3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1008. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS The Three Renegades. Ottawa Free Press. Borden, Foster and Roblin--three renegades who began life as liberals, have the insolence to preach political consistency 1' va CHURCH THIEVES BUSY. Bethel Church' Entered For Fifth Time. On Saturday afternoon thieves broke into Bethel church and secured about $3.50 from a . Those who committed . the. theft were thoroughly acquainted with the church and knew just where things were kept. This is the fifth time the church has been en- tered and every time the thieves have been successful. On . Saturday en- trance was gained by a window in the rear, and once inside the sneak thieves had little trouble in securing the coin. It seems that there must have been two, one to enter and one to keep watch, as the church is in a thickly populated part of the city, and the caretaker lives near. The crooks evidently watched the moves ments of the janitor and when he was out of sight got in to the building, rumma; around until they t what they wanted and then got safely "George Mil by th xeorge Mills was seen the Whig, Yesrioa} Brave Young Man. this morning. He sta that the Mackenzie King parts with a deputy |(LA"8 bad been enterad five times, minister's salary and a job in whic $3.50 taken The 5 rh Ie to he has done good work of a kind that fof the o; inio th req o Efe he likes, in order to run against a the aA on al © theft was Wealth distiller, who las 3 start of | "yyy Co, TLE col lL d three hundred majority. He has his |, the. police and the totes ho nerve with him, anyhow. working on it. If the offenders are caught they should receive a stiff sentence. he wanted to serve more than words can say.' His misbehaviour at To routo and Peterboro cannot be ex- cused or condoned. EFFECTS OF THE TOUR. The Toronto News thinks the tour THE H. D. BIBBY CO. [THE WHIG, 75th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 806-310 King street, Kingston, Ontario, at $6 per year, kditions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 pages, hurs- United published in parts on Monday and day morning at $1 a year. To States, charge for postage ry to be added, making price of Daily and o « B Weekly $1.50 per year. of the liberal leader has been wasted. Attached is one of the best Job Print- } "He has dwelt insistently," says our ing Offices in Canada ; rapid, stylish, ' . . and cheap work ; nine improved presses. | contemporary, '"'upon the glorious his- has done The British Whig Publishing Co., L'a | tory of liberalism." He EDW. J. B. PENSE, that, and with pardonable pride has Managing Director. |, more. He has justified the poli- cy of the government in every respect. He certainly found that the people are satisfied respecting the Grand Trunk Pacific railway. They heartily participate in the slogan, "Let Lau- rier finish his work." At Niagara Falls Portmaster-Gen- eral Lemieux, returned from a study of the question in the United States, had tie pleasure of announcing that rural mail delivery had been decided upon, not as at one time contemplat- ed, but on a plan which was quite within the means of the country and that gave him great satisfaction. The minister of railways and canals, at two places, intimated that the Hudson Bay railway would be upder- taken without delay, to meet the growing needs of the North-West; and the latest news is that from the sale many will feel that there has been in|©f land so far efieated there is a nu- - this an unnecessary sacrifice of timber cleus of $5,000,000 for the work. OL on limits. When the demonstration occurred at The sale of limits generally can only Berlin the resolution came to hand the ground that the |from the Trades and Labour Council, with which | Which said that the workingmen should be represented in the govern- ment by a minister of labour. The premier said that if W. L. Mackenzie King were elected in North Waterloo he should be the man. The new secretary of state joined the party at North Bay, and Hon. Mr. Murphy, in his speech, showed that he had a progressive spirit, and that he would not be a drag on the wheels of Here, too, the premier received the petition of the C.P.R. men and undertook to use his best of- fices in the settlement of the trouble. "A wasted tour !" Not go far as the The premier No Appeals For Boodle. London Advertiser. The liberals have not only a great leader in Laurier, but a pure one. No one can imagine Laurier telegraphing to a government contractor: "Send me another ten thousand." TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20, Queen City bers, 32 Church St., Toronto, Smallpeice, Representative. Daily Wihig. WHAT SEARCHLIGHT SHOWS. The searchlight, we are informed, has been turned upon the transactions of the government in so far as one