YEAR 76--NO. 227. KIVGSTON ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1908. HASKELL HITS Some of Charges "Joke on Roose- velt's Stupidi ty." Okle pt. N. Haskell h [ment in reply to President letter Witliam J, with four ific charges Haskell, namely' that the Standard Oil; tehild labor bill; that gives Cree Indian allowed politic s to an het the and | BACK. | WITH MAD(AT - Policeman Had Stremuous Battle With It. IN TENEMENT HOUSE Guthrie, Charles ) OVernor issued a ' (Nineteen Lives 'Crushed Out Roosey deali Mi vient to dryvan, spec against he subser that vetoed a he dealt ten lands, 18 } 1 to he y in ar he had him the removal of at ulty of the state "appointment otl me 'mhbe rs universigy, to mn of ol ers succeed | lum Governor Haskell took up the four | ON charges as dwelt ™upon by President | AGO. Roosevelt in turn, dealing with -- i a characteristic manner, . " | The Prairie Oil and Feline, Which Was Petted BY | charges, Governor Haskell declared Children, Does Them Great In-'},, 4 "joke on Roosevelt's stupidity, jury--The Final Outcome of asserting that he had done nothing Desperate Struggle. which would confer upon the Standard Car Was Swept By : 10il subsidiary company author- New York, Sept. 26.--P. ! press Car. {ity than it already possessed under a | ads , : : s rs N . uniform torn to threads, franchise granted it by United Sts Livingston, Mont. children victims . ates. : . ing through a' snow ' xd Se of the Interior Hitchcock. |p oo 0 Chicas scratches and fifteen yound, a deago badly seratched the | Quincey passenger train, work performed by an the Northern Malian . ourtl 00 terday, crashes 1wad-on Jn - Hu Bs rth foge Sacrificed to Get a Cinematograph ay at Youar's Poiot, vesterday afternoon. Picture. | trains were to pass, and killed after ~The molition ensuing nineteen fired, having entered of crushed out and a Ihe animal was a pet taken action | persons were injured, Adolph Finkelstein in the flat and one of parents wore gave birth to week IN NEW YORK A FEW DAYS each | Gas company to Plowing Through to a Freight--The " i - . more Kram's two four Sept. storm, Jurlin run year-old many cretary hoy was the infuriated fe of a tenement street here The cat was shots had its body. in the family and had been |matograph company for an act of un- | fatally. child of their brutality to a horse | The freight neighbors, while | series of pictures called inal the shopping Revenge carriage prevent litter of Ww te of which cliff s. {pr ear pictures je- jand most An old ol | Juries arrviags over of the to em. } ---------------------- DELAYED RESTITUTION. a HORSE DRIVEN OVER CLIFF. on on 3 Ww i 1 Society Ani- a cine French Cruelty alnst been | Paris, 26 {for the Sept twenty Prevention 81X to score ! has 'of left own the pet about flag passenger the collision, the blinding telescoped of the of persons mdn failed train in it is Snow the fatalities in preceden ted In a Lov hy with a their out I'he drawn the The % a kittens the chil it rush 'cause dashed to pie not 'fake horse harne driven hor of a Se a een ) over a edge n he 8s sm The ture to n the obtain four ago, an 18 were blind really dren had incessantly fondled, i sacl o are Ye with car + The | the the away. Not a escaped death or other bruises, Among the Col. Bronson, Charles E | tri t passenger railway. in while playing mother, leaped on her her floor, lacerated dug its then bit her fternoon the terday « was the Kittens, a moment's warnin of the alighting Her garments protected the child: fell to the madly, the feline with its claws the fe Th ed on the other the hand. With the wounds and children ran tracted the neighbors, 88 was expr oar platform of the superstructure without © <lifis neat Boulogne at one smoking £ wepf t chest t, put | LONG hriek her eth girl che the injury. ns | passenger in Dollar stricken tock, Ont Prince " From Conscience-,; Unknown : Sept. 26.