Ey ed THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1908, oc m-- pe - dee et | that Mrs. T. J. Rigney _---- receive NEW YORK STOCKS --_t : for the first time, on Wednesday next, THE NEWS 5 OF WORLD ? HE PLEADS IN VAIN ; September 30th. Prices Furnished Bry J, P. Bickell Gold in Mrs Btu Sianans, Wilton, will! & Co., (per W. Hector H. ; I OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED | Hume). {QUEEN STILL OPPOSES receive on October 6th and 7th. - IN BRIEF FORM. Stokes September 36th. | © ABRUZZI MARRIAGE. "9 - - wilight | Miss Ada Gillespie is visiting friends | A ated {lopper Te Til in Ottawa, | Ama'ga) an. a ed ® Miss Maggie Hunter, of Pittsburg Matters That Interest Everybody Ametitan data 46 161 : King Humbert's Widow Will Not id / ; / / i : : =I IIRIIRIIFIIIRI ISO | | township, is the guest of her cousins, | --Notes From All Over--Little A Ca ¥ undry rt XO oO} Sot Have Miss Elkins in Royal \ 4 sh y 3 . ithe Misses Woods, Ottawa. m ar XO = wei : Sg Mrs, Edward Torisuse gave amost|{ Mrs. Joseph Purcell and child, of | + of Everything Easily Read | Anac onda Min. Co. 4 Family. , : Full Assortments Here pleasant tea, at Miss Piscatiny's, s,| Winnipeg; Mrs. Alfred Frauklin and | and Remembered. Aighes. 100: & St. i 3 Rome, Sept. 26--The Unione, an au- Se 7 King street, yesterday. ough in- | Master Wilfrid Franklin, of Joyee- A large portion of the towr jal. MO ad . : thoritative Catholic journal states that i =, » rt x 1 4 2 ric e of | i gi , tH - J The seas st tended for married ladies a number |ville, Ont., and Mrs. Samuel Woods, Pasig, near Manito. has been destroe- Brooklyn Rapid » « Hig 178 [last winter, when all the princes of the . # lv iVies | have of unmarried people and the younger |of Cushendall, are the guests of Mrs. ed by fire. . | C anadian Pacific .. po 24 {house of Savoy were assembled to cele- ! frst choive is best. girls were asked, too, which made it |G. McClymont, 288 Albert street, Ot-| SS. Kensington, 3S. Ontarian, SS. | Ches. & Ohio ~ Ag 40% Ibrate the silver wedding of the duke of ith Stock: will'never be larger or all the pleasanter. Mes, i' Ww. tawa, during fair week. Holm and S88. loua, inward, at C. Mil. In . | Genoa, the queen mother demonstrated US A better assorted than at the Garrett poured the cofiee, Mrs. J. Misses Maud and Anna Byrne, | Father Point. Cons. Gas, N.X. . - {her opposition to the contemplated mar- present moment Maule huchus made tea, Mise Ger- {Hoatrenl, are the guests of Miss E. V, Albert J. Walker, Windsor, Ont. fal. Fuel & Iron . - 4 338 | cing hsewees the. ice i Abreat and A . trude Strange cut ices, and among |Greaza ington--street, {was made a preventive oflicer fron 3 ue, com, a i <3 ; iss atienne ns OW her a- \ ) i those who helped were Miss Deacon, Miss Florence Merrick of Toronto, is | January 2nd, 1908, OM | Erie, first pref. . 34 |jesty has again shown that her attitude App to Miss Etta _ Callaghan, Miss Mamie | visiting her sister, Mrs. John Coch- | Paul CC. Robinson, Port Stanley, G, North. Ry., ls ~ 1300 4 {has pot undergone any alteration. The ' tumes, Coats and Separate Usa, Miss Lb Kirkpatrick abd rane, Gore street. : {Ont., appointed a fishery officer with Kansas & Yexus, com... 0) 30% | count of Turin has proceeded to Gres= ' Ski others among the younger girls. Irs. John Fairlie, Brock street, is (the rank of master mariner. Missouri Pacilic ; ] : soney, where the queen mother is spend- y. ? rts. Among the guests were Mrs. James in Montreal | The purchase or sale of snipe, quail Min. St. P S. St. M. ing her summer holiday, to sce whether ; : (iildersleeve and Mrs. Arthur Gilder- | > em woodcock and partridge is forbidden |. (Soo J anere 3 201 {his august aunt was inclined to take a We were never in better sleeve, Mrs. John Mackie, Mrs. Rob-| Mr. J. J. Proud, member of the for three years from September lst National Lead . ." 