PAGE EIGHT, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1908. THE BUCKLEY HAT Heads in style. Others follow. Buckley & Sons, Synopsis. of Canadian Northwest. Homestead Regulations. NY even.numbered section of Domin- ion Lands wt Manftoba or the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be homesfended by any person the sole head of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less Application for homestead entry must be made in person by the applicant at a Domin- ion Lands Agengy or Subragency. Eotry proxy may, how#ve made bx an Age on certain conditie the father, mc son, daughter, Inotl ir sister of tending homest An applicat made in pe eligible for hu DUTIES dence upon each year 2) A perform living on not less tha K the vicinity of hi ship in land will If the father ased) of a homesteader residence on farming him, not less tl tent, in the wicini a homestea such hor an must must cancellation ' The applicant estead entry (1) months' resi- ¥ the land in 1 of three years, y, 1so desires, duties by by him, s in extent, in Joint owner meet this requirement (or mother, if the father fiad permanent six du the the father in the jtwo is woking not direct lune ANARIAN NORTH-WEST 3 REGULATIONS with COAL~Coa ghts may be leased for twenty-one year $1.00 an acre Not wm can be leased to one ap cents per ton, QUARTZ.--A per eri years of age having i ery may locate feet hy 1,500 feet 00 must be expe ir, 'or paid to $600.00 h 1 mining Fee $ the en heer Mr Ie nrements cor So purchased at §1 NG CLAIM $5.4 plied with an acre rally, 100 each of a river m, sant for a term of a mile per annum. 4 after the output exceeds $10,000, W. W. CORY, Deptity of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized pubhlication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. per cent. tReosLmaain cy The IWAN REMY. Bedford, On The W. A. Singleton™ as I think it my ddty to tell you of the great good St, Regis lLannbago Cure has done we. I was troubled with Lumbago for al six year Sowetimes could scarcely up from a chair. 1 tried several Doctors and took nearly every k of Patent Medicines, and would be a i ' vr 'while th medicines lasted, it Was done 1 was not fit rt time afterwards wads adv Cure and taken half gone and Aug. 26th, 1908 raise and work About to inbago d not a INSURES 08D HEALTH - INSURES RE FOOD. COMPANY Limi © EW.GILLETT YORONTQ.ONT. TRENT DOT TINY A 'Wood's Phosphodine, » Great English Remedy. 108 anyfivigoraiesthe Ww oe rvous stom, Wakes new lood in old Veins, Cures Nero {al and Brain Werr, Weakness, Emissions 23 of Ahuse or F. One will ple: ats or mailec i of New pamphlet xl Medicine Co. Toronto, Ont. in T0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Ierfect Brxk & Tile Co., Wash. burn, Ont. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees, Are ready to contract for tmmediate livery. Brick that wil stand inspec at reasonable rates. Capacity of 60,000 daily; d tion plant, Set up or. a bath room installed. I can do it in first-eiass style and at the right price, Give me a trial. DAVID HALL, Phone 335 €4 Brogk Latay of ten days with her niece, Mrs. IR. R. Tate. Miss Alma Graham {gone to Toronto to attend the normal ------ me hool. Mrs. Albert Kendrick has gone | WHAT WHIG CORRES - west s her father, who is ill. Mr, | 1 Wig QOF Us. POND Fe a yh and son, Quebec, are! | visiting their daughter, Mrs. Crowley, ---- Hor a few days. Mrs. Thomas Somer- The Tidings From Various Points|ville met with a bad accident the in Eastern Ontario--What | other evening. Coming out of one of {the hardware stores, she fell and Zeople Are Doing A ke her arm, near the shoulder. They Are Saying. { Mrs. Amos Weeks is under the doe- 3 t Jottings 1tor's care. The Lyndhuggt fair was a unetown ottin| . / {rood success, Junetown, Sept. 28.--W. W. Hall at- | tended the Toronto exhibition. Mr. 5 and Mrs. Jacob Warren have returned | after visiting friends at Hamilton and | Toronto. Miss Blanche . Herbison spending a few days in Lansdowne. Anna Scott, Gananoque, spent Pine Hill Personals. Pine Hill, Sept. 26.