PAGE FOURTEEM THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1008. A ROYAL DIANA z=] OMING to AMERICA - -- EE -- ------ -- Duchess of Ven- dome to T'ry Her [Skill With the 2 RY GHrzeld Lome, 2%. A. er 2 Cree Lar i 3 one allHer A705. "On but one occasion was I ever regu- So tl / mes ce to United lan « ite direction to some higher |got to the bottom I don't know ; but, as | larly charged by.a grizzly tates nos i 1 ¢ t iey are ferag, and thus escape from a spot where, | soon, as we did, and could pull up the | "To this animal 1 had given a mortal x ring ething without wings, egress seemed impossible. horses, we got off to settle with the foe." | wound, and, without any effort at retal list 101 ich attac to a royal | When reaching upward on it egs, ey killed the huge beast at last. ation, he bolted inte thicket of what, | pr \ the for fs resting on righer When we came to skin him, we found | | ih my hurry, thoug was laurel--i out roy . t 1 lover a dozen holes in him. How many | being c« sed, in reality suppose, rves, whil lu A nly lable distance, and, u ring, | we drilled into space in the bear's vi of thick-grow 1 1 al so do l idquarters a | it story does not relate. Considering "On my followi him ind gi ed Stat | I ther, who evel with t res the body. So, with t one of the trap-gun balls had shat him a sec woune e « 1 i 1s arned {a v fs « together, the chamois d the bear's fore shoulder, and the determinedly, tak t lle thout}a living in hia, uring S ill stand poi a point of rock not {other barrel had sent two balls through | fhnching. 1 just escaped the ch 3 | exile there, teachin y broader th ur hand. On narrow. | the upper part of his chest, the immense | jumping to « , and he died almost 16 *h inherited « 1 of the | overhanging ledges, some thousand fect | vitality of a grizzly is well illustrated." | mmmediately aft st at me as he limmens i" left by her fatl the | high; they wal nd gaze about, enjoy-| 'That is a fair and very honest picture | rushed by. unt Flanders, 20 nly | tl scurity fr irsuit which such | of the biggest game the duchess of Ven- | "This bear charged with his mouth r. The le 1 three little | spots afford dome hopes to find in the United States | open, but made very le noi ter the { daughters and : 1, the r only 21 When one hears that the energetic | She has behind her as good a record as growl or roar with which he grected my Jyears ol duchess, during one day's chase of the jany woman hunter ever earned in Eu second bullet." royal family affairs of Belgium {chamois in the valley of the Gesso, bag President Roosevelt wrote that t ad got s¢, the Duke of Ven 1 1an a dozen of those unap Will' she take take it back with her? wn account, in his own plain, direct § dome wuld h: been the heir apparent | proachable : acrobats, some notion | Will she, well as her reputation, go yle_ of narrative, of that thrilling : ) wpold's thr ; but Prince f p tress can be back in condition as good as they came? 7 >. > --~ venture--ati sounter with the terrible | hi ( t i . The American grizzly has ended, re LC T7272 oo Corre grizzly bear at cl uarter d t th « ud t ntent him f she succeed in as many puta s high, and has torn to pieces | ? 1 1 ; 1 > 7 A Se > A The handsome d Ro ndome | self with the pleasures of a n nens of the 1sive grizzly, 1 ar more tough than the dainty 8 LACHES eC 5" may have read it r s 1 n tl mar mad l hunti d S il far better than the majorit f | duch of Vendome 3 - ' 1 1 1 i No is his ehoice of reading of one of the most gerous h ig | habitual haunt, and his d r mherit- {ardent an | I { the difhicult expeditions that huntre Ve ( d his taste fangerous rt d bo Fare | matter ; took--the que the ferocious l ler sits have been i fou he ovcadnites re sha is] i, REMARKABLE \ CELEBRATION. No Christ in his favorite amusement im his native rican wilds g ' er yv. she | 1 uch fame 1 | find that or ty ne: ah fl ---- aig } Amd only; little of Chri ti his head If het mec ill and % pos ion {ana a osevelt h r 1 . hserve resident oosevelt | Taken Part in By 30,000 Gilber- Well, what has he, then, that the com in crise tand her mn perfect mt is in the « y | "the ; avag p ard] Tr tese Christians. monest sinner has I t { the coral island of Apaiang, the Gilbert group, 5000 wiles on the church roll --on-the-hst-ot-con agility ese var chances arc that that ardent rtsmat n grizzly marks he I le ri trict; an t « r s all tl S uthwest San Francisco, the mail | the duke o ndonu lose a vi k of one district will s to ha t br ht news of a--remarkablc congenial AHH , r B | ration last November, : good for his np and ti tel s | ther VE uch per ion over the r rom t « 1 another 1 erican Cyclopedia said of ntitle him one of th « } t pri heir ter rot usly desperate stag | district." a a in 1859: They 1 tian reigting hou leer 1h Kile oman he: ! ut. one thi ert tt or v | JSS , cruel, treacherous. But her \ lakes fot: of 1 on . . Hf io ok Ok OR chances more against £1 ¢ ideal cangfla for the post « famil luchess of ¢ { st as! casionally." In November, 1 rian I aig : ' a ' | Rev: Hiram "Bingham and wife 1 \ Th don nost_ce 18 beast | ment : j yt ve is i it Apaiang, and began their work by : {tion on t n redu its language to writing She rmed to o ft rible ch The