3 more favorable view of the proposed shape to serve you, with the * IN. Y.- Central ...... i 32 | match. most up-to-date goods, es Meikle, Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs. firm, Sutherland Steamship company, 1908. | Northern Pacific 37} 36 The count pleaded the case of the Campbell Strange, Mrs. R. V. Ro-|limited, . Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, | The formal welcome at Manila to |] e . gers, Mrs. W. G. Craig, Mrs. James | left Kingston for home, yesterday, at the American battleship "has been | Penn. R. R. . 203 |duke of the! Abruzzi, stating that his D id M S " Third, Mrs. John Bell Carruthers, |noon, alter a very pleasant six weeks' postponed on account of the presence Reading ...... . ' 4 4 age, 35 years, would not allow him to av * P © n "© ©, Mrs. Noel Kent, Mrs. Charles © Tay-|visit to his daughter, Mrs. Henry [of cholera. pres Rock 1s Yand , - delay .his marriage any longer. More- THE LEADING MANTLE AND MILLINERY STORE tor, Mrs. Montague Strange, Mrs. W.|Weir, William street. "| Harry G. Meadow, the insolvent Rock Island, pref. ee } {over, he was determined in the matter, K. 1. Smellie, Miss Lucia Smellie, | Miss Elleda Perley is the guest of broker, of Buffalo, N Y. was arrested, | Southern Ry., com. 213 21¢ {and the engagement was now a formal Mrs. James Cappon, Mrs. D. Norton- [Miss Minnie Shaw, William street. {Saturday morning. He = was released } Southern Pacific . 103% 33 | one Miss Elkins, said the count of Taylor, Miss Constance Norton-Tay-| Hon. William Paterson and Mrs. lon a bond of £5000. ne To S. Steel, com. ....... 4 54 | Turin, was admirably qualified for be- lor, Miss Backlurson and Miss Edith [Paterson are in Picton, Ont., with| Lord Milner, former hich commis . Steel, "pref.. ........ 0 1083 [coming a member of the house of Savoy. 1581 | It was true that she was not of royal Macpherea, i le Smith and Miss [their daughter, Mrs. M. E, Srans- | sioner for South Africa, has left To- Un nion Paec., com. . «1 1D8% 58% S Martha Smith iss C. Dupuy, Miss !combe, who is now convalescent after |r 4 / ' 7 |! I CC I . : |ronto, for the coast, and expects ?o ; Westinghouse "w blood, but the count reminded the queen m nway Ierguson and Miss Fanny Ferguson, her recent serious illness. {return "about October 35th. ! -- . mother of the fact that the first wife of : or © er € Miss E. Muckleston, Mrs. Robert Su- Miss Frankie Forysthe, who has| A decisive engagement is being CHICAGO PRICES. Prince Amadeo, the mother of the duke Pi Pi thetland, brs Charles Kirkpatrick, | apent a very pleasant summer in fought in Mabriex, between the shah's September 26th of Abruzzi, was neither of royal blood 12. N0S anos rs. Alexander Laird, Miss Grace |Montesani, Wash.,, and at the sea-|forces and tare i : > 20 1 y 1 of tl incely famil ' 1 t ni, ' vg a large army of the na- { nor a member of the princely Amy, " Worrell, Miss Ada Bates, Miss Ella |shore with her uncle and aunt, Dr. |tionalists or constitutionalists. . gh Cle. but a daughter of the Count Dal Pozzo Warehouse: KIRKPATRICK'S ART STORE, 159 Princess St Fraser and the Misses Fairlie. and Mrs. Geope Wartman, has left! An order-in-council has heen passed | May Play 1043 | della Cisterma, whose nobility was of a we for California to spe nd a "month or [authorizing the government to issue | Dee sie oa 1012 101} rocent date, yet she was able to hold Mrs. 8. W. Dyde, Queen's College, [two with her brothers before return-|permits to cut fire kilied timber in the | Sg / 9 » 1007 |her position on the throne of Spain be- gave a very enjoyable tea, yesterday, fing to her home in hingston. railway belt in British Columbia. Yorn ' 5 {side her husband in honer of Mrs. Adam Shortt. It had - | George Frederick Cubbidge oung | & : 03 To this Queen Margherita replied that . ] . . . | g 1 ibbidge, a young "pt. Ls 702 | a very professorial air, as among the Captain and Mrs. George Oshorne, man, well-known in Toronto business . 