Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Sep 1908, p. 1

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Che Baily Bi tis FEAR 76--N0. £9 = RISGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1908. LAST EDITION contribute towards the cost of same LIQUOR AND MURDER. i . GALE ON THE LAKE. x Council should move at once in } a T. Probabilities matter to permit the corp n th | Drunken Men 'Shoot Down Wor-| Vessels Forced to Seek Shelter - Hail to make any ne sary repairs to | shippexs. | Last Night. Toronto, Sept. Xisting ¢ > water. and fewer mang | 0. { i . 29-0Otta V, ial evra a Tenn., Sept. 20.~One ofthe During the heavy gale early last , and to construct er blood die affairs in the history of Bast | . {evening, the steamer Westmcunt, which Tennessee occurred noar the Tutinessee- | {has been unloading grain at the M. roperties not already s:tved: which! i i 4 ! ) ; Kentucky line, north of Anthras pest { reen Go T. Co's elevator, could not hold its At Last Before the City uri require connection in the fu By Jumping Overboard office, on Sunday The scene was 'To a Pair of G n ods | |: and drifted away, running ture The Bell Telephone company itil 3 ithi i \ y ee I ; ittle Baptist church, within fifty Men > inst Cataraqui bridge, but huckity Coumell. Imei si vid footer] 5 FIOM aSIEUMEL rend dl aide AT .-. Retr th sone mor he ies was k Indu or vi Won all B 2 . ui has beer opirated for months. damaged. After the storm abated, the pe > Yu, we service had closed and nearly all | Westmount cleared for Fort W.lliam. avations should be ade this fall i : 3 > : a > THE ony ENGINE te iE t ; | d mad VT ol WAS LIKELY DROWNED E congregation = had emergi fram Mariners were given warning of the winds, fair and reels avegletly BT. ou, the church, when a crowd of dranken | approaching storm early in the after- {decided] | efore consider t a n ' a : i ecice Cool th Shere! re nsider. 'that. Immediate men, 'who had visited' the "blind ti- |* noon, and ull the vessels went into ¥ to-day and on action 18 necessary. » « - Regarding the pavement most suit- : regan Jnng into the worship. | == Shohter: ru i for our purposes, I would re- [ers with revolvers. hn Bennett, h a steambarge Kenirving vas on ADVISES THAT A START BE commend strongly that no one pave | RUN DOWN FOR MURDER OF): W. McKinney and Fdward Thoms | TACKLED THE JOB IN A BAL-'her way over to Oswego, when the iment be chosen at present. There are JERE Bho down at the church door gale se in, and went into Ports- MADE. CANADIAN. | and died almost instantly, streams of TIMORE HOUSE. mouth. several pavements hick re ys | ped a i mies several pee ad, pe at i | ico from their younds flowing down ee Tho | steamer Alexandria. did not The Board of Works Adopts His, in the early part of 1909 tenders be | Searched For Johnson For Three the steps Jof the little church. © The | Though Odds Were Against Him, reaciNFolger's until-an early hour this | preac her. lev. A. Kind, was shot and | Postofice Inspector Captires a | morning. on her way to montreal, | mortally wounded, falling in the | P! P ha ei to the street lines opposite alt] Iden FHSS E0044 4d M0 Skinner's Satin Guaranteed FOR TWO SEASONS. Report, and' Recommends it to | !led for the construction of several Years--Declared His Wife Had ving been delayed hy the stogm. Council--The Matter Will Be types of pavement on the area adopt Suicided--Told Guards to Bel church vard Another worshipper | Suspect After Desperate Battle| The schooner Keewatin arrived from t --Works Alone in Guise of Oswego with coal for Swift's, : * 4 4 ed. You will readily see that having : : 3 Acted Upon at the Next the price { y kind of pavem« nt Careful and Give Him No named Gibson was also shot down i ip I acl kin { |: : y 1 » 1 3 0 le . ins wi Council Meeting. before me, | can then readily choose Chance. féront bi tne Shure by but is net dan- | "Come-on. ape. Schone a etla alice - . . 5 the one which, considering « ease . . Qa - . jrerously wounded nthras is re | » . Ru he a aiea | eg ~aay, . I'he question of permanent paving bof caction. Sleanliness, noi ly Spokane, Wash., Sept. 20.--Joel miles: from a railway and hasigo tele Baltimore, Sept. 29.