--The weuthor is very dry and warm and water is low. | | Rufus Wagar has purchased the late Robert Vanvolkenberg's farm at Me- and Sunday at Herbert man and will Moye Shere soon. oe / : " M. Spratt entertained y s 3 to Me and Hrs. x | friends on Wednesday evening. Miss Rgats on September _ 18th, a San. the {Ruth Kellar has returned home after Robison, es TH an spending a few months at Enterprise, as a Ae s. Mr. : re Son. oy Oscar Webster, Washburn, 'were a Wells was at M. King's on Son I day. Miss E. Haley and Mrs. Samp Thursday last, guests of Mr. and Mrs. {op King spent Saturday at Enter- J. C. Turner. Several from here at- prise. F. W. Dean, manager of the tended the Webster-Cughan wedding at Hyowa bank, Enterprise, and D. Wa- Elbe. |gar spent a couple of days with W. Reid inspecting his mine. Miss Leila Doptkins, of Enterprise, is | spending a few days the guest of Miss [R. Kellar. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellar and son, Elwood, are at R. King's. Miss M. Carscallen, Mrs. T. Palma- ef, lteer and J. McAdam were at G. accompanied by Misses Olive nnd Min- {King's on Sunday. A. Kellar and visited I. Husband, yes- \y,." 1 Kellar were at J. Kellar' Mr. and Mrs. George Rayner |S,unday. Miss M. Wagar and M v flying trip to Maberly last | ggekirk spent. Sunday the guests week. William Badour visited his sis- |yics E. Haley. Mr. and Mrs. ter, Mrs. Rayner, on Sunday. Irwin : Dennie paid a flying visit to G.. Ray- Saturday. Mr. Hickey has his new granary. Mr. Hus- and 2G. Cox have built new houses. A attendance of scho- jars at school is reported. Potato digeing is the order of the day. 1s mn week Gull Lake Items. Gull Lake, Sept. 28.--A new shingle will is expected to be built on Gull Lake in the near future. Mr. Votran intends moving his saw mill to Gull Lake. Miss M. McKinnon, teacher, nie Rayner, raiday. made ¢ her on finished band good Remodelled Residence. Station, Sept. 20.--R. in charge of the K. & P. relieving agent. James in Montreal with a load of stock Mrs, David Riddell is in Hamilton on a visit Archie Camp- hell, Kingston, is visiting his par- ents, Mrs. - Levi Moss is recovering from a serious illness Miss Veal, « nurse, of Kingston, has re- d home Renfrew fair pa- tronized by some of our young people, Mrs J H. Cannon, and have returned from a trip to John, N.B. John Boles has re- his residence. Mrs, Ira Cook the sick list. 'larendon ! Burleigh is stpion, a Campbell is and train turn was and modelled is still on 8. "J. McLEAN. IS mith, Gana Jdrgve to the home of the bride's mo- 4ther for luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. pe, at J. McNeeley's; Mr. and Miss Modler, Eden Grove, at J. Chifi's; 'G. Darling at W. Landon's; R. Richardson and G. Boucher at A. Stratton's; W. Cross at B. Steacy's. Tidings From Bongard's. Bongard's, Sept. 28.--Mrs. John Pierce, an old and highly respected resident of this place, died at her home on Thursday morning last, after a lingering illness of over a year of inflammatory rheumatism from whick she was a great sufferer. Deceased leaves, besides her husband, four chil- dren, two sons and two daughters. One son John of Sacramento, Cal, arrived a few hours before his moth- er's death. The funeral took place at St. John's church, Waupoos, on Sat- urday. Interment was made in the Church of England burying ground. Mrs. J. B. Bongard and son are away on a trip to Montreal this veek. Misses Viola and Gracie Me- Cormick spent a few days in Picton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas visited at Napanee and Belleville recently. A. McCaw, Milford was in this vicinity buying apples. James Bradley has purchased the fine home of Roswell Harrison, the latter taking up his residence in Pic- ton. On the eve of their departure Mr. and Mrs. Harrison were jprgetnt- ed with an address and beautiful Mor- rie rocking chair of their friends at Waupoos and Bongard's. Their de- parture is much regretted. J. B. Bon- gard of the steamer Alexandria spent over Sunday at his home. Miss Alice McAuley of this place, daughter of Mrs. P. McAuley, and Frank Powers of the high school, were married at St. Gregory's Roman Ca- tholic chureh, Picton, on Wednesday last. Following the ceremony high mass was held, after which the guests Pow- ers left for Detroit and Saginaw, Mich., on their honeymoon. Marriage At Marysville. Marysville, Sept. 28.--The cattle ip these parts are suffering for want - water. Some cheese factories are talking of closing down on account of the scarcity of milk. A' pretty wed- ding took place this morning at eight clock, in St. Mary's church, when Miss Aggie Fields, the charming daughter of John Fields, became the bride of Wiliam James O'Sullivan, of the third concession. Another wed- ding is to take place 'on Wednesday morning at the same hour when Peter Mheins, a prosperous young merchant of Deseronto, will lead Miss Frankie Currey, third daughter of Mrs. Nora Currey, also of the second line, to the altar. A Professor of Toronto University made a Impressive Sermon. Kaladar, Sept. 29.