per- son is concerned, namely, A. W. Fra- ser, of Ottawa. One William J. Con- roy, of Aylmer, is sueing him for a sharé of the profit made in the sale of a timber limit, bought originally for $1,650 and sold for $100,000. The purchase may have been made, and no of competi- Cham- H. E. - A Sad Omission. Toronto Star. Sir Charles Tupper has written an ol letter to Sir Wilfrid Laurier in which he mentions most of the notable things he did with the exception of the time he dined with the Emperor of Austria off a service of gold. The Best Night Light in the Market. z Cost for 18 Hours I 1%c. Cost of Lamp, 35¢ Corbett's. Are receiving attention from every man that gets in range of them. Our showing is certainly a splendid one. i New Patterns. New Colorings. 34 Attached or detached cuffs, Plain or Coat Shirts, all sizes, to . > $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. Our Shirts are from the foremost manufacturers of the 3 country. They're right in-every way. bli » you have been having Shirt troubles, Sir, come here for relief. See Our Swell $1.00 Shirts. doubt was, under terms - tion, and Mr. Fraser may have come into possession of the property right- fully and fairly. At the same time Chained To The '"'Gang." Halifax Chronicle. In spite of the Montreal Star's warning, that eminent tory states- man, George W. Fowler, was on hand to welcome Mr, Borden at St. John. The leader giniply can't shake Fowler. who impored Dear Lefurgey to keep mum about those western land deals, "except ta Borden, Bennett and your- | self." MARINE NEWS. What is Found About the Wharves. The steamer Wanderer arrived from the islands, on Saturday night, and after undergoing some repairs, will be placed on the Cape Vincent route. Swift's : Steamer City of Ottawa, jdown, Sunday; steamer Rideau King, for Ottawa, this morning; steamer Mr. Roblin is going to and fro in 'Belleville, up, to-day; steamer Dun- the eastern provinces denouncing the [durn, up, to-day; schooner Cornelia, federal government, which has kept 'at Wolfe Island, with coal for Swift. the land for the settler, while his own| There is nothing slow about Capt. government has parcelled 'it out in Patterson, of the schooner Mary Ann large blocks to speculators and capi- |[Lydon. He succeeded in making a talists. Knowing this, isn't Mr. Rob- [trip over to Oswego and back, while lin showing a good deal of impertin- other schooners remained out around ence ? Nine Mile Point. The Lydon is dis- SLT Lh Se Sharging a cargo of coal at Craw- Mr. Dalby On Mr. Ames. ord's. Montreal Hea At MT. Co.: The steamer Fair- Henry Dalby, one time organizer of mount and barge Ungava, cleared for the conservative party, may be a can- | Fort William; the steamer Crowe dis- didate in St. Antoine division. Mr. {charged 75,000 bushels of wheat, and Dalby selected St. = Antoine. Herbert cleared for Duluth; the steamer John Ames, has the misfortune to be identi- Crerar, arrived from: Duluth, with fied with the worst element in the | {2,000 bushels of wheat; the Steamer conservative party, the self-righteous | estmount arrived from Fort Wil- element; = which prates continually liam with 90,000 bushels of wheat; the about purity, takes a magic lantern, Sten mes Advages, passed on: har way to illustrate the 'corruption of 'the en. : rom Montreal to Fort William, with emy and leaves it to the other fellows package freight; the tug Bartlett to discover the sins of its own party. leared for Montreal with four barges; I do not mean to suggest that Mr. | the tug Thomson cleared for Montreal Ames personally is open to the sus- A SURGICAL OPERATION be defended. on Roblin's Impertinence. London Advertiser, people must have timber to carry on building operations, and that this timber would be practically unpurchasable if not provided as near as possible to the habitable districts. It has been computed that the forest lands of Manitoba and the North- West Territories cover 722,578 square miles, and British: Columbia the belt is 20,000 square miles. Up to this We sell the best Men's Gloves the world produces. DENT'S MAKE, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50. FAWNES' MAKE, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50. : We ask your special attention to our $1.00 Street atid Dress ove. . The best Gloves for the money, that ever covered a hand. THE H. D. BIBBY GO. Kingston's One Price Clothing House. SCISSOR in date there has been disposed of 123,- 500 square miles, so that is enough, to last for are 600,000 areas, mostly government. without repioduction, 220 years, and there square miles of forest spruce, which can be cut every twenty d are concerned. has stirred the people as they have not been for many a day, and by ad- dresses of the most dignified charac- ter. The people go' to the political meetings for enlightenment, and Sir Wilfrid