--Henry street, received a ned, but the wri Schofield forward closed, to his had red cents | had | convi 1 restitu- | from ! into | Gets and te animal turn Wood | Schofield, letter. It ter asked | dollar { father, [ifteen Irom recently ton, long dead are: Utah Johnson, agent child and on t which the ng unsig Nr was er write by 4 g I'he religious f his mi to has their | the at the ap blood streaming from terribly frightened, from the flat attention ol Policeman Kram peared on the I'he policeman battled with the cat | minutes, emptying his re-! times The cat then in another room Kram fight, beating the animal a broom and also using his revolver, and at managed to get two shots into s neck With a yell the animal leaped the window to the fire escape then to the pavement below, The street was crowded to the limit, and great excitement prevailed. To the surprise of the policeman, when he looked out of the he found the cat erouched ground as game ever. With his clothes ripped and out of ammunition he other policeman for assistance two back vard strug Nick and one some of then wrong fifty wi whom -- years wrong ro scene him fully iter come under repenting he desired Schofield letter ol and ¢ Taken. Sept. has war several many refuge stuck to the back with for volver mak ago, Mi the 26.--1 won with Bispham, two childre a hoy of te Mrs. for disre made Philadelphia, pham, the {battle in the lega | Mrs. Caroline R. leustody of their m lof fourteen and cl { Audenried adjudged ons contempt of urt I written agreement took tion ho dea singer, whom came, 1 Maps On Tram Tickets. Sept. 26.--The Lond council introduc nov the on last the anima London, county ruide from has a and of section for convenience travelling the southern ts tramways. On several of the lines | transfer tickets are issued, and in or who should have | der to facilitate the changing of cars ferent periods of the year. {by passengers a diminutive map has |leged that Mrs. Bispham t been printed on the back of the | children without permission | tickets, showing the points where |Bispham's home in | transfer | There was a dramatic A NBRDNEN UE { Clinging to the Bispham got on her HOLD PROPERTY GRANTED || BY CROWN OF FRANCE. them repeatedly, bade them and Nas only parted from the lawyers for Mr. Bispha them from the court room [structions to hdve the Struck For Some 225 the Out. o now i the window, on the as bits ar The ane mto seen is necessa ran to ued boy an SOON the stalwarts the cat another strenuous aged kill it. I'he children hospital, where auterized I'he be to rabie the Pas were and rle chased into ter man to . Béllevue | are now in the body will it it h unds the if children will Institute wi 1 1 decid them « of « again next Mondays On Judy Audenried will |e the Families {, juve them permanently, Were The Bispbhams separated Supply and husband lost oree. determine examined 0 I to the | Medals and When Gave Issued | | Money ed mos teur t ago the div of Grapes Grapes ! & Grapes ! Edward Jenkin hundred pos: inal them two | Three, claim to ini ye 20 province JEPLORABLE STA Luebee, milies In in an grants ol the crown and by Kirt 21.69 de for erbloom H0 Sale of under Waldron 's, I'ry Bibby Peaches Livingstop Ine granted e¢ between hundred yeags ag hn, Char d auspices Due to the Bloodthirsty Extent. Ihe commities 3 quality, peci X15 Edwards & for clothing at farm of thre Cure 1 al suit ism by « | hundred | Headed borg, commit te months un the ter-centenary amine their claims Hof their lands. mot allowed as stra mn ston n fonk Jenkin 26 SOC h Berlin, cratic War Sept. executive the which publi that the country | Goss of DAILY MEMORANDA. Hats and Bros ed on overt { was forme ; : schemes involve In contends the able conse militarism now working 0 ler the vol t ) ex executive, on ! title vote ave, deeds of and the W the xe . hn is 1 the nmi 1 the for oy umely will b juence v ¢ | families wy na mee v the \ he | Who o { h the went, sup the bal obtained. od at 4 a versity, at mot 1 1 plementary enal be I'he Bulgaria Asked to Yield of Railway. 