--After a fierce looal for Sowards. in the busimess seetion received con nd -- a thy x , : : 1 Narren, formerly chief of police g | haud to-hand encounter with two al- | The steamer India. Barmah and sideration by the wity council, ' lant |™™ tia s other characteristies, Spokane, now special nt of green goods men in a room in [Simla are loading grain at Fort Wil- would recommend. department of justice for the second of | . evening. A straight recommendation Ihe city engineer explained if reply | AL Nistric i | the men implicated in the shooting. [ivy Stroeb, Postofice Inspector {liam for Richardsons." was made by the board of works to to All Elliott, that only the resident | naka district, who is 1a the oily | The dead and wounded were mn with {Ha : DEP. of gta, Sut it | Swift's: Steamer Wahecondah, up, A . t y | visiting friends, received advices a few |g oo 3 fin arresting one man, who is believed { Monday night: steamer Carona. west go ahead next spring on certain ropert whe bind best I i blocks, but it was finally decided to i " y es id. been considered. favs ago that Leo H. Johnson | es i - fto be the ringleader, and shot at the li dav. steamer Aletha, down to- leave the matter over Gill the council meeting. The city en rt bbb db phone connection Alico offies could not learn the names of any thought that; when the majority i PT ---- t | . - ug t aped from-chis guards while on the | . other, who made good his escape : 8 , pe ino yw of the oroed. the: council would Tn 1 - . | (day: schooner Keewatin at the water [its pt the two-thirds vote i @ way from Seattle to Nome by jump- | ' 4 | throug ha window {works from Oswego with soft coal; report to the board of works on the I a ing overboard from the steamship 5 3 I'he prisone r was taken to the f steamer Toronto, . down and up, to- paving question was as follows ablic inte { nn © Victoria while going through Uni- | ER North-West police station and held, day. : . Herewith 1 beg to present a report publ 3 ' maka Pass, 790 miles north of Nome. | : x . % pending the action of the United | t 8s; i i wan 3 : . ¢ s § . . hi ool dealing with the proposition of per- | h It is not believed the man rent | 4 States authorities. He had in his pos- | s Maren pavements for thi it to ints ; th the laying of pave-1g, 00 as the pss s twelve mi SRE AR a grip that contained several FIERCE FOREST FIRES. ments, but | and dollars' worth of goo®Unit- | \ Johnson was run down after a cl | 4 ba : 3 ed States money, most of it in treas- that action on the report | i iN K ~ 1 0) R vass the area adopted by the ; defvrecd A th apa three vears \ ent ) ury notes of 810, $20 and $100. council for such pavements and [ a | : +1 n on the and he th wements thought the non-resident dwide | Will Have Bad Effect on Lumber- ing Operaéions. NRE the pop i i having murdered 3 8 ; Mosby, who is a nephew of the fam | The crews on the big grain vessels this purpose secured Lindsay M: A : his wife, who was formerly Belle k Bra 3 ous Colonel Mosby and lives at Bed- {arriving in Kingston, from Fort Wil- B.Sc., of Queen's University on : ir information Gilchrist, of Cornwall, Ont at | 4 N 4 ) ford Springs has been working on the liam, have stories to tell about the ' L. Hen d that the Nome. in Ostober 1905. Johnson | So & aE x case for some time. He went alone to | fieree forest fires which have been non-resident property owners were ne Syant hould ge thro maintained 2 his| FB P 8 Sad [the furnished room house, where the {raging in that district. > included, only. the resident Be ve 3 rm, *iwife committed suici taking | men made their headquarters, in the | "One can hardly realize the amount owners and ovat ialdarss. who ne t cht, 1 matte °r! vanido of potassium, and that | cuise of a come on, a prospective pur- | of damage that has been done," said pay local improvement taxes. A 4 ' 0 i had concealed the body and the fact chaser of $3,000 of clever ly-counterfeit { one marine man, in speaking of the considered." wuried members i! fuller "lof her death in accordance with her | money for 31,000 of 'genuine money. {hush fires, yesterday aiternoon. "The Following is. a Hist 'of strcets ition upon 1 Ald request, contained ina not which | He met the two men and went with | lumbering business is sure to be seri- which a majority of