1a x y [her opinion was the same as it had been guests were Mrs. D. M. Gordon, Mrs. |after spending a short time with MY. |ei 9 a adi, : t { » was absol 1 sad k ; y A i - jeire was arrested on Friday on a 3D { last winter, She w )solutely oppose 38 W. L. Goodwin, Mrs. A. P. Knight, | Hubert Osborne, in New York, have 'charge of fraudulently using he ma-| =~ : 53 'to the marriage because. among sever! TELEPONE 838. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES. Mrs. Daniel Jordan Mrs. S. Clarke ailed for India. They have left their ' : . 4 11 ) . = A . | : . ke, |s ¢ ) eir | jesty's mails. ther things, a large part of the Ame i- Mrs. John Waddell, Mrs. Donald Ross { children in Toronto. | At the Anglican general synod, the Cobalt. ber 26 ean public had declared that the duke « PP BICKELL & CO and Miss May Ross, Mrs. J. C. Gwil Miss Carrie and Miss Ethel Waldron, [question of the new hymnal was open- September 26th. Abrzz i had gone to the United St: hus ! . * * lim, Mrs. L. W. Gill, Mrs. W. H. Will- | "Arthur Place," are going to New | mn Saturday, and i 8 RS, 2 Asked. ju I : lowry." More n lly going tc « ed, « Ss day, and opinions are | : arch of a dowry oreover, | hoft, Mrs. Alexander Laird, Mrs. Rob- | York next week. seemingly in favor of a recommenda- Red R k . bien 204) f the American newspapers, in BANKERS AND BROKERS 0 OCK civnne sk etches ars Jaied, Wis. Robert Neilele, Mrs The Rev. Stearne and Mrs. Tighe are {tion in its favor for use in Canada. © : mn 3 , x ticles, and caricatures had | + © fied, Mr Robert ole, See. | ie ov, Storm and Mis. Tis are ow io vor Tor uu in, Conse, |p fe ond eats i {| wemibers of Chicago Board of Trad Mrs Hiram { alvin, Mrs George Fen- | Place, their new home being called | Totton Who Ay my gi Crown Reserve Sarees S \ : nies n America was not at i em rs 0 g0 a oO ra € wick, Mrs. H. B. R. Craig, Miss An- | '"Rosannagh Lodge." deficit of 86.500, will, this vear. break } err Lake . eee E ased with the match nie Fowler, assisted by Miss Muriel A riumber of Miss Minnie Gordon's [even or show a small surplus. To-day La Rose ... » . 6.3 3.45 it of Turin was unable to |}! LAWLOR BUILDING, my TORONTO. Short Miss Edith Goodwin and Miss | p i ft Nipissing . } 3 f thie , + he ; ' ' friends were at the station, yesterday, |cloces the fair as one of the most suc ipissing .. tases arenaenee : : ~ nv the force of this argument, but he Rilde Jordan helped with the tea |i, wish her bon voyage to England cessful ih iis history. Nova Scot wow wns wn replied that in any case the duke of the Correspondents of FINLEY BARRELL & CO. things, : Miss Florence Williamson has taken Three churches, St. Peter's (Luther Right o Way : a. Abruzzi was engaged to Miss Elkins | MEMBERS OF _ - o> rooms at 200 William street for the an), St. Joseph's (Catholic), and the Silver. Leal . esnes aeaens 4 4 | This deeply grieved the queen mother > . ¢ y i MEE , {Ih g 1 TW VORK STOCK. EXCHANGE The pienic which the senior cadets | winter. First Congregational, a big garage, Trethewey BE . oe x {and a certain amount of coolness ensued |}! NEW YORK STOCK. EXCHANGE were talking of giving, to Lemoine's o - o> and several residences are among the Temiskaming ..... ... . . { between her { her nephew The NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. Point, this afternoon, is all "off," Mrs. Joseph Hellen and her two