26 uni Con | has | the to tion, | other tantinople, aled to the i Berlin to compe the Eastern Orient P Sept. enant Pelletier t. 'The Abbe Pelletier u ov the Beg included Alphonse Both are Sir Sign appe r treaty « and the ern nm lis by s a gold enamel shield the arms, Cl aratro mn restore of the cross, (principality the strike and the iBulgaria's 15 | dictated by a proclamation shortly independence. families jewel, which railway, History ded Wi Canadian Wilm 26th, 1 refuse afleur, of Seized th reen ersection of Sept 1 a ars, 1 now to Wtitude letermination bearin I with name the 10¢ a ribbon he on suspended from & pink two old of each recipient of the lec greenish-g Stripe ' o eng Ron 1851 dian 18 raved issued it time {back ewel 1894 Sydney 1001 pey in ind Ti 1904--Earl ernor-Ueneral of he Cape Festiy hono Bret it 0 ing. Whi 26.--The ornwa Grey ( Fined $20 For "Local Qption' : Ont., Sept fined" $20 and costs al sold Selling Beer. 26 Special t the Picton, Sept. John Mur- | came warden for Eastern for seli- [fred Hunter, Belleville, option prosecuted three cases of i I'hree prisoners were nets without first I he rang Seven wi anada. SELF SEALERS ALL SIZES IN STOCK AT ROBERTSON BROS. London, rig Wa ng a drink I'he i the Galpn known as was when ing using d it | license percentage of £10 l. This was [cuted in Wellin here dur even uo races in uly, ctor ob fines ed fre similar ton cured a sample, ar s¢ Cases the nalvzed, showing a alcohol sold cent. beer over per Bevan Asks Square Ohio; Sept president is for a month talked al 1S a square J. Bryan, president, in licensed stronge harrooms Cincinnati, ask of the practice he has and t William candidate for this utterance. a president to pic Assassin's Plea To Emperor. t t 26 who life imprisonment here the Empress Eliza- has, to La sent Emperor Francis of his him to authorities into what years I'wice Ge Lucchenti, under the murder of Austria, neva « Sep neva, Sef fo ong t according journal Suisse, ge to the the occasion asking eneva sion to It wa ed, for republ s not the can and nominate other republicans, and square deal for the presi office; which belonged as a party asset. on ma- square s jubilee, inter- the ner jesty 1 G for release. vene with tl it the 8 prise Rush City Burning. Minn., Sept. sola, reported al his 26. -- Rukh | people, burning last men | ot Paul, Minn Early-Rising Reco Dublin, Sept. 26.- resident of Shanklin © day for is City, department, and on is fifty-four Northern fire wine which the ~ EVERYBODY COME. And pick out ye for winter Not too good at TURK'S, "Phone, sent an © Sey John h City, miles wr Stoves ; many. but 705, rise years P sun three acilie ory on railway, to said, raised smoking Pp cars escaped with ¢ Denver, over thr igo when the Bisphams agre children a hurds during were other 26 an was the t stward | | gton ning © y a frei here n the ives of oth several probably to S time I The oking and the ent he a uts a d le BISPHAM GETS CHILDREN. - | Mother on Knees When They Were Javid the his wi i n, gu n. a Jud Bispham arding ed as at It is ook from 1 N Connecticut. e in co knees, good-by them when m to with n hat who col o hres ut yer TE car oyer seats car assenge! Plate Bi fir vears dii- al- mn i di fc SOW STORM Quickly RALWAY COLLISION THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY IN MONTANA. a Snow Storm| and Express Train Crashed In-| Smoking | Ex-| Think He Has ver | es ont the de were | er ig- to w= x= in- | latter | nd nd 18 is- st fe, he irl ge in a to he Ir. { BLUNDER COSTS $750,000. italian Workmen Render Work in Tunnel Useless. Jerlin, Sept 26.