Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Sep 1908, p. 3

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TAYLOR ONGE AGAIN Hmusements. . . @ ' ® | r Ladies', Misses WILLS THE SOuTi ExEDs iii CAPRA) And Children's Winter jiberals Will Choose Opponent on - "TO-NIGHT Oct. '7th--Charles Macdonald 3 3 ] IN NEEDE YETECTIVE | BO ARDERS AND ROOMERS. APPLY |STONP io3 TABLES PRINCESS ST, Gananoque's Millionaire, Flees] SAM S. and LEE SHUBERT Offer MEN > REDED FOR. RETRC $M Ro hatns sxvadt- tn d_repai 5 satan. Oct. Ist aC t to England For the Winter. DE WOLF HOPPER adian Secret Service, Niagara Falls, oa K.,' Whig office ; ke S. ; : : And Company of. 120, People. in . an Ontario. ROOM FOR 8 TABLE BOARDERS IN - Gananoque, Sept. 28.--The liberals Operatic Fantasy. private family. Good board. Apply WELL FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH of South Leeds have arranged to hold MEN WANTED TO LEARN BARBER at this Office. modern ences, with of withe a Lie convention at Delta on Wednes- WHAT HAPPENED THEN irade. Graduates earn phrive to en emery ee out oar Apply 176 Clergy St. 4 s he fen ro : 4 The cast includes People and G eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure) pOOMERS OR BOAR R " . - day, Oct. 7th for the purpose of se- The cast ou Genii pe A eS positions. Will quip shops. Con- Mrs. J. McShane, Wellington St. |ONE FURNISHED OR TWO UNFUR- lecting a standard-bearer to contest | pig 'and Fays and Fairies and Witches stant practice. Careful Instructions. Bajus' Lane," Cottage No. 1. nished rooms, with thé use of the the riding in the interests of the li-]land Dwarfs and Rats and Phantoms Few weeks complete course. Uata Kitchen. Apply te 108 Wellington St. beral party "So far although dif- and Everything. logue free. Write Moler Barber Col-| \ 0 Jpeg STUDENT DESIRES GOOD ferent name® are mentioned ss pro-| Prices 25-50-75-81-8$1.50, lege, Toronto. room and board, of room with] NEW BRICK DWELLING, ON ALBERT n wm hd nent 2 Seats now on sale. ~ S SALARY AND board near, Address Hox "W. A. A near Virtoa gi Haderd: ble as ¢ y 3 honor, nothing 2 T™ NCE a8 g office. 0; fs en Jebel; od in regard oi Te = DT man in each aby 2 Ee hia iy AN pling to the candidacy. THURSDAY, OCT. 1ST. locality with rig or capable ofl Lo INSERANCE RISKS, GOOD : At Delta. on Saturday, George Tay- DONALD MACKOBERICK Presents Hanfiling Dore A i companies, lowest 'rates, fair gettle- | 321 UNIVERSITY AVE, BRICK Why a Ys Martie - roduce 3 mts. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 109 dwelling, 8 roows, modern improves lor, the resent} member for South poultry specialties. No experience Brock St hone 480. ents Fy phir te J. 8. R. MeCann. Leeds, gain succeeded in capturing nscessary : we lay ous yiue Sony Soe » : 81 Brock St. the conservative convention, being its . you. 325.4 wee Senk HE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH I cons on ; the riding in ~ the | , The Celebrated [English Actor and on Jeemantt, Write 33 on ite on electric work. All kinds [A COMFORTABLE ~~ SIX ROOMED Thaige. 1. Cony 6 Hoang 1 '* | Dramatist, supported by MISS HAZEL ANI ELIT HE ; : of work promptly dome. ¥, J. Birch, house, 59 Division $t.. miodern im- interests of the conservative party. | SFANMORE, of the Court Theatre, -- ry Electrician, 306 Wellington street. provements. Possession, Nov, 1st. "The name of Mr. Cuinn, Lansdowne, mdon, in C ifaddon Chambers De- WANTED-FEMALE. Enquire 168. Division street, was also Sefone the convention. Dr. tiul Comedy, A JOB CLEANING ASHES ha OF , hott, wley's Bay, accepted for Os) ENE LAIN COOK. yards or celldrs, or other RE STORE ON KING STREET, AD- : xt election. The vote on Do ir THE TYRA A Soon, GENERAL