the resident pre them into their. rooms. There they TGasly affected as a result.' HEALY Cnn Orel Fr ithe body an It un showed him what they Heeclared, vas | In regard to this, it might be stat- ot nving. viz: ding a couple of lacks the si- 44 whic] . and that the next : : : | the counterfeit money they and dor ed that some of the SAID, Operators Princess street, Bagot to Wellington owners were opposed, but which blocks | SPYang he » remains and buried feed] sale, but of course, it oe pertec 3 have intimated that' they will not op 524 feet by 46 feet area. wero import ok conn tis Tin " {them. He partly destroyed the frag ? god Jouney i Re Jud She m an jen up Hhede Samipe this seasar: 8s At Wel a brow . "Rg ok | an mect 1 IK sits } saturating hen ith kero- ¥ Ek 4 wey had sai a « Pe expense for opening up 1e roaas " . 288 Hington, street, Pring to Brod syste m : ; : ey ol rang Rr i " | make a strong case against them, and [1 y too heavy Sev tral bridges are re- Mone Genuine Without The flame in The Seivage Brock street, Wellington to King, | (o resoiution of Al 31 Johnston kept up a line of dece j NWA [then he announced that he was a fed |ported gone, and there are great | J NO2MMQUAL236 COL.630 YDS 28% 410 feet by: 4f feet. carrie tion arly threo vears to make the THOMAS GREENWAY, | eral officer and they were under arrest. {holes in the roads which will require NEW YORK, CHICAGO, BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA. King stréot. Princess to Brock. 374 trelatives of the dead woman believ rine i ¢ Manivehily Recently | Both men tried to escape and a |filling in before the winter. It is stat- Mills. Holyoke Mass feet hy 49 feet. : TRADE WITH NEW ZEALAND. | (Lat she was alive and well. He wrote : vay CO i swion. ® Jail {struggle eusued in Which Mosby, who [ed that unless this work is done, King street, Brock to Clarence, 264 , 5 letters to them, purporting to {is slender, but wiry, and hard as! there will be close upon two thous- foot hy 45 feet. Big Increase in Past Year on heen dictated bv h At 'Nome he | nails, had reason to expect the worst | and men thrown out of work during Ontario street, Drock to Market, Amount Sold. | told friends his wife had gone to the MN HONORED FATHER : it. He drew his pistol and told | the winter, 204 feet by 50 feet. | Ottawa, Ont, Sept. 29.--Canada's |States, and whea he was out of {them to held up nr Tha 8. a el Ontario street, Clarence to Johnson, [trade with New Zealand is increasing [Alaska he said she was there With a | struggle she Yo a ons et ™ TREE FELL ON HOUSE. 408 fect hy 47 feet. {by leaps and bounds, J. S. Larke; the [power of attorney, afterwards declar- PREMIER ROBLIN COMES OF indo: and i bd rey poehon! Clarence street, Wellington 'to King, l anadhan commercial commissioner at [ed a: forgery, made apparently to him | weapon at the o ro 1 ented | House on William Street Was 336 feet by 44 feet 6 inches. [ Sydney, reports that fast years Cana- (by his wife, he sold a house belonging A LIBERALFAMILY,. =. indo, A it Bi Ie ¥ Damaged. Clarence street, Ontario to King, [da sold to the new dominion goods {to her in "Ontario, and by "a written Quick Ned 2 flash Mosby wheeled and "While the storm was on last even- " Jeet iY Jo, Het, i the tell value of £2 RX as again | order Wich io Jude in hee Same | A Gift For a Retiring Organist-- fired point blank at the fleeing wan, ling, a big tree on William street, = blo o A ite pont nly wa wht f In us d gg left £1,000 to invest, he { Hon. "A. B. Aylesworth to [who started toward an alley gate. He [front of the home of Mrs. Welsh, was } en t viand | v | . . ihelieves that he hit the fugitive, but | broken in two, and part of it fell on tinuous and which 1 would ' - Wor \ against : P I the money Tt was w Speak in® Picton--Funeral at ws that if this is fo the wound must | to the roof of the house with a great mend, the . total arca cover il wt I [tempting to get the balance of his | Waupoos. be slight. as the bullet was not sufi: { crash. Plaster was knocked off the be 16, square yards, the t ' ade i ntin pap s [victim's property that he w ken | cient to stop him | walls, and the inmates were given timated eas] 850), 546, aid the e hid roy 0,4 ta iad. ito: o stody. He = $s 8 3 { FP | Meanwhil the older man, who is a | quite a severe scare. It is believed that shard would be 33.180 per vear for 1 AO 1906 and £60,655 i i. Me hving at des ittle 1th Lore je? : x ] + heavily built man, about forty- [the damage will amount to ahout years : \ i rot ttawa who he pretended wa wile " 3 pre¥:d x .vears old. and who later gave the | £200 Wellington street, Brock reg : ; I am sorry that -.Jobnsor hie . od 3 A % baka IG ot G a. Steele of Ne \ rk. me -- Fear bafore: the = wovernme name of George Steele of w LO Ry ; arket to Ci Cf fe : ' do it for him aid Mi War-| | Seal? / BE | ctarted to escape, too, Mosby was too | 66 feet by 50 feet | sent him from Seattle Oo } 4 4 5 quick, however, and swung about with | Te 1 t { he r of two 1 ] ra his pistol and made his man hold out I would \ hat commi _ vome in charge { wrds on the REE ] : ; his hands while he snapped on his tee recommen neil th -- 1 whi it ce air of handcuffs. above nam ots be paved under WONDERFUL FEAT BY VER-|1 cautioned the guards, to be careful | | RE | iooci rca tn wake statement | LIKELY TO BE SON OF She terme eu Improvement | MONT'SBESTAXEMAN, 20 give atu Ga. Ta aL ; "AEE | about his pal, who made good his es WHIP'S OLD ENEMY. } A : ; ' act, the count wlopting thi ecom woh, said to him HI mendation by a two-thirds vote of the rn taken aboard oud Gg |" mciihers" preseiit." 1 would also draw} Eqward Moot Undertook to re guilty, Leo, p overboard Bag Mr. Fredenburg of Westport . > ble : nie me iy Down, Chop Up, Split and Pile i Wail 1 hel ye = Ss rem f S 1 X Pr oF Ic 5 Mentioned As Liberal Candi- | ting some of the streets ' Five Cords Between Sunr tainty of it." J The Very Latest Culled From All date--An Old Vessel Raised improvement and woull com « and Sunset--Did it in Hour - -- i EL "au Over The World. For Gananoque River. that the government be ' 1 and Half Less Time STRIKE STILL ON. %u ' ? Canada won the international gy m-| Gananoque, Sept. 20.--The political In accordance witl « 1 ith vour ir yperty owners should be considered tions, | engaged an assistant to y moved charge of 'In the canvass, corporation when OW son said he the matter through, and she left ¢ confi that he cut up ler the shack wing a couple of blocks in the busi er the el have mere Women have learned in 'he past and are learning every day to des mand Skinner's Satins for Dresses, Waists andl Coat Trimmings There is nothing else as good. Ask for and demand Skinners Satin" There is no chanee for fraud you use the following direction FIRST--Look for Indian Head Label on wrapper SECOND--Look for name woven in selvege THIRD--Then buy and be tent. You've found the best its Seber fr We are the manufacturers SOLE AGENTS r these Celebrated S and see them -AT SEG PIE I0d POPE PIII EPO P EET IPG ndso wont an 2 The : rama "I ; istic competition at Rome. conditions in South Leeds have been DAILY MEMORANDA. I wi 4 ' CE loval son Paper-Makers Did Not Resume : SPE Sir James Whitney is home after | developing quite faverably during the Queen's of: Vern t. at BASE i | Work. LR a two months' stay in England past few days. Mr. Taylor is hard at Student a L vizht bnct. winter 4 } rent 4 Watertown, N.Y p " oe A Andrew leur was re-nominated | it to win, and his greatest political trary to expectatio the str " » Ying | by the conservatives of Dundas on | opponent must concede that he is both per-makers formerly | | 3, | Mor , a worker and a fichter. However, the of the International er con 1 < SER i A days' convention of the un- | fighting breed is out on the liberal did not resume work ny of t . ie temploye wgan at New York, onside, and the fichting blood of the Auction ' | Monday Fredenburgs, well-known by the pre Murray's Root | noo t the h i { n. President Carey, of t nie wtiona Lt QL « Pho conservativi Hon. W Fielding opened his On- | sent holder of the seat, in many Remembe . Brotherhood of Paper Make to-de et oh Saturday with |tario tour nia, Monday night, | hard-fought campaign, will in | ye Ey : ' dele large meeting likelihood be in the van! on October | Interment Gener pita a i | Lit i | state + situatio he 15 TR Hi . | | \ | 1 1 Pre « wh Ma : 1 1 > a > ' A woman of Wilkesharre, Pa., was !26th Mr. Fredenburg, of Westport, | v oe ik a.m, Wedne . mills where the ke t I Prem 2 n of Manitoba { itoba, and R. | ows } t ker w not } | I er chief speakers, was not | : 1 3 sreement wit tl : aved from death when shot at by {son of the late Charles Fredenburg, of I. Little more than KELLY .