buildings, comprising an entire blocR, i oa S count of Turin, who had inte nded to} NEW YORK COFFEE EXCHANGE. owing to the R.M.C. vs. town golf |boys, who have spent some weeks in {have been destroyed at Fond du Lac, Bickell's Financial News. stay a few davs in Savoy, left immedi i y 2 DR TORRE EVE ; wo, - ; ' : i ig Ya Aula p NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. match, which Major H. R. V. de [the city, will return to Texas next Wis : I'he bull party in New York is pro- [ately - Spezia to meet the duke of the CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Bury organized, at the Country Club, | weel One man was killed, two others in- | mising its followers that the advance | Aras I AGO BOARD O t " this afternoon. Several of the cadets Miss Jean Campbell is expected down |jured and, half a dozen cars were de- | will continue practically without in- stated that the duke, who has CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE. h hortly. stroyed as a result of the collision of | termission unti} close to tual elec- [1 ht "king part in the nav il manoeuvres | 1 ST. LOUIS MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE tennis tournament to-day. Mrs Norman R. Carmi hael and lit--{two C.P R. freights, ne ww Site tsville, Hou dey, in eer, Ne inks be l the ying E le i as MINNEAPOLIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. : . > Feros ave lo i o . ile S sy deac as se w stocks | soon as he can 1 is ops : Y oy . . oe " - tle Ferga have left for King, and will [early aturday we dea man w wowever, that those who lollo Ock 1» a e « 1 i P ite COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE OF PHIBADELPHIA. | | » { gs The hostesses at the golf tea: to-|&pend some time with Rev. Dr. Ca James Kendall, Chatham, fireman, fe should be content to take moder | f + New York to arrange all the details srs (3 : OR 2 i i which 5 | WINNIPEG GRAIN AND PRODUCE EXCHANGE. \ A are also in Toronto, taking part in a [irom King who was crushed under his engine, | ate profits and ibe quick to assume a yf the marriage . unless any com Herbert Robinson, Mrs. Colin Mac Archdeacon and Mrs.. Carey are and the injured are: John Bell, er reverse position on the market when plications arise, will take place on Janu ) in | gineer, and Albert Ilaton, fireman becomes top heavy. ¢ 20. his birthday COBALT ee and Ohio is using ninety | a cice------ day were Mrs. Kenneth Blair, "Mrs, [michael pherson, Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, Miss | thinking of spending the winter Edith Straubenzie, Miss Katie Gor- |Guelph. { a - "INDIAN" IN TROUBLE. of the 105 locomotives taken off si ANOTHER CHANCE GIVEN | SHARES BOUGHT AND SOLD: CONTINUOUS QUOTATIONS. | | don, Miss Elsie Saunders, Miss Alice Madame Panet is in town and is at | and Miss Marion Hague, and Miss |the House of Providence | m-- | fall. Connie Tandy. Mrs. William Norton-Taylor has! Secured Liquor on Order From al Merger of Soo and G.W. would make | To Kingston to Enter a Team in ( larence Chambers, Kingston, Ont. . . * | . > gone up to Toronto. Physician. {a Granger road with a mileage of | the O.R.F.U. i Fhere is talk of more tournament Mrs. William Ski ED Gore street, | Two members on Inspector Wright's 3,000 miles. Kingston was given another chance Ww Hector H Hume Manager | g i | . . ' . | in the air, and a bright woman said |is going to New York next week. "Indian" list are in trouble, and have Thirty roads, for Jiily, show aver- | to enter the senior series of the O.R the other day: "Were just clubbed - - - > a a 3 ve a to ADpoRr belove Nai age now decrease of 12.37 per cent., |F.U. to-day. Stanley Trotter receiv Sle . Te | : a to death'if Kingston. Its got too| Miss Violet Gearing, now of Toron- fe