TIa] the oven- carted. Prices right. APY Jo £ joining Wl Whig building, now" occupied : lor A : ADDY ay Ave Lytle, Gemeral Carter, ain St. v Joseph H . Possession Oot. ha didt stood Taylor, 7314; Quinn, ing to 14 diversity Ave. 1st, Apply at Whig office. es {SER 1 + JON ANY PERSONS HAVING GOOD TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL second-hand stoves. or furniture, be-{ PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE, DE- Prices, 256., B00. Soc y De Mr. Quinn then moved to make : Seats on sale Tuesday. ling s 8 - A MAID choice unanimous, pledging hi UE} commision A Ea work ; good wages to compet 9 : ¥ fore disposing drgp a post card and sirable locality, suitable for married port, i : | tid PRIN( ESS I HEA TRE ent person. Ie ferences re vired. Ap I will give Sood prices. John couple, all "modern conveniences, After the celebration of high mass ply before three, or after six p.m. Thompson, Ne Hand Dealer, 333 ters moderate. Apply Box "C.'A. ' > p 8 St. in St. John's church on Sunday morn- Mrs. F. G. Lockett, 104 Stuart St Princess street. Whig office, ing Archbishop Gauthier, of King = . ee w-- ton, administered the holy sacrament Grand Speeial Attraction ALL. THIS SITUATION WANTED. MARRIED COUPLE TO ASSUME FROM OCT. 1.--~ BRICK RESIDENCE, WEEK, afternoon, at 2. Kvening, at 7.1. ee the care of my home and furnish 181 Division street, with twelve The World-Renow lly the only BE NPERIENCED TRAVELLER, BES] beard, only, for three in exchange rooms, including extension kitchen, dy Apply for the mutual use of my home, hot water heating, bath, ete. { a rood counection, J 3 L oe ¥ . t tng, En- ceremony was a most impressive one, VERNON SISTERS le tan, Ont. Reteronces reijuireg. Thomas Mills, quire at 179 Division St. everal priests from the surrounding - ee mleeep------. 3 arence street, em nee district assisting the hit of the season. A GOOD WOMAN, POSITIO) T . 1 1 4 I'he coal schooner Horace Taber cook in a hotel, o "Whig oles rogms. wanted till Christmas, also a ¥OR SALE. cleared light for Oswego last even furnished house, (about 8 rooms) of confirmation to a elass consisting of more than a hundred children. The asf ---- me ---------------------- i f 3 INE OR TWO WELL FURNISHED wish 11 y \ttention to our display of Ladies', e entire new act, catchy songs, ! - Box "RB. lv splendid, I'he largest ariec act we have yet house has been undergoing a course : irre ERNOOX 0 PURCHASE TIONERY, CON. had. RAINCOAT, SATURDAY AFTERZDUL fectionery, fancy goods, or similar YOU WANT TO SELL OR RENT . business, in Kingston. State price vour property, consult skim ping of repairs during the past few days MISS ETHEL WENLOCK, (Queen: of hile, driving about the and shows a decided improvement in| sang), II render two of M. Wit- kindly leave at Whig office' and re business, In Rin appearance mark's latest successes, the hits of New cetve rexarg average weekly sales, ar . § *. BOND A SSTATE y IN- In the police court di. Wheeler was York, just out; hear them . Apply "X.Y.X.,"" Whig » Fo 1 bh, R ESTATE AND IN charged with using improper language EO. HAMMOND. Phenomenal Bar FOUND. te---- on the streets and was taxed two | cq Songs. budgies «of the latesy Mustrate | reeermemseer '| LICKSON, THE HANDY MAN. FUR- SQUARE PIANO IN FIRST-CLASS this fal surance Broker, 79 Clarence st. Songs, S » 3 CK i nre repairing, general house re- i : A SUM OF MONEY, A WEE 4 niture repa 2 ® condition. Will sell dollars and costs ; Pwo thousand feet of Pathe Film, Sunday. Owner may have same 3 pairs, painting and decorating, Best During the latter part of the week | never before exhibited in Kingston. calling 3 two other young men were given a Remember we change our