--Ir \ ernational Paper compar wk her husband by a comb in her hair. that village, who contested the riding yd RrAmMme An t ha ry i h 1 an lit wood on the i strike with : o : . shea aps | The royalties from the sale of the several times against George Taylor, | beloved in city rs A } | : ve wr cent. decrea ny ' hap Ea > --t su . C1Church of England's new hymnal will [ will, it is expected, take up arms | Funeral w Miss Us : na i el contest was witnessed hy [meat that way make rg ps ing a onl ! 'be devoted to the missionary cause. [against his father's old opponent. Mr | Tharsd her lute residence. al mnber o neuished n, whom |[dorsed by the als before it becomes | JONO % Bsn Reb m, ey a 3 I'he 7<teamer lonie, which ran Fredenbury, it is understood, has | Cemeter Frien ar veg Aint Sept. 29th, In Canadian History y varts had bro t from Wash- leffective. This agreement a sha x. YT gag hel {aground near Alpena Mich., got off {made known his willingness to allow _ respect t to i nd ai or t ship | t om! pra) Fie 0 ald man |, injured and proceeded on her jour- [his name to go before the liberal con- | (Toronto, vention at Delta on October 7th, and app 1b © at Albany to-morrow fit 8 1 or all hi : nday"s rain was neral through- [if he be the choice, will give the chief ! my mn ascertain the reason for co pered not take m all us bo out Ontario and the agricultaral and | conservative whip the go of his life | Funeral vaccination were supy ed in Mont re ' tin . ¢ thousan« ing the strike None tri d father is a liber {forest fire Sithati n is much relieved | time : FRU Birchall was fount I. : u hat ' cod [ers have returned to work \s were a s people. At the clase 1; consequen | A canvasser for the British Whig did | his ger 1 the meet cheers were sent | Sy | 4 Poe mouth, lord president of [the town to-day, putting out large | will be his soul respectfully premier Yosto and by jendorsed, and 1 have : : I n, . \ with enthusiastic pride the state. who |of delegates of all striking unions te ned kind thus peech, "tis whi "N O'TOOLE { {1908 murder ' Ren ------------------ PROTESTED AGAINST IT.® honor the old 1 3 : : i R ithe council, has resigned. A partial | yumbers of sample copies. The Whig | I toni reconstruction of the cabinet is ex- has many strony friends in this town, | hangsioman, or- , 1 to follow and there is no reason why it should expelled m 1 touse « Abadi \ Ye ) " : 4 . { of avlor, ¢ me ee crm connact wit raet : y ra nore by backing hmsel But Bulgaria Cannot Ignore : . hadist charel Pocted to | ; charged against the ! s : National Will. \ yet Neu ied Shue oh Ihe principalship ot Knox College not have a great many nate, ROBERT J. REID, partmer . " - go . d v : ih a A L "thas been offered to Rev r. Alfrec Guy brothers' minstrels were the at- a Q ' ' wr THE WORST YEAR o dulgaria, Sept. 29 e Ger 1 ¢ your sr his : r Q , E : : z . Tio i x are « event ---- : 6 1 Need By re Dt atives he = x . . w is he Ales his Gandier, pastor of St. James' Square | traction at the Grand last evening. | The Leading Undertaker nine : In the History of Coal Mining In man ang. i a i : . inal hee Sunday, the Choir pre- |, ashyvterian church, Toronto. {The rain, however, kept the house | "Phone, 577. ' 227 Princess street. 1004--T1 ' th Ma A n the Hisiory of Loa Ring 3- have lormally pre . tm Ae nted hin ith a valuable gold ring Smith Bros, Beachville, have been [down to a rather moderate size. or 42nd ! AS comed 3 dustry. garia s action hs 3 : l a ot cordial address. Mrs losing valuable live stock by poison-| Part of the hulk of an old vessel Uttawa hy oN. net Se oN Accidents in | line Purkey has ofiet 10 Sham ; lith Pa ~ made the presentation ing for the last two years, and they [was raised in Gananoque river lately, J t he ' i if he United States [dispute 30 I'he Hag . nd ex-M or Farrington read the ad- think it is the work of some: coward- | which some of the old inhabitants of CW r the ast ler vear it- {some other arbitrator ! » dress, lv enemy the town sav was sunk