un in oe court on the best showing of any month since fed a telegram from Secretary Glad- many organizations for its size and |to, is visiting at Mrs. Loucks', Barrie | Wednesday next. It pe allecred "that | October, 1907. ish telling him that the first game its pockets. street, | thee have been Wok kine & little same Banks lost on week's currency move- | was Kingston's and to write him ai. ee ove Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Morris, ¥he Ite secure liquor making a complaint ments, $3,517,000, a large part of it [the other dates. This means that Mrs. IT. R. V. de Bury has asked a [were staying with Mrs. Hiram Cal- | (4 some of the 'doctors that there is {© Canada. | the Kingston team can have the first Model Colliery Village. dozen girls from town and a like num- | vin, at Garden Island, left, for Otta ior som in the family, and that liquor Number of idle cars for fortnigh sme here, and the schedule will be London. Sept. 26.--A model colliery ber of cadets tostry their luck at |wa on Thursday. is needed. The two who have been | ending September 16th, 1 587; a re- |arranged pretty much as the locals | ijjage is being. built by 'the Doncas- | tennis at the Royal Military College | "Miss Grace Worrell, who has been | summoned, are alleged to have secur- | duction of 49,045. lwant it. Many times this season men | ®Broadworth Main Colliery com next Wedneeday, with tea to follow spending a week or_so again with Bee fad liquor on Sunday last, by working | Sixteen roads, for third week of | hve tried Jo get a Seam together pany. Six hundred houses aro being Hei WOR. Sill Mack steet gave [5000 Mra, Charles - Kirkpatrick, | this game ch September, show average gross de |but have always Inet Wilh TWSILSs: | crested on. HO acres of well-wooded | Tn ay : . r ga Frontenac street, on her way from To The game was worked in this way so | crease of 3.08 per cent {and those that tried to do sometaing | p,q and there will be spray and | an informal little tea, on Wednesday, ronto and Oakville, left, to-day, for lit is claimed. One man would cail on b Jroomhall cables : Late easiness in [have grown tired of it and quit | go wer baths for the use of the miner in honor of Mrs fam Shortt. The | yy, ifax " a doctor, and tell a story about hts'] American cables, yesterday, was oft | From the present outlook the city | fre they re-enter their homes. A | Jost and a ow of her young Mrs. Edwards, of Carleton Place, is | wiie or some other member of the fa- | set by the fact of firmness of Mani- will Ee have a team ok red in the monopoly of trading has been granted - - - n town. mily being taken suddenly ili, and toba offerings and the grain market, Le R A i series at a NANnoque | ¢, 5 co-operative society ber of the girl neluding ww ee {asking for the necessary order for |at opening, was steady with values and Br ckville are both waiting lor Rhoda -- mer Kot. ME Mildred ons Mr. A rquhart Meikle arrived home, | liquor Ii the oetor was in doubt, | unchanged Offerings at this time ihe locals Jo IuSkS 8 move lon Roads Closed To Motor Cars. Miss Jessie Smith and Miss Leta last night, and is with his mother, on | he would Ix told to call up a certain were lighter and there was some dis hat oo the Same serie : "It : ould Paris, Sept. 2 The district of Casson. ~ Had funcl* at the Country Clergy street . oe number, by telephone Indian No. 2, | position to support the market, as |go into 4 am Back in Foance, has tam Club on Thursday Miss Constance Cooke, "Hazeldell would be at the end of the line and, | the cash demand was fairly active and | bool roads 10 Xu all : ! has gone back to Westport with her | of course would corroborate the story arco arrivals both off coast and on . , : nl bv. law