- The Facls in the Case For Constipation, or tightness of the bowels, the simplest -- safest-- most agreeable remedy to cure the trouble--no griping or after effects --is unquestionably ona 26c. and 00c. At al! dealers. More proof that Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound cures sick women. Miss 'M. R. Morin, 335 Ontario St., Montreal, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: # I was in very poor Liealth and doc- 1 for, month! Living very little efit End, Jost all ambition, was vous, and subject to dizzy spells and ful pewigds ach month, A friend suggested Lydia E. Pink- 's Vegetal Compound as the roper medicine for me, I procured a ttle of this remedy and begin tak- ing, and before it was finished, I felt n h 50 much better that I continued its use | and gave it a thorough test, with the result I healthier girl than I was three years | ago. I have no more painful periods, dizziness or nervous troubles, FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. | For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, made | from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing-down feeling, flatulency,indiges- tion, dizziness ornervous prostration. Ww hy don't you try it? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advices She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lyan Hay's a2 1 i ealth Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty, No matter how long it has been gray orfaded. Promotes a luxuriantgrowth |, of healthy hajr. Stops its fs alling out, and positively removes Dan- druff. Keeps hairsoft and glossy. Re- fuse all substitutes. 234 times as mu in $1.00 as 50c. size. Is Not a Dye. * $1 and 50c. botues, at druggists | Send 2c for free book * I'he are of the Hair." Philo Hay Spec. Co, atk, N. J. Hay's liarfina Soap. ures Pimples, fed, rough and chapped hands, and all skin dis- eases. Keeps skin fine and soft drugwists, Bend 2c for free book "The Care of the Skin.» JAS. B.!Mc LEOD. Nev Maypole wai Soap K n DO otreaks The tired friend am Fan MAYPOLE S0AP rox N 638 Every Woman : 8 later 1 and should koe \ aboat the wonderfal ) MARVEL Whirling Sp. . voy MW The new )jaeinal rs . Beat Most oc ond it cleanses tly AK your dry, ewist for it. gu £ be oan ou ot "on St Fir ¥Y CO. Windsor, Out. weneral Agents for Canada. sme sti ssssasn ----------e CORNS SURED You can painlessly remove auy corn, either hard, soft or ble :, by applying Puthan Corn Extractor, Lt never burns, leavetnd Sear, SohiAlns ne i Cle; s harmless bocange copapdsed only of heailr ius and baly an Fears in Cure ¥ anteed, Tuggists fo substitut PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR RY am to-day well and a mueh | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1908. ------ I ---- THE TROUPE OF PREMIERS, Feats of the Men. Who Ask FISHED HS WORK en LET LAURIER HAVE AN.|7seumis Gite O1HER LEASE OF POWER civil reform, the land 'forthe settler, and the abolition {planks are Should lof the patronage list in purchasing supplies; In the promotion of these policies he is aided by Premier Hazen, {of New Brunswick: Premier Roblin. of Manitoba, and Hon. W. J. Hanna, of What is the record of these on civil service reform ? ériminal ex- | Mr. Roblin has beén in office eight this "criminal | years Have you ever heard of his lives.- Wil- { making a move in that direction * It Bay. fis matter of notoriety that his princi | ple is, To the victor belongs the spoils, Mr. Hanna has been in office four years. Have you heard of any move- ment towa ds civil service reform on part or that of any of his col gross | leagues ? He is the politician who dis- It has proved its worth during its | missec d dH the liquor license inspectors | twelve years of administration through (in the province and put in their places country's re- [persons recommended by the tary pa- . |tronage committees, That is the sort fof a civil service reformer he His appointees have to pass an examina- depth and color. of before the patronage the { Mr. Borden's principal { service Reasons Why the People Send His Government Back »f, Power--It Has Done Things. twelve years the liberal goverm- cumulated surpluses | Ontario. £112,000,000. That is {gentlemen In has a to Foster amounting calls Give us all our North finish his work : what Mr travagance ance' Sir urter at extre let Laurier Why ? i Be the liberal y modern national policy the | pro- has of nuse party his lits development of the i sources, | It has increased the country's popu- {lation ten times more rapidly than | { did its , predece: , settling most of tion as to the them upon the land and thus opening | the ir toryism {up new markets for the factories of sommittees ote, Peculving their jobs, : 10 MLS er And Sr e se er : us P* Saale built think of Mr. Roblin as a supporter of 2 that plank !