--Ross Banker ar- rived home from Dryden on Saturday after absence of six months. Mr. eller away visiting at Napanee, Calvin Thompson was a visitor at Christie Keller's house on Sunday. Cousins and son, Ross, of Enterprise, {spent Sunday at R. W Mrs. Rufus Wagar spent Sunday last S. King's. Mr. and Mrs. William ly and sons, Calvert and Wesley, an at Suncay. lc.) Mies. John "Anderson: and Miss Flor- werd ence Bell were visitors at Tweed 1 |, a Saturday. Mrs. W. Both arrived here | i to-day, 'after uw pleasant time at Ot { Glad For The Rain. tava exhibition. Joseph Forbey | Lombardy, Sept. 29.-- Rev, J. H visitab Axdendale on Saturday last. A | Hamilton, = Japan missionary, gave very impressive Sérmon was delivered [21 interesting lecture a ae Anglican by" Rev: 15 Wallace on Sunday last. |chuteh' last night. "He illustrated his W. Rigby has purchased a residence in {address by limelight Views, I'he much Tweed. We are sorry to lose so old ke: and long-prayed-for rain fell friend. Uriah Wilson has arrived," to- [YeSieESay. 1 day, on electioneering business. Claude | whet SEGRE destiuyed by. drought a Anderson was a visitor at George JOKES. : n leeching eorn WBE Soff Sawa pure food hay '1, their stosk. * Water also Se : v ie was becoming searee., . Alex, Bison: ¥ uh 8B N » . Hfette has returned a trip to Bates Prom Bethel. Fulton and Syracuse, NY Where he Bethel of the farm. | Attended the State fair. Several ; {from here went to Fraukville fair ers have started digging their pota {last Friday. Among those from here tot s and very rap. | visited Ottawa exhibition last Ram 1 A : were Misses Mary Breen and little plowing can be done, while Annie O'Meara and Thomas Millar ground 18 so very Riry and hard. Mos. | fics Dowdall, teacher near Rideau \. McWilliams again renewing old | Parry, was the guest, last week of acquaintances. and Mrs, Marsh | Nps EP, Kell. The annual meet Barnhart, Hay Bay, are at her ling of the Bible Society will be held hrother's, A. Salsbury. Carman Ash- ,," {he Methodist church next at home 'over Sunday. Charles | gay. Lloyd, the little son of at his brother 8 Wesley Albert Wood, is recovering from Sunday. Mrs Edg Yar- | painful accident He broke his arm a week with her dangh- | pocently, by falling from tree, o Mi : in Robert Ashley is better. | Budget From Lapum. Miss Etta Jayne was a visitor for a | Lapum, Sept fow days her Mrs, L. JH. | Suits Beple Stover, Camden Miss Bella Willi ; : Jackson has returned to Napanee af-| = ams weeks' visit here. W. Uns, |2HOR Uns, Hinch spent at Lake. t R. King's on Sunday. or ---- Sept. 28. --Some repost a good ; who very needed, as. very | cook the badly 15 Mr. Sun- Mrs a ley Curl Cugl, ker, visited tar, Mr A. Salsbury, was was on rar, recently B feeling much 28 --There was no ser- Wednesday, as Rev, D. taking a three weeks' va Mrs. William Lapum and Eno, have returned from a visit with her mother, Mrs. | Fields, Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. Jrown spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Bush, Camden East. Percy Wilson, Camden East, was, on Sunday, the of Stanley Bush cou 3in's, East t at is ter a two Arachibald Friday fishing daughter, N and Varty { week Eliza -- ¥: Hartington Notes. 26.--Weather still fog morning, ngton,. Sept Hath tl yme--heavy in guest member of the railway commission. | | the 4 Kingston, gar's. 'Mr. and | Misses Annie and Selia Meagher and The grass dn this acinity Mr. and Mrs. John Fahey, of the Marysville House, has been spending past week visiting friends in Brewer's Mills and Elgin. T. B. Williams, of the Reserve, spent Sunday the guests of diss Mary Tray- nor. Miss Annie Poart is with Miss Annie Fahey. Mr. and Mrs. John Russell visited Matthew Kingston. - Frank Meagher left Wednesday for ke to visit | his sister, Mrs." J. Bi Seanlon, on his way to Webwood, where he is engaged with the Sable gging company. F. McAlpine, has gens to Toronto to take lid lace "in ¥ McGinnis went to Deseronto Saturday night. Mr. 