Pictures -- ---- - Speciality. Address spre Grimason SHCOND-HAND HOT AIR FURNACE 1 A he 8 a ' ouse, cess stree Sk 4 4 a night's lodging at the lock-up, and it Daily ; you never see the Amie hing MUSIC. ' . a cheap, In good condition. Apply twice Matinees Daily, commencing TO ------------------------------------------ ---- Whig offic being a first offence 'were allowed to | yA. All this and niore, at the Home 4 m------ ayia er ot | ox ad ro on promising to do better in the | of Sc. Vaudeville, 5¢ MISS GRACE CLOUGH, A. TIC. M IENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR WINT- | © . Tr ag Tatar gold medalist. Teacher of Piano and er overcoats made now, also. last | CAMPING : OUT-F1 £ i oy i 1 BX T, ' Theory Pupils prepared for Toront ears' turned and made like new. gu and stove. illiam Follest, 70 B. Carroll, K.C., who has heen 'The Princess Theatre. Conservatory Examinations. Address , Hed own cloth made into wup-to- KeRin street, Ph i the past week in Ottawa, ] = ---- 83 Earl street. date suits. Price and workmanship ig-- sh -------------- a ------ has re tur ned home, Charles Mae- guarantéed to please iomas Gallo- | TWO HORSES, SOME SECONDHAND donald, "Blinkbonnte," Main street PERSON. way, The Tailor, 181 Brock St. buggies and spring waggons, cheap. ne 1 inte, Ms » next to Bibby' Livery Massey-Harris Co. 182 Clarence St | le it yesterday, en route for New York The first real aninstrel shew you have -------- rr -- mn, . SE « he We 1 1 sho r for or seen in a atre by, AIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, . Ta A . . ity, thence | wil ail shortly for aver > in a Scent theatre in King-] 1} IR OL moved. Dermanentiy SITUATIONS VACANT. FRAME Hol SE IN WILLIAMSVILLE England to spend the winter. WATLS, t eear. Twenty years' expefi street, seven rooms. hard and vilie s sll ¢ \ isdn Bue > - soft water Two full city lots go Lhe young ladies of the town held a 'WONDERLAND ence. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, Lye Fart | pp you our oF WORK? IF YOU Tith Noma Abuly on. prookes 25 4 i meeting in their old club rooms, Nose, Thr and Skin Blemish bre weite to us: we have. positions Witlioan Follest I 170. Noll Strooh {Boyd's block, Saturday evening, to ALL THIS WEEK. _Hpecialist, - Bagot street. for all classes. Apply, Cana- ! cheap. Apply Whig office. at 56 Wellington street of references Children's toys a URS! seems early to speak of furs, perhaps, but it won before they will be needed and why not be rebuted for cold snap. Collars, Throws, Stoles, Mufls, ete., in all wshionable Furs shown on the market. Prices right. Tailored Skirts made for $1.25. Millinery ! GC a CRUMLEY BROS. j CASH COUPONS. open yo 8 { reorganizing s dian Employment Agency, Brockville, P i iad' a ang JOHNSON BROS. & JOHNSON'S|vivsicar cvirvme scmoor, ob | Gu Tred St, stable and doy fot. | Price 4 For particulars. apply to T. voung ladies hterary athletic MINSTRELS pos site Whi Office. Ladies', Men's club for the coming winter. Quite a 5c. NO ADVANCE IN PRICE 5¢ and ( hildren's Saises will commence 4 5 ENT AGENT, WITH Lockhart, Real Estate and Insur- number of voung ladies are anxious i = Oct 1st rite connection among large business ance Agent, 159 Wellington St. mn yo. G . Palmer, Specia Ri ar " arpress®™ oO that the club be made a permanent Moving Pictures Nature Cure. G. A. Palmer, Speci houses, to sel] the "Writerpress" on - rm ---------------------- r list and Masseur. y ssion deposit. of $125 > fixture, the sports and athletic parts | "KINDNESS NEVER GOES UNRE- -- . - " Cy for fhinnle machine. Din-| SOLID BRICK TWO-STORY... DWEL- of the organization being of special ore VARDED. a ning & Eckenstain, Merchants I "FREEDOM FOR ALL REAL