and, his associates have tisappointed them. years, liberals It was the magnitude of the thing, the fact slices of forest would not be missed, which suggested the looting which began in 1883, and of the government that large in which members and members of parliament engaged. These divided among themselves, free If there is any one thing that a woman dreads more than another it is a surgical operation. not " . with three grain barges. he We can state without fear of a contradiction that there are hun. dreds, yes, thousands, of operations performed upon women in our hos- pitals which are entirely unneces- sary and many have been avoided by LYDIA E.PINKHAM"S VEGETABLE COMPOUND For proof of this statement read the following letter. Mrs. Letitia Blair, Cannifton, Ont., writes to Mrs. Pinkham : "1 was sick for five years. Ome doe tor told me it was ulceration, and an- other told me it was a fibroid tumor, and advised an operation. No one knows what I suffered, and the bear- of cost, 10,326 square miles of area, (212 limits) making a strip of forest miles wide and extending to In the eighteen years the conservatives gave away 29 of timber limits free, not one cent of money go- ing into the treasury. The liberals sold no limits without a compensation. Be- tween 1896 and 1908 they sold only 6.500 square miles, but some of it went too cheap, by public sale, as the area three from Halifax Vancouver. square miles Fraser case has shown. ROBLIN AS A SLANDERER. The position is one he does not ap- preciate, that of arbiter between There has been waste of effort, is trying to serve, with hope of suécess. to News EDITORIAL NOTES, The new election law is now on ate a month hence. -- on the ticular about what he says. The American politicians are gett time, of money, of energy, but it has been with the party which the Toron- trial. We'll know better how to oper- Hanna's own record contradicts him immigration question. Like Roblin he does not appear to be par- picion of doing the wrong things denounces. He has painted Canadian public life in unwarrantably dark col- ors. The quinquennial slangwhanging which always breaks out before a do- minion election, has' been organized and systematized this time, to such an extent that it is calculated to defame the character, and injure the financial credit of the country. -------------- No Basis For The Cry. Canadian Courier. Every large railway or other cor- poration in Canada occasionally pays prices which are too high. Further, every such corporation or company is of He Boasted Too Much. Montreal Star. Mr. Borden, betrayed this feeling (in Toronto) in the very speech in which he rushed to the defence of his absent lieutenant. He made open boast, of the fact that the insurance commis- sion had ignominiously failed to con- nect the name of '"R. L. Borden' with "any land deals.". This tells us more emphatically than any definite declar- ation could do, what Mr. Borden real- ly thinks of men whom this insurance commission did succeed in connecting with "land deals." If it would have been a disgrace for "R. L. Borden" to have been mixed up with these land occasionally cheated by employees. {deals which the searchlight of the The fakir does not confine his atten. 'commission revealed, what is to be tion to the great spending depart- | said of Mr. Foster, who went into ments of the dominion government. It one of the most gigantic of no ils ing Shoes for Autumn Wear The most perfect fitting. The most stylish looking is the Invictus Shoe We have the newest styles in Wine, Brown and Tan Colors, also Patent Colt, Gua Metal, Velour Calf, Box Calf or Vici Kid. $4.50 and $5.00. Ladies', $3.50, 3.75 and 4.00. The Sawyer Shoe Store. these is, therefore, unreasonable to expect "deals" with the money of his that all government J chuses shall company in his hands ? What, fur- be at the lowest possible price or that |ther, is to be said of other members it shall always get what it stipulates of Mr. Borden's entourage who initia- or. If private companies and indivi- [ted this "deal" by getting special in- duals cannot do it, governments bre gide information from two railway not likely to be more successful. This (magnates whose companies are con- is not written to justify the marine |g¢antly soliciting parliament for department. Its methods were cer- legiglation ? tainly in need of improvement. So ! far, however, there seems to be little real basis for the large-sized charges which have been thrown at Mr. Bro- deur. There was basis for eriticism; there seems to have been little basis for the cry of 'wholesale graft." more sensitive. Those who with corporation money more and the Globe and Mr. Roblin, but Mr. A are tainted Willison, of the has performed a manly and act. He has vindicated the and incidentally discredited Mr. because there nothing The circumstances under which ing down pains were terrible. 