--The government lof the Grand Duchy of Baden has | sustained a loss of 8750000 by an ! extraordinary blunder in the con- struction of a railway tunnel near { Forbach. According to the usual custom hill was tunpeled from both ends {the same time, but when both nelled portions were complete found to be ten yards each other. One half of the {tunnel must, therefore, be retunneled. The error is ascribed to ltalian workmen employed in the tunnel, who are accused of having deliberately re- moved % signpost erected by the en- |gineers for the guidance of the nav- | vies. a at tun- they were distant from BACKED BY PRESIDENT. Backing Party. of. the GOVERNOR HI GHER fact that Governor Hughes, York, has been backed by Presi Gent Roosevelt and the entire Taft or ganization, against certain leaders the New York state organization, taken as a sure sign that the big in the republican party believe that | Governor Hughes has the admiration and sympathy of the rank and file hig, party. The governor undoubt Jilly so sincere in his attitude gn the question of rac etrack gambling and, public service corporations that only the bitterest personal enemies of the man question his honesty and ability. His renomination was consid- ered absolutely essential to republican safety in New York state during the present campaign for the presidency. Slaughter Sale Of Grapes. & Jenkin. The ' New | 2 of || i men of is h e ever 2 € To-night. Edwards rt i ok | rt | 5 | 1 n Militar- if as den deplorable he class t n REFUSES TO ABANDON. Tx Up [he atories | Bulg a t which a re aband to laring HUNTER 1S BUSY. ve! ill f taining xD PEC day nn Deal. 'All ) hat he a for = leal democrt ve exp he che k ou him not to 1 al t ¢ lent to rd. Brett, 10 1 bloodthirsty on Part Le to ria Roumanian se he nt m is supposed to be ssi EIGHT PER _CENT. ALCOHOL. | Profecuting Cases of Illegal Fish- all, abhor,' fisherges and | quest, Ontardg Al VY, for to Se I put alf ven i res- Ary one wer a use the ' CURE EFFECTED] (CAN | Anglican Clergy Favor Authoriza- | | | HEAL WITH PRAYER | AND OIL. | | | lican | tion of Administering Unction, But Laity Object to It. At the Ang ( Seott Ottawa, Sept. 20. moved the receive St. use it to to by the wlministration the first He said pose that first a by of anointing they should an the prayer for the | unction printed in| Edward VIL | reason 10d, was mon | meet sons-who case the James, per mens- tioned of of hook thorize pray of there the had crowing was healing died no powers of All notably around Chris r Chie | church church anointing | healing Head, instanced | out. were up, nentists, who after a truth which the glected. In the Greek still prevailed of the purpose of Harding, Indian supported the motion. He whe e the 1 of the had been cured by follo wed by l'oronto, an - were blindl had the vustom the for Archdeacon ne body | \ case chil bishop of | Moosonee anointing prayer thought the with oil, ( would be very up' by any question ol Canon Deasum, of Calg: the resolution. In the nong some Galicians and anointing in thirty-| cases, gnd was able to testify | that --in twenty-four of them wi { pre aver of the faithful and had heen answered. | Rey F. H. opposed the smacks too Science Journal he it synod thi anon Cody, unwise to tie pronouncement on healing wy, favored North-West hali-breeds oil had used seven sick C » "It | Christian | which we Graham, I guested much of which said McKenzie, vhere at a oil had vdmin- | ter earnest prayer a | flected. However, he i himself to Nelson, charge 1 1, su of Brantford, mother's rehdes acon a arial] istered and had bee would not motion, ( 1 re- | cite ar been n commit cure as against Iv would eom- spoke strong the motion, urging that it mit the Ang n church in Canada to something which the Lambeth con- | ference had deemed "unessential and if {endorsed by the church as a whole would be misunderstood and prove a stumbling block, at this time, to the union of christendom to which we all and pra Hoy! flv in 'anon Starr ooked 0 to Toronto, the face snference. It would that if they pray en they and Lambeth him 10st get the son of seem had should } as v ao a. layman a power in on their