i chi towns have nearly always been in the venty - by- a local: poi brother, thet Rev. Alfred Cooke told by the other with the result that | passage were nil. During the morn 3 - i passag . ame group and have generally made hav been pa | The PRICE, QUALITY and QUANTI . Mrs. Ramsay . Duff, Princes Lreet, Miss Bertha Dix, Nelson street, has | the order for liquor would be given. |p however, easiness developed on gave a children's party, last night, tucaed Kon Mi ooendin a ig Se Forts and ood from a financial standpoint, and ; returnec ome, after spe g Six tl wavy Bradstreets exports es | * ' for little Miss Helen and her friends. ie hea) A ! suld no doubt do so again. { our COAL is always right. - a - weeks with friends at Ottawa RAVENOUS CUBS. | timates for larger world's shipments i fos Pp WA There will be lance at the B. M Dr. and Mrs. Philip Nash, who are | for the week. At the close market os LSH. were will be a dance a we R J : John- | Single Point Now Separates From | was easy and unchanged. "B, BATTERY ARRIVED, Playfair, Martens & 2 Co. Nn CD lr a. with Mrs. I [visiting Dr. Nash's mother, on : : Hg : i son street, return, to-morrow to their Giants. D. Laflerty as guest ol honor. home at Coney Island, N.Y \ York' i | A Came From Petawawa Camp on Members Toronto Stock Exchange - ome me & y . ow irk 8 position as leade 1 : 1 Canada Le hat " Ww race for the Ni League pennant BELONGED TO MICHIGAN. Friday Night. Canadian Northern Ry. Bldg., Toronto, AO-OO0OOOOOO0OOOOODO0R g 2 A Lest her friends should make a mi =: E : : Mrs. Anthony Malone w-- special train, having on board the Special attention given I Spec t y o o STRE aval . A \ , who spent 8 Jace cobardy. asterdan take. it. ight bo mentioned aguin ten days with her daughter, Mrs. W a re od In Pa oO ( a] A Colored Epileptic Barred From | members of "B" battery, from Peta Increase Your Efficiency | . - J. B. White, University avenue, left the same time Chicago advanced | Two Countries. wawa camp, arrived at the Kingston iB A 4 T : . for Toronto, on Thursday Miss Vida | { sward the first position by winning | Windsor, Ont., Sept. 26.--Showmar and Pembroke railway station, short CO -- Malone will remain here another week | 0m 0 fom Brooklyn. The result | Jones, the colored epileptic, who, on ly before ten o'glock, on Friday night, | ) Kingston Business College f probably. . was to rive New York a percentage of | Thursday, caused a clash between the |and the men are now quarters lin bar STOCKS : dete Li it d To Increase ! Mrs. J. : Sherk, Johus on re 629 and Chicago 62%, a difierence of , local police and the United States Jack : I'he streny th of "B battery We! red bh issued » a ving lovato. Jue Co imited, eaves, on onday morning, 10 1 + : rrati ieials ade several t 18 165, and Capt. tov 15 In Marge, rm ti ; s and divi¢ ds. x Rapids, Mich., to attend the wed. |"¢ POI inmigration ofieiale; made sever a In| ith Licats. Browne, Boak and Jamie: | ar ons mario 10 si¥ nah oa Bends. of Head of Queen Street. 3 Your Daily Business ding vi he: Teves. D daughter of Dr. Baseball On Friday | wet into Detroit, and for a time was son Fourteen coaches were used in | %¢., of mounted ones witieh 3 re crossing on the ferry conveying the men, sand gup-y om : } Day and Evening ( Classes i A 2° Luton, of that uty, . 