ESTATE. Building, Montreal, Que RT dec . g " SONG--"In A Little Country Village." a. " TE - -- . ' at God s Insurance rene Miss Nellie Kirke, Pine street, has | cjjILDREN ONE CENT, TO-MORROW, | WOULD LIKE TO HEAR AT ONCE ke Snr Insurmice | Agency, gone to Kingston where she will take ---- from gfe . having good Farm Jor FINKLE FARM FOR SALE. he sr---------------------------------------------- a course in the Business College. A WOMAN CHOSEN. Please give price and reason for VALUABLE FARM--WEST HALF LOT case give price 1 0 ) ; B Me AL er sud Mrs Uges, Brock street, s-------- selling and state when possession can "COMPOSED oF PART Lot NUMBER 13, 5th Con., Youn p of Hishmund, who has been locatec ere for the irs i ted be had. L Jarbyshire, Box 1820, six, an the First 'oncession 0 100 acres, two miles west of Selby, past five years, have Jeft for their First Woman Nomina For Office Roehester, Y. Ernestown, and one mile west of the five miles from Napanee. Good land, : . 2 ) y in New Jersey. i ---- smn, - Village of Bath, fronting the beauti- Well drained and watered. Apply, ----- fi ytinee home in « aint ow n, N.Y., and Ke: arny, NJ. "Sept. 28.T) 6 ARCHITECTS ful shore of the Bay of Quinte i203 Smythe, King & Smythe, Barristers, will in future reside there op --1he firs . acres, about 175 acres of choice ingston, Ont. The { NG Ps z woman elected to run for public ¢ fhe y © ta TL S7RNas Cr work land, balance pasture, This I'he following have returned : from Beth cel : | , lice | CoTHUR FLLIS, ARCHITECT Taro if widely known as the: Finkle Si waa short visits out of town : S. G. : vas chosen here at Sa- office and residence, 181 University Farm. and is going to he sold al HOUSES OF THE LATE GEORGE Cook, South street, from Ottawa; A. }lurday's primaries, when Mrs. Pamela ve. bargain. Applv to Il. 8. Northwore Jyilson Lraiate ; 114 Stuart street, f : . al ' ot]. a . : : De . A ease o Manager Come Knight, from Kingston: Mr. and k kin triumphed at the polis and be- eT : and Aiie ah On Executors to | merce ; 104, loaned 10 8 «Sotho 3 ; ) came the "regular" no eo he N 1 SMITH, ARCHI the Estate, Bath, Ont. ; o George Emery, Pine street, z uy nominee of the .te., Anchor Building, Market Square Wholesale Shoe Merchant : double w wooks with their son. Dr. | republicans for member of the > Phe n a Y gh me - -- house, 42-44 O'Kil street; 153 . ¥ i one, 345. Sydenham street 179 Collingwood : M 3: . ol educat e clefe \ 34 oe \ ' Emery, Ottawa; W. A. Wright, Clint Ru She ef meq "1. CHIT ROT. MER MONEY AND BUSINESS. | street ; also lots on Lower Albert aries street, from Ottawa; | X intock by a poll of 2 o 211. POWER & SONS, ARC 8, ER-| -- -- ee | street. Anply to Joseph Power, or uns THE UNBREAKABLE HIP fon, Ki. sim, Hortons XN. | Nr" kina? mae an intermingled gats, "hne Bn | "hr or CI CONN Hu | Jol mai CAN'T BRE K AT THE WAIST LINE a . King street, from London and |2WPaign, winmng on an issue { ea a i other company offers. Rxamine them dt - A ern__points; Miss . Bertha Salter, thorough representation of parents WM NEWLANDS RCHITECT at Godwin'® Insurance Emporium, | FOR SALE OR TO LET. lames street, from Harrowsmith the school hoard. office second floor over Mahood's Market Square. | em - This ¢ harmingly shaped model will ----epmitp---- --- Drug store, corner Princess, and FRYOOT JONDON AND GLOBE | NI w To Roo wn HOUSE, WITH CRASHE HERE'S A MARRIER. Bagot streets. Entrance on ago LIVERP( 4" JO? } iL i f clas modern improvements enable you to be chic and stylish RASHED INTO HYDRANT street. 