that power : The resolution failed to carry. clergy voted for iv and laity A' majority of beth is required carry, such. a motion. Peaches ! Peaches! Big sale t icht. Edwards kin. "Phone knees The to Peaches ! & Jén- -------- I'ry Bibby's nobby $15 suits. Dispatches From Near And been appointed professor of physiology at the University of Toronto. sent to New the claims of those who lost relatives in which suspended recently arrested on a charge of grand larceny. seven stealing, Catharines. Fevening ly on same we house | he Id by music. confined to his home for the past few the Corners, town, had a narrow escal {ous injury { hor se {buggy | was {tend the fair Bishi ves | Garden i ter, | Russian Officers Torture Old Wo-| | justices led to imprisonment for a year the | Saw no eea-aother in one of the down | ainst, | LATEST NEW | ind, Distant Places [HE WORLD'S TIDINGS: GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest ' Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. A sharp frost bas checked cholera epidemic in St. Petersburg, An alleged attempt at fraud by use of mails, resulted in the arrest, at To- ronto, of G. Subibidge. Dr. G. T. Brodie, London, the Eng., has Two township of York children, ten by a mad dog and cat, have been York for treatment. Bridge company is settling bit- Phoenix the Quebec Five members Exchange firm of bridge disaster. New York Stock 0O.. Brown & Co., have been of A, George Raybould Years' imprisonment for by Judge Carman, at was sentenced to | horse- St. COSTLY TO MARINE MEN. Dollars Wasted Because Ships Are Stalled in River. Montreal, Sept. 26.--No less than twenty-two ocean liners are now somewhere in the river between Mon- treal and Quebec, either outward or inward bound, and in addition to the larger craft there is a number of smaller vessels, such as coasting ships and colliers, which go to swell the total of ships delayed by the densest fog and smoke cloud which has ever visited the St. Lawrence. he cost to the shipping com is reckoned in the pny Basie goes without saying that when a boat is anchored and does not reach her destination the cost of working her, goes on just the same, : we average 5.000 ton i i comes to Montreal costs oo a eh for maintenance. One day's delay to the ships now in the river numbering twenty-two means approximately $13 . 200. As some of them:have been try- ig " make the port sine Sunday as Ie 10ss > an me to owners will be con: ------------ WINNIPEG MAN SUICIDES. Frederick Peete Fires Bullet Into 5 Brain. Winnipeg, Sept. 26.--Leaving only a pathetic note of explanation, Fred erick Peete, seventy-five years of age, and one of the oldest business men of the city of Winnipeg, on Thursday en- tered the yard behind his residence at 90 Harriet street, raised a thirty-two- calibre revolver to his right temple, and fired a bullet into the base of the brain, causing instant death. He had been under the care of a physician for ten years, but it was only recently that his health declined. He lost heart, however, and committed the An arson charge was dis nissed, GANANOQUE TIDINGS. What is Transpiring in the Little River Town. Gananoque, Sept. 26.--The Young People's Society of Grace church held | well attended on Frilay in the church parlor. Rev. J Pitcher, pastor, gave a discourse Friendship, and Miss Mabel Car- wnter excellent paper along session | | | | an 1 line. i The ! il Club held a Gananoque Yacht their club- attended smoker in on Friday evening. largely attended assembly was the young people of the town Turner's assembly hall, Friday Rees' orchestra furnishing A n VV ening , Lee, Brock has been John street, lays seriously ill. A well-known lady and town, while driving a few miles east gentleman of near Kyes' of the from wri Thursday afternoon. fell and in falling threw The bottom side up, the occupants being pretty badly bruised and shaken yut fortunatéf™me hones were broken. Neivhbors lent