'I wrote to my sister about it, and sh advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 'It has cured me of all my troubles, and I did not have to have the opera- tion after all. The Compound also helped me to pass safely through Change of Life." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands o women who have been troubled with displacements, inflam mation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irre ities, . periodic pains and backa Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Toronto News, courageous Globe, Rob- else have to go. It's a good sign. Mr. Roblin is not leaving Ontario a day too soon. He has become abu- slanderous, and only the sort | lin, was sive and to do. political dodos appreciate that Mr. Roblin spoke may have been ir- ritating. He had come cast to join the entSurage of Mr. Borden, and he did not hesitate to engage in clamour on thejland question. The liberals were accused of looting Rob- rude A Ap HAAHAHAAN OK HAAAAAAANAAAIAAAAANNNK COWAN'S CHOCOLATES AND MAPLE BUDS 50c. PER. LB. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58, IIIS of thing. rp, - The Late Thomas Hunt, Sr. Thomas Hunt, Sr., one of the oldest inhabitants of the Thousand Islands, died at his home on LaRue Island, recently, aged ninety-four years. Mr. Hunt was born in Tipperary county, Ireland, and came to, this country when nineteen years of age, and about sixty years ago located on LaRue Is- land, where he has since made his home. He was a very active man for his age, and was in good health up to within the past year, when he com- menced to grow feeble. Mr. Hunt has many friends in this vicinity as well as in Rockport, who deeply sympa- thize with the many relatives. He leaves to mourn his loss, besides his widow, who is his second wife, six children, Fitz M. Hunt and Damer Hunt, Brockville; Mrs. Charles Cirt- well, Robert and Henry Hunt, LaRue Island, and Mrs. Ellen Prendergast, Utica, and two brothers, Henry Hunt, Sr., LaRue Island, and Francis Hunt, Brockville, The labour element will seek several changes in the Lemieux law. One will be that not enforce wage reduction without enquiry as to its employers shall the public domain, and as Mr. the need of it. lin appeared to be particularly in his bearing--he was the Bill Sykes © the party--the Globe paid him due It cited the losses the province of Manitoba had sustained by his mismanagement of its The evidence of these losses was Tupper's Lament. Sir Charles Tupper's recent croaking on political questions, recalls the fol- lowing verses once published regarding the 'has been' \ AS The Hamilton Spectator will now see the wisdom of revising its esti- Mr. Roblin's stories, The very innocent, (not ignorant : mate of attention. . paper is mark you) which believes all he says. Poor country, 'tis of thee . y So full of misery Of thee 1 sing Land where the best is bad, Land where we're all so sad, let me reign and be glad Thou poor old thing! O luckless land to-day 'Neath hateful plenty 8 sway, 1 weep for thee! How can men care for what They're promised or they've got, As long as things are not All run by me? lands. . con- No gentle reader, the Bowser whom the premier of British Columbia sent to Ontario, to divert the people, records of the Land has Mr. Roblin confronted in the office, tained Titles' came and be- Every Woman with Bowser whom the Detroit But when is not the Free Press has made so famous. angry them. The lesson was that he should 18 interested and should kn | Purge or purify his own record before | they must be related. They are about the wonderful MARVEL Whirli vs The nySey Dew Vaginal Kyri Bes : he undertook to criticise the records of tainly very wonderful men. others. When Mr. ronto political The Montreal Star is right. If peo- ple elect men of the Foster stripe his be blamed for refusing de- tM ost conven- : ' Roblin went to the To- meeting he suffered While it raged He accused in connec- Federal Finances. Montreal Le Canada. Under the Laurier government the annual surplus has been $8,500,000. Effects Of Electricity. Under the conservative regime the| The observations of Dr. Mullendorf average deficit was $249,000. + |concerning the effects of electricity on The main complaint which: the con- [the animal body show some remark servatives make against the liberals lable results. Man has much greater with regard to financial matters is|power of resistance, or much less. sus- that the Laurier government has in-[ceptibility, than many other animals. Coal fs good coal . Juar: creased the expenditure of the coun-{A jeech placed upon a copper plate girtes "Phone, try. We ask the electors do they which rests upon a Jarger plate of : Booth & Co., FOOT WEST STREET. fent, It cleanses natantly. our dri WN N Asx y uggist for it. "4 wie If he cannot supply the a AR WEL, accept p» ie ; bat nd AW W wives full p culars and directions in- v3 Wn yaluable to ladies, WINY OR SUPPLY CO, W Indsor, Out. \ General Agents for Canada. leader cannot to shake "him. Thé people twice feated him, on his record, but North the from a brain storm. 