'And : Mrs. Mike McAlpin took in the Tamworth fair and visit- ed friends for a few days. FLINTON HAPPENINGS. Fire Burns Stables--Death of Mrs. \HOTELMEN Sexsmith, |: last |' offs REGOMPENSE OF PROVINCE OUT FOR COMPENSATION. Will Try and Impress Legislature With Fairness of Their De- mand When Local Option Shuts Shop. Toronto World. The first annual meeting of the On- tario Licensed and Allied Trades As- sociation will be held in Victoria Hall, Wednesday. The circular announcement to members says : "The convention needs your opinion and discussion on many important matters now before the trade of the province, and you are urgently re quested to be present and assist the convention with your ideas. If the convention cannot be attended by all the members of the trade in your municipality, kindly see that your fel- low-tradesmen appoint one or more delegates to represent them at the convention. The executive would also welcome letters during the next ten days suggesting topics for the order paper of the convention. "The association is now entering into fifty campaigns against local op- tion in parts of the province. Last year the association won nearly all its campaigns against local option losing only a few places where the trade took no interest. United action is required in the coming contests. "The association will now throw more energy into the question of the repeal of local option by-laws, which topic will be taken up by the conven- tion. "The association presents to you the past year's record of successes for the hotel men : Local option was defeated in nearly all of the important places last year. The Collingwood high fi- cense by-law was quashed, the license reduction by-law in Toronto was quashed, and the local option by-law in Orillia was quashed. A body of On- tario hotel men recently secured the enactment of a dominion law by which the hotel man is protected from the 'dead beat.' "Filled with hope by these successes the association expects that with your co-operation there may be found at this coming convention some plan of making the trade of Ontario a unit that may appeal to the legisla- ture for favorable legislation, and in particular, compensation, for the ho- tel men who lose their licenses through local option, FASHION'S FORM, Theatre or Informal Evening Wear. Gown For The accompanying design shows a William Craig. Flinton, Sept. 28.--Fires mn places are not finished yet, winds seem to fan them J. D. Pringle has lost three large | stasks of hay during the. recent fires | Mrs. Edward Turner received word of | her mother, at Belleville, falling, striking her head and breaking her | arm, and was badly injured in other ways. , The old lady is in her eighty- third Year. Charles Airheart north from herd, and when he got there his sta bles were in ashes, and he had hard work the house, but now re ports danger is past. Rev. Mr, and Mik. Irwin and daughter, Agnes; are visiting her sister, at Niagara:on-the- Lake. | many ! as the to a blaze, went saving oppres all day, to is im though still very spent Mr. Reynolds, Har aunt, was in this neighborhood |} buy Finday Miss lostelle ns nd a few) sister, Mi imirs visiting Walroth, |; purchased threshing building dwelling. '1 siclences Sek we wikh nn pov low row thick and tense he James Huff was in Napanee, business Miss Jes Sunday Satur- sic. Huff | with her | Camden | Mrs. ( Lapum is the | Charles Stover attended the | Amherst Island and Stella, | John Reid. Glenburnie, Saturday and Sunday here with and sister, party, of their Levi Brown and Mrs. Wil and Mrs. Wilkie Ottawa exhibi and Mrs. W spent Sunday William Prin Adolphus last Goslin day, on somewhat and Michael lara Saturday Mr and weak \ Love, mith ast on hist at sick day in the iikterson hap parents Verona. Mr a new cleaner John walks Grant is p week is Mrs has Mr. and Abram for las Dowker _ is around In unting the Morr and Joseph Taylor ritment of Ot supplied the public school set. of Miss eph Siygs- Courtance Love Gwendoline, Saturday, to a Mr. Sunday Bo 1 le gave a number Mrs M: on ma chine. co ment and with Mr the Mr avenue, nd Mrs frien spent re of |} {ham Hton dh Pring on attended last Maple with Mr Albert spent Ihe depa agriculture, . tion week Frink here je town, | | | | i | | hag her: n farm lor, Miss tawa, very useful weed Visitor Sharpton, at J Williamson, - Sauls at BE EN x of and. Mu Newton | Week with friends in this vicinity | ¢ Mrs on | | Lake's Whitty's. Library with a books « Myrtle Tay Taylor's; worth's; Mr. O'Brien, Allen, Minor Babcock v couple days, James Edward at Telephone A Convenience. | Wilstead, Sept. 20. --Every effort is| beir put forth to make the 'harvest home service, to be held on | 26.