'Phone, 608. Iire Insurance Company, Available; Terms easy Apply Rev. J. b. Boyd, - ---- 4 assets $61,187 215 In addition to 106 Pine street, ili yut tra nsgressing the laws of health. And in Turning Off Water, the German Pastor Will Perform ROOMS AND "BOARD. which the Dolicyholaun ave, fat yi Main Broke Bank ling house, 9 rooms, bath and W, © separate, hot walter heated, electric Interest, lighted and gas for cooking. Apply ul ! sayings and enchanting musi -- 1 after Christmas. Write G. W.1$2100 WILL BUY A FRAME DWEL- ing. All new wardrobe. The only 'town ir LOST. Mitchell, Queen's College. ling with six acres of land, barn and and perfect the Gananoque Yacht Club's club | Canada wi they play this season mis o-- henhouse, near cily, ~ Thousandth Ceremony - el a { p ard » . oo the stockholders. Farm and city A radical departure i in corset construction-- . in {torn a war] New York, Sept. 2%.--Rev. Geottliel : TF I \ property insured at lowest possible MARRIAGE LICENSES, t is eauall > RIVE x i 3 A wihoon, f va ¥ ; en er ~ pleasant root ¢ fortably furni rates. Before renewing old or giving iise jual y adapted to hgures varying from win and hydrant on Queen street, An rea, pastor of the German Re 144 Barrie street ¢ I new business get rates from Strange |C. 8S KIRKPATRICK. ISSUER OF average to over-stout and deserves the H » corner of Clergy, came to | formed church, Jersey City, will per conveniences & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568. Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St witention of avery woman. f steam roller was finishing | form his one thousandth wedding next nn seme - m-------- come -- sn | between Sydenham and | Wednesday. Mr. Andrea is s: bands on each side goaly dirbute the the block lotween Sydenbom Gnd | Wednesdod We. _Andren bo ; |THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT It 'Meas 'Mone | at hips Sing the sirai , k wad ' atter corner. The roadway | than any other minister in New . i hif t, while elastic gores positively prev had been well watered for finishing! 8¢ The fees he has received are sai tarian. ay breaking at the waist line -- thus practically | " a d wal red for finishing to has 3 2 Sy 1 1 NV Uni And h . 1 3 3 foubling t} {th pn , Qt this caused one of the wwe pais tuition expenses an ' REV. C. W. CASSON. nd when it does it is of very loubling the Lie of this corset. heels. « he roller to slip when close] board of his son and daughter great importance to Price $2.25 to 1 vdrant. The wheel crashed in- | college. has been pastor oi The Oneness Of Life. i lrant and smashed it In| church for twenty-five yen hn ; men are in reality one in nature ©! imported coutil, best quality obtain- \ fi the water, which was done - EE ' Wt 1 " . Led . en y . 3 a heart. The things that divide dain =5 de 25 Supsriaitvely et chic and very slowly and carefully by the fore Did Not Say It me nn into different eh ah oni tic ver ouse ee er i s as aic. E at an itagonis y = Fyeshis fia 2 R, seetich he mam mtreal, Sept. 28.--Hon. L. P. Bro are alwavs superfial, if net TT TIT TTT TE, » aus a doub tastrophe. (deur, minister of marine, denied 1} tase The large soul realizes that DOMINION CORSET CO. Mers QuEesec. MONTREAL, TORONTO. aterworks men were at once pu 8 v published, stating that in | Sis he is one with Ids fellows in all that There's a saving in burning y at the Soulanges convention Ward meetings will be held in|i8 of any real signifieance He knows Writ } lam hoy econ said t if the conservatives ear=ied that the life that he lives is at unity *® al S$ mMornin h ore ' en sen in the province | the Liberal Rooms, Corner Prin with: the life of all. mankind, and that 9 the section were without wa f he Laarier covernmen cess and Wellington streets, he is only part of the great human Some hme. ' : : I be defeated. "1 never made any ole. He knows himself as one pos thought that