there some in- {formed Bulgaria that if ueshaolf olia ' has a drawwmg card | * Henry Long, Coote Hill, near Port | thirty-five or forty vedrs ago, when we, according sta- the Bulgarian diplomatic agent for t \ r on Saturday. Hon Henry, N.Y., who was arrested on Sa- |Gananoque"s fleet was a numerous one public by 'the ge was withdrawn because he was nc l i is due to give an ad- la 0 hareed with arson, killed [trading between the town and the 1 -- vited a2 attend a banquet give re hers ring the afternoon, Hon himself, vesterday, in the jail at Port fyorth country through the chain of ers during ar the Turkish gOVErnme mn, revving lo worth, minister of justice, ig. hy cutting his throat with a ljakes and rivers connecting with Ot- 1,033, tha "6, and Constantinople, he will be receiv ¥ il e an address in Picton a week pe ket, kn tawa , . } Xl 1 pos x a x , : before the dispute algan \ Although nothing official is an- Mr. antl Mrs. Charlies Macddnald, no sympathy in ope 0 € T1 Funes ol a rr m Saturday. nounced on either bey there are per- | "Blinkbonnie,"" apd Mr. and Mrs. W. In Comb and juestion, but, werthe 0 with bur aupoos, of the late tent rumors to the effect that Bell |S Macdonald, Main street, who have {sis obdurate asin r attitude os he. Pi , of rard's, who Hardy, the strike leader, is in nego- been spending the summer here left, | Extracted r A Death Race. on the impossibility of not the Y i awa ' hu , after alii tion with the C.P.R. management | yesterday, for New York city. Mr. and Rt : : nations 1} alah th ri atism. She |: sow a settlement of the Myre. Charles Maced Id pose | 'affa > Robby Leat tional wi i ' v l © iwith a view to a tiem E rs. arles acdonald, purpose | oC ALL SIZES i ppaws, a characts I Te ~: hi y ed seve 1 was born strike of mechanics. {gpending the coming winter in Eng- NOW IN ST K. wel survives, also Ge 1 re thi frontie irls ! ? "s and wee Maloney, late of Brantford, | land. IN S TOC K oiiRenge 10° + person, of ve nigh rogramme "sons, John, acramento, Cal, | was killed on a Texas railway on! The following are visiting out of is oe He ashoe all n a en wery girl nr t and Le it hom wnd three daugh- | friday and on Sunday William Ma- town: Clifford Sine, Pine street, with S. e i 0 rel 17 sch cant ARV one | invite mall. Biss Bajus, Mi ters, i arah A., at home: Mrs. Honey. returning from the funeral, as | tiiends and relatives in Cobden; Miss "y --AT- Wy + death him. he [Grace Clark will 1. Mrs. Henry killed a Sulphur Springs, on the 1. | Mitchell, Leeds township, with rela- |IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES, i -- Ho wv. Or H. & B. RR. Both were sons of re itives in Chicago.' - he ont find some one to take th { Mr. Roblin, premier of Manitoba Satorday, at | ome, in South | patrick Maloney, Brantford. | The following visitors in town have ROBERTSON BROS. ? hn f a 81.000 to SH00 wager. s in states that the Globe newspaper 3 Jd the death of An P With a small cord about her neck | returried home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert 1,000 Islands-Rochester. reons have » over the or those behind . used its infl e lotta Jane Whattam. the fiiteen-vear- land then fastened to a hook in a }Davis to Addison, after spending the | Steamer North Tn Is, 1 t to secure a grant of 250.000 ac of |old daughter of nd Mrs. Charles {clothes press, Mrs. Mary Tuft, a work end with the former's sister, at 10.15 a.m. for 1 Ee a Redson TT: ho "the host mining. To ¥ via 1 hattas Yiow residing near Rosiere; N.Y. com-{Mrs. A. D. Howe, on Oak stieet. Mrs. and at 5 pm. for Roshester, sVERYBODY COME. ert -ueliing OU ; gara from the dominion won ent, he imitted suicide. The act is thought to |N. Burgess and son Clare, at Evans' [of Quinte. ~ EB Falls will have a chance of proving the Three Bla ok Han ble ackmailers were | have heen due to mental derangement. [Mills, N. Y., after a week And piek gut you Bad xt charge in thé courts. S Sena- sentenced at Winnipeg to seven, six Mrs. Tuft was sixty-nine years of age, wish Wr. and Mes. L. Knapp, Arth- The gold' TOTURK'S, Pp ey +305 srcoats dye ed, t, tor Robert Jafiray., and a hali and six years respectively.'and Iggves fwo sons, i : greet, v he dé

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