semi-centenial of this event was | he me the Unite ( tag's | which wi tined 't dof n | commemorated 20,000 Gilbertese | abundant entrance tion his fic » it 1 md him. One |; Iy 1 We year tr the | Christians, whose pastors were trained -- Africa hety lear field in the | bullet fr her | 1 ih reer, : tl "hoe foun by Dr. Bing: | trail of his old exploit t ckie vd ropean sporting folk have been V' A Bailli.Grohn who 1 ant | Mam. with the he book e- | ON THE SABBATH DAY His ting ¢ impulse of his [her admirers sinc extensively in t reat Northwest 1 by him and Mrs. Bingham. S r---- - " - = picttresqu ! lity, hav n a jut, as rat ( t merois yme st f tl tality of the | more native pastors w or Sunday School Times Takes Up a D0 Ler A207 oF Cowie Wie Europe, hci a mrs ye Ee oe oe estion, oe JTvesess HAY Lrrcond ss some 2,000 oks in'. Exponent able Europe ide 4 Wh rs « I : 11 1s of nero nd of So Whe rs : a : s a driand 'fof : / ravaltv and nobilit . . v duty orciano, in It me : ut as nea "My trans COMP ns were in the silhert The islanders have ir valued contemporary, the Sunday he Lovell vr Ibe. hing more to the glorious nam » should suddenly die, he would Christian burial, and these : bout -him would be sure landed yto be mentioned in the funeral sermon, 1 to the bereaved family 1 i urance that str itt wy, with an [ the | tig ti a The du enthusiast been wail some 11,000 copies of Mr. Bing- | School es,»was asked by for men A Fal ran 1 y 1 r | i as any 1 « v og an d « translation of the scriptures ng tuck of rapid growth to the excellent t after bits he may her beast aliv the charg f barreled vit ATT ut n A touching letter af thanksgiving re- | ek the Sabba t } hag skets i 1 twelve to twenty feet, from hold his v of the I wild boar is fi 1 T tl wif s I half: theit nd ded with two r + what he had done for them [tl nth d: S S 1 he | np cnaacmd in tilling 1 or | which th tassel-like flowers sprout deer ' mains of hospi roval- | 1 tible 1 t of its onsla spheri \ nd 1 when "the minds of the | first « of the week is er called a |, tine the hatve hich ¢ fortl is great flower stalk draws ty he ends in the pages e duches f lome h roved | w vit juarter of dec¥® 1s- | people re very dark," was dJispatch- | Sabbath in the Bible. Isit a fact that | pe, ap and vigor from the body of the maga ¢ an exe i \ I } If as a 1 I and | plaved 1 | y tl tr seized th > | ¢ 1 to » veteran missionary by he Sabbatl : ven t e Jews, not | hich soon wi hers and dies. acquired s of 'the accomplishme han boars : 1 is to YCrons . th barrel ould discharge their | churche assembled at tl » the Ge , and if il in force the thick green leaye of & gentle } . velt, '01 cer to nlof the ézar r 1 mto his bre or throat. Since 1873, the climate of Apaiang hay 1 I it i r ith ¢ 1 1 endurable, Dr. | 1¢ Suck cach contrary, | rulet Of all dealt wind So THE ICC COLD CHRISTIAN when t } k ' 1 rele ® : ol btab yriz B . the bear was 1 followed bh nth ay: ict Sik} ray ' well of nt a | bit 3 ther : Xe Fens Rleaberh Low. * ged : Ron ! et we | May Be in Good Standing, But ms to have a detail of |, er nto th 1 Ve weve oi the, mo cess. Elizabeth of Biv, now | phew tothe aged Emperor of knew: | cont sprung the evening Bow Does Hs Live ? ominérative. n aan ney, gain time tn ood Boy that we don. ms a couple vou . Wi ' k \ nd, can mak : nimal « 1 survive sucl 3. it 14.C 4 } mem h of S shot t © Vof the wird ic dle NE i o at mother C id may be a1 levot holly to d the baie thas} by 5 1 +} 1 1 o do with the maki dirclic | l y t ; i wife start + y wi 1 1 : the : lispet x : a . 38 So ma : : sorry for some p ; their t 1 tl Part : 1 hardy rf 1 gy How that? 2. H \ quite u ti} § first d under oi +3 Aiea ance of the ancestors they inherited, 1 1 { 1a.d ' . hen t } 12 T inor can d biov S 0 Persist ala Biuth jstence % goes ahead. of SUCerNS, «ic! It's Your Liver That + | Makes You Constipated : The bowels move only when the liver gives up enough bile, To correct Constipation, you must correct the torpid, ii ADI I sluggish liver. ] early Christian church o ve The Odd Century Plant. { Abbey's Salt regulates the 1¢ d he cl was ma Technical World Magazine vil bowels by regulating the liver, or ou S ! lisnce to the exiy 2] th » Centur t' named - be- | It makes the liver active and { politics' and to prove to the ause of tl pular t it blooms | healthy -- cure Constipation-- p and is a tonic for the whole Never hesitate to ask pour docior aboui system. Ager's Cherry Pectoral, Itis a regularmedi- § | tire) ated from Ju cine, a strong medicine, a docior's medicine. - It would be very interestitiz' to know ow many years your family physi- cian bas prescribed Ayer's Cherry + g y For ke p v ra Pectora! for coughs, colds, and all § | unique st 1 for cereal t forty to fifty yea many i of lung troubles. Ask himh the } | for, acorns ar ert ey gather in Psy f th a tive 1¢ you see him. We know } 1 1 zs being scarce a \ re it*is called hysicians who have used it for over § | adobe k-maki: f reari- | Maguey he pla S'1es print half a century. J.C. Ayer Co., | | some process redmen gather hund- fthe national drink © Mex At ' = reds of thousands .of green willow time of blooming the plant throws up a ¢ From Willows. Lgenial climat®. of ! | . maturity 21 think he How we