--the gentleman who sold | to speculators in five years at a low price 420,728 acres out of 542,560 acres which was handed over to him given the by the federal government for the opportunities of our young {benefit of his province. The whole of men their country th ws [it was sold in large blocks. Ik > + them at home. : | During the days of conservative ad- eeping them at hom 39 000.000 bm Se It has 'dissipated the dark past and ministration rn acres wer inaugurated a new national optimism. {given away to xuilway panies and It has the confidence of the people (¥- 952,840 to settlers. nder liberal it has a policy which stands adminis stration not acre was given development Canada from aay la CORPO HORE, and 35,501,600 » res se AT'S, Jrince Sullcet. Then as to the abolition of the pa- soca Hsell tronage list in buying supplies Has anads more substanti: it been abolished in Ontario or in the lines of social | Manitoba * Messrs. Hanna and Rob- ) lin practise it and enforce it from the than any government in | of January to the 31st of Decem- history : a . ther Mr. Hanna, who does the great had a series of financial SUT bulk of the purchasing for the govern- unparalleled in the country's | ment, institutions in Ontario, sees to it that not package of tacks bought from anvone who is not on his patronage list. 7 Talk about an organized hypocrisy Surely the troupe of-prewiiers bear the palm 'over all competitors. Would the News look: for 'hot stufi'" nearer home ? is. Irs | and is building, rail- the the canals, deepened St. Lawrence made street, has has lighted It has the a people work doub in own and | because an | {for the | Ha alifax to I 1t is at | of procession, and will It | given ( lar | {reform {Canada's It has | pluses tannual | It is railway ition along other building a new transcontinental vidio 13 which is bound to have tre- | cliect upon the development | dominion. . 1 the country's trade by eleven the the increase the I mendous 1 {of the | It increased | 2376.,000 000 | It ha tween Canada and rate of than in years. commerce be- country | eleven times developed | mother [4 t a A Page From The Past. during Pross | greater Free eminent apostle of political and the celebrated exponent of "playing the game consumer, x | fairly" is very fond of travelling has converted a deficit in the | .p0000 the dominion with his lantern office a substantial surplus, | slide and his illustrated lectures, de- the rates of postage signed to prove that political condi- engaged in inaugurating a | gions in Canada are in a parlous ystem of rural mail delivery. state to-day, that the only salvation It has established the railway com- | far the people is to turn the liberals mission to control the corporations in out i { the mterests of! the yieople. Yet when tories were "mn,'} what tid It has placed Canada first among | he sav about them ? In'a lecture the daughter states of the empire, sé [ivered in Montreal i 1382 when the curing recognition for the dominion | conservative parey wid fio full | pas hy the diplomats of the whole world, | sion of the rein Fgh gowernmeht, Mr. Ames said "I admit that thigre is mel truth in It has reduced the net debt per head | Bo accusation ght a cdrpupt | but en- of the people of the country, 8 It has increased the subsidips tg the {+ minority; juay ig an| honest majority 1 epdgager provinces by $2,287,641. erretic of § Estnthti e - | bat lethargic These ave but.a fow illustrations of [dle very principlés! the; work aceomplished for; Canada by: @vernme nt; that gud] Iv senvige, Laurier | donducted p business But much 18. Sir Wilfrid hag done { principles, has Jigenerats nto Btkle $d praposes to do mere. \ {hitter than a prize kys¥ah iby which The people will to it that services, to. the party ig Power, are re Alo to finish his work and toi finr | cdgnized and.rowarded; that! sé great has become the influence" offmoney that fist { onse | 3 | toa in tha elec tigys gem it His pace ds the pace of a man who | parties ha h to do, of & man in a hurry | ndeessary to expend 'enérm "dhs, collection of which i much to g strength of the days which | for the i bullying, and even the remain hig beloved country i borrowing, ; al The empire is proud of him ing is considered justifiable ; that no the chieftain of account is rendered to any responsible anada will dec and that in