their assistance anc they ere soon able to return to Vil. SN hbsishop in town, the of in on Kingston, connection of up people of the Sunday Gauthier vesterday, in confirmation class 100 young St. John's church, with wards town, morning The Hablic half holiday permit scholars annual tol had their afternoon to at The fol visiting in | Falls, | schools Friday teachers on and at Lansdowne. returned after Doyle to Jones few weeks with M Renny, Garden street; Mrs 2 on, to Toronto after a few weeks with re latives: Mr. and Mrs. Cook to Pleas- Que., after spending the si ere; Mis FE. Bolton to Nal | Mich., after a couple of we with her mother William Martin, Kingston, spent { Fhursday with local friends. The fol- lowing are visiting out of town : Mrs. Frederick Bell, ding street, with re- in Rochester, N.Y.: Miss L. Stone street, with friends in Ww. Peteh, Main street, days' visit in ginaw, Bay Detroit, Mich; Miss Cornett, with friends in Roches- have Mrs. lowing town : alter a ance ner 00, here Hog Broc kville; for ten ity and street, o <Q | a | N.Y PARADOX OF JUSTICE. | man. | 26.--The Riga at Dorpat officials, accused | Sept. en Petersburg, have trying six police torturing a .peasant woman in No- | 1906, in order' to ascertain | irom her who had stolen a revolver belonging to one of them. It was proved that they had flogged her with negaikas (loaded whips) and sticks, had held her foot in flame of The ringleader was Voile mn and a been caged in of vember, and a candle. a of half, and the rest for year When the horrors the hamber in the Riga prison were ed abroad two the tox of the department of police, one of IM. Stolypin"s subordinates, went to Riga to make fnquiry, and it was { announced that the torturers were to | be brought to justice. The trial has {not taken place; instead, one of the accused has been transferred to an im- portant position at Moscow, and, ac- to the provincial press, others have been advanced in the ser- one now occupying a position in the torture- nois direc years ago an cording | vice, i the police service at Penza, and Volga owns. Dorpat should be hed and at Riga re- warded is ipexplicable; it i= merely another paradox of Russian justice at torturers Why torturers puns pray for return of |,nd an instance of the utter muddle of {cy are th administra- tion. present government's Called A Radical. Milwaukee, Sept. 26.--Wisconsin had a political climax in the complete and | | emphati® manner in which United | |States Senator La Follette first de- telared W. H. Taft to be a radita! in | political ideas and then gave him his own unqualified indorsement. {up the | V | thiev | ravag | sure, | banknot |{ormed { could | sired to pay two | deed. He leaves a widow and grown family World's Highest Telephone. Geneva, Sept. 26.--Swiss engineers are expressing some doubt of the suc- céss of the proposed Alpine telephone line, work on which has just been be- gun, and which, when completed, will be the highest in the world. The line is to go from the observatory on the Col d'Ollen, and will first connect with the Lombardy alley, to be continued to the summit of Monte Rosa, 217 feet, where stands the Mafgherita Hut, The Dowag Jueen Marg contributed largely te t the observatory ang hut, chief suppor ea RS line. new gherita, who erection of as been the pe telephone Killed On A Ranch. Cornwall, Ont., Sept. 26.--Malcolm McDermid, formerly of Martintown, was accidentally killed recently on his ranch near Nanton, Alta. ile was driving a team hitched to a mowing machine, when they ran away. Mr. McDermid fell off the machine and was carried over 100 feet on the knife guards, two of which penetrated his skull PENALTY OF AVARICE PRAYING FOR HOARD MISER LOSES ALL. { Nqtes Buried in *Darap Soil Stick Together and Form a Solid Mass. Rome, Sept. 26.