--The farmer which ~The farmers | & : 3 w ary Sunday night in the Methodist church | and m | a succes Rev George (0. Tradinnick | (will preach. inished by hool. Mrs. spent na Toronto Fair A Success. Lyndhurst, Sept. are about all through threshing report a very good yield A many from here took in the Toronto fair. Mrs. (Gv. White is improving very after her illness. Mrs. Roddick around Mrs. J. B Harvev has returned to Montreal, ai- 'ter the summer with her I'homas Doddridge, returned home, after a good Special musie will be fur the and Sunday George T Khyes and week in Toronto during | exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. | Byers and Mrs. J. Elliott attended the | Guinn wedding. A number from hese attended the funeral of the late Ezra | McKay, Mooretown. Miss Laura Lan : don returned home last week after a | Heart Palpitation Cured. {lengthy visit with friends in Oswego | like purgatory to be startled [Nearly all are connected with the | sound sleep by the thumping r lephone and find a gre] | choir i Inte ) sons again. the spending Mrs has PRITHLS ockville, Just out of al it vour heart. Don't be scared, it's convenience. The "'world's fair" at the result of acute indigestion | Lansdowne was a grand success. Mr. | ten drops of Nerviline cures in Mrs. W. Heaslip attended Lynd-| leaps and sickness fair and report a good time. | keeping Nerviline handy. For Webb is all smiles; a baby girl | tind bowel troubles its a has come to stay. William Boucher won worker. In sick headaches and arrived home on Saturday from the minor ills) no doctor can give better west. Mr. and Mrs. Webster. Mel-| adviee than just srviline."' For gen- combe and Miss Clough, Mallorytown, ¢ family use a bottle of Nervi- 'are visiting Mrs. J, B. Wilson. A. | the best; try it for any ache, [Modler has purchased a Gerhard | only which land { hurst y Joel stantly of worry saved hy stomach ler eis bruise and you'll never usé 'Heintzman piano from E. O. Web-| ster, Recent visitors: Miss L. pain anything else. ~ or |stroyed by Mrs. C. {General Foy to accept a brief from a Mrs. William Craig died, on Septem ber 21st, at the home of her nephew, | William Molyneaux, has been her home de- on September Tth of the late Mrs Molyvneaux, and a cousin W. Hudgins, here about seventeen years leaves a husband, but Among the mourners from a were Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hudgins, from Madoc, and Mrs. Jar- | vis, from Delora. Rev. D. Williams, | Wilton, has a gang of men repair and fixing up mill property here Louis Lessard, two and a half years old, has the misfortune to fall stairs and break his leg in 1 places, "on September 18th. F. Gray | and his mothér were iu the village on Thursday last. Mrs. Eliza Sedgewick visiting her daughter, Mrs. Halley Stone. Joseph Barker, of Dryden, is renewing acquaintances here. Mr. and i. Robinson, of Kaladar, with his Mrs. Flinton fair is on | where she living since was fire, She © was a sister Samuel of the stationed She late Rev, who was ago children distance no is of ing down two spent Herbert October Sunday sister, Ledore, 7th Wouldn't Be Right. Star. it Téronto Would be right for = Attorney railway company, amd as counsel for the company to argue its before the Ontario railway board ? If not, Ww can it be permissible for another lawyer-minister to act in a similar way ? - Any Be Leaves $7,500,000 To Science Berlin, Sept. 30.--The Prussian Aca demy of Science, an association of eminent men under the patronage of the government has inherited the sum of $7,500,000 from a banker namdd Sampson, who died recently in Brus sels. ? The money is to be expended scientific purposes. . for Brotherly love . and. charity some- times only lasts as long as it takes to say if, | little jonly | ng boat from Cape jer leaves daily charming style for an informal. even- ing gown. Voile, chiffon cloth, mar- quisette and such semi-transparent fabrics would all be desirable made up after this mode, or silk or satin could be used with excellent effect. The model was in black satin Directoire, trimmed with heavy guipure lace. The " folded guimpe was of white tulle, and was in a. pointed decolletag but a * high-necked guimpe of tuck tulle or white lace could be used desired. ro if DESPONDENT AT DESERTION. Girl Shoots Hersélf and Then Be- comes Mother. Welland, © Ont., Sept. 30.