the expenditure of to the briber and the bribed, ller and the rum-drinker impersonator and the tough, all remuneration." Ottawa That purity the doctrine regime It has farmer the PH [ post | while and i | oe 2 consiervative | | provided cold storage for the products from the farm ol of nto reducing now supposed to be soe he is | wed ive ny, steal Canada SUCCESS ide that relieve m | party, | this fund the revet I I'l why ( ha hot yet the Wo come rum-se master nation- ask as employment and ne If thet the Condemn Foster. the immediate Macdonald, that the better now ? find affair or to Mr conservatives was condition of Sir Ames would under SUC John consider be Does Not Hamilton What j | Foster {that he impunity With a Past of tra why does I'ime YOWer Hon. the flout him discredited leader of betrayed he was the does George E | i over tory ader to possess able This thas who Have Sound Digestion. perfect about danger with | "Man | "the Or People- who have digestion need ne disease surplus itors, Ver worry of Jowell this | kness" as l dige a di tore to with Day' ation | proper Sound of vital is disordered when tion produce never t y wckenzio hero of "a moment vs hi prohibitionist, this the 1nsurance in the leader's as of | that still ecader energy res it a gestion condition at once Cur This tonic and bottle on normal that tory ndemnation speculator \ face epsia stive, Fach treatment. or ale only at prepar laxative contains ion inquiry, dislike of the d the organs xteer which advise davs' whoard 13 | Wade' store, saithou al platform ? Look | the circdmsta why Borden at To to declare Foster for to hear rentleman which | creditable to Ove Borden same nd ¢ « yourself called Me have yet drug not s---- Own Mouth. MP Conserva closed has merease in most industry. Pro mereased, and that we h s-- Out Of His kshutt. ¥ year just by a steady of Canadian has materially it is by production | measure a nation's prosperity, we assume that Canada has Our factoris employed and sales kept pace with th lines," Mr. « P "The In en marked branches duction onto telt upon twelve of have known rs: and 1 lie act of that ot straightforward, and ereditable to hsroan try Can that Mi Foster 1 Borden at his mercy ? Was the closely associated Lefur deal thar What is | Bor-| 1 | one since + may been it be {fairly prosperous. have been kept busily jou the whole have jrdvancement of other leader more the Foster, North-West suspect Foster's hold on Fowler ey with land '"n Has The Advantage. ronto Globe I'he client { minister in [government mildly, an the I may th ature of den ? nted to repre cabinet a « official has, advantage. If can- | valuable advertisement for Mon. of | Hanna's legal firms we ive The com- | gratis, the mati@ being in the { interest; by a decided to put this is he bv a Recovering The Loot. it Fdmonton Bu \ ! Glen ( amphell, in Dauphin, Hor owne My SCE conservative a member Cattle the Brown-Bed Mr. Campbell of the gentlemen says the government » get rich at the If Mr. Ames is cor- understood he regards the Beddingfield lease as a particu larly outrageous sacrifice of public in- didate 18 the Galway pany, ghield and publi of lease the tix grazing then must be one whom Mr. Ames has been helping to mackintosh coming all to grily, to a Vell, ma goot me; iI hopes," do not 1 ! That last week pieces." said a man, Jew wardrobe dealer fellow, you nod blame replied the clothier. *1 der vedder !" 'See here sold me is ar public (expense rectly Brown | make terests, Presumably, then, this is one of in which restitytion is n order. Is Glen Campbell making restit the burden of his cam- paign ? Does he seek a seat at 'Ottawa that a member! of parlia- ment he may. in that as a mem the ( Horse and Cattle he forced to *'dis- If Glen Campbell is the Ames to think odd he should want va help Mr. Ames "loot"? Or it to ithe "cases song a sist ber of Iway any wuld be male him to re- un W at ch richness ee seems to is be Two-thirds due to her way Character tion is hea be flavor. The big black plug chewing tobacco. that restitution would discrimination that merev the the emblem with would pass whose lintels bore faithful ? tempered avenger m doors the of CALLED HIN DOWN MINISTER OF OF MARINE AF- TER ATTORNEY GENERAL. The British Columbia Bowser Trimmed For His Statements Which Were the Reverse of Truthful. At London on the 23¢d of Septem- ber, Mr. Bowser, attorney-general of British Columbia, said aedording to the report' in the Montreal Star: "Another case of 'maladministration was in connection with the well-known Mr. Merwin and his acetylene gas buoys. An