'si 3 } v American League--Detroit, 7-1; Phila. | trossing and make a good section and some good games would be up. These three "- or wr $1.00. Canada's Leadir {occurs at Park Congregational church delphia, 2-0 Joston, 3: St. Low i. | boat, barred from both countries. | carriages The work of unloading nl Shorthand I's pes Fit 1 I You May Need Our Help | Jon Oct. 1st, at high noon. W hingion 6: level ad | Jones declares he ean furnish proof | gun-carriages, was left until this morn oo. | Natiooal Pinoys Cinciling 7.5. | that he was born in Michigan and The horses have all\been. quar- Miss Myrtle Wallace, hgquols, 1 1 J o, Took * | that he lived until a short time ago jt t the riding school, PELLATT i PELLATT la i {New York, 1-2. Chicago, 5; lyn, y : And this is how we propose to f|staying with Mrs. Lanos, | Ne% OFS, 0 ites. 1-6. Phila. | at Flint. Chief Mills says the United nefp you along: We offer to do Queen street. She brought with her AR n, ib a ig hila | Ste "tes authorities are now lookitiyg i Only Two Originated Here. Stathers your printing for you at a very f | Mrs. Lanos: two children, Xxeue an Op, er fn ae: claims and that he (Wills)| The medical health officer says that] STOCK BROKERS AND FINAN- Alherac, who have been visiting with ee lis satisfied they will admit him to! 2 ¢ CIAL AGENTS . i . rat . | 8 sled A o'go far this month only two « gues of ' . p------------------ her the past month. Gift For Mss. Adam Shortt. + states when they learn the truth. typhoid fever have originated in C A B A 1 I Poot ote rbit YOU KNOW WHAT Mrs. John MeGall and son, Mon The executive of the Ladies' Musical Kingston Four altogetl h bees 1 ; m > 1 treal street, are visiting friends in'( lub met at the home of Miss e------ rob rted to him bat two of. the i other stocks bought and sold or good printing eans: Owosso, Michigan Shaw William street, on Saturda hs i! ' Se sh ! ip Ja : D A ali a ried al to vO sso, 1 gan. SAW, g » On Daturcay, | can the fover elsewhere. "There is op Letra xb : means a great deal t ypu Miss Madge Taylor, who has bee: ternoon, and presented Mrs. Adam WARNOCK CASE. a Rug idem 4 h : 1 fay he : I » po. Fo send out a poorly- visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred. Bir-iShortt with. a heavy gold brac He on mit) of tyrhoid fever meoind) 401 Traders Bank Building, ' Go Only to the Well Trained on § ys A . ; : - - 3 arrows . printed letter-head or kett. in Ottawa, was expected home plain, but inscribed within with Mrs. | Reported Attempt to Settle in, "arrowsmih > Toronto. Our High-Grade = Cotirses never lik . I 1 ------------------ ; AGH bill- edd | 15 "1% glosing to-day. , Shortt's name aad that of the club, | Brockville. Phone Main 3063. fail 1G bring success to our gradu- 8 ' : : ws : : i v 5 i i, iy and ven lagses, your door on a goo Miss Alice Macnee, of Kingston, is and the dates 1902-1908, the six-yearsi Brockville, Ont., Sept 26. --Harold How The 14th Was Paid. and Moderate tater ¥ gm. cash customer, visiting Mrs. Frank Rotterell, Rose- during which Mrs. Shortt has been ! Fisher, of Ottawa, one ol the members I'he members of the 14th Regiment WE ARE HERE rs ewe, Westmount. the club's well-beloved, energetic and: of the firm of solicitors for Mrs Ag- [received their pay as follows : "hose D.P. Barker. Richard I. Cowan. FRONTENAC TO PLEASE a - much-to-be regretted president. Those nes Warnock, was here, Tuesday, en-|who didnt take the Quebec ter-centen BUSINESS COLLEGE Mis. M.' E. Brown, of Fraserfield present had a cup of tea after the deavoring, it is 'said, to secure a ary inp, full pay: third vear men who RB. L. COWAN & GO. Cler trent K YOU announces the engagement of her pe Sentauion. Miss Larrie Waldron | will of rt Inte James GG. Warnock, [took the ig, $4.50; second year men ergy, stre . a ingston, : ; auplitor iss GQ sda J . ,, has accepted the presidency of the ' who died here January llth last. My. {who took the trp, $3.50; first year 'Phone 680. Because it 18 jo duugiter, Mise Gertrude B, Bowen, to musical club for the ensuing year. Fisher interviewed the executors and! men who took the trip, $1.50. STOCK BROKERS. T. N. STOCKDALE, Principal. oy asi The marriage has been