--Carmela Barsella, an Italian girl, aged twenty, tried to commit shooting. A few minutes afterwards was de- livered of a She making sa- tisfactory towards recovery, thotigh the bullet entered her left ear and is now lodged in her neck. The young came from Italy three ago. Deserted by lover joined her father and brother here. The latter went out for a walk, and in their absence the girl suicide by she son 18 progress woman months she er {pried open a trunk and took out the | weapon. The is quite . strong and healthy. child Change Of Time. Kingston and Cape Vincent, Sun- day service discontinued, also morn- ing boat to Cape Vincent and even- Vincent. Steam- 2 pm. "just . about salt enough" many times, being exceedingly Being means fresh. Many a young Indy of correct style is a rank failure as a mother's helper, PARISIAN SAGE Hair on Your Head Keeps it There. What's the use of being bald ? What sense is there in deliberately allowing to turn gray ? want to look Puts and hair von your Do old before vour time? Give up the thought ; old | will come. all too soon. Look after your hair. Parisian Sage will kill the dandruff germs, apd is the only preparation so far as we know, that is guaranteed to do So. Man or woman, no matter how old you are, Parisian Sage will make you ook younger, : Why not go to G. W. Mahood and 'a large bottle to-day, it only 50c., and your money back if it does not cure . dandruff, stop falling hair, or itching of the sealp. It will make your hai luxuriant, bright and beautiful, and it is the most refresh- ing, pleasant and invigorating baie dressing made. rot costs THEZ SPORT REVIEW. Interesting News From the Var- ious Sporting Fields. Canada won the gymnastic competi- tion at the International Sporting Congress at Rome. Ireland, France, Italy and Belgium followed. The Buffalo Baseball Club is on the market, and 'it is evident that the Bisons will be under different 'manage- ment and ownership next season. Last yearjDetroit and Chicago base ball a Mn $0 box receipts ag- gregating $101,728, of which the play- ers received $54,933. Of this Chicago won $32,960, and Detroit, $21,973. Roulbach, of Chicago, accomplished the great feat of shutting out Brook- lyn twice Saturday. He was as strong at the end of the second game as at the beginning of the first. He gave his opponents five hits in the first and three in the second. The Ottawa hockey team is after Moran, of Quebec, for goal, and he is almost sure. to go there. Pulford will not play, Ross, of Montreal Wander ers, has, however, been practically signed. The others expected ave: Stewart, of Wanderers; Morrison, of Shamrocks, and Shore, of Winnipeg. Detroit is coming back to form again, ahd has jumped into the lead in the American League. With but .a week to go, the leaders in the two big leagues only nosing in front by the narrow margin of one point, there will be some tall doings the next few days. At a meeting of the executive of the Ottawa Football Club, "Tom" Clancy, one of the finest football coaches in Canada, was appointed coach for the season. There was considerable dis- cord in Ottawa, last season, over. the clashing of the coaches. of the senior and intermediate teams, and this sea- son.the Ottawas do not intend to have a repetition of the friction. Rev. Father Stanton, of Ottawa College, believes the Canadian game could be improved slightly by allow: ing substitutes to be used to a limited extent, during a contest. He claims, however, they could not be thrust in a game on the wholesale scale pre- velant in the United States colleges, as the effect of fresh players in the Canadian - game would have a far greater effect on the result than in American rugby. "No wedding bells for Tigers." nings' the Detroit That was "Hughey" Jen- declaration, yesterday, as he announced that Ty. Cobb may be benched. Hereafter any member of the Detroit ball club desirous of com- mitting matrimony must not do so during the period he is under contract to play ball for Detroit. Marriage and the accompanying honeymoon have no place in the baseball season Jennings was moved to the suppres- sion of matrimony during the playing season by the fall down of Cobb. Ever since his