officer at Vancouver was notified that stocks of gas buoys were being shipped to him. He replied that he, had no place to put them. He was told to rent a warehouse and store them. They had been bought from Merwin and were on the way. This the officer did, and the buoys are stored up there now.' Mr. Brodeur hands out the following official information: "On August 28th, 1907, the font at Victoria wrote the department as fol- lows t 'Buoys were landed on the C. P.R. wharf at Vancouver and are now being towed to Esquimalt, ghere they will be moored until arrangements have been completed to place them in position after consulting with Capt. Troop. Nothing has been found on the file with: reference to the letter from an officer at Vancouver advising that he had no place to put them and be- ing told. to rent and store them. The department had no correspondence with anyone in Vancouver with refer- SAID BEY NOW A WRECK. SL ---- Exiles Return To Land of Their Birth. Constantinople, Sept. 30.--Pathetic scenes are witnessed daily on the ar- rival home of the exiles who under the old regime were thrown into pii- son, many of them as long as twenty years ago. + Yesterday saw the return of Said Bey, who landed at Galata 'after be- ing in exile for fifteen years. It had taken some time to find out even the place of his detention in a remote prison in Arabia, but as soon as it was discovered joyful preparations were made by his family for his re turn. His sons and daughters, "whom he had left almost as babes, are now grown up and married. As soon as the steamer in which Said Bey trav- elled was sighted an excited crowd fiocked to the scala and could scarce- ly contain its impatience when it made fast alongside. Said Bey, how- ever, failed to respond to the cheers and shouts for his appearance. Finally out from the cabin borne a stretcher, which held the wreck of the familiar Said Bey. At the sight of what fifteen years of pri- son life had made of what had been a young and stalwart man, the in- dignation of the bystanders echoed the lamentations of the family, curses and imprecations broke out on every side and the music which had been provided was imperatively ordgred to cease playing. A priest this morning said that three days ago he had been over the Broussa prison, from which nearly twelve hundred persons had been re- cased. In one "principal" room, some five yards square, sixty-two pri- was to these buoys, and - they were never stored at Vancouver, but were leit on the C.P.R. wharf for a few days until a stcamér could take them to Esquimalt.' "' The memo concluded with a detailed | statement as to the present position | of the buoys, and with the observa- | tion that of ten buoys shipped to Esquimalt seven were in active ser- vice and three were spare. "This statement shows." Mr. Bro-| deur ¢ommiented, "that Mr. Bowser, when" he said we had bought the buoys'| from Merwin and when he said we had tol' a man to store them, did not tell the truth." ence Oct. INSTALLED A CRECHE. Checked So As to Avoid Confusion. | Wash., 30.--Mothers | they are too busy to to | St dus infant mem- | the requires tl ! | overwork or Babes Spokane, Sept who say To church on because household ad an excuse pastor bers att of eip nnot ple Rev ( versalist creche eel » any long of First installed the | may be stor- during « r \ cape und nurses have been pro- thé "babes are checked in a way will confusion, and as though The plan worked out admiratio this est h er, i Grier, i | church, where vices, able cpretaker vided, that receive a they their was avoid much « had cha Sund As mother tried Iast way and in the that been earned believed he has with a ch the p churches that It is Lirsiy time l in wetion ted that other many cred are an will in Spokd expe 1 i ha lowed by Fiflish His Work. inton new canals, I harbors. We } and the that, to-day, we ned the cost of transportation » people of Canada) but American { the things we another. We country to occupies, Let Laurier Wilirid ( i We im- the railways. We have ave lighted result of it have not awrence, only weaj to th ting are goods, have | hat the In We atmos- carrving of I'hese are done But labored to rank and station it now a thousand and one difierent ways have endeavored to create, an phere for the Canadian. people to live apd, move in. Our, policy has heen to have every possible and due considera- tion for our duties and obligation British sybjects, because are both wdians and British subjects. Our summed up at the last im- conference. TM has been imper- based upon local auton my le for which some « there