--Yesterday miser received a fine in the of the Madonna di Pompeii. This per a certain Antonio Acecca, by sub- mitting himself to all sorts of priva- nad agcumulated a large for- {tune, which he bad hidden in a hole made in the floor his dwelling at Mesagne, 'in the province of Leece. But the money, if from was not the of damp. fine day, when over and caressing found to his. dismay that the reason of the humidity were stuck together and despair, he to a money anger he change the soliditied He was advised to proceed to the eflice of {the treasury, in Rome, wher {new notes would be issued pairing to the capital, however, a visit to Our Lady Pompeii, to secure her intercession the success of his enterprise. On reaching the church he was re | duced to a state of ecstasy by contem- | plating r the beauty and richness of the interior, and he remained there some | hours, not so much in pious as in avaricious meditation. When he reac h- led the station and was ready to start {for Rome he had a terrible shock. He found that he had left his precious pac ket contain:ng notes ior thousands of lire, in the church. In a fresh ac cess of despair, he rushed to the po- lice. but all their inquiries have fail- restore to him his beloved but ed to badly guarded notes. a lesson sanctuary nn | ubns, ol it secure from was safe Acecea his trea- One was rloating he by soil, a solid mw of the In if notes, | went to see Before re- he de of for JUDGE BOYS TO RETIRE. "Reaches Age Limit--Aspirants For Place. Barrie, Ont. Sept. 26. --Having | reached the age limit. Judge Boys will | lay 'aside the responsibilities 'of his { high office on the 29th of this month. Before being raised to the bench, his honor was a successiul legal practi- | tioner. in Barrie, and since his ap- | pointment to the junior judgeship of {the county of Simeoe, twenty-five vears ago this month, he has dis- harged his judicial duties with uni- | form and unvarying fairness The aspirants for the coming vacan- John Birnie, K.C., of Lolling- wood: C. W. Plaxton, and C. E. Hew: son, K.C., of Barrie. If a local man is appointed, the chances are Mr. Hew- son will be the next judge, being a defeated parliamentary candidate. | | | i | Peaches ! Pears ! Plums! Edwards & Jenkin. 'Phone 775. Try Bibby's $3.50 worsted trousers, Livingston's open to-night, possibly, | | 1y | (Clex land | Probabilities - Toront y Sept. 25-Ortaws Val ley and Upper St. wrence 1Ua.m* -=Fair and warm today and until Sunday night . FH { Feather Rauffs Of Ostrich, Coque and Nar- about, in Colors, * White, Brown, Black and*"Black and White. ALL AT BARGAIN PRICES. New Motor Scarfs Of fine Xnitted Silk, all shades. /SPECIAL AT $1.00 TO $4. New Beltings, New Belts. New StockCollars, New Frillings, New Ribbons. Special Sale Of New Suiting Tweeds, in all the new stripe effects, AT 75¢. PER YARD. : Call and see them at * AAAAAAIAAKAA AANA AAA BORN. 24th, Holton 1008, to Dr of Manotick, BOLTON. .--~On and Mrs Ont CLARK .~In 190% 10 THOME SON .~ Sept Sept 241th E in Clark Kingston Mr. and Stephen St on Mrs a son North Fredericksburgh to Mr. nad Mrs 1.d- a pon. At 200th Thompson, MARRIED. MERRIN=FEDGAR.--AtL St, 23rd, Miss Meda y Edgar, both of St ALLISON--GEDDES At Sept. 28rd, Miss Brooklyn, N.Y Deseronto. MASTIN--CRANSTON.--At Sept. 16th, CHarles I'yendinaga Mrs. Cranston same Thomas Merrin to Thomas Deéseronto on Phyllis Allison, and Robert Geddes, on Napanee, on Henry Mastin, Sarah Jane place. Sept. 24th, Fitzgerald, Miss eldest daoghter of Nr. and Eves, Centre st. to H. Bell, both of this city. to the Louisa, Mrs John Jas. DIED. IM --Iin Kingston, on 1908, Mary Ann Canning, daughter of the late Charles Canning, beloved wife of John McKim Funeral Sunday afternoon, from her late residence, st. ary's Acq 8g Alu ACen atten and "Wellsville cops Mck Bept. 24th, 2 o'clock, Markland Cathedral respectiul« at 12 10 Fri nds and ited to Ohio please papers ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. New Honey Irn 1811] In Comb and Extracted NOW IN STOCK. Jas. IMPORTERS OF, 3