the icht of] a statement' said Mr ; opie : t sing the same life, nature, tenden: : ~»> steam ros had ished the lerg t the Soulanees eo To- Morrow Evenin #, inherent forces, possessed by all ¢ ( yal 14S was no. th as | vention positively den that men. Seek to attain this largeness of » ! as . time ny sucl wtement had been In an ne, and fre soul and recognize your unity with all 7 eyes, 3 en kod had § 'M | the minister or by any other spe for the following subdivisions : | mankind. > 1 ara S ked. as if it hae oen . _Ce-Rite lenses DE ro Shr, 3%, hae hen i sedi Thousand Island & St. Lawrence comfort and cht terion] ite. honecar. will pee pt Ontario Ward. Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 : : I Al Gahan Eloped And Is Deserted. Jeacon street, Boston, Mass., dor the | River Steamboat Companies ng ' doubt sce that Ald. Graham's{ cy..00 Sept. 28.--Mrs. William Ti Sydenham Ward. literature. ; ' {| board of works pays for the damage : m Ts InC ti ith New York Ce SMI I'H BROS. 1 for hich it bar, . tus, who said she was the dauchier of Cataraqui Ward n ae alin eb oy n . a San Francisco millionaire whese PHONE 666. : name she refused to give, fainted in F AUCTION SALE s f yor we office o e eago police depart rontenac Ward. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED HERE- A Mipiswr Of Laber, he oe I io te Change of Time on and After- Sir Wilfrid at | The time has come when the govern- | story of having been robbed -§ $4,900 All liberals and their friends are| OF VALUABLE PROPERTY MONDAY Sept 28th. ment feels that it should create a de- | worth of diamonds. Agcording to her | cordially invited. ' . partment of labor. The department is | story she ran away from home and | wr, ii wioLD "1 RATBLIC Teave Kin ston, daily, exeapt Sunday, . ) nt AT auction hy J J ue~ | 2.00 am. mela 3 ) . Important enough to require the whole | married at Bufialo. NX. 2. We. MOWAT, [fiction ty" WIJAAM NURRAY auc (g 0' pan Sowiiye erie, trib igri time and eneruy and attention of a After her arrival in Chicago, several President Reform Assn Market Square, Kingston, on except Sunday, 10.50 a.m., making BOOCTOOTOOOTOOTOTOVTOC 100-0000 0000000000000 minister of the crown, such as the days ago, she said her hush und had ny direct connections at Cape. Vincent to and from all points in York State. o rajfiveye have au) Such as jotiise de isappested with her 'entive belong-1 eee (WRB NESDAY, the 30th Day of | ¥hrough "sleeper Cape Vincewt to New t I 18 5 Ri gs, York. 66 ( O A OO i 29 | repeat that at the first opportunity ee --n | Auction Sale Household Furniture September 1908, at 12 let -------------------- ® I shall submit to my colleagues and TEACH YOURSELF NOW Mrs. McCambridge, 160 King St., | ' 3 Court of Revision. ' ; ' the representatives of the people of es T AY, Sept. 29th, 10 a.m. O'clock Noon. Canada i I that th ' TE - » 1 - anada in arhament, mn Ww ume ---- 3 ~ Jteve, < an rv *arlo We carry in stock three grades of Ameri- has come Do ve should take this For You Dw: Pom ase and gins British nan, a arior 1. A double frame dwelling house, £ TOWNSHIP OF PORTLAND. . . . . - . 8 > 5 a Oo Your riends ake. sp Ew Ea stories high, water connections i can Oil, the best of their respective kinds new step in the development of our | i Fart i the air Caspase, (Rags, DE: ROCKurs, any | houses, situate on that triangular plo . ERE iseased- parts © he air passage wirs, i u ack, > » Td ya. i ) # . - country, I } Es Cafe " 8 of ground bounded by Barrie, York and manufactured. can' best be reached hy dry air. The | Dideboard, Large Extension Table, Fic: [North streets, ' " : & ' amas 2 o , A bronchial tubes and lungs can only be Wd Oak Bedroom Suites, Iron Bed- 