is bring our as we Lar oliey 1 perial wl unity | This is the princip we are ghting. Laurier The Canadian. Quebec Le Soliel Those: who like Mr. Hamma woul Ske to continue the miserable game xhibiting to the Protestant English population of Ontario a. phantom ch, Catholic province in Quehed, ive that the people Core beginning to see throuch The ery of "Laurier the will find no echo hence- 10, for the electors the him with the title his, "Laurier, the of "sted truly anadian." At some period in & man's life he firmly believes that all his friends have conspired to injure him. A Scene in "The Tyranny of Tears," at | { | a2y lum, | {of nas | get- | soners have been confined for years, being literally without standing room and "during the whole period had been fed on stale bread and water. No Hurt, But Corns Go. Peck's Corn Salve produees no pain or soreness. It can't harm, but it will remove hard or soft corns every time. In big boxes, *15c., at Wade's drug i store. Oceasionally a man is so suspicious that he imagines you are trying to | poison his dog every time you throw | him a bone. The Grand, on Thursday, 1st. . CAUSED BY LOVE? Question Because of Coquelin Case. , Sept. 30.--Dr. Bertillon, Ta wr of the Paris asylum for Discuss the the the love he £0 intense as to ap- insane, has been studying as a and has found is mental disease that when love {proach a state of mental the whole left side of the hypersensitive, Such to ate of says aberration body be love, . he crime is comes as leads ion a form Briand, director of contends, on the never leads to madness, causes money troubles, result in such worry mnsane ays, merely Dr. the other Villejuif hand, but and to that love frequently they may tive a as man of relation the subject thew out of who asylum he discussion oa and madness jone to the other Coquelin, the confined a private Paris. upon and arose the case younger, was in insane in deal of specula- not sufficient him. suffered use for a well-known Parisian woman was not reciprocated. He became a victim to {melancholia, and while with his won {derful talent as comic actor he was inightly amusing his audiences and sending them into peals of ghter, | heart grew heavier and heavier | within him. Finally he became | spondent that his friends {ed for him, and he was examine physicians and put into a sanitarium By the exer of great cunning he scaped and. made his way through Paris on foot at night to his own idoorway. 'Then, overwrought, and ill he sank on the steps, even to knock at the door He was found sitting there and crving as {though his heart would break. Eminent French specialists on men- tal diseases are divided opinion as to whether it was money or love that o upset poor Coquelin, had rough good unfortunate to ruin his love Coquel n lost a money th tions, but He also beca a ns fo de- were alarm- by cise weak unable AS BEEN CONCENTRATED in the buying of our Fall Shoes, and the result is most grati- fying. To-day we are showing' the result of such effort in Our Snappy New Fall Lines of Shoes. We believe, that never in the 50 years of our shoe retailing in Kingston, have we offered such splendid values. We will appreciate having you call and look over the new lines. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. III IAIN THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ESTABLISHED 186% ' Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Cc HACKS En ¥ HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINES Sales rotes Every facility afforded to farmers and others for the transaction of their banking business. will be cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL this way with equal facility. KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING KND PRINCESS STS. C. P. STEVENSON, Manager. WE ARE NOW SHOWING --OUR-- Royal Shoes for Women ----AND---- JUST WRIGHT AND ROYAL SHOES FOR MEN. Accounts may be opened by mail, and monies deposited or withdrawn in 11s is made from the finest care- fully selected cocoa beans, roasted by a special process to perfect the rich chocolate flavor. Cowan's is most deli- cious and most economical. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. Kills without crushing and does not soil the most delicate fabrics or injure the highest polis h. 10c. each, Druggists, Hard. ware amd Gracers. The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co., Ltd MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS . Granulated and Yellows. Made en pon Sugar. Be sure you ask for "St. La 3 D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SON, -- ra.