wedding this summer, has not taken the same interest in the game, and his batting has been stead- ily falling away. Tyrus ABOUT NEW HAMPSHIRE. A Young Lady Tells About What aw. Hampshic:, Spt. 25. or)) : Would ydu hke to hear a about the old granite stato iNew' England. This is a beautiful country, with its mountains, green valleys and broad rivers. Han- ovdr isa 'evllege' town and very old, but' l 'will write about: it later) 1 want to tell you about the fog we watched ' the morning after we camo here. We climbed Dewey's Hill, which overlooks Hanover, and we were there nearly an hour before we saw any change in the fog. Then the first thing we saw were the tops of two pine trees which appeared to be up im the sky. 'Then we saw Velvet Rock, a very high hill. Presently grandpa called us to the other side of the hill and then we .saw the pret- tiest sight Up in the sky, or what seemed to be, we could see hills and hills, below them the thick fog, then underneath we could beautiful green fields and farmhouses. After a while the fog began to shift and move slowly down the river. Then be- to. soe Hanover. First we saw culty Row, where many of the pro- fcssors live, then the park and then the rest of the {town came gradually into view. 1t really was a very fine sight. The went Hanover, Ne «(To the E see we first manufacturing town to was Labanon, about from Uncle Chris', It is town and the residential part very attractively built We drove to Riverdale Park and passed some very handsome cottages and terraces. There are sixteen hundred Canadians resid ing in Lebanon. Many of these work in the mills and factories--over-all factories, cotton and woollen mills, knitting and shoddy mill Then there are machine shops, watch fac- tory, electrical works, shovel factory and foundry. We came home by way of Chiron Springs, a very fine sum- mer resort and by Etna, a little coun try village and very neat Just long street about a mile long quaint cottages on each side, lawns, and well-kept walks. street is shaded with fine old and "Tennyson's Brook," wide, bly afd rambling, runs right the road.---ETHEL COULTER. we five miles a large is out one with pretty The elms peb beside TRAIN ROBBERY. Shot Down and Over $50,000 Stolen. St. Petersburg, Sept. 30.--A ful train robbery has been executed by a band of thirty men near Vilna, and a large force of police and troops has been sent by special train to the scene. The authorities have not as yet captured the robbers or recovered the money stolen, which is estimated at between $350,000 and $100,000. The guard on board the train consisted of six men only. The robbers took pos- session of a small station before the arrival of ' the train and shot down the fruards as the engine slowed up, before they could seize thef® arms. They kept up a constant fusilade dur- ing the robbery to intimidate the passengers, a number of whom were wounded by broken glass. None of the passengers were seriously hurt, Guards SUCCesE- 3 000,000 cords of the Newspapers New It takes about wood a year to make that go through the presses of York City. If Sunday advice is worth anything it ought to be followed through the week. There's such a thing as being too punctual in the matter of retaliation. "THE NIGGER IN THE WOOD-PILE" Thousands of people go through life fecling more or less miserable without ever knowing the reason. They suf- fer from headaches, indigesiion, pains In the back, and at the slightest chill get rheumatism or neuralgia. ; _ They try to cure these separate out. breaks, never suspecting that the root of the whole trouble is the fallure of the bowels to move refularly, and in many cases the sluggish action of kig- neys and skin. The result, of course, is that the whole. system gets clogged with impurities, which soon turn to poison, and show their presence in va- rious ways. ? "Frult-a-tives®--or fruit jules tab- up the sluggish Thus they cure all these troubles by removing the cause, oT) Jewelery ¥ Repairing We make a speciality in re- pairing all classes of Jewel- ery, Silver and Silver-Plate, and with our long experi- ence we can accomplish the most difficult work. If you have any article of Jewelery in need of repairs, just give us a try. Kinnear &d'E Watchmgkers » 'and © Jewellers. 100 Princess' St. BSOLUTE ~~ SECURITY, Genuine / Carter's | Little Liver Pills. 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