing the farmers. In the course of his re- marks, he urged upon them the neces- sity 'of following a line of "mixed farm- "carry all their eggs in one basket." Then came a display of the Emerald in these words: . "We must always look FORWARD for something to f4ll BACK on." In the absence of u mirror it would appear rather paradoxical. A Lesson In English. A Philadelphia capitalist went to Chicago and was very much disgusted with the Chicago accent. "You speak," he said to a Chicagoan, "a wretched patter, don't you? Bat we : Philadelphians, I've been assured, speak .a very pure English. Ah, how do you account for the difference?" "Well," said the Chicagoan, "the only way I can account for it is' that you Philadelphians entertained the British army a good long time in your town, while we Chicagoans never had any such--er--honor." ing," and told them pot to try and: regularly. Yon will never miss the money. Then, when the child is oid enough your d with the Compound' Interest which we add quarterly, will provide a fond large Think it over. education. It's a good plaa. : enough to give a thorough KINGSTON BRANCH J. S. Tar COR. PRIN Manager AND BAGOT ST». VARICOGELE CURED £2~ NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "Heavy work, severe double varicocele. severe and I tried several money. 1 es. straining and evil habits in . When I worked hard the ag often 16 wp for a week at a Pipsition wid an opération was my only o to my boss tion, e taken treatment from them himself and knew brought on a JY tamily but I dreaded "but soon found out Shey wanted Was my look all doctors as better me why I was off work so much advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy & HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent and most serious d life blood of the victim and unless entire! complications. Beware of Mercury. METHOD cures all blood di the very iseases. They eradicated from the system will bh serious only suppresses the sym our NEW senses. YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MEN.--Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken down your system. danger signals? READER Are YOUa victims dive Jou TREATMENT will cure you, You feel the sym; cally, and vitally you are not the man you used to be or ns ing over you, Mental hysi- should + will you joo The lost hope? Are you intending tomarry? Fas Have you any weakness' Our New Merson What it has done for others it will do for you. tion Free. No matter who has treated ou write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. ( Books Free-- "The Golden Monitor,' FREE FOR HOME TREA' lustrated) on Diseases of NO NAMES' USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. on boxes or envelopes. Ryarythine confidential. i Men. No names list and cost of Treatmvent &KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Surgical Aids to the Afllicted Hip To relieve. the pa's -- support the spine -- Splints make welling aw and assist in curing the trouble -- we recommend the Thomas Hip Splint for hip disease. Iasy to adjust -- quickly put on and off -- and lends welcome aid ye afflicted. Made to order specially and a perfect fit assured, "Friend to Frie Authors & Cox 135 Church Se. Toronto. Bet. 1860. If you are afflicted in any way, write us about your case. We have brought comfort and health to many who were apparently " crippled for life," or able to move only by the aid of crutches. To-day they walk, run and evem skate. We can probably help you. Write us. 9 nd 9 "Pandora" Thermometer towel drying. y - L Enamelled Steel LONDON, TORONTO, MONTRE, : 4 "The 'housewife' features I have mentioned mean Maximum Serv- + ice, and you get i them at Mini- mum Cost in "You're going to be married, girlie, and want me to rec- ommend a range. "Pandora" Emery Rod and Towel Drier. "Pandora" Fire-bex and Grates. "Well, the important part of a range to a woman is the Oven. This should be made of steel so as to properly absorb, retain, circulate and dispose of heat from the fire-box. Meats will then be firm, yet juicy, and biscuits, etc, sufficiently raised, with crust even all around. % "The Fire-box should be substantially made, be wide, roomy, and allow perfect freedom for the manipulation of the grates. "An Emery Rod and Towel Drier helps the house- wife with her knife sharpening and "An accurate Ther- mometer can be set at the neces- sary heat required for a baking and will save you all sentry duties. "The Reservoir should be constructed of steel, lined with white enamel, so as never to burn out or rust out. 3 : } 'Pandora' Range." ¥ AL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, N.B., HAMILTON, CALGARY. FOR SALE BY LEMMON & SONS.

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