arranged. to ee | solicitors for Mrs. Eva Warnock, but Bt Bale Members of Standard Stock and Mining Ex- | Soop ppryoyryy asa 4 0 Jo 50, {ake place on Oct. ist. > Was Handed A Lemon. Lit is reported that the latter ref Peaches ! Not Quite A Carload. change. THEFFeeE In I'he engagement is announce® at To use the worde of the boy on the | to 'come to any agreement other the a no to supply a few hun- STOCKS 4 pe Niagara Falls of Miss Anna Talbot, |Street, a young Kingstonian was hand- | that made by Mr. Warnock ir 1 red people. Edwards and Jenkin. COBALT ABS ! daughter of the late Dr. Talbot and od 2 lemon, by one of the waiters in 1 eee A SPECIALTY. , Mrs. Talbot. to Mr. J. J. O'Gara, of [the Chinese restaurant, on King | : wwue and Zella have been the at- bot, to Mi wa, of : - : = he at | gg & 90 Yonge St., Toronto Ont, | ny, 1g Stand ad The Old Num Calgary, son of the late Mr. Martin street, last igh The young man wine to a dense fog on Long Is tion at Wonderland the past week, "Phone Main 135 vid close the engagement this evening. v O'Gara, Q.C., and Mrs. O'Gara, Ot- and a friend cted «very disorderly | land Sound, a collision occurred, on a! tawa. The marriage will take place While in the restaurant, w hereupon ti Saturday, between. the Fall River |The have packed the theatre every Ph 0 Sep. 36th ep landed him a blow i! the face | steamer Commonwealth and the Nor perfor ance and have made theme} ves v one ---------- that made him see stars t is cer- | werian steamer Nolungd The Com- | popu vith the pe 2. Pro ague o : . 3 1 i ) > n weg! eam) : Sn om : ol vere: clver. aod \ OFFICE NO. 1. Shorthand, typewriting. book-keen- tain' that the voung man will monwealth proceeded 10 New York, is a mag 1 3 ry clever, and . M Mn olla has a wonderful ability of . : J | All orders promptly attended to ing, telegraphy and general cause trouble there again and the Volund sank, her crew of sev- ---- enteen being rescued. t attraction is a Members Toronto Stock Exchange. night or day. improve » , x 3 iment courses taught at King : el : Whig Joh Printing Dept eam of Cees on mtr Everybody Buy Peaches. George Gibson, the twenty-six year- r v ' on . i: Incre » Jour earning power by at © THE FRONTENAC WHIQ BUILDING Day apd n 1 > "Phone 110 To icht at Edward and Jenkin's. old son of Robert Gibson, Ridgetown, he 8 % H. F. Metcalfe, principal . -------- -- Ont.. was instantly killed, Saturday ten mgh classes at mgston R I i i iness College, head of Queen street. = LOAN AND INVESTMENT sol 1 - F. : PI ) ! I'he minstrel parade was witnessed I'he steamvyacht Cast ine brought a | morning, by M. C. R. 'express, to- =r Rr . f 1 r of > p ity | gether with the team of horses he was Rates moderate. Enter at any time. A by a large number of people. to-de large riumhber of passengers to the city . lhe parade was one of the best seen |to-day, from island points. This will ; driving Phone ab H. F. Wetsilie, principal. -- - 2 ; 11 : ARONTE ¢ > anv . smbers the "Sunny South' > m------ mn some' years likely be the last excursion of the sea | The De Wolt Hopper company' will he members of ht oS Re) . re ; : WOE fer 40 ught and Sold on Commission, Mrs. S. V. White, Kingston, + The steamer America brought a son. This little boat has had a most arrive in the city from Ottawa on 'Minstred ra ' ta P in the So i Bo ' p ' : : Dh 3 EE : . 4 i . 8 the way to Perth. They left > NTO. ruest of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. ge, » number of passengers from Cape sue essful summer, bringine hundreds Sunday afternoon, about four o'clock, day, on Jo, y T 4 TORO noon to-ddy. {of people to Kingston. via special train. , at noon via the C. P. R. 12 JORDAN S * . of wronto Stock Exchange moderate price Westport. cent at