'The kind you are looking fo; the kind we wil sion SCRANTON he became very abusive. of the Crows' crookedness Nest Pass rail- the Globe Toronto can stand more than tion with way, whose cost was increased from [average constituency. $1,850,000 to $2,000,000. In addition 250,000 acres of America. "I "that Mr. Borden spoke at Pembroke on the Georgian Bay canal, and when he got through the people did not know whether he was for or against the scheme. The premier spoke on it at North Bay, and the essence of what he said is given in the news column. the Globe received prompt delivery. the coal charge) the they used their influence to rob the country that Robert Jaffray and his the Globe might Dest land in prefer a deficit of three millions or a lzine in unable to crawl off on account surplus of nineteen millions after hav- (of the feeble electric action excited hy ing expended a hundred millions ? the contact of the metals. Horses are ---- troubled by slight differences of po- tential. An ox treated for rheuma- tism with electricity succumbed to a current absolutely inoffensive to man. Globe," said he, Notice to Our Customers Our store will close at 6 o'clock sharp every night, except Saturday. High A. GLOVER. - T0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect Brxk & Tile Co., Wash. T burn, Ont. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees, . Are read Fall Importations Of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received all fall importations for order work in his tailoring department. His rea- dy-made clothing and gents' furnish- ing departments were never better as- sorted. associates behind obtain money." Offensive reference was made to J. A. Macdonald, the of the Globe, and the attempt made to pre- public estimation, to represent of righteousness while his employers and looted the public treasury and lands. The result is known. Mr. [ohn appealed to an impartial Not A Ladylike Campaign. Mr. Haskell in Interview. "It's getting to be an edifving ex- ample when the president of the Uni- ted States mixes in personalities. Early in the summer we were to have a ladylike campaign. The president is the biggest four-flusher in the politi- cal business, to-day. You ought to hear what they think of the rascal down in Oklahoma." editor $15,000,000 For A Department. In 1902 the department of agricul- ture at Washington was thought to be doing fairly well when it nt $4,000,000. It is now spending Ts. Standard Soap Works, Calgary. 000,000. Its work includes forestry : service, the bureau of animal indus- try, the testing of foods, the study and prediction of the weather, the de-. velopment of new plants, the building of roads, and the crop reports. One item of ten thousand dollars to be B fe C ] spent this year may result in the sav- ing of millions. It will be used for testing plants believed to be suitable a Cc for paper-making, "Biggest and , No Hurt, But Corns Go. in the him judice him as a preacher Fire did $75,000 damage at the friends witness, the man who was editor of | the during the Crow's Nest j Pass railway discussion, and Mr. Wil- that he shaped the policy of ithe Globe at the time with- out dictation from or reference to any 'one on the directorate of the paper. The result is evident... Mr. Roblin 'has slandered the Globe and its edi- do is plans and disappear from public view as soon as ble. Ie has certainly hurt the party 'FRESHLY MINED Coal is far more desirable than that dug out of the earth a year ago. It's cleaner--hasn't stored up twelve months' dirt and dust : it's dryer and in many ways a greater heat producer. Here it is at your service on quick order-- bright, well screened coal in all the standard sizes at standard prices for hetter even than stand. and quality, R. CRAWFORD 'Phone, 9. Foot Queen St. 1,000 Islands-Rochester. . Steamer North King Jeaves Sunday' at 10.15 am. for 1,000 island ports, and at 5 p.m. for Rochester, via Bay of Quinte. Globe lison declares My Valet service, $1 a month. The latest practical joke is reported from Chicago, where the victim, a laborer in a steel plant, is likely to die. Some of his brutal fellow work- men forced a jet of compressed wir In big boxes, 15c., at Wade's drug down his threat, and as a result his store. vital organs are horribly torn. or J Nyeing and cleaning. My Valet. Suits cleaned and pressed. My Valet, Peck's Corn Salve produces no pain or soreness. It can't harm, but it will remove hard or soft corns every time. 'tor, and the best thing he can follow out his possi- A A ho RA RTA Pl