2. Ordnance, lot 626, having a front County of Frggtenac, at the Town Hall 6 "ge o sy cD ' 9 Locates In Detroit. reached by dry air treatment sad, Hair Mattresses, i Springs, Odd | pice a 28 fest on Alited greet dnd 5a Borcasmith ar the mth day of g * a 0 troit. Ser OR a ne } i y bie ore we be ic offen PSSETS, » iches, Palace Aladin | Sime ' 3 October, 1908, at 12.80 o'cloek, to hear Briliiant Safety & ratt S Astral and De Fad 28 Mi He pe auth, In m wh h you & ty misami eflect $ }T, wuvenir Range, . Hose tnrst-class Suilding los. : and determine the several complaints of : ' one of the best known singers in Ca-| of living i e Pine and Eucalvptie } carpenter K Refrigerator, Teo 3. The 8 barman homestead in. . the For, opt sions in the Voters' List nada had decided to make her home | Forests, here catarrhal and bron- | Cre sezer, Crockery, Glass and Tin-| Viiage of Barriefield occupied at pres fog), "Municipality of the Township of [44 . . » i t by John Murray dk djacent 2 Family Favorite. n Detroit Miss Smith has been study- | chial troubles do not exist. wa ALLEN, The Auctioneer. | the -- it urray, and lot adjacent] pn oiind for 1908, "ele me 243 Bydenha St. | . 3 three years with King Hyomei destroys the cerms that Telephone, 43 Sydenham | Each of the above parcels to be sub- All persons having busfiess at the NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant 10 the Untario Voters' List Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the O rOCOO00000LC c | z . y seven - i : Court are required to attend at the | Cla 8 s the daughter of John] cause disease of the breathing organs , Yer j Jivided in' such a manner as to suit] Co" oS Gid place. . Try oar "Brilliant Safety" and you will 3 D. § h, "treasurer of Port Hope, | vou simply by the use of a rubber in- One Month To Jubilee. i ------_ Township Clerk andl Clerk of the a " . Out. She recently filled a position in Tolor mix Hyomei air with vour in- Windsor, Ont., Sept. 26.--FExaotlx : : g OnE use no other * the hoit f St. James Methodist ward breath as it reaches the diseased | one month before the day on which] TERMS. 4 Harrowsmith, HO a. Riv. --- church, Mont: parts where 'catarrhal, bronchial, | she and her husband were to have | Ten per cent of purchase money, 1 ~- Delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 35. ress croup or pneumonia germs "are. multi- § celebrated the golden jubilee of their | the time of the sale," the balayce wii Bagley, "All of Mrs. Howe's ohil- " 2 - Local Politicign, "Of course trade's plying by millions their life is snuffed | wedding, Mrs. Andrew Wood, seventy- ihirty days. articulars. will he made drén call her the 'mater.' lsn't it nice bad. What we want is more real live [ out, as they are the disease, their-ex- feight years old, died at the family | known at the time of the sale or may] to see such affection 2 Bailey, "That men to wake things up a bit."' Monu- § termin: Mion. means quiek improvement. | home, yesterday, from the effects of a [be had on application to the undersign-i}j isn t affection. She succended in mar- TY : 77 PRINCESS mental Mason, "What I want is more (i. W. Mahood has the agency fo: {paralytic stroke, sufiered several years ed. a i ELLIO BROS., ST. real dead 'uns." ; Hyomei and will furnish the complete Jago. Mrs. Wood was a native of Scot- MACDONNELE & FAMRELEs 54 | Failures are the rounds of the lad- | outfit for $1 under guarantee 1to'laod, but eame to Canada with her _ Solicitors for Vendors, A a . : : larence St., 0000000000000 0000V00L 0000000000000 000000CV0 der reaching to success. satisfy. husband nearly fifty years ago, oT eb Kingston; 3 DOV COOVOOOLOOOOO0A

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